The Tower ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Vol. 15, No. 2 Trinity United Methodist Church, Iron Mountain, Michigan Pastor’s Ponderings.... Yesterday a friend of mine posted a picture on Facebook of his dashboard thermometer that said -31F. Thirty one degrees below zero...and he was heading South! Yes, it’s still winter. And hard to believe that ‘far beneath the bitter snow....lies the seed that with the sun’s the spring ...becomes the rose.’ (Lyrics from one of my favorite songs, The Rose, written by Amanda McBroom.) Hard to believe but not impossible. When I look at the way the Holy Spirit is working at Trinity UMC, I am reminded that ‘to everything there is a season.’ This is the season of dark and cold, but that doesn’t mean that God is absent or even sleeping. The seeds of our future have already been planted and are just waiting for the right time and the right place to emerge. We will get to see a new season in the life of some of our young people on Palm Sunday when the Church celebrates the confirmation ceremony with them. They are taking classes and learning how to stand firm in their baptisms. They are getting ready to affirm their place in the world as followers of Jesus. What a joy to see the blossoming of faith in those whom you have watched grow up. The seeds for the North Dakota mission trip have already broken the surface with a successful fund raiser and a dynamic team of planners who meet in the conference room to support each other as they work out all of the details necessary for the biggest mission trip to date! Those seeds have been planted and nourished over the years by our sister in Christ, Marilyn Phillips, whose inspiration and guidance is visible here and now, even though she has been and continues to be far away from us. The Church Council in January and February had great discussions about how Trinity can be faithful to God’s desires for us as a Church. Last week the decision was made to use a program called The Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations over the next six months to develop goals and action plans in all the areas of the March 2015 Church. This method was designed by the Missouri Conference of The United Methodist Church and has been used successfully by a number of Methodist churches right here in the UP of Michigan. The materials are being ordered, and after Easter, those seeds will be planted in such a way that everyone who wants to be involved, will have a chance to water the soil and pull some weeds and dig in some fertilizer to help with shaping the future of Trinity UMC. As we enter into the Season of Lent, it is quite possible that there will be more and even deeper cold spells. Snow will come to darken the sky. Even as the days get longer, our patience and hope may wear thin...cabin fever is a reality, isn’t it? But do not despair. God’s desire to make all things new is strong enough to crack open seeds, even under the pressure of darkness and frozen ground. Know that we are moving from winter to spring. From planting to cultivating. From death to life in Jesus Christ. Yes, Good Friday comes first, but we are Easter people…and as our devotional book says...God will lead us from ‘Ashes to Alleluias!’ In the name of Jesus.... Pastor Geri Our Vision Statement Trinity United Methodist Church actively invites people to explore the life-changing message of Jesus, connect with others, mature as disciples, and be sent to transform our community. …actively invite… Applications for the 2015 Marie Bleecker Scholarships for graduating high school seniors are in the rack across from the church office. Scholarships are for $250. Completed applications are due in the church office by Sunday, May 10. You’ve seen the graphic on the screen, “Happiness is singing in the choir,” but some of our sections need some help. We’re especially looking for sopranos & basses, but anyone who loves to sing would be welcome. Practice is Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Come & join us! You can call Greg, 563-5278, or Emily, 282-2776, with questions. UMW Meeting Canceled—United Methodist Women’s March 5 general meeting has been canceled. Date to be determined: Another Cinnamon Roll Sale to benefit the North Dakota mission team. April 19: Pie Sale to benefit the North Dakota mission team, after worship services. Pizza & Presentation Event: Decades’ Delight at 5:00 p.m. May 9: Car Care Clinic. Location to be announced. May 17: Last day of Sunday school. May 24: Graduates’ Sunday. May 31: First Sunday of the summer schedule —one service only at 9:15 a.m. June 13: Feeding America semi-truck here. August 9: Worship at 5:00 p.m. at Cowboy Lake with a picnic & barbecue to follow. College Student Outreach Opportunity—We would like to thank everyone who has helped support the college student outreach program in any way. It has been a great success. We have heard from many of the kids, and I know that my own children have been overwhelmed. Many of the