Lori M. Lechowicz
Kyocera TASKalfa 400ci KX
1 through 8
Nov. 25, 2012
Please deliver to PARISH CENTER ONLY
(which is behind the church) in the OFFICE.
Do NOT deliver to the church. Thank you.
Welcome to St. Patrick Church
Saturday Vigil: 5:00p.m.
Sunday: 8:00am & 10:30am
Weekdays: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri: 8:00 a.m.
Holy Day Masses: 8:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m.
Called together by God to experience Jesus and his word,
in the sacraments of the Church and in each other, we are committed to love God
and to embrace all God’s people as witnesses of God’s mercy.
Page Two
November 25, 2012
St. Patrick Church
47 West High St.
P.O. Box 177
East Hampton, CT 06424-0177
Office: 860-267-6644
Fax: 860-267-7807
Rectory: 860-267-6646
Web address:
Pastoral Team
Rev. Walter M. Nagle, Pastor
Sister Dominic Joseph Valla, A.S.C. J.
Pastoral Associate
Lori M. Lechowicz, Administrative Assistant
Dani Annino, Director of Faith Formation
John P. Higgins, Director of Music & Organist
Office Hours
Welcome to our Parish Family
Newcomers to the parish are invited to introduce
themselves to Father Nagle after Mass and to
register at the Parish Office.
Please advise the Pastor, Pastoral Associate, or Administrative
Assistant to arrange pastoral visits or Holy Communion for
those who are sick, hospitalized or homebound.
Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Also arrangements can
be made by calling the Rectory.
Arrangements can be made by calling the Parish Office.
Couples must contact the Pastor at least one year in advance to
reserve a date and make arrangements.
In a large parish, keeping the information on parishioners up to
date is a difficult task. You can be of immense help in this
regard. If you move or change your telephone number, please
contact the parish office (267-6644). Not only will this help
avoid confusion, but it will also save the cost of paying
additional charges for returned mail. Thank you.
8:30am - 3:00pm, Monday - Thursday
8:30am - 12:00 noon - Friday
Bulletin Deadline
Please submit articles no later than
noon on Monday
For those who have chosen to cancel their envelope
order since the “On-line Giving” program has begun, the
following are the extra collections for the upcoming
Dec. 8, 2012 —Immaculate Conception
Jan 1, 2013—Solemnity of Mary
Jan 6, 2013—Spiritual Programs
Feb 3, 2013—Spiritual Programs
Handicap Accessible
Stewardship of Treasure
The Bulletin was transmitted before the weekend
Masses because of the Thanksgiving holiday. In next
week's bulletin the stewardship report will show two
weeks. Thank you.
“Jesus answered, ‘My kingdom does not belong to this
world.” (John 18:36)
How often do we put all our time and energy into building a
kingdom here on earth, forgetting that life here is short?
The real kingdom is in the next life. Yet, how much time
and energy do we invest in working for that eternal
Page Three
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
King of the Universe
Saturday, Nov 24
5:00pm Mildred Sale req. by Bob & Sheila Sale and
Charlote Beyer req. by Mom and family
Sunday, Nov 25
8:00 am Lorraine Cantara req. by Kate & Jim Morris
Friedrich Hecht req. by Rosemarie Hecht and
Delphene Mikalauski req. by the Weldon/Ondas
Monday, Nov 26
8:00am Celebration of 50th Anniversary Mass for John
& Carol Lambert req. by Corrine & John Tillotta
Tuesday, Nov 27
8:00am Dorothy Quirk req. by Tom Livingstone
Wednesday, Nov 28
8:00am Ann Crowley req. by Patricia McLaughlin
Thursday, Nov 29
Friday, Nov 30
Immediately following morning Mass
Eucharistic Adoration
8:00am Special Intention for the Family of Angelina
1st Sunday of Advent
Saturday, Dec 1
5:00pm John Wall req. by his wife & family and
Patsy Muli req. by Donna Daly and family
Sunday, Dec 2
8:00 am John & Jane Vechinsky req. by John & Nancy
Marye R. Ruimerman (Rau) req. by William &
Margaret Blodget and Thomas Hurlbert req. by
Warren & Beverly Edwards
I hope everyone had safe travels and
an enjoyable Thanksgiving. It is always
a special time of year!
