IMMACULATE CONCEPTION IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 316 E. SCIOTO STREET ST. JAMES, MO STREET 65559 316 E. SCIOTO ST. JAMES, MO 65559 Pastor: Fr. Charles Pardee Office: 573-265-7250 (hrs. M-F 8:30 - 11:30) Emergency MASSES: Number: 1-573-202-0050 Fr. Angelus Minj, Pastor SATURDAY 5:00Assistant P.M. Fr. Louis Nelen, Pastor SUNDAY 10:00Associate A.M. CONFESSIONS: Tue. at 4:30pm. (before daily Mass) Office: Sat. at 573-265-7250 4:15pm. & 4th Sun. at 9:30am. MASSES: SATURDAY 5:00 P.M. Pastor: Fr. Charles Pardee SUNDAY 10:00 A.M. 1-573-202-0050 Fr. Pardee’s Number: Fr. Angelus Minj, Assistant Pastor CONFESSIONS: Fr. Jason Doke, Associate Pastor Tue. at 4:30pm. Lawrence Clark,(before Deacondaily Mass) Sat. Sun. at 9:30am. Call at our4:15pm. Priests&at 4th 573-202-0050 for: Baptisms and Marriages (preparation required) Call our Priests at 573-202-0050 for: Hospital visits, Home-bound visits. Baptisms and Marriages (preparation required) Hospital visits, Home-bound visits. ORGANIZATIONS: Prayer Chain: Bernadette Welch 699-4474 ORGA TIONS: YoungNIZA at Heart: Judy Bonham 699-4429 Prayer Chain: Bernadette Welch 699-4474 Knights of Columbus: Jim O’Fallon 1-573-885-6687 Young at Heart: Judy Bonham 699-4429 K.C. Ladies Auxiliary: Dorothy Tessaro 265-8249 Knights of Columbus: Jim O’Fallon 1-573-885-6687 Cemetery Association: Bob Wilson 263-6222 K.C. Ladies Auxiliary: Helen Cornick 265-7695 Cemetery Association: Bob Wilson 265-7931 Feast Day of Saint Peter and Saint Paul Junein29, 2014 Time Thirtieth Sunday Ordinary October 26, 2014 ST. ST. ANTHONY ANTHONYOF OFPADUA PADUA, Rosati Mailing Mailing Address: Address: 316 STREET 316 E. SCIOTO SCIOTO STREET ST. JAMES, JAMES, MO ST. MO 65559 65559 MASS: MASS: SUNDAY 8:00 SUNDAY 8:00 A.M. A.M. CONFESSIONS: CONFESSIONS: 1st Sundays Sundaysofofthe themonth monthfrom from7:30am. 7:30am.toto 1st 7:45am. 7:45am. Pastor:Fr. Fr.Charles CharlesPardee Pardee Pastor: Emergency EmergencyNumber: Number:1-573-202-0050 1-573-202-0050 Fr. Fr. Angelus AngelusMinj, Minj,Assistant AssistantPastor Pastor Fr. Fr. Louis JasonNelen, Doke,Associate AssociatePastor Pastor Call Priests for: Baptisms and Marriages: (preparation required) ORGANIZATIONS: Hospital visits or Home-bound visits. Cemetery Association: ORGA Steve NIZATIONS: Zulpo 314-807-3939 Cemetery Association: and Ron Moreland 265-3559 Richard Cardetti 265-8819 and Ron Moreland 265-3559 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 26, 2014 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION & ST. ANTHONY PARISHES 316 EAST SCIOTO STREET, ST. JAMES, MO 65559 MASS SCHEDULE: Immaculate Conception Sat. 10/25 5:00 p.m. All the John Smiths Sun. 10/26 10:00 a.m. People of the Parish Tues. 10/28 5:30 p.m. Ina Spurgeon Thurs. 10/30 8:00 a.m. Julie & Richard Riordan Fri. 10/31 8:00 a.m. Joe Alexander Sat. 11/1 5:00 p.m. Roland Rieser Sun. 11/2 10:00 a.m. Florentino & Valeria Gamboa MASS SCHEDULE: St. Anthony Sun. 10/26 8:00 a.m. Peno Cardetti (Joseph A.) Wed. 10/29 8:00 a.m. Eugene Jones (Lector: Sandy Lincoln) Sun., 11/2 8:00 a.m. People of the Parish Tuesday, October 28 - 5:30 p.m. Adoration Wednesday, October 29 - 6:30 p.m. PSR Sunday, November 2 - 11:00 - 6:00 p.m. Fall Dinner Knights of Columbus Fish Fry The Rosati—St. James Knights of Columbus are having monthly fish fries at the Immaculate Conception Hall. They will be held on the second Friday of the month. Mark your calendars for Nov. 14! Please support your local Knights! FOOD DRIVE AT ST. ANTHONY CHURCH There will be a food drive in November for the St. James Caring Center. A box will be placed in the back of the church for the food. Thank you! Can you help us? Decorations for the Fall Dinner needed: Bittersweet, mini pumpkins or gourds, pine cones, acorns, burr oak acorns, chestnuts, corn stalks, rose hips. If you can donate any of these items, drop them off at the parish office or drop off outside of parish hall doors. Thank you - the Decorating Committee for the Fall Dinner. If you couldn’t make it to this year’s Missouri Catholic Conference (MCC) Annual Assembly, don’t worry! We have highlights from the day posted on the MCC website,, including an audio recording of the keynote address given by St. Louis Catholic theologian Dr. Ed Hogan. What is the difference between tolerance and mercy? Dr. Ed Hogan, a father of 6 children, answers this question while explaining how families can promote a culture of mercy, as recently called for by Pope Francis. On the MCC website you can also read a transcript of the homily given by Springfield-Cape Girardeau