CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH CORPUS CHRISTI PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Shawn T. Daly, Pastor Rev. William Agyemang, Parochial Vicar Seth English, Deacon Dianne Peck, Music Director March 22, 2015 601 Silas Deane Highway WETHERSFIELD, CONNECTICUT Rectory 860-529-2545 Visit the above website to register for Online Giving SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE BAPTISMS Sunday Vigil - Saturday 4:00 PM First and Third Sunday Sunday Morning: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM and 12:00 Noon Registration is required. Please call the rectory office. DAILY MASS during LENT Rectory Office Hours: 8 AM-4 PM Monday thru Friday 7:00 AM and 5:30 PM Saturday at 7:30 AM MARRIAGES Please contact rectory office at least six months in advance. Religious Education Office 860-721-9419 CONFESSIONS: Carol Pasternak and Sharon Reynolds, Saturday 2:30-3:30 PM Coordinators of Religious Education Vigil of Holy Days 4:30-5:00 PM During Lent: Mondays from 6-7 PM OFFICE OF VOCATIONS 860-242-5573 Corpus Christi School SICK CALLS We make weekly visits to Hartford and Saint Francis hospitals. We are happy and honored to visit the sick or homebound. Please notify us. Eileen Sampiere, Principal 860-529-5487 Stations of the Cross: 7:30 PM Fridays during Lent Page Two CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, Saturday Saturday, April March1921- -Holy Vigil: Fifth Sunday of Lent 8:00 PM Easter and Mass 4:00 PM ThomasVigil andCeremonies Laura Colella req. by their daughters Sunday, April 20 - Easter Sunday of the Sunday, March 22 - Fifth Sunday of Lent of the Lord Resurrection 7:30 AM Robert Zalucki by Parishioners Lee Gallagher and 6:30 AM For the Intentionsreq. of Our family 7:30 AM For the Intentions of Our Parishioners 9:00AM AM Ralph and of Serafino Cusano req. by 9:00 For theSanelli Intentions Our Parishioners wife and sister-in-law NO Children’s Liturgy Mass this week! 10:30 AM 2nd Anniversary Pandisher req. by 10:30 AM For the IntentionsSally of Our Parishioners Michelle 12:00 NN For the Intentions of Our Parishioners Children’s Liturgy at this Mass! 12:00 NN Mary Carabini req. by her daughter Monday, April 21 - Monday within the Octave of Easter Monday, - St. Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop 7:30March AM 23Rose and Leonard Vendetti req. by the family 7:00 AM Lawrence Bachman req. by his daughter 5:30April PM 22 -Lucille LaPenna req.Octave by theofCorpus Tuesday, Tuesday within the Easter Christi Women’s Club 7:30 AM Giuseppe Rotundo and Anselmo Rotundo req. by daughters and sisters 6-7 PM Confessions Wednesday, April - Wednesday within the Octave of Easter Tuesday, March 2423 - Lenten Weekday 7:30 AM Anna and Nunzia Rizzo req. by 7:00 AM For theRizzo Homebound of our Parish Raffaele Rizzo and for the special intentions 5:30 PM Keith Anthony of Dolores Grogan req. by the family Thursday, April 24 - Thursday within the Octave of Easter Wednesday, 25 - The Annunciation the Lordreq. by the 7:30 AMMarchAnniversary Jacqueline of Schempp 7:00 AM 22nd Anniversary John Robert Burnosky family req. by his parents and brother 5:30 PM25 - Friday Vincenzo andthe Francesca Magnano Friday, April within Octave of Easter req. by their niece and family 7:30 AM Candy Loguidice req. by John Cusano WETHERSFIELD Saturday, March 28 - Vigil: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 4:00 PM 2nd Anniversary Clement Lagueux req. by his wife Lorraine and family Sunday, March 29 - Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 7:30 AM Michael Patrizzi req. by his family 9:00 AM Palmarosa Sarcione req. by her granddaughter Lucy Russo 10:30 AM 1st Anniversary James Sapia req. by “special friend Pauline” Grzybowski Children’s Liturgy at this Mass! 12:00 NN Jenaro Andreana req. by the Corpus Christi Women’s Club CANDLES Week of March 22 - 28 The SANCTUARY LAMP will burn this week in memory of John Robert Burnosky req. by his parents and brother. The SANCTUARY LAMP will burn this week in memory of Richard Cavanaugh req. by his family. The BLESSED VIRGIN 7 DAY CANDLE will burn this week in memory of John