. r l March, 2015 Issue Tranquil United Methodist Church Tranquil Tidings “HE WOKE UP AND REBUKED THE W IND, AND SA ID TO THE SEA, ’PEA CE! BE STILL!’ THEN THE W IND CEA SED AN D THERE WAS A DEAD CALM.” MARK 4:39 From the Pastor’s Desk... Greetings in the loving name of Jesus Christ our Lord: May He fill you to overflowing with His blessed Holy Spirit, His very presence abiding with and in you. As I look out my office window, it is snowing, but as I am doing the March newsletter article, I am thinking of spring. I also am reminded of my mother and the garden she always had. About this time of the year, I am reminded of little seedling plants bursting out of the ground into the light. I envision them pointing toward the light, stretching for it, because they need it. We, also, need Jesus, who is our Source of Light and Life. We need to stretch, to grow in our faith, to burst forth bearing new life as we abide in Him. In one of my readings this morning from Dr. David Jeremiah, he shared the scripture from Ephesians 4:32, which says, Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.” We will have many different opportunities throughout our day to be resentful or angry toward another person or a stranger. As we see here in the Scripture, God’s will for us is to be kind-hearted toward one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another. Sometimes we have a hard time doing this or being this way. That is why we all need to be filled continually with God’s blessed Holy Spirit, to continue to conform us into the image of Jesus Christ so that we can respond the way He would respond. Just as a plant needs time and the right conditions to grow, we also need to grow in our faith, to stretch toward the Light, to abide in Him. If you are stretching, you are making an effort. I pray that you all make every effort to grow in your living relationship with Jesus Christ, allowing Him, through the Holy Spirit, to conform us into the image of Jesus Christ. I love you all, In His Love, Ed PALM SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday, March 29 9 am and 11 am LUNCH AFTER CHURCH to benefit Tranquil’s Relay for Life team. Plan to stay for lunch and make a generous donation to fight cancer. THOSE WHO SERVE Jesus Christ Officer In Charge John Ridlehoover Sound Technician Entire Congregation Ministers L. Jonathan Holston Bishop James Friday District Superintendent Edgar B. Reynolds Pastor Harriet Creswell Administrative Assistant Jack Cauley Choir Director/Pianist Judy Cannon Organist/Accompanist Ruth Warner Custodian Office: 864-223-5333 E-mail: tranumc@embarqmail.com Parsonage: 864-223-6773 Website: tranquilumc.org Pastor’s Cell: (843) 509-7601 Pastor’s email: ebreynolds3@gmail.com Given to the Glory of God in memory or honor of: Faulkner Harling Andy Willingham by Jean Corley by Jo & Derrell Bartley by Bonnie McCombs by James Edwards’ family by the Anderson family reunion by JoAnn Purkerson by Ann & John May by Claudette McKinney The Choir by June & Bud Trotman by June & Bud Trotman by Jackie & Eugene Hall ...the family of Faulkner Harling, who passed away on February 13. USHERS FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH: BUBBA DAVIS, RON TAYLOR, DEANNA WILLIS, CINDY DAVIS ALTAR GUILD FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH: JEANNE RUSH, CINDY DAVIS TRUSTEE CONTACT OF THE MONTH: JERREL GOLDMAN (554-6118) Bobby Eakin by Jo & Derrell Bartley by Joe & Carol Langley by Sara Armstrong by Jane Price by Ray & Gale Clark by Kristin Keith by John & Ann May by Linda & Jerrel Goldman by Doris Buist by Vera Reynolds by Ellis Timmerman by The Harlings by Sam Pickens by Carolyn Ferry March birthdays by Jane Price WISH Workers by Jane Price JoAnn Wells by the Bobbie Wiley Study Group At its meeting on February 3, the Worship Committee voted to purchase some new supplemental hymnals to use along with our current Methodist Hymnals. These are called The Faith We Sing, and include only songs that are not in the current hym‐ nal. The cost of each book is approximately $15. Donations are being accepted. If you would like to donate money for a songbook in honor or in memory of a loved one, please indi‐ cate it on the white offering envelope. The Unique Monday Workers will meet in the fellowship hall Monday, March 16, at 10:00 am. The Pauline Botts Circle will meet on Monday, March 16, at The Southerner Restaurant, at 11:30 am. We will have a speaker from Hopewood Haven. We invite all to come. Let Sue Goist know if you will be attending. The Tranquility Circle will meet on Monday, March 16, at 6 pm, in the fellowship hall. Greenwood District United Methodist Women is sponsoring a Feeding Children Everywhere mealpacking event on Saturday, March 7, at St. Mark, Rivers Street Campus. Volunteers are needed to help pack meals. If you would like to help, please be at St. Mark, Rivers Street, at 9 am. This is not hard work, and should be a day of great fun and fellowship. The TRANQUILITES will meet the second Tuesday in March at noon. Lunch will be covered dish. Bring your favorite dish to share. Speaker will be Gene Pinson of Greenwood, retired state legislator. Brothers in Christ will meet on March 2 at 6:30 pm, with a potluck meal. Steve Odom, retired local Clemson Extension Agent, will be the speaker. He is a graduate of SC State College and received his Master’s Degree from Clemson University. He currently resides in Greenwood. Please plan to come and bring