COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS: ST. PATRICK 47 WEST HIGH ST, EAST HAMPTON, CT 06424 PHONE: 1-860-267-6644 CONTACT PERSON: Lori M. Lechowicz SOFTWARE: MICROSOFT OFFICE PUBLISHER 2007 ADOBE READER 8 WINDOWS XP PRINTER: Kyocera TASKalfa 400ci KX NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 1 through 8 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION: Oct 9, 2011 TRANSIMSSION TIME: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Please deliver to PARISH CENTER ONLY (which is behind the church) in the OFFICE. Do NOT deliver to the church. Thank you. Welcome to St. Patrick Church CELEBRATIONS OF THE LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday Vigil: 5:00p.m. Sunday: 8:00am & 10:30am and 5:00 pm (Oct-May) Weekdays: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri: 8:00 a.m. Called together by God to experience Jesus and his word, in the sacraments of the Church and in each other, we are committed to love God and to embrace all God’s people as witnesses of God’s mercy. 10/9/11 Page Two October 9, 2011 St. Patrick Church 47 West High St. P.O. Box 177 East Hampton, CT 06424-0177 Office: 860-267-6644 Fax: 860-267-7807 Rectory: 860-267-6646 Email: Web address: Pastoral Team Rev. Walter M. Nagle, Pastor Sister Dominic Joseph Valla, A.S.C. J. Pastoral Associate Lori M. Lechowicz, Administrative Assistant Daisy Conway, Financial Secretary Dani Annino, Director of Faith Formation John P. Higgins, Director of Music & Organist Office Hours 8:30am - 3:00pm, Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 12:00pm, Friday Please note: The Parish Office and Faith Formation Office will be closed for Columbus Day, Monday, Oct. 10, 2011 Bulletin Deadline Please submit articles no later than noon on Monday Welcome to our Parish Family Newcomers to the parish are invited to introduce themselves to Father Nagle after Mass and to register at the Parish Office. MINISTRY OF CAREGIVING Please advise the Pastor, Pastoral Associate, or Administrative Assistant to arrange pastoral visits or Holy Communion for those who are sick, hospitalized or homebound. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Also arrangements can be made by calling the Rectory. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Arrangements can be made by calling the Parish Office. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Couples must contact the Pastor at least one year in advance to reserve a date and make arrangements. CHANGING YOUR RESIDENCE OR PHONE NUMBER In a large parish, keeping the information on parishioners up to date is a difficult task. You can be of immense help in this regard. If you move or change your telephone number, please contact the parish office (267-6644). Not only will this help avoid confusion, but it will also save the cost of paying additional charges for returned mail. Thank you. Stewardship of Treasure October 2, 2011 Week 14 of the Fiscal Year 1,362 Registered Families Ordinary Income: Current Week Budgeted: $6,375.00 Actual Collection: $8,085.00 Over or (short) $1,710.00 Envelopes Received: 207 Year to Date $89,250.00 $81,751.50 ($ 7,498.50) Spiritual Programs: $ 25 Envelopes Received: 2 Handicap Accessible May God Bless those who were able to respond to the Increased Giving Campaign! Page Three Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, October 8 5:00pm Larry Selavka & Betsy Macdonald req. by Eleanor & Family and Don & Mary Reinhard req. by Mom & Dad Murray Sunday, October 9 8:00am Richard Wall req. by Jim & Kate Morris 10:30am Edward Robida req. by John & Jane Robida and John Kelly req. by Diane Annelli 5:00 pm George Scott req. by the DeMore Family Monday, October 10 8:00am The Cahill Family Tuesday, October 11 8:00am Stanley Gawrych req. by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Newlan Wednesday, October 12 8:00am Special Intention for John & Debbie Madalena req. by Angelina Madalena Thursday, October 13 6:00am-7:00pm Eucharistic Adoration 7:00pm Closing of Adoration Friday, October 14 8:00am Theresa Alessandro req. by Lou Alessandro Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, October 15 5:00pm Barbara Dumond req. by her children and Richard Wall req. Michelle Larson Sunday, October 16 8:00am David Delaney req. by Dianery Delaney 10:30am Rocco Pagnelli req. by the family and Thomas R. Anzalon req. by his wife, Kathleen 5:00 pm Cliff Sheehan req. by Gordon & Jann Dalton ST. PATRICK GUILD NEWS The next Guild meeting is October 11th at 7:00 p.m. and will feature “A Back-Swamp Band” with Tom Worthley. We look forward to seeing you for a night of fun & musical entertainment. Also, we are looking