Today is the feast of Christ the
King. It is the official end of the
Church’s liturgical year. Next Sunday we begin our journey to
Christmas with the 1st Sunday of Advent. Pope Benedict XVI
has some thoughts to ponder in his encyclical On Christian
Hope. This passage has the following subtitle: “Judgment as a
setting for learning and practicing hope:” “At the conclusions
of the central section of the Church’s great credo-the part that
recounts the mystery of Christ, from his eternal birth of the
Father and his temporal birth of the Virgin Mary, through his
Cross and Resurrection to the second coming-we find the
phrase: 'he will come again in glory to judge the living and the
dead.’ From the earliest times, the prospect of the Judgment
has influenced Christians in their daily living as a criterion by
which to order their present life, as a summons to their
conscience, and at the same time as hope in God’s justice.
Faith in Christ has never looked merely backwards or merely
upwards, but always forwards to the hour of justice that the
Lord repeatedly proclaimed. This looking ahead has given
Christianity its importance for the present moment. In the
arrangement of Christian sacred buildings, which were
intended to make visible the historic and cosmic breadth of
faith in Christ, it became customary to depict the Lord
returning as a King-as a symbol of hope-at the east end; while
the west wall normally portrayed the Last Judgment as a
symbol of our responsibility for our lives-a scene which
followed and accompanied the faithful as they went out to
resume their daily routine. As the iconography of the Last
Judgment developed, however, more and more prominence
was given to its ominous and frightening aspects, which
obviously held more fascination for artists than the splendor of
hope, often all too well concealed beneath the horrors.
In the modern era, the idea of the Last Judgment has faded
into the background: Christian faith has been individualized
and primarily oriented towards the salvation of the believer’s
own soul, while reflection on world history is largely
dominated by the idea of progress. The fundamental content of
awaiting a final judgment, however, has not disappeared; it has
simply taken on a totally different form. The atheism of the
19th and 20th centuries is-in its origins and aims-a type of
moralism: a protest against all the injustices of the world and
of world history. A world marked by so much injustice,
innocent suffering, and cynicism of power cannot be the work
of a good God. A God with responsibility for such a world
would not be a just God, much less a good God. It is for the
sake of morality that this God has to be contested. Since there
is no God to create justice, it seems man himself is now called
to establish justice. If in the face of this world’s suffering,
protest against God is understandable, the claim that humanity
can and must do what no God actually does or is able to do, is
both presumptuous and intrinsically false. It is no accident that
this idea has led to the greatest forms of cruelty and violations
of justice; rather, it is grounded in the intrinsic falsity of the
claim. A world which has to create its own justice is a world
without hope.”
Page Four
November 25, 2012
Parish Events
St. Patrick Library is located in the workroom of
the Parish Center. All are welcome!
This year St. Patrick Church is providing
three ways in which you can help the
community during the holiday season.
Sunday, Nov 25
Monday, Nov 26
Tuesday, Nov 27
7:00pm Cluster meeting/Parish Center
Wednesday, Nov 28
7:00pm Choir Rehearsal/Church
Thursday, Nov 29
7:00pm Catholic Scripture Study/Parish Center
7:30pm Cornerstone Prayer Group/KofC All are welcome
Friday, Nov 30
Saturday, Dec 1
The Living Nativity Needs
Your Help!
All ages are welcome to participate in
this event on Friday, December 14th at
7:00 pm. Please contact Dani at 860267-6644 or email at if
you are interested. Actors (both speaking and nonspeaking parts), set designers, bakers, ticket takers, set up
and clean up crews are needed. We hope you can join us
as we re-tell the story of our Savior's birth.
The 2013 workbooks are now available in the Parish Office,. Please pick them up at your earliest convenience.
Question to Ponder:
How do each of the descriptions of Christ’s kingdom—truth, life, holiness, grace, justice, love, peace—
figure in my principles and priorities, in the circles in
which I live and move (at the parish, at work or school,
in my household/family, in my personal life)?
