VOL. 4 - ISSUE 45 :: PAGES 20 :: ` 2/FEBRUARY 28, 2015 RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373 Regn. No. MCS/101/2015-17 T WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM his evening at 4 pm seems to be an unusual mixture a of share holders who have Contd. on Pg. 07 Special General Meeting of the PCA Co- Op Housing Society Limited is Eminent personality >Pg. 11 Cricket @ Panthaky Baug >Pg. 08 scheduled to be held at the DPYA High School in Dadar. The scheduled meeting which will be held today is in the eye of a storm. A few concerned members have called, written and sent documents to PT suggesting that the meeting is to of the grave importance members who unfortunately are not aware of an alleged hidden agenda. Remembering Cyrus >Pg. 10 Block by Block >Pg. 06 The PCA was incorporated in 1920 under the Co-op Societies Act. However PCA Magic of the tiny tots Pg. 05 Pg. 17 The God Whisperer Pg. 12 World Cup Updates Pg. 19 is not like a normal housing society that one thinks of when one hears the words “Co-op Housing Society”. This society 02 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Editorial RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS Dear Readers, The long drawn so called ‘Renegade Priests’ Case seems to be coming to a close and we all await the release of the ‘Terms of Settlement’. What disturbs me is that since this news hit the Media, the two Priests for whom the case was being fought have been telling anyone who will listen that they IHHOOLNHµVDFUL¿FLDOODPEV¶ The bone of contention has always been the fact that the High Court was to decide if the BPP, a Charitable Trust whose ONLY role is supposed to be that of Custodian of Community property, has the power to pass Religious Decrees and Fatwas. Now rumour has it that these ‘Terms of Settlement’ may also christen the BPP as a Religious Trust. If these rumours are to be believed, and I hope not, then the Settlement itself is a grave betrayal of the Community. I hold my breath… In any case, take the time out to de-stress and relax on the weekend with Parsi Times. Our ,VVXH LV ¿OOHG ZLWK SRZHU FKDWV %DXJ XSGDWHV 6WRULHV DQG VXJJHVWLRQV RI WKLQJV WR GR DQG places to go. A note to all our lovely Readers who take the time out to write back to me each week, while I appreciate the letters that you send, please do not forget that each letter must have a return address and contact detail so that I can follow up with you. Last week I received a rather interesting letter where the writer shares a lot of masala about a certain Trust and even ends RQDFKHHN\QRWHVD\LQJWKDWLI,FKRVHWR,FRXOGJHWJLIWHGDÀDWLQUHWXUQIRUIDYRUVEHLQJWKH Editor of Parsi Times etc.etc…). Since you provided me no return address or contact detail and ,FDQQRW¿QG\RXUQDPHRQDQ\OLVWV,KDYHRI&RPPXQLW\PHPEHUVKHUHLVP\UHSO\«DµÀDW out refusal’… and you know what I mean! 4 Freyan. 5HJDUGLQJ5VFRLQ 'U'DGDEKDL1DDQML Dear Editor, Thanks for publishing J. P. Irani’s letter (27-12-14). What he says is true, but I wish to add two things: The late Lt. Gen. Adi Sethna (Vice Chief of the Army Staff) gave the push to my proposal from Delhi. (He has a good rapport with the Central Finance Ministry.) 7KH %33·V UROH ZDV FRQÀQHG to organizing a function, at the NCPA for releasing the coin, when the then Finance Minister, Jaswant 6LQJK FDPH GRZQ IRU LWV RIÀFLDO release. B. T. Dastur &ODULILFDWLRQ Dear Editor, In recent issues of Parsi Times, an advertisement has been featured for a book published by Mr. Behram T. Dastur titled - “Zoroastrianism and Parsis - Are-look”. In the synopsis of the book published in the advertisement, amongst other things it has been mentioned “...and the GOOD work done by WZO and ZTFI’s India Chapters (under Tamboly) are worth pondering over”. Whilst I am grateful to Mr. Behram T. Dastur to refer so kindly about the work my team and I have been doing, it is necessary to issue WZRFODULÀFDWLRQV 1. I have not been connected with ZTFI or involved in any of their projects. The credit for whatever they have achieved belongs to the individuals who administer that institution. The only involvement that I have had with ZTFI was WR KDYH XVHG P\ JRRG RIÀFHV WR facilitate their being allocated an RIÀFH LQ D WUXVW EXLOGLQJ ZKHUH , was earlier a Trustee. 2. Whilst I am a member of WZO-India, I am in no way connected with their administration or management in any capacity. My involvement is with (a) World Zoroastrian Organisation Trust (b) WZO Trust Funds, and (c) WZO Trust for Women & Children, all three of which are registered as public welfare charitable institutions managed by their own independent Board of Trustees. With a view to keeping the record straight, it will be DSSUHFLDWHG LI WKHVH FODULÀFDWLRQV are published in your esteemed publication. Kind regards, Dinshaw K. Tamboly 6DWDUD$JLDU\ Dear Editor, Recently I visited Satara. I remembered the Satara Agiary article which was published in Parsi Times. I decided to visit it. , WRRN WKH KHOS RI LQWHUQHW WR ÀQG the location. I noted down the landmark& telephone number. I tried to contact on telephone but the number was not available. I searched the area but nobody could help me. The local people too were not aware of Agiary. Some people send me to Jain Temple. I lost all hopes of visiting the Agiary. I said to myself O Ahura Mazada please help me. I saw two Guajarati ladies passing by. I asked them to KHOS PH WR ÀQG$JLDU\ )LUVW WKH\ looked little puzzled, than one of them said it is near Mona School. At last I found the Agiary. The caretaker was a very kind person. But the condition of the Agiary was not so good. During rainy season water collects near the place where FIRE is kept. Firstly I would like to suggest some signed boards to be kept for the location of the Agiary. Secondly I hope some Philanthropist will help to renovate the Agiary. Hosang K. Marfatia -L\R3DUVL Dear Editor, The Jiyo Parsi scheme may not go further in numbers. If we have to gain in numbers we have to admit children of mixed marriages into our fold. I know quite a few Parsi ladies who have married non- Parsis who visit Agairys and their children wait outside. Why do we forget that these were also our sisters, daughters at one time? Can’t our High Priests take a onetime call and allow their children inside. Our sacred Fire won’t fade away. If this can be done in other Communities, why not ours? Is our blood different from the Hindus, Muslims and the Christians who are more tolerant? I feel that our Religion discriminates and is anti female. Mr. Dinyar Kolha 8th Anniversary of Muncherji Jamshetji Wadia Fire Temple The 8th Anniversary of the renovated Muncherji Jamshetji Wadia Fire Temple at Lalbaug will be celebrated on Sunday, 1st March, 2015 (Roj Meher, Mah Meher). A Jashan ceremony will be performed by Vada Dasturji Khurshed Dastur Kekobad Dastoor of Udvada at 5.15 pm which will be followed by a small program and dinner thereafter. Contributory dinner coupons