Founded 1953 66 Levittown Parkway, Levittown, Pennsylvania, 19054 Telephone 215-945-1166; Fax 215-945-6988; Pastor Reverend Michael C. DiIorio Week-end Assistance Reverend John E. Donia Reverend Matthew Tralies Reverend Victor Warkulwiz Deacon Deacon Harry J. Simpson - Retired Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:30 pm Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 Noon Weekday Mass Schedule Monday - Saturday: 8:00 am Morning Rosary Weekdays at 7:35am prior to the 8am Mass Business Manager Director of Child Protection Files Mrs. Janie Brown Reconciliation (Confession, Penance) Saturday: 4:00 - 5:00 pm Executive Secretary to the Pastor Marriage Records Coordinator Sr. Mary Beth Kratzinger, SSJ Bulletin Coordinators Gerry Hayes - Marcy Beck Eucharistic Adoration September-June Thursday 8:30 am.– 3:30 pm. Directors of Altar Servers Mr. Robert Gabriele - Mr. Robert Heston Rectory Office 215-945-1166 - Fax 215-945-6988 Weekdays: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Receptionist - Mary Ann Szokoli Choir Director Mr. Frank Cuda Mr. Joseph Palumbo, Organist St. Michael The Archangel Catholic School 130 Levittown Parkway 215-943-0222 - Fax - 215-943-9068 Absentee Report - 215-943-5035 Principal: Mr. Stephen D. DiCicco Mrs. Elizabeth Wurtz, SMA School Office Religious Education Office 215-547-2518 CCD Coordinator: Mrs. Janet Fiatoa CYO: Ms. Alice Viola & Ms. Kathy Wilson RCIA Coordinator: Mike O’Keefe St. Michael the Archangel Friary Third Order Regular of St. Francis , TOR 88 Levittown Parkway 215-943-4810 Communion to the Sick Contact Rectory Office Knights of Columbus St. Michael the Archangel Council #14626 215-945-1166 - Fax 215-945-6988 Chaplain: Reverend Michael C. DiIorio Grand Knight: Jim Thomson Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the first four Sundays of each month at 1 pm. There are no Baptisms on fifth Sundays and on Christmas and Easter Sundays. Parents must be registered members of our parish, attend a PreJordan class and Godparents must be practicing Catholics. Please contact the Rectory to make arrangements. February 15, 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page Two MEETTINGS Choir - 7 PM - Church Legion of Mary - 7 PM Room 12 TUESDAY - RCIA - 7 PM - Room 9 THURSDAY - K of C - 7 PM - Room 7 MONDAY - VIGIL MASS, SATURDAY, February 14 5:30 p.m. Rose Whyte (Jean Foster) SUNDAY, February 15 8:00 a.m. Vince & Mark Castelli (TheFamily) 10:00 a.m. Mass for the People of the Parish 12:00 noon Gary Hopkins (Son Jeff) 8:00 a.m. MONDAY, February 16 Paul Dickinger (Frank & Pat Carroll) TUESDAY, February 17 The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order 8:00 a.m. James Petrino (Loving Sister Irene) 8:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. WEDNESDAY, February 18 Ash Wednesday Holy Souls Father Titzell Monsignor Collins THURSDAY, February 19 Ann D. Finan (Pam & Fred Curry) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND BENEDICTION The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for Adoration following the 8:00 a.m. Mass with Benediction at 3:30 P.M. 8:00 a.m. FRIDAY, February 20 Sister Marian (Carole Heininger) 8:00 a.m. SATURDAY, February 21 Those enrolled in the Memorial Fund VIGIL MASS, SATURDAY, February 21 Saint Peter Damian 5:30 p.m. Lilly McCarthy (Veronica Friar) 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon SUNDAY, February 22 Linda M. Ridings (Patrick & Rich) Joyce Brown (Jim & Diane Ritchie) Mass for the People of the Parish START TO YOUR DAY IN WONDERFUL WAY! ATTEND DAILY MASS. Mass during the week at Saint Michael the Archangel is celebrated at 8:00 AM. ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE February 16th thru February 21st Weekday 8:00 am - Monday - Saturday Matthew Durle and Vincent Mullins Vigil Mass February 14th 5:30 pm Samantha Maar and Shalyne Kilner February 15th 8:00 am Mary Kate O’Donnell and Olivia Foxhill 10:00 am Hannah Ward, Nicholas Talley and Marisa Lee 12 Noon Denis Skiba and Kevin Skiba ST. PEREGRINE SHRINE This week the candles are burning for: Kathleen C. and Kathleen L. (Living) At the request of The Family REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYER Our Faithful Departed May the Souls of the Faithful Departed through the Mercy of God, rest in peace, Amen FAST AND ABSTINENCE AND OTHER ACTS OF PENANCE FOR LENT 2015 The Bishops of the United States prescribe, as minimal obligation, that all persons who are fourteen years of age and older are bound to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, February 18, on all the Fridays of Lent and Good Friday. Further, all persons eighteen years of age and older, up to and including their fifty-ninth birthday, are bound to fast by limiting themselves to a single full meal on Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday, while the other two meals on those days are to be light. x All the faithful are encouraged, when possible, to participate at Mass and to receive the Holy Eucharist daily, to celebrate frequently the Sacrament of Penance, to undertake spiritual reading, especially the study of the Sacred Scriptures, and to participate in parish Lenten devotions as well as Lenten education programs. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is especially recommended. x All are encouraged to participate in Operation Rice Bowl which has aided countless hungry persons here in the Archdiocese as well as throughout our nation and the world. 0217 February 15, 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WEEKLY OFFERING The weekly offering for February 1st was $12,047.91 as compared to $8,335.00 last year. Due to the inclement weather, the offering for February 8th was not available when the bulletin was submitted to the publisher. Thank you for your continued support. ELECTRONIC GIVING Saint Michael the Archangel Parish has enlisted Parish Giving to provide its members with the opportunity to use Electronic Funds Transfer as an alternative method for giving. Last week $620.00 was given through electronic donations. Check our web site to connect to the link for information. To get started log on to: and click on the Parish Giving Logo and follow the easy registration steps. As of January 2, 2015, Saint Michael the Archangel has received 312 gifts in the total sum of $26,392. We have reached 107% of our goal. If you have not yet sent in your contribution, please try to do so as soon as you are able. Thank you for helping us achieve our goal. REMEMBER THE OLD SAINT MICHAEL HYMN Michael, prince of all angels, While your legions fill the sky, All victorious over Satan, Lift your flaming sword on high; Shout to all the seas and heavens: Now the morning is begun; Now is rescued from the dragon She whose garment is the sun! NO OCEAN CAN HOLD IT BACK No river can overtake it. No whirlwind can go FASTER. No army can defeat it. No law can stop it. No DISTANCE can slow it. No disease can cripple it. No force On EARTH is more powerful or effective Than the power of PRAYER.ٻ REGISTER TAPES Thank you for placing your Cash Register Tapes from Brown’s Shop Rite in Fairless Hills (only). Tapes are valid for five (5) months. Thank you! Page Three WINTERFEST- BASKET NIGHT St. Michael’s Home and School Winterfest—Basket Night will be held on February 28, 2014 at 6:30 PM in Saint Michael’s Church Hall. Admission is $20.00 per adult with a return of a sheet of 25 tickets for the basket raffle. There will be dancing, buffet and dessert, and you may bring your own wine and spirits. We will also have a 50/50 and lots of baskets to win. You must be 21 to attend the main event on the 28th. Our preview is open to everyone. It will be held on Saturday, February 21st and Sunday, February 22nd from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in our school gym. At this time you can preview the baskets and purchase tickets in advance for Saturday’s main event. The winning tickets will be drawn on Saturday evening. If you need additional information please call Patty Walton at 215-410-0687 or 215-943-0222. .************************************* Believe it our not, our BIGGEST event of the school year for our children is fast approaching. Winter Fest Basket Night Preview may not be until February 21 and 22nd but it takes many months to prepare for a successful event. I am reaching out to our parish community now so that our baskets will be ready in time for our event. If you, or someone you know, would like to or would be willing to donate a themed basket, or an item for any of our baskets (e.g. gift cards/certificates) to support our children, we would be most grateful. These items really help to increase the value of the basket which helps increase our fundraising efforts. I am also looking for sponsors for our event. The sponsorship levels are: Platinum$100, Gold $75, Silver $50 or a Bronze $25. The sponsorships allow us to purchase items for baskets that need just a little extra something or a large auction item. The children are very appreciative for everything you do for them, as am I. Please contact Patty Walton at 215-410-0687 if you are able to help with this endeavor. All donation and baskets are greatly appreciated and may be dropped off at the school no later than February 13th. HOLY SPIRIT Keep your heart free from hate. Your mind free from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Fill your life with love; Scatter