The Shalom March 2015/5775 Oseh Shalom’s Monthly Newsletter Rabbi Doug Heifetz Cantor Charlie Bernhardt Executive Director Barry Nove Religious School Director Renee Richards Volume 48 No. 7 Content Highlights Rabbi Heifetz’s Monthly Word Dear Hevre, 1 I hope you’re managing to stay warm during these long 2 winter months. For many of us, the warmth and 2 strength of our community greatly help to sustain us, regardless of the weather. 3 Over the last year or so, our recently launched Rabbi’s Monthly Word Letter from the President From the Executive Director’s Desk B’Yachad (‘Together’) programs seem especially to provide communal warmth and nurturing. A great many 4 members expressed their enthusiasm for B’Yachad during our recent Vision Forums. As you may recall, the B’Yachad programs bring together our Religious School families and other non-school families, for the purpose of 5 celebrating Shabbat and the holidays. 18 Continued on page 4 News from the Religious School Director Rabbi Fink’s Thanatology Talks Announced Film Series Shabbat Meditation Services Announcement 18 Candle Lighting Times KREPLACH & DIM SUM Yes, There Are Jews In China! 18 Contributions 22 Oseh Shalom Calendar Find additional news in the online addition @ Saturday, March 28 @ 8:00 p.m. Cantor Robyn Helzner Takes us on a journey Through stories, songs, photos, & videos, And some food to get you in the mood prepared by Chef Andy Friedman Admission:$12 per person in advance; $15 at the door. RSVP to by March 18 so we know to expect you. Learning to cook Jewish style: students of Oseh Shalom get their hands dirty in the kitchen The Shalom Letter from the President March is a busy month at Oseh Shalom. Purim, - our own time for March Madness - celebrated on Wednesday, March 3 is one of our B’Yachad events this year. Such a wonderful time to show your silly side at Oseh. I can’t wait to see you in costume! On Sunday, March 23 the Chesapeake area Reconstructionist Synagogues and Havurah will gather together at Oseh Shalom for our annual celebration. It is my great pleasure to announce that Helen and Eric Metzman are our synagogue honorees this year. Helen is currently serving for a second time as the chairperson of our Social Action/Caring and Support Committee. Eric, in addition to being one of our very learned Torah readers, is a mainstay on the Retreat Committee. They both embody the spirit of Hineni - “Here I am” - and that of Tikkun Olam. I look forward to your joining me at the celebration in support of these very deserving members. Also in March is the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Seder on the 29th. For many years, Sheila Urman, our wonderful Seder leader, graciously invited the Rosh Chodesh group into her home for the Seder. Due to the growing size of the group, the event was held at Oseh Shalom for the first time last year. This year again we will gather at Oseh Shalom for a potluck Seder, occurring the Sunday prior to Passover. For me this event is emblematic of the warm and welcoming spirit of our community. Happy Almost Spring, Lynne Save the Date— Sunday, May 3, 2015 OSEH SHALOM ART AUCTION DETAILS ON PAGE 11 Page 2 Volume 48, No. 7 From the Executive Director I have been excited to hear kudos for the February issue of the Shalom’s new look and format and the response to The Shalom – In Brief Edition. That issue was generously underwritten by Ron and Kelly BentonKlein and Shari and David Argue. I was able to bring the edition in under budget and with help of some additional underwriting, we have been able to provide you this month’s In Brief Edition. March is typically our Shalom advertising drive and renewal time. For details, you can contact: Mona Davis, our volunteer sales rep (, or contact me at the Oseh Shalom office for details. In addition to new and renewing business ads appearing in the Shalom, ads will also appear in the upcoming Oseh Shalom Art Auction program book on May 3, 2015. Those with Bnei Mitzvah or other simcha related business ads also have the opportunity to have their ads included in the forthcoming Bnai Mitzvah Mitzvah Handbook for the coming year. An orientation meeting is being held next month after Passover. In other news, we are literally a few “bricks” away from being able to place our annual spring order for the Derekh Shalom/Path of Peace. So, please contact me about buying a