November9,2014 Saint Mary’s Roman Catholic Church th 10-08 49 Avenue, Long Island City, New York, 11101 th (Corner of 49 Avenue and Vernon Blvd.) Sunday, December 7, 2014 5:00 p.m. An Advent Prayer Service 5:30 p.m. George Frideric Handel’s “Messiah” Christmas Portion Presented by Don Barnum, Conductor Eric Birk, FAGO, Organist Ruth Ann Cunningham, Shruti Sen, Rebecca Nehmeh, Sopranos Savannah Gordon, Mezzo Soprano Philip Koch, Counter Tenor, Michael Protacio, Tenor Donald Barnum, Bass FREE WILL OFFERING To offset the Concert costs Reception to follow Please sign up to bring refreshments to share Sunday, May 31, 2015 5:00 p.m. Iris Harris, Soprano Requested return with Jason Brown, Tenor Eric Birk, FAGO, Organist St. Mary’s is: One Block North of the #7 Train – Vernon-Jackson Station (The first station East of Grand Central Station – in Queens) Rev. RALPH BARILE, Pastor Mr. Robert Vogel, Director of Music and Organist Ms Giovanna Varlese, Director of Religious Education For Information about the Sacrament of Baptism, Wedding, Holy Communion and Confirmation. Please Phone the Rectory or email. Thank you MASSES: Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 9:30 am; 12:00 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 12:15 pm Thursday: 7:00 a.m. for the season of Advent and Lent CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 4:00 - 4:40 p.m. Available at other Ɵmes upon request. Phone # 718-786-0705 Email: CHOIRREHEARSALS St. Mary's Choir rehearsals have resumed. Rehearsals are between the two Sunday masses. There are a few additional rehearsals for the major feast days. If interested in becoming more involved in St. Mary's Music Ministry, please speak with a priest or Mr. Vogel. Religious Education Classes and Bible Story Time READ CAREFULLY JESUS IS PREDICTING HIS OWN RESURRECTION TEMPLE AUTHORITIES HOW IN THE WORLD ARE YOU GOING TO REBUILD THIS TEMPLE IN THREE DAYS? FromPre-Kto-12beganonSunday,October5at 10:30a.m.Registrationisstillopen. AdultReligionclassesareavailabletooformoreinfo. Pleasecometotherectoryoremailmeat stmarylic@yahoo.comtoregisteryourchild. Thankyou,Giovanna Web Page - Ch eck ou t u pdated w eek ly B u lletins, parish info. And photos at Hymn Request Thank you for all your requests thus far. Please continue submitting your requests by filling out the form below. Hymn # Title Liturgical Season ______ __________ ________________ ______ __________ ________________ ______ __________ ________________ ______ __________ ________________ Welcome to Our Parish - RegistraƟon Form ___ Please Yes send me envelopes and register me ___ Please No envelopes, but register me. ___ Please contact me I would like to Volunteer as: ___ an Usher ___ Lector ___ Catechist teacher ___ Please contact me; I would like to join the Choir. ___ Please register me for Adult Religion program. ___ Please contact me about Children Religion class Name: _______________________________ Address: ____________________Apt. #____ City: ____ ZIP:____ Phone:___________ Email ___________________________ MESSIAH ®Ý ÊîĦ Handel’s “Messiah” - Christmas portion - will be presented once more this year on Sunday, December, 7th following our Advent Prayer Service. The afternoon begins at 5 PM with the Prayer Service, followed by Mr. Donald Barnum and colleagues once again singing “Messiah”. Reception to follow. Please sign up to bring refreshments to share. © JCM, 2014 THE LATERAN BASILICA We observe the Anniversary of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome. This Basilica, even older than St. Peter’s or St. Mary Major, gives us another opportunity to relish the ancient heritage of our Catholic Religion. But there is more to it than just a building. You will notice that in two of the Bible readings this week end a building takes on the character of