ST. BRENDAN CHURCH A Catholic Parish Community : Church and School 29 Rockaway Avenue San Francisco CA 94127 Tel. No. (415) 681-4225 October 12, 2014 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time This ministry seeks to serve the members of the parish aged 50 and above through participation in spiritual, social, and cultural events. Initiated at St. Brendan Parish in 2016, the name “Experienced Navigators” expresses their identity. They are our seniors with wisdom acquired through their life journey and shared with others as true navigators. Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Reflecting on God’s Word As Catholics we are invited to “come to the feast” at significant moments in our lives. Baptisms, First Communions, marriages, ordinations, and funeral rites are all commonly celebrated within the feast of the Eucharist. The clothes we wear - from the baptismal garment to the funeral pall, from fancy wedding garb to simple white albs - reflect our baptismal commitment to be faithful to Christ until we come to the eternal heavenly feast that our Eucharistic celebrations anticipate. All are invited to come to the feast. All are invited to dress in the garment of Christ. Not all respond to the invitation. It has often been asked what would happen if, some Sunday morning, praying as we always do for Christ to come again, Christ actually did return. Would we come to his feast? Would we prefer our small private gathering to the huge mass of people we don’t really want to know? Would we be found wearing the garment of faithfulness we were given in baptism? Where would we be “on that day”? —Virginia Stillwell Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. INSTALLATION MASS OF FR. TED MAGPAYO as PASTOR OF ST. BRENDAN CHURCH OCTOBER 26, 2014 11:30 AM MASS by Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone Please join us as we officially welcome Fr. Ted as our new pastor. Respect life 2014 ADVANCE MEDICAL DIRECTIVES: PLANNING FOR YOUR FUTURE Rosa* knew from experience the difficulties and expenses of watching a loved one die. She was totally devoted to her husband as he suffered and died from cancer eight years earlier. The idea of high medical bills, “tubes” and pain upset her, and even though she had not viewed her husband as a burden, she feared being one to her family. Then, Rosa was hospitalized with a terrible urinary tract infection which made her dehydrated, weak and confused. Her daughter Teresa had been appointed as her health care agent. Teresa met with the medical staff, who helped her understand that the proposed treatments would not cause an undue burden to her mother. In fact, they would be temporary and appropriate care in Rosa’s situation. Teresa was grateful that the medications, nutrition and hydration that Rosa was given, all through “tubes,” cured her infection. Rosa is now as active as she has ever been and realizes that there are certain situations that can’t be anticipated when illness comes. It’s best not to refuse future care that may turn out to be very welcome. Human life is good and to be protected. All medical decisions ought to reflect this core belief. Yet black-and-white answers to our questions about end-of-life issues are not always possible, and it can be very difficult to know how to make medical decisions. Each and every human person is distinct and unrepeatable, and each medical situation may be unique. In each set of circumstances we need to judge whether a given treatment will provide real benefit to the patient, without causing harm or other burdens that are out of proportion to the good being done. We should each be prepared for those difficult situations when medical decisions must be made. We can safeguard our Catholic values by appointing a responsible and trustworthy person now to make decisions for us, in the event that we are incapable of doing so, either physically or mentally. It is important to be aware of the different legal or medical documents that are available or are often used to define a patient’s care. Depending on how they are crafted, some documents can be counter to Catholic morality and more harmful than we might realize. The safest option is to designate a health care agent who not only understands our Catholic values but also shares them and can apply them to current situations and respond to questions as they arise. This person, usually a close family member or friend, acts as a proxy decision maker if the patient is not able to make his or her own decisions. In choosing an agent or proxy, a person can declare in writing that all treatment and care decisions made on their behalf must be consistent with and not contradict the moral teachings of the Catholic Church. Less flexible is a living will, which simply lists treatment options or care that the patient wishes to accept or reject. No matter how wellcrafted, such a document can never predict all the possible problems that may occur at a later time or anticipate all future treatment options. A living will can be misinterpreted by medical providers who might not understand the patient’s wishes. *The story of Rosa and Teresa (their names are changed for their privacy) is just one example of how important it is to reflect in advance on how we would want decisions made on our behalf if we cannot speak for ourselves. To find out what pastoral and educational resources may be available locally, contact your diocesan pro-life office. Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities 3211 Fourth Street NE • Washington, DC 20017 Tel: (202) 541-3070 • Fax: (202) 541-3054 Copyright © 2014, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C Parochial Vicar’s Message Collaborative Ministry Prior to the second Vatican council, ministry was viewed in a restricted sense as a mission of the ranks of the clergy but with the advent of the second Vatican council, there has been a paradigm shift. Ministry began to be seen as the mission of the “the people of God (Christi fideles laici)” which consist of the lay faithful and the clergy with a difference only in degree and essence. The simple implication is that the mission is our mission and all are called to participate fully in this mission through “collaborative Ministry”. Collaborative ministry was an expression used in the second Vatican council to highlight the cooperation among the people of God on the same mission through various ministries. This was the emergence of many ministries within the Church to which many of you belong are encouraged to belong. The word ministry is from the Latin “ministrare” which means service. As baptized Catholics we are all called to serve, to serve in the nature of Christ who came not to be served to serve. Among the ministries that emerged were the extra ordinary ministry of the Eucharist, of the lector and acolyte and many other ministries of service. In and through these ministries, we become partakers in the mission of Christ and cooperators with the clergy in the universal mission of the Church and indeed “stakeholders” in the body of Christ. Among the many ministries in our parish is the “Experienced Navigators”. Today we would dedicate this Sunday for the ministry of the experienced Navigators. We would like to know about them, what they do and their ministry as part of the mission of Christ and the Church. I therefore extend this gentle invitation to come down to the hall after the 11:30 am mass where we would learn more about them, especially those who are 50 years and above. Christ may be calling you like he called the twelve or St. Paul to become and experienced Navigator. Devotion to Mother Mary: the month of October is the second month dedicated to Mary. Please remember to pray your rosary and teach your children how to pray. The rosary is not a prayer to Mary, it is a guide by Mary as we pray and meditate on the mysteries of Christ. The rosary is Christocentric and Maria-centric as many think. It is Mary who had treasured all she heard about her son pointing us to her son Jesus that we too may share in the treasure of His love and bounty. Study week: from 10/13 to 10/16, Fr. Ted and I would be away on a mandatory Archdiocesan study week. We shall be commuting from home. This will not alter our weekday programs in the parish. Please keep our study weekdays in your prayers. Fr. Theo Weekly Offering St. Brendan Annual Memorial Mass ST. BRENDAN ANNUAL MEMORIAL MASS This week’s Offering FIRST COLLECTION GOAL $ 9500.00 CASH 1121.00 CHECKS 7206.00 ONLINE DONATIONS 2,544.00 TOTAL COLLECTION OVER $ 10,871.00 $ 1371.00 NO. OF ENVELOPE USERS 166 NO. OF ONLINE TRANSACTIONS 83 Second Collection for St. Brendan School $2061.00 Thank you !!! Your continued generosity to our parish never goes unnoticed. Join us for the St. Brendan Under 5 Halloween Pizza Party! When: Sunday, October 26th Time: 5:00-7:00pm Where: Parish Hall RSVP: Please bring 1 bag of candy and a small pumpkin! The Halloween party is always a great time for the kids! All are welcome to come in costume for a Halloween parade, craft, Trick-or-Treating and pizza, dessert and drinks will be served. Please join us for St. Brendan's annual memorial mass to remember and pray for those who have died in the past year and the bereaved. Bring a flower to place on the altar in remembrance. There will be an “In Memoriam” slideshow