brick or yartzheit plaque. We have limited space available, but no minimum orders for plaques. The process takes about a month from the time a plaque is ordered to its being installed. (Please note, that at this time, space is limited.) Finally, I would like to thank all those who have Continued on page 8 Volume 48, No. 7 The Shalom News From the Religious School Shalom families, Spring is here. As we prepare for the first flowers of the season, we are also preparing for my favorite holiday, Passover. We, as a people, have been gathering for the first night of Pesach’s seder since the night of the 10th plague. Each year, at some point during the dinner, I take a moment to close my eyes and reflect back. Our ancestors, going all the way back to the days of Moses, have been doing the very same thing on the very same night. (No, they did not have a Haggaddah and an ordered seder, but they were commanded to eat a meal together. And we continue that tradition today) Talk about a legacy that goes back thousands of years! What makes the holiday even more special for me are the traditions that I get to bring forward. Hearing my daughters sing MaNishtanah, searching for the afikomen, and performing an “Exodus” play are just a few highlights. In school, I love watching the 6th grade class practice intensely and then succeed in learning “Echad Mi Yodea”. Seeing the look of pride on their faces when they finish singing is the best! What traditions do you have? Are you purposefully creating moments that will impact your childrens’ lives? What are our families doing to make sure the tradition of the seder continues for more generations to come? Sincerely, Fundraising Updates from Development HoopsMania is HERE! And we need your help and support. So now you are probably saying, what is HoopsMania? It is a new fundraiser, run through an organization called CharityMania, in which we earn 70%, that we are doing at Oseh. It is done during College Basketball’s March Madness. But whether or not you are a fan of basketball, this is probably the easiest opportunity you have to win a March Madness pool. Each ticket is assigned 8 teams (seeded 1-8) from the tournament (no need for you to try to decide who will win each match up), and the ticket with the highest number of points scored by all their teams wins. The grand prize is $1000, and there are 48 other prizes to be won (for all the entries - not just tickets sold at Oseh). We will be selling the sweepstakes tickets until mid-March (before the tournament starts). In addition to your chance to win the sweepstake prize, you also are purchasing digital music downloads. Please email me, call me, or stop by after Sunday school, and purchase your tickets and pick up a few to sell. Please feel free to share the information with friends, family, and coworkers and have them buy some as well. PLEASE SHARE THROUGH SOCIAL OUTLETS, as you and your acquaintances can buy through our personal link at We all Continued on page 6 Save the date! The Second Annual Women’s Passover Seder sponsored by Rosh Hodesh For Members and Nonmembers Appetizers and dessert potluck Renee Richards March 29, 2015, 6:00 PM Tributes To Helen Litow Thank you for all your help with hosting onegs. It is greatly appreciated. The Sisterhood @ Oseh Shalom Hope you’ll join us and bring a friend! Sign up Genius coming in March For information email Doris Kirschbaum Page 3 The Shalom Continued from page 1, Rabbi’s Word The abundant feedback indicates that our students and families value the increased opportunities to experience Shabbat and holidays together in Jewish ‘real-time’, not just in the classroom as practice. They appreciate the chance to share meals on these occasions. Our non-school families like the chance to connect with the children and parents, and they love how full and lively our synagogue feels during the B’Yachad programs. Many members also pointed out important ways that we can improve and build upon the past successes of B’Yachad. We can include more teaching and explanations, more break-out groups and diverse activities during services, more structure to help members connect across the age groups and other possible divides. We may explore adjusting our service times for next year, as well, for some of these occasions. Volume 48, No. 7 SAC: Thank You Winter Shelter The Social Action Committee wishes to thank