St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Ascot Vale Newsletter 74 Roseberry Street Ascot Vale VIC 3032 ------ST MARY’S P: 03 9370 1194 CELEBRATES ONE HUNDRED AND TWO F: 03 9370 1068 YEARS E: 27th February 2015 W: Parish Priest: Fr Justin Ford 123 St Leonards Road Ascot Vale VIC 3032 P: 03 9370 6688 F: 03 9370 9112 E: Upcoming Events 2015 MONDAY, 2ND March Year Two Incursion FETE/FIESTA MEETING (9.00 A.M.) To all in our School Community, For many in our School Community, the week’s highlight was the participation of our St Mary’s Swimming Team in the District Swimming Carnival at Queen’s Park. Not only were they an enthusiastic collective team, but through the encouragement of the equally supportive parents and friends, all were inspired to compete at their best. In congratulating our team on achieving second place, we specially commend those children who have been selected to participate at the next level on March 12th and thank Marisa Testa for her assistance with supervision and Andrew Hook whose endless energy and support ensured all team members had the confidence to swim at their personal best. As you would be aware, my week has been dominated by study. 2015 is my final year (I hope) of a MBA (EX) degree through Australian Catholic University. This week, along with twenty five fellow Principals, I have been living at the Catholic Leadership Centre in East Melbourne, with daily lectures and evening assessment tasks. This unit, which is number eight of twelve was entitled, “Managerial Economics in a Global Environment.” Though much of the focus of the unit was economic analysis to understand decisions made in business, it was interesting to listen to and discuss aspects of the recent global financial crisis and the reasons Australia has outwardly “survived.” Financially the world is in an interesting position when it comes to Government Policies and of course any financial decisions, whether decided by a bureaucratic department or businesses also has an influence on education. Certainly throughout the week, the terminology has been very different from education, as I have learned to understand micro and macro economies and such language as; - “The Conduct & Impact of Monetary Policy,” “Demand, Supply & Equilibrium,” “Market Failure” and that wonderful term “Elasticity” (Google that term!). Certainly the unit has given me a greater understanding of a more global view of how schools are part of a country’s economy. This week concludes our Foundation children’s Wednesday Rest Day as from next week they commence school full time. The transition from Kindergarten to Primary School has generally been very smooth, with all being thrilled with their new spacious classrooms and the many activities and resources available. Of equal importance has been the children’s quick establishment of a rapport with their teachers, for it is this aspect of schooling that is often the key to a child’s successful learning. We congratulate all at the Foundation level for the support received in this initial period of the children’s first experience of Primary School and look forward to their first full week commencing March 2nd. 2015 is the Year of the Fiesta/Fete. It is the major Fundraiser for the year with the event building on the established Community spirit, as we all come together for a common purpose. Our first meetings are next week. For those who are available, the first meeting in on Monday after assembly and a repeat meeting on Wednesday evening. I look forward to seeing as many as possible. My Best wishes Graham Best wishes Graham TUESDAY, 3rd March School Improvement Committee (7.00 p.m.) WEDNESDAY, 4TH March FETE/FIESTA MEETING (7.00 P.M.) THURSDAY, 5th March At the School Mass, our Year Six Leaders and the SRC will be presented with their badges. TUESDAY, 10th March SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY THURSDAY, 12th March Division Swimming Championship SATURDAY, 14th March TERM ONE WORKING BEE SUNDAY, 15th March Year Five children assist with the 10 30 a.m. Parish Mass and the School choir leads the singing. MONDAY, 16th March FRIDAY, 20th March CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK PLEASE NOTE FOUNDATION 2016. For those families wishing to enrol for Foundation year 2016, please read the St Mary’s Enrolment Policy available on the School Website and if you meet the criteria, download an enrolment form. At present places are only available for children who have been baptised Catholic and reside in St Mary’s Parish. Other applications are placed on a waiting list. On completion of this pleaseplanning submit it to the school office with a $70.00 non-refundable enrolment fee.the Applications close Please note forform, future that the NAPLAN Dates for 2015 are at conclusion th on April 