at the reception. To include a loved one in the slideshow, please email a picture of the deceased to , or email the same address to make other arrangements. Mass Intentions Kindergarten Tours Masses for October 12 - 18, 2014 SUNDAY, October 12: Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 AM Joanne Fitzpatrick (D) 8:00 AM David Alvers (D) 9:30 AM People of St Brendan 11:30 AM Edward Flynn (D) MONDAY, October 13: Columbus Day 6:30 AM NO MASS 7:30 AM Paul Herlihy (D) TUESDAY, October 14: Saint Callistus I, Pope and Martyr 6:30 AM Arellaro Lucia and Family (L) 7:30 AM Robert O'Brien (D) WEDNESDAY, October 15: Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church 6:30 AM David Miraglia (D) 7:30 AM Eugene A. Liotta (D) THURSDAY, October 16: Saint Hedwig, Religious Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin 6:30 AM Joan Bertani (D) 7:30 AM Phyllis Syme (D) FRIDAY, October 17: Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr 6:30 AM Anne Marie Gaddini (Spec. Intention) (L) 7:30 AM Dominic Martin Gould (D) SATURDAY, October 18: Saint Luke, Evangelist 7:30 AM Hilda De Martini (D) 5:00 PM Neal Murphy (D) Legend: D - Deceased L - Living EXPERIENCED NAVIGATORS The ministry seeks to serve the members of the parish aged 50 and above through participation in spiritual, social, and cultural events. Everyone is invited to come to know and share the activities of the Experienced Navigators on Sunday, October 12, 2014. There will be a display in the church hall. After the 11:30 am mass, join us to see the movie “The Quiet Man” featuring John Wayne. Soft drinks and chips will be provided. Don’t miss the fun !!! Tours for prospective kindergarten parents of St. Brendan School are now being held. Reservations for the tours must be made in advance by calling (415) 731- 2665 Prospective Kindergarten Tour Dates Wednesday Wednesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday October 15 October 22 October 28 November 18 December 9 8:30-10:30 am 8:30-10:30 am 8:30-10:30 am 8:30-10:30 am 8:30-10:30 am Applications may be picked up from the school office, or are available on-line at The last day for accepting applications is January 6, 2015. Children must be five years old by September 1, 2015. St. Brendan School, mindful of its mission to be witness to the love of Christ for all, admits students of any race, color, and national and/or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at this school. St. Brendan School does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, and national and/or ethnic origin, age, sex or disability in administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. Likewise, St. Brendan School does not unlawfully discriminate against any applicant for employment on the basis of age, sex, disability, race, color and national and/or ethnic origin. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE • San Francisco Solar Incentive - Up to $9700 • 30% Tax Credit • Save 75-80% on Electric Bill Diamond Certified • Se Habla Español Lic.#962034 1-800-655-3090 5809 Mission Street PUSH TALK ........... 2285 Revere Ave., S.F. 94124 24/7 HELP • GARAGE DOOR REPAIRS • DOORS & OPENERS ........... 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Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 JOY FREETHY KENNETH A. BIANCHI, D.D.S. MICHAEL AND Realtors General Dentistry Your “Neighborhood Specialists” (415) 823-7917 334-0421 2401 Ocean Ave. M c K E E V E R R E A L T Y Chuck Lewkowitz COLDWELL BANKER 1801 Lombard St. San Francisco, CA 94123 Email: One Block East of Junipero Serra 712 Monterey Blvd., S.F. (415) 239-8420 Michael T. Sweeney Attorney at Law WILLS * TRUSTS * PROBATE 782A Ulloa Street (415) 664-8810 Top Producers - 22-yrs Experience Specializing in Residential, Probate & Trust Sales Please visit our websites at or Complementary Notary Public for all parishioners. ERNEST BOCK JEWELER SERVING WITH TRUST AND CONFIDENCE SINCE 1850 Evergreen Mortuary of (415) 681-5362 Diamonds • Fine Jewelry • Pearls Open Wed.-Sat.: 10:30am-5pm 226 West Portal McAvoy - O'Hara Co. Ruth Downs Sullivan Laura Sullivan Van Zandt ATTORNEYS AT LAW Specializing in Estate/Tax Planning, Trusts, Wills, Probate, Conservatorship and Family Law 4545 Geary BOULEVARD at TENTH AVENUE Phone 668-0077 24 hrs. 605 Market Street 495-3800 650-550-8832 Memorial Park with Funeral and Cremation Services 1201 El Camino Real Colma, CA FD #1797 Celebrations of Life and Receptions Jim Lawrie Construction Residential Repair and Remodel All jobs small and large License # 794767 (415) 587-9100 John W. Schulz, D.D.S. Serving SF for Over 25 Yrs * General Dentistry * Dentistry for Children STONESTOWN * Cosmetic Dentistry 595 Buckingham Wy 731-4058 The Bud Duggan Family 500 Westlake Ave., Daly City Unlimited Parking Since 1924 2254 Market St., San Francisco between 15th and 16th Streets 415/587-4500 415/621-4567 Bill Duggan, Parishioner Jim Sullivan, Parishioner FD1098 FD228 Traditional and Cremation Services During Difficult Times... Simplicity and Affordability Makes Good Sense. THE LAWSON ROOFING CO., INC. "Since 1907" Contractor Lic. No. 339053 1495 Tennessee St., S.F. 285-1661 913112 St Brendan Church (A) CAKES ✸ PASTRIES ✸ ARTISAN BREADS ✸ BAGUETTE SANDWICHES La Baguette of Stanford Shopping Center is now open in the Stonestown Galleria! 