Roman Catholic Church 83 Throckmorton Lane, Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857 The Parish is Served by Rev. Jack C. Grimes Pastor Rev. Joemar Garboso Parochial Vicar Deacon Thomas Yondolino Dr. Theodore Kadela, Ph.D. Principal Mrs. Joan Abitabile Parish Office Manager Mrs. Maggie Zmigrodski Director of Religious Education Mrs. Kathy Abair Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Margaret Kmiec Music Director, Organist & Wedding Coordinator ~ A Welcoming Community Of Faith In The Heart Of Old Bridge ~ Parish Office Hours and Contact Information Monday through Friday 9:00AM-12:00 Noon & 1:00PM-4:00PM Parish Office Phone: 732-679-5666; Parish Fax: 732-679-0853 Religious Education Office: 732-679-5580 Social Ministry-St. Vincent DePaul Society: 732-679-5666 School Information School Phone: 732-679-4700; School Fax: 732-679-6062 School Website: Lee Ann Bocanegra, School Office Manager SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015 PRIESTS FOR NEXT WEEK’S MASSES SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 MASSES Saturday Evening: 5:00pm Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am & 12:00 Noon Daily Masses Monday through Friday: 6:30 & 9:00am Saturday: 9:00am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Daily - 8:00-9:00am Holy Rosary and Mercy Chaplet prayed after 9:00am Daily Mass Holy days: As announced Sign Language Mass 12 Noon, 2nd & 4th Sunday Filipino Mass: 2:00pm-3rd Sunday of the Month Miraculous Medal Novena Every Monday Morning at 8:45am 5:00 PM - Fr. Joemar SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 7:30AM Fr. Joemar 9:00AM Fr. Joemar 10:30AM Fr. Jack 12:00PM Fr. Jack Hosts & Wine - used in memory of MICHAEL CARAVELLA req. by The Caravella Family Santuary Lamp will also be in memory of LISA SARDELLA req. by Linda Pasquarello ST. AMBROSE PARISH Collection for February 8th was $11,628.00 Building Fund was $ 5,121.00 Thank you for your continued support. ++++ MASS INTENTIONS ++++ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 5:00PM - Jerome Ford req. Frank & Alice Fidducia; and Bob Kitson req. Siobhan & Joe Mulvanerton SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 7:30AM - Rosalie Pisciotta req. Anthony & Ann Cecere 9:00AM - Virginia Hudson req. Lorraine Roszowski 10:30AM - Mary Helen Keevins req. The Keevins Family 12 Noon - Thomas Walsh req. Rosemary O’Neill; and Marie Pruckowski req. Margaret & Robert Chiarappa & Family MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 - PRESIDENT’S DAY 6:30AM - NO MASS 9:00AM - Deacon Charles Damian req. M/M Tesoriero TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 6:30AM - People of the Parish, Living & Deceased 9:00AM - Kathryn Flynn req. Kathleen Dancisin; and Maureen McDonnell Cassida req. Ted & Cass Schultz WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 - ASH WEDNESDAY 6:30AM - John O’Hara req. Peggy O’Hara 9:00AM - Marge Bull req. Liz Gribben 12:00 Noon, 4:00PM & 7:00PM - Prayer Service /ASHES THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 6:30AM - George Clark req. Pat & Andy Kudla 9:00AM - Eddie Lang req. Nadia Cross; and Miguel Remedio req. The Nebab Family FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 6:30AM - Joseph Gacina req. Guy & Carolyn Smoljan 9:00AM - George W. Beland req. M/M Terrence Roche SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 9:00AM - Evelyn Olsen req. Rosemary O’Neill 5:00PM - The O’Donnell req. The Fraschilla Family SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 7:30AM - James P. Murtha req. Mary Meyer 9:00AM - Doris B. McHugh req. Beverly Perrow 10:30AM - Jean Imbrosciano req. Ernie & Kathy Imbrosciano 12 Noon - Ann Susanno req. Joe & Pat Tardo REST IN PEACE Amada Azucena Andrade, sister of Mariana Cordova, Christopher T. McGinty Jr, son of Christopher & Donna McGinty, and Anna M. MacDonald, mother of Howard MacDonald recently returned to their eternal reward. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace. Ten New Year Resolutions for Catholics 1. Attend daily Mass 2. Go to confession every month 3. Read the Bible 4. Pray the Rosary 5. Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy 6. Get involved with your parish 7. Read about your faith 8. Spend some time in front of the Blessed Sacrament 9. Listen to the Voice of God 10. Help the poor and needy Prayer of the Month St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, with the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. Please note the parish office will be closed on Monday February 16th in observance of President’s Day. Page 2 - 601 Blanche Aeppli + Leonora Balgatas + Ramona Baltazar + Laura Barbuzza + Dolores Bennett + Sarah Befumo + Marie Berardi + Kaitlyn Grace Blasco + +Shannon Blackwell + Raylene Blystone + Lucille Boyle + Ann Bullis + Robert Cardillo + George Chang + Dorena Chang + Cecelia Claxton + Matthew Conklin + Patricia Cousins + Robert Corless + Frances Colorafi + Toni Marie Cosentino + Bill Cunningham + Betsabett Dalloroso + Maggie DeGrazio + Laura DeCillis + Annette DeMarco + Corinne Desterdick + Edward Desterdick + Karen Desterdick + MaryAnn Desterdick + James Devine + Eleanor Doherty + Rosemary D’Onofrio + Peggy ConahanEpstein + Loran Farrell + Shawn Feeley + Maria Fiermonte + Walter Fialias + Cecilia Freeman + Frankie Gagliano + Robert Garbie + Else Gerwan + Peter Giangrande + Madeline Gonzalez + Catherine Graces + John Graziano + Joseph Guarino, Jr. + Dominick Hammel + Debbie Hanlon + Ryan Hansen + Loren Hegarty + Katherine Healy + Daniel F. Hennessey + Frances Hillock + Madeline Jardine + Christopher Joyce + Kimberly Johnson + Jean & John Kelly + Donna Keslosky + Grace Klimko +Joseph Klimko + John Krenkel + Sr. Joan Krukoski + Thomas LaFemina + John Lazzarotti + William Leroy + Marie Lewis + Madeline Lewis + Sadie Mandano + James Martemucci + Migdalia Martinez + Marilyn McCarthy Timothy McDonnell + Mary Meyer + William Mirfield + Rose Montanaro + James- Mooney + Emile Ne Jame + Donna Niethe + Glenn Niethe + Marilyn Niethe + Steven Novak + Vincenza Nusio + Fran O’Keefe + Kuljit Singh Parmar + Evelyn Patenaude + Nancy Perilla + Robert Polst + Jean-Louis Pouliot + John Quinn + Richard Recht + Carlos Rodriguez + Nicholas Rosen + Nanette Ruggiero + Joseph Rubino + Joseph Russo + Bayani Saludez + Monica Schmipff + Josephine Schmidt + Maureen Shores + Theresa Snyder + Anthony Spano + Carmella Spano + Harrison & Liam Strus + Gerry Dunnigan Taylor + Caryn Thomas + Helen Titus + Mary Toomey + Catherine Trippodi + Eileen VanBuren + Evangela Vanacore + Margaret Vega + Carissa Veltri + Lisa Veltri + Frank Ventimeglia + Pearl Walas + Debra Weber + Kirk Werner + Virginia Whiteman And pray for the men and women in the service, both home and abroad, caregivers, for those in need of God’s graces, and for world peace. St. Ambrose School Gift Basket Auction is almost sold out! Please get your reservations in as soon as possible. See bulletin flyer!! You may also purchase a mardi gras mask at $5 with your name on it to be displayed on the mural in the gym! ST. AMBROSE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE ~ Sunday March 8th! ~ 10AM - 2PM ~ See yer!! Our Spring Calendar Raffle is Back! Drawings start March 1st. $20.00 a ticket for 12 chances to win $500. You may purchase tickets after Mass and in the Parish Office. We are in need of Adult Altar Servers. If you are interested in joining this ministry, kindly call the Parish Office at 732-679 -5556 and we will get you started! 8 Sessions - $85.00 A program for children 18 months - 3 years (Choose one session) Tuesdays March 17th - May 19th ~ 10:30am - 11:15am Tuesdays March 17th - May 19th ~ 1:00pm - 1:45pm Thursdays March 19th - May 21st ~ 10:30am - 11:15am Please call 732-679-4700 for more information. please notify the parish office. Do not wait until your loved one is at a critical point. The hospital visits are covered by each hospital’s own chaplains. Our priests are assigned to Old Bridge Hospital for Tuesday and Wednesday. BAPTISM: The 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 1:30pm. Prior attendance at an instruction session for parents is required. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements as early as possible. Saturday: 3:45 – 4:45pm or by appointment MARRIAGES: Arrangements must be made one year before the date of marriage. ASH WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE ~ Ashes will be distributed on Wednesday, February 18th at 6:30AM and 9:00AM Mass. Prayer Service and ashes at 12 Noon, 4:00PM and 7:00PM. Toddler Time - Spring Semester SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: If anyone is seriously ill at home, SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: ~~PARISH NEWS~~ LENT ~ FAST ~ GIVE ~ PRAY Review of Catholic Doctrine ~ Wednesday Evenings 7:30PM-9:00PM ~ Parish Meeng Room ~ Outside Door # 4 These evenings will provide an opportunity for the adults of our parish to gather in a relaxed and informal seng and connue to grow in faith. You may join us for some or all of the sessions listed below. The Creed: February 25th Liturgy & Sacraments: March 4th & March 11th Scripture: March 18th & March 25th Morality: April 15th & April 22nd Prayer & Spirituality: April 29th & May 6th ~ Facilitators: Marion Dellatacoma & Marie Vallo ~ For more informaon, call the Religious Educaon Oce 732-679-5580 Page 3 - 601 A Leer from Fr. Jack: I would like to extend my thanks to all those who supported our First Annual Italian Night, held at St. Ambrose on Friday, February 6. Unfortunately, I was under the weather and unable to aend, but all the praises keep reaching me! The food was wonderful, the music was fun, and the ambiance was very Italian! Any me an event is planned, it is crical to have energec and reliable people, and we are so lucky to have a tremendous support team at St. Ambrose. I would be remiss if I didn’t menon Al & Lorraine Dama (Old School Catering), along with Linda & Ruthie, who provided the delicious menu, from appezers to fresh zeppolis at the end of the night!! …along with delighul and colorful decoraons, which made you feel like you were in an Italian Piazza! The menu was enhanced with delicious homemade meatballs, prepared by Theresa Massaro, who kindly stepped forward and volunteered to parcipate. Our DJ, Richie Failla, (who generously volunteered his services), did a great job geng everyone up on the danceoor, and our very own Dr. Kadela was a “strolling minstrel” for the night! I would also like to extend my personal thanks to Gerard D’Ambrosio and the members of the St. Ambrose Knights of Columbus, who assisted in every way imaginable, serving the food and supporng our caterer… truly a blessing, along with Charlie Fireo and George Grillo for all their help and hard work during the set-up. Nicole Cruz created the fesve centerpieces on each table, Barbara Murphy helped with our table decoraons, Nancy Fireo donated her arsc talents, and many members of the St. Ambrose Youth Group and Boy Scouts lent a hand. Lastly, all of this could not have been accomplished without the eorts of Anthony Cosenno, our maintenance supervisor. I had a vision of what I wanted this evening to be and he made it happen. I am very grateful for his commitment and friendship, and humbled by his willingness to serve. Gathering as a community, laughing with friends, sharing as a parish, is the true measure of me well-spent, and I am so thankful to all of those who aended and worked so diligently. I want to make this an annual event and if you missed this one, hopefully, you will join us in the future. May God bless you all and, again, my most sincere thanks! Fr. Jack New Memorials Now Available: The 2016 Mass Book is now open! Please note, in addition to the Bread and Wine and Sanctuary Lamp and Altar Candles, you may now purchase flowers in memory of your loved ones. Flower memorials available: ~ One large arrangement for the center of the Sanctuary, or two for either side of the tabernacle for $100. Arrangements