Assumption St. Mary of the Roman Catholic Church Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 "Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God." !"#$%&'(()(* Address 1 St. Mary’s Hill Lancaster, New York 14086 Website Rectory Phone (716) 683-6445 Rectory Fax (716) 684-8446 Rectory Hours Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. School Phone (716) 683-2112 School Website ! "#$%&%'()!*+(,-.'/! 01234!35675839 Cemetery (716) 601-0305 !"#$%&'($#)*+$,$-#.($** /001.,*2.)) Masses Saturday Eve Sunday Weekdays Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 4:30 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. & 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon (Chapel) 8:30 a.m. (Chapel) 12:00 Noon (Chapel) 8:30 a.m. (Chapel) 8:30 a.m. School Mass- when in session (Church) 12:00 Noon (Chapel) Confessions Saturday 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. or by appointment Vicariate Penance Services during Advent and Lent Parish Registration :#;!<-=%)>%'/#=)!-=#!;#$,'?#!-@!-/A!.?#B! "#&%)@=-.'/!?-A!C#!?-+#!CA!<>'/#!'=!%/!<#=)'/B D%=#E&>@#=)!F='?!'(=!,'??(/%@A!-==%G#+!%/!F($$! uniform for an annual Mass in early October. Fr. Paul extended a special blessing on those who serve our community in this important ministry. Please join us %/!<=-A%/&!F'=!@>#%=!,'/./(#+!)-F#@A!-/+!<='@#,.'/B Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 !"##$#%&'(%)*$%+$$, -*.#%+$$,%/)%0)1%!"(23# !'45"26%78)'9$(%:;<%+$$,5"2=0)1%>"?@%'&%)*$%A('##6% >(.$#) 12:00 p.m. (Chapel) Helen Rita Nowakowski (Linda Nowakowski) -?$#5"26%78)'9$(%:B<%+$$,5"2% 8:30 a.m. (Chapel) All Souls +$54$#5"26%78)'9$(%::<%+$$,5"2=0)1%C'*4%>"?@%DD6% >'E$ 12:00 p.m. (Chapel) Margaret M. Urquhart (Estate) -*?(#5"26%78)'9$(%:F<%+$$,5"2=0)1%C'*4%'&% A"E.#)("4'6%>(.$#) ! "#$%!&'('!)*+&,-./!!0&1234!56-27-1!8913+! (Thomas H. Stroh) G(.5"26%78)'9$(%:H<%+$$,5"2=0)1%/4)*'42%!"(2%A@"($)6% I.#*'E 8:30 a.m. (Church) Mary Hlavaty (JoAnna Osinski) 12:00 p.m. (Chapel) David L. Newman (Jim and Joanne Duncan) 0?45"26%78)'9$(%BU :&29+!:31(&;34!:&(2.<!513=1&(!)><(?!*&6-9-12&?! Chapel, Classrooms) 8:45 AM – 11:45 AM :.@!8+39A!)>&9+-124=!B('/!C#%%!D0!E!$#%%!50 DF@.9!*34G1(&;34!)BH!*346-1-4I-!B('/!C#$%!D0!E!J%#$%!D0 RCIA (RE Conference Rm.) 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM K3@9+!8,&=+-L!M244-1!)5&12A+!*-49-1?!*&6-9-12&/! 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM :&29+!:31(&;34!*.&AA!>1'!CNJ%!)80H!8I+33.!O.F='/! 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM 0")?(5"26%78)'9$(%:J<%+$$,5"2=I@$##$5%K.(L.4%!"(2 4:30 p.m. (Church) Joseph Peters (Mom, Dad and Family) 7:00 p.m. (Church) Donna Marlow (The Schulte Family) 0?45"26%78)'9$(%:M<%-NDO-DP-N%0QRS/T%DR%7OSDR/OT% -D!P 8:00 a.m. (Church) Mary Machnica (Family) 10:00 a.m. (Church) Michael Stoldt (Family) YOUTH MASS 12:00 p.m. (Church) Lillian Snyder (Jim and Marian Snyder) !"#$%#&'()#*&+,&-./&-,&01/&2//3/.4&5677/7&87&,-9&01/&8.0/.:-.