Lori M. Lechowicz
Kyocera TASKalfa 400ci KX
1 through 8
Nov 13, 2011
Please deliver to PARISH CENTER ONLY
(which is behind the church) in the OFFICE.
Do NOT deliver to the church. Thank you.
Welcome to St. Patrick Church
Saturday Vigil: 5:00p.m.
Sunday: 8:00am & 10:30am and
5:00 pm (Oct-May)
Weekdays: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri: 8:00 a.m.
Called together by God to experience Jesus and his word,
in the sacraments of the Church and in each other, we are committed to love God
and to embrace all God’s people as witnesses of God’s mercy.
Page Two
November 13, 2011
St. Patrick Church
47 West High St.
P.O. Box 177
East Hampton, CT 06424-0177
Office: 860-267-6644
Fax: 860-267-7807
Rectory: 860-267-6646
Web address:
Pastoral Team
Rev. Walter M. Nagle, Pastor
Sister Dominic Joseph Valla, A.S.C. J.
Pastoral Associate
Lori M. Lechowicz, Administrative Assistant
Dani Annino, Director of Faith Formation
John P. Higgins, Director of Music & Organist
Office Hours
8:30am - 3:00pm, Monday - Thursday
8:30am - 12:00pm, Friday
Bulletin Deadline
Please submit articles no later than noon on Monday
Welcome to our Parish Family
Newcomers to the parish are invited to introduce
themselves to Father Nagle after Mass and to
register at the Parish Office.
Please advise the Pastor, Pastoral Associate, or Administrative
Assistant to arrange pastoral visits or Holy Communion for
those who are sick, hospitalized or homebound.
Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Also arrangements can
be made by calling the Rectory.
Arrangements can be made by calling the Parish Office.
Couples must contact the Pastor at least one year in advance to
reserve a date and make arrangements.
In a large parish, keeping the information on parishioners up to
date is a difficult task. You can be of immense help in this
regard. If you move or change your telephone number, please
contact the parish office (267-6644). Not only will this help
avoid confusion, but it will also save the cost of paying
additional charges for returned mail. Thank you.
Stewardship of Treasure
November 6, 2011
Week 19 of the Fiscal Year
1,362 Registered Families
Ordinary Income:
Actual Collection:
Over or (short)
Current Week
Year to Date
($ 3,681.00)
Envelopes Received: 230
Handicap Accessible
Spiritual Programs: $1,263.00
All Souls Offering: $225.00
All Saints Offering: $389.00
Page Three
Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Thirty Third Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Saturday, November 12
5:00pm Mildred Sale req. by Bob & Sheila Sale and
Joseph P. Lattanzio req. by St. Patrick Parish
Sunday, November 13
8:00am Richard Wall req. by Michael & Joy Doran
10:30am Russell Durant req. by Frances & Russell Hall and
Francis Lanzi req. by his cousin
5:00 pm
The Brown & Ferrigno Families
Monday, November 14
8:00am Erminia, Andew & Andrew Ferrigno
Tuesday, November 15
8:00am Richard Wall req. by Claire Wall & Family
Wednesday, November 16
8:00am Special Intention for John & Debbie Madalena
req. by Angelina Madalena
Thursday, November 17
6:00am-7:00pm Eucharistic Adoration
Closing of Adoration
Friday, November 18
8:00am Tom Dash req. Jack Dash
Thirty Fourth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Saturday, November 19
5:00pm Helen Wolfe req. by Dorothy Wolf and
John Youngs req. by Peggy, Larry & Molly Puzzo
Sunday, November 20
8:00am James Boule req. by Denise & Al Kateley
10:30am Richard Murray req. by Catherine & Charles
Murray and
Joseph Drodwell req. by his loving family
5:00 pm
Rose Lanzi req. by her Godson
On November 27th we, along with all Catholic parishes
in the United States, will begin using a new translation of
the Roman Missal. This means that the words of some
of the prayers of the Mass will be changing, both for you
and for the priest. This is an excellent time to learn more
about the celebration of the Eucharist, and to refresh and
reconsider how we participate in the celebration.
