2015 International Conference on Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology May 18th – 21nd, 2015 www.csmantech.org Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Gainey Ranch Scottsdale, Arizona, USA Photographs courtesy of Scottsdale Convention & Visitors Bureau Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort & Spa CONFERENCE AT A GLANCE SUNDAY, May 17th 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM MONDAY, May 18th 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM 8:30 AM – 4:45 PM 7:00 AM – 8:15 AM 8:15 AM – 4:30 PM 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM TUESDAY, May 19th 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM 8:30 AM – 9:00 AM 8:30 AM – 5:20 PM 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM 1:00 PM – 2:50 PM 2:50 PM – 3:40 PM 3:40 PM – 5:20 PM 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM 7:00 PM –10:00 PM REGISTRATION Registration REGISTRATION Registration CS MANTECH BREAKFAST Location TBD CS MANTECH WORKSHOPS Location TBD ROCS BREAKFAST Location TBD ROCS WORKSHOP Location TBD LUNCHEON FOR WORKSHOPS Location TBD EXHIBITS RECEPTION Vaquero Ballroom REGISTRATION Registration BREAKFAST Vaquero Ballroom - Exhibits OPENING CEREMONIES Arizona Ballroom EXHIBIT OPEN Vaquero Ballroom KEYNOTE: Prof. Hiroshi Amano – Nobel Prize for Physics Arizona Ballroom SESSION 1: Plenary Arizona Ballroom EXHIBITS LUNCH Vaquero Ballroom SESSION 2: Compound Semiconductor Trends Arizona Ballroom BREAK Arizona Ballroom - Exhibits SESSION 3: GaN Manufacturing Arizona Ballroom EXHIBITORS’ FORUMS Location TBD STUDENT FORUM Location TBD INTERNATIONAL RECEPTION Buses Depart at 6:45 PM WEDNESDAY, May 20st 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM REGISTRATION Registration 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM BREAKFAST Vaquero Ballroom - Exhibits 8:00 AM – 9:40 AM SESSION 4: Materials Arizona Ballroom - A 8:00 AM – 9:40 AM SESSION 5: Metalization Arizona Ballroom - B 8:30 AM – 11:00 AM EXHIBIT OPEN Vaquero Ballroom 9:40 AM – 10:20 AM BREAK Arizona Ballroom - Exhibits 10:20 AM – 12:00 PM 10:20 AM – 12:00 PM SESSION 6: GaN Materials Arizona Ballroom - A SESSION 7: GaN Dry Etch Arizona Ballroom - B 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM OPEN LUNCH 1:30 PM – 3:10 PM SESSION 8: Thermal Analysis Arizona Ballroom - A SESSION 9: GaN Annealing/Passivation Arizona Ballroom - B BREAK Location TBD SESSION 10: Test/Yield Arizona Ballroom - A SESSION 11: Manufacturing Improvements Arizona Ballroom - B RUMP SESSION RECEPTION Location TBD RUMP SESSIONS A-D Location TBD SEMI Standards Meeting Location TBD 1:30 PM – 3:10 PM 3:10 PM – 3:30 PM 3:30 PM – 5:10 PM 3:30 PM – 5:10 PM 5:10 PM – 5:50 PM 5:50 PM – 6:50 PM 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM THURSDAY, May 21st 7:00 AM – 9:30 AM 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM 8:00 AM – 9:40 AM 8:00 AM – 9:40 AM 9:40 AM –10:10 AM 10:10 AM –12:00 PM 10:10 AM –12:00 PM REGISTRATION Registration BREAKFAST Location TBD SESSION 12: GaAs Processing Arizona Ballroom - A SESSION 13: GaN RF Devices Arizona Ballroom - B BREAK Location TBD SESSION 14: III-V Devices Arizona Ballroom - A SESSION 15: GaN Power Electronics Arizona Ballroom - B 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM LUNCH Location TBD 1:00 PM – 1:30 PM 30th Anniversary: A Look Ahead Lunch Location 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM SESSION 16: GaN Reliability Arizona Ballroom SESSION 17: Posters South Foyer 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM 4:00 PM – 4:30 PM CLOSING RECEPTION Desert Garden 2015 CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS The 2015 CS MANTECH program begins on Monday, May 18th with a series of tutorial workshops. This year’s workshop theme is RF for Device and Fab Engineers: Basic and Advanced Measurements, Device Modeling, Power Amplifier Design, and RF Packaging. Please see the MANTECH WORKSHOP section for details. Also on Monday, CS MANTECH is pleased to be hosting the internationally recognized Reliability of Compound Semiconductor (ROCS) workshop. This workshop is the premier forum for the presentation of the latest results and new developments related to compound semiconductor reliability. The JEDEC Committee JC-14.7 sponsors the ROCS workshop. Please see http://www.jedec.org/home/gaas for details. The conference social functions begin Monday evening at 6:00pm with the Exhibitor Reception. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with material suppliers, tool manufacturers, and service provides. This is a great chance to touch base with current vendors, view new offerings, and network with colleagues all while enjoying a taste of the Southwest. The CS MANTECH Conference begins Tuesday morning with opening ceremonies that include the 2014 Best Paper awards, Sponsorship Recognition, and a conference overview along with a short tutorial on the Guidebook Application. There will also be a special recognition of the CS MANTECH founder, He Bong Kim on the 30th Anniversary of the conference. Following the opening functions the CS MANTECH committee is pleased to announce there will be a Keynote Presentation from the 2014 Nobel Prize for Physics winner, Dr. Hiroshi Amano from Nagoya University. Dr. Amano will give his unique perspective on light emitting diodes with his talk "Lighting the Earth with LEDs, -Past, Present and Future Prospects of GaN-Based Blue LEDs-". The technical program begins with a Plenary Session composed of three invited talks. First, Timothy Heidel from the office of Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy (ARPA-E), will discuss power electronics in his talk “Strategies for Wide Bandgap, Inexpensive Transistors for Controlling High-Efficiency Systems”. Second, Dr. Daniel Green from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) will provide an overview of current Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) semiconductor research activities in his talk “Compound Semiconductor Technology for Modern RF Modules: Status and Future Directions”. Third, Dr. Tatsuya Hosotani from Murata Manufacturing will describe wireless power transfer in his talk “Importance of High Frequency Compound Semiconductor devices for Wireless Power Transfer using Direct-Current-Resonance System”. Following the Plenary, attendees are welcome to attend a sponsored luncheon in the Exhibitor Hall. After lunch, the technical program resumes with sessions on Compound Semiconductor Trends and GaN Manufacturing. These serial sessions are composed of invited and regular submission talks. The Tuesday technical program concludes with the Exhibitors’ Forum and Student Forum. The Exhibitors’ Forum provides an opportunity for exhibitors to present short marketing/technical presentations to the conference attendees. The Student Forum provides an opportunity for students to explore career options through networking with members of the CS community from industry, academia, and government. Tuesday evening, CS MANTECH will host the International Reception Wednesday morning begins early with breakfast in the Exhibitor Hall where attendees can follow up on questions from the Exhibitors’ Forum or meet with one or two new vendors before the technical sessions begin at 8:00am. There is a full program of parallel sessions throughout the day. Morning sessions focus either on III-V and III-N materials or metallization and dry etch processing. Afternoon sessions continue thermal analysis and yield enhancement or annealing/passivation and manufacturing improvements. Parallel sessions have been structured so that attendees can move between talks and sessions. The morning break, held in the Exhibitor Hall, will be one last opportunity to talk with vendors before the exhibits close at 11:00am. Lunch is open to allow attendees to explore the resort area and maybe take in a little sun. Following the technical sessions, Wednesday evening is host to the popular CS MANTECH Rump Sessions. Eat, drink, and debate! Attendees are encouraged to join any (or all) of the four parallel highly interactive and lively discussions. Thursday morning the technical program continues with parallel sessions. Topics include GaN and III-V RF Devices along with GaN Power Electronics. CS MANTECH will be providing lunch where Dr. Milton Feng from the University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign will discuss the future of compound semiconductors in his talk “Compound Semiconductor Microelectronics / Photonics Research for the next 30 years – Personal View based on past 30 years evolution”. After lunch there will be one serial session on GaN Reliability followed by the interactive Poster Session. The poster session is a unique opportunity to talk one-on-one with the author on topics including photonic devices, photolithography, noise characterization, and more. Attendees vote for best poster for which the winning author will receive a Best Poster Award. The conference ends Thursday afternoon with a Closing Reception and the perennial picture contest. However, instead of the usual Ugly picture, this year the picture contest has a Western Theme. Cactus, cowboys, Clint Eastwood – anything on a Western theme is allowed! The pictures can be real or photo-shopped, have something to do with a fab or not, be beautiful or funny, whatever your creativity can come up with! Amazon gift cards will be given to the top two pictures, as determined by voting of attendees at the Interactive Forum. The closing reception also features the conference feedback prize drawing. On behalf of the 2015 Technical Program Committee, Welcome to Scottsdale! CS MANTECH WORKSHOP This year the CS-MANTECH workshop provides a crash course in “all things RF.” Aimed at practicing engineers in the III-V device community (but also appropriate for students or anyone curious about how III-V devices can be characterized, modeled, packaged, or designed into systems), this workshop will provide attendees with exposure to a broad range of key RF concepts and techniques. With coverage of basic and advanced measurements of RF devices, device modeling, power amplifier design, and device and circuit packaging, the workshop will provide a solid foundation as well as coverage of emerging techniques and approaches in the RF application space for III-V devices. This year’s workshop consists of five segments led by experts in their respective domains. The first two segments focus on device characterization. The Fundamentals of RF Measurements will be taught by Marcel Tutt (Freescale); topics include a discussion of device properties, figures of merit, and measurements and analysis techniques. Measurement techniques that will be discussed include Sparameters, X-parameters, noise figure, and power. On-wafer and in-fixture measurements, as well as calibration and de-embedding will be discussed. The second segment, Advanced Microwave Measurements for Device Characterization, will be led by Wooyeol Choi (U. Texas-Dallas). This talk focuses on more advanced RF device characterization techniques, with emphasis on nonlinear properties of devices. The role and limitations of pulsed-bias s-parameter measurements, load-pull (both conventional as well as harmonic load pull), and large-signal network analysis will be discussed, with explanations of both how these techniques are performed as well as examples of the information they can provide about the devices under test . The third segment will provide an overview of device modeling, delivered by David Root (Keysight). Since modeling work flows differ greatly depending on the intended user of the models (e.g., circuit designers want models that simulate quickly and accurately but without regard to whether or not the models have a physical basis, while fab and device engineers typically use models to understand devices and their variation and so require physically-meaningful models), the various different types of device models (physically based, empirical, and behavioral) will be contrasted and their benefits and limitations discussed. In addition, there is often a reliance on in-fab device PCMs based on DC and S-parameter measurements; while these tests are mature, they are often insufficient to infer the largesignal performance of devices under the high-power or modulated stimuli typical of modern systems. The basics of the