ST. ANNE'S CHURCH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, Bl. John XXIII, Pope BVM 4:00 PM Deceased members of the Sagnelli Family Req. by Tina Castagna SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, Twenty-Eigth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 AM Deceased members of the Manganello Fam. Req. by Family 9:00 AM Flo Zona, Req. by Family 10:30 AM Michael & Livia Iovanni, Req. by Family WEEK OF OCTOBER 13 THRU OCTOBER 19, 2014 MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, Columbus Day 9:00 AM William Kustra (2nd Anniv.), Req. by Friend TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, St. Callistus I, Pope & Martyr 9:00 AM Paul DePalo, Req. by Wife WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin & Dr. of the Church 9:00 AM Lucy Card, Req, by Family THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, St. Hedwig, Religious, St. Margaret MaryAlacoque, Virgin 9:00 AM Frank Mahoney, Req. by Patti Mahoney FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr 9:00 AM Gary Giofreda, Req. by Friends SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, St. Luke, Evangelist 4:00 PM Ellen M. Amaral, (20th Anniv.) Family SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 AM For the People of St. Anne’s 9:00 AM Ausilio & Rose Pisa, Req. by Family 10:30 AM Harry Quick,(8th Anniv.) Req. by Michael & Ellie SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11 4:00 PM Eu. Min. Mary Marcinkus, Tracy Flynn Peggy Mattero, Peggy Olson Lectors Barbara Legassey Servers Alexandra & Vincenza Burdulis SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 7:00 AM Eu. Min. Gail Progin, Lynne Ticho Vincent Mastro Lectors Ben Ticho Servers Justin Vlass 9:00 AM Eu. Min. Gloria D’Andrea, Gail Foisy Sheryl Goodart, Barbara Lee Lectors Rebecca Lee Servers Michael Lee, Anthony Thomas 10:30 AM Eu. Min. Ted & Evie Gulledge Nick & Sue Todisco Lectors Barbara Legassey Servers Craig Mendonca, Christian Mauro SHREWSBURY, MA OCTOBER CALENDAR Oct. 14 Grades 7& 8 6:30-8:00PM Oct. 18 Grades 3&4 10:00-12:00 Oct. 19 Confirmation Candidates-Rite of Enrollment 10:30 Mass Oct. 19 Kindergarten & 1st grade 8:45-10:00 Oct. 21 Grades 7&8 6:30-8:00PM Oct. 26 Confirmation Candidates Class 3 5:30-7:30PM Oct. 27 Grades 5&6 4:30-5:45PM Grades 9&10 6:30-8:00PM Oct. 28 Grades 7&8 6:30-8:00PM Thank You Thank you to all who helped with the Parish Breakfast this past weekend! A donation will be made to the Susan G. Komen Walk for Breast Cancer in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. COFFEE HOUSE Coffee House on Sunday after the 9:00 and 10:30 am Masses. We are looking for volunteers to help with Coffee House Contact Andy Cesnickas at WANTED for our LOCAL “VETS” We have received a request from Veterans, Inc. for our local vets. They have a total of 132 individuals sheltered in their facilities, one of which is the former monastery located in Shrewsbury. An immediate, very basic need is new WHITE towels, face cloths and shower flip-flops. Jay Hubbell at Avalon Bay, Shrewsbury is assisting with this drive. TEL: 774-275-7692. DROP OFF: ST ANNE’S CHURCH, 130 BOSTON TPKE. BY OCTOBER 15. Thank you Elaine LeBlanc, Human Services, St. Anne’s HEALING SERVICE WITH FATHER PAT SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2014 *2:00-5:00PM St. Mary’s Church, 640 Main St. Shrewsbury God awaits the opportunity to heal you and to restore you to a deep, loving personal relationship with him, if only you will ask! Sponsored by St. Mary’s Health and Bereavement Ministry and the Cluster Parishes of Shrewsbury / Boylston. In today’s second reading, St. Paul thanks the Philippians for being willing to share in his hardships and promises that God, in turn, will fully supply all their needs. Our God truly cannot be outdone in generosity! TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Italian Night October 18 Gifts for God: Parish Stewardship of Treasure DATE: Fiscal Year Sept. 1, 2014 - Aug. 31, 2015 Ordinary Weekly Budget Collections (Expenses) $10,137 A few tickets are remaining. If you would like tickets please call the rectory @ 508-757-5154 $35,571 $50,685 ($15,114) $50,685 RAFFLE TICKET DRAWN AT OCTOBER 5 BREAKFAST October 5, 2014 $9,599 Budget VS. Actual ($538) Year To Date Actual Year To Date FAVORABLE/UNFAVORABLE Special Collections #280135 $1,756 Can be picked up at the Rectory – Call 508-757-5154 DEFIBRILLATOR LOCATED AT THE FRONT ENTRANCE The Sacraments A six-week course taught by Fr. John Foley Fr. Smith Center (Marian Room)7-8pm October 20 Baptism and Confirmation (con’t) October 27 Eucharist November 3 Matrimony November 10 Ordination November 17 Sacrament of the Sick This course will be geared to adults college-age and over. All are welcome, especially adults who are non-Confirmed. For more information or to register, please call the rectory at 508-7575154. BIBLE STUDY Come and join us in a facilitated bible study of the Gospel of Luke to be led by Bruce