“Together we will build an atmosphere of faith in which... of the Spirit will abound and draw others to Christ.”

October 26, 2014
Volume 16 Issue 43
Sunday in
Blessed Trinity
St. James
503 Clark Street
Waverly, NY
St. John the Evangelist
28 Rock Street
Newark Valley, NY
St. Margaret Mary
1110 Pennsylvania Ave.
Apalachin, NY
St. Patrick
300 Main Street
Owego, NY
“Together we will build an atmosphere of faith in which the fruit
of the Spirit will abound and draw others to Christ.”
This is your 2014-2015 Pastoral Council! Father Thomas Valenti ( (President), Owego
Representatives are Heather Canfield, Walt Hawley, Emmy Kapuscinski, Dan Raftis (Youth Rep),
Stacey Winters and Reathea Woodburn (Vice-Chairperson). Waverly Representatives are Anne
Davidson Curtis and Anne Schweiger. Newark Valley Representatives are Patti Blazey and Joe
Peranski; Apalachin Representatives are Ben Cacciaglia (Youth Rep.) Helen Kowalewski
(Chairperson), David Smith, and David Rupright (Secretary).
As a Pastoral Council, members are committed to building a community of faith, worship, service
and love. Their three main responsibilities are to:
 Represent the pastoral needs of the parishioners.
 Advise the pastor and provide recommendations for parish priorities, directions, and policies
through pastoral planning.
 Develop and lead the implementation of short and long term goals of the parishes.
The Goal of the Pastoral Council is to act as a leadership body responsible for maintaining the
vision. “Together we will build an atmosphere of faith in which the fruit of the Spirit will abound and
draw others to Christ.”
Pastoral representatives are composed of 14 members. Twelve of these will be adult members
and serve a three-year term. There shall be at least two members from each parish. The Pastor will
also appoint two youth members with input from the Youth Ministers. The Youth members shall
serve a one-year renewable term. Also attending all meetings are Fr. Brian Carpenter, Deacon Mike
Donovan, and Ellen Keogh P.A.
As Pastoral Council Representatives, we ask that you learn the names of those serving in your
church, and feel free to approach them or call them with your concerns or questions. They will be
happy to listen. Names and information are located on the Parish website www.blessed-trinityparish.org found under the churches they serve.
God Bless The People of Blessed Trinity and St. Patrick Parishes,
Helen Kowalewski
Pastoral Council Chairperson
Front Row: Dave Rupright,
Stacey Winters, Patti Blazey,
Fr. Thomas Valenti, Heather
Canfield, Helen Kowalewski
Back Row: Deacon Mike
Donovan, Dan Raftis, Joe
Peranski, David Smith, Walt
Hawley, Emmy Kapuscinski,
Ann Davidson Curtis, Ellen
Keogh, Anne Schweiger,
Reathea Woodburn
Insets: Ben Cacciaglia,
Fr. Brian Carpenter
Saturday Vigil: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 p.m. St. James
5:00 p.m. St. Patrick
Readings for the Week of October 26, 2014
+ Michelle Covert Simonovich
- The Covert Family
+ Grace Cavataio
- Family
Sunday Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 a.m. St. Patrick
+ For
9:00 a.m. St. James
+ Bernard Berkley
- Wanda Foote
+ Jennifer Buchanan
- Family
+ Thomas Malone, Sr.
- Jane Wheeler
10:45 a.m. St. Margaret Mary
11:15 a.m. St. John
the People
8:30 a.m. St. James
9:00 a.m. St. John
Ex 22:20-26/1 Thes 1:5c-10/Mt 22:34-40
Eph 4:32--5:8/Lk 13:10-17
Eph 2:19-22/Lk 6:12-16
Eph 6:1-9/Lk 13:22-30
Eph 6:10-20/Lk 13:31-35
Phil 1:1-11/Lk 14:1-6
Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a
Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/Jn 6:3740
©Liturgical Publications Inc.
