January 17, 2015 UPA Detroit Barbell In

Detroit Barbell
In-House Classic
Raw, Equipped & CrossFit
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Arnold Qualifier
Meet Director:
JJ Thomas-734-642-7877 or Detroit_Barbell@yahoo.com
or on Facebook.com under 2014 UPA/UPA-AD DBB In-House Classic
Equipped & Raw: Full Power, Ironman, and Squat, Bench & DL only.
CrossFit(Raw Rules apply)
Detroit Barbell. 17608 Telegraph. Brownstown, MI 48174
Lifting Session:
Saturday, January 17th, 2015 @ 10:00am.
Updates will be posted on Facebook.com, under 2014 UPA/UPA-AD DBB InHouse Classic
Sanctioned by the United Powerlifting Association (UPA) Check
www.UPAPower.com for information and rulebook.
UPA-AD is a drug tested division. We will be drug testing this division
One piece lifting suit required.
Raw or Equipped. Knee wraps, belts and wrist wraps are allowed in the Raw
division. Equipped, please check the UPA Rule Book.
45 spots available ONLY!
30 Full Power spots. 15 Bench Only/Ironman/DL Only
Friday, January 16: 10am-11:30am @ Detroit Barbell(17608
Telegraph. Brownstown, MI 48174
& 6pm-7pm @ Detroit Barbell
Saturday, January 17 weigh in: 8:30am-9:00am @ DBB
You MUST be weighed in by 60 minutes before the meet or you CANNOT lift,
Open to all UPA members. Registration is $30 per card. Include your registration
money with this entry form if you need to become a member--application to be
filled out at the weigh-ins. Current members must present their cards at
weigh-ins or they will have to buy another one.
Entry Fee:
$65, $55 for Teen Division
$40 for each additional division.
Meet Shirts are included with entry fee for FREE, S-4XL,
please mark your size
Entry fee MUST accompany entry form when mailed. NO REFUNDS.
The entry deadline is December 31, 2014. $30 late fee will be assessed if entry
is postmarked after the above date.
Lifters will also be eligible to break UPA & UPA-AD National Records. Lifters
will also establish/break all UPA State Records for the division they lift in.
Best Lifter awards for:
Men’s Full Power, Women’s Full Power, Men’s Bench Only, Women’s
Bench Only
Medals will be given to 1st-2nd place in all Men’s and Women’s classes, no age
divisions, just weight classes for awards.
See above Cash awards for Best Lifters
Best Lifters are based on Schwartz formula only!
Spectator Fee:
$10; Children 12 and under are free.
Food & Drinks will be provided to the lifters free of cost.
This meet will sell out and it is first come, first serve
45 spots only!
Mail this page along with your entry fee to the following address:
Detroit Barbell. 17608 Telegraph. Brownstown, MI 48174
Make Checks Payable to:
Detroit Barbell
In consideration of the acceptance of this entry thereby for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators waive and release
any and all claims and damages I may have against the U.P.A., Jeremy Thomas, Harlan Brandenburg, Detroit Barbell, their
representatives, successors, and assigns for any and all injuries or bodily harm that I may suffer while competing at the 2014
UPA/UPA-AD Detroit Barbell In-House Classic. I attest and verify that I have full knowledge of the risks involved with my
participation in this event, and that to the best of my knowledge I am physically fit and able to participate in this event.
Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______________
Parent/Guardian (if under 18): _____________________________________ Date: ________________
Print Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________City: _________________ State: _______ Zip Code: _______
Phone: (_______)____________________ Email: __________________________________________
Date of Birth: _________________________ Age : _____________ Gender: ____________________
Circle Event:
Full Power
Bench Only
Squat Only
Deadlift Only
Circle division below:
Circle Weight Class:
Men: 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, 220, 242, 275, 308, SHW
UPA Membership:
Entry Fee:
Women: 97, 105, 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, SHW
Official Meet T-shirt’s
Circle Division(s) Entered:
A $50 fee for each additional sanction/division.
Sanction: UPA & UPA-AD
Teen 13-15, 16-17, 18-19, Junior 20-23, Open, Submaster,
Master 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 8589 etc...
Late Fee: