CATECHIST FORMATION PROGRAM 2015 FOREWORD As I present the 2015 Catechist Formation Program I am encouraged by Pope Francis’ call for all those who follow Jesus to become missionary disciples. Specifically in his address to Catechists in Rome in 2013, he said: “Love attracts us and sends us; it draws us in and sends us to others. This tension marks the beating heart of the Christian, especially the heart of the Catechist.” I trust that this Formation Program will assist you to develop the knowledge and skills needed for your catechetical work in the parish and will also help enrich your own faith journey. I encourage you to explore its contents early in the year so that you can plan to attend the courses and events that interest you and support your ministry. You may wish to attend some courses and events as a parish group. It is good to aim for attending at least one new course every year. I know that Coordinators and Parish Priests will encourage your learning and personal formation. I particularly urge you to complete the Initial Formation Course if you want to be commissioned and contribute as an active Catechist. This initial formation is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills to communicate your faith confidently to the children of your parish. Most courses in the Formation Program (with the exception of the Initial Formation Course) can be presented at parish centres. We are very open to requests to hold these in your own parish and welcome the attendance of other parishioners who may also find them of interest. Please note that Catechist Service courses can be used towards: ›› Ongoing renewal of Accreditation to Work and Teach in Catholic Schools; and ›› Accreditation to Teach Scripture in Government Schools. If this is significant for you, please contact us for more details. The re-writing of the Catechist Program is expected to be concluded in 2015. We will provide more information of progress and finalisation throughout the year. As in previous years, all courses will be presented at the Newman Siena Centre. A detailed map is provided for your information on page 34. Retreats and some other events will continue to be offered at the Catholic Education Centre. It will be a pleasure to welcome you to courses and events throughout this coming year. In addition, please contact members of the team or myself if you have queries, issues or concerns about any aspect of your work as a Catechist. We are available to provide consultation and support as required. The team and I are very privileged to be able to support your catechetical ministry. We never tire of expressing our gratitude for you! We hold you in our thoughts and pray every blessing upon you as you serve the children and families of the Archdiocese of Perth. Team Leader, Catechist Service Dr Pina Ford “Formation seeks to enable Catechists to transmit the Gospel to those who desire to entrust themselves to Jesus Christ.” General Directory for Catechesis (#235) 1 CATECHIST SERVICE TEAM WITH ARCHBISHOP TIMOTHY COSTELLOE 2014 (Left to right. Stephen Harris, Carmel Suart, Archbishop Costelloe, Pina Ford, Mildred Rego and Michele Purcell) PINA FORD – Team Leader STEPHEN HARRIS – Consultant Phone 6380 5334 Email Phone 6380 5124 Email CARMEL SUART – Consultant MILDRED REGO – Administrative Assistant Phone 6380 5338 Email Phone 6380 5335 Email MICHELE PURCELL – Consultant Phone 6380 5337 Email Catholic Education Office of Western Australia 50 Ruislip Street, Leederville WA 6007 | PO Box 198, Leederville WA 6903 E P 6380 5335 F 6380 5350 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword1 Catechist Service Team 3 Table of Contents 5 Important Information 6 Overview of Catechist Formation Program 7 Catechist Formation Program Calendar 9 Formation Courses on Request 11 Term One 13 Regional Coordinators’ Meetings (RCM) 14 Term Two 19 Initial Formation – Part 1 20 Term Three 25 Term Four 29 Eucharist for Catechists 2015 32 Map of Siena 34 Catechist Formation Registration Form 35 Database Update Form 36 Plan of Modules to be Covered 37 2015 Liturgical Calendar 38 Yearly Planner 39 5 IMPORTANT INFORMATION COURSE REQUIREMENTS Registering for Courses ›› Please register by the closing date. Courses may be cancelled if we do not have the minimum number of people by the closing date ›› You can register by phone or email but a registration form must be completed and signed by the Parish Priest if the Parish is happy to pay. This can be faxed, emailed, posted or handed to the facilitator on or before the day of the course ›› Without a registration form signed by the Parish Priest, the individual is invoiced and this incurs a 10% GST charge Accreditation ›› All sessions need to be attended to gain Accreditation ›› Please sign the signature list upon arrival so that the course/inservice can be accredited to you Cancellation If notification of cancellation is not received within 24 hours prior to the commencement date you will be invoiced. Please inform Mildred Rego on 6380 5335 or email Payment Please wait for an invoice before making payment. Change of Details Our database is only useful if it is current and accurate. Please help us to maintain a current and accurate database by completing the Data Base Update Form on page 36 and returning it to us by the due date. It would be appreciated if you could please notify us of any changes. Venue for Courses Most of our courses will be run at the Newman Siena Centre, 33 Williamstown Road, Doubleview. (Map page 34). The contact person for the venue is Shiang Lie on (08) 9241 5226. 6 OVERVIEW OF CATECHIST FORMATION PROGRAM INITIAL FORMATION ONGOING FORMATION PART 1 PROVISIONAL ACCREDITATION CATECHIST CERTIFICATES I AND II ›› Initial Formation Course 10 sessions consisting of Adult Faith Education and Religious Education Teaching Skills PART 2 FULL ACCREDITATION ›› Scripture in the Classroom (four sessions) and ›› Theology in the Classroom (four sessions) In order to be accredited with Certificate I or II Catechists must complete one unit in each of the following: ›› ›› ›› ›› Theology Scripture Religious Education Spirituality A unit normally consists of 2 days or 4 half days/ evenings. Part 1 must be completed before enrolling for Part 2 Units can be accredited towards either: Requirements ›› Certificate I or ›› Certificate II ›› Endorsement of Parish Priest ›› Participants must complete all sessions On completion of Parts 1 and 2 participants will be commissioned as Catechists (see flow chart page 7). ADVANCED FORMATION Advanced Formation is available to commissioned Catechists who have completed Certificates I and II. In 2015 those eligible for Advanced Formation may choose from the following: ›› Content Courses on various aspects of Catholic belief and doctrine (see under Professional Learning) Please contact Pina Ford on 6380 5334 if you have any queries. 7 INITIAL FORMATION ONGOING FORMATION PART 1 CERTIFICATE I INITIAL FORMATION COURSE THEOLOGY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SCRIPTURE SPIRITUALITY PROVISIONAL ACCREDITATION PART 2 SCRIPTURE IN THE CLASSROOM THEOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM CERTIFICATE II THEOLOGY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SCRIPTURE SPIRITUALITY FULL ACCREDITATION COMMISSIONED ADVANCED FORMATION 8 9 Wednesday 25 February -25 March Monday 9 March Friday 20 March Friday 27 March Wednesday 22 April-24 June (10 Weeks) Friday 8 May Tuesday 12 May Friday 15 May Saturday 20 June Saturday 27 June Monday 29 June & Tuesday 30 June Initial Formation Part 2: (new model) Theology in the Classroom Coordinators’ Networking Breakfast Lenten Retreat A Process for Sacrament Meeting Initial Formation: Part 1 Day in the Library Priests’ and Coordinators’ Day Holy Spirit the Giver of Life Winter Retreat Bateman Greenwood Gospel of Mark DATE Thursday 26 February PAGE New Coordinators’ Orientation COURSE NAME Two Two Two Two Two Two One One One One One TERM N/A I/II I/II I/II N/A I/II Provisional Accreditation I/II I/II N/A Scripture Spirituality Theology N/A Religious Education Religious Education Spirituality N/A Commissioning Theology Or Certificate I/II N/A ACCREDITED TOWARD UNIT IN CERTIFICATE Siena 2.01 Bateman Greenwood Siena 2.01 CEC CEC Siena 2.01 Siena 2.01 CEC CEC Siena 2.01 Siena 2.01 VENUE CATECHIST FORMATION PROGRAM 2015 CALENDAR 10 Wednesday 22 & 29 July Friday 11 September Tuesday 13 October-3 November (4 weeks) Wednesday 14 October Wednesday 21 October-11 November (4 weeks) Thursday 5 November Monday 30 November Old Testament Drama in Religious Education Theology of the Human Person Religious Education & Art Initial Formation Part 2 Scripture in the Classroom Eucharist for Catechists Advent Retreat DATE Tuesday 21 July – 8 September (8 weeks) PAGE Sacrament Coordinators’ Formation Course COURSE NAME Four Four Four Four Four Three Three Three TERM I/II N/A I/II I/II I/II I/II I/II I/II Spirituality N/A Commissioning or Certificate I/II Religious Education Theology Religious Education Scripture Theology ACCREDITED TOWARD UNIT IN CERTIFICATE CEC Cathedral Siena 2.01 Siena 2.01 Morley Siena 1.01 Siena 2.01 Siena 2.01 VENUE FORMATION COURSES ON REQUEST Courses, Retreat Days and Parish Visits can be arranged in your parish on request. HOSTING A COURSE IN YOUR PARISH Most courses in this Formation Booklet (with the exception of the Initial Formation Course) can be presented in a parish context. If you would like to host a course in your parish please contact us to make arrangements. You will also need to keep the following in mind: ›› Advertise the course both in your own parish and by contacting Catechist Coordinators from nearby parishes ›› Ensure that the hall, including seating and other equipment, is set up and the course can start on time. ›› Organise tea and coffee ›› As host, be available for the duration of the course should you be needed by participants or the presenter ›› Access to first aid RETREAT DAYS Quiet days of reflection are an opportunity to pause from our busy schedules, connect to what really matters to us and be nourished and refreshed. These can be presented in your parish. A variety of themes are available: Lent, Advent, Mary, Hope, Courage, Forgiveness, Living Water, Spring, Winter and more. MARANATHA CENTRE FOR ADULT FAITH FORMATION Many courses meet the requirements of the Catechist Service and can be accredited toward Certificate I or Certificate II. For additional information about courses that are available in 2015 contact: Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation, 33 Williamstown Road, Doubleview WA 6018 Contact Tracy: 9241 5221 11 TERMONE MONDAY 2 FEBRUARY – THURSDAY 2 APRIL 13 REGIONAL COORDINATORS’ MEETINGS (RCMs) Regional Coordinators’ Meetings (RCMs) are important occasions for contact with other Coordinators in your region and with the Catechist Service. It is a time when practical difficulties can be discussed and resolved, and successes shared for others’ benefit. So much can be learned when we come together. Please make every effort to attend. If this is not possible, please send a representative from your parish. Also, please bring a brief written report to the meetings and if possible email your report prior to the meeting. We look forward to seeing you. REGION DATE TIME VENUE GREENWOOD Thursday 5 March 10.00am – 1.00pm Greenwood Parish Centre Corner Orkney Road and Liwara Place, Greenwood MIDLAND Tuesday 10 March 10.00 am – 12.00 pm Midland Parish Centre 69 Morrison Road, Midland THORNLIE Thursday 12 March 10.00 am – 12.30 pm Thornlie Parish Centre Corner Ovens Road and Discovery Drive, Thornlie 14 RIVERTON Wednesday 22 April 10.00 am – 1.00 pm Riverton Parish Centre 55 Tudor Street, Riverton SPEARWOOD Thursday 23 April 9.30 am – 12.30 pm Spearwood Parish Centre 24 Troode Street, Munster BAYSWATER Tuesday 28 April 10.00 am – 1.00 pm Bayswater Parish Centre 20 Almondbury Street, Bayswater LEEDERVILLE Wednesday 29 April 10.00 am – 12.00 pm St Denis Parish Centre 60 Osborne Street, Joondana INITIAL FORMATION – PART 2 Theology in the Classroom This five-week course will assist Catechists to deepen their understanding of the foundations of Catholic Theology. Topics to be presented are the Theology of God, Jesus, Mary, Sacraments and Moral Theology. The two-part format of each session provides opportunities to explore how these themes fit in with the Truth Will Set You Free Program. NEW COORDINATORS’ ORIENTATION DAY N.B. This course, previously known as Theology and Religious Education, is also open to catechists commissioned before 2007. It can serve as a unit in Theology to be accredited towards Certificate I or II. If you are a beginning Catechist Coordinator or Co-Coordinator this is an opportunity for you to: ›› Learn about what is involved in this role ›› Be introduced to the policies and processes associated with the Parish RE Program ›› Receive the vital support you need ›› Meet others in