Trumpet The Archangel Michael INSIDE THIS ISSUE Mar-Apr 2015 • Issue 23 • Archangel Michael Church • Port Washington, NY 2 Mission & Vision Statements 3 Father Dennis’ Message 4 Worship Services & Sacraments 4 Parish Council 4Stewardship 4Philoptochos 5 Greek School Board 6 Greek School PTA 7Preschool 7 Byzantine Youth Choir 8 Greek Dance Troupe 8 Youth Ministries 9Athletics 9 Watsonian Golf Outing 10 New Year’s Eve 11 Agape Glendi 11 Peter Christofer Memorial 12 Blood Drive 12 Lenten Recipes 13 Comedy Night 14 Community Photos 16 Camp Saint Paul 17 Great Lent Schedule 18 Holy Week Schedule 20 Calendars QUICK NEWS & EVENTS Mon., March 2nd: Philoptochos: Heart Health Tues., March 10th: Annual Blood Drive Thurs., March 19th: Preschool Open House Sun., March 22nd: Oratorical Festival Sun., March 29th: Greek Independence Day Parade Mon., March 30th: Philoptochos Membership Tea Fri., April 3rd: Palm Cross Making Lazarus Saturday, April 4th: Challenge Liturgy With Archbishop Demetrios The Consecration Service is the Baptism and Chrismation of The Archangel Michael Church Friday, April 24th: Vespers at 7:30 PM Saturday, April 25th: The Consecration at 7:45 AM Trumpet The Archangel Michael About the Parish Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church 100 Fairway Drive Port Washington, New York 11050 Phone: 516-944-3180 Fax: 516-944-3185 Website: Email: Archangel Michael Church is a parish of the Direct Archdiocesan District and Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America ( under the spiritual jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Clergy Father Dennis Strouzas, Protopresbyter Father Nikolas Karloutsos Chanter: Andreas Modenos Office Staff Dora Gouramanis, Sandra Anagnostos, Catherine Papagianakis Parish Council Members Executive Board President: Michael Cavounis 1st Vice President: Michael Psyllos 2nd Vice President: Michael Bapis Treasurer: Chris Neocleous 1st Assistant Treasurer: James Sfiroudis 2nd Assistant Treasurer: John Halkias Secretary: Nicholas Kokinakis Tammy Ashley, Dean Chiros, Tommy Dimopoulos, Tom Gargas, George Kaparos, Adam Karras, Michael Kavourias, Nick Kokis, Barbara Mavro, Nicholas Papain, Mark Pappas, Dominick Petruccelli, Peter Tsekouras, Demetrios Ziozis. About the Trumpet The Trumpet is the newsletter of Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church. Production 2014 Parish Council President: Michael Cavounis Editors: Barbara Mavro, Eleni Sfiroudis Calendar Editors: Dora Gouramanis, Sandra Anagnostos Copy Editors: Penny Stefanakis, Stella Tsimisiris Advertising: Sandra Anagnostos Direct inquiries to: The Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church is dedicated to the continuation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s ministry of salvation through the proclamation and teaching of the Gospel. We are a community of individuals and families who share the traditions and ageless beliefs of our Holy Orthodox Christian Faith. Our vision is to provide a loving, caring and welcoming environment where all belong and grow in the faith through worship, service, witness and fellowship. The Trumpet welcomes news and events from our community and organizations! Please submit information as follows: Articles: Advertising information and sales: Calendar events: Mission Statement Vision Statement March/April Worship Schedule Sunday Services: 8:30am Matins, 9:30am Liturgy 2 | Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 Pastoral Message from Father Dennis Relics, Antiminsion and our Altar Table…what do they have in common? we will publish their biographies and the dates when we honor their memories. Relics… On April 25, 2015, each of the aforementioned will be the focus of our church’s Consecration. The question has been asked, “Why do we use the relics of martyrs and why do we seal them in the Altar Table?” Antiminsion… The word “Antiminsion” is derived from the Latin and literally defined means, “in place of the table”. This gives us an insight as to its use in the Orthodox Church. The martyrs have a unique and special place in the life and the establishment of the Church. The persecution of the early Christians forced them into hiding. Quite often they found refuge in places like the catacombs and caves nearby. Thousands chose martyrdom rather than deny Christ as Lord. At the end of the day, when the sport of Christians dying for the pleasure of the crowds was over, their tortured bodies were given to family and friends for burial. These early Christians took the earthly remains of those martyred and placed them in the crypts of caves or catacombs. As the early Christians gathered for worship, they did so in the company of the entire Church. Those who were alive,we refer to as the Church Militant, and those who had given their lives for Christ, as the Church Triumphant. It was the faith and witness of these martyrs that established a firm foundation for the early Church. Those crypts became the first altars sanctified by the remains of the martyrs. Even after the persecutions ended, the Church continued to honor the martyrs whose very lives gave meaning to the foundations of our Christian faith. That tradition continues to this very day and this is why the relics of martyrs will be placed in the Altar Table of our Archangel Michael Church, and the Vesper service, on the evening of the Consecration, is dedicated to the martyrs of our Christian faith. St. Symeon, Archbishop of Thessalonika, in the 15th century, emphasized the importance of placing martyrs’ relics in the Altar Table of the church: “The martyrs are the foundation of the Church, built over the foundation of our Savior; and in the Church it is necessary that they be placed in the Altar Table. Since the Altar Table is the Throne of God and the Tomb of Christ…Without relics it is not possible to consecrate for they partake of equal honor with the Master since they have fought the good fight for Him.” (“On the Holy Temple and its Consecration”) The names of the Three Martyrs that will be placed in our Altar Table are: St. Panteleimon (+305A.D.), St. Kyrikos (+305A.D.) and St. Barbara(+305A.D.) In the next issue of the TRUMPET We have already read the historical reasons which compel