& of your loved one, please inform one of the ushers so they may be 6269/&0160&01/9/&87&7-;/-./&0-&<98.=&>?&01/&=8@7A& O$"5.4L#%&'(%-*.#%+$$, Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 Monday: Eph 2:1-10/Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22/Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12/Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph 3:14-21/Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6/Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16/Lk 13:1-9 Next Sunday: Ex 22:20-26/1 Thes 1:5c-10/Mt 22:34-40 !'45"26%78)'9$(%:; SME Scrip (Conference Rm.) 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM >21.A!P&1A29<!O!P3..-<Q&..!>&(-!)><(/!R#JS!50!E!T#%%!50 >21.A!P&1A29<!D!P3..-<Q&..!>&(-!)><(/!T#%%!50!E!"#%%!50 -?$#5"26%78)'9$(%:B SME Scrip (Conference Rm.) 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM >21.A!UP!P3..-<Q&..!>&(-!)><(/!V#%%!50!E!"#%%!50 Knights of St. John (Faculty Rm.) 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM 1st Eucharist Parent Mtg. (Parish Center) 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM +$54$#5"26%78)'9$(%:: SME Scrip (Conference Rm.) 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM W3(-!8I+33.!09='XO33Y!:&21!)><(/!V#$%!50!E!"#%%!50 -*?(#5"26%78)'9$(%:F SME Scrip (Conference Rm.) 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM 8I+3.&A;I!O33Y!:&21!)><(/!"#Z%!D0!E!Z#Z%!50 Altar Server Training (Church) 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM G(.5"26%78)'9$(%:H SME Scrip (Conference Rm.) 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM 8I+3.&A;I!O33Y!:&21!)><(/!"#Z%!D0!E!Z#Z%!50 Mass for Schoolchildren (Church) 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM >21.A!P&1A29<!O!P3..-<Q&..!>&(-!)><(/!R#JS!50!E!T#$%!50 0")?(5"26%78)'9$(%:J [\]>8!)><(/!"#%%!D0!E!J%#%%!D0 :&29+!:31(&;34!>1'!^NS!*.&AA!)5*?!*&6-9-12&?!*+&,-.? Classrooms) 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM JA9!H@I+&12A9!5&1-49!09='!)><(/!J%#%%!D0!E!JJ#%%!D0 Confession (Church) 3:30 PM – 4:00 PM The Sanctuary Light will be lit in memory of !"(.'4%>&$.V$(%0)('* from Thomas H. Stroh The Sanctuary Light is a reminder of !"#$%&'"()*+,'$-)#+#.'#$/0$1")*+!$*.$!"#$ tabernacle of the Catholic Churches around the world. Please call the Rectory to schedule 2/&)$*.!#.,/.3 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time !"#$%&'#()*(+(",-. October 19, 2014 A'&'B.)C-75)) D<#7=)8$#5)E$..(#; @0-#D%..%63"8#'2-#$0-#T:$:7"#+%.&# V'2.(#W32&#H3""-2*M August: Purchaser Drawing ($60 Prize): #419 Nancy Carmichael (Sold by: Zgliczynski) Seller Prizes: !"#$%&'()*#+%*,-./#$0-#10'23*--*#4,.%5-�%6#$0-(#7380$ -"$2',#9-*:*#3"#*,--;0<=#>%6-?-2/#>-#%:$635-&#$0-7/# '*# :*:'.<# @0-(# 6'"$-&# $%# ;'$;0# >37# A-3"8# '# ,%.3B;'.# rebel; they expected Him to suggest that paying taxes to Caesar was unnecessary, or even unjust. Instead, He *03C-&#$0-#D%;:*< E%/#0%6#&%#6-#F"%6#60'$#6-#*0%:.