Louisa County Catholic Parish Saint Jude † Immaculate Conception October 26th, 2014 30th Sunday of the Liturgical Year IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SAINT JUDE Saturday, October 25- 5:00pm Sunday, October 26- 9:00am Fred Anderson † Virginia Gordon Smith † Requested by Christopher Duffy Requested by Jim & Elaine Marstall Sunday, October 26- 11:00am Thursday, October 30 - 9:00am Frank Malik † Tiffany Lione For Health & Healing Requested by Jo Billings Tuesday, October 28- 9:00am Saints Simon & Jude, Apostles Requested by Judy Burroughs Joseph DeWitt † Sunday, November 2- 9:00am Mary Walker † Requested by Lorraine DeWitt Requested by Donna Cox Saturday, November 1- 9:00am All Saints Day Fr. Peter Romeo † Saturday, November 1- 5:00pm All Souls Day Georgie B. Fleshman † Sunday, November 2- 11:00am Mary Ritchie Tutterow † Immaculate Conception Telephone Tree Call List: We are updating the phone call list for IC. If you want to be included on this list, please sign up your family name and contact phone number in the Church office after Mass over the next 3 weeks, or contact the office staff during the week. As the number of phone contacts have increased, we need three volunteers to help make phone calls. I need help with 894/872/895 prefixes and 804 area code. Thanks, Mary Leighton O'Connell Requested by Gene & Gail Todd 2013 Diocesan Appeal Sharing —Please pray for Marcella ‘Sally’ Marstall († Wednesday, October 22nd, in St. Louis, MO) Mother of James Marstall. Check #1 Check #2 Check #3 Check #4 Total of 2013 Appeal Sharing Saint Jude 5,982.25 1,795.75 1,734.50 701.75 10,215.50 Immaculate Conception 972.00 476.50 621.50 1,650.00 3,720.00 Immaculate Conception Yard Sale & Bake Sale & Brunswick Stew Saturday, November 1st 2014, 8:00AM to 1:00PM Please help again this year! Donate household items, furniture, clothing, jewelry, toys, books, linens and any other “gently-used” items that someone else might see as a treasure. Small items such as clothing or toys that can fit in our storage room may be brought to church any Sunday (see Joanne Falkenthal after Mass). We will be accepting all items for the Yard Sale starting Monday, October 27th through Friday, October 31st between 10AM and 2PM. Have you signed up to bring an ingredient for the Brunswick Stew? If not, please do so today. The sign-up sheets are on the Bulletin Board in the Parish Hall. If you have questions, or to volunteer to help: Yard and Bake Sale call Joanne Falkenthal (804) 448-4767 Brunswick Stew call David Failacci (540) 872-3480 MEMORIAL MASS The Knights of Columbus will be selling religious Christmas cards before and after Mass for the next few weekends. All proceeds go to religious vocations in the Richmond Diocese. This is a wonderful way to “Keep Christ in Christmas” and to share His message with our friends and family” There will be a special Mass offered for the repose of the soul of the late Rodney L. Rodis, former pastor at our two churches in Louisa. The Mass will be celebrated in the Month of All Souls, on Thursday evening, November 6th, at 7:00 p.m. at Saint Jude. We were notified of his passing in mid-August, and, having consulted the Bishop and the Pastoral Councils of each of our two congregations, our special Catholic duty and the Spiritual Work of Mercy is to pray for the faithful departed, and to offer the Mass for the repose of their souls, commending them to the mercy of God. We have been requested to also pray for any victims, and for others affected by any scandal in the past. Solemnity of All Saints will be celebrated on Saturday, November 1st at the 9:00am Mass only. Since this holy day falls next to a Sunday, the obligation to assist at Mass is dispensed by the Church. The vigil evening Mass on Saturday night at 5:00 celebrates the next day, which is All Souls’ Day, November 2nd. The Virginia Catholic Conference is a special web site, supported by the Catholic Dioceses of Richmond and of Arlington to inform the faithful of the issues in the upcoming elections. We recommend that all voters check in with this web site to be better informed of the issues and their implications as Election Day approaches next week. SOCIAL MINISTRY UPDATE Fall is here along with cooler weather. It's time to clean out those closets and set aside any gently used and clean outerwear: coats, hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, and blankets to bring to church. Social Ministry members will take them to the Louisa Resource Center to be distributed to those in need. This clothing drive will last only through the month of October and is only for outerwear and blankets. Thank you so much for your kind attention to this request. THANK YOU for all you do in supporting those in need. Christmas Projects for Our Troops/Wreaths for our Fallen Veterans Karen Donnelly, a parishioner, is a member of Blue Star Mothers of Fredericksburg, a local chapter of Blue Star Mothers of America. Blue Star Mothers (BSMs) is a service organization, comprised primarily of mothers and grandmothers of men and women serving in all branches of the U.S. military, and is dedicated to various efforts in support of our troops and veterans. BSMs are involved in a few Christmas