us to celebrate the Liturgy over the relics of martyrs and the importance of these relics. What happens when there is no consecrated Altar Table? What about our church? Since the establishment of our beloved Archangel Michael Church, in 1980, all liturgies, and services, have been celebrated on a ‘relic-less’ unconsecrated Altar Table. How can we do that? Well, we have used an “Antiminsion”. What is this “Antiminsion”? The “Antiminsion” is a white cloth upon which there are depicted scenes of the taking of Christ’s body from the Cross and preparing Him for burial. At the four corners, of the cloth, are icons of the four Evangelists. Sewn into the “Antiminsion” is a piece of the mastic used at a previous consecration service in which there were relics of martyrs. During the Liturgy you will notice that after the Gospel reading, the priest unfolds a cloth on the Altar Table. When the Great Entrance has been completed, he places the Paten and Chalice upon the cloth. That cloth is the “Antiminsion”. As the Latin meaning implies: “in place of the table”. Once our church has been consecrated we will still unfold the same cloth in accordance with its practical application of collecting anything that should happen to fall from the Paten or Chalice. Antiminsia are consecrated at the same time as an Altar. They are used to wipe dry the Altar Table when it is anointed [Chrismated], and in the process they are anointed. During the Consecration we will use 15 Antiminsia cloths to dry the Consecrated Altar Table. On the face of the Antiminsion will be the signature of Archbishop Demetrios as the Consecrating Hierarch, the name of the Archangel Michael Church and the date of its Consecration, April 25, 2015. Looking forward to seeing you on the 24th and 25th of April, 2015, I remain, In His Service, Fr. Dennis Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 | 3 News & Events Worship Services & Sacraments Stewardship Please see pages 17 and 18 for a full schedule of Lenten and Holy Week Services. As of December 31, 2014 a total of $524,132 was collected from 596 stewards as compared to pledges of $540,930. The amount collected fell short of the $550,000 budget by $25,868. The total stewardship budgeted for 2015 is $555,000. WORSHIP SERVICES Saturday, March 14th 10:30 am, Challenge Liturgy Wednesday, March 25th 9:30 am, The Annunciation Thursday, April 23rd 9:30 am, St. George SACRAMENTS Sunday, March 29th 3:00 pm, Baptism: Child of Nicholas & Haroula Tsomas Sunday, April 19th 2:30 pm, Wedding of Peter Christodoulou & Anna Bakopoulos We have planned appropriately to prepare for the increased expenses in our Archangel Michael Church complex, and now we need your financial support to help maintain it! We invite you to consider your stewardship commitment for 2015. We ask each family that is able to do so, to support God’s church according to the blessings bestowed upon us and to give to the best of your ability.Together we can continue to provide a spiritual home for worship, fellowship, and camaraderie where our youth, families, and organizations will continue to flourish! parish council The Parish Council of the Archangel Michael Church is made up of 21 members, seven of whom are elected annually to serve a three-year term. Congratulations to Tom Gargas, George Kaparos, Nick Kokis, Barbara Mavro, Mark Pappas, Peter Tsekouras and Demetrios Ziozis who were elected in December. Following the oath of office administered to new and returning members of the Parish Council, on January 11th, a meeting was held to elect the 2015 Executive Board. Congratulations and best wishes to: President: Michael Cavounis 1st Vice President: Michael Psyllos 2nd Vice President: Michael Bapis Treasurer: Chris Neocleous 1st Assistant Treasurer: James Sfiroudis 2nd Assistant Treasurer: John Halkias Secretary: Nicholas Kokinakis Additional PC members include: Tammy Ashley, Dean Chiros, Tommy Dimopoulos, Adam Karras, Michael Kavourias, Nicholas Papain, and Dominick Petruccelli. Please submit your pledge card to the church office. If you have any questions please contact the office at 516-944-3180 or Philoptochos “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepares beforehand for us. “ Ephesians 2:10 On the first Sunday of February, our chapter joined the National Philoptochos in promoting the American Heart Association’s “Go Red for Women” campaign. The purpose of this program is to increase awareness and help prevent heart disease, the number one killer of American women. Parishioners wore red to church to signify the importance and their support, of this program. They proudly displayed red heart pins as a symbol of their financial support. The Philoptochos also distributed educational pamphlets on this very important health issue. On Monday, March 2nd, at 8 pm, Dr. Tom Pappas, a cardiologist in our AMC community, will be making a presentation about the impact of heart disease in women. (continued on page 5) Front row: Adam Karras, Dean Chiros, Tammy Ashley, Chris Neocleous, Michael Cavounis, Barbara Mavro, Michael Psyllos, Tom Gargas, Peter Tsekouras, Nicholas Papain Back row: Jim Ziozis, Michael Bapis, James Sfiroudis, Fr. Dennis Strouzas, Nicholas Kokinakis, Nick Kokis, John Halkias Not pictured: Tommy Dimopoulos, George Kaparos, Michael Kavourias, Mark Pappas, Dominick Petruccelli 4 | Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 News & Events The onset of spring brings us to the annual Philoptochos Membership Tea to be held on Monday, March 30th, at 7:00 pm in our beautiful Fellowship Hall. Our guest speaker will be Carolyn Casey, an antiques and collectibles dealer. She will be speaking on the Art of Treasure Hunts. A warm invitation is extended to all the women in our community to join together in this fun-filled evening. We especially would like to invite those new to our Archangel Michael Church and those who are not yet involved with the Philoptochos to attend our tea. We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to the Archangel Michael Church. Please look out for our invitation which will follow shortly. The time is now, the need is great, get involved, extend a helping hand. Join Philoptochos today and become a part of this worldwide