*-,'(=#$%#+%&G# Jesus’ response to the Pharisees gives us our answer. He looked at the Roman coin that bore the image of Caesar on it. Then, He concluded that the coin belonged to Caesar because it was made in his likeness. Now, what A-'2*#$0-#37'8-#%D#+%&G#H0'$#3*#7'&-#3"#>3*#.3F-"-**G# H-#'2-I#4+%&#;2-'$-'"#3"#>3*#37'8-J#3"#$0-#&3?3"-# image He created him; male and female He created $0-7<=# K+"# LMNOP# !D# $0-# ;%3"# A-.%"8-&# $%# Q'-*'2/# 6-# A-.%"8#$%#+%&<#H-#2-,'(#+%&#A(#83?3"8#>37#%:2*-.?-*< >-(&#=)8--?)0=)><#$;@$-.(#)) &-)0()!-75 1st Prize ($100) - DeMarzio Family 2nd Prize (Free Ticket) - Quinn Family 3rd Prize (Free Ticket) - Carol Kwandrans September: Purchaser Drawing - Two Winners ($60 Prize): #223 Tracy & Dave Lach (Sold by: Lach) XYZ[#@0-#+32.*#%D#E$<#S'2(\*#KE%.&#A(M#Q<#]6'"&2'"*P Seller Prizes: 1st Prize ($100) - Tracy & Ryan Hadsall 2nd Prize (Free Ticket) - Mark Antonio 3rd Prize (Free Ticket) - Sue Duda !("-.5)6-77(",-.)&-)8(.(9&) :$;;$-.)!'.5<= T#A%%F#%D#,%-$2(#6235-"#A(#.%"8B7-#,'23*03%"-2# Ruth Wunner will be made available for $15. Orders are now being taken for this original work, the ,2%;--&*#%D#603;0#63..#A-"-U$#'#;0'23$'A.-#;':*-#%D# Ruth’s in our parish. Order forms are available at the entrances to the church. ><#$;@)F--5)><.&#=)) G-7'.&((#;)H((5(5 St. Mary’s parishioners are very generous throughout the year, and especially during the holiday season. We are looking for a few volunteers to help organize the food and prepare 3$#D%2#&3*$23A:B%"<#^%.:"$--2*#6%:.&#;%7-#3"#'#D-6# hours every couple of weeks…more during the 0%.3&'(#D%%&#;%..-;B%"<#!D#3"$-2-*$-&/#,.-'*-#;'..# Elaine at 683-8611. The weekend of /"&-0(#)12314#3*#2-;%8"3R-&#'*#4S3**3%"# E:"&'(/=# '# B7-# $%# D%;:*# %"# $0-# 37,%2$'"$# 6%2F# %D# 73**3%"#';B?3B-*#'2%:"&#$0-#6%2.&<#T#*-;%"&#;%..-;B%"# will be taken at all Masses this weekend for the Missions. Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Ministry Notes Faith Formation !""#$%&''()$*"+,--."/01'2%)$"30&"31''"4)"5)')4%,6$7"*0)"8,5%,()$*"&9":)5&$51'1,6&$"9&%"*0)";%-*"6()"*01-" <),%"31''"9&%(,''<"4)71$"*0)1%"=%)=,%,6&$"2>%1$7"*0)"?&&$"+,--"*01-"3))@)$2A"B'),-)"=%,<"9&%"*0)-)" children and their parents! !""C1%-*"#>50,%1-*"B%)=,%,6&$."D"())6$7"9&%"=,%)$*-"&9"&>%"C1%-*"#>50,%1-*"5',--"31''"*,@)"=',5)"*01-"!"#$%&'() *+,-.#/)01$, at 7 PM or 2&,"/%&'()*+,-.#/)03,4 at 10 AM in the Parish Center. We look forward *&"()$*&%1$7"=,%)$*-",-"*0)<"=%)=,%)"*0)1%"501'2%)$"*&"%)5)1E)"*0)"#>50,%1-*"9&%"*0)";%-*"6()A""F0)" enrollment Mass for these families will take place at the 10 AM Mass on 2"5%&'()6-7#8.#/)05%. !""C,1*0"C&%(,6&$.":)7>',%"9,1*0"9&%(,6&$"-)--1&$-"31''"*,@)"=',5)"*01-"3))@"&$"8,*>%2,<"(&%$1$7",$2" Sunday evening . !""/&$;%(,6&$"G$*)%E1)3-",%)"-50)2>')2"9&%"*01-"3))@",$2"$)H*"3))@A"/&$;%(,6&$"5,$212,*)-"30&"0,E)" not yet had their interviews are asked to contact Sister Therese at to set >=","2,*)",$2"6()A D/#&%)E-/),4#)F-/A%)2"5%&') G#A#./&,#% F0)"8&51,'"^>-65)"/&((1_))"&9"8*A"+,%<K-"B,%1-0"31''" 4)"-=&$-&%1$7"*0)",$$>,'"`%),2"9&%"*0)"a&%'2"8>$2,<" bcd)%1$7"&9"e)_)%-b"5,(=,17$"*&"(,@)"&>%"$,6&$,'" legislators and president aware of our concern for hunger in America and around the World. On *+,-.