CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH CORPUS CHRISTI PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Shawn T. Daly, Pastor Rev. William Agyemang, Parochial Vicar Seth English, Deacon Dianne Peck, Music Director May 10, 2015 601 Silas Deane Highway WETHERSFIELD, CONNECTICUT Rectory 860-529-2545 Visit the above website to register for Online Giving SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE BAPTISMS Sunday Vigil - Saturday 4:00 PM First and Third Sunday Sunday Morning: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM and 12:00 Noon Registration is required. Please call the rectory office. DAILY MASS Rectory Office Hours: 8 AM-4 PM Monday thru Friday 7:30 AM Saturday at 7:30 AM MARRIAGES Please contact rectory office at least six months in advance. Religious Education Office 860-721-9419 CONFESSIONS: Carol Pasternak and Sharon Reynolds, Saturday 2:30-3:30 PM Coordinators of Religious Education Vigil of Holy Days 4:30-5:00 PM OFFICE OF VOCATIONS 860-242-5573 Corpus Christi School SICK CALLS We make weekly visits to Hartford and Saint Francis hospitals. We are happy and honored to visit the sick or homebound. Please notify us. Eileen Sampiere, Principal 860-529-5487 Page Two CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, - HolySixth Saturday Saturday, April May 919 - Vigil: Sunday of Easter 8:00 PM Easter Vigil Ceremonies Massdaughters 4:00 PM Peter and Carol Hacia req.and by their Natalie Conashevick & family and Laura Sunday, April 20 - Sutera Easter& Sunday family of the Resurrection of the Lord 6:30 May AM 10 - Sixth For the Intentions of Our Parishioners Sunday, Sunday of Easter - Mother’s Day! 7:30 For the Intentions of her Ourfriend Parishioners 7:30AM AM Joan Francis req. by Rose 9:00 For the Intentions 9:00AM AM Ann Daly req. by of Our Parishioners Children’s Liturgy Mass this week! NO the Kaseta Family 10:30 AM For the Intentions of req. Our Parishioners 10:30 AM Gladys Brajczewski 12:00 NN For the Intentions of Our Parishioners by her family Children’s Liturgy! 12:00 April NN 21Juliette Beaulieu by her niece Monday, - Monday withinreq. the Octave of Easter 7:30 AM Rose and Leonard Vendetti req. by the family Monday, May 11 - Easter Weekday Tuesday, April 22 -Christine Tuesday Console within the Octave ofCorpus Easter Christi 7:30 AM req. by the 7:30 AM Giuseppe Rotundo and Anselmo Rotundo Parish Family req. by daughters and sisters Tuesday, May 12 - Sts. Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs; Wednesday, April 23 - Wednesday within St. thePancras, Octave of Easter Martyr 7:30 AM Anna Rizzo and Nunzia Rizzo req. by 7:30 AM Le Thi Qua req. by John Cusano Raffaele Rizzo Wednesday, May 13 - Our Lady of Fatima Thursday, April 24 8th - Thursday within the Octave 7:30 AM Anniversary Frances Kasparof Easter 7:30 AM Anniversary Jacqueline Schempp req. by the Thursday, May 14 -family Holy Day: Ascension of the Lord 7:00 AM 3rd Anniversary Dean Paganetti req. by the Friday, April 25 - Friday theParish Octave of Easter Corpuswithin Christi Family 7:30 AM Candy Loguidice req. by John Cusano 9:00 AM Teresa Craft req. by Lucille Pirruccio and Linda Ball Saturday, April 26 Elvira - Saturday within the of Easter 12:05 PM Iapichino req.Octave by her mother and 7:30 AM 1st Anniversary Helen Hodnesky family 5:30 PM Edward Stiles req. by his family Friday, May 15 - St. Isidore 7:30 AM Salvatore Failla req. by his brother-in-law Antonio and family Saturday, May 16 - Easter Weekday 7:30 AM Deceased Members of the Sapia Family req. by the family 1:30 PM Wedding: Anthony Lazzaro and Jill D’Angelo Saturday, May 16 - Vigil: Seventh Sunday of Easter 4:00 PM Charles Banfi req. by his daughter Valori Sunday, May 17 - Seventh Sunday of Easter 7:30 AM Jenaro Andreana req. by Wethersfield-Rocky Hill Nurses 9:00 AM Rose Febeo req. by James 10:30 AM Kay Corrigan req. by the Fairservis Family Children’s Liturgy! 12:00 NN Rita Charette req. by her family WETHERSFIELD CANDLES Week of May 10 - 16 The SANCTUARY LAMP will burn this week in memory of Chuck and Mary Hayes req. by the family. The SANCTUARY LAMP will burn this week in memory of Juliette Beaulieu req. by her niece Nancy. The BLESSED VIRGIN 7 DAY CANDLE will burn this week in memory of Alice Olander req. by her daughter Barbara Junokas and family. The second BLESSED VIRGIN 7 DAY CANDLE will burn in memory of Rita Charette req. by her family. SIXTH SUNDAY of EASTER May 10, 2015 THEME: Let us love one another as Christ has loved us by offering Himself for our sins. His love is to be revealed to all the world, as Peter himself taught. SACRIFICIAL GIVING May 3, 2015 Online Giving for May 3 $ 7,340.00 $ 1,534.01 Monthly Online for May $ 220.00 We are grateful to all who continue to support Corpus Christi Parish by your prayers and financial contributions. To register for Online Giving, please visit our website: Should you have a question while signing up, Our Sunday Visitor Online Support is at the ready to help you out. Simply call 1-800-348-2886, ext. 4. READINGS for the WEEK Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26 — 16:4a Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Jn 16:5-11 Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15 Thursday: Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23 or Eph 4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13]; Mk 16:15-20 Friday: Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28 