philanthropic organization. We are now looking forward to Greek Independence Day, a national Hellenic holiday that is celebrated every year throughout the world on March 25th with song, dance and parades. It will be celebrated along with The Annunciation of The Virgin Mary at The Archangel Michael Greek Language Institute on Tuesday, March 24th. We want to remember that The War of Greek Independence was fought against the Ottoman Empire. It began in 1821 and lasted seven years culminating in freedom for our forefathers. The AMGLI students have been learning about the bravery, intellect and passion of eternal heroic figures such as Bouboulina, Kolokotronis, Feraios and Ypsilantis. It is apparent that the students are proud of their rich culture and hold the virtues of those who came before them deep within their hearts. The School Board welcomes all to attend our celebration! Greek School Board The holiday season is a warm memory, yet we can recall our students’ big smiles while performing in the Christmas show as well as celebrating the New Year by meeting Agios Vasili and cutting the traditional Vasilopita with their teachers and classmates. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore is not an act, but a habit.” - Aristotle On January 25th, the students who had completed The Archangel Michael Greek Language Institute for eight years and received the passing grade of 85% and above on the 2014 Greek Regents were honored within our church with a special presentation of the 5th Annual Socratic Award. Our proudest congratulations are extended to Tommy Drenis, Konstantinos Geleris, Alexia Michalatos, Themis Pappas, Paul Petrakis, Danielle Rallis, Stephanie Triandafillou, and Eleana Tsiamtsiouris and to their ever-supportive families! Pictured with principals Mrs. Capous & Mrs. Spyridakis are Tommy Drenis, Stephanie Triandafillou, Danielle Rallis, Eleana Tsiamtsiouris, Themis Pappas, Konstantinos Geleris, Paul Petrakis Join us in showing how proud we are to be Hellenic- Americans and how very proud we are to be AMC! Sunday, March 29th- Greek Independence Day Parade 2015! ALL students are expected to march! Together we can ensure that 2015 has the largest AMC turnout to date! Bus service and snacks will be provided for your convenience. Καλη Σαρακοστη! On February 23rd, Καθαρα Δευτερα marked the end of Apokries and the beginning of Lent. Fasting began on this day and traditionally no meat, fish, eggs, dairy or oil will be eaten for the 49 days leading into Pascha. In Greece, Καθαρα Δευτερα is a national holiday and is seen as the beginning of springtime. It is celebrated with a trip to the mountains or beach where a Lenten picnic and kite flying are enjoyed. The AMGLI teachers arranged special lessons for this day. In preparation for Pascha, our students will be offered Holy Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 | 5 News & Events Confession and the 7th graders will have the opportunity to make traditional Prosforo with Presbytera Paula. The children will also work together to help Fr. Dennis and Fr. Nikolas make crosses for Palm Sunday! Please note that Greek School will be closed during Holy Week and will resume on Tuesday, April 14th. Our best wishes for a Καλη Ανασταση to all! AMC FELLOWSHIP NIGHT & PALM CROSS MAKING Please join us for AMC Fellowship Night on Friday, April 3rd. We will be making Palm Crosses for distribution on Palm Sunday. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! Greek School PTA 2015 had a great start at AMC Greek School. The PTA provided Vasilopites, which were first blessed by Father Dennis, to all classes. He also explained the wonderful tradition of the Vasilopita. They were then cut and distributed for all to enjoy, with each child hoping to receive the lucky coin! In addition, the PTA gifted all students with new AMC folders, pencil cases and pencils, which were graciously distributed to the children by the beloved Agios Vasilios!! Students of all ages enjoyed his visit to their classrooms. This is a perfect time to join us to get to know the ropes for September. Please consider getting involved. It is a small amount of time invested with a huge payoff. If you are interested in getting involved, and would like more information on each position, please contact Deanna Chantly at IT’S ALMOST GREEK SCHOOL YEARBOOK TIME! Please support the AMC Greek Language Institute while honoring our graduates and congratulating the students for a successful year of Greek School. Please send all ads, messages, photos, and inquiries to Sunday School Καλη Σαρακοστη! Our Lenten Journey began on February 23rd. The Sunday of Orthodoxy will be celebrated on March 1st, the first Sunday of Great Lent, with the Sunday School children participating in the beautiful procession of icons around the Church. The 2015 St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival will take place on Sunday, March 22nd. Please contact Sara Sava if you would like to participate in the Oratorical Festival or if you have any questions. A list of topics for both the Junior (Grades 7-9) and Senior (Grades 10-12) Divisions is available in the Sunday School office. Good luck to all of our participants. As part of our Sunday School program, Father Dennis and Father Nikolas are continuing their teaching ministry where, immediately after Holy Communion, rotating groups of students gather in the chapel to learn about the Sacraments of the Orthodox Church. Our children and teachers have learned so much about Marriage and Confession. Altar boys and Youth choir members meet their classes in the chapel on their scheduled days. Looking forward to Spring, the students will partake in a Greek Independence Day assembly on Tuesday, March 24th, in our Gym. All families are highly encouraged to join together with our AMC community to march in the Independence Day Parade on Sunday, March 29th. The PTA will honor those dedicated students that march with us. This year, terms are ending for some members of our PTA board. We are currently recruiting for the positions of President, Vice President (or co-presidents), and 1st and 2nd session secretaries. 