Piacentini req. by wife Angie and family. The second BLESSED VIRGIN 7 DAY CANDLE will burn in memory of Michael DeCrescente req. by his wife and family. FIFTH SUNDAY of LENT March 22, 2015 Thursday, March2626- Saturday - Lenten Weekday Saturday, April within the Octave of Easter 7:00 AM Robert Johnson req. byHodnesky the Parish Family 7:30 AM 1st Anniversary Helen 5:30 PM 1st Anniversary Mary Lou Howley req. by her friend Friday, March 27 - Lenten Weekday 7:00 AM Deceased Members of the Pallone and Riccio Families req. by Mariann Riccio 5:30 PM Antoinette Arcata req. by her daughter Joann Arcata 7:30 PM Stations of the Cross Saturday, March 28 - Lenten Weekday 7:30 AM Elvira Iapichino req. by her mother and family LENTEN REGULATIONS Days of Abstinence - Those who are 14 years of age or older are to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent. Days of Fast - On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, those who are 18 but not yet 60 are allowed only one full meal. Two smaller meals are allowed as needed, but eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. THEME: The grain of wheat must die to produce fruit. Such dying must be cultivated by obedience and by our covenant with God, rooted in love and forgiveness. SACRIFICIAL GIVING March 15, 2015 Online Giving for March 15 $ 8,277.00 $ 1,341.84 Monthly Online for March $ 317.00 We are grateful to all who continue to support Corpus Christi Parish by your prayers and financial contributions. To register for Online Giving, please visit our website: Should you have a question while signing up, Our Sunday Visitor Online Support is at the ready to help you out. Simply call 1-800-348-2886, ext. 4. Page Three FIFTH SUNDAY of LENT COOKIE SALE: TODAY! It’s cookie time! Girl Scout Daisy Troop 10263 from Corpus Christi School is selling cookies at all Masses this weekend March 21/22. A variety of cookies will be sold, including perennial favorites Samoas and Thin Mints as well as the new Rah Rah Raisin at a cost of $4.00 per box. Please support our cookie booth! EASTER BASKET COLLECTION Next weekend, March 28/29, Corpus Christi School, CCD Program, and Social Action Committee will be collecting food to provide Easter meal items and restock food pantries. Corpus Christi School and CCD Program have begun collecting certain food items. The Social Action Committee asks for your help for the rest of the meal. We are in need of: hams (canned or otherwise), rice, bags of potatoes, bars of cheese, Easter candy and cookies. Canned foods are also gratefully appreciated. If you would prefer to donate money, you may pick up an envelope at one of the church exits or place your donation in an envelope marked “Easter Meal” and place it in the collection basket. This year we are providing food for Immaculate Conception/ St. Anne’s Parish, St. Peter’s Parish, St. Martin de Porres Catholic Worker House, and Wethersfield Food Bank. We thank you in advance for your support and generosity. ***** EATER BULLETIN DEADLINE For those who might be submitting articles for the bulletin, please keep this deadline in mind: • Easter Sunday (4/5/15): info to rectory by March 25th ***** COMING UP: Spring is here and Easter is just around the corner! • • • • • • March 21st Weekend: Girl Scout Cookie Sale March 22 (Sunday): Medal of Appreciation Awards 3 PM service at St. Joseph Cathedral March 24 (Tuesday): Shelter Meal March 27 (Friday): Prayer Shawl Meeting (date change! ) March 28/29: Palm Sunday Weekend! March 29th Weekend: Easter Basket Collection HOLY WEEK CONFESSIONS & SERVICES See “Daly Notes” in the next column • • April 12th Weekend: Sandwich Collection April 12 (Sunday): Divine Mercy Sunday 2:30-3:30 PM - Divine Mercy Holy Hour Date Change: PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl Ministry is this FRIDAY, March 27th from 2-4 PM in the church hall. Never did anything like this before? You are more than welcome to come and learn to make a prayer shawl - teachers available on the spot! DALYRELIEF NOTESCOLLECTION ... 