for additional bakers for the K.O.C. spaghetti supper on Oct. 14th. Please call Kim Lanou at 860-267-9235! Thank you! Thank You Thank you Peter Arcidiacono and Kimberly Bartone for your work on the new pew cards. “ I can do all things in Him who strengthens me.” The beautiful words from St. Paul in today’s second reading is a testament to the power of faith. Consider the following story I have borrowed from Joel Osteen’s book It’s Your Time. “ Even if you have endured incredible hardship, keep in mind that God can give you one idea to make up for everything that you’ve lost. All you have had to do is to believe and be open to His blessings……Imagine how Harland felt moving from job to job, place to place, for many years. His father died when he was just five years old. He dropped out of grade school and ran away from home then bounced around, taking whatever work he could find. To make a little extra money during the Depression, he opened a tiny restaurant, serving meals in his gas station in a small Kentucky town. The little restaurant became so popular he had to expand to a building across the street. Fire destroyed that place a few years later, but Harland didn’t give up. He rebuilt it. His Kentucky fried chicken made from a secret recipe of eleven herbs and spices became so popular, the governor of the state made Harland Sanders an honorary Kentucky Colonel…..But there was still no coasting, even for the Colonel. He was in his sixties, nearing retirement age when a new highway bypass took traffic out of his little town. His business went down to nothing. He was forced to close the restaurant… Most men his age might have given up and retired. But not Colonel Sanders. He knew God is a God of restoration. He knew God still had a way to bring his dreams to pass. After he sold his business and paid his debts, Colonel Sanders had only $105. He hit the road, going from town to town with his chicken fryer in the back of his truck, selling his chicken to other restaurants……Word spread quickly that Colonel Sanders’ chicken was finger lickin’ good! By the time he was seventy years old, Colonel Sanders had Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants all over the United States and Canada. Today there are more than eleven thousand KFC’s around the world. No doubt you have had a piece of Colonel Sanders’s chicken. The next time you have one of his wings, think of God’s restorative powers…….For a long time, life seemed to treat Harland Sanders harshly. He could easily have felt he was given the short end of the stick during those hard times. But God knows how to turn back time.” Maybe It’s Your Time to get involved with St. Patrick Church. Maybe you have an idea like Colonel Sanders. We want to hear from you. We are looking to add one or two members to the Finance Committee and Parish Council. Please contact the parish office if this is something you feel led to commit to. We are also looking for people with strategic planning/business management skills who could be part of an internal planning team here at St. Patrick. This group would map out where we want to be as a parish on a short term and long term basis. If this interests you please contact me at the parish office. My prayers are with all of you this weekend. I am on retreat with the Men’s ACTS retreat in Willimantic. Peace. Page Four October 9, 2011 Parish Events St. Patrick Library is located in the workroom of the Parish Center. All are welcome! Sunday, October 9 After Masses Blood Pressure Check 1:00 pm Adult Confirmation/KofC Tuesday, October 11 7:00pm Guild Crafts/WKRM Wednesday, October 12 7:00pm Choir rehearsal 7:00pm Life Teen Core Meeting/WKRM Thursday, October 13 7:00pm Catholic Scripture Study/Parish Center Friday, October 14 6:30pm Life Teen Band rehearsal/Church ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FAITH FORMATION NEWS Classes for all grade levels have begun – almost! Grades 6-8 will meet for the first time on October 24th due to the rescheduled Pantherfest. Classes meet from 6:30pm 8pm. Program information and calendars are available on our website, If you need additional information or have questions or concerns please contact Dani Annino in the Faith Formation Office at 860-267-6644 or email ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MATRIMONY A beautiful sacrament full of blessings, romance, love, commitment, comedy, giving, new life, joys, sorrows, adventure, challenges, responsibilities, growth, memories and more. It will be the weekly topic of this little corner of the bulletin. “I didn’t marry you because you were perfect. I didn’t even marry you because I loved you. I married you