ST. BRENDAN CHURCH A Catholic Parish Community : Church and School 29 Rockaway Avenue San Francisco CA 94127 Tel. No. (415) 681-4225 October 26, 2014 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time All Saints Day Celebration Presented by the St. Brendan School 3rd Graders We remember and honor those who dedicated their lives in the name of our Lord. Sunday, November 2, 2014 Time: 9:30am Mass Place: St. Brendan Church A reception will follow after the Mass. In coordination with The Women At The Well Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time LOVE SHOWN IN ACTION Do you receive the word of God with joy as the Thessalonians did? Their faith showed in their actions. They became models for other believers. The first reading tells us to put our faith into action. This passage is part of a long list of ordinances God commanded the Israelites to observe. God will judge us by how we treat our neighbors. God will hear the cries of any whom we neglect or mistreat and will come to their defense. In today’s Gospel the Pharisees put the question of God’s law to Jesus, “Which commandment of the law is the greatest?” How could he possibly choose from all the detailed commandments the Jews observed? He was sure to offend somebody by his answer! Of course, Jesus went right to the heart of the matter. Love is the greatest commandment - love of God and love of neighbor. Everything else is based on this. LIVING GOD’S WORD St. Vincent de Paul Clothing Drive, November 8 and 9 Show your love for your neighbor by supporting St. Vincent de Paul’s Clothing Drive. Each fall St. Brendan’s parishioners have generously donated clothing to be distributed to the needy by the St. Vincent e Paul Help Desk. All types of men’s clothing are always in great demand. This year pants, long-sleeve shirts, jackets, and shoes are especially needed. The new items greatly needed are socks and underwear. Bins will be available the back of the Church to receive your donations. Thank you for your continued support of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. It is difficult to love , especially when we have been hurt by others. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring you the “fire of God’s love.” Call on the Spirit to deepen your awareness of God’s love for you, shown by giving us life and the gifts of faith, hope, and love. WELCOME TO ALL WHO CELEBRATE WITH US!!! If you are newly arrived in our Parish, or if you are registered and have recently moved, or if you would like to begin using the Sunday Collection Envelopes or Online Giving, please fill out the form below and place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish rectory. Thank you. NAME ________________________________________TELEPHONE NUMBER ________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________E Mail _______________________________ □ □ □ □ I am a new parishioner, I have enclosed my registration form. I have a change of address and phone number. I am moving, please remove my name from the parish database. I am already registered but I would like to receive the Sunday Contribution Envelopes. PAROCHIAL VICAR’S MESSAGE Pastor Bonus With joy in our hearts we gladly welcome the Archbishop, his Excellency Most Revd. Salvatore J. Cordileone to our Parish for the installation of Fr. Ted Magpayo as the new pastor of St. Brendan Parish. As it’s the traditional hymn of welcome for a bishop I say “ecce sarcedos Magnus, qui in diebus suis placuit Deo”. We also rejoice exceedingly with our new pastor Fr. Ted on his formal installation as our pastor. The ceremony of installation highlights the fact of the unity of the pastor with the Bishop and the unity of the people with their Bishop through their pastor. All ministerial priests share in the priesthood of Christ just like every baptized Christian, but in a more visible way, the ordained priest participate in the priesthood of the Bishop in whom is found the fullness of the priesthood. In his function, the Bishop teaches, sanctifies and governs the flock entrusted to his pastoral care in his local church. The ceremony of installation confers on the pastor the privilege to participate and carry out these functions for a particular as a coworker with the bishop. Simply put, the pastor assists the bishop in administering a parish. In his function as teacher, the pastor will teach the people to follow the way of God that leads to salvation by his homilies, catechesis, spiritual talks/ direction, confession and in many other ways. He is the teacher of the people in the ways of faith. In the function of sanctifying, the pastor will faithfully and with reverence celebrate the sacraments for and with the people, calling down the grace of God upon his people. He shall lead them to a solid life of prayer and gently, loving but firmly bring the mercy of God to those who are on the margins of faith and also show compassion to the lowly, the anawims (poorest of the poor) of Yahweh. In his function to govern, the pastor is to lead the people. He is the custodian and administrator of the church’s goods. He is to prove himself the good shepherd who came not to be served but to serve and to give his live as a ransom for many. When something is installed its needs to fit, if it does not fit either the thing is pruned to fit or the space is pruned to allow it fit. When installing software, there are times some programs will have to be uninstalled for the new program to be able to run well. Consequently, when a new pastor is installed and he begins to govern, there are obviously some pruning either on one side or both sides and so I invite us to give Fr. Ted our support as he begins his pastorate in St. Brendan and ready to prune and be pruned if need be. Jesus summarizes the whole of the commandments today into love, when we come out and support the parish out of duty it will amount to nothing but if its for love of God it will be sown for an eternal harvest. And to you my beloved brother Fr. Ted, congratulations on your installation. I want you to see yourself as a “love program” installed in St. Brendan. Lead the people by love not from a sense of duty but out of the immense love in your heart and your intense love of Jesus. Have a pastoral heart that can abandon 99 sheep in search for the one that is missing. My dear sisters and brothers, beloved parishioners, please support our new pastor, support him with your time, talent and treasure so that the love of God will overflow, that our bond of love will be stronger and our hearts and minds more united. May God bless our Archbishop, our new pastor and our parish. Peace. Fr. Theo Weekly Offering Annual Parish Harvest Celebration St. Brendan’s Annual Parish Harvest Celebration This week’s Offering “Honoring New Parishioners” SAVE THE DATE!! FIRST COLLECTION GOAL $ 9500.00 CASH 1,590.00 CHECKS 7,903.00 ONLINE DONATIONS 1,757.00 Saturday, November 15, 2014 6pm – 8pm Join us in the Parish Hall directly after the 5pm TOTAL COLLECTION $ 11,250.00 mass to celebrate the parish community and OVER $ 1,750.00 honoring our new parishioners NO. OF ENVELOPE USERS 163 NO. OF ONLINE TRANSACTIONS 79 2nd Collection: World Mission $ 3,762.00 Thank you !!! Your continued generosity to our parish never goes unnoticed. ST. BRENDAN ANNUAL MEMORIAL MASS Please join us for St. Brendan's Annual Memorial mass to remember and pray for those who have died in the past year and the bereaved. WHEN: November 8, 2014 - 10:00 AM WHERE: St. Brendan Church Reception to follow in the church hall Bring a flower to place on the altar in remembrance. There will be an “In Memoriam” slideshow at the reception. To include a loved one in the slideshow, please email a picture of the deceased to , or email the same address to make other arrangements. This event is hosted by the St. Brendan’s Welcome Committee. It will be a reception with heavy hors d’oeuvres, desserts, wine, music and a raffle. There will be a special kid’s room featuring Suzy the face painter and there will be food for kid’s too!! We look forward to seeing our parish community come together for this very special and fun event! RSVP FORMS WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON Questions? Contact Deborah Nysather or Maria Gonzalez-Eggert KNITTING GROUP MONDAY, October 27, 2014 7:30 - 8:30 pm Convent Conference Room All are welcome!!! Mass Intentions Christmas Boutique Masses for October 26 - November 1, 2014 SUNDAY, October 26: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 AM People of St Brendan/Tree of Life 8:00 AM Edward Riordan (Bday) (D) 9:30 AM Felix Dayrit (D) 11:30 AM Rogaciano Amora, Sr (Bday) (D) MONDAY, October 27: Weekday in Ordinary Time 6:30 AM David Miraglia (D) 7:30 AM Mrs. Toy Lee Wong (D) SAVE THE DATE 2014 St. Brendan Christmas Boutique and Carnival “Christmas Around the World” TUESDAY, October 28: Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles 6:30 AM Loretta Smith (D) 7:30 AM