#/) 1H,4)&5%)1I,4, parishioners will be able to write, sign ,$2" -)$2" ')_)%-" &9" 5&$5)%$" *&" &>%" %)=%)-)$*,6E)-A" B'),-)"%),2"*0)"4>'')6$"1$-)%*",$2"-17$"')_)%-">$2)%" *0)"=,E1'1&$"W3),*0)%"=)%(1f$7Z"*01-"3))@)$2",g)%" ,''"+,--)-A"e)_)%-"(,<",'-&"4)"-)$*",g)%"*0)"&[51,'" 5,(=,17$"3))@)$2A"D22%)--)-"&9"%)=%)-)$*,6E)-"31''" be provided. Thank you for your support. ?","85)@-A%)B7#5,)CA&55#% 8*A +,%< &9 *0) D-->(=6&$ /0>%50 3)'5&()Alumni, Family & Friends to its 20th Annual Autumn I&'2"#H*%,E,7,$J,"&$)9/:%&'()6-7#8.#/);()0<1=> F0)")E)$*"31''"4)"0)'2"9&%"*0)";%-*"6()",*"8*A"+,%<K-" Elementary School. Come on by and see the new ,$2")H516$7"50,$7)-L" Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and the party starts at MNOO"=A(AP"31*0"%,Q)-"4)71$$1$7",*"RNOO"=A(A" There is $20,000 in prizes (48 prizes in all!), plus SOTSO"-='1*-P"4,-@)*"%,Q)-",$2"(&%)L #,50"UVO"65@)*"1$5'>2)-",2(1--1&$"9&%"*3&",2>'*-P" light dinner, beer, wine & pop. Feel free to bring your own snacks! No carry in liquor please. F15@)*-",%)",E,1',4')",*"8*A"+,%<K-"%)5*&%<"WVRX.VYYSZ" &%"-50&&'"&[5)"WVRX.\]]\ZA" 9A")24-,)GA:5:+)!4:$)F##J#5% F0)"8*A"+,%<K-"B,%1-0"?>%-)"+1$1-*%<"31''"0&-*","C'>"80&*"/'1$15"&$"2"5%&'()*+,-.#/)1I,4 from hNOO",A(A"i"XNOO"=A(A"1$"*0)"I,*0)%1$7":&&("&9"*0)"-50&&'A""G$->%,$5)"5,%2-",55)=*)2A" No appointment necessary. Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time A7&"#$3?'?+"9*$B79'19 “Go, do not be afraid, and serve!” #################)>!=&#@.-4136# INSPIRE[D] Join Us for Youth Mass October 19, 2014 EF")9$%19<19$C9)?'?'G$ %6#1(&F1( =21,"%';"9&0F,"&'"90%;+,"i"%';"%I25+"%0+"+'J230%9+;" to consider becoming an Altar Server. Interested ,(3;+'(," 7%1" %j+';" %" (0%&'&'9" ,+,,&2'" ,J:+;3F+;" on C#&9+()*@$56"7819$:D from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in the R:30J:<" [F+%,+" 0+9&,(+0" I1" J2'(%JB'9" [%k" A+1+0!" [%,(20%F"g,,2J&%(+"%(">%k7e,(7%01,2'(:+:&FF<209"20" 683-6445 ext. 20. !"#$%&'()*+$,$-.)/$!$012"$3)++4$October 26 Come check out Youth Ministry @ St. Mary’s and all the INSPIRE[D] stories from our teens! %I)G#1J$ K?''19$C#?+$$ L11M1'( !"##$%&'()**$&+%,-%.",/&012&3.456 Any middle schoolers looking for fun, friends (and most !"#$%&#'(&)#"!!*+,#-.&#/&01!(&#$!#2!34#56#"!.7 89:87#Meets Monday nights, 7-8:30pm in the Parish Center. 56"7819$:;!"#$%&'()*+,(-."/0+,,"%,"1230"4%520&(+" Saint, and come for a fun night! Chaos! 6%7+"8&9:("%';"*22;<""=0&'9"1230"40&+';,"420"%" ,3>+0"43'"'&9:(?"8+@("A++B'9."07<1/819$-!""#C30D+1" Trot” 7"/)&'()**$&+%,-%.",/&819:&3.456 ;3"&#<5==!.$)#E+%F"%',G+0,"(2"0+%F"H3+,B2',"%I23(" being Catholic. 56"7819$:="# following 10am Mass. =03'J:K;&,J3,,&2'"%L+0G%0;"BFF"MN.OP>7< >&&.#?3436$&.6)#We are always looking for teens to help G&(:"230"Q/6Q">0290%7<""R27+"S2&'"3,"420"%"'&9:(!"