the network Date Wednesday 25 February to 25 March 9.30 am – 2.30 pm Time 9.30am - 1.00pm OR 7.00pm – 9.30pm Newman Siena Centre 33 Williamstown Road Doubleview Venue Newman Siena Centre 33 Williamstown Road Doubleview Room S2.01 Date Thursday 26 February Time Venue Room S2.01 Morning Tea/ Lunch Provided Morning Tea/ Supper Provided Cost Nil Cost $30.00 Facilitator Catechist Service Facilitator Catechist Service and Rev Dr Joe Parkinson Accreditation N/A Accreditation Towards Commissioning OR Full Unit in Theology REGISTRATIONS CLOSE MONDAY 9 FEBRUARY To register call Mildred Rego on 63805335 or email REGISTRATIONS CLOSE FRIDAY 13 FEBRUARY To register call Mildred Rego on 6380 5335 or email 15 COORDINATORS’ NETWORKING BREAKFAST LENTEN RETREAT DAY This is an opportunity to socialise and network with other Coordinators and with the Catechist Service Team. “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.” Matthew 13.44 The morning will begin with Mass at 8.30 am in the chapel of St Michael the Archangel. Breakfast and networking will follow. Date Monday 9 March Time 8.30am to 11.00am Venue Chapel - Catholic Education Centre 50 Ruislip Street Leederville The Lenten journey – from the rending of Ash Wednesday to the resurrection of Easter Sunday encompasses all that we are in body, mind and spirit. It asks as to remember our deepest treasure and to make room for God’s love in our life. Date Friday 20 March Time 9.30 am – 2.30 pm Venue Chapel – Catholic Education Centre 50 Ruislip Street Leederville Room North Transept Room CEO Staffroom and Garden Breakfast Provided Nil Morning Tea / Lunch Provided Cost Facilitator Catechist Service Cost $20.00 Accreditation N/A Facilitator Dr Pina Ford Accreditation Half Unit in Spirituality REGISTRATIONS CLOSE THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY To register call Mildred Rego on 6380 5335 or email 16 The Hidden Treasure REGISTRATIONS CLOSE TUESDAY 10 MARCH To register call Mildred Rego on 6380 5335 or email A PROCESS FOR SACRAMENT WORKSHOPS Particularly useful for APREs, Classroom Teachers (Sacraments), PREP Coordinators, Catechists and Parish Sacramental Coordinators. This one-day in service aims to develop the skills for facilitating an interactional approach for sacrament meetings. Such an approach involves both parents and children in coming to a deeper understanding of the sacrament by: ›› Relating the sacrament to the lived experience of the family ›› Connecting Church with everyday life ›› Using language that is familiar ›› Providing the structure and support parents need to be nurturers of faith ›› Making sacraments engaging Participants will workshop the sacraments of Penance, Eucharist and Confirmation. Date Friday 27 March Time 9.00am – 3.00 pm Venue Newman Siena Centre 33 Williamstown Road Doubleview Room S2.01 Morning Tea / Lunch Provided Cost $20.00 Facilitator Dr Carmel Suart Accreditation Half Unit in Religious Education REGISTRATIONS CLOSE FRIDAY 13 MARCH To register call Mildred Rego on 6380 5335 or email 17 TERMTWO MONDAY 20 APRIL – FRIDAY 3 JULY 19 INITIAL FORMATION – PART 1 The Initial Formation Course Part 1 provides Provisional Accreditation for Catechists in parishes and those participating in Christian Religious Education (CRE) in state schools. This ten-week course explores current Church teaching and provides opportunities for personal faith development and the skills needed for working with children. This course will be facilitated by Michele Purcell. Contributing presenters ›› Fr Peter Porteous ›› Sue Seeber ›› Karen Hart ›› Sr Kerry Willison ›› Dr Pina Ford Completion of the course leads to Provisional Accreditation and Commissioning. Date Wednesday 22 April – 24 June Time 9.30 am – 1.00 pm OR 7.00 pm – 9.30 pm Venue Newman Siena Centre 33 Williamstown Road Doubleview Room S2.01 Morning Tea/ Supper Provided Cost $60.00 Facilitator Michele Purcell and outside presenters Accreditation Provisional Accreditation For further information please contact your Catechist Coordinator or Michele Purcell on 6380 5337 or email 20 OUTLINE WEEK DATE SESSION 1 SESSION 2 1 22 April Images of the Catechist Understanding the Learner 2 29 April Images of God RE Process I 3 6 May Images of Jesus RE Process II 4 13 May Images of Church RE Demonstration Lesson 5 20 May Trinity Sacrament