UPA Utah Strength Sports Coalition Championships @ P.S.M Barbell Saturday April 11, 2015 Entry Form _____________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Initial Address_________________________________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________________ State______________ Zip Code_____________ Home Phone___________________________________ Work Phone _______________________________________ E-Mail ________________________________________________________ Date of Birth_______________________ Wt. Class (Men): 114 123 132 148 165 181 198 220 242 275 308 SHW (circle one) Wt. Class (Women): 97 105 114 123 132 148 165 181 198 Unlimited (circle one) Division/Age Group: Open Junior (20-23) Teen (13-15) Teen (16-17) Teen (18-19) Sub master (33-39) Masters: 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 (circle one) □Full Meet□Bench-only□Dead lift-only□ RAW □UPA□ UPAA (Drug Free) Non-UPA lifters may purchase memberships at the meet ($30 for UPA and $10 for USSC) Full Meet Entry Fee--$60 BENCH ONLY – DEADLIFT ONLY$ 60 Additional Divisions Entry Fee--$30 UPA card=$30, USSC card=$10 UPA TEEN CARD = $ 15 □ Cash payment enclosed □ Check payment enclosed □ Money order payment enclosed ALL COMPETITORS MUST R.S.V.P. to: powersquat@msn.com ASAP with their name, address, phone number, weight class, division/age group, and whether they’re full meet, bench-only, deadlift-only. Make checks or money orders payable to: Heather Gibson. Note: Each athlete MUST show his/her UPA membership card at weigh-in. If he/she cannot, then they will have to buy one and their membership will be extended a year. USSC athletes MUST also have a USSC membership to compete in this meet. Waiver: In consideration of the acceptance of this entry, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against the UPA, USSC, Heather Gibson, Jason Gibson, Ed Kinsey, Mori Academy, and PSM Barbell, their representatives, successors, and assigns for any and all injuries or bodily harm that I might suffer while competing at the UPA Utah Strength Sports Coalition Championships on April 11, 2015. _____________________________________ Signature of Competitor or Parent/Legal Guardian if Competitor is under 18 years of age Mail entries to: CELL # 1-801-920-4165 JASON # 1-801-698-8003 ED Heather Gibson 2957 WEST 4275 SOUTH Roy, UT84067 TOTAL MEET DIRECTOR: Heather Gibson 801-920-9625 *E-mail powersquat@msn.com EVENT LOCATION: The Mori Academy 5385s 1950 w Roy, UT84067 ELIGIBILITY: Open to all UPA and USSC Registered Athletes: Must show proof of UPA card at weigh in. All entries in UPA sanctioned events must have a valid UPA Registration card. Fee is $30 per card. UPA registration for high school $15. Registration will be available at weighins. USSC membership is $10. WEIGH-IN: 24-HOUR WEIGH-IN RULE APPLIES Weigh INS: The Mori Academy 5385s 1950 W Roy, UT 84067 Friday April 10 th - 9-11 am, 4-6 pm EVENT START TIME: Saturday April 11, 10 AM Rules Meeting: 9:00 AM CONTEST LIFTS: Full Power, Bench Only, Deadlift Only AWARDS: Amateur: 1st-3rd in each weight class in each division. There will be best lifter awards by the Schwartz Formula. RULES: United Powerlifting Association (UPA). Check www.UPAPower.com for information and rulebook. UNIFORM: Must have one piece lifting suit or wrestling suit (Singlet). ENTRY DEADLINE: LIFTERS: April 5th no later no exceptions! 25 LIFTER MAX: As soon as we hit that number we will no longer take applications. No exceptions! SPONSERS: PSM BARBELL ENOX SPORT UTAH STRENGTH SPORTS COALITION MORI ACADEMY GNC THE SHOP THE BODY EVOLUTION
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