415.681.5000 FREE medium coffee w/ purchase over $10 expires 11/15/14 3251 20th Ave. ✸ San Francisco For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 SAINT BRENDAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Church 29 Rockaway Avenue San Francisco CA 94127 Rectory Phone: (415) 681-4225 Rectory Fax: (415) 681-3976 Mon. - Fri.: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Rev. Teodoro “Ted” Magpayo, Pastor School Convent 940 Laguna Honda Blvd. San Francisco CA 94127 Tel. (415) 731-2665 Fax (415) 731– 7207 Parish Center : (415) 564-5775 Canossian Sisters 234 Ulloa Street San Francisco CA 94127 Tel. (415) 681-3465 Sr. Catherine Cappello, FdCC Canossian Community Leader Carol Grewal, Principal STAFF Pastor Fr. Teodoro “Ted” Magpayo Parochial Vicar Fr. Theophilus Hwande Parish Leadership Ext.220 Ext.214 Pastoral Associates Sr. Catherine Cappello, FdCC Sr. Angela Furia, FdCC Ext. 205 Ext. 201 Music Coordinator Dianne Marquez Ext. 100 School Principal Carol Grewal SCHEDULE OF SERVICES MASSES WEEKDAYS Mon-Fri: 6:30 & 7:30 AM First Friday: 6:30 AM, 7:30 AM 8:15 AM (during the school year) Ext. 202 Bookkeeper Michele Bisho Ext. 204 Ext. 208 HOLY DAYS Holy Day of Obligation: 6:30, 7:30, 8:15 AM ( during the school year ) & 6:00 PM CONFESSIONS Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 PM Wednesday: 7:15 - 7:45 PM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Wednesday: 7:00 - 8:00 PM Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 PM Every First Friday of the month: 7:00 - 8:00 PM BAPTISM Parents must attend the preparation session prior to the Baptism of their child. Registration is required. MARRIAGES Arrangements should be made six (6) months in advance. SICK CALLS Anytime, Day or Night Megan Golinveaux Girl Scouts: Lisa Shaskan Kirstin McFarlane Boy Scouts: Boy Scouts: Maureen Hurley Cub Scouts: Rhona & Michael Hoelsken Youth Ministry: Stacey Simpson Gus Del Puerto (Grades 5-8) Ryan & Trina Dilag (High School) Religious Education & Sacramental Preparation Baptism Preparation : Sr. Angela Furia (681-4225) Religious Education : Sr. Catherine Cappello (681-4225) Tara Donahue Stephanie Stankon Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA): Sr. Catherine Cappello Bible/Religious Studies: Sr. Catherine Cappello WEEKEND Saturday: 7:30 AM 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:00, 8:00, 9:30,11:30 AM Children and Youth Under Five Ministry: Michelle Browning Vacation Bible School: Stacey Simpson Parish/Operations Manager Flora Sinajon Office Assistant Carissa Galvan Advisory Board : Deirdre O’Bryan Finance Committee : Eoin O’Connor Marriage Preparation Ministry: Anne & Carlos Alvarez EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Each Mass has a coordinator who prepares the schedule. • 5:00 PM Anne Kearney • 7:00 AM Beverly Mangus • 8:00 AM Charlotte Bautista • 9:30 AM Nancy McNamara • 11:30 AM Aline Wolfrom LECTORS Each Mass has a coordinator who prepares the schedule. • 5:00 PM • 7:00 AM • 8:00 AM • 9:30 AM • 11:30 AM Anne Kearney Ed Dollard Arlene Sawyer Barbara Casey Betty Shanahan MUSIC MINISTRY Dianne Marquez (Music Coordinator) Contemporary Choir (9:30 AM Mass) Traditional Choir (11:30 AM Mass) Cantors: Tony Hall Angelo Marquez Dianne Marquez Liturgical Ministries Children’s Liturgy: Stacey Simpson Christina Bui Ushers: Mike Casazza Sacristan: Jack Mona Liturgy Committee: Anne Kearney Parish Life Welcome Committee: Maria Gonzalez - Eggert Deborah Nysather Hospitality Committee: 9:30 am Mass - Monica Montoya 11:30 am Mass - Gus Del Puerto Mother’s Club : Lisa Ikeda Men’s Club : Jim McFadden Respect Life: Mary Ann Schwab Knitting Ministry : Sr. Catherine Cappello Women At the Well : Marie Detweiler Experienced Navigators: Tony Fernandez Betty Shanahan Outreach Ministries Consolation Ministry: Merry Jean Chan Rees Detention Ministry : San Dimas Julio Escobar (244-5594) Marian Servers: Dr. Lou Scheerer St. Vincent de Paul Society : Tad Tassone (587-3849)
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