shall be collected from the M.J. Wadia Agiary- Lalabaug, from Ervad Kersi Bhadha. d„Q¡fÆ S>di¡v$Æ hpqX$ep ArNepfu“u 8du iyckpgN°¡l d„Q¡fÆ S>di¡v$Æ hpqX$ep ArNepfu gpgbpN“u iyc kpgN°¡l fp¡S> dl¡f, dpl dl¡f$“¡ sp. 01gu dpQ® 2015“¡ frhhpf¡ kp„S>¡ õV$p. V$pCd 5.15 hpÁe¡ Dv$hpX$p“p hX$p v$õsyfÆ Myfi¡v$ L¡$L$p¡bpv$ v$õsyf sfa’u L$fhpdp„ Aphi¡Æ. Ðepf bpv$ S>dZ ‘ufkhpdp„ Aphi¡. D‘gp S>i““u ‘rhÓ q¾$epdp„ kh® S>f’p¡õsuAp¡“¡ Apd„ÓZ Ap‘hpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡Æ. (S>dhp“u L|$‘“ dpV¡$ L$p¡ÞV¡$L$V$: A¡fhv$ L¡$fku cp^p, A¡d.S>¡. ArNepfu, gpgbpN). Jashan The Trustees of the Kadmi Ghambar Fund invites all the Community members for a Jashan Ceremony on 5th March, 2015 (Roj Behram Mah Meher) at Cama Baug Agiary at 10 am. There will also be a free Ghambar for the Community members from 11.30 am to 1.30 pm. Ghambar coupons will be available on 2nd and 3rd March from 2 pm to 4 pm from Kadmi Ghambar Fund, Cama Building, 1st Floor, 24-26, Dalal Street, Next to Share Market, Fort, Mumbai- 400023. S>i“ L$v$du Nl„bpf a„X$“p V²$õV$u kpl¡bp¡ sfa’u Nyê$hpf sp. 5-3-2015 fp¡S> b¡l¡fpd, dpl d¡l¡f, e.T. 1384“p qv$“¡ khpf¡ 10.00 õV¡$.V$p. hpN¡ S>i““u ‘rhÓ q¾$ep L$pdp bpN ArNepfud^¡ L$fhpdp„ Aphi¡Æ. Ap âk„N¡ ‘pfku L$p¡d“p Nfub S>f’p¡õsuAp¡ dpV¡$ äu Nl„bpf 11.30 ’u 1.30 hpÁep ky^u L$pdpbpN dp¡V$p Ap¡V$gp d^¡ fp¿ep¡ R>¡Æ. S>¡“u Ly$‘“ aL$s kp¡dhpf sp. 2Æ dpQ® A“¡ d„Nmhpf sp. 3Æ dpQ® 2015 A¡ b‘p¡f¡ 2.00 ’u 4.00“u hÃQ¡S> “uQ¡ Ap‘¡gp kf“pd¡ dmi¡Æ. (dl¡fbp“u L$fu khpf¡ Aphip¡ “l]Æ) L$v$du Nl„bpf a„X$, L$pdp rb[ëX„$N, ‘l¡g¡ dpm¡, 24-26, v$gpg õV²$uV$ (i¡f bÅf rbëX$]N“u bpSy>dp„), ap¡V®$, dy„bC-400023. (A¡L$ dpZk“¡ a¼s A¡L $S> L|$ ‘“ Ap‘hpdp„ Aphi¡Æ.) Meheriyan Parab Zoroastrian Winter Relief Fund, jointly with Senior Citizens Group of Rustom Baug, celebrates Meheriyan Parab on Meher Mahino Meher Roj on Sunday 1st March, 2015 at Neville Wadia Hall, Rustom Baug 6.15 pm onwards by organising devotional and inspiring Musical Program performed by ‘OCEAN BLUE’ of Roshan Jehan Orchestra led by Mrs. Perin K. Surty, Spiritual Leader and jointly with Mr. Nauzad K. Ghaswala Violin. Head coverage is compulsory as a dress code. All are welcome to celebrate this happy occasion. dl¡fuep“ ‘fb“u DS>hZu Tp¡fp[õV²$e“ huÞV$f qfgua a„X$, ê$$õsdbpN“p rkr“ef rkV$uTÞk N°y‘“p Å¡X$pZdp„, dl¡f drl“p¡, dl¡f fp¡S> “¡ frhhpf sp. 1gu dpQ® 2015“¡ qv$hk¡, “¡rhg hpqX$ep lp¡g, ê$õsdbpNdp„ 6. 15 L$gpL¡$ dl¡fuep“ ‘fb DS>hu füy„ R>¡. çeyrTL$ âp¡N°pd Ap¡i“ ågy Üpfp L$fhpdp„ Aphi¡. kh® S>f’p¡õsuAp¡“¡ Apd„ÓZ Ap‘hpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡Æ. (dp’pbp“y bp„^hy„ S>ê$fu R>¡). 7+()81.,(-81.,(*5(< &$7#%33 Dear Editor, Day by day with the passage of time, His black deeds are not worth a dime; As the grey cat gets older and bolder, He mouths untruths & deceives & lies, Shameless is he – see the look in his eyes, His conscience grows bloodless & colder; The grey cat is a member of a cult satanic, His thoughts, words & deeds are so very sick; Never a thought does he give to the morrow, He tops in tainting people with shades black; His attitude to clean people is limp & slack, He generously doles out barrels of sorrow; In the BPP he is notorious for many a howler, Even as his mannerisms get stormier & fouler; The countdown to BPP elections will begin, In his grab for power, he enhances avarice, Contd. on Pg. 09 POINT TO NOTE: It’s the message, not the messenger you might be mad at! Please Note: The opinions expressed in ‘Letters to the Editor’ are those of Readers and contributors and do not necessarily express the opinion of our Publication. e resere only the right to ‘edit for uality’ and the right to not publish letters intended for this section, that e Ƥnd less than suitable in tone or expression. If anyone has any doubts and issues about the content of the letters, they are requested to contact the individual authors if his / her details are mentioned. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 03 04 Community Coverage SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 PICNIC to Zara’s Resort, Khandala on 15th March, 2015 /ƚ͛ƐƟŵĞƚŽĐĞůĞďƌĂƚĞƚŚĞŽŶƐĞƚŽĨƐƵŵŵĞƌǁŝƚŚůŽƚƐŽĨĨƵŶĂŶĚĨƌŽůŝĐĂƚ ĂƌĂ͛ƐZĞƐŽƌƚĂƚ<ŚĂŶĚĂůĂ͘ĞĂƚƚŚĞŚĞĂƚďLJĐŽŽůŝŶŐLJŽƵƌƐĞůǀĞƐĂƚƚŚĞ ǁĂƚĞƌƉĂƌŬ͕ďƵƚŵŽƐƚŝŵƉŽƌƚĂŶƚůLJ͕ŵĞĞƚƐĐŽƌĞƐŽĨLJŽƵŶŐƐƚĞƌƐ͘ DĂŶLJŽĨƚŚĞLJŽƵŶŐƐƚĞƌƐǁŚŽŚĂĚŵĞƚĂƚŽŶĞŽĨƚŚĞƉŝĐŶŝĐƐĂƌĞŶŽǁ ŚĂƉƉŝůLJŵĂƌƌŝĞĚ͘ :ŽŝŶŝŶƚŚĞŵĞƌƌŝŵĞŶƚ͕ĂƐƚŚĞŽŵďĂLJWĂƌƐŝWƵŶĐŚLJĞƚƚĂŬĞƐLJŽƵŽŶĐĞ ĂŐĂŝŶĨŽƌĂ͚ĚĂLJ͛ƉŝĐŶŝĐŽŶSunday, the 15th of March 2015͘ ŽŽŬLJŽƵƌƉůĂĐĞůĂƚĞƐƚďLJƚŚĞϳƚŚŽĨDĂƌĐŚϮϬϭϱďLJƉĂLJŝŶŐRs. 500/per head͘ ƵƐƐĞƌǀŝĐĞǁŝůůďĞĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞĂƚƚŚĞĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐůŽĐĂƟŽŶƐ͗ ϭ͘<ŚĂƌĞŐŚĂƚŽůŽŶLJ͕DĂŶĐŚĞƌũŝWĞƐƚŽŶũŝ<ŚĂƌĞŐŚĂƚƐƚĂƚƵĞĂƚϲ͘ϯϬĂŵ Ϯ͘ĂĚĂƌWĂƌƐŝŽůŽŶLJ͕DĂŶĐŚĞƌũŝĚƵůũŝ:ŽƐŚŝƐƚĂƚƵĞĂƚϳ͘ϬϬĂŵ &ŽƌƌĞƐĞƌǀĂƟŽŶĐŽŶƚĂĐƚƚŚĞĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐ͗ Mrs. Bakhtawar Dastur: ŽŵďĂLJWĂƌƐŝWƵŶĐŚĂLJĞƚ͗ϮϮϲϭϳϰϮϭͬϮϮͬϮϯ͘ Mrs. Arnavaz Mistry: ĂĚĂƌ͗Ϯϰϭϰϳϲϰϲ͕ϵϴϮϭϬϬϵϮϴϵ Mrs. Zarin Havewala: ĂĚĂƌ͗ϵϳϱϳϯϮϯϰϳϱ͕ϵϴϮϬϳϲϬϰϲϯ͘ Mrs. Hutokshi Dadabhoy: 'ƌĂŶƚZŽĂĚ;tͿ͗ϵϴϮϬϬϳϮϱϬϰ Please note that: dŚĞ ƉŝĐŶŝĐ ŝƐ ŽƉĞŶ ƚŽ Ăůů WĂƌƐŝ ͬ /ƌĂŶŝ ŽƌŽĂƐƚƌŝĂŶ ƐŝŶŐůĞďŽLJƐĂŶĚŐŝƌůƐ;ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐĚŝǀŽƌĐĞĞƐ͕ǁŝĚŽǁƐͬǁŝĚŽǁĞƌƐĚĞƐŝƌŽƵƐ ŽĨŐĞƫŶŐŵĂƌƌŝĞĚͿ͕ďĞƚǁĞĞŶƚŚĞĂŐĞƐϮϬĂŶĚϰϬLJĞĂƌƐŽŶůLJ͕ĞǀĞŶƚŽ ƚŚŽƐĞǁŚŽĂƌĞŶŽƚƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌĞĚǁŝƚŚƵƐ͘ /ŶŽƌĚĞƌƚŽŚĂǀĞĞƋƵĂůŶƵŵďĞƌŽĨŐŝƌůƐĂŶĚďŽLJƐ͕ŝƚŚĂƐďĞĞŶĚĞĐŝĚĞĚ ƚŽ ĂĐĐĞƉƚ Ϯϱ ŐŝƌůƐͬďŽLJƐ ŽŶ Ă ĮƌƐƚ ĐŽŵĞ ĮƌƐƚ ƐĞƌǀĞĚ ďĂƐŝƐ͘ dŚĞ ƌĞƐƚ ǁŽƵůĚďĞǁĂŝƚͲůŝƐƚĞĚ͘ ŽŽŬŝŶŐŽĨƚŚĞƐĞĂƚƐǁŽƵůĚŶŽƚďĞĚŽŶĞŽŶƚŚĞƚĞůĞƉŚŽŶĞ͘/ƚǁŽƵůĚďĞ ƐƚƌŝĐƚůLJŽŶƉĂLJŵĞŶƚŽĨƚŚĞƐĂŝĚƐƵŵ͘ BOOK YOUR SEATS ASAP. BE THERE OR BE SQUARE! Shirley Tarapore Helia spends her weekends at her mother’s place in Gorai to get away from the hectic Mumbai life World for All, the Animal welfare NGO has teamed up with Parsi Times for this exclusive column! This week, it features loving animals that need homes and could do with the love and care of affectionate Parsi households. So whether you live alone and are looking for a companion or you want to teach your children responsible love and caretaking, or if you simply love animals, here resp po is a a hopeful soul who deserves a chance to make you happy! Scotch is a handsome, male kitten who is as playful as he is affectionate. He is 3 months old, has been dewormed and vaccinated. Ready for full time loving. Call 9820496099 Brownie - Adorable 1.5 month old Indian breed just looking for love! He loves cuddles and laps. Please call 9004257179 to adopt! SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Ava Fashions Attention Ladies! Don’t miss the mega sale on beautiful garments by Ava Fashions at DPYA-Dadar on 1st March and at Cama Park- Andheri on 6th and 7th March, 2015 from 10 am to 6 pm. For more details contact: 9820127164. BNHS Flamingo Festival If you are not doing anything today, head to the BNHS Flamingo Festival from 1 pm onwards up to sunset at the Sewri Jetty, Mumbai. Karani Agiary Head