24 . Thank you. of the 2015 Term One Diary. STAFF ABSENCE Judy Keenan Term One Recuperating 2015 TERM ONE – WEEK SIX FOUNDATION YEAR COMMENCE FULL TIME nd Monday, 2 March 8.55 a.m. All Day 9.00 a.m. School Assembly Year Two Incursion Parents and Friends, Fiesta/Fete Tuesday, 3 March 3.45 p.m. 7.00 p.m. Professional Development - Staff Meeting School Improvement Committee Wednesday, 4th March 3.45 p.m. 7.00 p.m. Professional Development - Staff Meeting Parents and Friends, Fiesta/Fete Thursday, 5th March 9.00 a.m. School Mass (6SG). School Captains/SRC receive their badges Friday, 6th March 3.00 p.m. School Assembly (3HW) rd 2015 TERM ONE – WEEK SEVEN Monday, 9th March LABOUR DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY th Tuesday, 10 March th SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY Wednesday, 11 March 1.30 p.m. 3.45 p.m. Professional Development - Principals’ Briefing Professional Development - Staff Meeting Thursday,12th March 9.00 a.m. All Day School Mass (4JK) Division Swimming Championships Friday 13th March All Day 3.00 p.m. Professional Development - REL Network School Assembly (2KC) 8.30 a.m. Term One Working Bee 10 30 a.m. Year Five Children assist with the Parish Mass. The School choir leads the singing. Morning tea to follow. NATIONAL RIDE TO SCHOOL DAY Saturday, 14th March th Sunday, 15 March 2015 TERM ONE – WEEK EIGHT CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK Monday, 16th March 8.55 a.m. School Assembly Tuesday, 17 March 3.45 p.m. Professional Development - Staff Meeting Wednesday, 18th March 3.45 p.m. 7.00 p.m. Professional Development - Staff Meeting Parents and Friends Core Group (All Welcome) Thursday, 19th March 9.00 a.m. All Day School Mass (4AR) SCHOOL PHOTOS Friday 20th March NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION AGAINST BULLYING a.m. 3.00 p.m. 7.00 p.m. District Cross Country School Assembly (Student Leaders) GAS Night th 2 STUDENT WELLBEING SPHERE Dear Parents, St Mary’s has a Behaviour Management Plan that affords every student guidance in making good decisions about his and her behaviour and thus the opportunity to learn in a positive, nurturing school environment. Our Behaviour Management Plan is based on the philosophy and practice of restorative justice which aims to promote resilience in both the one who is harmed and the one who causes harm. It is about helping young people become aware of the impact of their behaviour on others through personal accountability and being open to learning from conflict situations Your child deserves the most positive educational climate possible for his or her growth and wellbeing. We know that when children feel safe and happy at school they are able to learn and reach their full potential in all aspects of learning. Therefore it is extremely important for the school to know if your child is unhappy at school, for any reason, and together we can look at ways to resolve problems and endeavour to restore broken relationships immediately. I know that together we will make a difference in this process. The school rules were put together to make our school a happy and enjoyable place in which to learn and play. They are as follows: 1. We make our school a safe place to be 2. We are always on time for our lessons. 3. We care for St Mary’s and keep our school clean 4. We are always courteous and considerate to others – we always act like friends. 5. We look after our own and others’ belongings At the beginning of the year all classes establish their own class rules, using the school rules as a guide. Teachers work with their students to formulate logical consequences for inappropriate behaviour. Consequences are not used as a punishment but seen as a way of helping students to learn and develop responsibility for their actions. Consequences are related to the inappropriate behaviour so that children can clearly associate misbehaviour with its outcome. They are also respectful, so a child can maintain his/her dignity, they are negotiated with the child, and are fair, just and age appropriate. To encourage students to follow the rules, teachers will support appropriate behaviour with verbal recognition and positive notes and rewards. 3 However, if a student chooses to break a rule, the following steps will be taken. 1. Warning 2. Time away from group 3. Time away – to a formal area in room 4. Time away from the grade or yard – with a Reflection Sheet 5. Time with the Principal or Deputy Principal (in serious instances). If your child brings home a Reflection Sheet, please take a moment to discuss the information on the sheet with your child. The aim of the sheet is to communicate with parents/ caregivers and give families an opportunity to discuss the specific behaviour and hopefully discuss actions that can be taken to ensure that the specific behaviour doesn’t re-occur. The sheet is NOT designed to punish the child, but rather to help the child specify a behaviour expectation they didn’t meet and for them to communicate an appropriate action that they can take to meet the behaviour expectation in the future. With parents, teachers and staff working together we can achieve wonderful outcomes. Thank you for assisting us in achieving a safe, welcoming and supportive environment. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about this plan or any other matter. Sandra Lind 4 EDUCATION IN FAITH SPHERE Last week, Years One to Six participated in the Ash Wednesday Mass. In the Gospel Reading, we were reminded about the importance of doing good deeds for all the right reasons. Below is an excerpt from the day’s Gospel: Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Be careful not to parade your good deeds before men to attract their notice; by doing this you will lose all reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give alms, do not have it trumpeted before you; this is what the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets to win men’s admiration. I tell you solemnly, they have had their reward. But when you give alms, your left hand must not know what your right is doing; your almsgiving must be secret, and your Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you.’ In his homily, Father Justin talked to us about the significance of the ashes – that they are a reminder to us that we are mere mortals and that this life is short and merely a foreshadowing of what is to come. Father sprinkled the ashes with holy water and blessed them. As the ashes were applied to our foreheads in the Sign of the Cross, the following words were spoken to us: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”. This week, our highly motivated Year Six Social Justice Captains visited the classrooms to remind all the children of the following Lenten practices: - Be kind to someone every day. - Pray more often. - Support Project Compassion. 5 Our Social Justice Captains – pictured below – are Isabella, Sara, Georgia and Akot. I would also like to take this opportunity to introduce and commend our Year Six Church Captains – Tara, Teresa, Bianca and Patrick – for their equally enthusiastic approach! Kind Regards, Teresa The Conidi Family at the Rite of Election at the Cathedral last Sunday 6 LEARNING AND TEACHING SPHERE CLASS FCC FAV 1JD 1VM 2MB 2KC 3RL 3HW 4JK 4AR 5AA 5NT 6JM 6SG HEALTH & P.E P.E classes don’t start until Week 6 Asha M Hannah B Ethan O Olivia C Jesse H Audrey K Zachary G Matthew K Holland S Oliver J Liam F Hannah B ITALIAN Performing Arts Jack R Jesse M Alannah M Lucas L Adelle A Hayley E William C Hannah B Emilia G Scarlett M Oscar C Alexander A Sinitta McC Sienna D Francesca S Francesca S Library No Class No Class Sol D Layla A Angela L Stella S Jasmine D Thomas C Holly De B No Award Eloise M No Award Gabriel C Milla M Lily B Molly B David G Ernest C Sachi D Isaac A 7 Matilda A Daniel M DISTRICT SWIMMING CARNIVAL REPORT On Wednesday, 28 students representing St. Mary’s at the District Swimming Carnival made every member of the school‘s community extremely proud. The event was held at Queens Park Swimming Pool. After gaining entry into the team by succeeding in a high quality time-trial earlier in the month, all students were ready for the tough competition that they were going to come up against. Even with 17 debutants as members of the swimming crew, the team produced our best ever result at the district swimming carnival by finishing 2nd overall – a mere 9 points behind the eventual winners Flemington. A special mention should go out to the students who qualified for the Western Metropolitan Region Division Swimming Championships. This event will be taking place on Thursday 12th March at Oak Park Aquatic Centre. Sebastian Isolani (2nd in 11yo Freestyle) nd Zac Overman (2 in 12/13yo Freestyle) st Angus Hug (1 in 12/13yo Backstroke & 2nd in 12/13yo Butterfly) st Lucas Edmonds (1 in 12/13yo Breaststroke) st st Grace Van Hees (1 in 11yo Freestyle & 1 in 11yo Butterfly) st Lucy Bray (1 in 11yo Backstroke) nd nd Georgia Miles (2 in 9/10yo Breaststroke & 2 in 9/10yo Butterfly) nd Olivia Miles (2 in 12/13yo Butterfly) st Lily Bateman, Olivia Hug, Lucy Bray & Grace Van Hees (1 in 11yo Girls Freestyle Relay) Lucy Bray, Georgia Miles, Olivia Miles & Grace Van Hees (1st in Open Girls Medley Relay) Archer Hoban, Daniel Melican, Angus Hug & Zac Overman (2nd in Boys 12/13yo Freestyle Relay) st Zac Overman, Lucas Edmonds, Angus Hug & Sebastian Isolani (1 In Open Boys Medley Relay) Thank you to Mrs. Testa for coming along to support the team, taking the role as official photographer, and making sure that all students turned