%';" ,++"&4"&(T,"(:+"0&9:("U("420"123?""8+@("7++B'9.""56"7819$ :;"# at 6:30pm @-(303&6)#8++;",27+";2G'"B7+V""W:2";2+,'T(!"0&9:(V R27+"(2"Q'J23'(+0."XYC"*0<"Y+2'"=&+0'%("G&FF"I+"F+%;&'9" %"0+Z+JB2'"2'"(:+"Q3J:%0&,("G&(:"Q@>2,&B2'"%';"[0%&,+" \"W20,:&><""](T,"%"90+%("B7+"420",27+"4%7&F1"2'+)2') 2'+"G&(:"62;<">9?()*@$56"7819$:!"#$@ 7pm @ St. 60+9201"(:+"60+%( $(+^%'&+"W&FF&%7,!"R220;&'%(20"_`Mab"OcO)cOdc" *%J+I22D)"ef23(:2L:+"g,,37>B2' ]',(%90%7)"eG&FF&'&FF&,(+h Email- $(<"A%01T,"f23(:"A&'&,(01"G&FF"I+":2,B'9"(:+"%''3%F" $>%9:+k"/&''+0"(:&,"%&'()*@$56"7819$-H@$:.-!. This is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a Parish Community, as well as a chance to support the Teens of the Parish. Dinner will be served 1-5 PM in the Parish Center. Tickets (available at the door): lm)"g;3F(,"n"la)"$+'&20,"n"ld)"R:&F;0+'"3';+0"MN Children Under 3 eat free! g;5%'J+"BJD+(,"%5%&F%IF+"&'"(:+"f23(:"ohJ+",(%0B'9" 9/1/2014 683-8564 x132 $>%9:+k"/&''+0"p2F3'(++0,."C++',?"8++;",+05&J+" hours for Honor Society, scouts, school, or just plain F25+"(2",+05+"_%';"+%(bV"C:&,"&,"%">+04+J("2>>20(3'&(1?" W+"'++;"G%&(",(%^!"(%D+)23("J0+G!"%';",+()3>KJF+%') up crews. Parents! We need you too- as kitchen help, BJD+(",%F+,!"%';"(+%7"F+%;+0,<"R2'(%J("$(+^%'&+" Williams at or 393-9359 for more info. 37'"#F*$K9)N$L?''19$E''7&'61( R2'90%(3F%B2',"(2"(:+"G&''+0"24"230"A2'(:F1"/0%G"RF3I. Miranda Family $250.00 To enter the monthly drawing, use the red and white envelopes available at the entrances to the church Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 !"#$%&'%()*#+'$&,-./ ;-'*(<,(*-#(0=$/3,#(32(<59#5,#> !"#$%&#'()&*(+&,-.#/&0$(1")&2!(34$"&'(//#&5#6"&1(&%"$6" somebody.” The fact that you and I are Americans, work jobs to provide for ourselves and our families, maybe +".(/'& 1(& 78687& ($'#/89#:(/%)& 5#6"& ;";+"$%58<& 8/& # <#$8%5& #/=& 3.:;#1".-& 8="/:>-& (3$%".6"%& #%& ?5$8%:#/& ;"#/%&15#1&0"&5#6"&;#/-&158/'%&15#1&68"&>($&(3$&:;")& talent and treasure. Mr. Dylan points out that, regardless of all the labels we wear in this earthly life, those labels =(&/(1&="1"$;8/"&05(&0"&3.:;#1".-&%"$6"@ A/7"/%"& 7(;"%& >$(;& 15"& K#:/& 0($=& >($& 2%(;"158/'& +3$/"=@M& N;(B"& $8%"%& 1(0#$=& 15"& %B-)& 1$#=8:(/#..-& 15"& dwelling place of the divine; it’s no surprise that the psalm popularly prayed in the Liturgy of the Hours ="7.#$"%`&2K"1&;-&<$#-"$&+"&8/7"/%"&+">($"&-(3@M&YO%#.;& ^a^`^b]Z&["&#.%(&2.8c&3<&(3$&5"#$1%M&1(&P(=&8/&<$#-"$& "6"$-&W#%%@&C6"$-158/'&15#1&'("%&1(&P(=&'("%&3<@&A1&0#%& produced from the resin of trees and burned either in a %08/'8/'&153$8+."&<(1&($&#&%1#:(/#$-&+$#98"$@ I have worked for the Catholic Church for over twenty -"#$%@& A& 5#6"& 0($B"=& >($& ;3.:<."& <#%1($%@& A& #.%(& 5#6"& been privileged enough to travel to many places to 1"#75&#/=&'86"&($#.