relationships between in-fab measurements and model equivalent circuits will be reviewed, and simple but rigorous principles relating measurements to nonlinear model characteristics are reviewed, resulting in a unified description for both FET and bipolar devices. Finally, trends toward more sophisticated measurements and simulation models that could be exploited in fabs will be presented. Following the discussion of device modeling, Jonathan Chisum (formerly MIT Lincoln Laboratory, now at the Univ. of Notre Dame) will lead the fourth segment, focusing on circuit design for power amplifiers. RF power amplifiers (PA) are of critical importance for wireless communication systems, radar, electronic warfare, and more. Because PAs are designed to extract the maximum power, gain, efficiency, or linearity out of a given active device, there are fundamental tradeoffs that must be made and therefore PA non-idealities typically limit overall system performance. This segment will provide an overview of PA performance parameters, linear, overdriven, and switch-mode amplifier classes and topologies (A, B, AB, C, D, E, F, F -1), design methods, and PA non-idealities in order to understand these design tradeoffs and their effect on PA performance. The effect of harmonic termination on amplifier efficiency and bandwidth, and the impact of device, interconnect, and packaging parasitics will be discussed. The segment culminates with a discussion of advanced topologies and compensation methods for enhancing PA performance. The final segment of the workshop, Packaging and Functional Integration, will be jointly led by Elias Reese and Tarak Railkar (Qorvo). In this segment, the distinctions between RF/microwave/mm-wave packaging and other semiconductor packaging will be discussed, and common RF packaging forms in production today will be described. In addition, the implications of volume and cost structure on packaging will be considered, as will the escalating challenges in RF packaging, including performance (frequency, power, environmental considerations), functional integration (performance improvement, size reduction), and manufacturing cost and volume. The discussion will also include how the interplay among semiconductor, packaging technology, and manufacturing affects the viability and deployment of electronic systems, and how packaging can impact system development time and lifecycle cost. Beyond the current state of the art, the segment will conclude with a look forward to the packaging needs, trends, and visions for the future. 2015 ROCS WORKSHOP Reliability of Compound Semiconductors Monday, May 18th, 2015 Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort & Spa Room: TBD 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The 30th annual ROCS Workshop - formerly known as the GaAs Rel Workshop - will be held in conjunction with the CS ManTech Conference on Monday May 18th, 2015, at the Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort & Spa in Scottsdale, AZ. This meeting is sponsored by the JEDEC JC-14.7 Committee on GaAs Reliability and Quality Standards and the EIA. The ROCS Workshop brings together researchers, manufacturers and users of compound semiconductor materials, devices and circuits. Papers presenting latest results, including work-in-progress and new developments in all aspects of compound semiconductor reliability will be presented. Potential authors are invited to submit an electronic copy of a one to two page comprehensive summary, suitable for a 15 minute presentation, to rocs@jedec.org. The deadline for receipt of submissions is March 2rd, 2015; late papers of significant interest may be considered up to the date of the Workshop. The Advanced Program will be published approximately one month prior to the meeting at http://www.jedec.org/home/gaas/. Advance registration for the workshop is $100 for students, $200 for JEDEC members, and $225 for non-members; on-site registration is $250. Registration includes a full day of ROCS presentations, two breaks, a luncheon and a copy of the Proceedings. Late registration will be available starting at 7:30 a.m. on the morning of the workshop. For further information or to register on-line (through May 4th, 2015), visit our web site at http://www.jedec.org/home/gaas/, or contact: Peter Ersland, Workshop Chairman, M/A-COM Technology Solutions, 100 Chelmsford Street, Lowell, MA 01851, (978) 656-2817, Peter.Ersland@macom.com. INDUSTRY EXHIBITS As a tradition, the Exhibit held in conjunction with the CS MANTECH Conference demonstrates the venue for the compound semiconductor arena that offers the excellent opportunity for conference attendees and vendors to directly interact with each other for both parties to submit detailed information from either side to efficiently resolve open questions regarding products and services on the spot. The portfolio of Vendors that are on display include those that manufacture fully functional equipment for various applications or related sub-assemblies for the development and production of devices and semiconductor materials as well as those offering the necessary starting materials like substrates and gases. Representations on tools for optical inspection and those for evaluation of materials and components are established in addition as well. To complete the unique set-up of the Exhibits, highly qualified and respected journals and research agencies providing latest news from R&D labs and production companies as add-on to the insight in what’s happening in the different markets and technologies of the semiconductor industry are represented also. Conference attendees as students, whether experienced or new to this get-together, as well as technical and business people are receiving latest updates and details on products they are already or may become interested in by chance stopping by at a booth attracting their attention. Communication and exchange between vendors and conference attendees is strongly enforced through the Exhibit Reception in the evening before the conference start, coffee-breaks during the Exhibit and conference lunch on Tuesday, all just taking place in the Exhibition Hall around the booths