6 | Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 During the months of March and April, as indicated by the schedule below, Father Dennis and Father Nikolas will be talking to us about the Sacraments of Holy Unction and Holy Ordination. Please join us! March 15th: 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades March 22nd: 5th, 6th, and 7th grades March 29th: 8th and Young Adults April 19th: 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades April 26th: 5th, 6th, and 7th grades News & Events Opposite is a photo of Father Dennis teaching the children about the Sacrament of Marriage. He is holding an icon where Jesus is at a wedding in Cana where He performs the miracle of turning water into wine. There will be no classes on Palm Sunday, April 5th and on Pascha, April 12th. Καλη Ανασταση! Καλο Πασχα! Preschool March comes in “like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” Our rooms will be decorated with lions, lambs, kites and Greek Flags in celebration of March events and holidays, including Greek Independence Day. As April arrives, our rooms will be decorated with Spring and Pascha projects. The Pre-K students will become“Meteorologists for the Day” as they learn about changes around us during springtime. They will also be learning Greek colors and numbers as we get ready for Pascha. The Nursery Class will continue learning shapes, colors, and letters of the alphabet, both in Greek and English, through art projects and songs celebrating springtime. The Toddler Class is counting, reciting the alphabet and working on colors and shapes through spring-themed lessons. Finally, our Mommy and Me class has begun its second session and the children enjoy arts and crafts with their moms. All students, at every level, continue to enjoy music and body movement with Miss Cecelia and age-appropriate Greek Language and religious instruction. We invite you to learn more about us: Mommy & Me (Ages 18 months-3 years); Toddler Program (Ages 2-3); Nursery (Ages 3-4) and Pre-K (Ages 4-5) offered from 9am-1pm. Questions? Please contact director Linda Alimaris at 516-9443184 or by email at We look forward to meeting you and your child! ORATORICAL FESTIVAL All are invited to listen to and support our AMC Sunday School students as they participate in the annual Oratorical Festival on Sunday, March 22nd, immediately following the Divine Liturgy. Byzantine Youth Choir The Archangel Michael Community can be very proud of the beautiful concert performance presented by our youth choir at The Cathedral in New York City for the Fifteenth Anniversary of His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios. Letters of recognition and appreciation from His Eminence will be given to each choir member who participated in this milestone event. Upcoming Events Thurs., Mar. 5 - Circus Trip Wed., Mar. 18 - Parent Teacher Conference Thurs., Mar. 19 - Preschool Open House Sun., Mar. 22 - Preschool Pascha Fundraiser Wed., Mar. 25 - Greek Independence Day School Closed School Closed School Open School Closed Open House Information The Archangel Michael Preschool, founded in 1996, invites you and your preschooler to our “Open House” on Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Come meet the teachers, learn about all of our programs and tour our brand new facilities-including our beautiful enclosed playground! All programs in our New York State Licensed Preschool include age-appropriate Greek language and religious instruction taught by our dynamic and nurturing staff. On the fourth Friday of Lent, March 20th, the youth choir will sing the Heretismi- the Salutations to our Holy Theotokos. High school senior Alexa Vasilakos and high school junior Demetra Vlahos will chant the Aspile and Ke Thos Imin passages. The Archangel Michael Byzantine Youth Choir will be marching proudly at the Greek Independence Day Parade to be held on Sunday, March 29th. It has become tradition that on the Saturday of Lazarus, Archbishop Demetrios visits our community to officiate at the Divine Liturgy. Once again this year, the youth choir will be Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 | 7 News & Events celebrating the Hierarchical Challenge Liturgy on the Saturday of Lazarus with His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, which will be offered on Saturday, April 4th. In addition to singing the Divine Liturgy on the first and third Sunday of each month, please take note of the following special services: Apr. 5 - Palm Sunday, 1st Service Apr. 10 - Holy Friday Lamentations Apr. 24,25 - Consecration of The Archangel Michael Church Wishing Everyone a Kali Anastasi & Blessed Pascha! Greek Dance Troupe The Greek Dance Troupe continues to practice on Saturday mornings. Registration is ongoing and we welcome new participants! Congratulations to Demetri Limperopoulos for receiving the piece of Vasilopita with the coin, for the second year in a row. May all our GOYAns have a blessed, healthy and productive 2015! On January 18th, the GOYAns got together for some wings, burgers and football at TGIFridays in Westbury. TGIFridays accommodated us in a semi-private area with a TV so we could watch the NFC Championship Game. Amongst friends and with plenty of food, the GOYAns had a great time! The InterGOYA ski trip took place on January 30th-Feb 1st with 26 Archangel Michael GOYAns and chaperones attending. They enjoyed a fun filled weekend of skiing, snowboarding, tubing, dancing and most importantly, reconnected with old friends and made new ones. A special thank you to Debbie Dakis for coordinating everything for our Archangel Michael participants! We are looking forward to performing at the Ronald McDonald House Greek Division Walkathon on Saturday, May 16th, in Manhattan (more details to come). Saturday class times are as follows: Group A (Grades K-2) 9:00-10:00AM Group B (Grades 3-5) 10:00-11:00AM Group C (Grade 6-8) 11:00-12:00PM Group D (Grades 9-12) 12:00-1:00PM For more information please contact: Youth Ministries GOYA he New Year began with the tradition of cutting the Vasilopita T in church with all the Archangel Michael organizations. So it was especially exciting to see GOYA receive the piece of Vasilopita with the coin! Following the Divine Liturgy, GOYA hosted their own Vasilopita Social on Sunday, January 11th. As