Sunday: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20; 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 17:11b-19 Monday: Page Three SIXTH SUNDAY of EASTER TODAY!!! CHEYENNE RIVER RESERVATION MOTHER’S DAY DRIVE The Corpus Christi Church Community will be supporting the efforts of hawkwing, Inc. with a special Mother’s Day Drive. Hawkwing is a non-profit which supports the children and families on the Cheyenne River Lakota/Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota - the poorest place in America (US Census 2010). The Reservation is the size of Connecticut, yet there is only one health clinic. The women must get to the nearest hospital in Rapid City, a two-hour trip by car, and this leads to complications - they are not allowed to have their babies at the clinic. Many have no prenatal care or transportation and have chronic health problems. Child mortality, especially among newborns, approaches 20% before the age of 5. To help with daily needs, we are collecting the following new items: • Full-sized toiletries including toothpaste, floss, shampoo, bar soap, chapstick, and deodorant • Baby care products like disposable diapers, wipes, baby shampoo and diaper cream • Underwear and socks for all ages - toddler through adults Cash donations are always welcomed - checks can be made payable to “hawkwing, Inc.” All donations are taxdeductible. More information is available at hawkwing’s website: Thank you for all you do. It makes a real difference. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! For all our Moms today, there are Mother’s Day pins located in baskets at the exits of the church. DEEP DEBT My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual, and physical education I received from her. - George Washington A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE The words of Jesus in today’s gospel, “Abide in Me,” are appropriate on a day we honor mothers because there is a special bond connecting mothers and their children, extending beyond birth and death. They will always “abide” in each other. It’s a lasting presence. - by Bud Ozar TWO IMPORTANT THINGS Two important things to teach a child: to do and to do without. - Marcelene Cox, American Writer ***** WEDDING BANNS III Anthony Lazzaro and Jill D’Angelo ***** 2013 DISASTER RELIEF COLLECTION YOUR VOICE COUNTS! The collectionFrom for the victims of the tornado in Oklahoma and Archbishop Leonard P. Blair to support Catholic Charities USAand is the being taken up- take this Be apart of the future of your parish Archdiocese June Archbishop Mansell has requested aweekend, few minutes to 29/30. complete our Pastoral Planning Survey, this and collection to be respond let your voice heard! to immediate needs for water, food, shelter, medical care and the long-term needs of rebuilding and Visit on your desktop, reconstruction. Please be as generous as you can. laptop, tablet or mobile phone. Paper copies also available. Thank you in advance for helping to shape the future of your SANDWICH COLLECTION parish and of the Archdiocese! withsandwiches more information The Social Action Committee isFlyers collecting NEXT are available at 6/7. the exits today. ends May 25th. weekend, July Please bringSurvey your sandwiches to church no later than thevery 12:00 Noon Mass on Sunday. FYI: At the least, your interest has been peaked so why not go ahead and check it out. The online version requires only TRIPS about 20 minutes - ICCWC did it inBUS 18 and it was rather enjoyable! The Women’s Club is sponsoring 2 bus and tripsdelighted this year You’ll be surprised by some of the questions thatarrange for that day-off from others. work so you can join! Response they thought to ask you about has been wonderful thus far, for both trips, and the invitation has gone outMONATERY to area parishes. Both tripsfor canNEPAL be a sellout by the SUPPORT deposit deadline don’t drag May your 10th feet ifWeekend you’re interesting in DoorsoCollection: going. FlyersBlair - has asked parishes in the archdiocese to take Archbishop up a special collection to support the relief efforts of Catholic Relief Services in Nepal. In addition to responding to immediate emergency needs, CRS will also address the longterm needs to rebuild the communities in the region. The sooner funds can be sent to CRS, the better. However, the May 10th weekend 2nd collection is our Monthly Collection. Therefore, we ask your generosity for this cause by way of a Door Collection - receptacles are at all the exits TODAY. Thank you. THANK YOU for HOMEFRONT DAY On Saturday May 2nd, about 40 parishioners from Church of the Incarnation, Sacred Heart, and Corpus Christi came together to participate in HomeFront Day. HomeFront, Inc. sponsors this project, where parishes all over the state participate to repair and fix up the home of a needy family. This year, we worked on a house in Old Wethersfield to do much needed exterior painting, minor carpentry and yard work. It was a huge undertaking but thanks to the many wonderful hard working volunteers from all 3 parishes, the job got done! Many thanks to those who provided the food and drinks for all the volunteers. Special thanks to Tim Nixon who coordinated this project and to Pat McGovern who assisted him, and to everyone who helped in any way. Your time and talents are very much appreciated for this very worthwhile project. God bless you all! “THE SCIENCE of HAPPINESS” The Spiritual Growth and Education Committee of