up to their events. Thank you to the large number of parents and family members who came along to establish a fantastic atmosphere for the team to thrive in. To the team; you all were fantastic both in and out of the water. I certainly hope that your experience as a member of St. Mary‘s 2015 swimming team was an enjoyable occasion and one that inspires you to greater deeds in inter-school sport competition. Andrew Hook – P.E Co-ordinator 8 HIGHLIGHTING 5NT MEMORY BOXES SHOWING ALL OUR GIFTS AND TALENTS OUR 5NT CLASS CODE AND WEB OF LEARNING 5NT CLASS CODE We will make our classroom a FUN place to LEARN. We will always be KIND and HELPFUL to each other. We will ensure that our classroom is a SAFE and TIDY place. We will be ORGANISED and RESOURCEFUL. We will always CONCENTRATE, WORK HARD and TRY OUR BEST. We will always treat each other and our environment with RESPECT. We will be HONEST and TRUST each other. 9 COOPERATIVE LEARNING – PIPE CLEANER CHALLENGE On the 2nd week of Term 1, we did our first cooperative learning task in our table groups. The challenge was to design and make a new invention. Each group was given 32 pipe cleaners. There were 4 different colours and each person got 8. The rules were that you could only touch your own colour of pipe cleaners and if you touched someone else’s pipe cleaners you had to sit out for a minute. Starting off with table 1 they made a vehicle which they named Santa’s backup sleigh. What it would do was drop candy canes and headphones down the chimney of the good people’s homes. Next table 2 made a tennis playing robot. If you were a tennis player and you got tired, the robot would takeover. Following was table 3. They made a time machine. You would have to speak into the microphone where you wanted to go back or forth to, then there is a balloon for you to grab and then it will teleport you to where you want to go. After them it was table 4. They made floating chairs which would serve you with drinks. Table 5 made a cloning machine. You would have to walk through the first end then the machine will scan your body and make a copy of your body. Finally, table 6 - they also made a time machine. You have to go into the portal and put on the brain analyser and think what year you would like to go to then you will arrive at that year. The task was a lot of fun. However it really tested your team work skills. Luke & Fletcher 5NT 10 BOUNCE BACK CORE VALUES Week 6 This fortnight’s core value: Integrity Being honest, fair, responsible, loyal and socially “just”. HONEST It is important to be honest. Being honest means telling the truth, not stealing, giving things back when they belong to someone else and owning up when you have done the wrong thing. FAIR It is important to be fair. Being fair means following the rules and not cheating, returning favours and kindness, and helping others to get a fair deal – that is – to have justice, food, shelter, medical treatment and schooling. RESPONSIBLE Being responsible means not letting people down, and doing what you agreed to do without having to be told all the time. It also means trying to be on time so that you don’t upset other people’s plans, being sensitive and helping those who need it. COMMUNITY GIRLS AT ST MARY’S (GAS) TERM 1 CATCH UP! Our first get together for 2015 will be held at ‘Riverside’. Come along and join us for a chat. When: Friday 20th March Time: 7 p.m. start (till late) Where: Riverside Kitchen & Events, 55 - 75 Newsom St. Ascot Vale (next to golf club) Cost: Food and drinks available from the bar Please contact Kathryn Smith (0401 993 206), Stephanie Thomas (0416 077 343) or Antoinette Amy (0413 110 408) for more information SMFASS MONDAY NIGHT GYM AT PARAMOUNT, UNION ROAD Just a reminder that SMFASS have a gym session every Monday night with our own personal trainer. Details are; Paramount Gym, Union Road, Ascot Vale 7:30pm - 8:30pm $15 per session It is a session that caters for all fitness types and body shapes. Mums and older kids are more than welcome to join in too. Hope to see you there. Cheers, David McAllister SMFASS Alumni Co-ordinator. 11 0413 443 226 HOT CROSS BUN DRIVE 2015 This year we will be coordinating another Hot Cross Bun Drive. This year we will be selling three different types of hot cross buns; Traditional Fruit Buns Fruitless Buns Chocolate Buns Order forms will be sent home and need to be returned back to the School by no later than Friday 20 March 2015. Orders will be delivered to families in the last week of Term 1. St Mary’s Playgroup We are a small group of mums/dads and bubs who get together for a play and a cuppa in the school hall every second Friday. It is very casual, social and friendly and we welcome any new mums/dads or carers and their little ones, who would like to join us. th Next Playgroup date for 2015 – Friday 13 March. Who: When: Any children pre kinder Fridays Fortnightly 9.00 a.m. – 10.45 a.m. Where: School Hall (enter through school reception after gates are locked) What to bring: small healthy snack to share Contact: Jacquie 0439824778 Canteen To all the staff, parents and students, Congratulations to all those students who participated in the swimming carnival on Wednesday. Job well done! We now have our canteen roster up on our canteen door and still have a few spots. Please come and put your name down as the children love seeing their Mums behind the counter. Menu for the Week: Monday Spaghetti Bolognese with Parmesan Cheese Chicken Schnitzel Rolls/Wraps Wednesday Beef/Chicken Mamee Noodle Cups Chicken Schnitzel Rolls/Wraps Chicken Rice Paper Rolls Friday Spaghetti Bolognese with Parmesan Cheese Canteen Helpers: Monday Paula Bertoli Wednesday Friday Nicole Capes We hope everyone has a wonderful week. Tracey and Maryanne 12 A reminder to parents if you currently have a daughter in Year 6, please ensure that you have submitted an Application for Enrolment Form to the College. Forms can be downloaded from the website or contact the Registrar on 9331 9128. Applications for Year 7 2016 close on Friday 27 February 2015. ST BERNARD’S COLLEGE 41 Rosehill Road, Essendon, 3040. ENROLMENT APPLICATION YEAR 7, 2017 ENROLMENT APPLICATION MEETINGS FAMILY SURNAMES A – L (New and Current Families) TUESDAY, 17 MARCH 2015 FAMILY SURNAMES M – Z (New and Current Families) WEDNESDAY, 18 MARCH 2015 At 7.30 P.M. in COLLEGE AUDITORIUM Application Forms are distributed at these meetings and need to be returned to the College by Wednesday, 15 April 2015. Application Forms requested after these meetings may be classed as a Late Application The meeting is for Parents/Guardians only. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Refer to COLLEGE WEB SITE: or Telephone: John Nocci on 9289 1103 ST BERNARD’S COLLEGE SCHOOL TOURS of the College for 2015 are as follows: Wednesday, 4 March Monday, 16 March Monday, 13 April Thursday, 30 April Wednesday, 6 May Tuesday, 19 May Tuesday, 2 June Wednesday, 10 June Tuesday, 21 July Wednesday, 29 July Tuesday, 10 March Tuesday, 24 March Wednesday, 15 April Friday, 1 May Friday, 15 May Wednesday, 27 May Wednesday, 3 June Monday, 15 June Wednesday, 22 July Each tour commences at 9.00 a.m. Bookings essential - telephone 9289 1103. For further information please contact the Registrar on 9289 1103. Kindest Regards John Nocci (College Registrar) 13 14 COMMUNITY ADVERTISEMENTS The registrations for the 2015 St Bernard’s Auskick Season is now open. If you are looking to participate in Auskick this year we would encourage you to get online and register. By registering prior to the 20/4/15 you are eligible to receive a family pass to the football for free. Please take note of the following key points: To register and pay on-line please go to the following website The cost is $86 (no raffles or additional fundraisers!). Registrations and payment can only be done online. No CASH PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED Auskick packs will be mailed directly to each participant St Bernard’s Auskick season will kick off on 18/4/15 and finish on 15/8/15 St. Bernard's Auskick 2015 Looking forward to another great year in Auskick. Damian Bellino| St Bernard’s Auskick Co-ordinator For further details please contact me at or on 0403 498 600 15 MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND Invest in your most precious asset......Your Marriage! Forget life’s tensions and interruptions and rekindle the closeness, intimacy, love and romance that brought you together. Recharge your relationship batteries and explore the precious nature of your marriage, allowing you both to share your feelings, hopes and dreams with each other in ways that normal, daily living tends to inhibit. There is no group sharing. Couples and a priest present the weekend. It is based around Catholic values but couples of all faiths are welcome. 2015 Melbourne weekend dates : 17-19 Apr, 19-21 June, 21-23 August and 2325 Oct Starts 7 p.m. on Friday. Ends 5 p.m. Sunday. Accommodation and all meals provided. Information/Bookings: PH: Marianne & Marcel (03) 9733 0997 Email: 16 17 Reminder: School banking is every Friday Rewarding good savings: To help reward individual savings efforts, every time a student deposits into their Youthsaver account through School Banking, regardless of the amount, they’ll receive a Dollarmites token. Once they’ve collected 10 tokens, they can redeem them for a variety of exciting reward items. They’ll also receive a certificate when they reach certain savings milestones. Available in Term 1 when you have collected 10 tokens are: 18
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