Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering Challenged Networks S-38.3455 P Introduction Jörg Ott Esa Hyytiä jo@netlab.tkk.fi esa@netlab.tkk.fi SE 324 NE 309 © 2015 Jörg Ott, Teemu Kärkkäinen, Esa Hyytiä 1 Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering Overview Seminar (5 – 10 ETCS points) 3 sessions + 2 deadlines Introduction Mid-term presentations: initial review + feedback Seminar presentations: O(30 min) for Presentation and discussion per topic One opponent per topic Overview and assignments: Paper collection: submit by: Dates and venue: © 2015 Jörg Ott, Teemu Kärkkäinen, Esa Hyytiä 13.1.2015 (today) 20.1.2015 (email) feedback by: 23.1.2015 (email) review: 30.1.2015, 15:00 (D302) present: 25.2.2015, 14:30 (D302) 2 Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering Requirements Contents Summarize and interpret the contents of at least 3 papers Initial contents provided; further search required; reviewed by us Synthesize / interpret: go beyond the plain summary Interim review presentation 10 – 15 minutes to get a first round of feedback Seminar presentation 30 minutes Slides (digital: PS, PDF, or PPT) Preparation meeting by individual appointment to discuss contents Written summary: 5–8 pages Double column style of IEEE journal / conference proceedings Should be sent three days prior to the seminar (14.2.) Also to the opponent Will be published on the course web page © 2015 Jörg Ott, Teemu Kärkkäinen, Esa Hyytiä 3 Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering Interim Review (+/o/-) Target: you have found and read the material 2 – 3 or more additional papers on your topic Blog posts, news articles, etc. for some topics (those want to be assessed concerning validity, bias, relevance, …) Short 10–15 min presentation each (with slides!) Which additional papers did you find? What is the contents of these papers (individually)? What was particularly interesting? What are the common or disjoint themes worth noting? How will you structure your final presentation? What have you been missing? Comments and feedback from all for your final presentation © 2015 Jörg Ott, Teemu Kärkkäinen, Esa Hyytiä 4 Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering Seminar Presentation (50% grade) Full-blown slide presentation (including form) ~30 min (depends a bit on the number of people) Accompanied by a write-up (50% grade) Focus on combining the individual sources you found A series of summaries won’t do Yet: different technologies may require individual introductions before Synthesize, compare / contrast, evaluate, … Add personal judgment: what is your take, your favorite? Why? Possibly: What do you think would not work (well) and why? Ethical or political considerations What do you think about the specific technology and society? Future (technical) implications © 2015 Jörg Ott, Teemu Kärkkäinen, Esa Hyytiä 5 Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering DIY Networking Example: Liberouter Basic features WLAN access point Captive portal SCAMPI router Storage node Can mesh with other liberouters Applications Android liberouter distribution Native SCAMPI (Java) applications HTML5 applications (SCAMPI-enabled) • Teemu Kärkkäinen, Jörg Ott: Liberouter: Towards Autonomous Neighborhood Networking. Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP WONS, March 2014. © 2015 Jörg Ott, Teemu Kärkkäinen, Esa Hyytiä 6 Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering © 2015 Jörg Ott, Teemu Kärkkäinen, Esa Hyytiä 7 Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering What do you think? No clear boundary between DIY and community networking There are many wrongs – what’s right (if anything)? Legitimate reasons vs. illegitimate abuses Taking sides is tricky – many viewpoints involved And many cultures, values, laws, … Why are you here today? What is your prime concern or interest? What would you like to learn about (“take away”)? © 2015 Jörg Ott, Teemu Kärkkäinen, Esa Hyytiä 8 Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering Topics (1) 1. Affordability: Internet pricing across continents - Market studies of prices - smart data pricing - multiple classes of users 2. Internet deployment challenges in emerging markets - case study: AirJaldi - energy 3. Community Wireless Networks: with own infrastructure: a) systsms aspects, b) people and economics - MIT roofnet - guifi.net - Funkfeuer - ninux.org - sarantaporo.gr - OpenWireless.org 4. Community Wireless Networks: with third-party infrastructure - FON - Virtual Public Networks 5. Services in Community Networks - cloud services - voice and messaging 6. Two-class Internet services - connectivity sharing models - scavenging capacity (using less-than-best-effort services) © 2015 Jörg Ott, Teemu Kärkkäinen, Esa Hyytiä Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering 9 Topics (2) 7. Rural access networks [could be several topics; coordinate!] - http://www.cse.iitk.ac.in/users/braman/dgp.html - KioskNet (an old original) - http://tier.cs.berkeley.edu/drupal/ 8. Wireless technologies for rural access - TV white space - GSM white space 9. Energy considerations - growth in consumption - limitations in availability 10. Caching - Internet in a box - Performance/latency implications 11. DIY networks - decentralized (not necessarily Internet access) - Example: PirateBox, Occupy.here - more: http://nethood.org/links.php 12. Art & Design aspects - Example: Yellow chair stories - more: http://nethood.org/links.php © 2015 Jörg Ott, Teemu Kärkkäinen, Esa Hyytiä 10 Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering Topics (3) Do-It-Yourself: Bring Your Own Technical, economical, societal, regulatory, … topics Some links to get started: http://www.dagstuhl.de/mat/index.en.phtml?14471 https://sites.google.com/site/irtfgaia/home the three meetings listed there IRTF GAIA mailing list (start at http://www.irtf.org/) http://nethood.org/links.php © 2015 Jörg Ott, Teemu Kärkkäinen, Esa Hyytiä 11 Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering Topic Assignment Topic Presenter Affordability tommi,luhtala@aalto.fi Ibrahima.fofana@aalto.fi Internet deployment challenges in emerging markets Ibrahim.afolabi@aalto.fi michael.desta@aalto.fi Community Wireless Networks I: own infra Sewda.biza@aalto.fi Aapo.poutanen@aalto.fi Opponent Community Wireless Networks II: 3rd party infra Services in Community Networks Gazi.illahi@aalto.fi Two-class Internet services Rural access networks I Oluwabunmi.agbede@aalto.fi Rural access networks II Wireless technologies for rural access Bahareh.gholampooryazdi@aalto.fi Energy considerations Ermias.walelgne@aalto.fi Caching and efficiency Alemnew.asrese@aalto.fi DIY networks Mael.kimmerlin@aalto.fi Art & Design aspects di.2.zhu@aalto.fi BYO #1 BYO © 2015#2 Jörg Ott, Teemu Kärkkäinen, Esa Hyytiä 12
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