all who volunteered their time for the women and men’s Winter Shelter of the 2015 season. Winter Shelter helps to ensure that the homeless of the Laurel region receive a warm and dry place to sleep as well as nourishing foods during the coldest time of the year. We are extremely grateful for the congregants who helped out with providing food, making and serving meals, transporting the guests, chaperoning during the evening and overnight shifts, and setting up and taking down the shelter. A special todah rabah also goes out to Judy Swanner, Eileen Hollander, and Linda Bergofsky for helping to organize this year’s shelter. This important service to the community can take place only because of the commitment of all who volunteered. Many hands make warm hearts. During our upcoming Strategic Planning process, starting over the months ahead, I’m very eager to look for ways to expand the number of B’Yachad proHelen Lowe Metzman, Social Action Chairperson grams, and to make them even more satisfying and more integral to life in our synagogue and Religious School. Rabbi David Teutsch, a renowned consultant, leader, and scholar from the Reconstructionist Movement, will help facilitate our Strategic Planning. Let Jewish Death and Dying Practices me or President Lynne Gaynes-Kaplan ( know if you have feedback for Rabbi Emeritus Gary Fink the Strategic Planning committee. In the meantime, please be sure to join in for these upcoming B’Yachad events: Wed, March 4, starting at 6 PM: Purim B’Yachad Sat, April 18, starting at 10 AM: Shabbat B’Yachad Your presence will add strength to these great events, and I hope you share in the feeling that B’Yachad and other occasions at Oseh Shalom add light, connection, and warmth to your life, whether during the winter or beyond. Shalom, Rabbi Doug Page 4 Sundays, March 15 and 22, 10:00 – 11:30 am Why do some Jews cover mirrors at a house of mourning? Why does our tradition favor burial rather than cremation? Which traditions around death and dying are rooted in ancient superstition and which ones reflect healthy psychology? This two-session course will look at texts that prescribe Jewish ways of death and dying and will examine the origin and impact of these traditions. Participants will explore the beliefs and wisdom of our ancestors, as well as the ancient superstitions that influenced customs we follow today. The class will also discuss the relationship of Jewish tradition to healthy grieving. Rabbi Fink served as rabbi at Oseh Shalom for 25 years before retiring to work full-time in the field of end-of-life care and counseling. He is Vice President of Spiritual Care and Volunteer Services and a pastoral counselor at Montgomery Hospice, where he specializes in grief, loss, and life-limiting illness. Volume 48, No. 7 The Shalom Join us for the 2015 Oseh Shalom Film Series The third of three evenings of thought-provoking, varied, and entertaining films, shown on a Tuesday at 7:00 pm at Oseh Shalom, 7515 Olive Branch Way, Laurel, Maryland 20707. The film will be shown on new state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment. A Note From the Social Action and Fun Committees: This past holiday season, the Social Action and Fun committees collected toys for their annual Toy Drive and “adopted” a local family from LARS. We wanted to teach our young congregants a lesson in Tzedakah. To teach this lesson, we collected new and slightly used toys and clothes for donation to those less fortunate. The Sunday before Winter Break, we gathered during the last 30 minutes of Sunday School to wrap toys, make Hanukkah decorations for our March 10, 2015: families and eat a nice lunch. The Social Hall was How to Re-Establish a Vodka Empire full of enthusiastic people of all ages talking, eatIn this charming, witty travelogue and memoir, Brit- ing and wrapping gifts. Thereafter, we packed two vans full of donations and transported them ish filmmaker Daniel Edelstyn traveled to the Ukraine in search of his Jewish roots. He discovered to LARS. A few week later, the Social Action and that the vodka distillery opened by his great grand- Fun committees received letters from LARS, as father in 1904 was still in operation. Despite his ut- well as adopted family. Both expressed great appreciation for our generosity. ter lack of business experience, he decided to become a liquor entrepreneur and import the vodka to This event was considered a huge success as apthe UK. “A barnstorming tale of vodka and revoluproximately 140 families were better able to enjoy tion.” BBC Radio. 