students have let their parents know that getting not only a package from time to time, but cards on birthdays has made such an impact. I can only imagine how surprised they are to go to their mailboxes and have many cards from their church family. Here are the addresses of our college students: Jacob Allen, 155 Halverson, Marquette, MI 49855 Megan DeLano, 1317 W. Kilbourn Ave., Apt. S, Milwaukee, WI 53233 Cole Grenier, 227 Mesnard, Marquette, MI 49855 Marcus Harry, 124 Woodward, Big Rapids, MI 49307 Bethany Hunt, 124 S. Kendall Ave., Apt. B, Kalamazoo, MI 49006 Brigid Kennedy, Michigan State University, North Case Room 651, 842 Chestnut Rd., East Lansing, MI 48825 Audrey Laurila, 3 Kensington Circle A, Mount Pleasant, MI 48858 Neal Riutta, 2140 W. Michigan Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53226 Sarah Riutta, 9321 W. Wisconsin Ave., Apt. 2, Milwaukee, WI 53226 Dustin Schaut, 407 Dodge St., Houghton, MI 49931 Kassidy Schaut, 828 Green St., Apt. 202, Ann Arbor, MI 48105. Katie Smeberg, 307 Agate St., Houghton, MI 49931 Thank you all. We could not do it without you. —Jen Gauthier Serving in Worship in March March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 Liturgists: March 1 Offering Counters: Tami Slagle & Joyce Trevillian Tami Slagle & Joyce Trevillian Marsha Bonicatto & Sue Paternoster Helen McFarland Suzanne Harry & Sue Paternoster Junior Worship Leader: Jade Driscoll Jade Driscoll Jade Driscoll volunteer needed Jade Driscoll 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. opportunity to serve Projection System Operators: Jon Harry Logan Ryan March 8 8:00 a.m. Barbara Sandberg 10:30 a.m. Carolyn Clay-Pineda Adrianne Laurila Cameron Mulka March 15 8:00 a.m. Joyce Erickson 10:30 a.m. opportunity to serve March 22 8:00 a.m. opportunity to serve 10:30 a.m. opportunity to serve March 29 8:00 a.m. opportunity to serve 10:30 a.m. opportunity to serve Ushers: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ....exploring the lifelife-changing message of Jesus..... Preacher’s Corner Lent has started, and we are on our way to the foot of that old, rugged Cross. This is a special time in the Church year as we pause to reflect on our relationship with Jesus. Not only do we follow him, but we are also called to be friends with him. Like so many of our friendships, the more time we spend with Jesus, the closer our relationship becomes. During Lent, the closeness, the trust, the love between Jesus and each of us gives us the luxury of self-examination and even confession for the ways in which we have fallen short. Jesus is there to hear us as we think and put into words and pray to him for forgiveness and the strength to live more faithfully. The preaching during Lent will focus on the theme of ‘Watch and Pray.’ Our guiding scripture is: “Keep awake and pray that you may not come into the time of trial; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”—Mark 14:38. Do come to worship and be blessed by the Words of God for the People of God. Thanks be to God. Teach Us To Pray, Sunday, March 1: Guest Preacher Scott Ritsema. NO COMMUNION. “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.’…”—Luke 11:1-4 It Is Right to Give Our Thanks and Praise, March 8: YES, COMMUNION. “The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, ‘This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.’”—I Corinthians 11:17-34 Give Us This Day…, March 15: “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”—Luke 11:9-10 How Long, O Lord? March 22: “I cry aloud to God that God, aloud to God, that God may hear me!”—Psalm 77:1 (Continued on page 4) ....exploring the lifelife-changing message of Jesus..... (continued) Preacher’s Corner (Continued from page 3) The Prayer of Action, March 29, Palm Sunday, Confirmation Sunday: “When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen…”—Mark 14:12–16 Lenten Opportunities for Faith Development During this Lenten Season, there are many opportunities for us at Trinity United Methodist Church to grow in our faith and to continue to mature as disciples of Jesus Christ. A Lenten Devotional, From Death to Life, by Dr. Rich Bimler, is available to all the families of the church. It was handed out starting at the Ash Wednesday worship service and will continue to be available to families on Sunday mornings. The brief readings include a verse of Scripture, a onesentence prayer, a Good Friday murmur, and an Easter moment. It will be good for all of us to be reading the same devotional each day and hopefully, making time to talk with each other about how God is speaking to us in this spiritual practice. For some people, Lent is the time to give up, discontinue with something that represents a sacrifice on their part. That practice is intended to give us even a small taste of the great sacrifice that Jesus made in giving up his life on earth on our behalf. Other people use Lent as a time to take on a new activity or spiritual practice that is intended to bring them