SAINT ANN PARISH NEPONSET SAINT BRENDAN PARISH 243 Neponset Avenue, Dorchester, MA 02122 Tel. 617-825-6180 | 617-825– 7869 Email: Website: MASS & DEVOTIONS SCHEDULE Vigil Mass: 4:00 pm (Saturday) Sunday 8:30am & 10:30am Family Mass Daily Mass: 9:00am Thursday - Saturday 15 Rita Rd., Dorchester, MA 02124 Tel. 617-436-0310 | Fax:617-436-1386 Email: Website: MASS & DEVOTIONS SCHEDULE Vigil Mass: 4:00 pm (Saturday) Sunday 8:00am & 10:00am Daily Mass: 9:00am Monday—Wednesday (chapel) **Rosary celebrated prior to daily mass at 8:45 am** _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HOLY DAYS As Announced EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Saturday 9:30am-3:30pm FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTION SERVICE 8:00am Our Lady of Fatima Rosary and prayer WEEKDAY DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET M-F 3:00 pm Convent | Saturday 3:00 pm in main church MONTHLY MASS BOSTONIAN NURSING HOME 2nd Thursday of month, at 2:30pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 9:30-10:15am & 3:00-3:30pm SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM celebrated the 3rd Sunday of the month. Parents Catechesis for first time parents only is provided on the last Sunday of the month. Registration is required through the parish office. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Contact Pastor at least 6 months in advance MERCY HOUSE CONVENT Congregation of Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy 241 Neponset Avenue Phone: 617-288-1202 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HOLY DAYS As Announced SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:15—3:45 pm (Church) SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Contact Pastor at least 6 months in advance SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM celebrated the 1st Sunday of the month. Parents Catechesis for first time parents only is provided on the last Sunday of the month. Registration is required through the parish office. SAINT VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY Food Pantry: By apt. only: 857 939 5140. DONATIONS ARE ALWAYS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED! Gift cards, monetary and food donations are always welcome. Thank you for your support! SAINT BRENDAN SCHOOL Pre K to 6 with an After School Program 29 Rita Road, Dorchester, Ma 02124 Tel.| 617 282 3388 | Fax 617 822 9152 Email: Website: Mrs. Maura Burke Principal Second Sunday of Lent March 1, 2015 SAINT ANN PARISH FAMILY MINISTRIES Saint Ann Parish Mass Intentions For The Week Mrs. Paula Skalinski Coordinator, 617-825-6180 Ext 12 Altar Servers Training & Coordination: Paula Skalinski CYO-Basketball: Mr. Charlie Conners, Coordinating Director Bereavement Ministry: Ms. Mary Lou O’Connor & Mrs. Jean Hunt Senior Outreach Coordination: Mrs. Marianne Geary Saturday February 28 4 pm James T. Henderson 4th Anniversary _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAINT JOHN PAUL II CATHOLIC ACADEMY NEPONSET CAMPUS Sunday March 1 830 am Sean J. McGrath 1st Anniversary 1030 am Veronica Fallon Memorial Ms. Catherine T. Brandley, Principal - 239 Neponset Avenue Dorchester, MA 02122 Phone: 617-265-0019, ext. 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______ Thursday March 5 9 am Harold White Birthday Memorial PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR LOCAL MEN AND WOMEN IN SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY: Sgt David J. Swanson, USA— SPC Jamie Durance, USA 1st SGT, Ryan Long, USA- 1st Sgt Christopher Demars, USA SPC Joseph Ambo, USA- SPC David Underwood, USA SPC Eric Rego, USA–Pv2 Brendan Doherty, USA Brian Doherty, USA –1st Lt. Patrick P. Murphy, USA SrA Michael T. Sullivan, USAF– Pvt Patrick A. O’Brien, USA PFC Jason Reil, USN, Cpl. Brandon N. Finn, USMC 2nd Lt. Ian Chuckran Cpl. Michael Ball, USMC Pvt. Michael McDonagh, USMC SPC Michael Geary USA PFC Kevin McNamara, USA Friday March 6 9 am Sister Camille Downey Memorial Saturday March 7 9 am Margaret Sorrento Mass Card 4 pm Katherine E. Basius 12th Saturday March 8 830 John Fennessy Memorial 1030 Joey Holloran and Patrick Devine Memorial Jean Lee Months Mind MINISTERS OF HOLY EUCHARIST AND ALTAR SERVERS 3/1/15 This week’s Sanctuary Lamp will burn in loving memory of: Joey Holloran Saturday 4 pm Lector: R Pishkin P Pugliese EM: F Manning T Monahan Server: K O Ryan Sunday 830 am Lector: R Pierce EM: T Tran L Le Server: B Frize K Mannion J Studley Sunday 1030 am Lector: J J Connolly EM: J Burke M Rutter Server: B R Kazanek S Murphy M Jean Mary This week’s offertory gifts are offered in loving honor of: Joey Holloran In your kindness, please continue to remember in your prayers all our loved ones and parishioners who have passed away. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace, Amen. All are warmly invited to Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration celebrated at St. Ann every Saturday following the 9:00 am mass until 3:00 pm. We conclude with Benediction and Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3:00 pm. SAINT ANN OFFERTORY See 3/8 bulletin 2 Second Sunday of Lent March 1, 2015 Saint Brendan Parish Mass Intentions For The Week St. Brendan Parish “Led by the Spirit, St. Brendan Parish Community seeks to know and celebrate Jesus through Word, Worship and Service” Saturday February 28 4 pm Charles J. Lovett—26th Anniversary Sunday March 1 8 am Robert John McNulty II—7th Anniversary 10 am Ena Langan—4th Anniversary SAINT BRENDAN OFFERTORY Weekly: 815.00 (2/15) Utility and Energy: $1853.00 Weekly: 2427.00 (2/22) SAINT BRENDAN PARISH 500 CLUB Saint Brendan and Saint Ann Parishioners are welcome to participate! There are plenty of numbers available to purchase—either for one drawing and/or the full year. Tickets are $5 for one drawing and $55 for the year. Call the SB parish office at (617) 436-0310 or see SB parishioner Tom Murphy if you are interested. Next drawing: March 1 after 10 AM Liturgy. Monday March 2 9 AM Parishoners of St. Brendan and St. Ann Tuesday March 3 9 AM The Scanlon Family Wednesday March 4 9 AM Vocations to the Priesthood Saturday March 7 4 PM Fergus Feeney 1st Anniversary Gary Feeney Anniversary Sunday March 8 8 AM St. Brendan Guild Intentions 10 AM John J. McFadden 10th Anniversary Bridget Leahy 7th Anniversary LITURGICAL SUPPORT FEBRUARY IN LOVING MEMORY OF Patrick, Marie & Rev. John O’Rourke LITURGICAL SUPPORT FOOD PANTRY The SVDP Food Pantry is very low on items. Non perishable items are greatly appreciated. Cereal, tuna, fruit juices, Parmalat milk, pasta, pasta sauce, boxed potatoes and rice. Grocery store gift cards are also welcomed and gratefully appreciated. MOTHER AND TODDLER PLAYGROUP Please come and join us on Mondays from 10 AM 12 noon in Father Lane Hall. No school means no playgroup! 25th Annual St. Brendan Cocktail Party Planning Meeting Monday March 9 at 7:00 pm in St. Brendan Rectory All Are Welcome to attend! For Saint Brendan Parish is available for the months of June and December of 2015. Please contact the parish office at 617-436-0310 if you are interested in this opportunity for support. IRISH PASTORAL CENTRE (IPC) NEWS MOTHER TODDLER PLAYGROUP Playgroup Wednesdays in St. Mark’s lower church 10 am—12 noon. All are welcome. CAREGIVERS AND COMPANIONS AVAILABLE A service of the Irish Pastoral Centre. Please call 617 265 5300 xt 11 and speak with Kathleen. SAINT BRENDAN HOSPITALITY SUNDAY Sunday, March 1st following the 10:00 AM Mass Father Lane Hall. Hosted by St. Joseph’s Rehabilitation & Nursing Care Ctr. Pancakes, Sausages, Bacon, Toast, Fruit/ Pastries, Coffee and Tea, and Raffle items! 3 Second Sunday of Lent March 1, 2015 **NEW PARISH OFFICE HOURS** Beginning Monday January 5, 2015 the St. Ann & St. Brendan parish offices will be staffed as follows, with parish business for both parishes being conducted in the following locations 9 AM to 3 PM: Mondays: Saint Brendan site Tuesdays: Saint Brendan site Wednesdays: Saint Brendan AND Saint Ann sites Thursdays: Saint Ann site Fridays: Saint Ann site STAFF OF THE PARISHES OF SAINT ANN AND SAINT BRENDAN Rev. Jason Makos, Pastor Rev. Thomas Macdonald, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Richard Brennan, Permanent Deacon Rev. Paul Rouse (Retired), In Residence (SA) Rev. John McCarthy, Irish Pastoral Centre, In Residence (SB) Rev. Richard Putnam, SDB, Weekend Assistant (SB) Finance & Operations Manager: Nancy Lafoe Secretaries: Linda Damatin, Maria Maginnis & Marianne Curley Facilities and Sextons: Thomas Curley & Tom Blinn Saint Ann and Saint Brendan Collaborative Pastoral Planning and Disciples In Mission