a person. Paul tells us that we are God’s building. And Jesus, as we saw in the cartoons, is quick to compare himself to the Temple in Jerusalem. And the lesson does not stop there. It is not just a building that we are celebrating. It is what takes place in that building that we also celebrate. And that brings us to the vision of the Prophet Ezechiel. He saw water flowing from the Temple. Water flowing from the Temple? Yes. That’s right. What is water in a church used for? Baptism! And not just Baptism but the other Sacraments. It is in the Temple or in the Church that the Sacraments are celebrated. Yes. This is a feast with multiple aspects. The Temple or the Church, the Sacred Space. The Sacred Space which takes on the character of a person. And the Temple or the Church in which God’s Sacraments are conferred. © J. C. Mulqueen, 2014 Saint Leo the Great Feast day November 10 Only two popes have earned the title Great—Gregory I and Leo I. Leo was born in the beginning of the fifth century, probably in Rome. When he was a deacon, other church leaders looked to him for advice and for explanations of the faith. Leo was sent to settle arguments between leaders. He was on such a mission in 440 when he was elected pope. He helped the Church stay united when it was being attacked inside by false teachers and outside by warring tribes. In 452, the Huns, led by Attila, marched toward Rome to destroy the city. Pope Leo went out to meet Attila and was able to stop him by agreeing to pay tribute to him every year. Three years later, another tribe marched on Rome—the Vandals, led by Genseric. Again Leo went out to meet the enemy, but this time, Leo was only able to stop the tribe from burning the city. For two weeks, the Vandals pillaged and looted Rome while the people sought shelter in the churches. Leo helped rebuild the city after the invaders departed, and he then sent missionaries to Africa to minister to those who had been captured and taken there by the Vandals. Leo is often remembered for his writings and explanations of the faith, especially during the Council of Chalcedon in 451. His words were so powerful that the 600 bishops gathered there felt they had heard Saint Peter speaking through Leo. Pope Leo the Great died in 461. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica SATURDAY, 8 November - All Souls Novena 5:00 p.m. (D) B’day Salvatore, Camilla Caiaccia & Marie Bell Req. by Sal Danny Padula Req. by Cynthia Beebe & Anita Jacob (D) B’day—Maria Evanglista her Sister Josephine SUNDAY, 9 November - All Souls Novena 9:30 a.m. Maria Cavaliere Req. by Giuseppe Evangelista Rocco Migliorelli & Guiseppina Lombardi Req. by their Family Louis Gonsalves Req. by Foster Gonsalves Theresa Fernandes Req. by Roy Alphonso 12:00 p.m. (D) B’dayMaria Evangelista Req. Concetta Mottola & Family Porcelli Family Req. by Mar ia Por celli MONDAY, 10 November 12:15 p.m. Aida Rosillo Haro Req. by Her Family TUESDAY, 11 November—Veterans Day 9:00 a.m. Danny Padula Req. by Pat Brancale WEDNESDAY, 12 November 12:15 p.m. (D) Anniv. Patrocino Sr. Angeles Req. by His Family THURSDAY, 13 November No 7 a.m. Mass— but the Church will be open 7 a.m. Mass will resume at Advent FRIDAY, 14 November 12:15 p.m All Souls in Purgatory Req. by Tony Della Vecchia & Family (D) B’day Patrocinio Sr. Angeles Req. by His Family SATURDAY, 15 November - All Souls Novena 5:00 p.m. Teddy Tanalski Req. by Josephine Tanalski Rose Fazio Req. by Mary & Danny Padula SUNDAY, 16 November - All Souls Novena 9:30 a.m. George Hackett Req. by Jean & Ken Will 12:00 p.m. Bartolomeo & Raffalina Motone Req. By Elena & Luigi Marrone Tuesday November 11 Veterans Day— Mass will be at 9:00 a.m. Sanctuary Lamp The Sanctuary Lamp is burning for the week of November 9 - November 15 All Souls in Purgatory The Bread and