By every account measurable the
Guild Bazaar was a big success. It was
nice to have bright Christmas cheer
after a tough week for many. Thanks to
all who worked so hard to make it a success. St
Patrick’s Guild does a lot for the parish and I am most
grateful for everything they do.
You and I are on a search and rescue mission. We
need to search out and rescue the Catholics in our
family who have left the faith or who or not practicing.
It bears repeating, the largest denomination in our
country is the Catholic Church. The second largest is
non-practicing Catholics. We have a lot of work to do.
Remember the sermon illustration I gave this past
weekend-when the Titanic sank 1,503 people died.
The vast majority died in the sea, wearing life jackets,
very few actually went down with the ship. 472
lifeboat seats were not used and 300 dead bodies were
pulled from the sea the next morning. It is up to you
and I to get people back into the lifeboat-it is up to you
and I to pray for and encourage those closest to us to
get back into the grace-filled channels of the Catholic
This is why Steve Ray will be coming to St.
Patrick Church the weekend of Dec 2/Dec 3. Steve is a
convert from the Baptist faith. He grew up with many
misconceptions about the Church. In a talk titled
“Finding the fullness of faith” Ray comments on his
first experience with a Catholic Mass. He talks about
weeping when he saw the procession coming down the
aisle to the altar-he was thinking about how for 2,000
plus years people were fed daily at that same altar. His
wife expressed sorrow that more Catholics could not
explain their faith.
Do not bury your talents. You do not have to be
Billy Graham to evangelize. You don’t have to be an
extrovert. All of us, by the grace and power of the
Holy Spirit given us at baptism, are more than capable
of witnessing to our faith. “ Always be ready to give
answer for the hope that lies within you”, St Peter
writes in his epistle. That should be our motto. There
is no shortage of people who need to hear the good
news. These days we can use the internet, social
networking sites, and all forms of mass
communications to get the word out. Tell everyone
you know that St Patrick Church is alive in the spirit
and we want many more to get into the lifeboat. Do
not let the events of the Titanic happen again.
Page Four
November 13, 2011
Parish Events
St. Patrick Library is located in the workroom of
the Parish Center. All are welcome!
Sunday, November 13
Blood Pressure Check after each Mass
10:30am Mass of Remembrance
11:30am Youth Choir/Church
5:00pm Life Teen Mass followed by dinner & Life Night
Monday, November 14
7:00pm Finance Board Meeting/WKRM
Tuesday, November 15
7:00 pm Women’s Acts/WKRM
Wednesday, November 16
7:00pm Choir rehearsal/Church
7:00pm Life Teen Core Meeting/WKRM
Thursday, November 17
7:00pm Scripture Study/Parish Center
Friday, November 18
Saturday, November 19
7:00am Pancake Breakfast
A beautiful sacrament full of blessings, romance, love,
commitment, comedy, giving, new life, joys, sorrows,
adventure, challenges, responsibilities, growth, memories
and more.
“Remember to build each other up, to strengthen and
sustain, to keep companionship lovely and alive.
Remember dignity and respect; understanding; not
expecting perfection; a sense of humor and a sense of what
is sacred and serious; common purposes, common
convictions, and the character to stay with a bargain, to
keep a covenant—in these are the making of a good and
solid marriage.” (Richard L. Evans)
“Marriage is more than finding the right person. It is
being the right person.” (Unknown)
Your new lector workbooks for the upcoming Liturgical
Year are in the sacristy. Please pick them up at your
earliest convenience. Thank you.
This year we are studying St. Paul’s letter to the Hebrews
and the letter of St. James. In Hebrews Paul points to the
importance of faith in God’s goodness, to Jesus whom the
Old Testament prophets foretold, the Messiah, the Good
News that today we experience in the Body of Christ, Mass
and the sacraments. Join us Thursday evenings (7:00-8:30).
God will bless you with an increase of faith, hope and love
and new friends.