&<$"%"/1#:(/%&(/&>#815)&%1"0#$=%58<& and engagement, at the request of more pastors and bishops. I have always tried to do my very best for those who seek to employ me, not just because they are paying good money, but because they represent Jesus ?5$8%14%&753$75@&C6"$-&=#-)&5(0"6"$)&/(&;#D"$&05"$"&A& may be, the sun sets and eventually, my day ends, and I #;�#$"&15#1&81&8%&E3%1&;"&#/=&F"%3%@&G5"&H3"%:(/&A&1$-& 1(&#%B&;-%".>&"#75&=#-)&3/."%%&A&#;&%(&:$"=&15#1&A&5#6"& already fallen asleep before my head hits the pillow, is: 2I#6"&A&<."#%"=&-(3&1(=#-)&J&K($=LM *">($"& 15"& N"7(/=& S#:7#/& ?(3/78.)& 15"& 3%"& (>& 8/7"/%"& was restricted only to High Masses. Now, it can be used at any Mass – to honor the sacrament, the assembly and preside, the gospel book, the ambo and altar. Incense is also used to reverence the body of the deceased at >3/"$#.%&d&$";8/=8/'&3%&15#1&15"&="%:/-&(>&15"&.(6"=&(/")& #%&(3$&(0/&="%:/-)&8%&1(&3/81"&0815&P(=&8/&15"&.8>"&1(&7(;"@ N()&-"%)&<#-&1(&?#"%#$&05#1&?#"%#$&%#-%&8%&58%@&O#$:78<#1"& 8/& #..& 15(%"& 158/'%& 15#1& P(=& <$(68="%& (/& "#$15& 1(& '86"& order to our lives. Work your job to the best of your #+8.81-)&#/=&."1&15#1&0($B&'.($8>-&I8;@&Q3..-&<#$:78<#1"&8/& -(3$&<#$8%5)&$"#.898/'&15#1)&15$(3'5&15#1&"/:1-)&-(3&5#6"& #77"%%& 1(& 15"& $"#.& .868/'& P(=& 8/& 15"& %#7$#;"/1%@& *31)& /"6"$&.(%"&%8'51&(>&15"&0($=%&(>&P(=&8/&A%#8#5)&2A&#;&15"& LORD and there is no other.” -Tracy Earl Welliver T%&.813$'8%1&O#3.&O58.8+"$1&"."'#/1.-&"e<$"%%"%&81`&2A/7"/%")& the fragrant, lovely substance that allows itself to be 7(/%3;"=& #/=& 1(& f(#1& (\& 8/1(& 8/="1"$;8/#1"& %<#7"& +"-(/=& (3$& $"#75)& %8'/8g"%& 15"& .(68/'& "/1$3%1;"/1& (>& (3$&.86"%&1(&P(=4%&<$(68="/7"@M Please Remember in Your Prayers Eddie Krajewski, Mikki Patrzyk, Ray Pomietlarz, Virginia R(0#B)& S8(.#& O8#1"B)& T.87"& U/#3+"$)& I"."/"& *.(7B)& U#15-& P"19)&,(3'&G3$1(/)&N1"<5#/8"&V8"/1"B)&N-.68#&G#-.($)&,8#/"& Zimmer, Joanne Malone, Carla Krupa, Raymond Wagner, Lois Finucane, Stephanie Merenda, Rose Marie Nowak, Tom W#..($-)&P#8.&Q8.8<%B8)&,(/&X-+"$')&O#1$878#&O(;8"1.#$9)&G$#7"-& Rogowski, Amy Over, Joseph Lisowski, and Tom Weinstein. 01#',#(0$'%(23$(4-3,#(.5(*-#( 6$7#&(83$9#,: Raymond Herr, Jeremiah & Rebecca Herr (Air Force), Robert Napper (Navy), Maj. Sean McManus (Army), Capt. Evelyn Vento, M.D. (Army), James Meger (Air Force), Christopher O>"8.)& F$@& YT8$& Q($7"Z)& Q8$";#/& [8..8#;& R(..& Y?(#%1& P3#$=Z)& ?#<1@& U"..-& K".81(& YT$;-Z)& O#1$87B& *$(1B#& YR#6-Z)& ?#<1@& Thomas Derion (Army), Col. David J. Roll (Air Force), LCPL Anthony Celano (Marines), Anthony Celani, Jr., Maj. F"\$"-&*379#B&YT$;-Z)&K#/7"&?($<($#.&N1"<5"/&N1@&P"($'"& YW#$8/"%Z)&W%'1@&W#$B&G@&*$#3/&YW#$8/"%Z)&K1@&?(.@&G5(;#%& W3$<5-& YT$;-Z)& OS]& F#7(+& ?@& [581"& YT$;-Z)& ?#<1@& P"(\& P38//3<&YT$;-Z)&W#D5"0&*#/#75&YT8$&Q($7"Z)&K1@&?(.@&N1"6"/& U(1#/%B-&YW#$8/"%Z)&OS]&T#$(/&*#<%1&YT$;-Z)&?#<1@&X(+"$1& P(.=&YT$;-Z)&]/=&K1@&?.#-1(/&N75;8D&YT8$&Q($7"Z)&^K1@&,#/8".& [#$/"$&YT$;-Z)&]/=&K1@&F(%53#&G@&W"$19.3_&YT8$&Q($7"Z)&N'1@& P$"'($-&P.#3+"$&YT$;-Z)&]/=&K1@&C15#/&X3'#/8&YT$;-Z&#/=& Fireman David Pelkey (Navy). If you or a family member is listed here, but have !"