Robert O'Brien (D) Friday, December 5, 2014 Champagne Preview 6:30pm – 10:00pm WEDNESDAY, Oct. 29: Weekday in Ordinary Time 6:30 AM Joan Bertani (D) 7:30 AM Bill McDonough (D) Saturday, December 6, 2014 Boutique – Church Hall 10:00am – 5:00pm 6:00pm – 7:00pm Carnival – Gymnasium 10:00am – 7:00pm THURSDAY, October 30: Weekday in Ordinary Time 6:30 AM Antonio Nascimento (D) 7:30 AM David Alvers (D) FRIDAY, October 31: Weekday in Ordinary Time 6:30 AM Phyllis Syme (D) 7:30 AM Gonzalo & Trinidad Lagarda (D) SATURDAY, November 1: All Saints 7:30 AM Roy Lippi (D) 5:00 PM John O'Neill (D) Legend: D - Deceased L - Living Sunday, December 7, 2014 Boutique and Carnival 10:00am – 1:00pm Wehopeyouandyourfamilywilljoinusforafun- illed weekendofshopping,liveentertainment,fantasticcuisine andaspecialvisitfromSanta! Questions? Tours for prospective kindergarten parents of St. Brendan School are now being held. Reservations for the tours must be made in advance by calling (415) 731- 2665 Prospective Kindergarten Tour Dates Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday October 28 November 18 December 9 8:30-10:30 am 8:30-10:30 am 8:30-10:30 am Applications may be picked up from the school office, or are available on-line at The last day for accepting applications is January 6, 2015. Children must be five years old by September 1, 2015. St. Brendan School, mindful of its mission to be witness to the love of Christ for all, admits students of any race, color, and national and/or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at this school. St. Brendan School does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, and national and/or ethnic origin, age, sex or disability in administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. Likewise, St. Brendan School does not unlawfully discriminate against any applicant for employment on the basis of age, sex, disability, race, color and national and/or ethnic origin. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE • San Francisco Solar Incentive - Up to $9700 • 30% Tax Credit • Save 75-80% on Electric Bill Diamond Certified • Se Habla Español Lic.#962034 1-800-655-3090 5809 Mission Street PUSH TALK ........... 2285 Revere Ave., S.F. 94124 24/7 HELP • GARAGE DOOR REPAIRS • DOORS & OPENERS ........... 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CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. 800-566-6150 • $39.95 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. We have a Priest onboard almost every weekly departure with Holland America Cruise Line. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 255 Mendell Street 800-566-6150 • ROOFING CO. Commercial - Residential - Repair Lic. #550959 468-4050 913112 St Brendan Church (B) 969 Treat Ave., San Francisco 94110 San Francisco, CA 94124 (415) 920-3663 Fax: (415) 550-8106 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 JOY FREETHY KENNETH A. BIANCHI, D.D.S. MICHAEL AND Realtors General Dentistry Your “Neighborhood Specialists” (415) 823-7917 334-0421 2401 Ocean Ave. M c K E E V E R R E A L T Y Chuck Lewkowitz COLDWELL BANKER 1801 Lombard St. San Francisco, CA 94123 Email: One Block East of Junipero Serra 712 Monterey Blvd., S.F. (415) 239-8420 Michael T. Sweeney Attorney at Law WILLS * TRUSTS * PROBATE 782A Ulloa Street (415) 664-8810 Top Producers - 22-yrs Experience Specializing in Residential, Probate & Trust Sales Please visit our websites at or Complementary Notary Public for all parishioners. ERNEST BOCK JEWELER SERVING WITH TRUST AND CONFIDENCE SINCE 1850 Evergreen Mortuary of (415) 681-5362 Diamonds • Fine Jewelry • Pearls Open Wed.-Sat.: 10:30am-5pm 226 West Portal McAvoy - O'Hara Co. Ruth Downs Sullivan Laura Sullivan Van Zandt ATTORNEYS AT LAW Specializing in Estate/Tax Planning, Trusts, Wills, Probate, Conservatorship and Family Law 4545 Geary BOULEVARD at TENTH AVENUE Phone 668-0077 24 hrs. 605 Market Street 495-3800 650-550-8832 Memorial Park with Funeral and Cremation Services 1201 El Camino Real Colma, CA FD #1797 Celebrations of Life and Receptions Jim Lawrie Construction Residential Repair and Remodel All jobs small and large License # 794767 (415) 587-9100 John W. Schulz, D.D.S. Serving SF for Over 25 Yrs * General Dentistry * Dentistry for Children STONESTOWN * Cosmetic Dentistry 595 Buckingham Wy 731-4058 The Bud Duggan Family 500 Westlake Ave., Daly City Unlimited Parking Since 1924 2254 Market St., San Francisco between 15th and 16th Streets 415/587-4500 415/621-4567 Bill Duggan, Parishioner Jim Sullivan, Parishioner FD1098 FD228 Traditional and Cremation Services During Difficult Times... Simplicity and Affordability Makes Good Sense. THE LAWSON ROOFING CO., INC. "Since 1907" Contractor Lic. No. 339053 1495 Tennessee St., S.F. 285-1661 913112 St Brendan Church (A) CAKES ✸ PASTRIES ✸ ARTISAN BREADS ✸ BAGUETTE SANDWICHES La Baguette of Stanford Shopping Center is now open in the Stonestown Galleria! 