which further underlines the value of participation for all. To further support provision of the unique capabilities and introduction on the vendors themselves in combination with demonstration of the advantages and performance of their long-time existing as well as latest products, the Exhibitor Forum on Tuesday after the technical sessions is set-up as an uniquie platform. Access to information for exhibitors as well as on-line registration are available on the Exhibitor Link on the CS MANTECH website (http://csmantech.org/exhibitors/exhibitors.html). In case of any still open question regarding the Industry Exhibits at the CS MANTECH, please do not hesitate to contact the Exhibits Chair Ruediger Schreiner at exhibitor@gaasmantech.org . SEMI STANDARDS MEETING The SEMI Standards meeting is scheduled for Wednesday May 20th, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm (immediately following the Rump Sessions. The SEMI Compound Semiconductor (GaAs, InP and SiC) Committee invites CS MANTECH Conference attendees interested in the development of internationally approved standards for wafer specifications to attend this meeting. Topics being addressed are GaAs, InP, and SiC dimensions/orientations and electrical properties, epitaxial layer specifications (which properties should be specified, and how they are to be verified), and non-destructive test methods. Based in San Jose, CA, SEMI is an international trade association serving more than 2,400 companies participating in the semiconductor and flat panel display equipment and materials markets. SEMI maintains offices in Brussels, Moscow, Tokyo, Seoul, Hsinchu, Beijing, Singapore, Austin, Boston and Washington, DC. For additional information, please contact: Co-Chair: James Oliver of Northrop Grumman at 410-765-0117 or j.oliver@ngc.com, Co-Chair: Russ Kremer of Freiberger Compound Materials at 937-291-2899 or russ@fcm-us.com, or at SEMI Standards contact Paul Trio at 408-943-6900 or ptrio@semi.org. WESTERN THEME PICTURE CONTEST To celebrate our western site for this year’s conference, we are sponsoring a picture contest. Cactus, cowboys, Clint Eastwood - anything on a Western theme is allowed! The pictures can be real or photo-shopped, have something to do with a fab or not, be beautiful or funny, whatever your creativity can come up with! Amazon gift cards will be given to the top two pictures, as determined by voting of attendees at the Interactive Forum. Help us honor the American West by submitting a picture to picturecontest@csmantech.org. CONFERENCE CLOSING RECEPTION The Conference Closing Reception brings the 2015 CS MANTECH to an end. Immediately following the Poster Session, the closing reception affords attendees one last opportunity to exchange business cards, ideas, and experiences as they reflect on the week. During the reception voting for Best Poster Presentation and Picture Contest will be tallied and winners announced. Returning this year is the Feedback Form Raffle. Conference feedback on technical content and venue is valuable to the CS MANTECH committees in structuring in the conference and technical program year to year. In addition, conference feedback is used to help select the Best Paper and Best Student Paper. Each Feedback Form submitted will be entered into a raffle for a prize. It’s as simple as that! The drawing will be held during the closing reception, though the winner need not be present to win. TECHNICAL PROGRAM Monday, May 18th CS MANTECH WORKSHOPS Chair: Patrick Fay, University of Notre Dame 7:00 AM Registration 8:00 AM Fundamentals of RF Measurements Marcel Tutt, Freescale 9:30 AM Advanced Microwave Measurements for Device Characterization Wooyeol Choi, University of Texas, Dallas 10:45 AM BREAK 11:00 AM Device Modeling for Fab Engineers David Root, Keysight 12:30 PM WORKSHOP LUNCH (CS MANTECH & ROCS) 1:30 PM Power Amplifier Design Jonathan Chisum, Univ. of Notre Dam 3:00 PM BREAK 3:15 PM Packaging and Functional Integration Elias Reese and Tarak Railkar, Qorvo, Inc. 4:45 PM WORKSHOP CLOSING 6:00 PM EXHIBITS RECEPTION ROCS WORKSHOPS Chair: Peter Ersland, M/A-COM Technology Solutions 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM ROCS Registration 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM ROCS Workshop Sessions 12:30 AM – 1:30 PM WORKSHOP LUNCH (CS MANTECH & ROCS) 6:00 PM EXHIBITS RECEPTION Tuesday, May 19th CONFERENCE OPENING 8:30 AM Opening Ceremonies Paul Cooke, IQE RF Conference Chair 8:40 AM 2014 Conference Best Paper Awards Paul Cooke, IQE RF Conference Chair 8:50 AM Technical Program Highlights Dave Via Technical Program Chair KEYNOTE Chair: Yohei Otoki, Hitachi Metals 9:00 AM Keynote: Lighting the Earth by LED’s, Past, Present and Future Prospects of GaN-Based Blue LED’s Dr. Hiroshi Amano, 2014 Nobel Price in Physics Nagoya University, Japan SESSION 1: PLENARY Chairs: David Via 9:30 AM Invited Presentation 1.1 Strategies for Wide Bandgap, Inexpensive Transistors for Controlling High-Efficiency Systems Timothy D. Heidel Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy (ARPA-E) 10:00 AM Invited Presentation 1.2 Compound Semiconductor Technology for Modern RF Modules: Status and Future Directions Daniel S. Green1, Carl L. Dohrman2, Avinash S. Kane2, Tsu-Hsi Chang3 1 DARPA, 2Booz Allen Hamilton, 3HetInTec Corp 10:30 AM Invited Presentation 1.3 Importance of High Frequency Compound Semiconductor Devices for Wireless Power Transfer using DirectCurrent-Resonance System Tatsuya Hosotani Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd 11:00 AM EXHIBITS LUNCH Tuesday, May 19th SESSION 2: COMPOUND SEMICONDUCTOR TRENDS Chairs: Michelle Bourke, Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology Barb Landini, Sumika Electronic Materials 1:00 PM Invited Presentation 2.1 Mobile RF Front End Integration James P. Young Skyworks Solutions, Inc. 1:30 PM Invited Presentation 2.2 Packaging Trends in the Wireless Industry Robert Darveaux, Tony LoBianco, Lori DeOrio, Andrew Kay, Bob Williams Skyworks Solutions, Inc. 2:00 PM 2.3 Market and Technology Trends in WBG Materials for Power Electronics Applications Dr. Hong Lin Compound Semiconductor Market and Technology Analyst, Yole Développement 