#!"$%&!'(%)*#+"%$,-.%'!%*/)01"$%20%3-)-,34!)056% 78")3"%*)88%-/"%!"*-'!.9 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor !""#"$%&'(()*+,-"&& Permanent Deacon Seminarian <,(-)2,7&'(()*+,-"&& E6(+$"((&>,$,3"2&& Cemetery Director Director of Music J+2"*-)2&):&5,+-8&5)2D,K)$& J+2"*-)2&):&T)6-8&>+$+(-24&& Parish Secretary/Scheduler Parish Secretary Parish Secretary <,2+(8&M26(-""(&& School Principal October 19, 2014 /%)0ext. 17 Rev. Paul W. Steller ."/0&12"3)24&5,678,9"2&& Dr. David Jerome Cole Webster <,-2+*+,&=0&>"4"2&& .)9"2-&F0&G/"2&& Daniel E. Rinow Andrea Ross L20&>,24&M8"2"("&N8D62,O&NLL5&& L-"U,$+"&!+77+,D(& Jane Dutro Carol Kwandrans Valerie Heary Z)22,+$"&E)$,O&[)8$&J24\,&& Mrs. Lauren Murkin & ext. 16 ext. 25 "?-0&@A&& "?-0&HI&& ext. 34 IPHQPRIS&& IPHQPRIS&V"?-&WH@X&& ext. 12 ext. 10 ext. 10 <,(-)2,7&N)6$*+7&5,*+7+-,-)2]& 683-2112 (ext. 124) 3:,678,9"2;*#(0"%6& B,CD;(-D,24()$-8"8+770)23& 9)9);(-D,24()$-8"8+770)23& -8"2"("*;(-D,24()$-8"8+770)23& (-"U,$+"Y;(-D,24()$-8"8+770)23 [)8$&M2)+%7& !"#"$%&"'$ ()&"$*+,-%&').* '7-,2&L)*+"-4& E,29,2,&L*82,%"2& IPSQIWSP E":)2"&N,$,&>,22+,3"&<2"B& J",*)$&J,/+%&["2)D"& IPHQSW^H N,-8)7+*&>"$_(&E,(#"-9,77& J,/"&G/"2& `^^QSPHW 5+$,$*"&N)DD+a""& E)9&G/"2& IPHQISSR Junior Ladies Of Charity Marian Snyder 681-2957 Knights of Columbus John Dryja 684-8120 Knights of St. John Robert Reynders 683-0031 Ladies of Charity Holly Walter 656-9583 Z+-6234&N)DD+a""&VZ"*-)2(&b&F6*8,2+(K*&>+$+(-"2(X Joe Kugler 681-5448 Marriage Rehearsal Ministry Deacon David Jerome 683-4193 Music Ministry: Adult Choir Andrea Ross 949-1285 Young Adult Music Chelsea Mang 683-2617 <2"QE,BK(D&<2"B,2,K)$& J",*)$&J,/+%&["2)D"&& IPHQSW^H R.C.I.A. (for adults wishing to become Catholic or receive (,*2,D"$-(&:)2&-8"&c2(-&KD"X Mary Nowak 681-4145 Shirley Rinow 683-3185 ."7+3+)6(&F%6*,K)$& L20&M8"2"("&N8D62,& IPHQPRIS SME School Lauren Murkin 683-2112 L-0&d+$*"$-&%"&<,67& 12"3)24&1,97"& IPWQHRIS !ef1L&V!)D"$_(&E+97"&L-6%4X&g+D&J)9+"(h& IPHQISSR Outreach Coordinator Holly Walter 656-9583 E"2",/"D"$-& >,2+74$&L-2"+-& IPSQ^PIS N,2"&):&-8"&L)67&E))#&N769& E,29,2,&L*82,%"2& IPSQIWSP N+2*7"&):&52+"$%(&VL)*+,7&12)6B&:)2&e$%+/+%6,7(&!+-8&J+(,9+7+K"(X Donna Michael 683-0615 F6*8,2+(K*&>+$+(-"2(&:)2&-8"&L+*#&,$%&=)D"9)6$%& Janice Streit 681-2079 F/,$3"7+h,K)$& =)774&!,7-"2& IRIQ^RPH 5))%&E,(#"-(& F7,+$"&J2+(*)77& IPHQISSR 56$"2,7&E2",#:,(-(& [)(+"&!+"$*#)Y(#+& IPHQS`S^ =)(B+-,7+-4&>+$+(-24& <,C&>"4"2& IPHQISSR&V@AX Ministry of Praise Ruth Wunner 662-0603 f62(+$3&=)D"&d+(+K$3& >,24&5,678,9"2& IPRQ@HS` <,2+(8&f62("& >+$+(-24&Z6'$$"&E2)Y$& IPWQW@A@ <)(-Q=)(B+-,7&d+(+-,K)$&>+$+(-24 & E"-8&!,22+$3-)$& R`SQSS^^ <2,4"2&12)6B& f)2D,$&E2h"h+$(#+& IPWQ@W^H <2,4"2&L8,Y7&>+$+(-24& 1+$$4&Z)"*8"2& IPHQ@AA` Prison Ministry Jack Thielmann 684-5777 Respect for Life Deacon David Jerome 683-6445 L)*+,7&[6(K*"&>+$+(-24& =)774&!,7-"2& IRIQ^RPH M2,$(B)2-,K)$& 1+$$4&Z)"*8"2& IPHQ@AA` !"#$%&'()*$%+#",-. St. Mary’s welcomes new parishioners at ,$4KD"0&<7",("&*,77&-8"&."*-)24&)2&2"3+(-"2& in person. /"0,%1 Parishioners are asked to contact the Rectory before the birth of a child and to B,2K*+B,-"&+$&,&B2)32,D&):&B2"B,2,K)$&:)2& -8"&*"7"92,K)$&):&E,BK(D0&E,BK(D(&,2"& celebrated the second and fourth Sundays of each month at 1:15 p.m. or during any weekend Mass. A godparent should be a B2,*K*+$3&N,-8)7+*&,$%&D6(-&)9-,+$&,&Z"a"2& ):&."*)DD"$%,K)$&:2)D&8+(&)2&8"2&)Y$& parish. Please call the Rectory for details and 2"3+(-2,K)$0 Confessions M8"&L,*2,D"$-&):&."*)$*+7+,K)$&+(&)U"2"%& between 3:30 and 4:00 p.m. each Saturday. '2",&<"$,$*"&L"2/+*"(&,2"&)U"2"%&%62+$3& Advent and Lent. Marriages E":)2"&,&Y"%%+$3&%,-"&+(&(*8"%67"%O& arrangements must be made with the pastor at least six months in advance. !"%%+$3(&D,4&9"&(*8"%67"%&,$4KD"&,i"2& 3:00 p.m. on Fridays and before 1:30 p.m. on Saturdays. Throwing of rice, birdseed, *)$:"CO&"-*0&+(&B2)8+9+-"%0 Ministry to the Sick >,((&Y+-8&-8"&L,*2,D"$-&):&-8"&'$)+$K$3& of the Sick will be held the third Sundays of May and November at 3:00 p.m. in the Church. The sick, shut-ins, elderly and disabled of the parish may receive Communion at home, if they desire to do ()0&<7",("&*)$-,*-&-8"&."*-)240&<7",("&$)K:4& -8"&."*-)24&Y8"$&,&B,2+(8+)$"2&+(&,%D+a"%& to a hospital or nursing home. /233),.'4..-2.5)1).+% '$$)6$*"D"$-(&D6(-&9"&(69D+a"%&-)& and B,CD;(-D,24()$-8"8+770)23&,-&7",(-&$+$"& %,4(&9":)2"&-8"&%,-"&):&-8"&9677"K$&+$&Y8+*8& -8"4&,2"&-)&,BB",20&<7",("&,77)Y&"?-2,&KD"& during holidays, when press deadlines may change. Low Gluten Hosts Hosts with .01% gluten content are available at all Masses. Please advise the presiding priest just prior to each Mass that you will need this host, and receive from that priest, Y8)&+(&,Y,2"&):&-8"&*)$%+K)$0& Why Pre-Plan? PREPLANNING WILL ELIMINATE THE BURDEN FROM YOUR FAMILY, AT THE TIME OF NEED. Call today for a free consultation 6050 TRANSIT ROAD, LANCASTER 681-7040 5615 BROADWAY, LANCASTER 683-4499 DUTCH MILL LAKESIDE CONCRETE Family Restaurant Domenico M. Berardi, DDS Parishioner Invisalign Provider • Evening Appointments Available 2322 Wehrle Drive • Williamsville, NY 14221 716.633.2327 We Do Kitchens! 681-8847 “One Call Does It All” 5259 Broadway • Lancaster 683-4560 $3 OFF $33 Does not inc specials. Paul T. Bumbalo, Attorney at Law 5476 Broadway Broadway & School St. • Lancaster Featuring our Famous Texas Hotts Colored / Stamped Patios - Walks - Driveways & More - 686-9591 - (716) 685-2640 Not valid with other offers. Lancaster, NY Samuel Saleeb, MD. FACOG. ! We Do Windows! We Build Ranches! 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SLIWINSKI FUNERAL HOME 85 George Urban Boulevard 894-1772 5090 Transit Road 706-0200 Family Owned and Operated Since 1965 • Pre-arrangement consultation call for an appointment 4-D-5-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 ©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-1026
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