St. Peter’s Catholic Church 200 Lafayette Parkway LaGrange, GA 30241 Pastor: Rev. S. Patrick Scully, S.M. Deacon: Rev. Mr. Wayne Nacey Mass Schedule Saturday Sunday Monday Wednesday First Friday 6:00 pm 8:00 am, 11:00 am (English) 4:00 pm (Spanish) 6:30 pm 9:00 am 12:05 pm Sacraments Reconciliation: Saturday 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Baptisms: English - Contact Deacon Wayne Spanish - Contact Fr. Patrick Scully Matrimony: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance. Call the Church office to schedule an inquiry meeting with Father Patrick. No dates are guaranteed unless arrangements are made for a specific date with Fr. Patrick. Parish Staff Pastor’s E-mail: Business Manager: Emily Mansour Administrative Assistant: Ceal S. Morris Director of Religious Education: Michael Barrett Youth Minister: Sarah Lehman Music Director: Robin Treadwell Custodian: Robert Jennings Faith Formation P.R.E.P.: Sunday 9:30 am - 10:45 am EDGE: 1st & 3rd Wednesday 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm LIFE TEEN: Sunday 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm R.C.I.A.: Sunday 9:30 am - 10:45 pm Adult Education: Sunday 9:30 am - 10:30 am, Wednesday 9:30 am - 11:00 am St. Vincent de Paul Help line: 706-884-0076 Office hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 3:30 pm • Phone: 706-884-4224 Fax: 706-884-1624 E-mail: • Website: Facebook: St. Peter’s Catholic Church, LaGrange, Georgia 2 March 1, 2015 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ This Week at St. Peter’s Monday, March 2 Mass: Judy Molnar (D) By: Darlene Willis Parish Council Meeting: Library Legion of Mary: Bldg. 2, Room 1 Tuesday, March 3 LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE Ladies’ Christ Renews His Parish: Rooms 5 and 6, Bldg. 2 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Wednesday, March 4 Mass: Frances Solomon (D) 9:00 am By: Jack and Paula Martinec Adult Bible Study: Room 6, Bldg. 2 9:30 am Choir: Sanctuary 6:00 pm EDGE (middle school): Youth Room 6 - 8 pm Trail Life: Rooms 1,2,3, Bldg. 2 6:30 pm Thursday, March 5 Rosary (Luminous mysteries) Communion Service 6:00 pm 6:30 pm Friday, March 6 - First Friday; no meat Eucharistic Adoration: Chapel 9 am - 9 pm Meals on Wheels: Parish Hall 9:00 am Communion Service and Luncheon 12:05 pm Stations of the Cross 5:30 pm Knights of Columbus “Fish Fry” 6:00 pm Saturday, March 7 - Knights selling St. Pat’s Dinner tickets after all weekend Masses Confessions: 4:30 - 5:30 pm, or by appointment Knights’ 4th Degree Assembly Meeting: Parish Hall 5:00 pm Mass: People of the Parish 6:00 pm THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT, March 8 Mass: Mary Daunais (D) 8:00 am By: Paula Kelly Religious Education Classes (PREP) 9:30 am RCIA (English): Room 1, Bldg. 2 9:30 am RCIA (Spanish): Room 2, Bldg. 2 9:30 am Adult Re-Confirmation class: Library 9:30 am Mass: Ralph Spaulding (D) 11:00 am By: Ceal S. Morris Liturgical Ministries’ Schedule Saturday, March 7, 6:00 pm Altar Server: Seth Angsten Ministers of Holy Communion: Deacon Wayne Nacey; Extraordinary Ministers: *John Piecuch, John Cook Greeters: Larry and Roberta Lauer Lector: Bernie May Ushers: *Lorie Grantz, Mike Ellis, Bill Weckman, Judy Weckman ` Sunday, March 8, 8:00 am Altar Servers: Katelyn Hopster, Nolan Coulter Ministers of Holy Communion: Deacon Wayne Nacey; Extraordinary Ministers: *Dave Bergeron, Judy Solomon, Fern Bergeron, Fran Buchino Greeter: Bonnie Barber Lector: Brigitte Cummings Ushers: *Mike Hillebrand, Fred Clause, Dona Jose, Khai Nguyen Sunday, March 8, 11:00 am Altar Servers: Chelsea Nguyen, Wes Minicozzi Ministers of Holy Communion: Deacon Wayne Nacey; Extraordinary Ministers: *Ronnie Watts, Will Whitlow, Karen Hodnette, Destin Norris, Tony Palmer Greeters: Cheryl Twickler, Mary Henderson Lector: Destin Norris Sunday, March 8, 4:00 pm Lector: 1) Saúl Zavala 2) Rosalie Gonzalez This Week at St. Peter’s (cont.) Life Teen (High School): Youth Room 12:00 - 2 