Program and Lesson Planning 6 27 May Prayer & Spirituality Children’s Prayer & Spirituality 7 3 June Catering for Children with Special Needs Classroom Management 8 10 June Sacramentality Resources and The Catholic Library 9 17 June The Seven Sacraments of the Church Ritual, Symbol & Worship 10 24 June Liturgy The Catechist & Closing Ritual REGISTRATIONS CLOSE THURSDAY 2 APRIL To register call Mildred Rego on 6380 5335 or email HOLY SPIRIT: THE LORD, THE GIVER OF LIFE Our Christian faith rests above all else on our belief in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. A DAY IN THE CATHOLIC LIBRARY! In this course we will explore the unique mission of the Holy Spirit. We will look at the scriptures and the tradition to help us understand the role of the Spirit in the work of creation and the work of sanctification. Treat yourself to a pleasant day discovering useful teaching aids in the library. Membership is free! Librarian, Robyn Valli, will guide you through the easiest ways to access the resources you need. Michele will help you choose just the right songs, CDs, Sacrament DVDs and Big Books to make your PREP lessons a joy to teach. Date Friday 8 May Time 9.30am to 2.30pm Venue Catholic Education Centre 50 Ruislip Street Leederville Date Friday 15 May Time 9.30am to 2.30pm Room Library Venue Morning Tea / Lunch Provided Newman Siena Centre 33 Williamstown Road Doubleview. Room S 2.01 Cost $20.00 Robyn Valli and Michele Purcell Morning Tea / Lunch Provided Facilitator Cost $20.00 Accreditation Half Unit in Religious Education Facilitator Dr Pina Ford Accreditation Half Unit in Theology REGISTRATIONS CLOSE TUESDAY 28 APRIL To register call Mildred Rego on 6380 5335 or email REGISTRATIONS CLOSE THURSDAY 7 MAY To register call Mildred Rego on 63805335 or email 21 GOSPEL OF MARK PRIESTS’ AND COORDINATORS’ DAY This is an information and formation session for Parish Priests and Coordinators on issues relating to the Parish RE Program. The joint participation of Parish Priests, Catechist Coordinators and the Catechist Service Team on these yearly occasions is important for the direction and support of the Parish Religious Education Program and Sacramental Preparation in the Archdiocese of Perth. Further information about the content of the day and an agenda will be forwarded four weeks prior. Join fellow Catechists for an exciting journey through the Gospel of Mark, the first gospel to be written. Be astonished as you find these ancient words speaking directly to you. Discover the important presence of the women in Mark’s Gospel and make a special study of Mark’s enigmatic ending. Please bring your own Bible to each session. Date Tuesday 12 May Date Monday 29 June & 30 June Time 9.30am to 1.00pm Time 9.30am to 2.30pm Venue Catholic Education Centre 50 Ruislip Street, Leederville. Venue Newman Siena Centre 33 Williamstown Road Doubleview. Room James Nestor Hall Room S2.01 Morning Tea / Lunch Provided Morning Tea / Lunch Provided Cost Nil Cost $20.00 Facilitator Catechist Service Facilitator Michele Purcell Accreditation N/A Accreditation Full Unit in Scripture REGISTRATIONS CLOSE THURSDAY 30 APRIL To register call Mildred Rego on 6380 5335 or email 22 “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God” (Mark 1:1). REGISTRATIONS CLOSE THURSDAY 18 JUNE To register call Mildred Rego on 6380 5335 or email WINTER RETREAT “Where there is injury, let me sow pardon” St Francis of Assisi Like a seed that is sown, something new springs forth when forgiveness is placed where injury occurred. But the way of forgiveness is indeed a ‘way’, a journey, filled with sometimes small and difficult steps, needing understanding, perseverance and divine help. Date Saturday 20 June Time 9.30am to 2.30pm Venue St Thomas More Parish 100 Dean Road, Bateman. Room Parish Centre Morning Tea Tea/Coffee Provided Lunch BYO Cost $10.00 Facilitator Dr Pina Ford Accreditation Half Unit in Spirituality Date Saturday 27 June Time 9.30am to 2.30pm Venue All Saints Parish 7 Liwara Place, Greenwood. Room Parish Centre Morning Tea Tea/Coffee Provided Lunch BYO Cost $10.00 Facilitator Dr Pina Ford Accreditation Half Unit in Spirituality REGISTRATIONS CLOSE THURSDAY 12 JUNE To register call Mildred Rego on 6380 5335 or email 23 TERMTHREE MONDAY 20 JULY – FRIDAY 25 SEPTEMBER 25 