Enoggera parish Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Everton Park St John the Baptist, Enoggera joined in joyfully praising and worshipping God The Baptism of the Lord — 11th January 2015 — Year B Born Again to Eternal Life As of this weekend, there are some changes to the way we produce the newsletter. This will be most evident at Everton Park, as you will now be receiving the same newsletter as the other churches in our community of churches. Furthermore, in order to facilitate the inclusion of Everton Park and to better utilise the space in the newsletter, there will be two slightly different editions of the Newsletter, one for Enoggera / Everton Park and the other for Wilston / Gordon Park. While these newsletters will be largely the same, information that pertains to particular communities will only be found in their respective editions of the newsletter. This, I believe, strikes a balance between the need to have a unified newsletter across our community while still allowing space for each individual parish to communicate with its own members. Please bear with us as we go through this transitional phase, and feel free to provide some feedback. This weekend the church celebrates the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. In entering the waters of the Jordan, Jesus is revealed as the Son of God and is anointed by the Holy Spirit. He is likewise acknowledged as beloved of the Father. Jesus’ purpose is not to seek holiness for Himself, as John the Baptist rightly points out, no human activity can add to His holiness. Rather He is instituting the Sacrament of Baptism and thereby giving us a means to share in His own holiness. It is through the waters of Baptism, made holy by Jesus’ own baptism, that we enter into the church and become adopted sons and daughters of our loving father. In Baptism, we too have received the anointing of the Spirit and are revealed as ‘beloved’. As we celebrate Jesus’ baptism then, let us also rejoice in our own; for it is truly through the waters of Baptism that we are born again to eternal life. Have a blessed week, MASS TIMES MONDAY 9.00am Mass Immaculate Conception 5.00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 5.30pm Mass St John the Baptist TUESDAY 9.00am Mass St Columba’s WEDNESDAY 9.00am Mass St John the Baptist 5.30pm Mass Immaculate Conception 6.30pm Mass St Carthage’s Filipino Community 6.00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Immaculate Conception THURSDAY 9.00am Mass St Columba’s FRIDAY 6.30am Mass St Columba’s 9.00am Mass St John the Baptist 9.00am Mass St Carthage’s Followed by the Rosary [1st Friday-Healing Mass] 5.30pm Mass Immaculate Conception [followed by Benediction on 1st Friday of the month] 1st Friday -6.30pm St Carthage’s Mass & All Night Vigil Filipino Community SATURDAY 12noon Rosary St John the Baptist Fr. Michael 5.00pm Confession St Columba’s 5.00pm Confession Immaculate Conception 6.00pm Vigil St Columba’s Pastors Fr Michael Grace Administrator Fr Patrick Chukwu Associate Pastor Fr Terry Madden Pastor Emeritus Gordon Park Parish Office Mon—Thur 9am—12 noon 6.00pm Vigil Immaculate Conception SUNDAY 8.00am Mass St Carthage’s PARISH OFFICE 23 Lovedale St Wilston Qld 4051 PO Box 278 Wilston Qld 4051 Ph: 3352 1730 Fax: 3356 2014 kbcc@bne.catholic.net.au Office Staff Finance: Cherylann Baxter Finance Assistant: Majella Adams Administration: Heather Smith Admin Assistant: Sally Mollo www.parishes.bne.catholic.net.au/kbcc/ 9.00am Mass St John the Baptist 7.30am Immaculate Conception 9.30am Mass St Columba’s 5.00pm Confession St John the Baptist 5.30pm Mass St John the Baptist St Carthage’s — Confession By Appointment Immaculate Conception — Rosary after weekday Masses Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Everton Park We are a people of the Eucharist SYMPATHY: Our prayers and deepest sympathy go out to Mrs Tickle and family on the recent death of her husband, Warren. May he Rest in Peace. ENVELOPES: New Planned Giving Envelopes for the next six months are now available on the table in the foyer. PRO LIFE PROCESSION: Prayer and action to end abortion. Where: St Brigid’s, 78 Musgrave Road, Rd Hill, then gathering at Roma Street Parkland for procession When: Third Sunday of each month at 6:30am For more information, go