Before Fr. Makos left for Michigan early Monday morning, I was able to speak with him on the phone and relate to him your overwhelmingly supportive response to his letter in last week’s bulletin. He in turn extends to you his gratitude for your understanding and kindness as he embarks on his path toward healing. Many of you have requested his address at Guest House in order to send him notes of encouragement. I will post his contact information in next week’s bulletin so as to give him some time to settle down before receiving your kind letters. Our Lenten programming continues this week with Evening Prayer on Friday at 6:30pm at St. Ann’s. Evening Prayer is driven by the prayerful recitation of the Psalms. It’s a great way to wind down after a long day and settle into the peace of Christ. I will offer a brief talk on how important the Word of God is in our life of Faith. Please join us if you can! Lenten Blessings, Fr. Tom Religious Education St. Ann: Mrs. Paula Skalinski 617 825 6180 xt 12 Sunday Classes: 9:30 am Gr. 1-6 Lenten Schedule Religious Education St. Brendan: Mrs. Maura Burke Grades 1-6, 617 282 3388 Confirmation Program St. Brendan & St. Ann Grades 7- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH—AT ST. BRENDAN’S 9/10: Mrs. Paula Skalinski: 617 The Light Is On For You! - Sacramental Confession 825 6180 xt 12. Class choice: Sundays @ 4:15 pm or Fri6:30—8:00 pm Wednesdays during Lent at all parishes in the days at 6:00 pm. Archdiocese of Boston. All Parish families are invited to join us St. Ann Director of Music & Neighborhood Children’s for our Lenten Season. These are family friendly events and Theatre: Mrs Michelle McCourt | children are welcome. St. Brendan Director of Music: Taras Leschishin Week 2—Adoration—Friday February 27 St. Brendan Organist: Joel Davidson St. Brendans 630—8 pm Neighbors In Deed: Visitors to Homebound Elders Week 3—Evening Prayer– Friday March 6 Helen M. Barrett, RN 617 296 0258 St. Anns 630—8 pm Ministry To Homebound & Elderly: Holy Communion sacrament of the sick, visit from a priest. Please call the Week 4—Tour of the Church-Friday March 13 rectory to schedule St. Brendans 630—8 pm Office Hours St. Brendan: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9 am—3 pm except Holidays and as noted. Week 5-Stations of the Cross-Friday March 20 Office Hours St. Ann: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9 St. Anns 630—8 pm am—3 pm except Holidays and as noted. Week 6—CHildrens Stations of the Cross Friday March 27 RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) St. Brendans 630—8 pm Interested in completing or beginning your initiation into the Catholic Church? Please speak with a priest after mass Week 7-Friday April 3 or by calling either parish office. Walk with the Cross. Starting at St. Brendans at 12 noon with stops at Keystone and Bostonian. Ends at St Ann Church. 4 Second Sunday of Lent March 1, 2015 ANNOUNCEMENTS FEBRUARY 17TH - CATHOLIC LEADERSHIP SURVEY OPENED SAINT JOHN PAUL CATHOLIC ACADEMY is now accepting applications. Please contact the school or their website for an application: 617 265 0019 xt 7127 or As you may have read in the bulletin these last few weeks, SAINT ANN AND SAINT BRENDAN PARISHES have been selected to participate in a National Study of parishes conducted by the Catholic Leadership Institute. Please help us participate by completing a 10-15 minute survey online. BOSTON CITY SINGERS offers outstanding programs for young people ages 4 – 18. You do not need previous singing experience to join - just love to sing! Boston City Singers is a community-based, after-school program. Members come from all over the City of Boston and neighboring cities . and towns If we had your email address, the survey will be emailed to you by If you do not receive an email from the survey organizers, you may go online using the generic web link below to take the survey. (But please check your email first before using the generic web link.) DEADLINE FOR BULLETIN COPY Please note for both parishes is Monday morning with Holiday exceptions. Thank you! s3/1707977/ The survey will only be available from February 17 to March 10 and will ask you to reflect on your own spiritual growth and enable you to provide feedback on what efforts your parish is doing to help you grow. All