October 19, 2014 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH 414 East 14th Street New York, NY 10009-3489 Phone: 212 254-0200 Fax: 212 505-7610 Website: www.immaculateconception-nyc.org Rev. Msgr. Kevin J. Nelan, Pastor Parochial Vicars: Rev. Francis X. Buu Rev. James Flanagan Deacon Rene Garcia, Director of Religious Ed. WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday – Friday: 7:15 & 9a.m., 12:10 & 5:30p.m. Saturday: 8:30 a.m. & 12:10 p.m. EVENING PRAYER: In Residence: Rev. Msgr. Desmond J. Vella, J.C.D. SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday: RCIA: By Appointment Music Director: Ms. Margaret Evans IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SCHOOL Phone: 212 475-2590 Fax: 212 777-2818 Website: www.immaculateconceptionschoolnyc.org Mrs. Mary Barry, Principal Rectory Office Hours: Mon. – Fri. 8AM to 8PM, Mondays at 6p.m. 4:00 & 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:30, 10:00 (Folk, Sign Language), 11:15 (Choir), 12:30 p.m., 2:00 p.m. (Spanish) and 5:30 p.m . (Young Adult Mass) CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 11:30 a.m. to 12 noon & 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. BAPTISMS: 2nd Saturday or Sunday of each month. Pre-registration required. Call rectory: 212 254-0200 Sat. 9AM to 8PM, Sun. 8AM to6:30PM MASS INTENTIONS (October 19th through October 26th) SATURDAY (October 18) 4:00 Roberto Albano 5:30 Michael Sarik SUNDAY: (October 19) 8:30 Patricia Purcell 10:00 Gabriel and Purita Modequillo 11:15 Jack Wolff 12:30 Thomas Sikder 2:00 Maria Yan and Chiong Kao Ng 5:30 Roberto Albano MONDAY: WEEKDAY 7:15 Gavin Gullo Durni 9:00 Aida Cuares 12:10 Helen Soucek 5:30 Rebecca Zumaran TUESDAY: WEEKDAY 7:15 Casey Lynn Stanish 9:00 Jean Marie Figaro 12:00 Ronald Coyne 5:30 Rodolfo Barron WEDNESDAY: WEEKDAY 7:15 Louis Cappelli 9:00 Intentions of Fr. Robert Rodgiguez 12:10 Intentions of Ofelia Silverio 5:30 Rosaura Adorno THURSDAY: WEEKDAY 7:15 Helen Zablocki 9:00 Salvatore Moscola 12:10 Brenda Jones and Vera Burrows 5:30 Raymond Tenebruso FRIDAY: WEEKDAY 7:15 Maria Acido 9:00 Dolores Murray 12:10 Edward Hordyniec 5:30 Salvatore Moscola SATURDAY: WEEKDAY 8:30 Jacob Abreu and Brendon Osousa 12:10 Nora Parrish 4:00 Michele Evers Maguire 5:30 Margaret Frantino SUNDAY: THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (10/26/14) 8:30 Carmelo Arcidiacono 10:00 Gabriel and Purita Modequillo 11:15 Mary Barr 12:30 Soledad H. Ceniza 2:00 Sergio Fanciulli 5:30 Rose Valentin GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING Last year’s Sunday collection (10/13 /13): $9,349.16 Last Sunday’s collection (10/12/14): $12,089.35 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 19, 2014 READING 1- ISAIAH 45:1, 4-6 This is the only place in the Old Testament that a foreigner, Cyrus, is called anointed. God uses him to bring about His will for the Israelites. Twice Isaiah has God saying that Cyrus was unaware of the God who was enabling him to do these things. Ultimately it was Cyrus who allows the Jews to return to their homeland. What a powerful lesson for us that God uses those we would consider outside the faith to accomplish his will. READING 2 - 1 THESSALONIANS 1:1-5b Would that we all could hear these words to us and yet it would not be unlikely for us to substitute our name, Immaculate Conception Church, for the church of the Thessalonians. We are a people who work at our faith, labor in love and endure in hope and we experience that the gospel did not come to us in word alone but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with much conviction. READING 3 - MATTHEW 22:15-21 Hearing this Gospel probably makes all of us delight in the way Jesus refuses to fall into the trap laid for him by the Pharisees and their disciples. By asking them for a Roman coin he shows their hypocrisy in that they are carrying these coins in their pockets and thereby accepting Caesar's imperial system. Jesus wants them to worry less about what is due Caesar and pay more attention to giving what is due to God. MEMORIAL MASS FOR SR. LUCITA CANGEMI Sr. Lucita Cangemi a Trinitarian Sister, who worked in Catholic Charities on the lower East side for many years passed away some months ago. A Memorial Mass will be offered for her at Our Lady of Sorrows Church – 213 Stanton St. (at Pitt Street) New York City 10002 – 212673-0900 – On Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 12:00 noon. GET WELL