2012, UK, 75 minutes. their holidays thanks to Oseh Shalom, in conjunction with other charitable organizations and indiThe film is FREE for members, $5 for nonvidual families. “Kol Hakavod” to all the famimembers. lies who took the time to sort through toys Join us in the sanctuary Sunday, March 8th, at 10:00 and clothes; shop scrips for gift cards; and A.M., as we discuss the proposal to change RRC’s polipurchase items at Amazon, as well as local cy of not admitting or graduating students with nonJewish spouses or partners. RRC has put together a stores. If you either shopped through scrips or packet of ‘study materials’ on this issue. To get the mateAmazon smile, you not only helped this family but rials or for more information, contact John Riehl Oseh Shalom as well. A “double mitzvah.” 301-490-3645 or I hope we can make this an annual holiday tradition. B'Shalom, Felicia Friedman On behalf of the Social Action and Fun Committees Page 5 The Shalom Continued from page 3, Development know that a lot of people participate in sports ‘pools’ even if they are not big fans of the sport. I really could use help selling tickets, so please pick up a few to try and sell. If you don’t sell all the ones you ask for, that’s okay. We owe only for the ones we sell and activate. The more we sell, the more we earn. Tickets must be activated by March 18. And as you have probably seen, SCRIP is still going. This is an ongoing fundraiser that you can use to easily help raise money for Oseh. If you want more information, please contact me or look at our website. For those who use Amazon Smile to help raise money, you can get gift cards through Scrip and earn an additional 3% for Oseh. Kelly Benton-Klein, Development Chair Volume 48, No. 7 Community News Baruch Dayan ha' Emet The congregation send its deepest sympathy and condolences to Margie Ginsberg on the death of her father Melvin Singer, z"l. The Shalom is a great place to advertise! If you know someone who is interested, please contact: Barry Nove, Executive Director @ or (301) 498-5151 or 301-490-7764 Consider Oseh Shalom when planning your Simcha’s needs! Reasonable and competitive rates for use of our Social Hall, Kitchen, Rooms, and Sanctuary. Page 6 For details and availability contact: Barry Nove, Executive Director @ 301-498-5151 or Volume 48, No. 7 The Shalom Page 7 The Shalom Volume 48, No. 7 Continued from page 2, Executive Director helped in the office for the past month. Thank you: Judy Arnoff, Mona Davis, Adam Goldfarb (layout designer for this month’s issue of the Shalom), Doris Kirschbaum, Mariyan Kolev, Yannet Pena, and Pauline Pivowar. Religious School: Tu B’Shvat Seder Barry Nove Executive Director 301-498-5151 Visit Oseh Shalom’s website ( to view additional content The Shalom. Remember that the links to Save the Date Sunday, May 17, 2015 2:00—3:30 PM all our community’s newsletters (going “THE HERO OF EVERYTHING” that could not make it into this month’s back to 2010) can be found at: INTERACT STORY THEATRE PRESENTED BY OLIVE BRANCH WAY PRODUCTIONS Great for children! Reserve your tickets today for only $8! Page 8 Volume 48, No. 7 The Shalom Page 9 The Shalom Volume 48, No. 7 Howard County Purim Palooza! The event will be held on March 8 from 12:30-3:30 at Reservoir High School. To sign up to volunteer, follow this link: Page 10 Volume 48, No. 7 The Shalom Celebration Showcase Ten Oaks Ballroom 5000 Signal Bell Lane Clarksville, Maryland Thursday, March 6, 2014 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm If you’re planning a B’nai Mitzvah, we have everyone you need. Photographers, videographers, caterers, DJs, bands, florists, balloon decorators, and invitation and gift item specialists will all be available to speak with you. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres! 410-944-4481 or 800-888-1137 for more details. $5.00 adult admission Jewish Reconstructionist Community’s CHESAPEAKE REGION’S ANNUAL CELEBRATION Sunday, March 22, 2015 at 4 p.m. Oseh Shalom, 7515 Olive Branch Rd., Laurel, MD 20707, 301.498.5151 Join us for an afternoon of tribute in support of the Reconstructionist movement. We will honor members who help their congregation or havurah in the eager, willing spirit of: (One child admitted free with each paid adult admission) Hineni — SAVE THE DATE Art Auction Please join us on Sunday, May 3, 2015 At Oseh Shalom Hors D’oeuvres, Refreshments and more Preview & Silent Auction: 3:00 p.m. ~ Art Auction: 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Silent Auction ~ Raffle ~ Art Auction (50% Judaica and works of Israeli Artists) There will be art for everyone’s taste and budget, in all media and price ranges, starting at $60. Artwork includes Limited Edition Lithographs, Serigraphs, Giclees and Etchings as well as original oil paintings, animation cells, photography and sports & music memorabilia. These are beautifully framed and matted. All opening bids are for the most part 30% - 50% under gallery prices. Admission: ticket information to be announced soon. For Tickets or Information Call: Barry Nove, 301-498-5151. Event Co-Chairs: Kelly Benton-Klein and Carolyn Makovi Volunteers needed! — “Here I am.” In addition to brief tributes to the honorees, the event will feature a reception where attendees can meet members of other Reconstructionist congregations, hear performances by our talented cantors, and listen to an update on the movement by Rabbi Deborah Waxman—President of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College—and enjoy a fish / vegetarian dinner. Please visit registration/ where you can either register online or download a form to register by mail. You’ll also find information on submitting tribute ads for the honorees. Tribute journal deadline: March 8, 2015 Reservation deadline: March 15, 2015 Visit: Page 11 The Shalom Bob & Lorraine Levan 24 Sidney & Diane Hersh 4 Mitch & Tiffany Kavalsky 26 Michael & Hilary Becker 6 Sidney Kirschner & Lynne Masterson 26 Stanley & Karola Miller 10 Larry & Kay Taub 27 Ronald & Kelly Benton-Klein 17 Jeff Gilbert & Judy Katz 30 Laurie Remer & Robert Fleishman 18 Gary & Debbie Richardson 31 Stephen & Lorraine Schoenfeld 21 Martin & Carolyn Makovi Page 12 ONEG SPONSORS February 6 Jean and Ari Silver-Isenstadt in honor of Ezra's Bar Mitzvah February 13 Andi and Jeff Zolt in honor of Danny’s Bar Mitzvah February 20 Seigel Family in memory of husband and father, Victor Seigel March 6 Kelly, Ron, Elijah, and Samantha Benton-Klein in honor of Aaron’s birthday; and Ron, Aaron, Elijah, and Samantha Benton-Klein in honor of Kelly’s birthday Hollander family in honor of Ben and Ezra’s birthdays Eaton family in honor of Seth’s birthday Assaraf family in honor of Jonathan and Maurice’s birthdays Litow family in honor of Matthew’s birthday Margolis family in honor of Barbara, John, and Erin’s birthdays Lorraine and Bob Levan in honor of their anniversary Nikki and the kids in honor of Andy Lincoln’s birthday Julie and Bill Frein in honor of Donald and Martha Frein March 13 Charlie Bernhardt in honor of Marilyn’s birthday Brodsky family in honor of Cori’s birthday Sue and Mel Lippmann in honor of their grandson Judah’s birthday Shelley Reese in honor of Adam’s birthday March 20 Edelberg family in honor of Brandon and Barry’s birthdays Winchell family in honor of Sarah’s birthday Carolyn and Marty Makovi in honor of their anniversary Becker family in honor of Hilary and Michael’s anniversary and Hilary’s birthday March 27 Nancey and Steve Parker in honor of Emily’s birthday Ron and Kelly Benton-Klein in honor of their anniversary Doris Kirschbaum in honor of granddaughter Carly’s birthday Menyuk family in honor of Curtis’ birthday Lorraine and Stephen Schoenfeld in honor of their anniversary ANNIVERSARIES 2 Volume 48, No. 7 Volume 48, No. 7 The Shalom Page 13 The Shalom Page 14 Volume 48, No. 7 Volume 48, No. 7 The Shalom It’s that time of year— the minimum order to place bricks is 10 and to date (as of February 28, 2015) we need only 4 more to order. If you would like to honor or memorial friends or family, please order by March 15, 2015 for installation before the end of June. Oseh Shalom’s The Derehk Shalom, Path of Peace Page 15 YAHRZEITS The Shalom Volume 48, No. 7 3/1/2015 David Harris Gladstone, grandfather of Bobbi Adams 3/1/2015 Isidor Kay, grandfather of Linda Bergofsky 3/1/2015 Rose Naftali, grandmother of Seth Eaton 3/1/2015 Donald Frein, father-in-law of Julie Frein 3/1/2015 John T. Hagius, father of Connor Hagius and Dillon Hagius 3/1/2015 Sylvia Lehrich, grandmother of Yvette Moreno 