sunshine, forget self. Think of others, and Do as you would be done by. 0217 February 15, 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SCHOOL NEWS Saint Michael the Archangel school hosted their second annual Junior Flower Show on January 29, 2015. The Junior Flower Show is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. It is a horticultural exhibition by and for school-age children in the greater Philadelphia region that has been in operation since 1975. The purpose of the program is to foster an awareness of the natural environment among children and encourage them to participate in sustainable practices. The entire school participated in creating projects in 13 different categories. Professional judges came to the school to award ribbons to projects in each category, and they were very impressed. Two students were given a prestigious award, Best of Show, and will be displaying their works of art at the Philadelphia Flower Show in March. Jade Bagley (8th grade) won Best of Show in the Horticultural division for her dried flower arrangement. Andrew Snowden (5th grade) won Best of Show in the Artistic division for his pressed flower depiction of Mickey Mouse. In addition to these two students, last year’s winner, Jeremy Capella (8th grade), will also have his Photography collection displayed at the Flower Show this year. Congratulations to all of our students who participated and worked so hard to create such an overwhelming exhibit. Mr. Stephen D. DiCicco, Principal R.C.I.A. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults If you are a Baptized Catholic who has not received all of your Sacraments (Reconciliation, Eucharist, & Confirmation) or if you are not Catholic and would like to learn more about the Catholic faith, then this is the class for you! Now is your opportunity. There is no charge! All that is required is your desire to grow in your relationship with the Lord and your commitment of time. Classes meet on Tuesdays from 7PM - 9PM in Room 9, located at the “B” door of the school building. If you are interested or if you have questions, please call the Religious Education Office at 215-547-2518. Preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage The Sacrament of Marriage is a profound responsibility. Active members of our parish who wish to make arrangements to have the Sacrament celebrated at St. Michael, must call the rectory at least 6 months prior to your wedding date and speak with a Priest. Pre-Cana class is required. Page Four The children’s collection envelopes contain a section for them to express a “good deed.” We would like to share some of their thoughts with you: -Helping Mom -Helped Mrs. Bloom organize the Barbie's. -Helped my grand pop shovel the snow. -Cleaned my room. -Helped my mom do the dishes. -Folding towels. -Taking the trash out. -I put a band aid on my daddy. -Helped carry in groceries for nanny. -Cleaned my room. -I helped my cousin with her card. -Being nice. -Taking new students on tours of our great school. -I helped my dad. -Helping at school. -Gave money to the poor box. -Being nice to friends. -Shared my toys. -Held the door open at the restaurant for people. -Helped around the house. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS The children will attend Ash Wednesday Mass and be dismissed from the church hall. Please wait in the church hall to pick up your children. You are asked not to take your child from the class line until the teacher has the class situated in the hall. Please make eye contact with the teacher so she or he knows your child is leaving. The second Reconciliation parent meeting will be February 25th at 6:45 pm in room 9. If your child is to receive Reconciliation on March 19th and you have not attended a parent meeting you must attend this meeting. If you have any questions please call the Religious Education office at 215-547-2518. Visit the PREP webpage at for more information about the program. There is a link to the program’s handbook and registration forms. PARISH FOOD WEEKEND If you forgot to bring a food donation this weekend and would like to contribute, please drop a donation into the poor box, or, if you attend weekday Mass, drop off a food package during the week. Please leave all food packages at the rear of the church or inside the side doors. Please do not leave any opened or out of date items and please do not leave any packages in the vestibules of the side entrances. 