Sunday, October 26—World Youth Sunday
Next Sunday:
+ William & Mary Flanagan
- The Ovedovitz Family
+ Fred Mauersberg
- Walter Mauersberg
9:15 a.m. Faith Formation Family Workshop—St. Margaret Mary Hall
9:15 a.m. Jr. High Youth Group—St. Margaret Mary Classroom
9:45 a.m. Faith Formation Class—St. John’s Classrooms
10:00 a.m. Faith Formation Class—St. James Hall
10:00 a.m. Faith Formation Family Workshop—St. Patrick Hall
12:15 p.m. Coffee Hour—St. John’s Hall
5:30 p.m. Youth Group Costume Party—St. James Hall
6:00 p.m. Journey Bible Study—St. Margaret Mary Hall
Tuesday St. Simon and St. Jude, Apostles
Monday, October 27
4:30 p.m. Prayer Group—St. James Church
7:00 p.m. Liturgy Meeting—St. Patrick McAuley
7:00 p.m. Bible Study—St. James Rectory
7:00 a.m. St. Margaret Mary
12 noon St. Patrick
+ Rita Good
- David Pannone
+ The Sozanski & Raftis
- Jim & Virginia Raftis
8:30 a.m. St. James
+ Betty Hughes
- John & Mary Kay Palumbo
7:00 a.m. St. Margaret Mary
12 noon St. Patrick
+ Fred Horn
- Mel & Sharon Lovell
+ Pam Green
- Arnie & Anne Iles
Wednesday, October 29
1:00 p.m. Mobile Food Pantry—St. Margaret Mary Parking Lot
4:30 p.m. Prayer Group—St. James Church
8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Group—St. Margaret Mary Hall
4:30 p.m. Prayer Group—St. James Church
6:30 p.m. Reconciliation Preparation Class—St. Patrick Hall
Friday, October 31
4:30 p.m. Prayer Group—St. James Church
Saturday, November 1
8:30 a.m. St. John
+ Bob & John Riecke
- Al & Flo Gillow
Saturday All Saints
11:00 a.m. Mother’s Prayer Group—St. Patrick McAuley
7:00 p.m. Music Ministry—St. James Church
7:00 p.m. RCIA—St. Patrick McAuley
Thursday, October 30
Tuesday, October 28
5:00 p.m. St. James
5:00 p.m. St. Patrick
+ Michael & Marie
- Family
+ For the People
Sunday, November 2
9:45 a.m. Faith Formation Class—St. John’s Classrooms
10:00 a.m. Faith Formation Class—St. James Hall
10:00 a.m. Breakfast Club—St. Patrick Hall
11:45 a.m. Coffee Hour—St. Margaret Mary Hall
12:15 p.m. Muffin Sale—St. John’s Hall
1:00 p.m. Cemetery Blessing—St. Patrick Cemetery
1:00 p.m. Cemetery Blessing—St. James Cemetery
5:00 p.m. Journey Bible Study—St. Margaret Mary Hall
5:30 p.m. Sr. High Youth Group—St. James Rectory
Sunday The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed
9:00 a.m. St. Patrick
+ For the Deceased Members of
9:00 a.m. St. James
+ For the Deceased Members of
Blessed Trinity & St. Patrick Parishes
Blessed Trinity & St. Patrick Parishes
10:45 a.m. St. Margaret Mary + For the Deceased Members of
Blessed Trinity & St. Patrick Parishes
11:15 a.m. St. John
+ For the Deceased Members of
Blessed Trinity & St. Patrick Parishes
Central Office
300 Main Street, Owego, NY 13827
(607) 687-1068
Fax 687-8122
M-Th 8 am - 3 pm, F 8 am - 12 noon
Email: blessedtrinity@dor.org
Rev. Thomas Valenti, Parochial Administrator
Rev. Brian Carpenter , Parochial Vicar
(607) 687-1068
Deacon Mike Donovan, Pastoral Associate
(607) 687-1068
Http:// www.blessed-trinity-parish.org Ellen Keough, Pastoral Associate
(607) 687-1068
Waverly Office
503 Clark Street, Waverly, NY
(607) 565-2014
Apalachin Office
1110 Pennsylvania Avenue, Apalachin, NY
(607) 625-3191
M & Th 9 am -1 pm
St. Patrick School
309 Front Street, Owego, NY 13827
Paula Smith, Principal
(607) 687-1770
Website: www.stpatrickowego.org
Email: stpatricks@stny.rr.com
Cathy Wunder, Director of Faith Formation & Youth Ministry
(607) 687-1068
Diane Snyder-Bell, Business Manager
(607) 687-1068
St. Patrick Cemetery
Dick Winston, (607) 689-0909
This sacrament celebrating God’s forgiveness is
available by appointment (contact a priest) or at the
following scheduled times.
