FEBRUARY 15, 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2015 4:00 Francelina Marques – req. by Teresa Carvalho SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015 8:00 Angeline & William Speziale – req. by Daughters Donna & Joanne 10:00 Thomas & Marcia Sherer – req. by Marc Sherer 11:45 In thanksgiving to St. Valentine – req. by St. Valentine Society 5:00 Guiseppe Pappalardo – req. by the LaRosa Family MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2015 12:05 Carmelo Gianni – req. by the Family TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2015 7:00 Benjamin J. Napolitano – req. by John J. O’Neil, Jr. 8:00 Drew Charles Goulet – req. by Ann Counos 12:05 Paul D. Mazzochi – req. by the Guinan Family 7:30 Vigil Mass WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2015 7:00 Joan Quinn – req. by Joseph Pearce 8:00 Raymond Fusco – req. by Michael, Paul & Giancarlo Fusco 12:05 Tom & Catherine Powers – req. by the Family 7:00 Solemn Vespers THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2015 7:00 Geraldine Gleary – req. by Matthew Fitzsimons 8:00 Josephine “Josie” Schutty – req. by Matthew Fitzsimons 12:05 Eleanor Sullo – req. by Roberta Horton FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2015 7:00 Ernesto Fernandes – req. by Carlos Costa 8:00 Paul Goldhammer – req. by the Parish Nurse Team 12:05 For Our Parishioners SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2015 4:00 Rosemarie Clarke – req. by the Family SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 8:00 William Leone – req. by the Family 10:00 Shirley Watt – req. by Nancy & Jerry Lemega 11:45 Rose Marie Griffin – req. by Michael & Mary Ellen Rogers 5:00 Alice Jaquith – req. by the Family SANCTUARY LAMPS – WEEK OF FEBRUARY 15, 2015 In loving memory of Thomas Romano – req. by Paula, Jo-Ann & Richard. Please Remember The Sick In Your Prayers: Beverly Dillon; Rico Pace; Joan Ragna Please Remember The Deceased In Your Prayers: Frank Maynard; Paul Ostiguy; Infant Nora Quinn; Eleanor Sullo Today We Prayed For: all involved in the ministries and activities of St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church and the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry as we continue to work and be the hands, the feet and ambassadors of the Gospel message in the world. HOLIDAY MASS SCHEDULE Please note that on Monday, February 16, Presidents’ Day, there will be one Mass for the day at 12:05 p.m. The parish office will be closed in observance of the holiday. SISTER PARISH UPDATE On Sunday, January 25, Fran Rago, one of the travelers from the October 2014 trip to Haiti gave a reflection of his experience in a poem that he wrote. This and Fran’s two other poems are available on the parish website (go to Community Outreach, then Our Partners where you’ll find St. Genevieve). There are some current pictures of the new church construction in Fouji, Zoranje. You can find them on the bulletin board at the back of our church, on the St. Patrick-St. Anthony Facebook page, or on the St. Patrick-St. Anthony website. The next trip to Haiti will be April 13-20. There will be an opportunity to see the progress of the new church construction. Call the parish office for more information (860-756-4034). Peace and All Good. ADULT FAITH FORMATION For a complete listing of programs, please go to our website, www.spsact.org. Intimacy: The Divine Ambush Sat. Feb. 21, 28, Mar. 7, 14, 21 & 29; 10:00-11:30 a.m. Facilitators: June Porter & Steve Starski Free Will Offering A Witness to Hope Sun. Feb. 22; 1:00-3:00 p.m. Presenter: Fr. John Powers, C.P. Suggested Offering: $12.00; incl. lite lunch Registration Deadline: Feb. 18 Lenten Nourishment Tues., Feb. 24, Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31; 12:30-1:00 p.m. Feb. 24 Speaker: Deacon Art Miller Offering: $5.00 per each luncheon REEL Faith: “A Place at the Table Thurs., Feb. 26; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Facilitator: Jack Wentland Free Will Offering Lenten Twilight Retreat Tues., Mar. 10; 5:30-9:00 p.m. Presenter: Fr. David Cinquegrani. C.P. Suggested Offering $15.00; incl. dinner Registration Deadline: Mar. 6 Grace Unleashed: A Fresh Look at the Sacraments Thurs., Mar. 12, 19 & 26; 7:00-8:00 p.m. Presenter: Fr. Thomas Gallagher, ofm Free Will Offering To register for these programs, please contact the Parish Office at 860-756-4034. Dear Parishioners and Friends at St. Patrick-St. Anthony and St. Genevieve, May the Lord give you peace. On Wednesday we begin our journey from ashes to the fires of Pentecost. It is a wonderful journey. We begin with Ash Wednesday. For many people, the question will arise: “What are you giving up?” While this is an interesting question, the more important question is: “What will you become?” We begin the season the time of introspection. It is a time to consider our deepest desires. The fundamental desire that each of us has to be in relationship. We desire to live in healthy relationship with God and with one another. It is really not possible to look at these as separate relationships. It is one remarkably intertwined covenantal bond. Our understanding of who God is, is reflected in the way we live our lives. Jesus will say in the Gospel, “The measure you measure with will be measured back to you.” The ● If you are 10 years of age or older and would like to help in our time of worship by serving as an Altar Server, please call Trudi in the office or speak with Chris Devine or Meg Hutcheson. This is a wonderful chance for apparent and child to serve together! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION In today’s second reading, St. Paul urges the Corinthians to “do all for the glory of God.” If we follow that advice in everything we do, we cannot help but be good stewards.” LIVING STEWARDSHIP We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who use their gifts to welcome and offer hospitality to those who are frequently shunned…the stranger, the immigrant, the AIDS sufferer, the mentally ill and the poor. image of God that we each hold is the measure we use to understand our world. If our image of God is that of a smallminded judge, then we must give something up to appease this God and we want to be sure that everyone else suffer as well. With this image, we see and judge the world. We become the miserly despot who is afraid of God and of the world. If God is an expression of overwhelming love, we strive to let go of all the false images and ways of being that keep us from realizing the depth of that love. We act in a way that invites others into this love. CATHERINE’S PLACE AT THE FRANCISCAN CENTER FOR URBAN MINISTRY IN COLLABORATION WITH MERCY HOUSING AND SHELTER CORPORATION WE CONTINUE TO NEED ITEMS FOR CATHERINE’S PLACE: Coffee…Butter…Juice…Cereal…Bread (wheat) Paper Towels…Toilet Paper…Sugar 1 gallon ziplock bags Please bring your donations to the plastic bin marked “Catherine’s Place” at the back of the church. Thank you for your generosity! The movement from Ashes to Fire is a movement of purification where we leave behind the ashes of our false gods - our false selves, our hard heartedness, and our desire for the safety of someone else telling us what to do and how to live. This is a call to ever-greater maturity in Christ. The movement is from the cold ashes of external rules to the burning desire to know for ourselves the grace and gift of God realized in our way of being with one another. I invite you to take advantage of these 90 days. Let us journey together into the wonder of the gift of the Spirit poured out with such generosity through the mission of Jesus. I ask you to read the parish-wide e-mail with Archbishop Leonard’s letter and the responses to questions regarding Physician Assisted Suicide. It is good to be informed and to make decisions based on the best knowledge and insight possible. Finally, the word “Lent” means “spring”! Let us live in the hope of seeing green grass, flowers, and the return of the warmer Are You Separated or Divorced? Our ‘New Life’ Program may be for you. Parishioners Stacie Mawson and Catherine Posteraro will facilitate a ten week program here at St. Patrick-St. Anthony’s for separated and divorced persons. The program, New Life, is designed for those who are in the stages of separation or divorce. It seeks to provide a “safe place” to examine stresses that have or are being coped with as well as to gain a wider perspective on the whole experience. Some of the topics to be addressed in these sessions include self-image, stress, anger, blame and guilt, loneliness and how to move toward growth. The first session will be held in the Franciscan Center on Thursday, March 12 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sessions thereafter will run weekly on Thursday nights until May 21 (except for Holy Thursday on April 2). To register please call the Parish Office at 860-756-4034. (You may provide only your first name if you wish.) The book to be used is provided free of charge. A minimum of five signups is needed. weather! Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sun. READINGS – FEBRUARY 16-22, 2015 Gn 4:1-15, 25; Mk 8:11-13 Gn 6:5-8, 7:1-5, 10; Mk 8:14-21 Jl 2:12-18; 2 Cor 5:20-6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Dt 30:15-20; Lk 9:22-25 Is 58:1-9a; Mt 9:14-15 Gn 9:8-15; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15 NOVEL IDEA: FICTION DISCUSSION GROUP A group of parishioners and friends gather once a month at the Urban Ministry Center to discuss works of fiction with a wide appeal. We invite and welcome new participants. Feel free to join us when the book announced in the bulletin is of interest to you or become a regular participant and help us choose the selections. For more information, contact Marybeth Walsh (860523-7034) or Sara Zagorski (860-721-1814). Upcoming Selections: Feb. 19 The Blue Star by Tony Earley Mar. 19 A Constellation of Vital Phenomena by Anthony Marra April 16 Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie May 21 The Bees by Laline Paull June 18 Euphoria by Lily King Date/Time: Thurs., Feb. 19 – 7 to 8:30 p.m. Place: Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry OPEN HEARTS GAY & LESBIAN MINISTRY Next meeting: February 8, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Families & Friends of the Gay & Lesbian Community Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 24 at 6:30 p.m. Sr. Ginny and individual parents are available for oneon-one visits. Please call the church office for further