to the website: www.prolifeprocession.org SIGN-ON DAY: NORTHSIDE CHRISTIAN FOOTBALL CLUB - Saturday 31st Jan 2015, 12 PM to 3 PM Darien Street Sporting Fields, BRIDGEMAN DOWNS. Everyone Welcome. All Age Groups - from 3 Years old, Male & Female, Tiny Tots, Juniors, Youth & Seniors St John the Baptist, Enoggera We are a people of the Eucharist THE MORE THINGS CHANGE – THE MORE THEY STAY THE SAME. This old ‘chestnut’ rings more true today than ever. Here we are only eleven days into a new year, fresh from our Christmas celebrations filled with the joy & promise of the birth of the Christ Child & filled with hopeful intent that the coming year will be a vast improvement on the last one. Yet, after only eleven days we look around our world & are faced with not only the ongoing tragedies of the previous year but with their acceleration. War, terrorism, violent sectarian conflicts, senseless random murders – all have remained in the forefront of the worldwide media bringing home the undeniable truth that we live in a time of increasing conflict & that the past year has been but a pencil sketch of what is now being daily ‘writ in ink’! What to do?? What can we do?? What can one individual do, going about ordinary daily life, seemingly without any real power or mass influence at his/her disposal hope to do to contribute to the sum total of peace in the world? Well, how about prayer? When all else fails or seems pointless, how about turning to, or increasing our, prayers? Pope Francis vigorously recommends it saying that “…the power of prayer has the capacity to change everything”. St Pope John Paul ll urged “...all to commit themselves to the sincere search for true peace which will extinguish all arguments, for charity which overcomes hatred & for pardon which disarms revenge”. And St Pope John XXlll prayed that “...all peoples of the earth become as brothers & sisters so that longed for peace will blossom forth & reign always over us”. The power of prayer may well be the only real weapon we have with which to overcome the present evils within our world today. Let us daily remember the words of our Saviour – “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith”. So, let us place our faith in God, praying for peace in our hearts, our homes, our nation & throughout the world. “Jesus, I trust in you”. (Divine Mercy prayer). THE YEAR AHEAD brings significant challenges regarding the life of our Parish. Our Ministries are in dire need of a “people infusion” so that our Parish can continue to function smoothly, happily & constructively. This could mean just a few hours a month on the Cleaning Roster; Cuppa after Mass; Children’s Liturgy; Ministers of Communion & the Word; Sacristan assistance; Collections. SUNDAY MORNING MASS is in very real need of replacement Ministers of Communion & the Word as a number of previous Ministers are no longer available. So, this NEW YEAR, how about a resolution to become a little more involved in your parish & offer to help out according to your time available???? Training & ‘buddy’ support is happily provided. At present there are many (too many!) gaps in our latest Roster of Ministries. Could (would?) you please check the Roster (copy in the Sacristy OR online) & volunteer according to your preference & time available. Contact: Heather, Parish Office 3352 1730. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”. Mahatma Gandhi prayers OUR LADY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION We remember in our prayers parishioners who are sick Julia Blewer Barbara Bowers Antoinette Brennan Dolly Bulner Jacqueline Burgin Betty Burgoyne Clare Cameron Betty Carden St Patricia Davis, OLN Louise Dudaniec Mary Endicott Mick Farrell Lyn Groessler Philipa Hayes Donna Kelly Fr Terry Madden Terry Mansfield Danny McCarthy Mary McCarthy Tony McCarthy Maree McPaul Michael O’Connor Katherine Omdahl Angela Reilly Galina Svalbe Aileen Taylor Brian Taylor Annette Thrum Chris Warmoll Annette Anning Trudi Benschleter Hannah Bertwistle Rita Bray Molly Breen Clair Cameron Corrie Clair Peta Clair Cara Connolley D Cunningham Kay Curran Ann Doherty Chelsie Ford Andrew Grace Beth Green Joe Hall Ros Ivey John Keating Aranka Kennedy Kyrle Kennedy Jill Keong Karl Kohl Alfredo Laudini Dorothy Lee Cecily Lloyd Pat Maloney Paul Maloney Terry Maloney Lucy Mangano Pauline McCartney Pat McGovern Loyola McKinlay Pat McKay Peter Mulvany Sallie Mulvaney Catherine Murdoch Bill Pappin Maria Rego Clarence Retchless Fiorina Rua Noela Whalley Pat Wells READINGS: Sundays - Year B Weekdays - Cycle 1 READINGS FOR BAPTISM OF THE LORD: 1. Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 Here is my servant, my chosen one in whom I am well pleased. Responsorial Psalm: The Lord will bless His people with peace. 2. Acts 10: 34-38 Gospel Acclamation: God anointed him with the Holy Spirit and with power. Alleluia, alleluia! The heavens were opened and the Father’s voice was heard: This is my beloved Son, hear him. Alleluia! GOSPEL: Mark 1: 7-11 You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament after 5.30 pm Mass on Wednesdays. Come for a quiet visit with our Eucharistic Lord VOCATION VIEW No one is humanly worthy to be a priest, deacon, sister or brother. No one is worthy to stoop and untie the sandal straps of Jesus. But He still calls us and favours us to do His work. Will you serve? JANUARY - Month of the Holy Name of Jesus: “All hail the power of Jesus’ Name”. prayers We pray for those whose anniversaries occur around this time Merle Fitzgerald, Daphne Pickett, Earl Cook , Vera Gill, Bill Barnes, Ted Brown, Jack Robinson, Vi Carter We pray for those recently deceased Warren Tickle * * * NOTICE BOARD * * * A family with young children has moved into the Parish and is in need of a washing machine. Please contact the Parish Office 3352 1730 if you can help. Many thanks to those parishioners who have already assisted this family. Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception ROSTERS FOR WEEKEND OF 17/18 JANUARY 2015 WEEKEND MASSES: SAT 6pm SUN 7.30am Ministers of the Word: A Brady E Granahan T Cavanagh V Clair Eucharistic Ministers: A Brady V Granahan J Maloney P O’Rourke Ministers to the Sick: I Turner Organists J Feltoe C Connors Servers L Granahan C Greco Counters J. Gorringe * * * NOTICE BOARD * * * 40 Days for Life Campaign St John the Baptist - 18th January - 9.00am 1st: David Formby Ps: Volunteer Altar Servers: Music: Ministers of Communion: 2nd: Michele Vuleta Matthew Vivanti, Volunteer Paul Benfield Eddie Camilleri, Bernice Camilleri, John Kavanagh St John the Baptist - 18th January - 5.30pm 1st: Desley Rostron Ps: Volunteer Altar Servers: Music: Ministers of Communion: 2nd: Volunteer Abbey Coman Anita Hendrie Charmaine McCreery-Rye, Annette Lally, Patrick Lally St John the Baptist - 18th January Children’s Liturgy: School Holidays Morning Tea: Volunteer Cleaning: Jolanta Wojcieszuk, Anne Iron, Lucinda Hoffman, Helena Park Collections: Envelopes: $240 Loose: $148 St John the Baptist — 11th January — The Baptism of the Lord Isaiah 55:1-11 Psalm 12:2-6 You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation. St John 5;1-9 Mark 1:7-11 Liturgical Calendar Monday 12 Tuesday 13 Wednesday 14 Thursday 15 Friday 16 Saturday 17 Sunday 18 St Hilary, bishop, doctor The death has occured of Dermot Donaghy RIP, late of Co. Antrim and Brisbane, dear friend to Sally Burke, Burpengary. Funeral Mass will take place at 11am on Monday 12th January at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 352 St. Vincent's Road, Banyo. Friends are invited to pay their respects. Orlagh Mc Hugh Co-ordinator Irish Australian Support Association of Qld Inc (IASAQ) 5 Abingdon Street Woolloongabba QLD 4102 Phone: (07) 3391 1300 Mobile: 0432 087 328 Email: info@iasaq.com.au www.iasaq.com.au Do you know anyone who would enjoy a visit from Fr Patrick, Fr Michael or Dcn Paul or who needs communion at home? Please contact the Parish Office 3352 1730 or kbcc@bne.catholic.net.au Have you thought about leaving a bequest to your Parish? A bequest is a gift left in a will. It is a legacy of your lifetime and a very special way of ensuring the work of the Church continues long into the future. If you wish, your bequest can be allocated to a specific project or ministry, or it can contribute to the general operations of the Parish. Please feel free to talk with Fr Patrick or Fr Michael and always seek the advice of your legal advisor. JESUS IS A SOUL MAN ! Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
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