to Karani Agiary at Cusrow Baug on Thursday the 5th of March at 6:15 pm for the lecture on “The Advent of Raeindar Saheb Shah Behram Varavand - The Saviour of the World in the Near Future” by Dr. Meher Lavji Pavri organized by the Rahunae Mazdayasnan Sabha. This is directly after the Behram Roj Jashan at the Agiary at 5 pm. Ghambar at Cama Baug Hurry! Grab your coupons for the mouth-watering Ghambar which will be held on Monday 16th March, 2015 at Cama Baug (Big Otla) from 11.30 am to 2.30 pm. Coupons are available with Caterer Jimmy Gadiwalla. T he Annual Day function of N. M. Wadia Pre-Primary School, situated in the serene surrounding of Malcolm Baug, was celebrated on 6th February 2015 at the Malcolm Baug Hall. The Principal Mrs. Hutoxi Messman welcomed the Chief Guest, Ms. Zarine Patel who was a dedicated teacher in Hindi Vidya Bhavan for 30 long years. The program started with a prayer and welcome song sung by the tiny tots. The audience was enthralled by the brilliant performances of 3 to 5 years old which included songs by Nursery children, English plays, Hindi skits, Indian folk dances and Western dances by Jr. KG. and Sr. KG. kids. The Chief Guest expressed her appreciation at the efforts put in by the Principal, the teachers and the students for giving such a lovely performance. The function ended on a happy note with the National Anthem sung by the children of Jr. & Sr. KG. The School is grateful to N. M. Wadia Charities and Malcolm Baug Zoroastrian Association for all their cooperation. 05 06 Community Coverage SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 NOTICE Calling Navar Maratabs The Zoroastrian Winter Relief Fund & Rustom Baug Association invites applications from Navar Maratabs ordained during January 2013 to December 2014 in India and Abroad. Special Awards, Cash Prizes will be awarded and Memorial Prizes for special Religious Achievements. Special Prizes are offered for Avesta specialization. Award Function to be held on 17th April, 2015 in co-operation with Faroher Foundation at Albless Baug, Charni Road. For Further Queries please contact Mrs. Hutokshi J. Irani (9833166515 / 022 23716580) before 15th March, 2015. The story of Bandra Tata Blocks B andra Tata Blocks Welfare Association (BTBWA) on the occasion of its 49th Anniversary organized a scintillating evening to take the Parsis back in the 60’s by staging a musical extravaganza titled ‘R D Burman Nite’ by Music Dhara at Birla Matushri Sabhaghar on Saturday 21st February, 2015. BTBWA was conceptualized in the year 1964 when our Country was at war. During the blackouts the members of the colony felt a need to have an Association which would bring together all the Residents of the Colony. So in October 1965, BTBWA was formed with a handful of members. The Association is now running the 49th year and doing very well in all its objectives. Over a period of time with the help of Colony residents and other institutions they were able to build up a corpus which enabled BTBWA to carry out various activities like, monetary monthly aid to needy residents of the Colony, Medical Aid to the needy on a case to case basis, Annual donations to institutions like Red Cross, Parsi Ambulance Association, NAB, Parsi General Hospital, CRY, etc., Donations to Agiaries (Fire Temples) which need help for renovation, Conducting Medical Camps and Blood Donation Drives, Felicitates and encourages students who excel in academics, sports and Extra By P.T. Reporter Swati Kalra right way of arguing cases and Curricular activities, Organizes one day and overnight trips to Fire Temples and other places of worship at heavily subsidized rates to ensure that people of all ages can participate. This is the fourth year in succession that BTBWA has tried to bring all the Parsi / Irani Zoroastrians under one roof by distributing free tickets in Mumbai & suburban areas. Advocate Ashish Shelar, MLA & BJP Mumbai President along with Mrs. Alka Kerkar, Deputy the use of various laws. He emphasised the need of more and more Parsi youngsters to come forward and carry on the rich legacy built by their forefathers. The program continued for almost three hours and the audience from the age of 10 to 80 were deeply engaged in the melodious songs sung by the orchestra members. After every performance the hall echoed with the applauses of the audience who were thoroughly Mayor of Mumbai graced the occasion. Mr Ashish Shelar &, Mrs. Alka Kerkar felicitated the students who excelled in academics and distributed FHUWLÀFDWHVDQGWURSKLHV Several little Children have made their colony proud this year and the three who secured highest in ICSE (HSC) board examinations were Zenia S. Baria for scoring 82.15%, Hoshang F. Motafram for securing 86.15% and Danesh Gandhi secured 95.60%. Danesh was also awarded the “Mehramai Dehnugara Trophy” for securing the highest marks in the ICSE (HSC) Examinations. Speaking on the occasion, Advocate Ashish Shelar advocated the contribution made by the Parsi Community in India. He sighted an example that during his initial days he had the opportunity of working with a very eminent Parsi Advocate who taught him the enjoying the evening and remembering their olden golden days. There were gift vouchers from Shoppers Stop, Singapore Laundry, and Jude Cold Storage for the audience who participated in the lucky draw on the purchase of souvenirs. The show was sponsored by Advocate Ashish Shelar and co-sponsored by Zara & Naira Master. The Souvenir was sponsored by Gharda Chemicals Limited and the Venue was sponsored by the Tata Group. A big thank you to the Trustees of Bai Hirabai Tata Memorial Trust for their cooperation and support and also the Committee Members, sponsors, co-sponsors, advertisers, donors and wellwishers for their kind and generous contribution for making this special occasion a grand success. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Residents urge society members to attend the meeting today, 4 pm at DPYA High School, Dadar. 