3/2/2015 *Mildred Weber Brown, mother of Ronnie Brown 3/2/2015 Nelle Pearlman, aunt of Julie Burns 3/2/2015 Trude Valfer, grandmother of Dan Krieger 3/2/2015 Gretta Rae Magnus, mother of Gary Magnus 3/3/2015 *Mildred Schlossenberg, mother of Ellis Schlossenberg 3/4/2015 Ted Roeburg, stepfather of David Friedman 3/4/2015 Adolph Weinshel, father of Gail Katz 3/4/2015 Alfred Selber, father of Sharon Mager 3/4/2015 Brian Karl Newman, brother of Rochelle Newman 3/4/2015 Herbert Remer, father of Laurie Remer 3/4/2015 Jerome Scissors, father of Rich Scissors 3/5/2015 *Gene Kaplan, husband of Valerie Kaplan 3/5/2015 Simon Berstein, grandfather of Norman Levine 3/5/2015 Gerald Levin, father of Lori Morgenthau and grandfather of Julia Morgenthau and Samuel Morgenthau 3/5/2015 Russell Desjardins, grandfather of John Riehl 3/6/2015 Mary Gold Holzman, mother of Melinda Bers 3/6/2015 Blanche Dresner, mother of Norman Dresner 3/6/2015 Martin Kemp, grandfather of Rebecca Kemp 3/6/2015 Sidney Reamer, father of Beverly Ludwig 3/7/2015 Oscar "Buddy" Becker, father of Eileen Hollander 3/7/2015 *James Harry Magin, brother of Ed Magin 3/7/2015 *Esther Dvorchik, mother of Sheila Urman 3/8/2015 Alexander Weiner, father of Marilyn Bernhardt 3/8/2015 Esther Miriam Levan, mother of Bob Levan 3/9/2015 Nathan Miller, father of Eric Metzman 3/10/2015 Jacob Wechsler, grandfather of Seth Eaton 3/11/2015 Solomon Lubin, father of Marjorie Aug 3/11/2015 Shirley Lerner, grandmother of Bari Rudikoff 3/11/2015 *Anne Schlossenberg, wife of Ellis Schlossenberg 3/11/2015 Jennie Harris, grandmother of Gail Whitman 3/12/2015 *Abraham Albert Russakoff, brother of Renee Firtag and uncle of Linda Solomon 3/12/2015 Florence Isaacson, mother of Micki Goldstein Page 16 3/12/2015 Betty Figelman, mother of Leah Young Volume 48, No. 7 The Shalom Leon Land, father of Eric Land 3/14/2015 Irene Brocenos, mother of Peter Brocenos and mother-in-law of Eilene Brocenos 3/14/2015 Milton Horn, father of Janis Horn 3/14/2015 *Carl "Kelly" Klein, father of Stephen Klein and grandfather of Kelly Benton-Klein 3/14/2015 Dick Nathan, father of Robert Nathan 3/15/2015 Joseph Aug, father of Stephen Aug 3/15/2015 Martha Carol Turner Frein, mother-in-law of Julie Frein 3/16/2015 Issackhar Assaraf, father of Maurice Assaraf 3/16/2015 Morris Bergofsky, grandfather of Linda Bergofsky 3/16/2015 Isadore A. Dannenberg, father of Diane Cohen 3/16/2015 Saul Wallach, father of Diane Cohen 3/16/2015 Shirley Land, mother of Eric Land 3/16/2015 Beth Sobel, cousin of Robin Mauk 3/17/2015 Zella Brenner, mother of Judy Arnoff 3/17/2015 LeonardnDreifuss,mfather of Peter Dreifuss 3/17/2015 Jeffrey Finkel, husband of Hillary Finkel 3/17/2015 *Irwin "Irv" Goldstein, husband of Micki Goldstein 3/17/2015 Charles Kaplan, father-in-law of Valerie Kaplan 3/17/2015 Freda Kirschner, mother of Sidney Kirschner 3/19/2015 Messoda Assaraf, mother of Maurice Assaraf 3/19/2015 Jeannette Alperstein, sister of Renee Firtag 3/19/2015 Cheryll Kloak, sister of Jeanine Horner 3/19/2015 Selma Kleinberg, mother of Robert Kleinberg 3/19/2015 Malcome Davis, father of Amy Shugar 3/20/2015 *Jerry Firtag, husband of Renee Firtag, father of Linda Solomon and father-in-law of Arthur Solomon 3/21/2015 Bernard Ginsberg, father of Robert Ginsberg 3/22/2015 Stella Rosenberg, mother of Robert Rosenberg 3/22/2015 Joshua "Joe" Goldblum, father of Gail Whitman 3/22/2015 Shirley Goldblum, mother of Gail Whitman 3/23/2015 *Mollie Eisenblatt, great grandmother of Mark Pomerantz 3/25/2015 Harold Shugar, father of Michael Shugar 3/27/2015 Philip Berz, grandfather of Karen Bonnie Eaton 3/27/2015 Seymore Sobel, uncle of Robin Mauk 3/28/2015 Sarah Zalkind, grandmother of Susan Levine 3/28/2015 *Roberta Sacks, friend of Karen Meckler 3/28/2015 Gary Altman, brother-in-law of Alan Seigel 3/29/2015 Jacob Malove, father of Stephanie Fink 3/30/2015 *Selma Victor, mother of Phil Victor YAHRZEITS 3/13/2015 Page 17 The Shalom Shabbat Morning Meditation Services We've begun a series of Shabbat morning Jewish meditation services. The services focus on silence, awareness, walking meditation, and chanting. They also include the main Shabbat morning prayers. When we hold these meditation services, no other separate Shabbat morning service will occur that day. A light kiddush (refreshments) follows the service. All are welcome, members and non-members alike. The