TEENS: View podcasts at “Sunday, Sunday, Sunday”, Catholic Movie Reviews,
THE171, LoveLife, and TheMix!!
For more information on upcoming events or for
monetary, food or time donations, please contact
Michelle or Bill Donahue, 860-342-0435 or e-mail us at
St. Patrick Guild Holiday Bazaar was a huge success thanks to all of you. I would like to thank Barbara
Casey and Isabel Vela for their huge donation of time
and effort and for heading up the Christmas Bazaar.
They did an exceptional job. Each booth had something special to contribute to the Bazaar that added to
the joint success of the event. Thank you to the
kitchen crew for doing a great job feeding us all and
keeping the kitchen spotless. Thanks Bev, Warren,
Dan, Jim, Al, Peter and the whole kitchen crew.
Thank you to Vicky and Dorothy for baking and also
manning the bake table and thanks to all those great
folks who supplied us with their yummy desserts. I
would also like to thank all of you from our parish that
donated to the bazaar. Thank you so much to the crafters and Phyllis Murray for all her beautiful items.
MaryLu Wall created beautiful pieces in her floral arrangement table. Thank you Mary Lu. Also, thank
you to Jessie Sjoblad and her daughter for their ever
popular shopping destination—the Jewelry Booth. I
also want to thank Nancy McFatter for her staying on
top of keeping the toy corner neat. Thank you to Jann
Dalton for doing a great job at the linen table and Deb
Hawkins for all her help with linens and hefting all our
cash back and forth to the bank. There was great excitement at the raffle table and we want to thank all the
local businesses, friends and parishioners who donated
so beautifully and generously to our raffle. Of course,
I don't want to forget to thank Karen Ennen for heading up our drawing and being able to be heard above
the crowd. I want to thank Lori and Sheila and the
many other guild members and volunteers that made
this event possible and so successful.
The Holiday Bazaar was very successful and realized a profit in excess of $3,000. We are very blessed
to have such a great and giving parish.
Kim Lanou, Guild President
Page Five
Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Introduction-Liturgy of the Word:
As we approach the end of the liturgical year, we hear
more and more about our need to be ready for the Lord’s
coming. Today, Saint Paul tells us to stay alert and
sober. Even more, Jesus tells us in the parable of the
talents that we have been given gifts that we must use in
service of the Master. May our prayer today be for
discernment of the gifts that God has given us, and of the
best ways that we may use them to build up the reign of
Nov 13: William Brandon 2001, Edwin Lee 1981, Alphonse
Deloge 1981
Nov 14: Sandra Brophy 2008, Edward Galvin 2002, Madeline Murray 1991, Dorothy Wozniak 1974
Nov 15: Rita Butler 1987, Kenneth Smith 1970
Monday: 1 Mc 1:10-15, 41-43, 54-57, 62-63, Lk 18:35-43,
Ps 119:88
Tuesday: 2 Mc 6:18-31, Lk 19:1-10, Ps 3:6b
Wednesday: 2 Mc 7:1, 20-31, Lk 19:11-28, Ps 17:15
Thursday: 1 Mc 2:15-29, Lk 19:41-44, Ps 50:23b
1 Mc 4:36-37, 52-59, Lk 19:45-48, Ps 98:2b
Saturday: 1 Mc 6:1-13, Lk 20:27-40, Ps 9:16a
Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17, 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28,
Mt 25:31-46, Ps 128:1-5
Apostolate of Prayer for
11/13: Priests who have left ministry
11/14: Rev. William Flynn & Rev. Thomas Angelo
11/15: Rev. David Kashen OFM Cv & Rev. Richard Breton
11/16: Rev. James Thaikootathil & Rev. Salvadore Gonzalez
Nov 16: Rita Yanchinsky 2010, Madeline Lanzi 2000,
Catherine Wrinkle 1985, Finton Cuddy 1980, William
Cogswell 1973, Daniel Healy 1970
11/17: Rev. Stanley Szczapa & V. Rev. Charles LeBlanc
Nov 17: Ludger Caron 1979, Gloria Goettlich 1972
11/19: Rev. Thomas Plathottam CST & Rev. Leon Joseph
Nov 18: Helen Rakatzky 2004, Joseph Weir, Jr. 2002, Norma
Comolli 1981, Fr. Bernard McGurk 1972
Nov 19: Mary Ann Merritt 2008, Edgar Weaver 2000, Helen
Tierney 1985, Florence Lessard 1982, Joseph McCarrick 1980
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord. May their
souls and the souls of all the faithful departed
through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
11/18: Rev. Roger Lamoureux OMI & Rev. Jude
Surowiec OFM cv
The Food Bank needs for October are: Spaghetti sauce,
baked beans, canned soups, canned fruit, shampoo, bar
soap, dish soap, laundry soap, toilet paper, mustard,
ketchup, relish and mayonnaise.