07 ALL IS NOT WELL IN THE PARSEE CENTRAL ASSOCIATION – DADAR DO NOT ALLOW THE AMMENDMENT TO GO THROUGH SAY AGITATED FLAT OWNERS! Contd. from Pg. 01 property in the Society buildings and people who have no property and yet have shares. There are also people who have property but no shares! “Majority of the Managing Committee members are not even Residents of our buildings” said a concerned Resident. T h e r e appears to be a major disconnect between the members of the Managing Committee and some of the ÁDW RZQHUV RFFXSLHUVWHQDQWV5HVLGHQWVRIWKHVHÁDWVDUHZRUULHGWKDWWKH6*06SHFLDO*HQHUDO 0HHWLQJ KDV RQO\ EHHQ FDOOHG WR DPHQG %\H /DZ 1R L ZKLFK SUHVHQWO\ FOHDUO\ mentions that on the death of a member the property comprised in the nomination would be transferred to the nominee. However the p r o p o s e d amendment intends to substitute the word property by the word shares, which according to the residents of these buildings is an extremely unfair and dangerous amendment. The allegation being made is that almost 40% of the shareholders of the Society do not have property in these buildings. Some of these shareholders do not even stay in the same geographical area. And yet these people for want of information and lack of concern about critical issues may jeopardize the rights of those who own both shares and property and who claim that their shares are linked to their properties. Homi Lord, a resident of this area said that the Society has been losing legal EDWWOHVUHFHQWO\DJDLQVWPHPEHUVZKRRZQVKDUHVDQGDUHDOVRLQSRVVHVVLRQRIÁDWV DQGZKRKDYHZRQLQWKHFRXUWV+HEHOLHYHVWKDWWKLVHQWLUHH[HUFLVHWKH6*0LV a last ditch effort on the part of the Managing Committee. Allegations of improper transfers, favoritism and non-compliance with proper procedures are being made by some of the people who spoke to PT. To substantiate their allegations, the members pointed out the last point written ´0DMRULW\ RI WKH 0DQDJLQJ Committee members are not even 5HVLGHQWV RI RXU EXLOGLQJVµ VDLG D concerned Resident. $OOHJDWLRQV RI LPSURSHU WUDQVIHUV favoritism and non-compliance with SURSHU SURFHGXUHV DUH EHLQJ PDGH by some of the people who spoke to PT. Parsi Times Reader Dr. Aspi 1 5DLPDOZDOD &RQVXOWLQJ 2%*< 6SHFLDOLVW ZDV PRYHG to see the picture snapped by PT Contributor Khushnum Bhandari of Nargish Aunty weaving Kustis at her home. He has mailed us a wonderful image of his own mother aged 95 spinning sutar for Kusti. He says “She even until recently used to weave Kusti also.” Dr. Raimalwala thanks PT for appreciating and encouraging our own Senior Citizens by publishing their photos and stories. We too hope that his sweet photo will encourage others to send us their images of love and Parsi-panu. under the subtitle – “FOR THE KIND ATTENTION OF MEMBERS” in the circular announcing the 6*0,WVD\V ‘ T h i s society is neither an ownership nor a Residents urge society members to attend the meeting today, tenant co4 p.m. at DPYA High School, Dadar. partnership Society but a /DQGORUGWHQDQW6RFLHW\1RQHRIWKHÁDWVRIWKH6RFLHW\DUHRZQHGE\DQ\ Occupants / Shareholders on ownership basis but are let out by the Society purely on rental basis and there is no nexus between the occupation of the ÁDWDQGKROGLQJRIVKDUHV· The worried owners claim that the Court judgments have been going against the Society and they are planning to campaign and ensure that members do not vote and allow the amendments to be carried because of lack of awareness about the facts or the recent events. Do not vote and give up your rights and your shares is their call. The PHPEHUVRIWKH0DQDJLQJ&RPPLWWHHKDYHQRWVHQWDQ\FODULÀFDWLRQRQWKLV issue. 08 Community Coverage T SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 %\375HSRUWHU6ZDWL.DOUD he Panthaky Baug Welfare Center (PWC) ÁDJJHG RII WKHLU VHFRQG %R[ &ULFNHW7RXUQDPHQW DW WKH FRORQ\ JURXQGV RQ VW DQG QG)HEUXDU\ 7KH HYHQW VDZ DQ HQFRXUDJLQJSDUWLFLSDWLRQRI WHDPVIURPYDULRXV3DUVLJURXSV DFURVV 0XPEDL ZKR ZHUH FKHHUHG IURP WKH VWDQGV E\ HQWKXVLDVWLFVSHFWDWRUVEHDULQJ WKH VFRUFKLQJ KHDW DW SP DORQJZLWKWKHSOD\HUV7KLVZDV D WZRGD\ 7RXUQDPHQW ZKLFK VWDUWHG RQ 6DWXUGD\ HYHQLQJ DW SP DQG ÀQDOV HQGHG RQ WKH IROORZLQJ GD\ LQ WKH ODWH HYHQLQJDWSP ,W ZDV DIWHU DOPRVW DIWHU \HDU WKDW 3:& KDG RUJDQL]HG VXFK DQ HQFRXUDJLQJ HYHQW IRU WKH \RXWK RI RXU &RPPXQLW\ WKRXJK WKH HYHQW KDG QR UHVWULFWLRQV VHW IRU WKH DJH RI WKH SOD\HUV 7KH DIWHUKRXUV WLPHOLQHV FRXSOHG ZLWK D ZHHNHQG KROLGD\ DQG WKH ER[ FULFNHW H[SHULHQFH ZHUH WKH PDLQ DWWULEXWHV WR WKH VLJQLÀFDQW WXUQ RXW RI VSHFWDWRUV 7KHUHZHUHOHDJXHPDWFKHV IRU WKH LQLWLDO HOLPLQDWLRQ URXQGV SOD\HG DPRQJ WKH VL[WHHQ FRQWHVWLQJ WHDPV WKDW LQFOXGHG WHDPV IURP 6DOVHWWH &RORQ\ 3DQWKDN\ %DXJ *DPDGLD &RORQ\ *DPDGLD +RVWHO 'UDJJHUV DQG %KDUXFKD %DXJ WR VLWH D IHZ 7KH IRXU WHDPV WKDW PDGH LW WR WKH VHPL ÀQDOV ZHUH 6DOVHWWH %DXJ YV 3DQWKDQN\ %DXJ ¶$· WHDP 3LQFK +LWWHUV YV 3DQWKDQN\ %DXJ % WHDP )LQDO PDWFK ZDV SOD\HG EHWZHHQ 6DOVHWWH %DXJ YV 3LQFK +LWWHUV %KDUXFKD %DXJ 3DXUDVS :DJKFKKLSZDOOD ZDVDZDUGHGWKHEHVWSOD\HURI WKH 7RXUQDPHQW DZDUG IRU KLV DOO URXQG SHUIRUPDQFH GXULQJ WKH HYHQW 6DOVHWWH %DXJ ZDV GHFODUHG WKH ZLQQHU RI WKH 7RXUQDPHQW 3LQFK +LWWHUV %KDUXFKD %DXJ ZHUH WKH UXQQHUVXS-HKDQ03DWHOZDV DZDUGHGWKHSUL]HIRUXSFRPLQJ SOD\HURIWKH3DQWKDN\%DXJ 5X]EH\ % ,UDQL UHVLGHQW RI3DQWKDN\%DXJRQHRIWKH RUJDQLVHUV RI WKH WRXUQDPHQW VDLG ´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µ 3DXUDVS :DJKFKKLSZDOOD RQHRIWKHWHDPPHPEHUVIURP WKH 6DOVHWWH 3DUVL &RORQ\ DQG EHVWSOD\HURI7RXUQDPHQWVDLG ´7KH3DQWKDN\%DXJ%R[&ULFNHW 7RXUQDPHQW ZDV DQ DPD]LQJ H[SHULHQFH WKH RUJDQL]HUV ZHUH KHOSIXO DQG IXQORYLQJ ,W ZDV D WUHDW WR SOD\ DPRQJ IULHQGV DQG FRPSHWLWRUV DOLNH , ZLVK P\ IULHQGV DW 3DQWKDN\ %DXJDOOUHJDUGVDQGEHVWZLVKHV WR KRVW IXUWKHU WRXUQDPHQWV SRVVLEO\ RQ D ODUJHU VFDOH 7KDQNVIRUDIXQZHHNHQGµ Naazneen Katrak, shines at Golden Maharashtra MSME Awards 2015! Zenobia F. Powvalla RI 0DQHFNML & R R S H U ( G X F D W L R Q 7UXVW 6FKRRO ZKR ZDV D Z D U G H G WKH %HVW $OO 5RXQGHU *LUO LQ WKH 3ULPDU\ VHFWLRQ IRU WKH DFDGHPLF \HDU Rustom Cawas Dadachanji ZKRFRPSOHWHGWKHNPV +LUDQDQGDQL+DOI0DUDWKRQ RQWK)HEUXDU\ Dr. Arnavaz M. KDV Havewala EHHQ QRPLQDWHG WR UHSUHVHQW WKH $VVRFLDWLRQ RI 0HGLFDO :RPHQ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO DW WKH&RPPLVVLRQ RQ WKH 6WDWXV RI :RPHQ DW WKH 8QLWHG 1DWLRQV 1HZ <RUN 86$ 6KH ZLOO DOVR EH WDNLQJ SDUW LQ WKH )(=$1$ ZRUNVKRSRQWKHWRSLF´(GXFDWLRQ$3RZHUIXO 7RROIRU*HQGHU(TXDOLW\µ N DD]QHHQ.DWUDNIRXQGHURI0XVWDQJ6RFNVZDVUHFHQWO\KRQRUHGZLWKWKH *ROGHQ060(DZDUGIRU:RPDQ(QWUHSUHQHXURIWKH<HDU *ROGHQ0DKDUDVKWUD060($ZDUGVUHFRJQL]HDQGUHZDUG0DKDUDVKWUD·V HQWUHSUHQHXUVDQGPLFURVPDOODQGPHGLXPHQWHUSULVHV060(V 1DD]QHHQ .DWUDN VLQJOH KDQGHGO\ HVWDEOLVKHG 0XVWDQJ 6RFNV\HDUVDJRHVWDEOLVKLQJ KHUVHOI DV D SLRQHHU LQ WKH ,QGLDQKRVLHU\LQGXVWU\ 7KH060($ZDUGVLVDQRWH ZRUWK\ HQWHUSULVH LQ OLQH RI WKHJRYHUQPHQW·V0DNHLQ,QGLD LQLWLDWLYHWRERRVWWKHJURZWK RIWKH060(LQGXVWU\DVZHOODV KRQRUZRPHQHQWUHSUHQHXUVLQ 0DKDUDVKWUD 7KH MXU\ IRU WKH DZDUGV &HUHPRQ\ FRPSULVHG RI VWDOZDUWV VXFK DV 0U ' 5 'RJUD 0' &(2 &DUH 5DWLQJV /WG 0U 1LOHVK 6KDK0'.RWDN0DKLQGUD$VVHW0DQDJHPHQW &R/WGDQG0U0LOLQG6DUZDWH :DGKZDQ*OREDO&DSLWDO([&)2²0DULFR,QGXVWULHV/WGDPRQJVWRWKHUV “I can’t believe it has been 26 years since I started Mustang! Back then, it was unusual to see women in the manufacturing sector and there were some speed bumps along the way. But now, the journey seems well worth it. I am so glad that with government-backing platforms like this, women and young entrepreneurs are being encouraged to follow their passion - even if their passion is making good quality socks. I am humbled and I thank you all for the love that Mustang Socks has got!” – Nazneen Katrak. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 ORBITUARY In Grateful Homage and fond remembrance of Amy Jal Bejan Jal Wife of Late A.C.P. Jal. Daughter of Late Dina and Meherwan Dubash Mother of Purvez, Aspi and A.C.P. Hoshang Jal. Mother in law of Shanaz and Farida. Grand mother of Shermeen, Parinaz, Hormazdiar, Pashan, Cyrus & Neeti. Age 82 years Expired 16-2-2015. NO CONDOLENCE PLEASE. “Mothers who leave such a distinguished family never die” “Rejoice there is no death, the stars go down to shine on some other shore, and bright in Heavens Jewel crown they shine forever more.” Kumi J. Daroowala. Sister by law! Contd. from Pg. 02 Never realizing how wide he makes the abyss; As his awful reputation is cast in a litterbin; How much longer must we, this cat endure??? It is meaningless to ignore and him, abjure; Cannot the Community deal with one bad man? Are we as a Community so vulnerable & weak? Why can’t we root out this sick grey geek? If we jointly make efforts, I am sure we can! Meow- eeoww, Woof-Bow_Wow, Pervyyn Royinton Kavarana 09 10 I years ago. 60,000 couplets make up the vast Shahnameh. There are stories of love, hate, wars, laughter, sadness, bravery and cowardice, each emotion superbly depicted by Firdausi XVLQJKLVSRHWLFÁDLU,QWKHGD\V before the media onslaught into our homes, Zoroastrians would gather in tea houses, parks or any open spaces to hear the Shahnameh. It is unfortunately a lost tradition which the Nowrosjee. N. Wadia Welfare League aspires to revive. Ervad Parvez Bajan sang the The Monajats by the children were an absolute delight. The slide show on our ancestor Cyrus the Great brought tears to my eyes. A great effort by Jinaz Mistry. I enjoyed the Shahnameh Recital by Ervad Parvez Bajan Saheb. Thanks to the Nowrosjee N. Wadia Welfare League for organising such a unique, informative and entertaining evening. The evening started with Mr. Purvez Davar, of the Welfare League welcoming the audience. Mr. Jal Adajania, President of the League, then gave a short synopsis of the activities of the Nowrosjee N. Wadia Welfare League. This was followed by 26 young Zarthostis ranging in age from 6 years to 13 years reciting the Humbandagi. The children all in their red topis were a wonderful sight. Next on the programme was a Shahnameh recital by Ervad Parvez Bajan. There were many in the audience for whom it was WKH ÀUVW WLPH WKH\ KDG KHDUG a Shanameh Recital and were completely enthralled by this mesmerising experience. The Shanameh is the history of the kings and queens of Persia written by Firdausi nearly 1,000 Persian couplets reciting the story of a Persian King Behram Goor. It was a sight to see the young and the old Parsis come together as one Community and listen with rapt attention to the recital. After the recital, Ervad Dr. Ramiyar Karanjia then was called upon to address the audience. He spoke on our tarikats and why we should inculcate them in our children right from the start. He pointed out that our Religion has simple yet profound laws of nature which if followed, can bring us good health and happiness. Ervad Dr. Ramiyar Karanjia enlightened the crowd on how simplistic yet profound the tarikats of our Religion are. Post the speech was a presentation on Cyrus The Great of the Akkamenid Dynasty. This Dynasty has no mention in the Shahnameh but was one of the most important as it laid the base for the Persian Dynasty. Cyrus the 2nd or as we call him Cyrus The Great, was introduced by Anahita Desai as our forgotten ancestor whose qualities need to be remembered and inculcated in this day and age. He is called ‘Great’ not just because he had the largest Empire in antiquity nor because his Empire was the richest but because of his qualities and the way he governed his vast Empire and treated his subjects and the vanquished. His life aim was not to be “the richest” but the “most benignly powerful man.” The introduction was followed by a slide show with commentary by Jinaz Mistry, which focused on life of Cyrus, his victories and how his upbringing was responsible for his greatness in later life. Children were raised to be a part of the Community and contribute to it when they grew up. Cyrus believed that, “Obedience should not be a result of compulsion and good fortune was no excuse for self indulgence.” These were not just words but something he practised in everyday life. Even in the Cyrus Cylinder he mentions that people were free to leave his Kingdom, if they were not happy. And he would not wage war against them. But so sound were his governing principles that people lived happily under his rule and for 200 years after he died. The slide show was interspersed with the singing of Monajats by 26 young Zoroastrians. The children were the stars that night. Their soulful rendering stirred the hearts of all those present. The evening ended with a scrumptious patru by Tanaz Godiwalla which was appreciated by all. The Committee Members of the Nowrosjee N. Wadia Welfare League thank Tanaz Godiwalla, Anahita and Yazdi Desai, Freyan Bhathena and all its Photo Courtesy - Zal & Meherji Cassinath of Meherrosh Photographers n life we all dream and aspire to do something that leaves an ever lasting mark. The committee of the Nowrosjee N. Wadia Welfare League (NNWWL) too dreamed of reviving our forgotten heroes, our heritage and culture. We dreamed of sharing our pride of being from a great lineage, of having great ancestry. On the evening of 21st February at the Nowroze Baug grounds, the Nowrosjee N. Wadia Welfare League had organised a unique event with this dream in mind. Community Coverage SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 contributors and supporters for their unconditional support. The Committee Members and especially Jinaz Mistry have promised many more such different and inspiring events. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 11 High Profile President of ICICI Bank, Zarin Daruwala, has a seemingly easy but tricky job. With over 25 years of experience in the banking sector, she handles portfolios worth US $50.00 billion. She is consulted by many top Indian promoters before they make strategic decisions. She is ranked as the 21st most powerful woman in India by Forbes. P.T. Writer Kyra Marshall has a candid chat with the powerful lady about her work and much more. Parsi Times: What are your views upon your job? Is it relatively interesting or immensely hectic? Kyra Marshall Zarin Daruwala: I think it’s interesting and hectic. That’s all I can say in two simple words. Overall, it is very satisfying to make a difference. P.T.: You have spent more than 25 years at this institution. Hasn’t your job become quite monotonous for you? Zarin: I have really moved around in ICICI Bank. I started my career in a department called, “Resources and Corporate Planning.” Later, I moved to Delhi where I moved into investment banking, within which I set up the private equity desk in ICICI Securities Limited. Post that, when I came back to ICICI, I was in a group called, “Major Clients Group” and then I was asked to run the agriculture business business. Later, I moved back to corporate banking. Now, I’m running the wholesale bank, so it’s