2013 DISASTER The collection forheart the victims of the tornado in Oklahoma Holy week is the of the Christian experience - a timeand of special graceCatholic and blessings for USA us all.isThe Easter Triduum to support Charities being taken up thisHoly Thursday, Good Archbishop Friday andMansell Holy Saturday - is this the weekend, June 29/30. has requested collection to of respond to immediate water,Sunday food, culmination the entire Liturgicalneeds Year.forPalm through Easter care Sunday filled with wonderful shelter, medical and theislong-term needsmany of rebuilding and opportunities the whole to experience: reconstruction.forPlease be as family generous as you can. • March 31 (Tuesday): Chrism Mass at the Cathedral SANDWICH COLLECTION • April 2 (Thursday): HOLY THURSDAY The Social Action Committee is collecting sandwiches NEXT Confessions - 2 to 3 PM weekend, July 6/7. Please bring your sandwiches to church no Mass of the Lord’s Supper - 7 PM later than the 12:00 Noon Mass on Sunday. Adoration at the Altar of Reposition: until 10 PM • April 3 (Good Friday): GOOD FRIDAY CCWC BUS TRIPS 3 pm - Solemn Liturgy of the Passion & Death of the Lord The Women’s Stations Club isofsponsoring busPM trips this year the Cross -27:30 arrange for that day-off from work so you can join! Response • April 4 (Saturday): HOLY SATURDAY has been wonderful thus far, for both trips, and the invitation Blessing of Food - 10 AM in church has gone out to area parishes. Both trips can be a sellout by the 11 AM-12 PM: Confessions deposit deadline so don’t drag your feet if you’re interesting in >>NO 4 PM Vigil Mass<< going. Flyers Solemn Easter Vigil Ceremonies & Mass: 8 PM • April 5 (Sunday): EASTER Masses: 6:30, 7:30, 9, 10:30 AM & 12 Noon Holy Thursday is an especially nice service to attend as a family. There is the reenactment of the “Washing of the Feet” (see “Apostles Needed” below) and, after Communion, children from our school and religious education program take part in the procession that brings the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of Reposition. Hector will be with us for Holy Week and Easter! Since his visit to Corpus Christi at Christmas, Hector has been hard at work at the Mount. He still has a little more than a month of studies to go before returning to the Archdiocese. Hector will be ordained a Deacon in the Archdiocese of Hartford later this year. APOSTLES NEEDED! We are looking for 12 people - male & female (any age) - to be the ‘Apostles’ on Holy Thursday at the “Washing of the Feet” for this April 2nd service, and then take part in the procession at the conclusion of the ceremonies. Return the coupon below if you would like to volunteer to be an Apostle. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HOLY THURSDAY: MASS of the LORD’S SUPPER ***An Apostle for Holy Thursday*** Yes! I want to volunteer for the “Washing of the Feet.” Name __________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ Phone Number ________________________ ***Mail or drop in the Collection Basket ***or, call the Rectory at 860-529-2545 by March 29th. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RISKS I risk being wrong if I trust too much. But I risk living in - Anonymous torment if I don’t trust enough. Page Four March 22, 2015 CATHOLIC LIGHTHOUSE CORNER Remember Corpus Christi is now offering Booklets. These booklets are rooted in Catholic teaching and tradition in a straightforward, clear and concise way. All booklets are $2.50 each. Plus there are new Catholic Lighthouse CDs; $3.00 each. Stay with us Lord - Fr. David Simonetti Fr. Simonetti was ordained in 2005 as a priest for the Archdiocese of Chicago. In an inviting manner, he preaches missions, days of reflection and retreats with humor and Gospel joy. Fr. Simonetti shares his own account of how the Lord drew him to the priesthood, how he relies upon Christ in the Eucharist, and how Jesus calls each of us to spend time with Him in Adoration. A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE Relationships come with a price tag. We must be willing to entrust ourselves to another, to let go of our autonomy and die to our independence. It is in dying to our independence that we find interdependence with others. - by Bud