closer to God. Either the giving up or the taking on—we need to ask God to help us, and prayer is a way that we can access God’s love and power and strength for this Lenten journey. The preaching during Lent will center on prayer, to help us get closer to God through Jesus. In addition, there are special worship events that heighten our experience of God in and through the music, prayers, and gathering of God’s people. Please try to make time for as many of these special gatherings as will be blessed in the praise and worship of our Savior as we prepare for remembering his death and celebrating his resurrection. Lenten Special Worship Opportunities: Sunday, March 29, 10:30 a.m. Palm Sunday worship with Confirmation ceremony for the youth. Tuesday, March 31, 7:00 p.m. Holy Tuesday community worship at St. Mary & Joseph Catholic Church , followed by a time of fellowship. Thursday, April 2, 6:30 p.m. Maundy Thursday worship with Communion, and combined with other United Methodist congregations. Friday, April 3, Noon, Community Good Friday worship at First Presbyterian Church, 395 Hamilton Ave., Kingsford. Easter Sunday, April 5 8:00 a.m. Easter worship with the choir No Sunday school 9:00–10:15 a.m. Potluck breakfast smorgasbord 10:30 a.m. Easter worship Confirmation Class Fun Facts The confirmation class this year includes 11 young people from 10 different families and three different middle schools—Vulcan (1), Iron Mountain (2), Kingsford (8) Kane and Mary are cousins from one extended family—you know who you are! Daunte and Reece are brothers to each other and cousins to Ella—three from one extended family! At least three of these young people are signed up to go on the North Dakota mission trip— Lizzy, Casey, and Maggie The group includes three trumpet players, a clarinetist, an alto sax player, and a baritone, a pianist, and a bell player. Sports interests are off the charts: Soccer, bowling, tennis, skiing, cheerleading, volleyball, softball, dance, track, football, baseball, basketball, hockey. Favorite TV shows include: Sports Center (no surprise!), SpongeBob, Animal Planet, How to Get Away with Murder, One Tree Hill, Dance Moms, Sherlock on BBC, Dr. Who. Favorite movies include: Marley & Me, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, The Avengers. The Edge. Into the Woods, Pitch Perfect, Legends of the Fall, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Harry Potter, American Sniper. …connect with others… March Birthdays and Anniversaries Please pray for them on their special day. Mar. 1 Morgan Hilyard, Joseph Rietveld Abby Ruble 2 Marsha Olson 6 Robert Hostettler, Halle Maki Helen McFarland 7 Joyce Yuhasey, Keith & Genean Granger 8 Michael Uren 9 Marchella Mariucci, Elizabeth Ryan Michael & Julie Phillips 10 Allie Person 12 Trina Allen, Trinity Blagec, Krista Harry 13 Brent Hostettler, Jonathan Ryan 15 Kevin Waldbillig, Bill & Wilma Verrette 16 Randy Champagne 17 Christopher Harris, Charles Kuder 18 Jennifer Ahola, Maria Hyrkas Cindie Trevillian 21 Dean & Robin Rose 22 Ruth Ann Badini, Steven Mulka Bradyn Wiedemeier 24 Andrew Reddinger 25 Andrew Person, Mario Santoni Don Yuhasey 26 David Corlett 27 Henry Badini, Amber Hunt Paul & Chris Langer 28 Clairice Strehlow 29 Dawson Rota, Dennis Smart Parker Summerfield 31 Mark Shemanski Hospitalized since our last issue: Jim Carefelle, Alice Nord, Robert Strang, and Beverly Wright. Congratulations to Ron and Julie Tass, who have a new granddaughter. Makayla Ann Phelps was born January 23 to Tom and Michelle Phelps. Dear Trinity friends: Thank you again for a great Tower newsletter! We greatly enjoyed Pastor Geri’s positive articles and the progress being made. It was my joy to serve Trinity as pastor back in 1968-72 and be part of the growth and activity then. We have been glad to visit a few times since. Blessings to all.—Rev. Tom Brown II, now in retirement/activity in Albion, Michigan. Served at TUMC from 1968-1973. “Dear Friends: Thank you for supporting our church through the 2014 Marquette District Mission of the Year. In the fall of 2013, we had to replace two furnaces in our church. It is because of your generous financial support and that of the other churches in the Marquette District that we are debtfree. We are so grateful and deeply touched by your kindness, generosity, and spirit of giving. God bless you.” Sincerely, The Trenary United Methodist Church Family “Dear Trinity Family: Thank you so much for thinking of me during the holidays! I very much so appreciate the care packages and cards, and they never fail to make me smile. Thank you for brightening my day!” Sincerely, Katie Smeberg Endowment Gift The Rev. Donna Lindberg, who grew up in this church, has graciously offered to Trinity United Methodist Church the gift of an endowment specifically designed for the faith formation of middle school and high school youth. What a blessing! Whenever anyone gives us an endowment gift, we as a community of faith are truly blessed by their generosity. We are also encouraged by the giver’s faith in us to be a viable and self-sustaining church. Endowment givers trust this congregation to pay our budget bills through personal offerings to the church, while using their gift for specific, non-budgeted activities that bring the life-changing message of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible. Rev. Donna has designated the middle and high school youth activities as the focus for her gift, and the hope is that some of you may be moved to add and designate endowment funds to those programs of our church, as well.