2:20 PM 2.4 6-inch VCSEL Wafer Foundry Economics David Cheskis ANADIGICS, Inc. 2:50 PM BREAK SESSION 3: GaN MANUFACTURING Chairs: Dane Henry, Qorvo, Inc. Toshihide Kikkawa, Transphorm 3:40 PM 3.1 0.15μm GaN MMIC Manufacturing Technology for 2-50 GHz Power Applications Sabyasachi Nayak, Ming-Yih Kao, Hua-Tang Chen, Trish Smith, Peter Goeller, Weixiang Gao, Jose Jimenez, Shuoqi Chen, Charles Campbell, Gergana Drandova, Robert Kraft Qorvo, Inc. 4:00 PM 3.2 RF Performance Improvement of 0.25μm GaN HEMT Foundry Technology Jhih-Han Du, Che-Kai Lin, Sheng-Wen Peng, Fu-Chuan Chu, Kai-Sin Cho, Yue-Ting Lin, Wei-Chou Wang, Walter Wohlmuth WIN Semiconductors Corp 4:20 PM 3.3 Effects of Underlying Metals on Textures of Plated Au films on GaN Kazuhiro Maeda, Koichiro Nishizawa, Daisuke Suzuki, Toshihiko Shiga, Hitoshi Watanabe Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 4:40 PM 3.4 Enhanced Visual Performance in GaN HEMT Technology Kai-Sin Cho, Yue-Ting Lin, Wei-Chou Wang, Jhih-Han Du, Forrest Cho, Walter Wohlmuth WIN Semiconductors Corp. 5:00 PM 3.5 High Power Plastic Packaging with GaN Quinn D. Martin MACOM Technology Solutions 5:30 PM EXHIBITOR AND STUDENT FORUMS Please refer to the posted placards in the exhibit area for forum participants and scheduled presentations. 7:00 PM INTERNATIONAL RECEPTION Buses depart at 6:45 pm. Wednesday, May 20th SESSION 4: MATERIALS Chairs: Guoliang Zhou, Skyworks Kevin Stevens, IQE 8:00 PM 4.1 A Mechanism and a Solution to non-Uniformity of pHEMT Wafers Grown by MBE Process Guoliang Zhou, Mark Borek Skyworks Solutions, Inc. 8:20 PM 4.2 Fast and Highly Accurate in-situ Calibration of AlGaAs Ternary Composition for MOVPE-based Growth of Edge-Emitting Diode Lasers M. Zorn1, O. Schulz3, A.J. Spring Thorpe2, J.-T. Zettler3 1 JENOPTIK Diode Lab GmbH, 2NRC of Canada, 3LayTec AG 8:40 PM 4.3 Orderly Array of in-plane GaAs Nanowires on Exact (001) Silicon for Antiphase-Domain-free GaAs Thin Films Qiang Li, Kar Wei Ng, Kei May Lau Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 9:00 PM 4.4 Fabrication of III-V virtual Substrate on 200 mm Silicon for III-V and Si Devices Integration D. Kohen David1, K.H. Lee Kwang Hong1, K.E.K. Lee Kenneth Eng Kian1, C.S. Tan Chuan Seng2, S.F. Yoon Soon Fatt1,2, E.A. Fitzgerald Eugene A.1,3 1 Singapore-MIT Low Energy Electronic Systems IRG (LEES), 2Nanyang Technological University, 3Massachusetts Institute of Technology 9:20 PM 4.5 Improvements in Processing - Carrier and Material Impacts Molly Hladik1, Aric Shorey2 1 Brewer Science, Inc, 2Corning, Inc SESSION 5: METALLIZATION Chairs: Heribert Zull, Osram Opto Semiconductors Shiban Tiku, Skyworks Solutions 8:00 AM 5.1 Dynamics of Surface Treatments and Pre-Cleans for High Volume Wafer Manufacturing J. Crites1, W. Snodgrass2, L. Luu3 and Collaborators 1 Skyworks Solutions Inc., 2Avago Technologies, 3Global Communication Semiconductors LLC 8:20 AM 5.2 A Simulation of Wafer Temperature-Time Profile in PVD Process Using an Exponential Model and Its Applications Xiaokang Huang1, Romek Bobkowski1, Duofeng Yue1, Craig Hall1, Charles Dark1, Arthur McGeown2, Chris Jones2, Paulo Lima2, Paul Rich2 1 Qorvo, Inc., 2SPTS Technologies Ltd. 8:40 AM 5.3 Stress Reduction in Metallization using in-situ Stress Measurement and Plasma Assisted Evaporation Silvia Schwyn Thöny, Jürgen Buchholz, Reinhard Benz Evatec AG. 9:00 AM 5.4 Wafer-to-Wafer Metal Sputter Deposition Process Control by Automatic Deposition Rate Adjustment Chang’e Weng1, Jinhong Yang1, Ron Herring1, Brian Zevenbergen1, Joel Anderson2, Chris Jones2, Liam Cunnane2 1 Qorvo, Inc., 2SPTS Technologies Ltd. 9:20 AM 5.5 Understanding Process Capability for Cu Bump Electroplating Dave Walker, Brian Zevenbergen Qorvo, Inc. 9:40 PM BREAK Wednesday, May 20th SESSION 6: GaN MATERIALS Chairs: John Blevins, AFRL/RYD Judy Kronwasser, NOVASiC 10:20 AM 6.1 The Growth of AlGaN/GaN Structure on 200mm Si (111) with Low Wafer Bow Chieh-Chih Huang1, Frank Ried2, Tomas Palacios3, Soo Jin Chua4, Eugene A Fitzgerald5 1 Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology Center, 2AIXTRON SE, 3Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science-MIT, 4National University of Singapore, 5Department of Materials Science and Engineering-MIT. 10:40 AM 6.2 GaN MOCVD on Si via Single Crystal Rare-Earth Oxide Buffer Layer Rytis Dargis, Erdem Arkun, Radek Roucka, Andrew Clark Translucent Inc. 11:00 AM 6.3 Characterization of Strained AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on CMP-thinned Si Substrates Marko J. Tadjer1, Travis J. Anderson2, Andrew D. Koehler2, Jordan D. Greenlee3, Karl D. Hobart2, Fritz J. Kub2 1 American Society for Engineering Education, 2United States Naval Research Laboratory, 3National Research Council 11:20 AM 6.4 Effect of Capping Structure on High Temperature Annealing of GaN Jordan D. Greenlee1, Boris N. Feigelson2, Travis J. Anderson2, Charles R. Eddy, Jr. 2, Karl D. Hobart2, Fritz J. Kub2 1 Naval Research Laboratory, 2National Research Council 11:40 AM 6.5 GaN-on-Diamond Wafers: Recent Developments Felix Ejeckam, Daniel Francis, Firooz Faili, Frank Lowe, Daniel Twitchen, Bruce Bolliger Element Six Technologies SESSION 7: GaN DRY ETCH Chairs: Jansen Uyeda, Northrop Grumman (AS) Russ Westerman, Plasma-Therm, LLC 10:20 AM 7.1 Optimizing the SiC Plasma Etching Process for Manufacturing Power Devices Haruna Oda, Peter Wood, HIromichi Ogiya, Seita Miyoshi, Osamu Tsuji SAMCO Inc. 10:40 AM 7.2 Electrical Properties of GaN Etched by Low Bias Power Process Yuichi Minoura, Naoya Okamoto, Toshihiro Ohki, Shiro Ozaki, Kozo Makiyama, Keiji Watanabe Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. 