Wine The Bread and Wine is offered for the week of November 9 - November 15 For all the Veterans both living and deceased Would you like to become a Lector, Choir Member, Catechist Teacher or an Usher? We need your help! Please email us at, phone us at 718-786-0705 or introduce yourself after Mass — Thank you, Fr. Ralph Barile StaƟsƟcs - November 2 — 3, 2014 AƩendance 345 1st CollecƟon $ 2,350.00 Repair and Maintenance — $ 710.00 All Saints $ 267.00 Thank you for your conƟnued generosity. Happy Birthday & Blessings Mike Paredes, Alexander Force, Joanne Fioreli, Victor Tomasini We Pray for Healing Gentel Cabrera,Harold Walford Thomas,(infant) Liam Glorioso, MaryAnn Tobon, Iris Harris, Emilia Chimienti, Nova Bermudez, Daniel Brown, Greg Fitting, Joe Sullivan, Teresa Ortiz, Daisey Warren, Eloise Jordon, Joseph Warren, Frances Melendez, Robert Rohan, Bill Weber, Victoria Shore PRAY FOR THE SICK Millie Ciangiola, Teodora Tamburello, Fr. Pat Laghezza,Dominick Calisto, Vincenza A. Rios,Ellen Trambone, Fr.Charles Keough, Mary DePinto, Charlotte S. Parker, Dominick Caiaccia, Rose Francis, Catherine O’Keeffe, Jeanette Falcone, Fernando & Nancy Angeles, Joan Forhane, Catherine Roeder, Bob Ruiz, Donna McGuinness, George & Agnes Brust, Mark Etskovitz, Julie Schnurr, Donna & Sergio Cultrera, Joseph Natale, Olivia Nicole Ashton, Joseph Coughlin, Terry Devine, Sean Dugan, Victoria Shore, Pamala Riley, Risa Sanchez, Gentel Cabrera, Victor Silva, James Doran, Kathleen Nero, Fr. Joseph Rosa, Andrew Sharetta, Hazbi Tierney, Mary De Pinto, Tommaso Varlese PRAY FOR THE DECEASED Louis Gonslaves, Geraldine Parker, John Dougherty, Baby Joseph Ordenez, Katy McKay, Zita Lina Kuusemegh, Joseph Bataglia, Sr., Antonio Salvi, Francisca A. Perez, Danny Padula The 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal “When We Give, We Share the Light of Faith” St. Mary’s goal is $15,100.00. Please consider making a pledge. All monies received above our goal goes directly for the renovation of the new St. Mary’s Parish Center. Fr. Ralph Thank you for your generous support. Ros a ry Join us every Saturday, at 4:30 p.m. HOLY HOUR First Friday each month at 12:45 p.m. 50/50 October winner is Robert Bradley & Kirchner won $ 53.00 150th Anniversary Meeting….. Please join us at our next meeting which is scheduled for Thursday November 13 at 7:30 p.m. at the Rectory NET’s & NY1 Canonization Coverage The NET Diocesan News and NY1 came to St. Mary’s and interviewed Fr. Ralph Barile about Pope John Paul II and St. Mary’s Altar. To watch the News coverage go to and click on “Click here to watch St. Mary’s Altar and Pope St. John Paul II” SHAPE UP FOR SUMMER! Private Voice Instruction Professional Singer/Teacher New, beginning or advanced students welcome. Georgia Thomas, Qualified Pilates Instructor Private Pilates classes in Reformer and Apparatus. 917.572.0583 Special Rates for Choir Members Mary Kay McGarvey 646-581-4738 AVENUE CHEMISTS FREE DELIVERY We can fill your prescriptions while you wait... Bring in your prescription bottle for a refill today! Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ, ITALIANO, ESPAÑOL ALL MAJOR INSURANCES ACCEPTED 45-01 30TH AVENUE, ASTORIA TEL 718.545.1010 • FAX 718.545.1542 with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 718.752.0345 718.424.8649 13-17 Jackson Avenue, L.I.C. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Thomas M. Quinn & Sons Funeral Home David Funeral Home Are you ever alone? You’re never alone when you have a medical alert! "I feel more independent, safe, and secure with my medical alert." 35-20 Broadway ~ Long Island City 11106 718-721-9200 ~ 718-729-3400 Less than $1 per day Sr. Citizen Discounts Fax Service Available Kevin R. Mack ~ Michael Heredia ~ George L. 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