SECOND COLLECTION MISSION SUNDAY Please pray for the sick, that God in His mercy may ease their suffering and restore them to full health especially: Cleo Benjaman, Celest Marino, Nely Faustin, Teresa Auster, Hans Koch, Oliver Wesolowski, Gladys Carero, Joseph Ferrara, William Duval, Annabella Aguirre, Dennis Shepard, Anna Hayes and Lisa Hollywood. Through our financial gifts, offered in this week’s collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, we become partners with missionaries who proclaim the Gospel and offer help and hope to the poor in mission countries. The collection will be gratefully received after Holy Communion. Please be as generous as your means allow. REST IN PEACE Please pray for those who have died, may they enjoy God’s presence forever especially: Guilermina Rodriguez, Michele Web, Iris Nelda Warner, Jane Liu, James Sorentino, Florencia Espiritu, Lourdes Arevelo, John Cooney, Mildred Marzulla, Christoher Jusko, Israel Perez and Migdalia Colon. PASTOR’S CORNER HELPING HANDS Over the last three years the Helping Hands Program has raised over $267,470.00 to help families with children in our school who cannot pay the full tuition. Many have received help from the Program to meet the difference in what they can pay and what it costs to educate them here at Immaculate Conception School. Without your help they could not stay with us. I am most grateful for your continued support to the most worthy cause. The average grant from Helping Hands has been $1,500. Some have received $2,000. Our tuition for the 20142015 school years will be over $5,500. Whatever help you can give for Helping Hands will be most gratefully received. Many companies will match your gift since it is for education so please check with your employer. Checks should be made out to Immaculate Conception School. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS RCIA is the process the Church employs to prepare adults to be baptized and/or confirmed. Through instruction, worship and prayer adults are helped to grow in faith and receive these sacraments. Are you interested and eligible to take part? Our parish program has begun and is open to receive additional candidates. Now is a good time to inquire about making or renewing your faith. You can call Fr. Flanagan at the parish office at 212 254-0200 for more details. COLUMBIA- NUESTRA SENOR de CHIQUINQUIRA Next Sunday the 2:00 PM Spanish Mass will be for Nuestra Senor de Chiquinquira. OPEN HOUSE Notre Dame High School 327 West 13th Street New York, NY 10014 (212)-620-5575 When: Sunday, October 26th Time: 2:30 PM to 5:00PM _______________________________________ St. Joseph High School 80 Willoughby Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 (710)-624-3618 When: Thursday, October 30, 2014 Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm A special invitation for today’s young women who dream of becoming tomorrow’s leaders. OCTUBRE - MES DEL SANTO ROSARIO / OCTOBER - MONTH OF THE HOLY ROSARY. Se rezara el Santo Rosario durante el mes de Octubre en español los Martes y Jueves a las 6:15 pm (después de la Misa de 5:30pm). ¡Todos son bienvenidos! We will pray the Holy Rosary during the month of October in Spanish every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:15 pm (after the 5:30 pm mass). All are welcomed INTERESTED IN THE BOY SCOUTS? Boys ages 6 through high school interested in adventure camping, fishing, archery, boating, hiking, crafts - come visit the Cub Scouts (1-5th grade) or Boy Scouts (starting at 6th grade). Cub Scouts meet Wednesdays at 6:30 P.M in the ICS gym. For additional information on the Cub Scout program, parents please call Thierry Sighel at 914 391-3466. For more information about the Boy Scouts, parents please contact Scout Master Gary Ireland at 917 743-3046 or e-mail gary@irelandlaw.net FUND RAISING OPPORTUNITY FROM TD BANK Immaculate Conception Parish is now part of TD Bank’s “Affinity Program”. Anyone who opens a new account or currently has an account at TD Bank and gives our Affinity Program Code – AF855 - will earn fund raising cash for our parish and school. This includes checking, savings, money market, CD’s or retirement accounts. Our local branch of TD Bank is located at the corner of 19th Street and First Avenue. For more information, please call TD Bank at (212) 260-8440 and ask for Robert Pinard or Blanca Llanos. Once again, our Affinity Program Code is AF855. REGISTRATIONS WELCOMED........ IF YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED, PLEASE DO SO BY COMPLETING THE FOLLOWING AND DROP IT IN THE COLLECTION BASKET OR RETURN TO THE RECTORY......... (Please print clearly) Name____________________________________________ Address___________________________________________ Apartment ______ Zip_______________ Home Phone_____________________________________________ Work Phone __________________________________________________ Cell Phone __________________________________________________ If you wish to receive envelopes for your weekly contributions, please check this box [ ] THIRD ANNUAL BENEFIT DINNER Our school’s annual Dinner Dance will be held on Friday, October 24th at 6:30pm at Rosie O’Grady’s Restaurant, 800 7th Ave, NY @ 52nd St. Tickets are $100 and are available at the Parish Office. 448 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM Students attending schools other than Catholic: Sundays September thru May, Mass 10:00 am Class 11:00 am LECTORS Contact: Charlene Monaco (charlene.Monaco@gmail.com) EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Contact: Toni Perite 212 254-0200 ROSARY Monday thru Saturday after 9 am & 12:10 pm Masses; Monday thru Friday at 5:10 pm PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA Wednesday at 6 pm ICC CHOIR 11:15 am MASS Practices Thursday at 7 pm in the Rectory ICC FOLK CHOIR 10:00 AM MASS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Second Tuesday of the Month 7:00 PM in Rectory Contact: Mariano Abbariao, Jr. 917-349-7198 LEGION OF MARY Mondays, 11am - 12 pm & Sundays, 11:15 am &12:45 pm in the Rectory. PADRE PIO PRAYER GROUP Contact Josephine Pucci at 212 473-1366 Third Saturday of month in Church after 12:10 Mass FAMILY LIFE / RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE Contact: The Rectory 212-254-0200 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Wednesdays , 8:30 pm in McCabe Hall. WIDOWS & WIDOWERS Contact: Michael O’Connor 212-673-6429 EL SHADDAI PRAYER GROUP Contact: Ariel 347-575-6784; Yoly 347-982-1727 BOY SCOUTS Tuesdays 6:30 pm Contact: Gary Ireland 917 743-3046 CUB SCOUTS Wednesday 6:30 pm Contact: Thierry Sighel 914 391-3466 NOCTURNAL ADORATION SOCIETY First Fridays, 6:00 - 7:00 pm in Church BAPTISMS & MARRIAGES Contact the Rectory. NEW PARISHIONERS are invited to register and participate in Parish Life. USHERS Contact: Rectory 212-254-0200 ALTAR SERVERS Contact: Fr. Buu at 212-254-0200 SPECIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE Contact: Toni Perite at 212-254-0200 BAPTISM PREPARATION Tuesday before Baptism at 7:00 pm MINISTRY TO THE DEAF COMMUNITY Contact: Christy Acevedo ( desmet1879@nyc.rr.com) YOUNG ADULT GROUP & YOUNG ADULT CHOIR Contact: Marisol Gutch at iccya@yahoo.com YOUTH MINISTRY Contact John Matcovich at 212-254-0200 SENIOR CARE NETWORK COMPANIONS/HOME HEALTH AIDES Experienced Nursing Care Services Provided Parkinson’s, Cancer, Dementia, Alzheimer Care, Light Housekeeping, Medication Reminder, Transportation. Total ADL Please call Marcia (516)369-4708 • (866)522-1313 SENIORCARE0189@AOL.COM Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards “New York’s Premier Catholic Visiting Nurse/Home Healthcare Agency” Compassionate Care in the privacy and comfort of your own home! NYC Funeral & Cremation Service Inc. 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They make your bulletin possible. 448 Immaculate Conception, NY (inside) UPS John Patrick Publishing Co. • 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net Associated Supermarkets 427 E. 14th St. (Opposite Church) Free Delivery Service 7 Days A Week Phone Orders 254-1509 Catering On Premises For ALL Occasions Open Mon.-Sat. 8am-10pm Sunday 9am-8pm NEED A LICENSED ARCHITECT? ResidenƟal & Commercial RenovaƟon/Extension Zoning & Building Code Compliance ECB & DOB ViolaƟon ResoluƟon/ExpediƟng Martin B. Torre RA AIA Registered Architect / NYS License No 027770 Former Buildings Dept Plan Examiner/20 Yrs Experience (646)257-9081 + mbtorrearchitects@hotmail.com pan de sal HAIR DESIGN HAIRCUTS & STYLING SERVICES COLOR • HIGHLIGHTS ETC. UP STYLES • BLOW DRY PERM & BODY WAVE 418 E. 14th St. RELAXING HAIR TREATMENTS New York, NY BRAZILIAN KERATIN TREATMENTS DEEP CONDITIONING 212.475.9164 THE ORIGINAL MEE Noodle Shop & Grill Serving Since 1993 Eat In, Take Out, Delivery 223 First Avenue (between 13th & 14th Sts.) 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