4125 Union Road Cheektowaga, New York 14225 EUCHARISTIC LITURGIES Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM (chapel) 9:00 & 11:00 AM (church) 1:30 PM (Tridentine Mass; chapel) Daily: 8:15 AM (chapel) HOLYDAYS: Holyday Vigil: 4:00 PM (main church) Holyday: 8:15 AM, 12:00 PM, 7:00 PM (chapel) 1:30 PM (Tridentine Mass (chapel) NOVENA In honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and Our Lady Help of Christians recited every Wednesday at the 8:15 AM Mass. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Infant baptisms are administered on the second Sunday of the month at 1:00 PM, and on the fourth Sunday of the month at the 11:00 AM Mass. Pre-baptismal Class for expectant parents is given on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM, in the rectory. Please call the rectory for reservations. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Chapel): Wednesdays at 7:30 AM (Main Church): Saturdays at 2:30 PM (as well as anytime upon request) SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Arrangements to be made in person no less than six months prior to the anticipated wedding date. Attendance at Pre-Cana is a requirement. CARE/ANOINTING OF THE SICK The family or friends of anyone going to the hospital or nursing home, or confined to home, are asked to call the rectory. Bringing the sacraments to the home can easily be arranged. Anointing of the sick will also take place during Mass on the first Wednesday of the month. PARISH REGISTRATION New members are most welcome. Registration is arranged by a personal visit to the rectory office, or by telephoning the rectory. NOTE: If you are moving out of the parish, please notify the rectory. HANDICAP ACCESSIBILITY All buildings are handicap accessible. “Adore the Lord in holy attire; tremble before him all the earth.” (Psalm 96:9) EUCHARISTIC LITURGIES and SERVICES LIVING GOD’S WORD: Over the past few weeks the scriptures have provided us with a feast of images of God’s abundant mercy. Today’s image of the heavenly banquet both completes the picture of God’s generosity and shifts our attention to our response to God’s generous invitation. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME: October 12, 2014 4:00 pm, + Edward Weinholtz - req. by Patti Coyle; & sisters *************** 7:00 am, + Eugene Pachetti, Sr., - req. by the Family 9:00 am, + Jack Mazurkiewicz - req. by Wife, Lorraine; & family 11:00 am, + Thomas Matecki - req. by Wife, Marie; & family 1:30 pm, + Eleanor Olszewski - req. by Husband, Norman; & family Monday, Oct. 13th 8:15 am, + William E. Leising - from the Estate Tuesday, Oct. 14th - St. Pope Callistus 8:15 am, + Dr. John Coyle - req. by Rita Triftshauser Wednesday, Oct. 15th - St. Teresa of Avila 7:30 am, Confessions 8:15 am, + Deborah A. Schnettler - req. by Husband, John; & children 8:45 am, Novenas: Miraculous Medal; O.L. Help of Christians Thursday, Oct. 16th - St. Hedwig; St. Margaret Mary 8:15 am, + Helen Wilczewski - req. by the Family Friday, Oct. 17th - St. Ignatius of Antioch 8:15 am, + Robert N. Hymers - req. by the Family Saturday, Oct. 18th - St. Luke the Evangelist 8:15 am, + Henry and Mary Kaczanowski - from the Estate *************** 4:00 pm, + Helen Mulak - req. by the Family Twenty-ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Oct. 19th 7:00 am, + Edward Nowicki - req. by Daughter, Terry; & family 9:00 am, + Regina Martin - req. by Daughter, Donna 11:00 am, + Joseph Stablewski - req. by Cecilia Wilk 1:30 pm, + John Heffron - req. by George & Jeanne Guenther If the Mass is being offered for your loved one, or for your intention, and you would like to carry the Offertory Gifts, please tell an Usher before Mass begins. Page Two Our Lady Help of Christians, Cheektowaga, New York REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD: As Catholics we are invited to “come to the feast:” at significant