Beginning November 20th and concluding
December 10th the “Giving Tree” to benefit children through the East Hampton Food
Bank, will be located in the church. Please
remove a tag from the tree, make your purchase, attach the tag to the item and place it
under the tree. Please do NOT wrap the
gift. It is very important that the tag be
returned with the gift, so that the appropriate child will receive your gift. Thank you
for your generosity and continued support
of this program. If you have questions, call
Dani in the Faith Formation Office at 860267-6644.
Please sign up to sponsor a child for the
East Hampton Volunteer Food Bank’s
“Project Christmas.” A list is posted in
the front foyer of the church. Please write
your name and phone number next to the
item(s) you wish to purchase. Please do
NOT wrap presents (but they may be
placed in a Christmas Bag.) Be sure the
child’s number is clearly marked on the
item and return it to the back of the church
by December 9th. Any questions please
call Jane Leary at 860-267-8340.
The Middletown District Council of
Catholic Women (MDCCW) is sponsoring
a “Toy Drive” which will be donated to the
CT Children's Medical Center. A donation
box is located in the foyer of the church
with a list of requested items (please feel
free to take a list with you). Do NOT wrap
the gifts. The Drop off date is DECEMBER 9th.
May God Bless you for your generosity.
Page Five
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Introduction-Liturgy of the Word:
On this final Sunday of the liturgical year, we acclaim
Christ as King of the Universe to whom all other powers
are subject.
We also renew our own baptismal
commitment to Jesus as the Lord to whom we pledge our
heart’s highest loyalty and deepest love. In today’s
Gospel, Jesus faces the injustice of Pilate’s judgment
with no followers fighting to save him, and with no
weapon except truth. In celebrating our Eucharist today,
let us resolve to be Jesus’ peaceable disciples, who show
that we belong to the truth by listening to Jesus’ voice.
Monday: Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5, Lk 21:1-4, Ps 24:6
Tuesday: Rv 14:14-19, Lk 21:5-11, Ps 96:13b
Rv 15:1-4, Lk 21:12-19, Rv 15:3b
Thursday: Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Lk 21:20-28,
Rv 19:9a
Friday: Rom 10:9-18, Lk 21:34-36, Ps 19:10
Saturday: Rv 22:1-7, Lk 21:34-36, 1 Cor 16:22b
Sunday: Jer 33:14-16, l Thes 3:12-4:2, Lk 21:25-28, 34-36,
Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14
Apostolate of Prayer for
Nov 25: Dolores Albrecht 2011, Robert Hayes 2005, Walter
Hook 2000, Fred Feegel 1976, Fred Lopez 1976
O, Jesus, I pray for Your faithful and fervent priests; for Your
priests laboring at home or abroad in distant mission fields.
For the lonely and desolate priests; for Your young priests; for
Your dying priests; for the souls of Your priests in Purgatory, I
Nov 26: Frances Porter 1987, Theresa Flynn 1985, Robert
Rychlovsky 1984, Mary Chamberlain 1981, Frank O'Brien
1974, Harold Murphy 1973, Mary Yorsz 1973
11/25: Rev.Albert Giaquinto & Msgr. Richard LaRocque
Nov 27: Frank McLean, Jr. 2008, Margaret Staknis 2000, John
Cola 1991, William Sullivan 1990
11/27: Rev. Bartholomew Karwacki & Rev. Thomas
Nov 28: Friedrich Hecht 2010, Robert Sypek 2009, Jorge
Rosemberg 2008, Lawrence Drake 1999, John Rankl 1995,
John Cahill 1978, James Scalera 1978, Gladys Goguen 1973
11/28: Rev. George Busto & Rev. Michael Smith
Nov 29: Marjorie Whelan 2002, Thomas Brown Sr. 2001,
Nora Bodner 1989, Domenic Zacchio Jr. 1985
11/30: Rev. Kevin Reilly & Rev. Arthur Archer
11/26: Rev. Leo Almendra & Rev. Walter Nagle
11/29: Rev. V. Antony Alaharasan
12/1: Rev. Gregory Mullaney & Rev. Daniel Mode
Nov 30: Katherine Burke 1988, Virginia Blanchard 1984
Dec 1: Lena Margnelli 2006, Alfred Becker 1996, Edward
Sperry 1991, Anita Margnelli 1978
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord. May their souls
and the souls of all the faithful departed through the
mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
A beautiful sacrament
full of blessings, romance, love,
commitment, comedy, giving, new life, joys, sorrows, adventure, challenges, responsibilities, growth, memories
and more.