Project Thanksgiving food sorting will be November
19th and project Christmas food shorting will be
December 17th.
Please contact the with any questions.
We welcome into the Christian Community of St. Patrick
Church through the sacrament of Baptism:
Daughter of Jennifer & Sean Nadeau
Friday, Dec 2 at 7pm and Saturday Dec 3 at 9am, St
Patrick Church is proud to welcome nationally known
Catholic evangelist, Steve Ray.
Steve has captivated audiences with his personal
testimony: “ From Baptist to Catholic: the unintended
Tickets are $10 for Friday and $10 for Saturday...OR
$15 for both days. Tickets are now available in the
parish office. More information to follow but please do
mark your calendar for this very special speaker. You
can find out more online at
We hope to see you!
Page Six
November 13, 2011
Have you seen the St. Patrick Prayer Board for active
military personnel who are fighting on the front lines for
our freedom? It’s located in the vestibule of the Church, to
the left as you enter from the front steps. We post the
pictures and rank of relatives of our parish family members
and ask that you remember them in daily prayer. Since
there are many new deployments, please let us know if
there are any family members you would like posted...and
may God keep them safe.
St. Patrick Church has an AED (Automated External
Defibrillator) located in the church which helped East
Hampton obtain designation as a state HEARTsafe
community program. The requirements include early
emergency bystander response; rapid delivery of cardiopulmonary resuscitation; early defibrillation and rapid
advanced care and transportation. East Hampton also has
trained first responders and members of the community as
well as AED’s in the schools, Sears Park, and in each police
cruiser, fire department rescue truck, and in two
ambulances. It is important to know who in the parish is
certified in CPR/AED. Please email Katie Morris at or (860) 267-0881.
Help Keep St. Pat’s & East Hampton a Heart Safe
Community Community CPR/AED/First Aid
Red Cross Two year Certificate
East Hampton Ambulance Association Building
Middletown Ave., East Hampton. You must attend both evenings
6:30 to 10:00pm.
Nov. 15 (Tuesday) & Nov. 17 (Thursday);
Dec. 6 (Tuesday) & Dec. 8 (Thursday)
Choosing a family cemetery lot is inevitable. Instead of
leaving this decision to a loved one, a friend or perhaps
even a stranger, why not make this a family decision
now? For a limited time, all Catholic families have the
opportunity to purchase pre-need graves with upright
monument rights or shrine graves with interest-free
installment payments up to 4 years at Holy Cross
Cemetery in Glastonbury and St. Mary Cemetery in East
Hartford, St. James and St. Bridget Cemeteries in
Manchester. This offer will conclude on November 15,
2011. Please call 860-646-3772 for more information.
Will be having their entrance exam on Saturday,
November 19th at 8:30 a.m. Forms can be found on line
at For
more information call 860-848-1271 ext 108.
Bereavement Support Groups
Every first and third Monday: 5:00-6:30pm, Conference
Room A or B, Middlesex Hospital, Middletown. Every second and fourth Thursday: 6:30-8:00pm, Shoreline Medical Center, 260 Westbrook Rd., Essex. Every second and
fourth Wednesday: 10:00-11:30am, One MacDonough
Place, Community Room. (The Hospital’s assisted living
facility on the corner of Main St. Extension and MacDonough Place.) For more information, please call
Chaplain Dennis McCann, Middlesex Hospital Chaplain, 860-358-6725.