for the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph is $50 each. ~ You may also purchase a “Rose for the Unborn” to be placed at the tabernacle. The intention will read “Rose for the Unborn” donated in memory of ~ by ~. Therefore this memorial will have a dual intention. The cost is $10. ~ We are also in the process of getting Mass cards for the missions. These Masses will be said by missionaries and not here at St. Ambrose. The stipend is $5. Please call the Parish Office if you have any questions. Mass Book Policy - families will be allowed 3 Masses (one Sunday). ~~DIOCESE NEWS~~ 2014 Bishop’s Annual Appeal - Life-Changing Faith (2014 Annual Appeal continues until the end of the fiscal year, June 2015) Next weekend, our parish will be conducting an In-Pew campaign for the 2014 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. If you have yet to contribute to the appeal, please take this opportunity to prayerfully consider a gift. If you have already given, please know how much your gift is appreciated. The annual drive to support our diocesan newspaper, The Catholic Spirit, is taking place during the month of February, Catholic Press Month. The Catholic Spirit is now beginning its 20th successful year of publishing and has a special role to play in your life as a praccing Catholic. The Catholic Spirit’s mission is to bring its readers “Closer to the Church, closer to faith communies and closer to Christ.” Please support their good work by using the envelope in your collecon packet. Any amount you contribute will show your support for the paper’s ministry and will be greatly appreciated. The Alumni Fathers Club of Chrisan Brothers Academy is hosng Golden Gloves boxing on the CBA campus, located at 850 Newman Springs Road (Rt. 520) on Saturday, February 28th at 7PM. Tickets and more informaon can be obtained at SAT CLASS ~ Ivy Masters Learning Center is oering a free SAT seminar for parents from 3-5 on February 15th. An SAT class will be held in the Parish Room which will also run 3 to 5 every Sunday (except Easter) from February 22nd unl April 26th. Cost $640 and includes materials. Late signups accepted. Contact call Paul Pscolka at 732-485-6480. “Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comfort- ed” If you are suering over the death of someone you love, perhaps the 8 week Bereavement Group at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Old Bridge may help you during this painful me. Their experienced, caring and trained facilitators will help to guide you on your Journey Through Grief. Monday evenings for 8 weeks starng February 23April 6, 2015. 7:30 PM. Registraon is required. Please call Deacon Pat Hearty at 732-251-4000 Ext. 8218. 2014 CONTRIBUTIONS Name:____________________________________ Address:__________________________________ Phone:________________ Envelope #:_________ Page 4 - 601 Page 5 - 601 Page 6 - 601 PLUMBING, HEATING & COOLING A Full Service Title Agency Joji Thomas Donna M. 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Centurion, M.D., Director Of Old Bridge “When Quality Counts You Can Count On Us” Full Service Florist Large Delivery Area 3159 Rt. 9 North Ticetown Sq. Shopping Ctr. 732-607-3777 Santiago A. Centurion, M.D. 28 Throckmorton Lane Suite 204 Old Bridge, NJ 08857 732-679-6300 Fax: 732-679-9566 Board Certified in Dermatology Mohs & Dermatology Surgeon Stanley J. Schnall, M.D. Board Certified in Dermatology Rebecca Lu, M.D. Board Certified in Dermatology Mohs & Dermatology Surgeon Iris Dubetsky, P.A.-C Bhakti Kanani, M.S., P.A.-C St. Ambrose Knights of Columbus No.6424 New Members Welcome Hall Available for All Occasions 732-679-2230 BOB HOEGLER PLUMBING, LLC In Service to the Parish & Community Repair & Installation Emergency Service ~No Job Too Small~ NJ Lic. No 7576 732-679-1213 601 St. Ambrose, Old Bridge, NJ (UPS) (B) 5RXWH 2OG%ULGJH1- 'DYLG/+HUQDQGH]-U0DQDJHU 1-/LF1R John Patrick Publishing, Inc. ~ 800-333-3166 ~
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