SACRAMENT COORDINATOR FORMATION COURSE Date Tuesday 21 July to Tuesday 8 September (8 Weeks) Time 7.00 – 9.30pm Venue Newman Siena Centre 33 Williamstown Road Doubleview. Room S2.01 Supper Provided Cost $30.00 Facilitator Team and Archdiocesan Presenters Accreditation Unit in Theology Date Session One Session Two 21 July Sacramentality The Sacraments of the Catholic Church 28 July The Sacraments of Initiation 1 The Sacraments of Initiation 2 4 August The Sacrament of Penance Rituals, Symbols and Liturgy 11 August Archdiocesan Sacrament Policy A Family Focussed School and PREP Supported Sacrament Policy 18 August A Family Focussed School and PREP Supported Sacrament Policy The Role of Sacrament Coordinator 25 August Practical Implementation Processes Practical Implementation Processes 1 September Leadership1 Understanding Leadership Leadership 2 The Leadership of Jesus 8 September Leadership 3 Personal leadership styles Leadership 4 Collaboration and delegation REGISTRATIONS CLOSE THURSDAY 9 JULY To register call Mildred Rego on 6380 5335 or email 26 DRAMA IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Delight the children in your classes! Put aside those old worksheets and dare to introduce drama and role-play activities into your lessons! OLD TESTAMENT The Hebrew Scriptures: Our Story Begins In this two-day course we will enter the Old Testament Scriptures to meet Jesus’ ancestors and ours. We will explore: ›› The key events that shaped the history of Israel ›› The God that invited Israel into friendship ›› The writings that recorded what Israel treasured most. Date Wednesday 22 July & 29 July Time 9.30am to 2.30pm Venue Newman Siena Centre 33 Williamstown Road Doubleview. Drama: ›› Enhances learning ›› Aids memory ›› Brings scripture to life ›› Encourages cooperation ›› Is fun! Join us for a day full of practical drama activities. Hone your directing skills and gather a folder full of ideas and simple scripts that you can use right now in your PREP lessons. Date Friday 11 September Time 9.30am to 2.30pm Venue Newman Siena Centre 33 Williamstown Road Doubleview. Room S2.01 Morning Tea / Lunch Provided Cost $20.00 Room S 2.01 Facilitator Dr Pina Ford Provided Accreditation Half Unit in Scripture Morning Tea / Lunch Cost $20.00 Facilitator Michele Purcell Accreditation Half Unit in Religious Education REGISTRATIONS CLOSE THURSDAY 9 JULY To register call Mildred Rego on 6380 5335 or email REGISTRATIONS CLOSE TUESDAY 1 SEPTEMBER To register call Mildred Rego on 6380 5335 or email 27 TERMFOUR MONDAY 12 OCTOBER - THURSDAY 17 DECEMBER 29 THEOLOGY OF THE HUMAN PERSON RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & ART! “If I find God, I will find myself and if I find my true self, I will find God.” Thomas Merton Set aside some time to brush up on your art skills! In this four-week course we will explore some aspects of being human by considering these questions: Try out six instant, not-too-messy, fail-safe art activities which you can use to delight the children in your classes. ›› What does Scripture and Christian theology reveal about human nature? The rewards of arranging art activities with children far outweigh the necessary preparation. Art provide opportunities for learning, joy, and the development of independence. Art allows children to create something unique and beautiful, devise symbols and express their own spirituality. Art can also be used to allow children to pray and meditate. ›› What other beliefs are part of our culture and how do they influence us? ›› What are the psychological dimensions of being human? ›› How do we understand growth into Christian maturity? Date Tuesdays 13 October to 3 November Time 7.00pm to 9.30pm Venue Infant Jesus Parish 47 Wellington Street Morley. Room Parish Centre Supper Tea and Coffee Provided Cost $20.00 Facilitator Dr Pina Ford Accreditation Full Unit in Theology REGISTRATIONS CLOSE THURSDAY 1 OCTOBER To register call Mildred Rego on 6380 5335 or email Date Wednesday 14 October Time 9.30am to 2.30pm Venue Newman Siena Centre 33 Williamstown Road Doubleview. Room S 2.01 Morning Tea / Lunch Provided Cost $20.00 Facilitator Michele Purcell Accreditation Half Unit in Religious Education REGISTRATIONS CLOSE FRIDAY 2 OCTOBER To register call Mildred Rego on 6380 5335 or email 30 INITIAL FORMATION – PART 2 SCRIPTURE IN THE CLASSROOM This four-week course will provide a basic understanding of Revelation and an overview of the Old and New Testaments. It will also provide Catechists with creative ideas and resources for teaching Scripture to children. Please bring your own bible to each session. N.B. This course, previously known as Scripture and Religious Education, is also open to Catechists who were commissioned before 2007. It can serve as a unit in Scripture to be accredited towards Certificate I or II. Date Wednesday 21 October – 11 November Time 9.30am to 1.00pm OR 7.00pm to 9.30pm Venue Newman Siena Centre 33 Williamstown Road Doubleview. Room S2.01 Morning Tea / Supper Provided Cost $30.00 Facilitator Catechist Service Team Accreditation Towards Commissioning OR Full Unit in Scripture REGISTRATIONS CLOSE THURSDAY 1 OCTOBER To register call Mildred Rego on 6380 5335 or email 31 EUCHARIST FOR CATECHISTS 2015 A Eucharistic celebration in thanksgiving for the ministry of Catechists and the Commissioning of new Catechists. At the end of each four year period, Catechists have an opportunity to make a recommitment to their ministry. Papal Blessings and the Archbishop’s Award are also given to those who have fulfilled the requirements. 2014 Eucharist for Catechists Date Thursday 5 November Time 7.00pm Venue St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Square, Perth. Celebrant The Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB Archbishop of Perth Supper Provided RSVP Monday 19 October. Mildred Rego on 6380 5335 or email You will be notified if you are the recipient of a Papal Blessing or Archbishop’s Award. 32 ADVENT RETREAT “I will set up my dwelling among you.” Lev 26:3-13 Advent has been on my mind. Prepare the nest of heart. Patch up the broken parts Place more softness in the centre Sit and warm the home with prayer. Give the Christ a dwelling place. Joyce Rupp Date Monday 30 November Time 9.30am to 2.30pm Venue Catholic Education Centre 50 Ruislip Street, Leederville. Room Chapel Morning Tea / Lunch Provided Cost $20.00 Facilitator Dr Pina Ford Accreditation Half Unit in Spirituality REGISTRATIONS CLOSE THURSDAY 19 NOVEMBER To register call Mildred Rego on 6380 5335 or email 33 NEWMAN SIENA CENTRE 33 WILLIAMSTOWN ROAD, DOUBLEVIEW 33 WILLIAMSTOWN ROAD, DOUBLEVIEW CONTACT SHIANG LIE ON 9241 5226 PARKING ENTRANCE Þ WILLIAMSTOWN ROAD NEWMAN SIENA CENTRE Hale Hockey Club Parking 34 YouthCARE, the Churches’ Commission on Education Inc., has been coordinating the provision of Christian Religious Education in State Schools in Western Australia since 1971. YOUTHCARE, CRE DEPARTMENT Since that time, thousands of volunteer teachers have been trained and taught classes that have made a positive contribution to the quality of our state school system. Phone (08) 9376 5000 Fax (08) 9275 9442 Email Enquiries about Christian Religious Education Unit 1/103 Catherine Street MORLEY WA 6062 PO Box 482 MORLEY WA 6943 CATECHIST FORMATION PROGRAM 2015 REGISTRATION FORM ›› Registration must be approved and signed by the Parish Priest otherwise individuals will be invoiced. ›› Use one form per participant – please make photocopies if required. REPLY TO: Mildred Rego CATECHIST SERVICE Catholic Education Office of WA PO Box 198, Leederville WA 6903 Phone 6380 5335 Fax 6380 5350 PLEASE INVOICE Parish If you have ticked Parish, Section 3 must be signed by your Parish Priest. Individual Section 1 COURSE DETAILS Course Title Course Date AM PM Section 2 PARTICIPANT’S DETAILS (PLEASE USE BLOCK LETTERS) Title Sr Mr Mrs Ms Other First Name Surname Address SuburbPostcode Home Phone Work Phone MobileEmail Section 3 APPROVAL OF PARISH PRIEST (Must be signed by Parish Priest or individual will be invoiced) Name of Parish Location Name of Parish Priest Signature Name of Coordinator Signature CONDITIONS OF ATTENDANCE Payment: Please do not send any money. Parishes/individuals will be invoiced. Cancellation Notice: Unless 24 hours notice is given, parishes will be invoiced for those who do not attend workshops/courses for which they are registered. Privacy Statement: The primary purpose of collecting the personal information you supply on this form is to process your registration. The Catholic Education Office will not disclose your information to a third party. 35 DATABASE UPDATE FORM 2015 PLEASE RETURN BY 27 FEBRUARY 2015 Parish Name Location Parish Priest Coordinators’ Name It is important that you complete this form with accurate information. If you are unsure of details for your Catechists please contact them and confirm before completing this form. CATECHIST DETAILS (Please tick) Catechist Coordinator Co–Coordinator Title Sr Mr Mrs Ms Other First Name Surname Address SuburbPostcode Home Phone Work Phone MobileEmail ONLY FOR QUALIFIED CURRENT/FORMER TEACHERS EMPLOYED BY THE CATHOLIC EDUCATION OFFICE Are you a Primary Teacher? Are you a Secondary Teacher? I have an Accreditation to Teach Religious Education Certificate (or an Accreditation B Certificate)? Yes No Name of the School Location Privacy Statement: The primary purpose of collecting the personal information you supply on this form is to process your registration. The Catholic Education Office will not disclose your information to a third party. 36 PLAN OF MODULES TO BE COVERED IN 2015 Parish Religious Education Program Name of Parish MODULE YEAR 1 Level 1 YEAR 2 Level 2 A YEAR 3 Level 2 B YEAR 4 Level 3 A YEAR 5 Level 3 B YEAR 6 Level 4 A YEAR 7 Level 4 B BAPTISM CHURCH CALLED TO GOD GROWING & CHANGING EUCHARIST PENANCE PRAYER WORD 37 38 6 8 13 14 20 27 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Birth of the Virgin Mary 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time The Exaltation of the Cross 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 3 10 17 24 25 31 5th Sunday of Easter 6th Sunday of Easter Ascension of the Lord Pentecost Sunday Our Lady, Help of Christians The Most Holy Trinity May 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Transfiguration of the Lord St Mary of the Cross (Mary Mackillop) 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Assumption BVM 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 21th Sunday in Ordinary Time 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 6 8 9 15 16 23 30 Holy Thursday Good Friday Easter Sunday 2nd Sunday of Easter 3rd Sunday of Easter 4th Sunday of Easter 2 3 5 12 19 26 The Annunciation of the Lord Palm Sunday 25 29 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 5 12 19 26 2nd Sunday of Lent 3rd Sunday of Lent 4th Sunday of Lent St Patrick St Joseph 5th Sunday of Lent 1 8 15 17 19 22 April July March The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Birth of John the Baptist 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sts Peter and Paul 7 14 21 24 28 29 2 8 15 18 22 The Presentation of the Lord 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ash Wednesday 1st Sunday of Lent June February Sunday Year B, Weekday Year 1 2015 LITURGICAL YEAR 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time All Saints All Souls 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Christ the King Sunday Year C, Weekday Year 2 1st Sunday of Advent 6 8 13 20 25 27 2nd Sunday of Advent Immaculate Conception 3rd Sunday of Advent 4th Sunday of Advent Christmas Day (Thursday) Holy Family Sunday December 29 1 2 8 9 15 22 November 4 11 18 25 October 39 2/3 9/3 16/3 23/3 25/3 30/3 2/4 2/4 3/4 5/4 5 6 7 8 9 Term Ends Holy Thursday Good Friday Easter Sunday Annunciation Labour Day Public Holiday 12 3/4 – 17/4 School Holidays 23/2 4 Ash Wednesday 6/7 – 17/7 School Holidays Sts Peter and Paul Term 2 Ends The Nativity of St John the Baptist Term Ends The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Birth Virgin Mary Assumption BVM The Transfiguration of the Lord St Mary of the Cross (MacKillop) Mon School Term begins 28/9 – 9/10 School Holidays 29/9 21/9 25/9 14/9 15/6 31/8 24/8 17/8 10/8 15/8 3/8 6/8 8/8 27/7 20/7 7/9 8/9 WA Day Public Holiday Corpus Christi Mary Help of Christians The Most Holy Trinity Pentecost Sunday The Ascension of the Lord Anzac Day Public Holiday Mon School Term begins TERM 3 8/6 1/6 7/6 25/5 31/5 18/5 24/5 11/5 17/5 4/5 27/5 29/6 3/7 16/2 18/2 3 Monday 20/4 11 9/2 2 Mon School Term begins 22/6 24/6 2/2 1 TERM 2 10 TERM 1 WEEKS 2015 YEARLY PLANNER Term Ends Immaculate Conception Advent Yr A Christ the King All Souls All Saints Mon School Term begins 12/12 – School Holidays 14/12 17/12 7/12 8/12 30/11 23/11 29/11 16/11 22/11 9/11 2/11 26/10 1/11 19/10 12/10 TERM 4
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