“Well done, my good and faithful servant….Come, share
your master’s joy.” Matthew 25:21
The master’s words of praise and welcome for the servant
who used his talents well are the same words that each of
us hopes to hear when we meet God face to face. “Well
done, my good and faithful servant...Come, share your master’s joy.” We use our “talents” well when we live simply,
make God a priority in our lives and share our gifts with
The Immaculata Retreat House is sponsoring “Christmas
on the Hill” a fundraiser to assist the ministry of Immaculata, on Thursday, December 1, beginning at 6:30
pm. The evening includes a concert by the United States
Coast Guard Academy Choir, along with a gala hot and
cold buffet with wine and soft drinks. Donation is $100
and may be obtained by calling 860-423-8484.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 19th and
join Brian Foberg’s fundraiser for his Eagle Scout Project in the Parish Center. Pancakes, bacon, sausage, coffee, tea, juice and milk will be served from 7:00 am—
11:00 am. Advanced tickets are $6.00 for adults and
$5.00 for children under 10 years old. Tickets at the
door will be $7.00. Please contact Brian at 860-2672721. Proceeds will go to benefit Christmas Gifts for
the East Hampton Food Bank.
Page Seven
Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Please pray for these young people as they
receive God’s grace and forgiveness for
the first time through the Sacrament of
Hunter Allis
Grant Arcidiacono
Hannah Barrientos Nicholas Beaulieu
Carson Benigni
Carly Billings
Alec Carrington
Connor Carrington
Olivia Collins
Callie Dubos
Zachary Ennen
Paige Fauvel
Emma Field
Mya Field
Jenna Gagne
Samuel Gibson
Jaden Gomes
Samantha Karlson
Maxwell Karrenberg Lauren Klemonski
Justin Landon
Mitchell LeBlanc
Jenna Ledas
Claire Lindsay
Emily Mann
Sarina Michaud
Nicholas Miller
Benjamin Morton
Joseph O’Brien
Brendan Owen
Maria Remiszewska Luke Rempe
Daniel Segovia
James Slossar
Kyle Stamm
Kaitlin Tassmer
Brayden Vicino
Branden Villani
Cody Voelker
Joshua Wagner
Allison Williams
St. Patrick Church Ministries
Adoption Information: Mike & Tina Mohr — 881-7080
Altar Server: Susan Lanzi—267-9984
Altar Society: Maureen Sweeney 267- 2520
ACTS Retreat/Men& Women:
Warren & Beverly Edwards—267-9926
Al & Isabel Vela—267-1508
John & Carol Lambert—267-9157
Baptism Contact:
Sister Dominic Joseph —267-6644
Baptism Class:
Mary Kaye Varni—267-9050
Catholic Scripture Study
Al Vela 267-1508 and Joan Fomento 267-8512
Child Advocate:
Coordinator of Caregiving:
Sister Dominic Joseph—267-6644
Westside Manor: Deb Desrocher—267-0705
Cobalt Lodge: Daisy Conway—267-0833
Eucharistic Adoration: Sheila Wall—267-9486
Guild: Kim Lanou—267-9235
Knights of Columbus: John Hines—267-4270
Life Teen: Bill & Michelle Donahue—342-0435
Marriage Encounter: Dan & Pam Harazim—267-1184
Nurses’ Ministry: Maggie Coolican—267-0540
Pastoral Council Chair: Peter Bergan—267-4341
Prayer Group: George & Regina Looby—267-8203
Fall clean up in the
cemetery will begin the week
of November 21st!
Please make sure all summer/fall decorations that are
keepsakes are removed.
Prayer Line: Jann Dalton — 267-5720
Pat Powers — 267-8529
Pro-Life: Theresa Hickey—267-0071
R.C.I.A.: Sister Dominic Joseph—267-6644
Vocation Contact: Don Hickey—267-0071
Wedding Coordinator: Michelle Donahue—342-0435