been quite a journey. P.T.: Who inspired you to enter the Corporate World? Zarin: When I cleared my CA, being a rank holder, I had got a lot of offers from many reputed companies. In those days, there was no internet, hence there was very limited access to information. So, I went to Mr. Malegam who was my mentor and under whom I had done my article-ship in SP Billimoria and company. He guided me to give a thought to ICICI as it is a good place for women. Hence, I applied and got through quite easily and I have been here ever since. P.T.: Technology has a major LQÁXHQFH RQ RXU OLYHV +RZ has technology, such as computers and the internet, impacted on how you conduct your work? Zarin: I think we have come a long way as a bank. According to me, we’ve always been known as a technology leader. I remember way back in 2000 or 2001 when I worked on the internet banking for corporate customers and I recall the ÀUVW VXFK WKLQJ ZH WULHG RXW with Hindustan Unilever and since then whenever I think what we did then and what are we doing now is a lot of progress. We’ve come a long way in internet banking, the kind of products and services that we offer our customers, it’s a huge transformation! Today you can open letters of credit, bank guarantees etc online. The kind of products we offer the government banking customers, whether it’s e-auction or streamlining their own processes etc. It’s been a long journey and it’s a constant evolution because you constantly want to offer products which are cutting edge. That is why a lot of the products we offer are the ‘First time’ in India kind of products. For example, the online LCBG ZDV ÀUVW RIIHUHG LQ ,QGLD E\ ICICI Bank. P.T.: Much like yourself, your RIÀFH LV D SLFWXUH RI FDOP Sparsely decorated, your FRUQHU FDELQ RQ WKH WRS ÁRRU of ICICI’s Headquarters offers a sweeping view of BandraKurla Complex which is Mumbai’s IDVW JURZLQJ ÀQDQFLDO KXE How does the working environment for women and intellectual colleagues help you? Zarin: ICICI has a lovely working environment, especially for women because I’ve observed that since the last 25 years there’s an increase in gender neutrality, and I don’t think that at any point of time I’ve felt that I’m a woman. I’ve just felt like anybody else. In fact, I was asked to run the agriculture business which requires you to travel to rural areas where you PD\QRWHYHQÀQGDZDVKURRP for the whole day. So, it taxes you as much as it does to any other male colleague of yours. To that extent I would say, it’s exciting and challenging. The other good thing about ICICI Bank is the intellectual stimulation that you get as most of the people you deal with are all CAs, and MBAs from well-regarded institutions. A lot of the people that we pick up are merit rank holders,hence there’s a lot of intellectual stimulation I get by surrounding myself with such competent colleagues. P.T.: Your colleagues are always seeking advice from you. Have you ever had the need to seek advice from anybody in terms of business? Zarin: Of course I seek advice. I think learning is a constant process. I don’t think anybody knows everything. I continuously seek advice from my boss, peers and colleagues. P.T.: What is your management style? Zarin: I am considered as a democratic leader. My style is very accessible, human and I do delegate a lot. However, if the situation requires, I am hands on. $ERXW=DULQ'DUXZDOD ÌShe is a rank holder Chartered Accountant and a Gold Medalist Company Secretary. ÌShe joined the ICICI Group in 1989 and had varied experience of working in various departments such as resources, corporate planning, investment banking & credit. ÌShe has held leadership positions in various Ƥelds including corporate Ƥnance and agriǦbusiness prior to her appointment as President. ÌPresently Zarin Daruwala is the President at ICICI Bank responsible for managing the Wholesale Banking business of the Bank (comprising of Corporate Banking, Project Finance, Financial Institutions, Capital Markets, Government Banking, PSU Banking and banking with MNCs). ÌShe has also been selected as one of the top 30 most powerful women in Indian business by Business Today four times in the last Ƥve years. ÌShe was also conferred with the CA Business Achiever award by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. P.T.: You’re a successful banker by day and a loving wife and mother by night. How do you cope with such a hectic schedule at work and spend qualitative time with your family? Zarin: I have compartmentalized my life. Monday to )ULGD\ LV GHGLFDWHG WR RIÀFH and Saturdays and Sundays are spent with the family. This helps in focusing and that is how I manage both. I would also say that I have got a lot of support from my family as well as my organization whenever I am required by the other side. Zarin Daruwala has a deep understanding of the corporate world. Her methods are worth having knowledge of. After-all she has made her way to the top and continuously strives for success. Her dedication is worth admiration. Zarin Daruwala who walks in purpose doesn’t have to chase people or opportunities. Her light causes people and opportunities to pursue her! 12 Salli Gosh-ip... a sprinkling of stuff! THE GOD WHISPERER - CHAPTER 2 T he family was at Talegaon where Sohrab and Shireen had bought their second home. A three hour drive from Mumbai and just half an hour after Lonavala, towards Pune. The family took every opportunity possible to come down and enjoy the lovely weather here as it was much more pleasant and cooler than Mumbai’s seaside clime. The rolling hills and riverside had DWWUDFWHG WKHP WKH ÀUVW WLPH they visited this small town. The weather remained very pleasant, and the monsoons added greenery to the surroundings, and that’s what scored over everything else in Shireen’s books. The tiny town had a major working population of couples who worked in the industrial areas surrounding Pune. The remaining population comprised of retired and aged couples and people who had bought a second home there and lots of stray animals, particularly dogs. Soli woke up with a start and gently woke up his wife Shireen and told her about the dream. Shireen and Soli considered this place as their paradise and even the children enjoyed themselves thoroughly on every occasion. Jeroo encouraged her son and daughter-in-law to make short trips to Pune and meet up with their friends, while she looked after the children happily content to shower love upon them and receive their affection. All four of them, Simone, Sheroy, Hormaz and Hazel doted on their grandmother and Jeroo never felt any stress even if she single-handedly required to care for them all by herself, while Soli and Shireen were away. The twins were 15 years old now and Sheroy loved to run the errands for any task his grandmother would ask. Every time he stepped out he took the opportunity to pitstop at Balubhai Vada pav and tuck in a missal-pav, if it was early