415.681.5000 FREE medium coffee w/ purchase over $10 expires 11/15/14 3251 20th Ave. ✸ San Francisco For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 SAINT BRENDAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Church 29 Rockaway Avenue San Francisco CA 94127 Rectory Phone: (415) 681-4225 Rectory Fax: (415) 681-3976 Mon. - Fri.: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Rev. Teodoro “Ted” Magpayo, Pastor School Convent 940 Laguna Honda Blvd. San Francisco CA 94127 Tel. (415) 731-2665 Fax (415) 731– 7207 Parish Center : (415) 564-5775 Canossian Sisters 234 Ulloa Street San Francisco CA 94127 Tel. (415) 681-3465 Sr. Catherine Cappello, FdCC Canossian Community Leader Carol Grewal, Principal STAFF Pastor Fr. Teodoro “Ted” Magpayo Parochial Vicar Fr. Theophilus Hwande Parish Leadership Ext.220 Ext.214 Pastoral Associates Sr. Catherine Cappello, FdCC Sr. Angela Furia, FdCC Ext. 205 Ext. 201 Music Coordinator Dianne Marquez Ext. 100 School Principal Carol Grewal SCHEDULE OF SERVICES MASSES WEEKDAYS Mon-Fri: 6:30 & 7:30 AM First Friday: 6:30 AM, 7:30 AM 8:15 AM (during the school year) Ext. 202 Bookkeeper Michele Bisho Ext. 204 Ext. 208 HOLY DAYS Holy Day of Obligation: 6:30, 7:30, 8:15 AM ( during the school year ) & 6:00 PM CONFESSIONS Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 PM Wednesday: 7:15 - 7:45 PM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Wednesday: 7:00 - 8:00 PM Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 PM Every First Friday of the month: 7:00 - 8:00 PM BAPTISM Parents must attend the preparation session prior to the Baptism of their child. Registration is required. MARRIAGES Arrangements should be made six (6) months in advance. SICK CALLS Anytime, Day or Night Megan Golinveaux Girl Scouts: Lisa Shaskan Kirstin McFarlane Boy Scouts: Boy Scouts: Maureen Hurley Cub Scouts: Rhona & Michael Hoelsken Youth Ministry: Stacey Simpson Gus Del Puerto (Grades 5-8) Ryan & Trina Dilag (High School) Religious Education & Sacramental Preparation Baptism Preparation : Sr. Angela Furia (681-4225) Religious Education : Sr. Catherine Cappello (681-4225) Tara Donahue Stephanie Stankon Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA): Sr. Catherine Cappello Bible/Religious Studies: Sr. Catherine Cappello WEEKEND Saturday: 7:30 AM 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:00, 8:00, 9:30,11:30 AM Children and Youth Under Five Ministry: Michelle Browning Vacation Bible School: Stacey Simpson Parish/Operations Manager Flora Sinajon Office Assistant Carissa Galvan Advisory Board : Deirdre O’Bryan Finance Committee : Eoin O’Connor Marriage Preparation Ministry: Anne & Carlos Alvarez EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Each Mass has a coordinator who prepares the schedule. • 5:00 PM Anne Kearney • 7:00 AM Beverly Mangus • 8:00 AM Charlotte Bautista • 9:30 AM Nancy McNamara • 11:30 AM Aline Wolfrom LECTORS Each Mass has a coordinator who prepares the schedule. • 5:00 PM • 7:00 AM • 8:00 AM • 9:30 AM • 11:30 AM Anne Kearney Ed Dollard Arlene Sawyer Barbara Casey Betty Shanahan MUSIC MINISTRY Dianne Marquez (Music Coordinator) Contemporary Choir (9:30 AM Mass) Traditional Choir (11:30 AM Mass) Cantors: Tony Hall Angelo Marquez Dianne Marquez Liturgical Ministries Children’s Liturgy: Stacey Simpson Christina Bui Ushers: Mike Casazza Sacristan: Jack Mona Liturgy Committee: Anne Kearney Parish Life Welcome Committee: Maria Gonzalez - Eggert Deborah Nysather Hospitality Committee: 9:30 am Mass - Monica Montoya 11:30 am Mass - Gus Del Puerto Mother’s Club : Lisa Ikeda Men’s Club : Jim McFadden Respect Life: Mary Ann Schwab Knitting Ministry : Sr. Catherine Cappello Women At the Well : Marie Detweiler Experienced Navigators: Tony Fernandez Betty Shanahan Outreach Ministries Consolation Ministry: Merry Jean Chan Rees Detention Ministry : San Dimas Julio Escobar (244-5594) Marian Servers: Dr. Lou Scheerer St. Vincent de Paul Society : Tad Tassone (587-3849)
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