Sunday, October 26, 2014 “To Preserve The Flame” SAINT JOHN’S CHURCH 44 Temple St. Worcester, MA 01604 Phone: 508-756-7165 Ascension Campus Phone: 774-243-6351 MASS SCHEDULE Lord’s Day Masses Saturday Vigil: 4:15 & 7:15 pm Sunday: 8 am, 10:15 am, 12:15 pm & 7:15 pm Weekdays Monday-Friday 6:15 pm SUNDAY’S READINGS Ex 22:20-26 1 Thes 1:5c-10 Mt 22:34-40 Worship Hymnal #1196 Mass Intentions Saturday, October 25, 2014 4:15 PM Victoria Steele (5th Anniv.), req. by Family; Dan Martel, r eq. by Family; John Palmer and Ted Baniukiewicz, r eq. by Family 7:15 PM Henry Kimbar (1st Anniv.), req. by Family; Lillian Perron (1st Anniv.), r eq. by Mar ie Par e Sunday, October 26, 2014 8 AM Joe and Joan Crowley, req. by Family; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Connole, r eq. by Family 10:15 AM Shirley Wheeler (14th Anniv.), req. by Family; Andrew Madonna, r eq. by Family 12:15 PM Burke, Crawford, Miller, Moran, Pepin and Tringuk Families, r eq. by Family; B-day Blessings for Veronica Montiverdi, r eq. by Family 7:15 PM Martha Scannell Brennan (2nd Anniv.), req. by Family; Deceased Members of the August Family and Robert Harris (9th Anniv.), r eq. by Family Monday, October 27. 2014 6:15 PM Susan Marie Brigham, req. by Alex and Alexis Montalvo Tuesday, October 28, 2014 6:15 PM Marianne Minns, req. by Family Wednesday, October 29, 2014 6:15 PM Dennis Cashman, req. by Family Thursday, October 30, 2014 6:15 PM Frank V. Wright, req. by Family Friday, October 31, 2014 6:15 PM Winifred Pezzano and her father James McNamara, r eq. by Family Saturday, November 1, 2014 4:15 PM Leo and Helen Matys and Family and Walter, Jan and Michialina Pieniazek and Family, r eq. by Family; Joseph Paskavitz, r eq. by Family 7:15 PM Donald Donovan, req. by Antoinette, Margaret and Maria Donovan Sunday, November 2, 2014 8 AM James J. and Eddie Gannon, req. by Family 10:15 AM Tim, Mary and May Fleming, req. by Family; Eleanor Prevoski (Month’s Mind), r eq. by Family 12:15 PM Margaret and Eugene Gingras, Deceased Members of the Coomey and Gingras Family and Grampa Francis Savage, r eq. by Family; All Living and Deceased Members of LARC Women’s Allicance, Ch. 5 7:15 PM Tim Brosnihan (10th Anniv,), req. by Family; The Rosary is prayed each weekday beginning with the Angelus at 5:50 p.m. Dear Friends in the Lord, A quick note about next weekend: Next Saturday is November 1, the Feast of All Saints. Since it falls on a Saturday, the obligation is lifted. Next Sunday is November 2, The Feast of All Souls., which we will celebrate at all the weekend Masses. Our next parish mission to the Be Like Brit orphanage and St. Francois Church in Grand Goave, Haiti is scheduled for May 2-9, 2015. There are openings for ten people to make the trip. On Monday, November 17, the Haitian Apostolate will hold an informational session on the mission. The meeting will be held in the St. Francis Xavier Center at 7:00 p.m. A member of the Be Like Brit staff and those of us who made the trip this year will be present to share our experience and answer any questions. All are welcome. If you are not able to make the trip, but are interested in the mission and/or helping with the apostolate, please join us. Refreshments will be served! Congratulations to Maura McCarthy who received the Distinguished Jurist Award from the Diocesan St. Thomas More Society. The presentation was made last weekend at the Society’s Annual Red Mass. Maura, her husband Don and their four children have been active and supportive members of St. John’s and our parish mission for many years. We are blessed to have them as members of our parish family. Even if their son Owen has been a bit slow in joining me on the Steelers’ bandwagon! Maura’s well deserved recognition and the presence of the McCarthy/Naber family remind me of the positive impact our parish makes in the world beyond Temple Street every day. These are