this issue of the Trumpet was going to print, the GOYAns were looking forward to participating in our first Spiritual Retreat “lock-in” at our church scheduled for February 27th under the guidance of Fr. Nikolas. The Spirit of Giving & Service continues in the New Year. The GOYAns kicked off the food drive to stock the pantry of Our Lady of Fatima and St.Peter’s, both located in Port Washington. On March 1st, GOYA will be launching their 2nd Annual Luminary Candle Sale. The Luminary Candles, purchased during Lent in memory of loved ones, family and friends, will be displayed with the name of the person to be commemorated and will be displayed for the procession of Holy Friday. We are looking forward to the Scavenger Hunt in New York City on March 14th, Greek Independence Day Parade on March 29th and many more GOYA activities. GOYAns, please check the Trumpet calendar for dates, look out for evites and emails, which outline specific details about upcoming events, or email 8 | Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 News & Events HOPE/JOY We kicked off President’s Week vacation with skating the evening away at the Port Washington Skating Center on Valentine’s Day. All those who attended enjoyed food, fellowship and plenty of exercise! HOPE/JOY families are looking forward to joining the entire community for palm cross making in preparation for Palm Sunday. Look out for more information about our upcoming events! In addition, Kostantinos Geleris, Matthew Classi and Leo Tsartsalis participated in the 3-point contest and Stelios Katopodis participated in the foul shot contest. Bravo! JOY Soccer Soccer games will resume right after Pascha, so look for more information! Thanks to all of our coaches for volunteering their time: Girls 1 coaches: Michael Bapis, Spiro Maliagros, Andreas Tsalikis; Girls 2 coaches: Spiro Katehis, Dennis Matarangas, Bill Vasiliades; Boys 1 coaches: Dennis Matarangas, Mariann Matarangas; Boys 2 coaches: George Kaparos, Chris Dritsas, Tom Gargas. LUNCH & LEARN Beginning on Wednesday March 4, 2015, and continuing on the first Wednesday of each month, we will be hosting a new series, “Lunch and Learn”, of informal lunchtime discussions with our clergy. Bring your own brown bag lunch and your questions for Fr. Dennis and Fr. Nik and meet us in the Fellowship Hall from 11:30 am-1:30 pm. Join us for good discussion, fellowship and “parea”. All are welcome and invited to attend! If you need a ride, please contact the church office. OLYMPICS SAVE the DATE for the Archdiocesan Olympics on Memorial Day weekend: May 22nd-24th, at Suffolk Community College. Last year, there were over 1,300 JOYANs and GOYANS from 26 parishes participating in all the events--including basketball free throws, track events, chess, nok-hockey and kickball, to name a few. We encourage all of the youth of our AMC community to come and join the fun! Registration and practices will start right after Pascha. For more information, please email Chrissa Harris at Watsonian Golf Outing Athletics GOYA All-Star Basketball Game AMC’s Junior GOYA Boys had a wonderful time at the All-Star GOYA Game and Competitions on Saturday, January 11th, held at St. Demetrios Church in Jamaica. Pictured below are those who played in the game: Kosta Katsoulis, Frankie Maropakis, Chris Papadopoulos, Themi Pappas, Spyros Karayiannis, Angelo Katopodis, and Steven Gerazounis. The 22nd Annual Archangel Michael Watsonian Golf Outing will be held on June 11, 2015 at The Plandome Country Club. Please save the date, gather your fellow golfers, and join us for a wonderful day of sportsmanship, fellowship and fun--all in the name of supporting our Archangel Michael Church! We need your support to have another successful Watsonian! Over 120 golfers participated in last year’s outing, and over $45,000 was raised for our Archangel Michael Church. Even if you don’t play golf, there are many ways to participate! Please join us for the cocktail reception and dinner. Or consider becoming a Watsonian sponsor, either by sponsoring a hole or by making a donation of raffle prizes, such as sporting event tickets, restaurant gift certificates, or electronics. Please contact Mario Harris (516-365-2009) or the Church office for more details on sponsorship, raffle donations or attending this wonderful annual event. We hope to see you there! Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 | 9 News & Events 5K RUN OVERALL WINNER Congratulations to Steven Gerazounis, overall 1st place winner as well as 1st in his age category of Male 15-19 year olds, with a time of 24:12. Everyone was in great spirits as they were surrounded by their loved ones, reminiscing about 2014, and looking forward to the year ahead. Two large screen televisions allowed revelers to witness the ball drop at Times Square. After ringing in the New Year, guests enjoyed Vasilopita with their coffee and desserts. This amazing evening would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of the New Year’s Eve Committee. We express our deepest appreciation and thanks to: New Year’s Eve On New Year’s Eve, our Fellowship Hall was transformed into a magnificent banquet room. Upon arrival, each of the 331 guests (including 82 children and 9 GOYAns) stood in awe of the beautiful décor, highlighted by the gorgeous silver ribbon that cascaded downwards from the ceiling disco ball, as well as beautiful table arrangements. The guests enjoyed a delicious dinner, catered by H on the Harbor, and danced throughout the evening to the terrific music provided by Privilege Entertainment. Many of the children enjoyed their own music and buffet dinner in the gym, and had a great time playing foosball and ping pong with their friends. Susan and Michael Cavounis and their children, Anastasia, Paul and Luke Effie and Basel Salloum and their daughters, Joanne and Eliana Dina and Pete Pantelias and their children, Stavros, Andrea and Christopher Georgia and Tim Katsoulis and their children, Alexander, Olivia, Christopher and Nicolas Chris Neocleous, James Macrigiani and Pam Sommo. We also extend our gratitude to our church staff, including Dora, Sandra, and Catherine for assisting with reservations and table assignments, and to Kurio Niko for helping to transform our Fellowship Hall. We also want to express our gratitude to H on the Harbor for their generous donation of $1000, and to HOPE/JOY for providing the rented TVs. Thank you to all those who attended and supported our community as we welcomed the New Year in fellowship together. JOURNAL INFORMATION To commemorate the consecration of the Archangel Michael Church scheduled for April 2015 and the celebration of our 35th Anniversary, we will be publishing a journal. All proceeds will be allocated to the Capital Campaign account to help defray some of the remaining construction costs and to partially service our mortgage. Please make every effort to subscribe and also try to obtain ads from your local merchants, banks, neighbors, relatives and friends. Subscription forms are available at the church pangari, the office, and on the AMC website. Participation by everyone will be greatly appreciated. 