morning and carry some vada pav home for the others (which vanished without a trace as everyone relished them). Simone played her part of the big sister to Hormaz and little Hazel with practiced ease as both looked up to her with awe. She had learnt to cook up Parsi delicacies from her granny and mother and was a big help to Jeroo in the kitchen. Sheroy was very partial to any opportunity to read and was also interested and curious about opening up mechanical things and reassembling them, as a hobby. Simone called him “Mr. Fixit Right” ever since he helped repair her Barbie doll ÀYH\HDUVDJR Their row house was located on top of a hillock facing a valley. The road from he felt the voice of God, as she mesmerized but totallyy at ease and attentive. “Yes my he lord” she whispered as she ly connected telepathically or “thank you so much for n this communication s’ today, can’t the others’ e join us?” “You will be e the link between me rd and them going forward and you will anyways be ith sharing my thoughts with use them so don’t let that cause hild” you any concern my child” Today came the reply to her. “Today bout I have come to tell you about one of the primary lawss e of living your lifetime on earth with utmost ease and love. Each human being would be a lot happier and content if only they could follow this one single thumb here wound its way down to the MIDC Industrial area, yet the ambient weather was such that there was not a trace of pollution. All four siblings loved to play hide-n-seek in and around the bunglow. One day it was Hormaz’s turn to catch his elder sister, who outran him with ease. A tired Hormaz complained to Jeroo “Mamma tell Simone to run slower, how am I to catch up with her if she runs so fast?” he reasoned matter-of-factly. They had a hearty laugh at his reasoning; DIWHUDOOKHZDVMXVWÀYH It was a cloudy day as all of them were sitting on the terrace enjoying the weather. Simone saw the sky tear open like a huge screen and a white light shone through the gap. 6KHZDVWUDQVÀ[HGWRKHUFKDLU as the others went about their routine chatter. The light grew brighter as Simone rose from her chair and walked towards the balcony of the terrace. A sudden gust of wind caught her hair which blew all over her face. She felt a calmness she had never felt before as the white light engulfed her entirely. She turned around and saw her family in animated conversation with each other completely oblivious to what she was experiencing. “My dear Simone”, said rule of living a great OLIH«$&&(37$1&(µ “Something that is handled with nonacceptance becomes negative and when acceptance is used, becomes a positive. Let me expand on this for you Simone dear. Acceptance will keep you emotionally tranquil whereas non – acceptance will keep you in an agitated state and encourage a feeling of lack. You feel fear at times? Sometimes when you are unable to face a situation where you are uncertain about the outcome you are overwhelmed with fear and anger. But if you accept that you do not know the outcome and still persevere then that results in a positive emotion, tolerance. A man skiing down a mountain slope accepts fearful thoughts of an accident but calls it an adventure. If he allows negative thinking to prevail it becomes fear. When something is about to happen over which you have no control and you accept this fact, it becomes tolerance. If somebody is able to achieve something that you wanted for yourself, you call it jealousy, but if you accept it you transform his/her effort into inspiration. If somebody is able to produce the result that you are unable to produce, and you refuse SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 PT. SPECIAL SERIES to accept it, you manage to create negativity and jealousy. But if you accept that and tell yourself that such and such a person’s action inspired you to believe you can achieve the same result by doing it in a different way than you were doing it; it becomes inspiration and a positive emotion”. “Acceptance of the fact that you cannot change other people’s behaviour will always stand you in good stead. The only thing you can change when faced with such a situation is yourself, and your thought process to avoid feelings of despondency and disappointment. Instead of Expectation… which invariably leads to disappointment, incorporate Acceptance into your psyche and thinking. Life will become much easier and tolerant for you.” With these words His voice faded out and Simone felt a tingling sensation as the import of the life lesson from the Almighty sunk in. Jeroo sensed that Simone had just had a close encounter with the Maker and caught her granddaughter in a loving embrace. “It felt so real mumma, He was telling me about Acceptance. I felt no fear throughout, only peace and calm. The voice was very distinct and clear, I remember every word He said.” said Simone, as she buried her face in Jeroo’s bosom. “Yes my child” said Jeroo, “You have been chosen by him, no less, as His Whisperer. We all need to heed His instructions. Now come and tell us what He spoke to you about.” SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 CLASSIFIEDS $17,48( PRINCE METAL MART Parsi Owned & Driven SWIFT D’ZIRE & INNOVA CAR (A.C. & IN GOOD CONDITION) AVAILABLE ON HIRE FOR OUTSTATION AND WITHIN MUMBAI. PLEASE CONTACT ROHINTON - 9223395255 Travel Comfortably in Brand New A/c BUYER OF OLD RECORD, INNOVA/SKODA RAPID AUDIO SYSTEMS,OLD CAMERA, OLD NOTE Reasonable Rates & with Excellent Service. BUNDLES, ZARI BORDER To Udvada, Navsari, - SAREES OLD TASBI, Surat, Mahableshwar, KERBA, WRIST WATCHES, Shirdi, Goa etc. PEN, OLD COINS, GLASS Contact Navaaz WEAR, GERMAN SILVER. 9920663443 / 9820647858 9819244454 / 9322279869 %5,'$/'5(66,1* 20+ YEARS EXPERIENCE, FOREIGN TRAINED, EXPERT IN MAKE UP, HAIRSTYLING, DRAPING SAREE/OUTFIT. REASONABLE RATES. TRAVEL Comfortably in Mahindra Xylo, 3 Row A/C on hire at reasonable rate for Airport, Navjote, Wedding, Outstation. Contact Hutoxi 9819408576/9819648099. SHYAM TRAVELS %86,1(662))(5 FOR PAN CARD, NEW, DUPLICATE. 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Wedding, Navjotes, 9$&$1&< Birthdays & Engagements Contact: 6/3, Khareghat Colony, REQUIRED: Internship / Part Hughes Road, Mum-7 Time Job Real Estate Industry armaitybamanbehram@yahoo.com Job Description: Armaity: 9820188266 ,QWHUDFWZLWKWKH15,+1, clients Rashid: 9820224667 ([FHOOHQWRPPXQLFDWLRQVNLOOV 5(3$,56 LQWHUSHUVRQDOVNLOO6DODU\ As per industry standards AHURAMAZDA Parsee owned establishment guaranteed EMAIL:FDUHHUV#NKFRQVXOWLQJLQ ƌĞƉĂŝƌƐĂƚŽŶĞƐƟŵĂƚĞĐŚĂƌŐĞƐ Contact: 022-22846967-63 ZĞĨƌŝŐĞƌĂƚŽƌ͕DŝĐƌŽǁĂǀĞ͕ tĂƐŚŝŶŐDĂĐŚŝŶĞ͘ :$17(' ŽŶƚĂĐƚWĂƌǀĞnjWĂƚĞů 24700671/ 9819544799/ SANTRO AND WAGON R 9920879429. Also Dahanu/ ANY MODEL CAR CALL Bordi Hitesh 9970653037 887251529 AFTER 1 P.M. Printed and Published by Cyrus M. Shroff on behalf of Kersi Jamshed Randeria, From 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai - 1. Printed at M/s Pri Media Services Pvt Ltd., Plot No. EL 201, Mhape, Navi Mumbai - 400 705. (GLWRU)UH\DQ%KDWKHQD&RQWDFW1RV$GYW)D[2IÀFH7LPLQJDPWRSP0RQGD\)ULGD\ 19 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Like: Parsi Times SCORECARD S CORECAR by Binaisha M. Surti W ith the cricket carnival continuing in great style, it promises to keep followers on the edge of their seats. This week the world witnessed a roller coaster ride when it came to all the matches in the World Cup. With the biggest upsets taking place in world cricket you just cannot rule out any side in this Tournament. 