1200 S HIPPAN A VENUE, S TAMFORD, CT 06902 Parish Office: 203.324.4634 Office Hours: 9:30 am-2:30 pm, Tuesday-Friday NOVEMBER 9, 2014 Pastor: Rev. Peter K. Smolik, pastor@ourladystaroftheseastamford.org Pastor Emeritus: Msgr. Edward Surwilo, ourladystaroftheseastamford@yahoo.com Deacon: Gauthier Vincent, gvincent66@aol.com DIRECTORY MASSES Saturday Vigil Sunday Weekdays (Mon– Fri) Holy Days 5:30 pm 9am & 11 am 8 am 8 am & 5:30 pm Bob Unnold 203.359.8641 Parish Council: Joe Dineen 203.323.3219 Finance: Rich Kondub 203.357.8973 CONFESSIONS Saturday or by appointment Trustees: Sam Cingari 203.324.5492 Gene Rusin 203.323.8096 4:30-5 pm Parish Office: Natasha Papageorge 203.324.4634 BAPTISMS Faith Formation: Dee Fumega 203.969.7778 Celebrated each Sunday after the 11 am Mass. Please call the Parish Office to schedule. New parents must attend a Pre-Baptismal class arranged through the Parish Office. MARRIAGE Youth Ministry: Gauthier & Valerie Vincent 203.977.8691 School Principal: Phillip Adzima 203.348.1155 Please call the Parish Office before finalizing any other arrangements. WWW.OURLADYSTAROFTHESEASTAMFORD.ORG THIRTIY SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The Sanctuary Candle burns this week For Favorable Outcome for Bill S. MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Philippians 4.10-19; Luke 16.9-15 5:30pm Ginny Tiriolo (req. by family) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Ezekiel 47.1-2, 8-9, 12; 1 Cor. 3.9b-11, 16-17; John 2.13-22 9:00am Deceased Members of Masone Family 11:00am Zofia and Jozef Lemanski (req. by Barbara and Wojciech Iwaszkiewicz) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 ST. LEO THE GREAT Titus 1.1-9; Luke 17.1-6 8:00 Anna and Frank Smith (req. by family) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 ST. MARTIN OF TOURS TITUS 2.1-8, 11-14; LUKE 17.7-10 8:00am Veterans for foreign war (req. by Kondub family) WENESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 ST. JOSAPHAT TITUS 3.1-7; LUKE 17.11-19 8:00am Jean Pierre Azima (req. by family) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Philemon 7-20; Luke 17.20-25 8:00am Marie Sardone (req. by OLSS School Grade1) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 2 John 4-9; Luke 17.26-37 8:00am Ronald DeCamp (req. by Irene DeCamp) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 3 John 5-8; Luke 18.1-8 5:30pm Mary Mastropaolo (req. by family) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Proverbs 31.10-31; 1 Thessalonians 5.1-6; Mt 25.14-30 9:00am Michael Ciuffo(req. by family) 11:00am Alissa Ann Bigelow Smego (req. by Alicja and Slawek Mateusiak) WEEKLY SANCTUARY CANDLES What better way to remember a friend or loved one then with a candle? Till now Our Lady Star of the Sea had only the Blessed Mother candles available, yet they are lit for only an hour. Please notice that the Church Sanctuary Candle burns the entire week for individual intentions noted in our bulletin during the week requested. WEEKLY COLLECTION: YTD – 2.6 % Last week 6,418 ; Last year 6,070 ; PRAYER FOR VETERANS May we remember that the freedoms we enjoy did not come without price. May the Lord bless those men and women who have, in wartime or peacetime, sacrificed their time, strength even their lives on this earth to benefit ‘friends,’ known and unknown. Lord God, Almighty Father, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on your departed veterans who gave their lives in the service of their country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of your Son they may share in the joy of your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in you with your saints forever. Lord God, Almighty Father, we ask you also to bless all men and women who serve in our armed forces now. Give them courage, hope and strength. May they ever experience your firm support, gentle love and compassionate healing. Be their power and protector, leading them from darkness to light. To you be all glory, honor and praise, now and forever. Amen. Let us pray for our dead and for those who no one remembers: We must commemorate the loved ones who are no longer with us, of course. But we must not forget those who no one remembers any more. We remember the victims of war and violence; the many "little ones" of the world crushed by hunger and poverty. We remember the anonymous who rest in common graves. We remember our brothers and sisters killed because they are Christians; and those who sacrificed their lives to serve others. We especially entrust to the Lord, those who have left over the last year /Pope Francis THIRTIY SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME CALLING ALL LITTLE PILGRIMS AND I NDIANS (up to 4th grade) JOIN US FOR A SPECIAL THANKSGIVING LUNCH! Sunday, November 16th 11-12:30 Check the bulletin board In OLSS Meeting Room. Pick a turkey or pumpkin and bring an item to donate to a family in need. Please e.s.v.p. olssdre@yahoo.com by Wednesday, November 12th (Moms, let us know if you are interested in helping out) Let us give thanks for all we have! Dee Fumega, Director of Religious Education MASS AND BREAKFAST WITH THE BISHOP Please notice that State Court of Connecticut Catholic Daughters of the Americas has invited members of all its Courts to our 9:00 a.m. Mass and a Communion Breakfast with Bishop Frank Caggiano on Sunday, November 23. For more information call: Mary Lou 203-324-4733. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION NOVENA St. Mary Church in Greenwich will celebrate a Novena in preparation for the Immaculate Conception from November 30th to December 8th. Each evening a guest homilist will offer a meditation on a different title from the litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Bishop Caggiano will celebrate the last night of the Novena with Mass on Monday, December 8th at 7:30 pm. FEAST OF SAINT LEO THE GREAT On November 10th the Universal Church celebrates the Feast of St. Leo the Great (ca. 400-461). St. Leo lived in a period of history of the Church during which several controversies regarding the nature of Christ erupted. Was Jesus a human person or a divine person, or both? Did He have a human nature, a divine nature, or both? St. Leo’s fame comes from keeping a straight course between the competing positions and achieving the final definition of the Incarnation. At one extreme was the heresy of Nestorius, who denied the perfect union of the divine nature and the human nature in the one Person of Christ. Nestorius’ held that Jesus Christ was of two natures and two persons, and that Mary was the Mother of Jesus (the human nature), but not the mother of God (the divine, Second person of the Trinity). At the other extreme was the heresy of the monk Eutyches, who insisted that the two natures of Christ, divine and human, had fused into one saying that the humanity of Jesus was absorbed into divine, so that He was no longer fully human and fully divine. These definitions were important because they determined whether, and how our humanity was redeemed by Christ. If He were not both fully human and fully divine, humanity and divinity were not reconciled in his Person, God did not die for us, and humanity was not redeemed by His sacrificial death. Condemned and excommunicated at a synod held in Constantinople in 448, Eutyches still kept appealing to other synods in favor of his views. Finally, St. Leo to whom Eutyches had also appealed took a definite stand by correcting Eutyches’ heretic views in dogmatic letter called “Tome of Leo”. The “Tome of Leo” was immediately and universally accepted as a rule of faith. When in 451 a general council for the entire church was called at Chalcedon, St. Leo’s terminology and distinctions served as the basis to define the official Church doctrine of the two natures of Christ united in the second person of the Trinity. Follow the progress of the Diocesan Synod!
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