11:00 AM 7.3 SiC / GaN Via Process – in Search for Perfection Ju-Ai Ruan, Craig Hall, Harold Isom, Tom Nagle Qorvo, Inc. 11:20 AM 7.4 Qualification of Backside Via Etch Process in GaN-on-SiC HEMT Devices Frank Fan, Minkar Chen, Daniel Hou, David Wang Global Communication Semiconductors, LLC 11:40 AM 7.5 Analysis and Optimization of a Through Substrate Via Etch Process for Silicon Carbide Substrates Andreas Thies1, Wilfred John1, Stephan Freyer1, Jaime Beltran2, Olaf Krüger1 1 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, 2LayTec AG. 12:00 PM OPEN LUNCH Wednesday, May 20th SESSION 8: THERMAL MANAGEMENT FOR HIGH POWER DEVICES Chairs: Tom Low, Keysight Technologies Chang-Hwang Hua, WIN Semiconductors Corp. 1:30 PM Student Presentation 8.1 Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of the GaN Buffer Layer in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs: Effect of Carbon and Iron Doping M.Power1, J.W. Pomeroy1, Y.Otoki2, T.Tanaka2, J.Wada2, M. Kuzuhara3, W.Jantz4, A.Souzis5, M.Kuball1 1 University of Bristol, 2Hitachi Metals, 3University of Fukui, 4SemiMap Scientific Instruments, 5II-VI Wide Bandgap Group 1:50 PM 8.2 Rapid Characterization of GaN-on-Diamond Interfacial Thermal Resistance Using Contactless Transient Thermoreflectance Huarui Sun1, James W. Pomeroy1, Roland B. Simon1, Daniel Francis2, Firooz Faili2, Daniel J. Twitchen2, Martin Kuball1 1 University of Bristol, 2Element Six Technologies 2:10 PM 8.3 Comparison of Thermal Properties of Packaged AlGaN/GaN HFETs on Si and n-SiC Substrates R. Zhytnytska1, J. Böcker2, H. Just2, E. Bahat-Treidel1, O. Hilt1, S. Dieckerhoff2, J. Würfl1, G. Tränkle1 1 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, 2Technische Universität Berlin 2:30 AM Student Presentation 8.4 Improved Thermal Stabilities in Normally-off GaN MIS-HEMTs Cheng Liu, Hanxing Wang, Shu Yang, Yunyou Lu, Shenghou Liu, Zhikai Tang, Qimeng Jiang, Kevin J. Chen The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 2:50 AM 8.5 Simulation of the Impact of Through-Substrate Vias on the Thermal Resistance of Compound Semiconductor Devices Rajesh Baskaran, Allen W. Hanson MACOM Technology Solutions Inc. SESSION 9: GaN ANNEALING/PASSIVATION Chairs: Scott Sheppard, CREE, Inc. Paul Pinsukanjana, IntelliEPI 1:30 PM 9.1 Atomic Layer Deposition for GaN Power Semiconductors H.C.M. Knoops, Y. Huang, B. Mackenzie, T. R. Sharp, C. J. Hodson, M. Bourke Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology 1:50 PM 9.2 Comparative Study of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with LPCVD- and PECVD-SiNx Passivation Xinhua Wang, Sen Huang, Jinhan Zhang, Yingkui Zheng, Ke Wei, Xiaojuan Chen, Guoguo Liu, Tingting Yuan, Weijun Luo, Lei Pang, Haojie Jiang, Hushan Cui, Junfeng Li, Chao Zhao, Xinyu Liu Chinese Academy of Sciences 2:10 PM Student Presentation 9.3 A Low-Annealing-Temperature Process Using Si-Incorporated Contact Stacks for n-Type III-Nitride Semiconductors Yi-Che Lee, A F M Saniul Haq, Shyh-Chiang Shen Georgia Institute of Technology 2:30 PM Student Presentation 9.4 Impact of Post Fabrication Annealing PEALD ZrO2 for GaN MOSFETs K. Bothe, A. Ma, A. Afshar, P. Motamedi, K. Cadien, D. Barlage University of Alberta 2:50 PM 9.5 Suppressed Current Collapse in High Pressure Water Vapor Annealed AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Yohei Kobayashi1, Joel T. Asubar1, Koji Yoshitsugu2, Hirokuni Tokuda1, Masahiro Horita2, Yukiharu Uraoka2, Masaaki Kuzuhara1 1 University of Fukui, 2Nara Institute of Science and Technology Wednesday, May 20th 3:10 PM BREAK SESSION 10: TEST/YIELD Chairs: Gene Kohara, Marubeni America Corporation Robert Sadler, Global Communication Semiconductors, LLC 3:30 PM 10.1 Improving Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) in PHEMT Technology Peng (Tom) Cheng, Patrick Carroll, Tom Rogers Qorvo, Inc. 3:50 PM 10.2 Optimization Methodology of Clean Pads Selection for Lifetime and Test Yield on RF bump Wafer Test with Membrane Probe Card I-Pin Chia, Min-Chang Tu, Paul Yeh WIN Semiconductor 4:10 PM 10.3 Threshold Voltage Extraction Method for 2D Devices with Power-Law µ(nS) Dependence Vincent Mosser, David Seron, Youcef Haddab Itron France 4:30 PM 10.4 Process Optimization to Improve Known-Good-Die (KGD) Test Accuracy and Wafer Final Yield Yu Wang, Patrick Carroll, Jing Yao, Zach Reitmeier, Tom O’Brien, Doug Melville Qorvo, Inc. 4:50 PM 10.5 Using GaAs Diesort Methods for Efficient High Volume Capacitor Testing Martin J. Brophy, John Stanback, Thomas Dungan Avago Technologies SESSION 11: MANUFACTURING IMPROVMENTS Chairs: Corey Nevers, Qorvo, Inc. David Wang, Global Communication Semiconductors 3:30 PM 11.1 Defects (‘Seams’) Caused By Clear Field Mask Chrome Dimensions Richard Nutter HRL Laboratories, LLC 3:50 PM 11.2 Effect of Tape Liftoff Tool Settings and Plasma Conditions on Metal Peeling from Polyimide Surfaces Jiang Wang, David Lipka, Sam Mony, Nercy Ebrahimi Skyworks Solution Inc. 4:10 PM 11.3 Effective in-line Monitoring Structures for Critical Dimension Measurement in Photolithography Chao Wang, Lisa Huynh, Kevin Zoglo Qorvo, Inc. 4:30 PM 11.4 InAlN/GaN HEMTs over 100-GHz fT with an Improved Y-Gate Process by an i-line Stepper Hiroyuki Ichikawa, Isao Makabe, Tsuyoshi Kouchi, Ken Nakata, Kazutaka Inoue Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. 4:50 PM 11.5 Rapid Production Readiness Through Process Margin Study: How to Isolate the Epi and Fab Parameters That Really Matter S. Hurtt, D. Schwartz, J. Yang, S. Nedeljkovic, T. Henderson, F. Pool Qorvo, Inc. 5:10 PM RUMP SESSION RECEPTION 5:50 PM Chair: RUMP SESSIONS Steve Mahon 7:00 PM SEMI STANDARDS MEETING Thursday, May 21st SESSION 12: GaAs PROCESSING Chairs: Jim Crites, Skyworks Solutions Keith Wieber, Qorvo, Inc. 8:00 AM 12.1 High Aspect Ratio Individual Source Through Wafer Vias for High Frequency GaAs pHEMT Processes H.Stieglauer1, E.Dengler1, M.Hosch1, P.Michel2, C.Teysandier2, H.Blanck1 1 United Monolithic Semiconductors Germany, 2United Monolithic Semiconductors France 8:20 AM Student Presentation 12.2 A CMOS-compatible Fabrication Process for Scaled Self-Aligned InGaAs MOSFETs Jianqiang Lin, Dimitri A. Antoniadis, and Jesús A. del Alamo MIT 8:40 AM 12.3 Effect of Pt Thickness on the Gate Sinking in a pHEMT Device Debdas Pal, Julia Okvath MACOM 9:00 AM 12.4 An Integration of On-Chip High-Q Inductors by Cu Redistribution Layer (RDL) with Bumping for InGaP/GaAs HBT MMIC Jung-Hao Hsu, Shu-Hsiao Tsai, Shih-Wei Chen, Kay Wu, Cheng-Kuo Lin, and Dennis Williams, Yu-Chi Wang WIN Semiconductors Corp. 9:20 AM 12.5 Highly Linear Ka-Band 0.15µm GaAs Power pHEMT Process for Use in Low-Cost Molded QFN Plastic Package Michael Hosch1, Hermann Stieglauer1, Charles Teyssandier2, Philippe Auxemery2, Mikael Richard2, Jan Grünenpütt1, Benoît Lambert2, Didier Floriot2, Hervé Blanck1 1 United Monolithic Semiconductors Germany, 2United Monolithic Semiconductors France SESSION 13: GAN RF DEVICES Chairs: Martin Kuball, University of Bristol David Meyer, Naval Research Lab 8:00 AM 13.1 Leakage Current and Two-Tone-Linearity Investigations on 0.5µm AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Bernd Schauwecker, Michael Hosch, Hervé Blanck United Monolithic Semiconductors 8:20 AM 13.2 AlInN/GaN HEMTs on SiC and on Silicon with Regrown Ohmic Contacts by Selective Ammonia MBE Stefano Tirelli1, Diego Marti1, Lorenzo Lugani2, Marco Malinverni2, J.