Ozar READINGS for the WEEK Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:1-11 Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30 Wednesday: Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 Thursday: Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59 Friday: Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42 Saturday: Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:45-56 Sunday: Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16 (procession); Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1 — 15:47 [15:1-39] Monday: ARCHBISHOP ANNUAL APPEAL The Archbishop’s Annual Appeal provides help to those in need! Together, we can and do make a profound difference in the lives of many individuals and families, in a way that exceeds anything we could hope to achieve on our own. Please consider supporting this important initiative. Every gift makes a difference. If you did not receive the 2015 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal mailing or have misplaced the pledge card and envelope mailed to your home, please feel free to pick up one of the extra pledge cards and envelopes located at the exits of the Church. Thank you for your continued generosity and support. THE LIGHT 4 YOU Go to to learn more. Every Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Hartford will be open from 6 to 7 PM on Mondays during Lent and have our priests available to listen to Confessions. BLOSSOMS AND FRUIT Unless a tree has borne blossoms in spring, you will vainly look for fruit on it in autumn. - Walter Scott LENTEN GIVING CROSSES If you chose one of the Lenten Giving Crosses cards and have completed the activity on it, please drop the card in the collection basket so that we can get feedback on what has been accomplished by our parishioners through this program. Please feel free to keep the yellow cards so that you can continue to say the prayer throughout the year. Thank you for your participation. SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE NEWS The following organizations are currently supported by our parish’s Social Action Program: Catherine’s Place, Covenant to Care, Family Life Education, St. Luke Foundation for Haiti (Fr. Rick Frechette’s charity), Foodshare, Habitat for Humanity, Haitian Health Foundation, Hartford Interval House, HomeFront, Inc., Immaculate Conception Shelter & Housing, Inc., Jubilee House, Mercy Housing & Shelter, Office for Catholic Social Justice Ministry, South Park Inn Shelter, St. Martin de Porres (The Catholic Worker House), St. Anne’s/Immaculate Church in Hartford, Malta House of Care, St. Peter’s Church and food pantry in Hartford, Sister Teresita Gonzalez’ children’s programs and orphanages in Honduras, Clinica la Amistad in Honduras, St. Gerard’s Center for Life, Tabor House, Town of Wethersfield Social Services, Y-US (Youth United for Survival), and the Connecticut Catholic Advocacy Network. NEXT SHELTER MEAL We have met our commitment for our next and FINAL meal for the season on March 24th! Thank you to all who volunteered. Reminders: • All prepared food must be completely cooked and delivered hot. • Food is to be delivered to Corpus Christi’s north parking lot between 5:30-6 PM. • We leave the parking lot promptly at 6 PM! • Please contact Andrew Verre at 860-529-4453 for any questions. EASTER FLOWER FUND We greatly appreciate the many parishioners who generously donate to this fund each year. Special Easter Flower envelopes are part of your March packet of envelopes. If you are not on the envelope system, use a plain white envelope - write “Flowers” on the front & include your name. Online Giving users can also make their flower donation online. FLOWERS Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day - like writing a poem or saying a prayer. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh American Writer & Pioneering Aviator DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY The Sunday after Easter is designated as Divine Mercy Sunday. Therefore, Corpus Christi will be have a Holy Hour on Sunday, April 12th from 2:30 to 3:30 PM.
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