“In a time when nothing is more certain than change, the commitment of two people to one another has become difficult and
rare. Yet, by its scarcity, the beauty and value of this exchange
have only been enhanced” - Robert Sexton
“What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel
that they are joined for life to strengthen each other in all labor,
to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in
all pain, to be one with each other in silent, unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting.” - George Eliot
Page Six
November 25, 2012
Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a chronic condition and sleep disorder
that causes breathing pauses throughout the night and
snoring. These pauses can last for several seconds or
minutes and can occur multiple times in an hour.
Sleep apnea can cause you to wake up feeling tired as if you have not received a full night's sleep. Sleep apnea can only be diagnosed by observation with a sleep
study in which the doctor will monitor your sleeping patterns.
The typical symptoms of sleep apnea include difficulty staying awake or sleepiness, morning headaches,
dry throat, memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and unexplained irritability.
Sleep apnea is most common among men. Men
above the age of 65 and women who have completed
menopause are the most commonly affected group. Obesity is another strong risk factor.
Lifestyle changes can help prevent and treat sleep
apnea. It is recommended that sleep apnea patients limit
alcohol, lose weight, and stop smoking. Patients might
also see improvements after changing sleeping positions. It is recommended that sleep apnea patients avoid
sleeping on their backs.
If you think you may have sleep apnea consult your
Doctor to discuss a sleep study.
“Catholic teaching recognizes the inherent value of all human
life. We are indeed made in the image and likeness of God. As
Catholics we celebrate and defend the sanctity of life in all of its
natural stages. Each of us—regardless of age, race, physical or
mental ability, or economic status—is inherently valuable. There
is no stage of life that is insignificant. When every life is respected, when physicians, family members and other caregivers
respond generously to the needs of vulnerable persons in their
care, we all benefit.”
William L. Toffler, MD “Life Matters: Doctor-Assisted Death by
Suicide,” Respect Life Program 2012
On Sunday, December 2nd and December 9th, the St.
Patrick CYO Basketball program will be selling poinsettia
plants in support of their 2012-13 season. Anyone interested in
purchasing plants for the holiday season can either preorder
their plants for pickup on Dec. 2nd and Dec. 9th between the
hours of 8:15am &12:00pm. or they can be purchased after each
Prices are: $12 for 6.5" plant, $16 for 8" plant, and $20 for
centerpiece. The choice of colors are red, white or pink.
(Centerpieces are all red) Those of you who have purchased in
the past know how hearty and vibrant our plants are!
If you are interested in preordering, please call Darlene at
860-267-7594 no later than November 23rd.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Individuals who have pre-ordered plants
through a team player will be contacted by that team player to
arrange for the delivery of your plants. Thanks to all for your
The majority in our country is now
Still 28% of those having abortions identify themselves
as Catholic.
“Some food for thought:
If the absence of brain waves determines that a person’s
life has ended, why shouldn’t the presence of brain
waves in an unborn baby determine that human life exists?
If a baby’s father has no right in an abortion decision,
why should he be compelled to pay child support if the
mother does not abort?
Need post abortion help? Project Rachel is there for
After the election, we continue to stand in defense of life, marriage, and our first, and most
cherished liberty, the freedom of religion. We will
continue to do all that we can to ensure that we are
able to live out our faith.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
continues to urge the Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS) and the White House in
the strongest possible terms, actually to eliminate
the various infringements on religious freedom
imposed by the mandate. I assure you all that we
are watching this situation very closely, including
the many lawsuits taking place throughout the
country in this regard and will continue to investigate ways we can fight this infringement.