-F. Carlin2, E. Giraud2, Nicolas Grandjean2, C. R. Bolognesi1 1 Millimeter-Wave Electronics Group, ETH-Zürich, 2ICMP, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) 8:40 AM 13.3 Correlation Between Luminescence and Current Collapse in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs S. Ohi, Y. Sakaida, J. T. Asubar, H. Tokuda, M. Kuzuhara University of Fukui. 9:00 AM 13.4 Current Dispersion in Short Channel Al0.32Ga0.68N/GaN HEMTs K. Y. Osipov, S. A. Chevtchenko, O. Bengtsson, P. Kurpas, F. Brunner, N. Kemf, J. Würfl, G. Tränkle Ferdinand-Braun-Institut 9:20 AM 13.5 Practical Challenges of Processing III-Nitride/Graphene/SiC Devices Andrew D. Koehler1, Neeraj Nepal2, Marko J. Tadjer3, Rachael L. Myers-Ward1, Virginia D. Wheeler1, Travis J. Anderson1, Michael A. Mastro1, Jordan D. Greenlee4, Jennifer K. Hite1, Karl D. Hobart1, Francis J. Kub1 1 Naval Research Laboratory, 2Sotera Defense Solutions, 3ASEE Postdoctoral Fellow Residing at NRL, 4NRC Postdoctoral Fellow Residing at NRL 9:40 AM BREAK Thursday, May 21st SESSION 14: III-V DEVICES Chairs: Hidetoshi Kawasaki, Sony Shyh-Chiang Shen, Georgia Tech 10:10 AM Invited Presentation 14.1 Field Plate Models Applied to Manufacturability and RF Frequency Analysis Robert Coffie RLC Solutions 10:40 AM 14.2 ESD Protection Device for HEMT MMICs Jung-Tao Chung, Shinichiro Takatani, Cheng-Kuo Lin, Hsi-Tsung Lin, Shao-Chang Cheng, Shu-Hsiao Tsai, Cheng-Guan Yuan, Joseph S.M. Liu, Yu-Chi Wang WIN Semiconductors Corp. 11:00 AM 14.3 pHEMT Device Characterization for Current Transient Time Constant and Link to Error Vector Magnitude S. Nedeljkovic, S. Hurtt Qorvo, Inc. 11:20 AM Student Presentation 14.4 Development of an InP/GaAsSb DHBT MMIC Process with a Teflon AF Interlevel Dielectric Ralf Flückiger, Rickard Lövblom, Maria Alexandrova, Hansruedi Benedickter, Olivier Ostinelli, C. R. Bolognesi Millimeter-Wave Electronics Group, ETH-Zürich 11:40 AM Student Presentation 14.5 Characterization of Heterojunction Bipolar Phototransistor with Integrated Two-Section Light-Emitting Transistors Cheng-Han Wu1, Yuan-Fu Hsu2, Gong-Sheng Cheng2, Chao-Hsin Wu1,2 1 Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering, 2Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University SESSION 15: GaN POWER ELECTRONICS Chairs: Drew Hanser, Veeco Instruments, Inc. Chris Youtsey, MicroLink Devices 10:10 AM Invited Presentation 15.1 Vertical Power Semiconductor Devices Based on Bulk GaN Substrates I.C. Kizilyalli, X. Xin, T. Prunty, M. Raj, O. Aktas Avogy Inc. 10:40 AM 15.2 Above 2000 V Breakdown Voltage on 2 µm-thick Buffer Ultrathin Barrier AlN/GaN-on-Silicon Transistors N. Herbecq, I. Roch-Jeune, A. Linge, M. Zegaoui, F. Medjdoub Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology 11:00 AM 15.3 EC-2.0eV Trap-Related Dynamic RON in GaN/Si MISHEMTs W.Sun, A. Sasikumar, A. Arehart, S. Ringel Ohio State University 11:20 AM 15.4 Stress and Characterization Strategies to Assess Oxide Breakdown in High-Voltage GaN Field-Effect Transistors S. Warnock, J. A. del Alamo Massachusetts Institute of Technology 11:40 AM 15.5 Demonstration of Innovative Screening Method to Identify Long-Term Performance-Stable High Voltage GaNon-Silicon Based Power Devices Hyeongnam Kim, H. Kannan, Y. Pan, D. Veereddy, R. Garg, C. Zhu, J. Sun, Bhargav Pandya, D. Smith, S. Hardikar, M. Imam, T. McDonald International Rectifier Corp. Thursday, May 21st 12:00 PM LUNCH LUNCH TALK 1:00 PM Compound Semiconductor Microelectronics / Photonics Research for the next 30 years – Personal View based on past 30 year’s evolution. Dr. Milton Feng The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign SESSION 16: GaN RELIABILITY Chairs: Shawn Burnham, HRL Laboratories Karen Moore, Freescale 1:30 PM Invited Presentation 16.1 GaN HEMT Lifetesting – Characterizing Diverse Mechanisms Bruce M. Paine, Steve R. Polmanter, Vincent T. Ng, Neil T. Kubota, Carl R. Ignacio Boeing Network and Space Systems 2:00 PM 16.2 Failure Mechanisms in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Irradiated with 2MeV Protons T.J. Anderson1, A.D. Koehler1, P. Specht2, B.D. Weaver1, J.D. Greenlee1, M.J. Tadjer1, J.K. Hite1, M.A. Mastro1, M. Porter3, M. Wade3, O.C. Dubon2, M. Luysberg4, K.D. Hobart1, T.R. Weatherford3, F.J. Kub1 1 Naval Research Laboratory, 2University of California, Berkeley, 3Naval Postgraduate School, 4Ernst-Ruska Research Center 2:20 AM 16.3 Drain - Bulk Leakage Current Mechanisms and Model for Power GaN HEMT on Si Substrate Mirwazul Islam1, Grigory Simin1, Naveen Tipirneni2, Jungwoo Joh2, Vijay Krishnamurthy2, Sameer Pendharkar2 1 University of South Carolina, 2Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX 2:40 PM 16.4 Hot-Phonon Effect on the Reliability of GaN-Based Heterostructure Field-Effect Transistors Cemil Kayis1, Hadis Morkoç2 1 ASELSAN, Inc., 2Virginia Commonwealth University SESSION 17: POSTER Chairs: Nick Kolarich, Epiworks Kelli Rivers, Vacuum Engineering & Materials Co. 3:00 PM Student Presentation 17.1 0.18 mm E/D-mode pHEMT using I-line Photolithography for Microwave Application Min-Li Chou1, Yi-Shun Lin2, Ming-Tai Wu2, Sheng-Chun Wang2, Hsin-Chi Wang2, Li-Chung Lee2, Zhi-Peng Lin2, ChihYu Tseng2, Fred CH Lin2, Pang-Shao Chen2, Houng-Chi Wei2, Chian_Gau1, Shih1, Hsien-Chin Chiu1 1 Chang Gung University, 2Wavetek Microelectronics Corp. Student Presentation 17.2 6A-Operating Current GaN-Based Enhancement-Mode High Electron Mobility Transistors Chih-Hao Wang, Liang-Yu Su, Finella Lee, Jian-Jang Huang National Taiwan University Student Presentation 17.3 