Sacred Heart Church in Wethersfield is sponsoring a talk on “The Science of Happiness” on Wednesday, May 13 at 7 PM at the parish hall. The talk is being given by Bill Walsh, associate Director at Holy Family Retreat Center in West Hartford. Bill will explore the nature of happiness and will discuss research that identifies both the true paths and the obstacles to happiness that are present in our culture. Come learn about 6 strategies to increase your happiness! Page Four May 10, 2015 CATHOLIC LIGHTHOUSE CORNER Padre Pio (Booklet) Padre Pio received the stigmata, worked many miracles and often bi-located. Yet it was for his holiness as a priest and selfless ministry in the confessional that he will forever be remembered among the saints. Please pick up a CD today and listen. You will find that after a few CDs your spiritual life will grow and your knowledge and discernment expands. Free-will donation of $3.00 per CD and $2.50 per booklet. SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE Please join us at our final meeting before summer, on Tuesday, May 19th at 7 PM in the lower church hall. Your help and ideas are always needed • • • • • A monetary collection for St. Martin de Porres, the Catholic Worker’s summer camp will be ongoing in late May and early June. The weekly food collection continues year round. The sandwich collection continues for Immaculate Conception’s Shelter the first weekend of each month . . . As does rides to church for two visually handicapped parishioners. Throughout the summer, committee members will continue to pick up pastries from Starbucks in Rocky Hill and deliver them to South Park Inn, as well as from Panera Bread for St. Peter’s Church in Hartford. Call Nancy Kiely with any questions about Social Action activities at 860-721-1079. POSITIONS AVAILABLE: AFTER SCHOOL AIDE The Corpus Christi After School Program is currently seeking aides to fill positions for the 2015-2016 school year. Our ideal candidate is a self-motivated individual who is creative and energetic and enjoys interacting with children in grades Pre-K through 8. Responsibilities include planning, organizing, and supervising daily activities including completion of homework, as well as the care, support and discipline of the boys and girls in all settings of the program. Program hours are 2 to 5:15 PM Monday through Friday. Some flexibility with these hours can be arranged. This is an ideal position for students planning on pursuing a career in education. Male/female are encouraged to apply. For more information and to schedule an interview, please call Mrs. Diane DeLuca at 860-529-0090. Please leave a message with your name and phone number and I will return your call promptly. Resumes may be mailed to 84 Somerset Street, Wethersfield, CT 06109. ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL May 17th Weekend Next weekend is Commitment Weekend! All parishioners will have the opportunity to make a pledge to the 2015 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal during Mass. HOLY DAY of OBLIGATION This Thursday, May 14th is a Holy Day of Obligation: The Ascension of the Lord. There is no vigil Mass but there are 4 Masses on the holy day: 7 AM, 9 AM (the school Mass), 12:05 PM, and, 5:30 PM. Confessions will be heard on Wednesday, May 13th from 4:30 to 5 PM. CATHOLIC COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN May 17th Weekend Your contribution to the Catholic Communication Campaign helps to share faith, demonstrate worship, and be a witness of God’s love through social media, television, radio, and print media. Half of your donation stays in our archdiocese to support local communication needs. To learn more about the Catholic Communication Campaign, please visit (search “Catholic Communication Campaign”). LIVING on a FIXED INCOME The Wethersfield Senior Citizens Advisory Committee presents “Living on a Fixed Income: Challenges & $olutions” - an informative program for seniors on Thursday, May 21st at the Pitkin Community Center from 1 - 3 PM. Presenters include: Missie Morris: “The Crazy Coupon Chick” (as seen on Better Connecticut); Lisa Sachen: Savers - “Fashion Shopping;” Lindsey Gomes: Shop Rite - “Healthy Shopping;” Sharon Gray: UConn Cooperative Extention Educator - “Scrumptious Senior Meals.” Free Admission! Free Refreshments!! Free Raffle!!! Vendors, Information Booths, and lots more!!!! Call Lisa at 860-7212979 to reserve a seat. LEGATUS is COMING to HARTFORD Archbishop Blair has invited Legatus, the international organization of Catholic business leaders and spouses, to launch a Hartford chapter. If you are, or were, a business owner, CEO, President, Managing Director, or Managing Partner, Legatus would like to invite you and your spouse to dinner with featured speaker and author Dale Alquist, President of the G.K. Chesterton Society, at the Country Club of Farmington on Wednesday, May 27th. For more information, please contact John Trecker at 917975-1737 or email: COMING UP: The first weekend in May - has spring actually arrived!? • May 24 (Sunday): Pentecost • May 25 (Monday): Memorial Day! • June 5 (Friday): Corpus Christi School Graduation • June 7th weekend: Sandwich Collection • June 7 (Sunday): Our Parish Feast Day-Corpus Christi • June 7 (Sunday): A Special Celebration Day! See next week’s bulletin f o r full details but right now just leave 1 to 4 PM open for us!!!
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