24th February 21st February Vs Vs West Indies recorded a massive win against Pakistan beating them by a whopping 150 runs. This win came after they lost to Ireland in their opening encounter. This is Pakistan’s biggest defeat in the World Cup in terms of runs. 160 (39) 310/6 (50) MoM: Andre Russell It was a memorable day in the history of cricket as Chris Gayle lit up the Manuka Oval in Canberra with his swashbuckling double century, scoring 215 runs. Marlon Samuels supported him with a great knock of 133 runs. West Indies thrashed Zimbabwe by 73 runs according to D/L method. 372/2 (50) 25th February Vs Initially it looked as if United Arab Emirates had the upper hand but Ireland came back strong from behind to win this thrilling encounter by 2 wickets, although Shaiman Anwar of U.A.E scored a century. 279/8 (49.2) 278/9 (50) MoM: Gary Wilson Vs 26th February Sri Lanka opened their account in the tournament beating Afghanistan by 4 wickets. The Afghans fought hard against the Lankan lions till the very last ball, but it was Sri Lanka who was meant to win in the end. 236/6 (48.2) 232 (49.4) MoM: Mahela Jayawardene 22nd February Vs Phew! What a thrilling game of cricket these two countries played. The pendulum kept shifting as no one knew who would win. The Afghans won this close contest by 1 wicket. 211/9 (49.3) 210 (50) MoM: Samiullah Shenwari 26th February Vs So how do you quantify yourself ? With the help of your smartphone. Now we can use technology to understand and TXDQWLI\RXUVHOYHVE\XVLQJ,QVWDQW4XDQWLÀHG6HOI7KLVVPDUW app on your phone helps you to track your athletic activity, WUDYHOWLPHSKRQHXVDJHDSSXVDJHDQGÀWQHVVDFWLYLW\ It also allows you to set limits on your phone interaction for selfdiscipline. You will be shocked to realize how much time in a day you spend looking at the black rectangle in your hand, and on which apps! Instant also integrates with Google Fit, Google’s healthtracking platform for developers and pulls in data from various FRQQHFWHGÀWQHVVWUDFNLQJDSSV,QDGGLWLRQWKHDSSSUHVHQWVWKHGDWDLQDQXPEHURIFKDUWV and graphs, so you can make better sense of your time and, perhaps, how it’s being wasted. Happy navel gazing and be prepared for surprises! 289 (44.3) Vs 22nd February Yazdi Tantra’s column is crafted for those of you who enjoy a bit of technology and ORYHÀQGLQJTXLUN\ things to do in this web and mobile savvy world. This entrepreneur FHOHEUDWHV KLV LQWHUHVW LQ WKH ÀHOG of web based technologies with his FROXPQV DQG RWKHU ZHEVLWHV OLNH and on-lyne.blogspot.in Community centric Zoroastrians. net. Of course, his Parsi Times column is our favourite! MoM: Chris Gayle 21st February MATCH ABANDONED without a ball being bowled http://twitter.com/TheParsiTimes Dear Mamaiji, You always make me read the Gujarati calendar date from the front page of the Parsi Times. Today is Dae Pa Meher Roj. What does that mean? Dear Dikri, Dae pa Meher is the Angel/Yazata who is the Hamkara to the Mighty Yazad, Meher, whose day follows next. Connecting with Dae pa Meher attunes you to the Angelic energies of both these Holy beings. Dae pa Meher also is considered the giver of Friendship, Love and Light. With inputs from Parvez J. Daruwala Sikka Murg Ingredients: 200 grams boneless chicken 2 green chilies 1 tablespoon chopped ginger 4 cloves ginger 6-8 springs of coriander leaves Salt to taste A dash of lemon juice 1 cup of bread crumbs Oil for shallow frying Directions: *ULQGWKHÀUVWVHYHQLQJUHGLHQWVWLOO Purveen Dubash is a chef with many knives in her pretty home kitchen cabinet. From TV anchor to educator to author she is armed with culinary skills to put your tummy into a hypnotic state. We are proud to present to you her recipes which have the unique distinction of being not only simple to follow but yummy to taste! VPRRWK)RUPLQWRÁDW coin sized tikkis. Roll in the breadcrumbs. Shallow fry over a medium ÁDPH 6HUYH with green chutney. Vs India outplayed their South African counterparts from start to finish as they won the game by a mammoth 130 runs at Melbourne. This was India’s 2nd win in the mega event. Shikhar Dhawan scored a century while on the other hand India’s Mr. Dependable Ajinkya Rahane made 79 off 60 balls. 307/7 (50) 177 (40.2) Sri Lanka outplayed Bangladesh by a large margin of 92 runs. Dilshan was the star player for the Lankans, scoring 161 not out. Sangakkaraon on the other hand scored a brilliant knock of 105. 332/1 (50) 240 (47) MoM: Shikhar Dhawan MoM: Tillakaratne Dilshan 23rd February 27th February Vs Vs England has finally opened their World Cup account with a massive 119 runs win against Scotland. It clearly shows that Scotland lack international exposure when it comes to ODI cricket. The biggest clash of the week turned into a big disaster for the West Indies. South Africa had the upper hand from the first ball itself as they won the game handsomely by 257 runs. AB de Villiers scored 162 not out of just 66 balls. He hit the fastest 150 in ODI history. 303/8 (50) 184 (42.2) MoM: Moeen Ali 408/5 (50) 151 (33.1) MoM: AB de Villiers Name...Urvaksh Cyrus Kharadi. I work at... L’vista Designer Furniture. I work as... Interior Designer. That basically means... Designing interiors of residential as well as commercial areas, designer furniture and creating drawings for the same. My work day begins with... Browsing for new designs that can inspire me to create my own. I love this about my job... I feel it is very interesting because once you start to visualize an area; you get to explore and design a new world in your thoughts which in turn reflects in your design. I wish this would change about my job... I wish the clients stop changing the finalized designs during every meeting so that the site can be handed over quickly once they finalize the design. I have been working here for... 1year and 3 months. I head to office and head back home at these times... 10:30 am – 7:00 pm. Some of the things that make up my work day… When my boss appreciates my designs and hard work. Someone I think has an interesting job is… An Interior Designer and a Photographer. 20 Parsi Times - English and Gujarati. Regn. No. MCS/101/2015-17. Published on 28th February, 2015, 2QUVGFCV/WODCK2CVTKMC%JCPPGN5QTVKPI2QUV1H°EG/WODCK on every Saturday. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015
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