projects that we are opening to those parishioners of St. Jude/IC who would like to bring some Christmas cheer to our deployed service members or to service members who will be stateside, but unable to be home, for Christmas. Here are the ways one may help: 1). Blue Star Mothers is collaborating with Wreaths Across America (WAA) the organization from Maine that provides the Christmas wreaths for the graves at Arlington National Cemetery and veterans cemeteries across the nation each year. Only $15.00 purchases ONE wreath to be laid at a grave site at either Arlington National Cemetery or Quantico National Cemetery, on December 13. For every wreath purchased, Blue Star Mother receives $5 back-we use 100% of those funds to purchase items for care packages to our deployed sol- diers and the costs to ship the care packages and in other projects directly supporting our soldiers. Last year, we were able to send over 588 care packages in our Christmas and spring time mailings. You may donate as many wreathes as you like; your donation is 100% tax-deductible. Donating a wreath is simple! Go to the Blue Star Mothers of Fredericksburg website: wwwbluestarmothersva4.org 2). Provide the name, rank and military address of a service member currently deployed or who will be stateside but unable to return home for Christmas. Blue Star Mother will get a care package to that service FIRE UPDATE: This week we have rented a special restroom trailer that is heated and more comfortable for our use. It is locked when church services and events are not scheduled. Clean-up continues in the church and vestibule areas to remove as much of the smoke odor as possible. We are in the process of relocating the parish offices to one location in Immaculate Conception in Buckner. Since there are no offices at Saint Jude, the main number, 540-894-4266 is currently unavailable until it is reassigned to Buckner. BOTH congregations should use this telephone number for our main office: 540-8723922 until further notice. We have installed the internet and wi-fi in Verbeke Hall for the use of our catechists and our parents. Many thanks to the Knights of Columbus for the roadside clean up at Immaculate Conception on Wednesday, October 22, 2014. Rain did not dampen the spirits of those who showed up to help: Steve Falkenthal, Kenny Killham, Tom King, George & Joe O’Connell, and guest Chub Madden. Thanks to all. INFANT BAPTISMS The pastor invites expectant parents to make themselves known to the church office (540-872-3922) to arrange a preparation session for the Baptism of their infant. Some parents may desire to celebrate the Baptism here in Louisa, or in their previous parish before moving here. The Parish Activities Calendar Date Location Activity Attendees Sunday, October 26 Immaculate Conception, 6:00pm Knights of Columbus Pot Luck and Officer’s Meeting Knights & Their Families Monday, October 27 St Jude, 7:00 Verbeke Hall Adult Inquiry All Invited Tuesday, October 28 Immaculate Conception , 10:00am Please note location change. _______________ St Jude, 10:00am _______________ Immaculate Conception, 7:00pm St Jude Finance Council ________________ Adult Bible Study ________________ Adult Bible Study Finance Council Members _____________________ Wednesday, October 29 St Jude, 6:15-7:05pm (PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE) Christian Education, Verbeke Hall Grades 5, 6 & 8 Christian Education Students & Teachers Thursday, October 30 St Jude, 10:00am Centering Prayer All Invited Counter Assignments Usher Assignment at Immaculate Conception October 26th Location Title Lynwood Slayton Church Head Usher Jerry Gordon Church Assistant Usher David Clune Chapel Head Usher Mathew Clune Chapel Assistant Usher November 2nd Location Title TBA Church Head Usher TBA Church Assistant Usher TBA Chapel Head Usher TBA Chapel Assistant Usher Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception 1937 Davis Highway , PO Box 40, Mineral, VA 23117 540-872-3922 ● Fax:540-894-4993 Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, 10am-2pm Confessions: at St. Jude Saturdays, 4:00-4:45 PM Website: www.louisacatholics.org e-mail: louisacatholics@verizon.net St Jude October 26th Bob & Karen Harvey & Shirley Willis October 26th Elaine Marstall & Bud & Connie Wolf 1107 Fredericks Hall Road, PO Box 128, Bumpass, VA 23024 540-872-3922 ● Fax:540-872-3726 Office Hours: Immediately after Sunday Mass & by appointment only St. Jude All Invited ________ All Invited November 2nd Bob Juza & Mary Leighton O’Connell, Brandy Gordon November 2nd Al & MaryAnn Ptasznik & Tony & Jeannie Petrini We appreciate the essential and necessary task of counting the parish collection each week. As a courtesy to our counters, please do not fold or bend your contributions. Parish Staff Fr. Michael M. Duffy, Pastor Rectory: 540-894-8209 Deacon Alfonso Benet Deacon Robert Esposito Sr. Carrine Etheridge IHM, Ph.D., Pastoral Associate, Minister of Religious Education 540-603-2153 ● cetheridge.1@verizon.net Peggy Heeke, Bookkeeper Joanne Falkenthal, Secretary/Virtus Facilitator Patti Smogor, Secretary/Bulletin Editor (All staff by appointment 540-872-3922)
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