Enhancement of Cut-off Frequency and Optical Bandwidth in Light-Emitting Transistors at High Temperature I-Te Lee, Chao-Hsin Wu National Taiwan University 17.4 Micromachined p-GaN Gate Normally-off PowerHEMT with an Optimized Air-Bridge Matrix Layout Design Chih-Wei Yang1, Hsiang-Chun Wang1, Hsien-Chin Chiu1, Chien-Kai Tung2, Tsung-Cheng Chang2, Schang-jing Hon2 1 Chang Gung University, 2Huga Optotech Inc. 17.5 Optical Frequency Response of GaN-based Light-emitting Diodes with Embedded Photonic Crystals Yu-Feng Yin, Yen-Hsiang Hsu, Liang-Yu Su, Yuan-Fu Hsu, Li-Cheng Chang, Chao-Hsin Wu, JianJang Huang National Taiwan University 17.6 Si-Ge-Sn based Compound Semiconductors for Photonic Applications Radek Roucka, Andrew Clark, Nam Pham Translucent Inc. 17.7 Low Frequency Noise Measurements as a Characterization Tool for Reliability Assessment in AlGaN/GaN High-Electron-Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) Miao Zhao Chinese Academy of Sciences 17.8 Wide Head T-Shaped Gate Process for Low-Noise AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Hyung Sup Yoon, Byoung Gue Min, Jong Min Lee, Dong Min Kang, Ho Kyun Ahn, Hae Cheon Kim, Jong Won Lim Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Student Presentation 17.9 Effect of Gate Threshold Swings by ALD-Al2O3/AlGaN Interfacial Traps in GaN Power HEMT with Multiple Fluorinated Gate Dielectric Layers Yun-Hsiang Wang1,4, Yung C. Liang1, Ganesh S. Samudra1, Bo-Jhang Huang2, Ya-Chu Liao2, Chih-Fang Huang2, WeiHung Kuo3, Guo-Qiang Lo4 1 National University of Singapore, 2National Tsing Hua University, 3Industrial Technology Research Institute, 4A*STAR Institute of Microelectronics CONFERENCE CLOSING 4:00 PM Closing Reception GENERAL INFORMATION 2015 International Conference on Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology May 18th – 21st, 2015 Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Gainey Ranch 7500 E. Doubletree Ranch Road Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, 85258 REGISTRATION INFORMATION (US$) For Advanced Conference Registration, register online at our Web Site by April 28th. www.csmantech.org On or before Full Conference Registration Student Conference Registration Government Conference Registration One-Day Conference Registration One-Day Exhibit Registration Workshop Registration Government Workshop Registration Apr. 28 $580 $125 $580 $300 $100 $175 $175 After Apr. 28 $680 $125 $580 $300 $100 $275 $175 Payment of the full, student, or government conference registration fee includes one copy of the printed Conference Digest (if desired), one copy of the Conference Digest on a USB memory stick, and admission to all sessions and the exhibits. It also includes the International Reception, Exhibits Reception, Exhibits Luncheon, Rump Session Reception, Interactive Forum Reception, breakfasts, and refreshment breaks. Additional copies of the Conference Digest may be purchased at $140 each. Additional copies of the Conference Digest on a USB memory stick may be purchased for $50 each. The one-day registration includes admission to all sessions for that day, admission to the Exhibits Hall, buffet breakfast, break refreshments, and lunch. The Rump Session Reception or Interactive Forum Reception is included on Wednesday and Thursday, respectively. It also includes a printed Conference Digest and a Conference Digest on a USB memory stick. The one-day registration does not include admission to the International Reception. The one-day option can be taken only once during the conference. Payment of workshop registration includes one copy of the Workshop Digest, breakfast, Workshop Luncheon and break refreshments. Additional copies of the Workshop Notes may be purchased for $100. Registrants may pay by check, money order, bank draft or credit card. Make checks payable in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S bank to: “GaAs MANTECH, Inc.” Your name and address must appear on checks, money order or bank drafts. The only acceptable credit cards are Master Card, VISA, and American Express. REGISTRATION FORMS SENT WITHOUT PAYMENT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. All refund requests must be received by Peter Ersland at the CS MANTECH office shown below by April 28 th for a full refund less a $25 processing fee. NO REFUNDS AFTER APRIL 28, 2015. CS MANTECH 14525 SW Millikan Way #26585 Beaverton, Oregon 97005-2343 For Advanced Conference Registration, register online at our Web Site by April 28 th. www.csmantech.org HOTEL RESERVATIONS (note send to the chairs for update information) CS MANTECH has arranged for a discounted nightly rate at the Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort & Spa. The rate for single or double occupancy is $189 per night. The CS MANTECH rate includes free guest room Internet access. State and local occupancy taxes (currently 14.75%) will be added to these rates. For those wishing to extend their stay, a limited number of rooms are available at the group rate before and after the conference on a first come, first served basis. Please note that if guaranteed by credit card, one night’s room and tax will be charged if the reservation is cancelled after 6pm the day before arrival. Hotel reservations may be made through either: The CS MANTECH website www.csmantech.org - Hotel Reservation Link Calling the Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort & Spa at: +1-480-444-1234 When calling the Hotel directly, please request the CS MANTECH group rate. To receive the CS MANTECH rate, Hotel reservations must be received BEFORE April 24th, 2015. Reservations made after this date will be subject availability and to the prevailing rates at the Hyatt (Currently $309+tax). If you require the US Government rate (ID required) please call the Sheraton Denver Hotel directly and notify them you are attending CS MANTECH. The discounted rate is subject to availability, so please MAKE YOUR RESERVATION EARLY! We ask you to please support CS MANTECH and to enjoy all of the conference activities by staying at our official 2015 location, the Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort & Spa.
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