responses will be confidential and the parishes will only receive information about the community as a whole. We are trying to get the highest response rate possible. This information will be invaluable to SAINT BRENDAN AND SAINT ANN PARISHES and our various ministries as we plan ahead and try to be the best disciples we can be. We will receive the results in May/June at which time, we will share what we have learned with both parishes. If you do not use email or do not have a computer, you can obtain a paper copy by contacting the parish offices at 617-436-0310 or 617-8256180 during office hours. Thank you for helping with this important project. MASS INTENTIONS Only one intention per Mass may be booked when a memorial mass is requested. Thank you for your understanding and please call the parish offices with any specific questions or requests. Thank you! PRAYER REQUESTS If you or a loved one wish to be added to our parishes prayer lists, please contact the Rectory NEW EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS AND LECTORS NEEDED! If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister or Lector, please see Father Makos or Father Tom after mass. SEEKING NEW ALTAR SERVERS FOR SAINT BRENDAN Father Makos and Father Tom would like to CEDAR GROVE BASEBALL THINK SPRING! Register online now! Ages 4—8 invite our parish youth, boys and girls, in grades 4 and up to join us in serving the Lord at Sunday mass. Please contact Paula at the rectory if you are interested or email her at NEW THIS YEAR: 4 year old clinic! * RELIGIOUS EDUCATION * SAINT ANN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Please Scripture for the week of March 1, 2015 register at St. Ann’s website and go to the Religious Education page. Classes for grades 1-6 have begun. Classes are held on Sundays at 9:30 am in the school. 1 SUN Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Rom 8:31b-34/Mk 9:2-10 2 Mon Dn 9:4b-10/Lk 6:36-38 3 Tue Is 1:10, 16-20/Mt 23:1-12 4 Wed Jer 18:18-20/Mt 20:17-28 5 Thu Jer 17:5-10/Lk 16:19-31 6 Fri Gn 37:3-4,12-13a,17b-28a/Mt 21:33-43, 45-4619 7 Sat Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 8 SUN Ex 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17/1 Cor 1:22-25/Jn 2:13-25 SA & SB CONFIRMATION PROGRAM Reminder that our Confirmation program begins in 7th grade. If you have not registered, please email for more information. SAINT BRENDAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Registration form is available for download at the St. Brendan website. Please contact Maura Burke at the school with any questions: 617 282 3388. Classes are held at 3:45 PM on Mondays at the school. 5 Second Sunday of Lent March 1, 2015 *Saint Brendan School News* School will resume this Monday 2/23/15 after our February vacation. During the season of Lent each week the students will attend daily Mass with their classes and teachers. This always help the children reflect of their penance during Lent and also prepares us for the Easter Season. Saint Brendan School is currently accepting applications for new students for the school year 2015 -2016! If you are interested in sending your child please contact the school at 617-288-3388. Our classes are Pre-K through Grade 6, with an after-school program that runs till 5:00. SAVE THE DATES! SUNDAY MARCH 8 - Breakfast With Dr. Seuss In Father Lane Hall After the 10:00 Mass. Details to follow! SUNDAY MARCH 29 - Easter Bunny Breakfast In Father Lane Hall After the 10:00 Mass. SATURDAY APRIL 11 - Father /Daughter Dance In Father Lane Hall. 6:30 - 9:00 pm. Details to follow! SAINT BRENDAN BOTTLE AND CAN DRIVE First Saturday of each month from 9AM-12 Noon at Saint Brendan School. All proceeds benefit the school. JOIN THE ST. BRENDAN SCHOOL CHOIR! Each week, the choir will meet after school to practice new music that we will sing and perform at different family and school Masses and events throughout the year. Contact Mr Weigel: ORATORY CONTEST The annual St Brendan Oratory contest, organized and facilitated by Mrs Florence Cronin took place on Friday February 5. Despite the unbelievable accumulation of snow, freezing temperatures and slippery walkways, parents and students navigated their way to Fr Lane Hall to cheer on their favorite orator. Each year all students in grades 4 – 6 are invited and