If you haven’t expressed your opposition to the
federal healthcare mandate, please contact the
White House at: or
call: 202-456-1111 or 202-456-1414.
Page Seven
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Have you seen the St. Patrick Prayer Board for active
military personnel who are fighting on the front lines for
our freedom? It’s located in the vestibule of the Church,
to the left as you enter from the front steps. We post the
pictures and rank of relatives of our parish family
members and ask that you remember them in daily prayer.
Since there are many new deployments, please let us
know if there are any family members you would like
posted...and may God keep them safe.
Bereavement Support Groups
Every first and third Monday: 5:00-6:30pm, Conference
Room A or B, Middlesex Hospital, Middletown. Every
second and fourth Thursday: 6:30-8:00pm, Shoreline
Medical Center, 260 Westbrook Rd., Essex. Every second
and fourth Wednesday: 10:00-11:30am, One
MacDonough Place, Community Room. (The Hospital’s
assisted living facility on the corner of Main St. Extension
and MacDonough Place.) For more information, please
call Chaplain Dennis McCann, Middlesex Hospital
Chaplain, 860-358-6725.
Dumb Ox Ministries will present a one-night Advent Mission at the Cathedral of St. Patrick on Saturday, December
8 from 7:00-9:00 pm. Open to all ages this mission will
have a special message for young people. It will feature a
live concert by Catholic artists Sarah Kroger and Greg
Boudreaux, with speaking by Dom Quaglia. Through music, speaking and reflection participants will be invited to
enter more deeply into the season of advent in preparing a
place for Jesus to be incarnate in their owns lives. For
more information call Jill Patten at 860-460-3947 and to
l ea r n mor e a b ou t t h e p r es ent er s , vis it!
St. Patrick Church Ministries
Adoption Information: Mike & Tina Mohr — 881-7080
Altar Servers: Susan Lanzi—267-9984
Altar Society: Maureen Sweeney 267-
ACTS Retreat/Men& Women:
Warren & Beverly Edwards—267-9926
Al & Isabel Vela—267-1508
John & Carol Lambert—267-9157
Baptism Contact:
Sister Dominic Joseph —267-6644
Baptism Class:
Mary Kaye Varni—267-9050
Catholic Scripture Study
Kathy Anderson 365-5003
Child Advocate:
Peggy Puzzo 267-9932
Cobalt Lodge:
Daisy Conway—267-0833
Coordinator of Caregiving:
Sister Dominic Joseph—267-6644
Eucharistic Adoration: Sheila Wall—267-9486
Guild: Kim Lanou—267-9235
Knights of Columbus: Keith Lanou 860-680-4988
Marriage Encounter: Dan & Pam Harazim—267-1184
Nurses’ Ministry: Maggie Coolican—267-0540
CHRISTMAS on the Hill Showcase: Come and see the beautiful Christmas Illuminations in the Lobby of Immaculata Retreat
House. Sunday afternoons from 12:00-5:00, December 2—Jan 6.
Light refreshments available. Call 860-423-8484 for more information.
Middlesex Hospital Vocal Chords: under the direction of Gina
Fredericks will celebrate the joys of this most festive season with it’s
23rd holiday concert on Sunday, December 2nd at 2:00pm at Portland high Schools. For information call: 860-347-2787 or visit
St. Anne Shrine, MA, Bus Trip: Join Fr. Ralph DiOrio’s Healing Services on December 11th and Dec 18th. For more information
call 203-407-1448 or visit
Walking the Path of Faith: Advent Retreat for men & women,
Dec 14-16. call 860-423-8484 or visit
for more information.
Pastoral Council Chair: Peter Bergan—267-4341
Prayer Group: George & Regina Looby—267-8203
Prayer Line: Jann Dalton — 267-5720
Pat Powers — 267-8529
R.C.I.A.: Sister Dominic Joseph—267-6644
Vocation Contact:
Wedding Coordinator: Michelle Donahue—342-0435
Westside Manor: Deb Desrocher—267-0705