St. James - Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 p.m.
St. John - First Saturday 10:30 -11:00 a.m.
St. Margaret Mary - Third Saturday 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
St. Patrick - Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Anointing of the Sick
Ths Sacrament of strength and healing is available
upon request for those who are sick or elderly.
Please contact the church office.
Hospital/Nursing Home Visits
Please notify the church office if you or a family
member will be hospitalized and would like the
Sacrament of the Sick or a staff member to visit.
Holy Communion at Home
Please call the church office if you wish to bring
Holy Communion to a sick friend or family member
or to arrange a visit by one of our Communion
St. James Cemetery
Sharon Lovell, (607) 565-9967
Memorial Candles/Gifts
Memorial donations are accepted for the Sanctuary
lamp that burns before the Blessed Sacrament and
the Bread and Wine used in our Eucharistic
celebrations. Please contact the church office.
Sanctuary Lamp:
Anne Thomas and In Memory of Ann Bendzyn
St. John
Marie Basile
Bill Bierl
Marlene Boland
Greg Bruer
Trudy Burch
Tony Calandra
Mary Ellen Carollo
Charles Dalio
Karen Delong
Pat Dewitt
James Dubinsky
Scott Ellis
Fred Giessman
John Gilligan
George Howell
Brody Hines
Fred Jaros
John Knieriem
Theresa Koons
Isla Landon
Gabriella Laubish
Don LeMoine
Justin Mack
Katlin Mahoney
Sue Munroe
Don Murch
Gloria Muscatello
Greg Pedroza
Ivanna Petrenko
Peter Premock
Virginia Raftis
Violet Ray
James Reitberger
Don Riesbeck
Sarah Rouse
Marian Spellane
Jerry Stahl
Connie Streck
Anne Thomas
Roberta Vasilow
Judy Watson
Hannah Yaman
Dave Zevan
John Harrington
Matthew Harrington
Jonathan Hough
Nick Koroluck
Patricia Mallins
Jeremiah Murphy
Alex Pannone
Ryan Phelps
Anne Thomas and In Memory of Ann Bendzyn
St. John
Richard Kolanda
St. Patrick
Baptismal preparation is offered and required for
parents of children to be baptized in our churches.
Please contact the church office for an initial
interview and baptismal preparation.
"Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they
protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they
perform for us in our time of need. Amen."
Don Bolduc
Matt Cascarino
Jennifer Leary Dean
Megan DeKay
Michael Gillio
Chris Hall
Chad Halliday
Matthew Harford
Angelo Altiere and Mary & Fred Schram
St. James
Travis Phillips
Adom Randolph
Jennifer Randolph
Connor Smith
Paul Stauder
Daniel Strom
Sam Tatich
Couples should contact a Priest or Deacon to begin
their preparation for marriage at least six months
before any anticipated wedding.
Costume Party
Sunday, October 26
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
St. James Hall
All youth in grades 9 - 12
are invited to attend.
Food ~ Fun ~ Games
Splendors of the Susquehanna
Auction ’14
Friday, November 14
Owego VFW - 6:00 P.M. (5:30 preview)
Tickets are now on sale at the school office:
309 Front Street, Owego, 607-687-1770
Polish Dinner Thank You
Advanced purchase: $15 per person or $100 for table of 8
Tickets at the door: $20 person
Thank you to all who supported
St. John’s annual Polish Dinner! The
dinner this year was again a
tremendous success. Thanks to all
who volunteered cooking, cleaning,
set-up, clean-up, decorating, ticket sales, baking and
serving as well as generous donations provided! Also,
many thanks to all who supported the dinner by attending!
Just a SAMPLING of items up for bid:
Disney park-hopper tickets (family 4-pack)
Personal fitness training sessions
Rubbermaid vacuum cleaner
Weekend getaways
39” Magnavox television
Ski lift passes at Toggenburg Mountain
Buffalo Bills photographs
Sciencenter family membership
Stampin’ Up crafting supplies
(…and the list keeps growing daily!!)
St. Margaret Mary's Harvest Dinner
We are happy to report that this
year's Harvest Dinner was our best
yet! To all who attended and those
who helped with the preparation and
clean up we say a B-I-G THANK
YOU for your support.