meditation services will occur on the following Saturday mornings: Feb. 28th April 25th June 6 July 18 August 29 We are asking congregation members to sponsor the kiddush after each of the upcoming meditation services. Kiddush sponsorship will cost $50 per occasion. If possible, please sign up to sponsor kiddush after one or more of these meditation services. To sign up, please contact Barry Nove ( Volume 48, No. 7 Contributions Camp JRF Scholarship Fund Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Susan & Martin Hoffman Anonymous In memory of Rose Fishman Religious School Special Events Fund Community Service Fund (Social Action & Caring & Support) Anonymous Restricted Bryna & Howard Weiss John Riehl In memory of Russelll Brodie Kelly & Ron Benton-Klein Life Long Learning Fund Teen Connect Anonymous Sue Fischlowitz & David Roberts Doris Kirschbaum In memory of Lora Riehl In honor of Steve Kaplan & Lynne Gaynes-Kaplan Tzedek Fund Judith & Leonard White In honor of Pauline Pivowar’s Bat Mitzvah Neal Meyerson In memory of Vera Meyerson Music & Arts Fund Tom & Janet Smith In loving memory of Min Parson Candle Lighting Times Dates Lighting Time Lynne Gaynes-Kaplan & Steve Kaplan Anonymous Mona Davis In memory of Miriam Davis by her granddaughter, Mona Davis Doris Kirschbaum Pauline Pivowar Yartzeit Fund Diane & Sidney Hersh In memory of Louis Finkelstein Sheila & Stephen Urman Havdalah Parsha Haftarah March 4 Ta'anit Esther/Erev Purim March 5 Purim March 6 Shushan Purim March 6-7 5:47 PM 6:56 PM Ki Tisa Exodus 31:18-33:11 I Kings 18:1-39; I Kings 18:2039* March 13-14 Shabbat Parah 6:54 PM 8:03 PM Vayakhel-Pekudei Exodus 37:17-39:21, Numbers 19:1-22 Ezekiel 36:16-38 March 20-21 Rosh Chodesh Nisan Shabbat haChodesh 7:01 PM 8:10 PM Vayikra Leviticus 3:1-4:26, Numbers 28:9-15, Exodus 12:1-20 Ezekiel 45:16-46:18 March 27-28 Shabbat haGadol 7:08 PM 8:17 PM Tzav Leviticus 7:11-38 Malachi 3:4-24 * The first haftarah is read by Ashkenazim, the second by Sefardim. Page 18 Volume 48, No. 7 The Shalom Oseh Shalom WHO’S WHO LIST for 2014-2015 Rabbi Rabbi Doug Heifetz 301-498-5151 Rabbi Emeritus Rabbi Gary Fink 301-498-5151 Executive Director Barry Nove 301-498-5151 Cantor Cantor Charlie Bernhardt 301-498-5151 Bookkeeper Audrey Klein 301-498-5151 Education Director Renee Richards 301-498-7004 Religious School Assistant Jovette Solomon 301-498-7004 osrsassitant Director Teen Connect Mikey-Hess-Weber 301-275-7849 Shalom Editor Carolyn Makovi 301-236-4411 Shalom Layout Adam Goldfarb 301-498-5151 Shalom Advertising Mona Davis 240-423-0049 All Publicity Chairs Webmaster Melody Magnus 301-622-2947 CONGREGATION OFFICERS & TRUSTEES President Lynne Gaynes-Kaplan 443-864-1935 Administrative V.P. Allison Holtz 410-531-0757 Financial V.P. David Argue 301-625-8136 Education V.P. Andy Lincoln 410-451-0404 Religious V.P. Andy Friedman 301-776-4672 Membership Linda Solomon 240-280-2067 Secretary Heidi Rhodes 301-317-0944 Treasurer Gary Gaines 301-937-2010 Past President Karen Meckler 443-812-2414 Financial Secretary Gary Greenwald 301-596-9231 Building and Grounds Don Street 301-257-4711 Contracts Coordinator Karen Bonnie Eaton 443-326-6326 Community Services Helen Metzman 301-854-2613 Life Long Learning Judy Katz 301-460-6928 At Large Marc Litz 410-531-0757 At Large John Riehl 301-490-3645 At Large Marian Stokes 410-375-0801 Development Kelly Benton-Klein 301-490-7764 High Holidays Karen Meckler 443-812-2414 Page 19 The Shalom JRF Representative Volume 48, No. 7 John Riehl 301-490-3645 Publicity Elaine Povich 301-490-2832 Youth Liaison Doug Kornreich 410-379-6459 Policy & Procedures SISTERHOOD President Carolyn Makovi 301-236-4411 Recording Secretary Rochelle Sypes 240-264-1281 Corresponding Secretary Judy Arnoff 301-490-6207 Treasurer Pauline Pivowar 301-604-8954 Treasurer Margrit Assaraf 240-280-7259 Gift Shop, Chair Lisa Karpf 301-262-5581 Oneg Host Chair Lisa Karpf 301-262-5581 Oneg Sponsors Chair Mona Davis 240-423-0049 Tributes Chair Leah Young 301-498-4251 Oneg Food Chair Lisa Karpf 301-262-5581 Catering Marilyn Riffkin 301-384-8667 Membership Chair Program Chair MEN’S CLUB President Alan Seigel 301-490-0057 Past President Michael Becker 443-474-7374 Treasurer Art Solomon 240-280-2067 ONEG HOST REMINDER When you receive your email or letter notifying you of your scheduled date for hosting an Oneg, WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU as soon as possible, WHETHER YOU CAN MAKE YOUR DATE OR NOT. We need time to find an alternate to take your place if you cannot keep your assigned date, and we will reschedule you if possible, or put you on our reserve list for a future opening. Please respond to Lisa Karpf at when you receive your email or letter. Thank you for your prompt response. Lisa Karpf Page 20 Chair, Oneg Host Coordinator The Shalom 1 Aaron Klein 15 Kelly Benton-Klein 1 Daniel Shine 15 Judah Lippmann 1 Beth Souba 15 Marian Stokes 1 Allen Wolf 16 Rebecca Davidson 2 Jonathan Assaraf 2 Michael Bacharach 16 Dan Horak 2 Seth Eaton 17 Benjamin Krakower 3 Lee Goldberg 17 Erin Margolis 3 Bernice Goodwin 17 Arielle Miller 3 Matthew Litow 18 Matthew Goodwin 4 Elmina Hilsenrath 18 Reenie Kraft 4 Kyle Krieger 18 Sarah Winchell 5 Tamara Fastman 19 Brandon Edelberg 5 Andrew Lincoln 19 Ed Kraft 6 Robert Berger 20 Hilary Becker 6 Barry Mauk 21 Robert Kleinberg 7 Benjamin Hollander 23 Maurice Assaraf 7 Sara Lessler 23 Emily Parker 7 Barbara Margolis 24 Daniela Moreno 8 Sharon Baranson 24 Kathleen Wilson 8 Sharon Mager 25 Betsy Adelman 9 Susan Ginsberg 25 Leonard Bers 9 Lauren Swanner 25 Jeremy Kusnetz 10 Daniel Baker 26 Nathan Brocenos 10 Mona Davis 26 Curtis Menyuk 10 Doug Kornreich 26 Andi Zolt 10 Judith Miller 27 Barry Edelberg 11 Rachel Livengood 27 Ezra Hollander 11 John Riehl 28 Rebecca Meyerson 12 Alyssa Quigley 28 Sarah Pomerantz 13 Jeffrey Aug 29 Holly Stone 13 Adam Reese 30 David Wasserman 14 Heidi Hess-Webber 31 Ronnie Brown 31 John Margolis MARCH BRITHDAYS MARCH BRITHDAYS Volume 48, No. 7 Page 21 The Shalom Volume 48, No. 7 Oseh Shalom Calendar Highlights March 2015 Shabbat Services March 2015 March 6 7:30 PM—Family Shabbat Services Su Mo Tu We Th Fri Sa March 13,20, 27 8:00 PM—Shabbat Services 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Saturday Shabbat Services—Every Saturday at 10:00 AM Every Wednesday at 8:30 PM—Israeli Dancing 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 March 1,8,15,22,29 9:30 AM—Religious School K-7th 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 11:45 AM—Upper School 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 March 3 7:30 PM—Sisterhood Board Meeting 29 30 31 March 4,11,18,25 5:00 PM—Religious School 3rd-7th March 4 6:00 PM—Purim B’yachad Dinner and Service March 7-8 7:00 PM—7:00 AM-TeenConnect Overnight Shabbaton March 8 10:0 AM—Discussion of proposed change to RRC”s Non-Jewish partner policy March 8,22 9:30-11:30 AM-Religious School Pre-K March10 7:00 PM—Life Long Learning—Jewish Film Series March 11 7:00 PM—Executive Committee March 14 8:0 PM—Olive Branch Way Productions: Maryland Stands Up—Live Comedy (Adult Program) March 15 9:30 AM—PTA Meeting 10:00 AM—Religious School Education Committee 10:00 AM—Life long Learning-Rabbi Fink: Jewish Death and Dying Practices 10:00 AM—Membership Meeting 11:30 AM—RS Home School Meeting 7:00 PM-Board Meeting March 18 7:30 PM—LLL Committee Meeting March 20 8:00 PM-Shabbat Evening Service: Talk on Shmitah & Renewal: Jewish Wisdom for the World at Large March 21 10:00 AM—5th & 6th grade Shabbat 5:00 PM—TeenConnect ClimbZone March 22 10:00 AM—Lifelong Learning: Rabbi Fink-Jewish Death & Dying Practice 10:00 AM—Sisterhood Gift Shop Sale 4:00 PM—Afternoon of Celebration March 28 10:00 AM—Lianna Lincloln Bat Mitzvah 8:00 PM—Lifelong Learning: Kreplach & Dim Sum with Robyn Helzner March 29 10:00 AM—Sisterhood Gift Shop Sale 6:00 PM—Rosh Hodesh—Women’s Seder SAVE THE DATE: AFTERNOON OF CELEBRATION, HONORING HELEN & ERIC METZMAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2015, 4 P.M. Page 22 Volume 48, No. 7 The Shalom Oseh Shalom 7515 Olive Branch Way Laurel, MD 20707 Phone: 301-498-5151 Doug Heifetz, Rabbi Carolyn Makovi, Editor Adam Goldfarb, Layout Editor Mona Davis, Advertising Oseh Shalom is a vibrant, inclusive Reconstructionist synagogue, with members throughout the Baltimore -Washington area, dedicated to providing a supportive community for celebrating Jewish life through prayer, learning and social action. Olive Branch Way Productions brought to our community Magician Derek Jasper on Sunday, February 8th. His act was enjoyed greatly by the community of and around Oseh Shalom. Our Religious School enjoyed their Tu B’Shvat Seder on February 4th Page 23
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