Mass: (Spanish) Nelson Shell (D) 4:00 pm By: Lyss Feria Hispanic Ministry: Room 2, Bldg. 2 5:00 pm Lenten 3-Day Mission Our parish “Mission” begins Monday, March 9th at 6:30 pm and runs through Wednesday, March 11th. Tuesday and Wednesday we will begin at 7 pm. Fr. Giles Conwill’s reflections will last about one hour each night and will include prayer, music and the Eucharist. Is someone in your family ill? Let us know! Call the Church office @ 706-884-4224. Our Meals for the Sick ministry will be happy to assist you as you recover from your hospital/rehabilitation stay. New Mothers, call us if you need help. SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT 3 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Transfiguration of Jesus Peter, James, and John were taken up to the mountain by Jesus where he was transfigured before them. The Transfiguration is a powerful reminder that death is not the end of life. If death meant complete annihilation, then Elijah and Moses would not have appeared with Jesus. In this way the Transfiguration foreshadows the Resurrection. We are now asked to reflect on how we can be transformed through the power of the risen Lord. What would you like transformed in your life by Easter? Take Notice of the Following: First Friday Luncheon follows a Communion Service at 12:05 pm. Special guest storyteller Ed Stivender returns to entertain us prior to the opening of the “Azaleas Storytelling Festival”. Please bring a dish to share (and then some) as we will have 12 Festival officials as our guests at the luncheon. Save the Date!! The Knights of Columbus’ annual Golf Outing is scheduled for Sunday, April 26th. Mark your calendars now. Any questions, contact Bill Weckman at 706-845-8182. Time Changes Next Weekend Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour prior to retiring for the night on Saturday, March 7th. Daylight Savings Time begins March 8th and we “spring” forward one hour. Knights’ Meetings The 4th Degree Assembly will meet at 5 pm Sat., March 7th and Knights of Columbus (#9515) will hold their regular business meeting Tuesday, March 10th at 7 pm. Both groups will meet in the Parish Hall unless otherwise notified. Parish Library New CD’s and acquisitions have arrived in time for your Lenten reading and reflection. Stop by! St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (Mission) 2904 Judson Bulloch Road Warm Springs, GA 31830 706-846-5223 MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: 2-22, 3-1, 3-8, 3-22 Sunday: 3-15, 3-29 Tuesday: 3-24 2:00 pm 11:00 am 6:30 pm Second Collection This weekend’s Second Collection supports St. Peter’s Meals on Wheels program. St. Vincent de Paul Conference to meet Tuesday, March 10th at 6:30 pm in the library. All are welcome. Let Us Pray for our family and friends who are sick and/or recovering, especially Kate Smith, Pam Moore, Linda Tunnell, Bill Rescigno and Richard West. Parish Council Election With the imminent departure of Fred Clause and Peggy Genova from the Council, two vacancies are created. If you are interested in serving a 3-year term, submit your name to any member of the Nominating Committee: Bonnie Barber, Fred Clause, Mary Henderson, and Tony Palmer by March 15th. You may nominate yourself or be nominated by other parishioners. All parishioners are invited to place a name in nomination. St. Peter’s is grateful for Peggy and Fred’s faithful, dependable service to the parish. More information to come in next week’s bulletin. Welcome to St. Peter’s Joao and Sherry Porto and daughter Isabella; Cristino Ortiz and Eustolia Leonardo and children Jose, Shanta, Maria, and Yuribia Ortiz; Reginaldo Lopez and Amairani Gonzalez and daughter Alexa Lopez. SUNDAY BULLETIN DEADLINE: Written notices/inserts must be submitted by Thursday at 9:00 am ten (10) days prior to date of publication. All notices/inserts require approval by Fr. Patrick Scully. Please allow ample time for approval.
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