10 | Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 News & Events Agape Glendi Xenia Theodoropoulos, Patty Tsahas, Anna Tsiamis, Demetra Tsismenakis, Mahi Vasiliades, Emily Vlachos, Fay Xenokostas, Elizabeth Yiachos, Tonia Zacharia The 2015 Greek School PTA sponsored “Agape Glendi” was a wonderful event. Surrounded by family and friends, Agape was in the air. The children’s dancing filled our hearts with pride, and made us realize how truly blessed we are. PTA President, Deanna Chantly sincerely thanks and commends the Glendi co-chairs, Angelic Durante and Irene Panopoulos, and the Glendi committee for their tireless efforts and great success with the Agape Glendi. Thanks is also extended to all of the Greek school families, friends, and organizations for their support, and to those whose generous donations added to the success of the evening. Everyone’s generosity and efforts will directly benefit the children of our Greek school. PRAYERS AFTER HOLY COMMUNION Thanksgiving prayers after receiving Holy Communion can be found in the new Divine Liturgy books on page 40 and in the older blue Divine Liturgy books on page 94. Peter Christofer Memorial The first Peter Christofer Memorial, “Hoop It Up” 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament, was held on June 7th, 2014 in our gymnasium. Eight teams, a mix of young and experienced players, as well as male and female players, competed in a double elimination format. Pictured below are the First and Second place Teams. The Nikolis Team: Louis Nikolis, George Malonoukos and Paul Malonoukos The Christofer Team: Nicholas Christofer, Michael Christofer, Zack Armen and Mark Santangelo The Glendi Committee, some of whom are pictured, included: Co-chairs Angelic Durante and Irene Panopoulos, Myrna Apostolatos, Paraskevi Giannoutsos Apostolatos, Eleni Bapis, Antonia Bizekis, Sofia Caldwell, Deanna Chantly, Alexandra Colombos, Effie Dritsas, Nicoletta Gargas, Kelly Gatanis, Roni Lagamjis, Markella Maliagros, Mariann Matarangas, Phyllis Meskouris, Kally Roditis, Penny Stefanakis, Georgette Tahliambouris, Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 | 11 News & Events The 2015 Peter Christofer Memorial 3 on 3 Tournament will be held in May this year. For more information, please email: Blood Drive Roll up your sleeve on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 for the Archangel Michael Church Blood Drive from 2:30-8:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall, administered by The New York Blood Center ( The blood supply is critically low. By giving just one pint of blood, you will be able to help supply hospitals in Nassau County and Queens and save the lives of three people. The donation will include a mini medical examination and will take up to an hour per donor. Each donor must be at least sixteen years old, weigh a minimum of 110 pounds, and feel well the day of the drive. Donors must also bring ID and know their social security number for the drive. In addition, this year New York Blood Center will have “ALYX”, an automated red blood cell donation system which allows you to donate two units of critically needed red cells in just one visit. Red cells are critically needed by surgery/trauma patients, cancer/chemotherapy patients, accident/burn victims and at risk infants. Give the gift of life, donate blood on Tuesday, March 10th. For more information or to make an appointment, call Demetra or Marina Vlahos at (516) 627-7303. Lenten recipes Great Lent began on Monday, February 23rd and continues until Pascha on April 12th. In our Orthodox tradition, the Lenten fast asks us to refrain from consuming meat and meat products, dairy products, wine, fish and olive oil for the duration of Great Lent. Fish is permitted on the feast of the Annunciation, March 25th, and on Palm Sunday, this year on April 5th. Here are a few delicious Lenten recipes for you to enjoy. For additional recipes, please visit greekfastingrecipes/ Shrimp Jambalaya Ingredients: 2 tbsp oil 2 lbs raw shrimp, shelled & deveined 2 chopped onions 1 clove garlic 1 red pepper, minced 12 | Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 1 cup uncooked rice 2 cups tomatoes (20 oz. can) 2 cups water 1 bay leaf 1 tsp thyme 1 tsp sugar ½ cup fresh parsley Salt & pepper to taste Saute shrimp in oil, then set aside. Saute peppers, onions, and garlic. Stir in rice until it begins to brown. Add tomatoes, water, and seasonings. Cover and simmer over low heat until rice is tender and liquid has been absorbed. Add shrimp and heat through. Add fresh parsley just before serving. Stuffed Tomatoes Ingredients: 10 large tomatoes 1 cup rice 1 chopped onion 5 cloves garlic, minced ¼ cup fresh dill, chopped ¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped ¼ cup tomato paste ¼ cup water ½ cup oil 1 tbsp sugar salt & pepper to taste 2 cups tomato pulp and juice scooped out from tomatoes Slice tops from tomatoes and scoop out centers, set aside. Mix remaining ingredients together and spoon into tomatoes, replacing tops. Pour boiling water to cover bottom of roasting pan. Cover and bake at 350 for about 45 minutes, then uncover and bake 15 more minutes. Vegetable Soup Ingredients: 3 large potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes ½ cup celery, minced 1 small onion, minced 1 small pepper, minced 2 tbsp rice 2 tbsp tomato paste 3 carrots 4 tbsp oil 2 cups canned tomatoes 2 cups water salt & pepper to taste chopped parsley News & Events Saute celery, onion and carrot until translucent. Add remaining ingredients and boil until vegetables are soft, about 45 minutes. Add more water if needed. Gingerbread cookies Ingredients: 1/3 cup margarine 1 cup brown sugar 1 ½ cups molasses 2/3 cup cold water 6 cups flour 2 tsp baking soda 1 tsp salt 1 tsp allspice 1 tsp ginger 1 tsp cloves 1 tsp cinnamon Preheat oven to 350. Sift dry ingredients and set aside. Cream margarine, brown sugar and molasses; slowly add cold water and dry ingredients. Drop by rounded spoonfuls on lightly greased cookie sheet and bake for 15 minutes. to committee members, Susan & Michael Cavounis, Chris Neocleous, Renee Rallis, Demetra Tsismenakis, Chris-Marie Tzavelis, Mamie Fulgieri, Michael Psyllos, Helen & Michael Bapis and Pete Stavrinos. A special thank you to our wonderful MCs, Melissa Kanes and Mario Harris and to Nick Gregory who announced our raffle to benefit Camp St. Paul. Thanks also to our coaches and friends who worked so hard on Saturday morning to set up everything in the gym in preparation for the event and to our sponsors who helped make the evening a success. And finally a big thank you to everyone who attended and brought family and friends along for another memorable AMC event. comedy night Our AMC family, along with so many of our friends from other parishes, enjoyed an amazing evening of laughter, good food, dancing, and above all else, fellowship. With over 475 people, our gymnasium was transformed into a banquet hall with a sea of tables, chairs and people roaring with laughter as comedians, Australian Jim Dailakis and Canadian Angelo Tsarouchas, entertained us for the evening. At various points we could see the tears being wiped from people’s eyes and felt the belly aches as the comedians joked about the shared experiences that only Greeks can relate to. The guilty mom jokes (“μέ ξέχασες”), the “evil eye” jokes( Έχετε χάσει βάρος “eye, eye, eye....”) and the laid back attitudes of our brethren on the islands (“license, insurance? what for? where are you going to go... it’s an island”) will continue to make us laugh for months to come. THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! We then moved to the Fellowship Hall for dessert and continued to enjoy the night with both Greek music and Freestyle dancing with Privilege Entertainment. Our sincere gratitude Bargain Printing H on the Harbor Kyma Landmark Diner La Nonna Bella MP Taverna North Shore Diner North Shore Farms Oasis Cafe Odyssey Cafe Seven Seas Restaurant Titan Bakery Tower Diner Villa Milano Zenon Taverna Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 | 13 Community Life Photos 14 | Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 Community Life Photos Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 | 15 The Summer Camping Ministry of The Direct Archdiocesan District 2015 Camping Season Dates Week One: June 29th - July 5th Week Two: July 6th - July 12th Week Three: July 13th - July 19th Week Four: July 20th - July 26th Camper Registration will open online on March 3, 2015 @ 9:00 a.m. Online Staff Applications are now open! Application must be completed no later than April 3rd, 2015 If you have any questions or need any assistance in registering, please email us at 16 | Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 GREAT LENT Schedule of Services The Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church 100 Fairway Drive, Port Washington, New York 11050*516/944-‐3180 FEBRUARY 14th: 1ST SATURDAY OF THE SOULS 9:30 A.M.: Liturgy FEBRUARY 21st: 2nd SATURDAY OF THE SOULS 10:30 A.M.: Liturgy FEBRUARY 25th: WEDNESDAY 7:30 P.M.: Pre-Sanctified Liturgy – (Chapel) FEBRUARY 27th: FRIDAY 7:30 P.M.: 1st Salutations to the Theotokos FEBRUARY 28th: 3rd SATURDAY OF THE SOULS 9:30 A.M.: Liturgy MARCH 4th: WEDNESDAY 9:30 A.M.: Pre-Sanctified Liturgy – (Chapel) MARCH 6th: FRIDAY 7:30 P.M.: 2nd Salutations to the Theotokos – (Chapel) MARCH 11th: WEDNESDAY 7:30 P.M.: Pre-Sanctified Liturgy – (Chapel) MARCH 13th: FRIDAY 7:30 P.M.: 3rd Salutations to the Theotokos – (Chapel) MARCH 18th: WEDNESDAY 9:30 A.M.: Pre-Sanctified Liturgy (Chapel) MARCH 20th: FRIDAY 7:30 P.M.: 4th Salutations to the Theotokos (Chapel) MARCH 25th: WEDNESDAY– The Annunciation 9:30 A.M.: Liturgy MARCH 27th: FRIDAY 7:30 P.M.: AKATHIST HYMN Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 | 17 HOLY WEEK Schedule of Services April 4 -‐ April 12, 2015 The Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church 100 Fairway Drive Port Washington, New York 11050 516/944-‐3180 APRIL 4: SATURDAY OF LAZARUS ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟΝ ΤΟΥ ΛΑΖΑΡΟΥ 9:30 A.M. (π.µ.): Orthros Όρθρος 10:30 A.M. (π.µ.): Divine Liturgy Θεία Λειτουργία His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios will lead us in worship. APRIL 5: PALM SUNDAY ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ ΤΩΝ ΒΑΙΩΝ 7:30 A.M. (π.µ.): Orthros Όρθρος 8:30 A.M. (π.µ.): 1st Divine Liturgy Θεία Λειτουργία 11:00 A.M. (π.µ.): 2nd Divine Liturgy Θεία Λειτουργία 7:30 P.M. (µ.µ.): Service of the Bridegroom ‘Ακολουθία του Νυµφίου (Chapel) APRIL 6: HOLY MONDAY ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΔΕΥΤΕΡΑ 7:30 P.M. (µ.µ.): Service of the Bridegroom ‘Ακολουθία του Νυµφίου (Chapel) APRIL 7: HOLY TUESDAY ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΤΡΙΤΗ 7:30 P.M. (µ.µ.): Service of the Bridegroom ‘Ακολουθία του Νυµφίου ~ H ym n of K assiani~ APRIL 8: HOLY WEDNESDAY ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ 3:00 P.M. (µ.µ.): Sacrament of Holy Oil Μυστήριον του Αγίου ‘Εuχέλαιου 7:30 P.M. (µ.µ.): Sacrament of Holy Oil Μυστήριον του Αγίου ‘Εuχέλαιου APRIL 9: HOLY THURSDAY ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 6:00 A.M. (π.µ.): The Liturgy of St. Basil Λειτουργία του ’Αγίου Βασιλείου 8:30 A.M. (π.µ.): The Liturgy of St. Basil Λειτουργία του ’Αγίου Βασιλείου 7:30 P.M. (µ.µ.): The Holy Passion Service ‘Ακολουθία Των Αγίων Παθών ~ Service of the 12 Gospels ~ APRIL 10: HOLY FRIDAY ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ 9:00 A.M. (π.