moments in our lives. Baptisms, First Communions, Marriages, Ordinations, and Funerals are all commonly celebrated within the feast of the Eucharist. The clothes we wear - from the baptismal garment to the funeral pall, from fancy wedding garb to simple white albs - reflect our baptismal commitment to be faithful to Christ until we come to the eternal heavenly feast that our Eucharistic celebrations anticipate. All are invited to come to the feast. All are invited to dress in the garment of Christ. Not all respond to the invitation. It has often been asked what would happen if, some Sunday morning, praying as we always do for Christ to come again, Christ actually did return. Would we come to his feast? Would we prefer our small private gathering to the huge mass of people we don’t really want to know? Would we be found wearing the garment of faithfulness we were given at baptism? Where would we be “on that day”? -----------------------------A MARIAN MOMENT: “The Rosary is a devotion that, through the Blessed Mother, leads to Jesus. It is He Who is the goal of this long and repeated invocation to Mary.” - Pope Paul VI Douglas Fox, Rita Knight, Lorey Kubera, Alice Kwandras, Bob Lawrence, Judy & Violet Lochocki, Anna Scherer, Leo Schubauer, Marjorie Schwab, Thomas Taylor, Chris Wilczewski, Jason Williams, Helen Zgoda. Week 3. Dan & Olympia Barnobi, Lisa Cooper, Albert Dorer, Joseph Funk, Brandon FitzGerald, Gerald Habermann, Marvin Hines, Dawn Seifert Hough, Anna Miller, Ron Nero, Lee Nowak, Charles Oliver, Randy Rowan, Anna Schreiber, Cece Seifert, Mary Shincarick, Esther Stuber, Lil Tursi. Week 4. (This is the final week for this listing. If you’d like to continue the listing or add someone to it, please notify the rectory office. Thank you for keeping us updated.) . . . Charlie & Gert Anderson, Tom Brummer, Marilyn Cruz, Angela Etheridge, Dolores Fialkiewicz, Barbara Fox, Louis Juliano, Angeline Kasprzak, Ann Kolis, Claude Lemley, Lynn Lunger, Samantha Lunz, Tom & Marcy Mateczun, Don & Annette McElligott, Helen Mohalski, Luca Olivieri, Mildred Sikinoff, Rita Walek, Mary Westfield. . . and all those whose situation is not known to us.. ------------------------------“The quickest way to change your attitude toward pain is to accept the fact that everything that happens to us has been designed for our spiritual growth.” (M. Scott Peck) ------------------------------PLEASE NOTE The Parish Staff will be off ------------------------------- on Monday, Oct. 13th, HEALING PRAYERS: We all experience affliction in life. We live in an imperfect world with imperfect people, and we are imperfect. The promise of eternal life impels us forward to walk with Jesus Who keeps us focused on everlasting happiness. . . . . . “Lord, Jesus, let my heart be set upon the great goal that is unending. Heal my hurts and pains so that I can continue the journey home to You filled with hope and gratitude for your promise.” as our nation observes Columbus Day. Week 1. Suzette Baginski, Gloria Bovey, Leonard Busshart, Barbara Cartwight, Patrick Fagan, Carol Fix, Norma Gerland, Coletta Hornung, Fred Ippolito, Phyllis LaBelle, Peter Mankowski, Monica Mietus, Ruth Molvarec, Philomena Osika, Gerald & Shirley Reeb, Rose Roll, Joseph & Pamela Schmid, Aurora Schmigiel, Marlene Schuler, Daniel & Sharon Stachelski, Grace Tomasello, Robert Tracy. Week 2. Paul Buckenmeyer, Berniece Deer, Thank you for respecting this notice. ------------------------------THIS WEEK Monday, Oct. 13th, 7:00 pm: Name Society meeting (parish hall) Holy Tuesday, Oct. 14th, 6:30 pm: Scouts (upper parish hall) Wednesday, Oct, 15th, 7:00 pm: Adult Choir Rehearsal (main church) Wednesday, Oct. 15th, 7:00 pm: SGTV Edelweiss (upper parish hall) Thursday, Oct. 16th, 6:00 pm: Tai Chi (upper parish hall) Thursday, Oct. 16th, 7:30 pm: Scripture Study (upper parish hall) October 12, 2014 Sunday, Oct. 19th, 