a friend. Relay for Life 2015 will be May 8 at the Greenwood YMCA. Tranquil’s goal for the 2015 Relay for Life is $2000. If you would like to become a member of Tranquil’s team, you may register online at www.relayforlife.org. If you don’t want to register online, please fill out the form available on the bulletin board in the hallway. Turn these forms in to Harriet Creswell or Elaine Turner. Our team name is Tranquil United Methodist Church. SAVE YOUR QUARTERS AND BRING THEM TO CHURCH TO SUPPORT TRANQUIL’S RELAY FOR LIFE TEAM. You may also write a check to American Cancer Society or donate cash to support our team. March 2 Cathy Anderson Helen Watson March 3 Barbara Richey March 6 Lisa Dunn Fred Price Wyatt Thompson March 9 Richard Lewis Owen Thompson March 1 March 2 March 3 March 8 March 10 March 14 Rock & Susan Davis Kent & Colleen Langley Harold & Susan Davenport Dennis & Allison Foster Willy & Starr Jeffreys Lawrence & Sadie Darragh March 22 Sue Goist March 15 March 23 Elaine Duvall March 24 Brandon Strickland March 26 Adam Shaffer Steve Palmer March 27 Claire Smith Benjy Simmons March 29 Trey Rambo March 17 Anna Grace Easler March 30 Will Allen March 18 Mark Harrison Evan Fallaw Steve & Carolyn Durham John & Carrie McCall Jim & Janice Ford John & Ann Ridlehoover Jack & Cheryl Simpson Mike & Lori Buist Lee & Gail Murph Billy & Lisa Dunn Heather Lewis Carrie McCall March 19 Paul Brown Kenny White March 20 Katherine Whitehead Jack Simpson March 10 March 11 March 12 Brandon Durham Gail Murph Linda Hagan Mary Rylander Jean Strickland McKinley Townsend Rebecca Willis March 13 Nancy Garafalo March 16 Bill Clinkscales Harold Davenport March 21 Jo Brodie Billy Duvall Cate Hamilton March 31 Tommy Nickles March 1 Harold & Susan Davenport March 8 Danny & Deanna Willis March 15 The Rogers family March 22 Ann & John Ridlehoover March 29 Danny & Deanna Willis March 26 March 28 March 30 JoAnne Gokey Nyoda Scott Anne Willingham There are still some openings for flowers in 2015. Cost of flowers is $50.00. March 18 March 20 February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 9:00 Service SS 52 8 58 7 49 7 53 11:00 Service 72 90 69 78 UPCOMING EVENTS FOR CHILDREN April 4 Easter Egg Hunt April 17 Fun Friday for 2nd-6th graders Tranquil Administrative Board will meet on Sunday, March 22, at 5 pm, in the fellowship hall. Please make plans to be present at this meeting. If you need to be excused, please let Pastor Ed Reynolds or Chairperson Jeanne Rush know and send a report from your committee. Continue to keep these people in your daily prayers. Mildred Anderson* Melvin Bayne Gresham Beverly Harry Byrd* Ruth Clark* Evelyn Cunningham Helen Darragh* Lawrence Darragh Carolyn DeVore* Caroline Donnan* Leonard Dorn* Betty Haupfear Nora McKinney Martha Miner* Garrison Murph Elizabeth Norman Vera Reynolds Joe Rogers* *Assisted Living or Nursing Home Jack Simpson Hazel Simmons Bobbie Traynham Muriel Trotman* Ann Tyler* Ruenette Weeks* 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 3 4 5 6 pm Handbells 7 pm Choir Practice 10 am 6:30 pm Lenten Study 8 9 am Master’s 9 8 am Bobbie 10 12 noon 11 12 Blend 10 am Sunday School 11 am Traditional 6 pm Handbells 7 pm Choir Practice 10 am 6:30 pm Lenten Study 18 19 19 am Master’s 28 am Bobbie Blend 10 am Sunday School 11 am Traditional Wiley Study Group 9:45 am Prayer Connection 6:30 Brothers in Christ Wiley Study Group 9:45 am Prayer Connection 6:30 Ron Taylor’s Bible Study Tranquilites THURSDAY FRIDAY 6 SATURDAY 7 9 am Feeding Children Everywhere Event at St. Mark 13 14 20 21 27 28 6:30 Ron Taylor’s Bible Study 15 16 9 am Mas8 am Bobbie ter’s Blend Wiley Study 10 am SS Group 11 am Traditional 9:45 am Prayer Connection 17 10 am 6:30 pm Lenten Study 6:30 Ron Taylor’s Bible Study 5 pm Strategic Planning Group 22 238 am Bobbie 24 9 am Master’s Blend 10 am SS 11 am Traditional Wiley Study Group 9:45 am Prayer Connection NEWSLETTER ARTICLES DUE 5 pm Admin Bd 29 Palm Sunday 9am Service 10 am SS 11 am Service LUNCH AFTER CHURCH (Relay for Life) 25 6 pm Handbells 6:30 Ron Tay7 pm Choir lor’s Bible Study Practice 26 10 am 6:30 pm Lenten Study You are invited to a bridal shower honoring Rebecca Willis and Zane Vickery Sunday, March 15 3:00 –4:30 pm Tranquil Fellowship Hall The couple is registered at Kohl’s and Target. During the Easter season, we are given the opportunity to beautify our church sanctuary with Easter lilies. The cost of Easter lilies will be $12.00 each. If you have questions, please call Cindy Davis at 229-4819 or call the church office. For the bulletin information, please fill in the form below and place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church office. Deadline to turn in forms will be Sunday, March 29. Make your checks out to Tranquil United Methodist Church and mark them Easter lilies. Given by ________________________________________________________________________________ In Memory Of: (Circle One) In Honor Of: Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Amount enclosed: ____________________________________ (Proceeds will go to Worship Committee projects.) Tranquil United Methodist Church 1702 McCormick Hwy. Greenwood, SC 29646 The Tranquil Tidings is published monthly for the purpose of keeping people informed about what is going on at Tranquil. If you know of people who would like to receive it by e-mail, please let the church office know.
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