0217 February 15, 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page Five SOMETHING FOR ALL Lent begins Wednesday - February 18, 2015 Prayer is a helpful, meditative way we can deepen our relationship with God, especially during Lent. The following retreat dates will provide you with uniquely personal ways to connect with yourself, with others, and with your faith during Lent. February 22, 2015 - Women’s Retreat - Directed by Mrs. Cathy Johnson and Sr. Mary Kay Kelley, S.S.J. - Co-Directors of Heartful Ministries, a Nonprofit organization assisting faith communities in spiritual formation and liturgical preparation. Sr. Mary Kay is also a Theology Teacher at Archbishop Carroll High School. March 1, 2015 - Men’s Retreat - Given by Deacon Joe Seaman, Deacon at Christ Our Light Parish, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. March 8, 2015 - Youth and Young Adults Retreat - Given by Kathryn Wallace, Coordinator of Young Adult Ministry at Christ Our Light Parish. THE MASS WILL BE CELEBRATED AT SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL CHURCH RETREATS WILL BE CONDUCTED IN THE HALL AT SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL CHURCH For further information, please contact the Rectory at 215-945-1166 EXPERIENCING HIS LOVE AND FOLLOWING HIM MORE DEEPLY. ALL RETREATS BEGIN WITH 12 NOON MASS AND CONCLUDE AT 4:00 PM Lent offers us all a very special opportunity to grow in our relationship with God. How is Christ calling you this Lent? Where is God leading you through the Lenten journey? 0217 February 15, 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page Six Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Baby Grace Ella Brown, Baby Christian Wendt, Aimee B., Jason Bell, Lucille Brehm, Keith Britton, Toni Lynn Brovey, Stephen Bush, Natalie Campbell, Sue Carreras, David Checkowski, Sr., David Checkowski, Jr., John Cornell, George and Dorothy Cunningham, Caroline Daynorowicz, Edward Deck, Jimmy Deck, Jocelyn Dillon, Christopher Diesenbruch, Bob Dutton, Stephanie Farmer, Patrick Finley, Dawn Fisher, Joan Flanagan, Michael Foisy, Barry Gouge, Simeon Gregoire, Lisa Grosso, Thomas Hahn, Joe Hampton, Pat Haney, Carole Heininger, Richarad Howley, Denise Jackson, Joe Jaconski, Mary Ann Kasper, Andrew Kelley, Richard Killian, Jean Killian, Crystal Kirchhoefer, Maria LaTalombaara, Carlyne Lehmann, Guy Linebarger, Sr., Kathy Lombardo, Mary Meluskey, Nancee May, Meghan McHughs, Margaret Mirsch, Carlotta Monach, Danny Morgan, John Oliver, Mary Ann O’Neill, Manuel Padro, Sharon Ratcliffe, Adam Raup, Abbie Reina, Linda Rider, Dee Rodger, Mark Rossi, Linda Scheid, Marie Schoener, Catherine Schueller, Marilyn Seltzer, Mary Louise Sessa, Mary Sherwood, Roseann Simpson, Churck Smith, Angela Stahl, Joe Szokoli, Justin Tobin, Loretta Toth, Lori Treibley, Jane Wagner, Karen Walsh, Leightin Westerman, Lisa M. Witman, Harry Woodington, Jeffrey M. Wydro, Michael H. Wydro, Dawn Anderson Yamrich, Durry York, Theresa Zielinski. We assume recovery after 4 weeks unless we receive new request to remain on our prayer list. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE MISSION STATEMENT “With God’s Grace, we are committed to faithfully living His Word by adherence to his commandments, nurturing our families, sustaining our parish, school and community through charitable works and evangelizing by word and deed to share His message.” Our Lady of Guadalupe, Ladies Auxiliary invite all young girls, 10 to 17 years of age to come and join the Guadalupe Roses. We will work closely with the Knights of Columbus, St. Michael the Archangel Council #14626 and Pope John Paul Squires Circle #5515. Sue Maar & Sue Ward will be leading the group. Please contact Sue Ward @267-6886746 or Sue Maar @ 267-914-1135 with any questions. 2015 MASS BOOK Our 2015 Mass Book is open and Masses are available for this year. The hours are from 9am to 12 noon and 1pm to 3pm Monday to Friday. NO weekends or lunch times, please. There is a limit of 6 Masses per family (2 Sunday and 4 Weekday). Please have dates and alternative dates ready when you come to request Masses. After the devastating flood that Noah and his family experienced, God established a covenant with them, promising never again to let such harm come to them. He promised to watch over them and take care of them through his Providence. The sign of this covenant was the rainbow that appeared in the sky above them. God is now again asking you to be a sign of this covenant and providence to his priests who have faithfully served you and your families in the past. Our priests have cared for you spiritually, and many times physically and emotionally, through their ministries in parishes, schools, hospitals and many other areas of your lives. Many of them have gone to their reward with God, but there are still many more who need your help. They are in retirement or are unable to minister actively because of physical ailments. Villa St. Joseph