~ Mary Ellen Houle
Novembrrrrr Soup Supper at St. James
Come to the "all you can eat" soup supper at St. James,
November 8th at 6 p.m. featuring at least 10
different homemade, hearty soups, salad,
bread, beverage and of course delicious
desserts. Tickets are just $7 for Adults,
$4 children under 13 and a family ticket is
$20. Tickets will be on sale after Mass at
St. James.
St. James Annual Rummage Sale
Friday Nov. 14 ~ 8 am - 5 pm
Saturday Nov.15 ~ 9 am - 3 pm
St. James Hall
$1.00 bag sale beginning at noon on
Drop-off times:
M: 8-5, T: 8-5, W: 8-8; Th 8-5
Fair Trade Sale
"Every economic ... action must set about providing each
inhabitant of the planet with the minimum wherewithal to live
in dignity and freedom, with the possibility of supporting a
family, educating children, praising God and developing one's
own human potential." Pope Francis
Please help promote the dignity of producers
and their right to work in supporting our Catholic
Relief Services Fair Trade Sale. We are hosting
catalog sales at each site. Orders (no money
yet) will accepted up through November 2.
Orders will be tabulated and one total order will
be made. Delivery is usually quick and within a week of
placing the order. Order forms can be delivered to anyone on
the Social Justice Committee, the church office or myself,
Ellen Keough (687-1068).
So take a look at one of the catalogs - I am sure that you
will find something interesting or tasty!
St. Val’s celebrates 30 years!
Book Discussion Group
Our next book is titled The Invention of
Wings by Sue Monk Kidd. We meet on
Wednesday, November 12th at 3 pm in the
McAuley Center. All are invited.
Week 25
$40 - Cheryl Buckley ~ St. Margaret Mary
$20 - Ellen Keough ~ St. Patrick
“Novembering” – Remembering our
loved ones who have gone before us.
Pastoral Council Corner
Father Valenti opened with our prayer of
unity, which we all participated in, strengthening
again our transition to oneness through
diversity. It’s an appealing outlook that is
starting to take hold.
We had a report from our Youth Representatives Ben
Cacciaglia and Dan Raftis on their recent parish wide youth
picnic. With approximately 50 teens attending and the very
positive comments it appeared to be a very encouraging
success with a desire for more follow on events. Dan also
brought up a thoughtful proposal for acquiring AEDs
(Automatic External Defibrillators) at each church site.
Further consideration and discussion will follow at future
Our first installment of “Meet the Staff” took place.
It is going to be a very informative and valuable monthly
initiative as we experience these presentations. This
month’s featured staff members were our two Pastoral
Associates; Ellen Keough and Deacon Mike Donovan. We
are truly blessed as a parish to have such capable and
tireless servants. Their duties and responsibilities, both
required and voluntary, are wide ranging and important to
parish ministries and the surrounding communities. In your
next passing perhaps take the time to recognize and thank
Next month’s highlighted staffer will be Diane SnyderBell, Business Manager. She will be at the next Council
meeting on November 6, at St. John's Newark Valley. The
time is 7:00 PM and is open to all. We encourage anyone
who wishes to attend to do so.
As the landscape of our region reminds us,
our life on earth is passing. As the leaves on
our trees change their colors and lose their
lives, we are reminded of the reality of death.
As believers in Christ, we do not see death as
the end, but rather as a change from life on
earth to life in heaven.
Each year we celebrate a Mass of Remembrance at
each of our worshiping communities. This year our Mass of
Remembrance will be on Sunday, November 2nd: 9:00 am
at St. James and St. Patrick; 10:45 am at St. Margaret Mary
and 11:15 am at St. John.
This allows anyone who has lost a family member and/or
a loved one to remember that person in a special way. If
you have lost a loved one during the last year you will be
invited to light a candle in their memory during the mass
and we will pray for these people during the month of
Our “Remembering Book” will be available during the
month of November so anyone can write the names of their
deceased loved ones in the book. This will allow us to pray
for all of these people as well.
Special All Souls Day
Cemetery Blessings
Sunday, November 2nd is All Souls Day.
This year both Father Valenti and Father Brian
will bless our cemeteries at 1 pm. At
St. James Cemetery, Father Valenti will bless
the restored grotto scene of Christ Crucified. We thank
Jack Hedrick and those who assisted him with this project.