dangerous and uncertain times in which we live. Still, the manner in which you live out your Christian vocations is a source of tremendous hope. When I look out at our congregation at Mass and, especially, when I distribute the Body of Christ, I am moved knowing the various ways that the love of God and neighbor is expressed and shared each day. This is the lifestyle which is the Church’s greatest tool of evangelization. We are all concerned about the decline in religious affiliation and participation in our country and across the world. There is no program that can reverse this decline as effectively as a community of people living the Gospel message. Thanks for all that you do. In Christ’s Peace, Fr. John Madden THE THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME THIS WEEKEND’S HYMNS Op.: # 689 O God Our Help in Ages Past Ps. 18: # 1196 Prep.: # 697 Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace Acclamations: # 353, 356, 355, 311 Sunday 7:15: # 371, 372, 373, 311 Comm.: # 857 For the Fruits of All Creation Cl.: # 602 Christ Is the World’s Light Parish Council’s next meeting will be Monday, November 10, 7 PM in the rectory. Social Activity Committee’s next meeting will be Wednesday, November 5, 7 PM in the rectory. THANKSGIVING BASKET SIGN-UPS will be held from Monday, November 3 - Wednesday, November 12 from 8-11 AM. Sign-ups will only be done over the phone by talking to Jimmy. We are only servicing those that fall within our parish boundaries in the zip codes of 01604 or the Vernon Hill neighborhood of 01610. Anyone willing to donate a basket, please contact the rectory. WE WELCOME OUR FRIEND MAYSOON BACK TO ST. JOHN’S at all Masses the weekend of November 15 and 16 on behalf of the School of Joy in Bethlehem. Maysoon brings beautiful olive wood religious items that will be for sale. The proceeds help support the School of Joy in the place of Jesus’ birth. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES ONGOING EVENTS AT ST. JOHN’S October 28– Bible Study, 7 PM in the r ector y. November 6- Peer Ministry for Separated and Divorced Catholics, 7 PM in the rectory. Non Catholics welcome. The group offers hope and mutual understanding in a confidential and non-judgmental setting. Those interested may contact Diane at and place "Peer Ministry" in the subject line. November 7– The St. John’s Film Festival will present “The Grunt Padre in Vietnam” at 7 pm in the church hall. November 14 –The Contemplative Prayer Group at 7 PM in the church hall. November 15- Chr istian Coffee House, 7 PM, Ascension Campus. SOCIAL ACTIVITES COMMITTEE is sponsoring a trip to FOXWOODS on Friday, November 7. The bus will leave St. John’s at 4 PM and leave Foxwoods at 11 PM to return to Worcester. The cost is $20 per person which includes round trip transportation, a $10 food voucher or free buffet and $10 in slot or KENO plays. If you are interested, the money needs to be in on or before November 1. Checks can be made out to St. John’s and mailed to the church C/O Social Activities Committee, Attn: Judy. NO seat will be reserved without payment. Must be 21 years old to attend. Proceeds of the trip will go toward the new St. John’s Scholarship Fund. There are still plenty of seats available. All are welcome. Grades 1-8– Sunday, November 2, 9 AM in the Church Hall. Confirmation I (gr ade 9)- Sunday, November 2, 11:15 AM in the Church Hall. Confirmation II (gr ade 10 and up)- Sunday, November 2, 11:15 AM in the Church Hall. Parents of Grades 1-4 students please drop off and pick up students in their classrooms. Thank you. RCIA - The next inquiry session for those considering the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults will be held Monday, November 3 at 7:15 PM in the rectory. Any adult interested in receiving the sacrament of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation is encouraged to attend. Please