12:15 pm: Prayer Shawl Ministry (parish hall) ************ St. Vincent dePaul Society: You probably will never really know how much good you enable us to do in your name through your gifts to the Poor Boxes in the chapel and the church. But the recipients of your charity know that the parish family at Our Lady Help of Christians has a generous heart, and they are truly appreciative of that quality. More importantly, however, is that God knows, and our prayer is that He abundantly blesses you in return. . . . And, we thank you for your goodness ! --- --------------------------RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM The Religious Education Program Office is open to assist you when classes are in session Monday’s, from 6:00 ‘til 8:30 pm, Friday’s, from 4:00 ‘til 6:00 pm; and Saturday’s, from 9:00 am ‘til 12:30 pm. . . . . This week: Mon., Oct. 13th . . . . . . .No Class Sat., Oct. 18th . . . . Regular Class Attention, Parents of Third Grade Students in our Religious Education Program and in the Catholic Schools: There will be a First Communion meeting and induction ceremony on Saturday, Oct. 25th, at 10:00 am, in the school library for third grade students. At least one parent of each student is required to attend this meeting, if you plan to have your child received First Holy Communion in the Spring of 2015. Please note that Catholic School students must accompany their parent(s) to this meeting and induction ceremony. ------------------------------MARY QUEEN OF ANGELS REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL’S eighth grade class will host a Weidner’s Chicken Barbecue Sunday, Nov. 2nd, from 12:30 ‘til 5:00 pm, at the school (170 Rosewood Terr., Cheektowaga). Dinner includes a half chicken, spud potatoes, coleslaw, roll and beverage. $10.00 per person, eat in or take out. . . . . . For information about the school reference wwwmqangels.com . Page Three Our Lady Help of Christians, Cheektowaga, New York VOCATION VIEW: The Lord is the Shepherd who calls. Pray for an increase in the number of ordained ministry and religious life. LADIES OF CHARITY, a volunteer organization that sponsors a variety of programs of assistance for those in need, has a growing need for household items provided through “Fresh Start”, which provides basic household goods for those who have experienced home displacement. New and gently used dishes and cooking utensils, tableware, sheets and blankets or comforters, drapes/curtains, towels would be greatly appreciated. Donations are accepted weekdays from 10 am ‘til 3 pm at 1122 Broadway, Buffalo. Information: 8954001 or reference www.ccwny.org . ------------------------------Kindness is a hard thing to give away. It keeps coming back to you.” (Ralph Scott) REPORT OF INCOME (10/05/14): Sunday Offering, $9,242.75 (loose, $1,041.00; envelopes, $8,201.75); Monthly Offering, $2,185.50; Votive Candles, $208.58; Memorial Bricks, $250.00; Religious Education, $192.00; Prayer Shawl Ministry, $20.00; Misc. Special Collections, $25.00. . . . . . Tridentine Mass: Sunday Offering, $192.00; Monthly Offering, $57.00. We gratefully acknowledge a gift to the Chapel Preservation Fund of $100.00, from Mrs. Carmella Zadonowicz. October 12, 2014 WORLD MISSION SUNDAY . .is next Sunday. We are invited to reach out and help build the Church throughout the 1,050 Catholic Mission Dioceses around the world. Our prayers and generous offerings in the second collection greatly assist the missionary priests, religious and laity who offer the poor practical help, and the experience of God’s love and mercy, His hope and (Further information, please visit peace. www.IAmAMssionary.org ). ------------------------------W I N F A L L XXIX RAFFLE tickets continue to be available at the main entrance of the church. . . at the rectory office. . . as well as from your usual source-person. It’s a fun-filled evening of