Father Brian will bless graves at St. Patrick Cemetery.
This seems to be an appropriate and fitting way to honor
our deceased on this Holy Day.
Dave Smith, Apalachin Representative
Election Day is Coming: Be sure to vote,
and vote as a Catholic
We encourage all citizens, [especially our Catholic
faithful], to embrace their citizenship not
merely as a duty and privilege, but as an
opportunity meaningfully to participate in
building the culture of life. Every voice
matters in the public forum. Every vote
counts. Every act of responsible citizenship
is an exercise of significant individual power. We must exercise that power in ways that defend human
life, especially those of God's children who are unborn,
disabled or otherwise vulnerable… We urge our fellow
citizens to see beyond party politics, to analyze campaign
rhetoric critically, and to choose their political leaders
according to principle, not party affiliation or mere selfinterest.
October—Respect for Life Month
October is celebrated annually in the Catholic community
across the country and the Diocese of Rochester as Respect Life
Month. This year’s theme, EACH OF US IS A MASTERPIECE OF
GOD’S CREATION, is adapted from Pope Francis’ 2013 Day for
Life greeting and reminds us that when God created each one of
us, God did so with precision and purpose and God looks on each
of us with intense and tender love. Moreover, the Lord invites
each of us to behold ourselves and each other with the same
wonder and awe. No matter how the world might view us or
others, let us treat each person as the masterpiece that he or she
is. Let us pray for all people throughout the world: that we might
recognize and treat each person as a masterpiece of God’s
-- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Living the Gospel of Life.
National Vocation Awareness Week November 2-8, 2014
“I would like to ask you: have you sometimes heard the Lord’s voice, in a desire, in a worry, did he invite you to follow him
more closely? Ask Jesus what he wants of you and be brave! Be brave! Ask him this!“
-Pope Francis, St. Peter’s Square, April, 2013
Thinking about Priesthood? www.ROCPriest.org
Becket Hall
Monthly Prayer
Heavenly Father,
The beauty and dignity of human life was the
crowning of your creation. You further
ennobled that life when your Son became one with
us in his incarnation. Help us to realize the
sacredness of human life:
For life in the womb, coming from your creative power.
For the life of children, making us glad with their freshness and
For the life of young people, hoping for a better world.
For the life of the handicapped and disabled, teaching us humility.
For the life of the mentally ill and depressed, teaching us
understanding and concern.
For the life of the elderly, witnessing the ageless values of patience
and wisdom.
Give us courage to speak in defense of life. Help us to extend the
gentle hand of compassion, mercy and forgiveness to those who
do not reverence your gift of life. Grant us pardon for the times we
have failed to be grateful for your precious gift of life or to respect it
in others. We ask this in Jesus' Name.
Catholic Ministries Appeal
St. Patrick Parish
Blessed Trinity Parish
Please pray this prayer along with our Prayer Partners today and throughout this month. If you have a suggestion for prayer intention please let us
know at hawaii2343@yahoo.com
Food Pantry Holiday Boxes
For those residents living in the 13811 zip code call
642-8102 or 642-8587 before November 1 for Thanksgiving
Box and before December 1 for Christmas Box.
Pick up dates are November 22 and December 13 from
10 am - 12 noon.
Tioga County Rural Ministry
143 North Avenue, Owego, NY ~ 687-3021
Pantry Needs: soup (especially vegetable beef) dish
detergent, cereal, and toothpaste
World Mission Sunday Thank You
Concert at Epiphany Church
Thank you for your generous response to the Society for
the Propagation of the Faith on World Mission Sunday. For
more information, please visit www. IAMMissionary.org
Sacred Concert "Give Thanks to the Lord" Sunday,
October 26th 2 p.m. at Epiphany Church in Sayre, PA.
Come enjoy an afternoon of sacred music and scripture
performed by talented choirs, singers, and musicians from
many of our Valley churches including Bill Soprano and Brian Murphy. Free refreshments to follow in the church hall. All
are welcome.
October 18/19
Blessed Trinity
St. Patrick
Cemetery Manager Needed
Please contact Diane Snyder-Bell for
more information 687-1068.
Sacrificial Offerings
Make Parish a Priority!
Please Use Your
Total Gifts:
Weekly Needs: