St Patrick s (Woolston, SO19 9BD) & Annunciation (Netley, SO31 5BW) Parishes Southampton East Area, Diocese of Portsmouth, Registered Charity 246871 Phone 023 8044 8671, Email: Parish Priest: Fr. Claro V. Conde, Parish Administrator: Deacon Peter Silsbury, (Tel. 02380 477158) Mrs. Marion Patient, parish registrar (11am – 1:00pm Mondays and Tuesdays) Safeguarding Reps: Barbara Reed, Coleen Smith & Anne Patient (02380 448 671) For emergency calls please txt 07803191502 28th SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME – 12th October 2014 WELCOME! Failte! Witajcie! Willkommen, Merhba! Mabuhay! Nno! EnnaVishayam! Bienvenidos! (Svāgat) ahlan wa sahlan , Selamat dating COME & WORSHIP WITH US SATURDAY VIGIL Mass: 6 pm (St Patrick’s) SUNDAY 9am Mass Annunciation (Netley Abbey) 11am Mass & Baptism St. Patrick’s (Woolston) Confessions before the Masses 13th October Monday St Edward the Confessor 9.30 am Mass (St. Patrick’s) 14th October Tuesday St Callistus 9:30am Mass (Annunciation) 15th October Wednesday St Teresa of Avila 9.30 am Mass (St. Patrick) Tea and Coffee afterwards 16th October Thursday St Margaret Alacoque 9:30 Mass (St. Patrick) 17th October Friday St Ignatius of Antioch 9:30am Mass (Annunciation) MASS COUNT AT ALL MASSES IN OCTOBER INTENTIONS for October: Theresa Moore rip (4 Oct); James and Sheila Carroll rip: Gemma Champion rip (26 Oct); Bill Clothier rip (25 Oct) Josephine Zammit rip (30th Anni. 31st Oct) BIRTHDAYS: Chanice Carter (15 Oct); Mary O’Brian (16 Oct); Barbara Storey (16 Oct); Mary Smith (18 Oct) Recently died: Audrey Smith (Joseph Smith’s wife) whose funeral was 7th October. Anne Renouf whose Requiem Mass will be on Monday 20th October at 11.00 am. followed by burial at St Mary Extra Cemetery 12.15. BAPTISMS in October: Sienna & Kara West (26 Oct). Ken Anderson, husband of Cathy, year 3 teacher at St. Patrick’s School. PASTORAL AREA NEWSLETTER for October see website Sign up for Portsmouth Diocese E-News: SAVE TREES. You can have the newsletter sent by email. Let us know. Reduce our Carbon Footprint PASTOR CORNER This Saturday 11 October is the feast of newly canonised St John 23rd. We know that this holy Pope opened the Second Vatican Council: the Catholic Church responding to the Signs of Times. Pope Francis continues to make relevant the Teachings of the Church to our present times by opening the Synod on Family which is going on now in Rome. Around 250 representatives will share with the Pope on the topic of Divorce, Contraception, Same Sex Marriage and other issues facing Family life. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us in this Synod. On 22nd of October is the feast of another holy Pope John Paul 2nd. The Polish community in the parish will present us a portrait of their hero on 19th Oct at 11am Mass at St. Patrick. They will also sing a favourite hymn of the saint in Polish. November is the month for our beloved dead. The Feast for the Holy Souls is transferred to 3rd November which is on Monday. Please hand in the names of your beloved dead for special masses for them. November is also a special month for me and Deacon Peter. We will be away for two weeks. I will celebrate my 60th birthday with my family on 8th of November. It is also the anniversary of the great typhoon Haiyan which devastated my region. So I will be doing charity work together with my family and friends. I will leave on the 4th of Nov. and come back on the 20th Nov. They say life begins at 60. Fr. Patrick Sugue from Dundalk Ireland will come to help us in the parishes. You remember him well for his great preaching. In the Philippines we call him the great Laughing Priest. He is a Redemptorist missionary priest. He will be available for confession, counselling and mini missions. Please avail of his presence to prepare spiritually for Advent and Christmas. Fr. Claro FINANCE AND FUND RAISING Second collection : Foreign Missions St Patrick total: £750.00 Loose plates: £130.34; Envelopes: £244.24; Candles: £48.20; Repository: £7.00; Second collection for CAFOD : £155.22; Church offerings, marriage and porch: £165.00 Standing Order for August £675.50 The Annunciation total: £240.07 Loose plates: £59.70; Envelopes: £57.00; Prayer candles: £13.24; Second collection for CAFOD; £110.13. Standing Order for August £673.18 Important Notice Standing Orders The majority of Offertory Giving is now by Standing Order. This makes counting quicker & avoids people searching for loose change to put in the bag on Sunday Morning. If you would like to set up a Standing Order (which we can claim Gift Aid if you are a tax payer) please speak to Irene Chapman or Peter Chilton or Fr. Claro. FOR GIFT AID Donation scheme please contact Irene Chapman (Woolston) or Peter Chilton (Netley) LEGACY: PLEASE REMEMBER the PARISH and the MISSIONS in Your WILL THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP. RCIA. Are you thinking about becoming a Catholic or do you know someone who is? Would you like to explore the faith? …then come along to the RCIA programme Tuesdays at St Patricks 7 pm. If you would like further information please speak with Deacon Peter. TRAINING for CATECHISTS and LAY LEADERS led by the Dominican Sisters of St. Joseph Sat. 22nd Nov. 10 am—1 pm St Edward’s Church Hall Chandler’s Ford SO53 2DU. Optional workshop till 3 pm. Bring a packed lunch. Book online or call 01590 681 874 Anne Renouf 26th April 1920 – 20th October 2014 RIP. Anne died peacefully at her daughter’s home after a short illness. Born in County Meath, Eire, she came to Southampton to train as a nurse during the war. She was married in St. Patrick’s Church in 1944 and worshipped here as a parishioner for 70 years. She will be sadly missed by her children, seven grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Her family would like to invite friends and parishioners to join them at her funeral Mass at 11.00am on 20th October in St.Patrick’s Church and for a buffet lunch afterwards in St. Patrick’s Hall. A new CaFE series. You are invited to “Strength to Strength” a new series of six CaFE talks on DVD, given by David Payne, Giovanna Payne, Fr Emmanuel Mansford. This series is designed to give practical help to those wishing to pray more in their daily lives. The sessions are every Wednesday from 24th September to 29th October; each session is complete in itself, so feel free to join in when you can. POLISH CORNER Dear Brothers and Sisters, To celebrate the recent canonization of Pope, Saint John Paul II, our family would like to donate a portrait to St Patrick's church. Fr. Claro has kindly agreed to bless this picture on 19th October. This is the closest Sunday to the anniversary of the day (16.10) in 1978 when Karol Wojtyła was chosen to become Pope John Paul II. After the blessing the Polish members of the congregation will sing the favourite song of John Paul II, which was also performed in our church on the day of the canonization ceremony in Rome. Barbara Chojnicka-Gittins SPARKLERS AND FLAMES ARE BACK this month and will take place on Saturday 11 October from 630pm till 830pm, in Christ the King and St Colman church hall. If you are aged between 7 and 13 years then come along and join us, and bring a friend too. Lots of fun and games for all! Look forward to seeing you all there! For more information contact Jackie Lang 80402598 or Lorraine Segovia 07837 501 586 Drodzy Bracia i Siostry, Chcąc w pełni uczcić kanonizację naszego Papieża, Świętego Jana Pawła II, moja rodzina ufundowała obraz Ojca Świętego do Kościoła św. Patricka na Woolston. Fr Claro poświęci obraz w niedzielę 19 października na mszy św. o 11.00. Jest to data najbliższa dnia (16.10) wyboru Karola Wojtyły na Papież Jana Pawła II w 1978 r. Pod koniec Maszy zapraszamy wszystkich Polaków do odśpiewania „Barki” podobnie jak to zrobiliśmy w dniu kanonizacji. Barbara Chojnicka-Gittins QUIZ NIGHT – ST PATRICKS. Saturday 25th October from 7 pm in St Patrick’s Hall. Ham, Cheese or Quiche Ploughmans supper included. Bring your own drinks. Tickets £7.00 now available from Saturday evening St Patrick’s – Anne Jack; Sunday St Patrick’s – Sylvia Morton and Sunday Netley – Maureen Herring. If you are new to the parish, or if you have not let us have your details before, please fill in one of the ‘new parishioner’ forms in the porch, and post it through the presbytery door. Also, if you move within the parish or out of the parish, please let us know .Thank you.
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