in Darby, PA and Regina Coeli in Warminster, PA provide happy homes for all our retired priests. Other nursing facilities throughout the Archdiocese provide for those with special needs. At this time in their lives they depend on your prayerful and financial support to meet their needs. Our annual 2015 Collection for the Care of Aging and Infirm Priests of the Archdiocese will be taken up on the weekend of February 21 and 22, 2015, throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. You have always been so faithful and generous to them in the past and we are deeply grateful to you. Through your love and gratitude, God will continue to watch over them and care for them for their remaining days. You are in their daily Mass intentions and prayers, and we ask you to remember them in yours. Gratefully and with best wishes in Christ, Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap Archbishop of Philadelphia BOXTOPS FOR EDUCATION The children of St. Michael’s want to thank all the wonderful parishioners who contributed to our “Box Tops for Education” drive. We would like to continue to ask for your help. Please place your box tops in the collection basket or in the jar in the school foyer. Thank you again, the children and Faculty of St. Michael’s. INTERESTING WEB SITES To learn more about The World Meeting of Families visit the official web site: 0217 SHIATSU “ACCUPRESSURE” ORIENTAL MEDICINE Pain Relief Through Positive Change and Progressive Treatments GALZERANO Funeral Home “Serving the area with responsibility and pride since 1916” Located 2 blocks from the church 3500 Bristol - Oxford Valley Road, Levittown, PA 19057 TOUCH FOR HEALTH Ryan Nickerson 215-945-8484 Certified Practitioner A.O.B.T.A Louis Galzerano III • Director, Parishioner Carol F. Galzerano • Supervisor, Parishioner $650 OFF 10% OFF JOBS OVER $2000.00 CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT FREE 10% OFF SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT INSPECTION AAA COSMETIC INC. LIFETIME ✔ Expert Basement Waterproofing WARRANTY ✔ Basement Remodeling ✔ Mold Remediation & Odor Removal ✔ Water Damage Restoration & Cleanup Licensed ✔ Crawl Space Water Proofing & Insured ✔ Financing Available 215-962-5889 GUTTER CLEANING 215-322-7400 GUTTER DOCTORX Licensed & Insured PA 050067 Martin J. Burns Funeral Home, Inc. Family Owned & Opertated Since 1939 1514 Woodbourne Rd., Levittown, PA 19057 215-547-3040 Lisa Burns Campbell, Supv. L PAU HN’S E The Best In The Business JO RVIC E S E TRE 24 Hour Emergency Service 215-945-8260 FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED Levittown/Fairless Hills Parishioner 1-855-435-6009 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. 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Harrison • Esquire Fully Insured / Free Estimates BRISTOL CEMETERY ESTABLISHED 1815 • BRISTOL, PENNSYLVANIA Office: 704 State Rd., Croydon, PA 19021 215.785.1710 WWW.BRISTOLCEMETERY.COM Drew Reilly, Realtor Free Estimates • Fully Insured (215) 946-7066 Direct: 215-859-2063 • Office: 215-547-4029 Roofing • Siding • Gutters Fully Insured Feasterville, PA • 215-478-4172 • Lic. #PA59949 Wade Funeral Home Parishioner Serving Bucks and surrounding CounƟes for over 20 years Mark T. Wade • Supervisor Pre-Need Available 1002 Radcliffe St., Bristol COLONIAL HALL (215) 788-9313 Fast & Free EsƟmates on New Roofs Catering for All Occasions AÝ» AÊçã 17 PÊ®Äã IÄÝÖã®ÊÄ New Roofs & GuƩers • Roof & GuƩer Repairs Siding and Windows 215-752-6145 www.abrooksconstrucƟ RBAN PLUMBING Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards WEDDINGS • ANNIVERSARIES REUNIONS • SWEET 16 (215) 945-4231 OFFICE HOURS WEDS 6:30PM-9:30PM • OR BY APPT. Parishioners HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING AFFORDABLE • RELIABLE 10% OFF Service • 215-431-7737 www.urbanplumbingheatingand Member of Diocese Thanks for giving us the opportunity to serve you. We greatly value your business Jerry Estes – Owner #PA009390 Roofing & Siding Seamless Gutters Senior Citizen Discount • Cash For Your Home Foreclosure Specialist •Great Advertising Member Of St. Mike’s Since 1998 BRING THIS AS TO RECIEVE $100 OFF YOUR PURCHASE Offer expires 1/1/2015. New purchaes only. Must have coupon to recieve discount. Limit one coupon to a customer. Phillip Brazil ATTN: BUYERS 3.75% INTEREST RATE CALL DREW NOW! Log Onto A Pennsylvania Not for Profit Corporation • Rehab Programs • Skilled Nursing Care • Long Term Care conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing 905 Tower Rd. Bristol, PA All Major Credit Cards Accepted 215-785-3201 FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 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