call the rectory with any questions. THE PARISH CHOIR will be moving to 7:00 PM on Wednesdays in the choir loft! Come sing with us half an hour earlier! THE KIDS CHOIR will be starting on Friday the 17th at 4:30 PM in the choir loft! They will sing during the children's Masses on the first and 3rd Sundays of the month. For more information about either choir, talk to Sean, Lucie, or one of the singers after Mass, or email Sean at CATHOLIC SCHOOLS OPEN HOUSE St. John’s - Sunday, October 26 St. Peter-Marian - Sunday, October 26, 12 PM St. Mary’s– Sunday, November 2, 1-3 PM Venerini Academy - Thursday, November 13, 11AM - 1 PM Financial Report In Our Catholic Community... THE CATHOLIC BOOK CLUB’S next meeting will be this Monday, October 27 at 7 PM in the rectory. The selection for October is “Faith and Unbelief” by Stephen Bullivant. A MASS FOR HEALING will be held Tuesday, November 18 at 6:15 PM. After the Mass the Sacrament of the Sick will be administered. Anyone seeking the healing touch of God’s love and mercy is welcome. Last weekend we received $7306.32. We have also received: Restoration- $110.00 Candles- $196.00 Parking- $35.00 School Rent- $4527.58 Food for the Poor- $5491.14 Monthly- $1620.00 Stipends– $435.00 Mission Sunday- $474.00 Coffee House– 30.00 Total- $20,224.46; Unrestricted– $14,149.32; Restricted $6075.14 FOOD FOR THE POOR: $75 IMO Allan Valer io, $500 from a friend; $100 from a friend; $100 from a friend; $25 from a friend; $50 from a friend; $50 from a friend; $35 IMO Henry Healey; $500 IMO Eleanor Prevoski; $550 IHO Michael and Bianca Tinsley; $100 IMO Paul Trippi THE DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA, ST. KATHARINE DREXEL CIRCLE #1398, are pleased to announce that they will be holding their annual French Meat Pie Sale. The sale will be held in St. George church hall at 40 Brattle St., Worcester, on Sunday, November 23, 8 AM - Noon. The cost is $12.00. Because of the popularity of these meat pies, we are now taking advance prepaid orders. Please call Terry at 508-757-6209 with your order. The deadline for the prepaid orders is Sunday, Nov. 16. These meat pies are to be picked up on Nov. 23rd. Expenses– $13,400.17 Film Festival Movie (26.00) Ascension Water and Sewer (88.47) Catholic School Subsidy (600.00) Phones (194.53) Hall Fridge Repair (472.00) Hall Sink (426.21) Rectory Sink (338.69) Ascension Water (395.83) Cable/Internet/ Phones Rectory (546.79) Telegram Subscription (386.36) Copier Lease (573.27) Downspouts (715.00) Alarm (71.74) Maintenance Supplies (144.70) Funerals (152.80) Schola (707.32) Administration (5420.87) World Mission Sunday (474.00) Food for the Poor (1565.59) THE FILIPINO CHOIR will be at the 4:15 PM Mass on Saturday, October 25. A reception will follow. All are welcome. THE LITHUANIAN CHOIR at St. John's will be singing at the 4:15 PM Mass on Saturday November 1st. There will be Lithuanian hymns and some readings in Lithuanian. A reception will be held at the St. Francis Xavier Center immediately following the Mass. All are welcome. We are looking for new members for the choir. Speaking Lithuanian is not required, just a willingness to learn and sing. Please see Sean or Barbara if you're interested. Our Parish Community ...Offers prayers and condolences to the families of Barbara Luca, Eleanor D’Elia and Daniel McCarthy who have been born into eternal life. ...Welcomes Magnolia Sueko O’Grady who has entered the Catholic community through the waters of Baptism. Word of Life “One of the troubles with love is that it gets buried in the debris of life, the hardships...the drain and drag...such that we are apt to neglect love and lose that love of body and soul, so that we have to explore and search in our depths and seek it and pray for it, wooing it and caressing it again into life.” - Dorothy Day July 7, 1949
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