information. SPSA Men’s Fellowship Group Meeting Feb. 18, 2015 Our first meeting of 2015 will be on the topic of “Human Trafficking.” Our speaker will be Steve Ferraro, a former Co-Director of the CT chapter of Not For Sale, a nonprofit international organization. Mr. Ferraro has spoken to numerous CT teens on this topic and appeared on the Mary Jones Show. He has worked with members of CT DCF, law enforcement members and has spoken at events held by the Office for Catholic Social Justice Ministry, Archdiocese of Hartford. The meeting will begin promptly at 7 p.m. in the Urban Center and all are invited to attend. The topic being presented is fully supported by the SPSA Committee for Social Justice. As the meeting will be on Ash Wednesday, snacks will not be provided, but coffee will be available. We hope to see you there. LENTEN CONFESSIONS In the Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation, we meet the Lord who wants to grant forgiveness and the grace to live a renewed life in him. The Church encourages frequent confession to grow closer to Christ Jesus and his Body, the Church. All the churches of the Archdiocese will be open for Confessions every Monday during Lent from 6-7 p.m. For more information, visit Light4you.info. HOUSE OF BREAD Thrift Store…Serving our neighbors in the North End Small appliances (toasters, microwaves, irons, TVs), dishes, flatware, glasses, pots & pans, dressers and end tables. We can use most anything except clothing. We simply don’t have the space. www.hobread.org...more than just soup! CLARE GALLERY The Clare Gallery is pleased to present Intimate Spirits: Photography and Poetry in Conversation, as an exhibition by artist and poet Sister Jo-Ann Iannotti, O.P. The exhibition displays both poetry and photography in concert accenting the power of word and image. The artist wishes to draw viewers into the space between themselves and the two creative expressions allowing the works to be “seen”, as well as “read.” This exhibition is free and open to the public and extends from January 19 to March 15, 2015. A reception will be held on Thursday, March 5 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. At the reception, Sister Jo-Ann will discuss the intimacy that results from spending time with images and words and her various processes of creative expression. EASTER KIDS’ CHORALE The Easter Kids’ Chorale will provide musical leadership for the 10 a.m. Mass on Easter Morning in the Church! Youth age 6 and up are encouraged to sing. We would also love older students to help lead the younger children. The Kids’ Chorale will hold rehearsals on Saturday mornings from 8:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. on March 7, 14, 21 and April 4. There is NO rehearsal on March 28. Your child should try to attend all of the rehearsals; however, a minimum of three rehearsals is required. Please contact Pam Johnson at 860-756-4034 x-112 or pjohnson@spact.org to let her know your child will be there. COLLECTION AMOUNTS Weekly – Feb. 7-8 On-line Giving – Jan. 26-Feb. 1 $11,980.00 $ 1,510.00 To register for Online Giving, please visit our website: WWW.SPSACT.ORG Thank you for your generosity and support. St. Patrick-St. Anthony 20th Annual Charity Golf Tournament A CALL TO ACTION It’s Not Just About Giving, But About Receiving. Volunteering on the Golf Committee is a fun and rewarding way to support the Franciscan Mission in downtown Hartford. The Tournament is our biggest fundraiser of the year and supports The Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry. Since its inception in 1996, our tournament has raised well over $600,000 in support of programs like our daily Sandwich Ministry, Catherine’s Place, Adventure Saturday Mentor Program, and an ESL Program. In addition, these funds support our partnerships with both the House of Bread Soup Kitchen and The Wellness Center on Church Street which is staffed by members of University of Saint Joseph Faculty and their Nursing Students. Do you have an hour or two to give each month to support these wonderful programs? Come to Our Committee Kick Off Meeting Monday, February 23, 2015 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm at The Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry. We are looking for volunteers on the following Sub-Committees: (Monthly meeting attendance is NOT REQUIRED) Sponsor & Donations / Finance & Operations / Publicity & Communications / Prize Committee / Event Planning / Tournament Related Activities. For more information please go to http://www.spsact.org/main-menu/community-life/stewardship-and-development/golf-tournament-committee/, email info@spsact.org, or call one of our Co-Chairs: Joanna Penta @ 860-236-4831 or Andy Rarus @ 860-916-3064 Forever homes C h e r i s e needed for rescued and abandoned kittens and adult cats. Please adopt a rescue animal Animal Friends of CT, Inc. 860-827-0381 T & J Auto Body 36 Jencks Street · East Hartford 860-528-9337 CESAR'S FOREIGN & DOMESTIC ~ Specializing In European Cars ~ 128 Park Street · Hartford, CT 06106 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES 860-727-9512 Hartford Orthopedic Surgeons, P.C. John J. O'Brien, M.D. John J. Mara, M.D. Robert W. 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