Andrews on six (6) Monday mornings. Sessions will be after the 9:00 mass (9:45-11:00am) in the Marian Room of the Fr. Smith Center. These sessions will consist of scripture reading, commentary, reflection and sharing. Discover your story in the Gospel of Luke. Sessions begin on October 20th. VISITATION HOUSE BABY BOTTLE FUNDRAISER Beginning October 11/12 St. Anne’s will be participating in a Baby Bottle Fundraiser to benefit Visitation House, a Catholic home for homeless women facing crisis pregnancies. Please take a bottle home with you this weekend and fill it with your spare change to be returned weekend of November 1/2. The bottles will be at the entrances to the Church. “Give that a Child May Live” Harvest Festival at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel October 18, 10:00am – 4:00pm Call 508-791-6139 for more information Prize - $100 THE WINNER IS: or email PARISH LIFE MINISTRY FAIR St. Anne’s is planning to host a Ministry Fair at the Fr. Smith Center next spring. The Fair will be an opportunity to introduce and better acquaint parishioners with the many and various ministries we’re fortunate to have here in the parish. It can also be a way to give back by offering time and talents to existing or perhaps new ministries for parishioners who might want to get more involved in parish life. We need one or two more committee members. Please contact Peggy Olson (, Tom Schonhoff (, Jo-Ann Bafaro ( or Barbara Legassey (508-839-9103) “Thomas Merton–The Man” A new program hosted by Bruce Andrews & Dr. John Collins “Thomas Merton – the Man” will be shown on Shrewsbury’s public access channel SPAC TV 28/328 on Fridays at 7:30 PM, Saturdays at 7:30 AM, 4:00 PM. Tuesdays at 12:30 PM and Wednesdays at 5:30 PM. If you don’t live in town or cannot watch at those times, you can view it from Shrewsbury Media Connection’s webpage by clicking on ONLINE VIDEO LIBRARY and search for Merton. The direct link is http://vp.telvue,com/preview?id=T01028&video=210600 ST. MARY PRESCHOOL. SHREWSBURY Ages 2.9 – Pre-K - PRESCHOOL TOURS Please call for tour information – 508-842-1601 SHREWSBURY DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA The Shrewsbury Daughters of Isabella will be having their annual Penny Sale on Thursday, October 23 at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 206 S. Quinsigamond Ave., Shrewsbury. Doors open at 6:00 PM; drawings at 7:30 PM. Everyone is welcome. All proceeds go to charity. OPEN HOUSE St. Peter Marian Jr. Sr. High School Oct. 26 @ 1:00-4:00 PM Notre Dame Academy Entrance Exam Nov. 1, 8:30AM OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Friday Night 7:30-8:30 PM (Step Meeting) The Fitness Asylum, 55 Summer Street, Shrewsbury No dues, no fee’s, no weigh ins! OCTOBER 12, 2014 Michael Palumbo & Family Fr. Edward Moran Richard Tula Donna Estabrook Keith Willens Richard Bertrand Melody Rose Byrne Mary Jean Capalbo Deborah W. Robin Webb Smith & Fam. Tom Garon Doug Carpenter Debbie Frost The Palayoor Family Carl Schmidt & Family Jeanne Parke John Higgins & Family Barbara Morrissey, Jr. James Mulcahy Ron Whittle Rita Harding Jamie Mary T. Kelley Peg Rakauskas Patricia LaMarche Tina Castagna Betty & Tony Mastro Louis Iovieno Steve Baldino Robert Kucharski Troy Price Nate Lane Prescott Lane Betty Ann Baldino Judy Barsamian John Minihan John Roberts Audrey Marie Malzone Jean Ricciardi Jack M. Betty McDonough Baxter A. Karli McKenna The Lanzillotti Family The Messier Family Anthony Cerrone Betty McDonough Mary Beth Benison Shane Mulcahy Matthew Dumas Patricia Lemire Shirley Chenery Jillian Rollians Robert Mazzola Sr. Beverly O’Brien-Bertrand John & Pat DiPadua The Clark Family Frank & MaryLee DiPinto Tommy Batista Stephanie Quinn Kaitlyn Doorhy & Family Pauline Melbourne Paul D Sharon Yager Teddy Gulledge David Roberts Barbara Curtis Diane Toomy Joseph Rosiello Amy Tozeski & Paul Ballande Claudia Durand Barbara Truelson Thomas S. Downey Jack Simone Bill McManus Kathleen Tebeau Pam Terlizzi Francis Guiliano Keith Willens. Laney Anne Grizzle Paul M. Bobby Y. Tony Pignataro John Marchesseault Victor M. Monica Kim Hally Krystal, Collin & Ethen Burns Brenda Aitken Faith Lewis Heidi MacDonald Gene MacDonald Christine Mastrogiacomo Doug Dowen & Family Leo & Eileen DiPinto Pat & John Dipadua & Family Iris Grimaldi Pat Naverro Charles Smith & Family The Swalec Family The Francis Family Marlene Rodrick & Family Andy Cesnickas MaryRose Feraco Rocco Trotto Doug Carpenter Bonnie O’Brien Margarette Ovian The Vargas Family END OF BULLETIN ANY TEXT OR GRAPHICS ENTERED ON THIS PAGE WILL NOT APPEAR IN THE PRINTED BULLETIN CHURCH NAME: St. Anne's Church CHURCH CITY: Shrewsbury, MA ROUTING CODE: O RUN NUMBER: 22 FILENAME: 03-0093.46b PHONE NUMBER: 508-757-5154 FAX NUMBER: 508-797-9520 EDITOR/ CONTACT: CURRENT FORMAT:WPN Format -- 6th Column Part of Ad Grid Comments: Note to Press: This document printed at: 10/8/14 10:55 AM
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