UPCOMING BALLOT MEASURES (As of 02/24/15) June 2016 Statewide Ballot Measures SCA 17 (Resolution Chapter 127, Statutes of 2014), Steinberg. Members of the Legislature: suspension. Propositions that are on the November 2016 Statewide Ballot SB 1174 (Chapter 753, Statutes of 2014), Lara. English language education (PDF). 1613. (13-0022) State Fees on Hospitals. Federal Medi-Cal Matching Funds. Initiative Statutory and Constitutional Amendment. Summary Date: 12/02/13 | Circulation Deadline: 05/01/14 | Signatures Required: 807,61, Qualified: 08/01/12 Thomas W. Hiltachk (916) 442-7757 Increases required vote to two-thirds for the Legislature to amend a certain existing law that imposes fees on hospitals (for purpose of obtaining federal Medi-Cal matching funds) and that directs those fees and federal matching funds to hospitalprovided Medi-Cal health care services, to uncompensated care provided by hospitals to uninsured patients, and to children's health coverage. Eliminates law's ending date. Declares that law's fee proceeds shall not be considered revenues for purposes of applying state spending limit or determining required education funding. 1660. (14-0011) Referendum to Overturn Ban on Single-Use Plastic Bags. - Random Sample: 01/09/15 Summary Date: 10/10/14 | Random Sample Deadline: 02/25/15 | Signatures Required: 504,760 Doyle L. Johnson c/o Kurt Oneto (916) 446-6752 If signed by the required number of registered voters and timely filed with the Secretary of State, this petition will place on the statewide ballot a challenge to a state law previously approved by the Legislature and the Governor. The challenged law must then be approved by a majority of voters at the next statewide election to go into effect. The law prohibits grocery and certain other retail stores from providing single-use bags but permits sale of recycled paper bags and reusable bags. (14-0001.) (Full Text) Pending Raw Signature Verification None at this time. Initiatives Pending at the Attorney General’s Office as of February 24, 2015 Attorney General # Approximate Due Date to Secretary of State Subject 14-0014 - 02/24/15 "Parental Notification, Child and Teen Safety, and Stop Sexual Predators and Sex Proponent(s) John Smith 1 Traffickers Act- Version 2 (PDF)" 15-0001 - 03/13/15 "The California Nuclear Waste Act (PDF)" Ben Davis, Jr. 15-0002 - 03/13/15 "California Electrical Utility District Act (PDF)" Ben Davis, Jr. 15-0003 - 03/13/15 "No Blank Checks Initiative (PDF)" 15-0004 - 03/18/15 "The California Safer Sex in the Adult Film Industry Act (PDF)" 15-0005 - 03/18/15 "Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2016 (PDF)" 15-0006 - 04/28/15 "A New Hope for California (PDF)" Dean Cortopassi Michael Weinstein Thomas W. Hiltachk Louis J. Marinelli Circulating 1661. (14-0010) Prohibition Against Detention and Deportation of California Residents. Initiative Constitutional Amendment. Summary Date: 10/29/14 | Circulation Deadline: 03/30/15 | Signatures Required: 807,6151 Barton C. Gilbert electonicinitiatives@netzero.net Prohibits use of state, county, or city funds or resources to detain and deport any California resident. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Minor net fiscal effect on state and local governments resulting from reduced participation in federal immigration enforcement activities. (140010.) (Full Text) 1662. (14-0012) Human Life. Initiative Constitutional Amendment. Summary Date: 02/17/15 | Circulation Deadline: 08/17/15 | Signatures Required: 585,407 Richard L. Board States that “innocent human life,” which is not defined, cannot be violated, terminated, defiled, or destroyed. 1663. (14-0013) Abortion Access Restriction. Parental Notification and Waiting Period for Females Under 18. Initiative Constitutional Amendment. Summary Date: 02/20/15 | Circulation Deadline: 08/19/15 | Signatures Required: 585,407 John Smith john.smith.jsjs@gmail.com Changes California Constitution to prohibit abortion for unemancipated minor until 48 hours after physician or other trained and licensed medical professional notifies her parent/legal guardian in writing. Provides exceptions for medical emergency, parental waiver, or parental abuse documented by notarized statement from law enforcement or relatives. Permits judge to 2 waive notice if minor appears personally in court and proves maturity or waiver is in her best interest. Requires reporting of specific abortion information to State. Physicians/medical professionals subject to suit for 12 years. Failed to Qualify 1648. (13-0063) - Random Sample Update - 08/05/14 Division of California into Six States. Initiative Statutory and Constitutional Amendment. Summary Date: 02/18/14 | Full Check Deadline: 09/12/14 | Signatures Required: 807,615 Tim Draper (650) 233-9000 Divides California into six states subject to approval by Congress. Assigns each county to a new state, unless county voters approve reassignment to different new state and second state approves. Establishes commission to settle California's financial affairs after division; upon failure to resolve, each new state would retain assets within its boundaries and would receive proportionate distribution of California's debts based on population. Authorizes counties to refuse to provide State-mandated programs and services absent sufficient State reimbursement. Empowers counties to make and enforce all laws governing local affairs. 1659. (14-0009) Revenue Bonds. Infrastructure Projects. State Legislature and Voter Approval. Initiative Constitutional Amendment. Summary Date: 08/21/14 | Circulation Deadline: 01/20/15 | Signatures Required: 807,615 Dean Cortopassi c/o Kurt Oneto (916) 446-6752 Requires State Legislature approve use of revenue bonds for public infrastructure projects funded, owned, or operated by the state or any joint agency that includes the state, if the bond amount exceeds $2 billion and repayment requires new, increased, or extended taxes, fees, or other charges. Requires that legislatively approved projects be presented on statewide ballot for voter approval. Applies to previously approved projects if remaining bond amount exceeds $2 billion. Requires that specified project information for all state bonds be included in voter ballot pamphlet. 3
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