because you gave me a promise. That promise made up for your faults. and the promise I gave you made up for mine. Two imperfect people got married and it was the promise that made the marriage. And when our children were growing up, it wasn’t a house that protected them; and it wasn’t our love that protected them—it was that promise.” (Thornton Wilder) No one ever said: “I will love you for two years and six months.” All love songs have the ring of eternity about them (Bishop Fulton J. Sheen) Increased Giving Your participation in our Increased Weekly Giving Program is important. Please give prayerful consideration to Father’s request for a reasonable increase in your weekly offering. LIFE TEEN MASS AND LIFE NIGHT; EVERY SUNDAY All teens welcome – bring a friend! Bowling! 10/9 – Bowling at East Hampton Lanes right after the 5pm Life Teen Mass. Cost is $15 pp, includes pizza, soda and rental shoes! Permission slip required. 40 Days for life update 10/14 - Teen Candle light vigil, Planned Parenthood, Norwich 7:30-8:30 pm 10/29 - Prayer in front of Planned Parenthood, Norwich 10:00-11:00 am Join life teen parishes around the world collecting; diapers, onesies and plastic baby bottles to donate to crisis pregnancy centers! Drop off items at church. Speaker 10/30 – national speaker, Bryan Mercier to speak about the dangers and effects of devil worship! Join us to see this powerful, spirit-filled speaker! TEENS: View podcasts at - “Sunday, Sunday, Sunday”, Catholic Movie Reviews, THE171, LoveLife, and TheMix!! For more information on upcoming events or for monetary, food or time donations, please contact Michelle or Bill Donahue, 860-342-0435 or e-mail us at THE GUILD CHRISTMAS BAZAAR The St. Patrick Guild Christmas Bazaar will take place on Friday, November 4th from 5:00-8:00 pm and Saturday, November 5th from 9:00-1:00 pm. Please consider donating new or lovingly used items to our various booths. No clothes, large gym equipment or adult books, please. Drop off will be at the church hall Monday, Oct 31st -Thursday, Nov. 3rd, 9:00-4:00 p.m. and 5:30-8:00 pm. Various booths needing your support include: TOYLAND (games, toys, children’s books), LET IT SNOW (linen closet, holiday items, linens and things, MY FAVORITE THINGS (treasures & trinkets), DECK THE HALLS (Mary Lu’s Décor Galore), SILVER BELLS (Jewelry Gems—Jessie’s recycled bling—please help Jesse expand her inventory, call 860-267-9193), SANTAS ELVES (hand crafted gifts & stocking stuffers made by our own Guild Elves), SUGAR PLUM BAKE SHOPPE (delicious baked donations), LET’S CHANCE IT (fantastic raffle, drawing at 12:00 on Saturday), THE EATERY AT SANTA’S KITCHEN (homemade soup, mac. & cheese, burgers and dogs), AND THIS AND THAT (hallway overflow with large items). For more information, call Isabel at 860-267-1508 or Barbara at 860-267-6818. PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR GUILD! Page Five Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Introduction-Liturgy of the Word: Today our Gospel ends with the familiar quote, “Many are invited but few are chosen.” Our Eucharistic table is intended to be open to all. How well do we, each one of us, ensure that everyone here is welcome at this table? And then, how do we prepare ourselves and others to join in the celebration? As we approach the altar today, may we recognize God’s grace in each other and make ourselves ready to share that grace in our daily lives. Oct 9: John Rogers 1987, Marjorie Sheehan 1981, Thaddeus Cummings 1977, Susan Schley 1976, Lillian O’Kulich 1975, Loretta Roy 1971 Oct 10: Peter Kelly 1996, Louis Laferriere 1995, Elthea Giemza 1989, Elli McElroy 1989, Mildred Bennett 1976, Stanley Blaschik 1976, Evelyn Zawisza 1976, Margaret Campbell 1975, Elvira Tiberio 1975, Nicholas Santavenere 1968 Oct 11: Leon McKinney 1989, John Wolf 1989, Cecile Lavallee 1986, Felicita Ruiz 1980, Cyrias Cote 1977, Frank McLean Sr. 1971, C. Paul Measimer 1971 Oct 12: Evelyn Thorpe 2001, Aurora Prestamo 1993, William Nye Sr 1988, Stella Crosby 1984, Joseph Thompson 1982, Thadeus Cylkowski 1977 Oct 13: Donald Kremski 1992, Mary Lunden 1991, Julius Sonnenberg 1980, Joseph Mallon 1977, Jerome Finan 1976, Homer Gaouette 1975 Oct 14: Frances Clark 2008, Frances O’Brien 2007, Theresa Alessandro 1996, Anna Murphy 1994, Wilbur Bornman Sr. 1983, Marie LeBlanc 1974, Jessica Caron 1973 Oct 15: Richard Poe 1998, Cecelia Finholt 1985, Pauline Tremblay 1980, Leo Chaplen 1977, James Simpson 1975 Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. FREE TO SOMEONE IN NEED East Hampton residence has a beautiful wooden bedroom set including double bed, new mattress & box spring, chest of drawers, bureau with mirror and one end table. Also available, 72” Maple oval kitchen table with 6 low back chairs. Please call Sandy at 860-759-2265 if interested. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jon 1:1-22, 11, Lk 10:25-37, Jonah 2 Tuesday: Jon 3:1-10, Lk 10:38-42, Ps 130:3 Wednesday: Jon 4:1-11, Lk 11:10-4, Ps 86:15 Thursday: Mal 3:13-10b, Lk 11:5-13, Ps 40:5a Friday: Jl 1:13-15, 2:1-2, Lk 11:15-26, Ps 9:9 Saturday: Jl 4:12-21, Lk 11:27-28, Ps 97:12a Sunday: Is 25:6-10a, Phil 4:12-14, 19-10, Mt 22:1-14, Ps 80:9, 12, 13-14, 15-16, 19-20 Apostolate of Prayer for Priests….Norwich 10/9: Priests who have left the ministry 10/10: Rev. Francis Rouleau & Rev. Anthony Gruber 10/11: Rev. Augustine Naduvilekoot & Rev. Marcin Mikulski OSPPE 10/12: Rev. Tadeusz Zadorozny & Rev. Robert McNulty 10/13: Rev. Thomas Lavin OFM Cv & Rev. George Richards, Jr. 10/14: Rev. Leon Joseph Susalmanickam & Rev. Brian Converse 10/15: Rev. Jude Surowiec OFM Cv & Rev. Arul Peter Register with FEMA Need help after Irene? It’s easy to get started, call 800-6213362 (FEMA) or go on line at You will be asked to provide the following information: phone number, social security number, current mailing address, address of damaged property, brief description of damages, insurance information (if insured). You will be issued a FEMA application ID number for all future contact with FEMA. A FEMA disaster housing inspector may call to set up an appointment to view damages. Assistance may include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low interest loans to cover uninsured property losses and other programs to help recover from the effects of the disaster. You must register before October 25, 2011. Pasta Dinner in Honor of Local Resident Come join us for a pasta dinner and silent auction to be held in honor of Suzanne Stanton, on October 28th from 5:00-9:00 PM at the St. Patrick Parish Center in East Hampton. All proceeds will be donated to AstraZenaca Hope Lodge of Boston which provides free housing for cancer patients and caregivers who live more than 40 miles from the City, free transportation to patients and a wonderful support system. Tickets are $10/adults, $5 for children under 10. Space is limited, please call Beth for reservations 860-301-8099 or email Page Six October 9, 2011 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) The Catechumenate is the process of welcoming new members into the Roman Catholic Church. It is meant for those who are not baptized, those baptized into the Catholic Church who have not yet received the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation. Inquiry classes will be ending this week and we will be entering the next phase called the Catechumenate. Let us keep our candidates in prayer as they continue their journey with the Lord. PRAY for our ACTIVE MILITARY Have you seen the St. Patrick Prayer Board for active military personnel who are fighting on the front lines for our freedom? It’s located in the vestibule of the Church, to the left as you enter from the front steps. We post the pictures and rank of relatives of our parish family members and ask that you remember them in daily prayer. Since there are many new deployments, please let us know if there are any family members you would like posted...and may God keep them safe. SQUARE DANCE St. Peter Church at 30 St. Peter Lane, Higganum. A GOOD OLD FASHION barn hoedown—Get ready for lots of laughs! Saturday, October 22, 2011 from 7:00-10:00 p.m. Live caller & band. Come and have fun. You don't have to know how to square dance, but you will by the time you leave. There will also be line dancing. Sure to be a good time! Tickets should be purchased in advance. Adults & teens $8, 2 yrs & under $5. Contact Bill at 860345-4910, Ray at 860-345-4687 or Debbie at 860-345-8018 to purchase tickets. SPAGHETTI & MEATBALL SUPPER The Knights of Columbus, Belltown Council 6190 will sponsor their semiannual fundraising dinner on Fri, October 14, serving from 4:30 through 7:30 in the St. Patrick Parish Center. Tickets are available at the door. Prices remain the same as prior years, $7/Adult, $6/Seniors, $5/Children (Under 6 years free). The St. Patrick Guild will again tempt you with their tasty treats for dessert which are included with your meal. Please come and join us for a fun night out. The Food Bank Needs You Welcome to the fall season and all the wonderful things it brings! As we are thankful for all we have, let us remember those in need. Currently we are in need of canned fruit, shampoo, bar soap, dish soap, laundry soap, toilet paper, mustard, ketchup, relish and mayonnaise. Thank you for OPEN HOUSE EAST CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Come visit East Catholic High School during their Open House on Thursday, November 10th at 6:45 pm. The entrance exam for 8th graders will be on December 3rd at 8:00 at the school. Pre-registration is advised. Visit or call 860-649-5336 ext. 456. MERCY HIGH SCHOOL Open House Sunday, November 6th. 2:00 Presentation by Admin, 2:30-4:30 tour of school. Entrance Exam for Class of 2016 is Saturday, November 19, 8:00-11:15, Fee $25. Preregister at For more information call: 860-346-6659. XAVIER HIGH SCHOOL Open House for 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Students & Parents, October 23, 1-4:00 pm. For more information on open house, “Students Helping Students” Ad Book Campaign or Entrance Exam for 8th Grade students, visit Diocesan News STEWARDSHIP REFLECTIONS “My God will fully supply whatever you need….” Philippians 4:19 The secret to being a good steward is to trust that God will supply us with all that we need. However, we have to let go of the expectation that we should also have all that we want. Good stewards must learn to live differently. We must turn away from materialism, want less, share more and learn to be grateful for God’s many blessings. Great Family Movies in Theaters this fall! From the creators of FIREPROOF comes “COURAGEOUS” an action packed drama. Honor does begin at home. In theaters Sept. 30th. View at: Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez in “The Way”, a powerful and inspirational story walking El Camino de Santiago in Spain. Life is too short to walk it alone. View at: In theaters Oct. 7th. Look out CT and TN! Based on an inspiring true story, see the birthplace of today’s women’s basketball in “The Mighty Macs”. View at: In theaters Oct. 21st. Movie reviews can also be found at: 20th Annual Red White & Blue Mass Join us at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in honor of women & men of all faith groups who serve or have served the Nation. November 13th at 10:15 a.m. Details cal 860-887-9294 Page Seven Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bereavement Support Groups Every first and third Monday: 5:00-6:30pm, Conference Room A or B, Middlesex Hospital, Middletown. Every second and fourth Thursday: 6:30-8:00pm, Shoreline Medical Center, 260 Westbrook Rd., Essex. Every second and fourth Wednesday: 10:00-11:30am, One MacDonough Place, Community Room. (The Hospital’s assisted living facility on the corner of Main St. Extension and MacDonough Place.) For more information, please call Chaplain Dennis McCann, Middlesex Hospital Chaplain, 860-358-6725. Knights of Columbus #9358 (St. Bridget of Kildare R.C. Church) Join us for a Divine Mercy Dinner on Oct. 16th at 5:00 p.m. ($12/person) followed by Adoration at 6:00 p.m. and an interesting Divine Mercy Talk at 7:00 p.m. For information call Alan Fecteau 860-873-9535. _____________________________________________ St. Patrick Church Ministries Adoption Information: Mike & Tina Mohr — 881-7080 Altar Server: Susan Lanzi—267-9984 Altar Society: Maureen Sweeney 267- 2520 ACTS Retreat/Men& Women: Warren & Beverly Edwards—267-9926 Al & Isabel Vela—267-1508 John & Carol Lambert—267-9157 Baptism Contact: Sister Dominic Joseph —267-6644 Baptism Class: Mary Kaye Varni—267-9050 Child Advocate: Coordinator of Caregiving: Sister Dominic Joseph—267-6644 __________________________________________ Join one of our faith sharing groups as we explore The Creed Sessions begin October 17th Westside Manor: Deb Desrocher—267-0705 Cobalt Lodge: Daisy Conway—267-0833 Eucharistic Adoration: Sheila Wall—267-9486 Guild: Kim Lanou—267-9235 Sessions run for 6 weeks and the cost is $10 for materials Call the Faith Formation Office at 860-267-6644 with questions Knights of Columbus: John Hines—267-4270 Life Teen: Bill & Michelle Donahue—342-0435 Marriage Encounter: Dan & Pam Harazim—267-1184 Name:________________________________________ Nurses’ Ministry: Maggie Coolican—267-0540 Address:______________________________________ Pastoral Council Chair: Peter Bergan—267-4341 Phone:______________Email:_____________________ Prayer Group: George & Regina Looby—267-8203 Choose a group by your Time Preference Prayer Line: Jann Dalton — 267-5720 Pat Powers — 267-8529 __Wed. 9a.m. __Wed. 7p.m. __Mon 7:15p.m. Please return this card by dropping it in the “Why Catholic?” basket, the collection basket or by mailing it to the Faith Formation Office. Pro-Life: Theresa Hickey—267-0071 R.C.I.A.: Sister Dominic Joseph—267-6644 Vocation Contact: Don Hickey—267-0071 Wedding Coordinator: Michelle Donahue—342-0435
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