fabulous funds and furious frenzy for family and friends to feel foot-loose and fancy free !!! . . . See YOU there ? CHAPEL BINGO GAMES Friday–7:30 PM Sunday–7:00 PM We are now offering " Bonus Ball and Queen of Hearts $3,000 Giveaway $1,000 Jackpot PASTOR Rev. Richard A. Jesionowski RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DIRECTOR Mrs. Denise Seeley MUSIC DIRECTOR Mr. Edward Witul MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Mr. Robert Zielinski TRUSTEE Mr. Walter Wieand PARISH SECRETARY Mrs. Susan Mankowski FAX NUMBERS Rectory ................................... 634–3464 School ..................................... 632–4298 PHONES Rectory .......................... 634–3420/3428 Religious Education ................ 632–3532 Maintenance Dep’t. ................. 634–3469 Parish Hall............................... 632–9714 PARISH WEBSITE www.ourladyhelpofchristians.org RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Other times by appointment. REGIONAL SCHOOL Mary Queen of Angels Catholic School Principal – Mrs. Mary Alice Bagwell Elementary Campus PreK-8 Phone 895-6280 - Fax 895-6359 Website – www.mqangels.com MELVIN J. SLIWINSKI FUNERAL HOME 5090 Transit Road 85 George Urban Boulevard 706-0200 894-1772 Family Owned and Operated Since 1965 Pre-arrangement consultation call for an appointment Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. LORI MAKOWSKI Join AVON for only $10 & get a free gift For further information, please call the Parish Office. lbmakowski@aol.com 716-583-1199 www.youravon.com/lmakowski ROBERT M. CIESIELSKI Attorney at Law 2511 Harlem Rd. Cheektowaga, NY 895-3367 Mario & son TILE & LINOLEUM CO., INC Commercial & Residential 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE ~ Free Estimates ~ 894-3298 WAGNER MONUMENTS Monuments • Markers • Urns Vases • Cemetery Lettering 2953 Genesee Street Between Harlem & Union 892-5505 Master Plumber Commercial • Residential Owned by Parishioner Chris Tryjankowski We specialize in personal auto insurance and homeowners insurance. Boaters • Motorcycle • Renters 685-0710 - 822-4302 www.pcsplumbing.com Call us for a FREE QUOTE today! Complete Lawn & Yard Care, Inc. MIKE ANGELO, Independent Agent 716.683.4000 Landscaping & Snow Plowing Alliance@Buffalo.com James Sneck President Call for ACROSS FROM DMV • 576 DICK ROAD • DEPEW, NY 14043 Free Estimates Ritter & Sentry Parishioner Park Creek Open 7:00 am til Midnight 839-4022 • 839-2978 Funeral Breakfasts First Communions Big Groups Welcomed 410 Mill Street • Williamsville, NY Jane Nogowski 716-632-3000 5% PARISHIONER DISCOUNT Park-like setting; Amherst State Park 1031 Cleveland Dr. Cheekowaga, New York (716) 632-4888 (across from Buffalo-Niagara Airport) Beautiful full-sized chapel with daily services Assisted Living * Affordable Memory Care Tile Pharmacy Phone 913-7677 4611 Genesee St. Cheektowaga, New York 14225 “IN BUSINESS OVER 28 YEARS” • NYS Inspection • AC & Heating • Computer Test AUTO REPAIRS, INC. (Check E Light) 634-9998 3625 GENESEE ST. (AT UNION) CHEEKTOWAGA, NY 14225 Senior Living Community PLUMBING SERVICE Est. 1909 894-4181 • 894-6266 General & Restorative Dentistry 3636 Genesee St. • Cheektowaga TELEPHONE: (716) 632-9410 2755 Harlem Rd. Alliance Insurance Agency Free Estimates • Senior Discounts Hot Water Tanks • Toilets & Sinks Drain Cleaning • Underground Sewer & Water Repaired • 10% Disc. w/This Ad 1053 Walden Ave. DR. 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Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com www.jspaluch.com Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Buffalo’s Best Soup & Salad Bar 4 Homemade Soups Fresh Daily Lunch & Dinner Take Out Menu Catering Airport - 3715 Genesee Street 634-1780 Orchard Park - 4300 Abbott Road 649-1194 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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