encouraged to participate. This year 18 students accepted the challenge, memorized a speech and did a spectacular job on delivery. The range of topics included Olympic speeches, poetry, historical events and amusing works by Shel Silverstein. Selecting winners was no easy task for the judges. First place was earned by Faith Do of grade 5 for her recitation of Old Ironsides by Oliver Wendell Holmes. Ryan Quinn also from Grade 5 received second place for his recitation of Coach Herb Brooks’ address to his Olympic hockey team titled Miracle On Ice. 6th grader Niall Ryan’s delivery for Friday Night Lights by Coach Gaines earned him 3 rd place. Ini addition, 2 students earned honorable mentions, Eamon Kelly of grade 4 selected a motivating address by the Irish Patriot Michael Collins, and Cameron Elwell of grade 5 for Dr. Who from the British TV program. It was such a great treat to attend to oratory and to witness how many students have drown in self esteem, poise, and maturity. Congratulations to all the contestants for a most enjoyable program. May you continue to accept lifes challenges and always do your personal best! 6 Second Sunday of Lent March 1, 2015 Please Pray for our fellow Parishioners and relatives who are ill or have special intentions. **Celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day Early! ** Saturday March 7 at 2:00 pm Keyes Community Room in the Milton Public Library 476 Canton Avenue, Milton. Enjoy a concert of wonderful Irish music by Dan Clark “The Singing Trooper” and Soprano Mary Colarusso-Clark. Free and open to the public. Come and bring the family! John Altos Beswick Family Theresa Beswick Charlotte Boti Russell Brandi Gerry Cardinal Therese Catania Millie Cawly Susan Champigny Cheryl Coffin Brendan Collins Helen A Conley Mary Costello John Coyne Margaret Coyne Mary Curry Audrey Davis Dorothy Daley Patricia Deardon Lenor Delgrosso Maxine Del Tufo James Doherty Marguerite Dubois Brooke DuBeau Dorothy Farquharson James Fitzgerald Bill Foley George Gately Chuck Geanacopoulos Louise Griffin Barbara Hackett Mrs. Richard Juliano Mary Kelly Frank Kelly McDonough Family Mary Kelley Elizabeth Reardon Kaitlyn Landy 2015 CATHOLIC APPEAL Next week the Catholic Appeal will be announced in all parishes throughout the Archdiocese. In preparation, we invite you to consider prayerfully making a generous gift. By supporting the Appeal, you support our parish. (Remember that the parish gets a rebate if it meets goal.) To make an online pledge, please visit Thank you for your prayerful consideration of this year’s Appeal. SAINT ANN KNITTERS Will meet March 19 after 9 am Mass in St. Ann Lower Church All Are Welcome. We have yarn, needles & patterns. All items donated to Friends of the Unborn. ONLINE GIVING SIGN UP ONLINE GIVING AT SAINT ANN AND SAINT BRENDAN PARISHES Online Giving is a direct payment program that allows parishioners and other donors to make contributions to our parish without writing checks or giving cash donations. Parishioners and other donors may set up their weekly collection donations, make pledges, manage their contributions, or make one-time donations. It is convenient, safe and secure. See the Online Giving link on our parish websites. Please contact the parish offices with any questions about online giving. John Kennedy Helen Kyle Brian Lawlor Donna Lawlor Conor Leahy Ed and Jeannie Leahy Christopher LeDuc Thomas Lucia Ann Maloney Mary McCarthy Isabelle McIntyre John McPartlin Katie McDonough Salvatore Monastra Mary Nagle Christopher O'Brien Connie O'Sullivan Mary O'Sullivan Robert and Paola Perez Patricia Pierre Mary Rau Betty Reardon Michael Reardon Mary Reilly Alison Renna The Richard Family Margaret Ryan Stephen Shaller Mathew Smith Mary B. Tighe Carol Weese Alice Weydt SPECIAL INTENTION Walter “Buddy” Blinn Carol Ann Callanan Russ Kenn Tommy Kelly Lawrence Hamilton COME SING FOR THE LORD! With the St. Ann Youth/Teen Choir. Sundays at the 10:30 AM Family Mass. Rehearsals Sundays at 10 AM prior to Mass and Tuesdays 2:30-3:30 PM in the Music Room at SPJP II school. NEIGHBORHOOD CHILDREN’S THEATRE At Saint Ann and Saint Brendan Parishes. Classes meet at 3:30 to 4:30 PM in the Music Room at SPJP II school. Contact Director Michelle McCourt for more information: 7
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