µ.): The Royal Hours Αί Βασιλικαί ΄Ωραι 3:00 P.M. (µ.µ.): Apokathelosis ’Η ‘Αποκαθήλωσις 7:30 P.M. (µ.µ.): Service of Lamentations ‘Ο ‘Επιτάφιος Θρήνος APRIL 11: HOLY SATURDAY ΜΕΓΑ ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟΝ 8:30 A.M. (π.µ.): The Liturgy of St. Basil Λειτουργία του Αγίου Βασιλείου 11:00 P.M. (µ.µ.): The HOLY RESURRECTION Service ’H ’Ακολουθία Της ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΕΩΣ Divine Liturgy Θεία Λειτουργία APRIL 12: EASTER SUNDAY ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΣΧΑ 11:00 A.M. (π.µ.): Great Vespers of Agape Μέγας ‘Εσπερινός της Αγάπης On behalf of Fr. Dennis, Fr. Nikolas, the President, Officers & Members of the Parish Council, the Officers & Members of all the organizations that comprise our parish, We wish you and yours a Blessed Pascha and a Joyous Resurrection! Father Dennis Strouzas Father Nikolas Karloutsos 18 | Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 Cassandra Savas Nash Licensed Real Estate Salesperson 52875 Main Road PO Box 1346 Southold, NY 11971 "+)'#,+*#*))) "-',#(,&#&)&) $ # ## Discover what Long Islanders have known for decades, that # From Aquebogue to Orient Point, allow me to introduce you # a summer rental, home ownership or investment real estate, experience the undiscovered community my family # LOW COST AUTO-HOMEOWNERS BUSINESS PHILLIPS BROKERAGE, INC. CHRISTOPHER DRITSAS Principal Insurance Broker VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION 180 MAIN ST PORT WASHINGTON, NY 11750 TELELPHONE (516) 489-9800 FAX (516) 489-0266 Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 | 19 ARCHANGEL MICHAEL GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH March Calendar Sun Mon Tues 1 Matins 8:30a Divine Liturgy 9:30a BYC Hellenos House Visit 4p GOYA: Luminary Candle Sale Begins 2 Wed 3 9 8 Matins 8:30a Divine Liturgy 9:30a Thu 4 Pre-Sanctified Liturgy-Chapel 9:30a Youth Choir Rehearsal 7:30p Lunch & Learn 11:30a Philoptochos Bd Mtg 7p and Heart Health Presentation 8p 2015 10 11 5 Circus Trip 17 18 Pre-Sanctified Liturgy-Chapel 9:30a Matins 8:30a Divine Liturgy 9:30a 6 12 7 13 14 3rd Salutations Challenge Liturgy to the Theotokos 10:30a - Chapel GOYA 7:30p Scavenger Hunt Youth Choir Rehearsal 6:30p 16 Sat 2nd Salutations to the Theotokos Chapel 7:30p Preschool Closed AMC Blood Drive Pre-Sanctified Liturgy-Chapel 2:30p - 8:30p 7:30p 15 Fri 19 Preschool Open House Youth Choir Rehearsal 7:30p 20 21 4th Salutations to the Theotokos - Chapel 7:30p Preschool closed Parent/Tchr conf. 22 23 Matins 8:30a 24 Greek Independence Day Celebration -Greek School 5:00p Divine Liturgy 9:30a Oratorical Festival Preschool Easter Fundraiser 11a 25 The Annunciation - Liturgy 9:30a 27 26 28 Akathist Hymn 7:30p Preschool Closed Youth Choir Rehearsal 7:30p GOYA Meeting 29 30 Matins 8:30a Divine Liturgy 9:30a Philoptochos Membership Tea 7:00p 31 Greek Independence Day Parade 20 | Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 ARCHANGEL MICHAEL GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH April Calendar Sun Mon Tues Wed 2015 Thu 1 Fri 2 Fellowship Night Saturday of Lazarus - Palm Cross Orthros 9:30a Making Youth Choir Rehearsal 7:30p Palm Sunday 6 7 4 3 Lunch & Learn 11:30a 5 Sat Challenge Liturgy 10:30a 9 8 11 10 Holy Week Orthros 7:30a 1st Liturgy 8:30a Holy Unction Evhelion 3:00p 2nd Liturgy 11:00a Luminary Sale Ends Service of the Bridegroom - Nymfios 7:30p Service of the Bridegroom - Nymfios 7:30p 12 Pascha 13 Philoptochos Meeting 7:30p Service of the Bridegroom - Nymfios 7:30p 14 Holy Unction Evhelion7:30p Liturgy of St. Basil 6:00a Liturgy of St. Basil 8:30a The Royal Hours 9:ooa Liturgy of St. Basil 8:30a Apokathelosis 3:00p Lamentations 7:30p Twelve Gospels 7:30p Holy Resurrection 11pm GOYA Luminary Display 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 Preschool and Greek School resume No Sunday School Agape Service 11:00a 19 20 21 Matins 8:30a Divine Liturgy 9:30a Youth Choir Rehearsal 7:30p GOYA meeting 26 Matins 8:30a Divine Liturgy 9:30a 27 28 29 St. George Liturgy 9:30a Consecration Vespers 7:30p Consecration of the Church Orthros, Consecration Service, Divine Liturgy 7:45a 30 Youth Choir Rehearsal 7:30p Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 | 21 _______________________________________________________________________ Nicholas Papain, Esq. Sullivan Papain Block McGrath & Cannavo P.C. 1140 FRANKLIN AVENUE GARDEN CITY • NY • 11530 (516) 742-0707 120 BROADWAY NEW YORK • NY • 10271 (212) 732-9000 Attorney Advertising _______________________________________________________________________ Commack- 631-499-8350 Glen Cove- 516-609-0303 Great Neck- 516-482-6287 North Bellmore- 516-409-4800 Mineola- 516-280-6880 Port Washington- 516-767-9050 The Trumpet reaches over 500 families who support the Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church in Port Washington, New York, a majority of whom live in the North Shore communities surrounding the church. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please email 22 | Archangel Michael | Mar/Apr 2015 3819 24th Street, LIC, NY 11101 Tel 877. 624. 8110 | Fax 212. 244.1809 Servicing Manhattan to the Hamptons ANGELA DOOLEY Lic. R. E. Salesperson O: 516.627.9260 C: 516.315.7781 NICHOLAS COLOMBOS Lic. R. E. Salesperson O: 516.627.9260 C: 917.453.9333 Archangel Michael |Mar/Apr 2015 | 23 Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church 100 Fairway Drive Port Washington, NY 11050 The Consecration of The Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church Vespers Friday, April 24th at 7:30pm Followed by The Philoptochos sponsored reception The Consecration Saturday, April 25th at 7:45am Orthros, Consecration Service and Divine Liturgy Followed by a Consecration Luncheon at the Church (Reservations required) A ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY ΠΑΝΤΑ ΑΞΙΟΙ! Become a Godparent of The Archangel Michael Church GODPARENT: $1,000 GODPARENT & PATRON: $3,500 GODPARENT & BENEFACTOR: $5,000+ All Godparent names will be written on a scroll to be PERMANENTLY SEALED IN THE ALTAR TABLE and recognized on a plaque in the Church complex. Journal opportunities are also available
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