Bishop James Johnston and view photos from the day. Encounter with God’s Call, held November 9—10, 2014, at Conception Seminary College is a discernment retreat for young men 16 and older who are considering the vocation to the Priesthood. This is an excellent opportunity to meet the Seminarians as they share their stories of responding to God’s call. This visit is free. Please contact your Pastor or Rev. Joe Corel, Diocesan Vocation Director, at (573) 635-9127/ E-mail: for more information. The Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration will host “Tune Into God’s Call,” a monastic event for women who are discerning a religious vocation. The event will begin at 5:00 p.m. Friday, November 14 and conclude at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, November 16 at the Benedictine Sisters’ monastery in Clyde, MO. Participants will experience the Divine Office, daily Eucharist, hear stories of religious callings from current sisters and learn about the different steps of discernment. The free event is open to women between the ages of 18 and 47. For more information, please contact Vocation Directory Sister Ruth Elaine Starman, OSB at 66/254-3243 at or visit online at IMMACULATE CONCEPTION: ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA: Contributions for October 18 & 19: Envelopes: $2047.00, Loose: $113.00, World Mission Sunday: $1538.00, Rent NA: $20.00, Masses: $395.00, Charity: $108.60 Total: $4221.60 Contributions for October 19: Envelopes: $617.00 Loose: $227.00, Candles: $2.00, Rectory Rent: $200.00, World Missions: $323.85 Total $1420.10 LITURGICAL MINISTERS: Driver for Saturdays in November: Jim & Sandy Buhlinger 699-4227 Driver for Sundays in November: Butch Tucker 265-7569 Extra-Ordinary Communion Ministers: November 1: Sam Auxier, Marilyn Schwartz, Pat Stambaugh November 2: Mike Brinker, Mark Kean, Tina Kean Lectors November 1: Margarete Jacquin November 2: Steve Lah LITURGICAL MINISTERS: Extra-Ordinary Communion Ministers: October 26: Louis & Irene Gorman November 2: Joe Zulpo & Louis Gorman Lectors: October 26: Monica Orlando November 2: JoAnn Edwards Gift Bearers: October 26: Larry & Kathleen Rinehart November 2: Foust Family Altar Servers: October 26: Lydia DiMarco & Hannah Shasserre November 2: Ron & Angie Jones Hospitality Ministers: November 1: Jim Buhlinger, John Jacquin November 2: Jim Ambrose, Donald Keeney Altar Servers: November 1: Jonah Auxier November 2: Dalton Mendoza, Isabel Mendoza, Miguel Mendoza . Save The Date: Our Annual Parish Fall Dinner will be held on Nov. 2nd from 11:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. We are asking each family to bring 1 bread, 2 desserts and 1 item for the bake sale. (Please no cream pies due to health codes) Sign up sheets are in the back of church, please sign up for a job if you haven’t and if you have, please make sure you are aware of your time to help and please make every effort to be on time. This is the only fundraiser that our parish has and we encourage all parishioners to participate. Please pass the word along. See you on November 2nd! Engaged Encounter 2014 IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY, PLEASE register in the parish of your choice. Registration forms are on the bulletin board or clip the box below, fill out and drop in the collection basket. Engaged Encounter is for couples planning marriage in the Catholic Church who desire a richer, fuller life together. The dates for 2014 are: November 7-9 The weekends are held at St. Pius X in Moberly. The registration form as well as weekend information is available on our diocesan website,, Our Church, Life & Marriage, Engaged Encounter. The cost for the weekend is $100 per couple. A $25 deposit made payable to Engaged Encounter is required and to be included with the registration form. Pray For Peace Free Eye Exams 341–– 2020 Appointment 341 Hillcrest Pharmacy Diabetic Shoes, Optical, Mastectomy Certified Public AccountP.O. Box 32 401 W. 5th St. Rolla, MO DAVE VERKAMP, CPA, CFP (573) 364-2246 Fax (573) 3413546 FOREST CITY PHARMACY Rosati/St. James Council # 3882 “Your full service Pharmacy” 125 N. Frank E. Meyer, R.Ph. 265-5400 St. 117 Seymour , St. James, MO 65559 265-3232 10185 County Rd 2020 Rolla, MO 65401 Cell: (573) 263-0857 Fax: (573) 426-6587 mail: 101 W. 1st, Salem, MO 65560 729-3117 1651 E. Hwy 72, Rolla, MO 65401 458-2262 North Lawn Cemetery Mausoleum & Columbrarium 101 W. 1st, Salem, MO 65560 COMPUTER AND ELECTRONICS REPAIR CALL STEVE ZULPO AT 314-807-3939
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