*** The money she sent us has been invested through Ameriprise, along with the other endowment gifts that have been given to the church over the years. Donna’s desire is that her specific fund will build up to $10,000 before we draw on the interest to support the youth of our church. We receive this gift with gratitude and delight, and give thanks to Donna and to God…for their extravagant generosity! She will be coming to visit us sometime this spring. ***Endowment gifts become a permanent part of the church’s assets—the original money given to the church is not spent. The money that is earned through interest and dividends becomes available to the church, according to the wishes of the giver. Endowments truly are the gifts that keep on giving! …transform our community… The Mission of the Month By Nathan Ruble One Great Hour of Sharing is our March Mission of the Month. It benefits UMCOR (United Methodist Committee On Relief). UMCOR is a gift of love and grace for millions of people around the world. UMCOR responds to catastrophic disasters such as flooding, civil unrest, refugee crises, landslides, earthquakes, and famine. When the emergency ends, recovery work begins. UMCOR continues its ministry long after the media attention and public interest has faded. The work of inventorying supplies, sorting them, packaging them, and readying them for shipment is done by many volunteers each day. One Great Hour of Sharing makes all this possible. Your offering for One Great Hour of Sharing helps UMCOR to respond in kind immediately when disaster strikes, like in Haiti in January 2010, and pays its operating expenses. UMCOR spends less than 4% of its total budget on administrative costs; it receives no apportionment funds. This is their sole means of support for their operating expenses. Please give generously. The celebration for our new kitchen stove on February 15 was so well attended. Everyone had a good time and great fellowship. Let’s do it again soon. Thank you to all who helped. – Chris Langer We received a grant from the Dickinson Area Community Foundation for $2,017 to pay for another Feeding America traveling food truck. The truck will be here Saturday, June 13. It will be a big semi-truck—double what has been here before. Look for more details in the coming months, but please mark your calendars for this. – Chris Langer North Dakota Mission’s Super Bowl Sunday Cinnamon Roll Sale Thank You. Our first-ever Super Bowl Cinnamon Roll Sale was a HUGE success thanks to all the generous members of our Trinity family that supported the 2015 North Dakota Mission Team and made a purchase or donation. We thank you for the great participation, hope you all enjoyed those rolls, and ask everyone to continue praying for this year’s team; it will be our largest team, with approximately 14 youth, and your support in our future projects will be so important. Again, thank you! Come join us for the North Dakota mission team’s 3rd annual Silent Auction & Lasagna dinner, Sunday, March 22 at 5:30 p.m. here at Trinity. Auction items can be viewed & bid on after the morning worship services, & then starting again at 4:30 p.m. There will be lots of items to bid on, including several special items handmade by tribal members, & donated by Mike & Libby Flowers, missionaries at the Spirit Lake Ministry Center. If you would like to make a craft item, donate baked goods (breads, jams, jellies, canned goods, etc.), quilts, knit or crocheted sweaters or mittens, or have another special talent that can benefit the event, please contact Scott Ritsema or Diana Hunt at least one week in advance. We thank you for your support. --God’s blessings, Diana Minutes of the Church Council Meeting, February 16, 2015 Roll Call: Kristy Ryan, Adam Ryan, Blair Daugherty, Jill Laitinen, Lea Varda, Terry Barnes, Pastor Geri, Frank Trumbell, Bonnie Fortier, Becky Person, and Chair Paul Grenier. Paul called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Pastor led with devotions. Easter, a new beginning. Gift of new life. Remember, we are here to serve God.—Isaiah 44. The agenda was reviewed. Pastor added “Letter from Kiwanis.” Frank moved to accept the agenda. Adam seconded. Motion passed. Minutes reviewed. Adam moved to accept the minutes. Frank seconded. Motion passed. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance & Budget—Terry Barnes. The committee met the previous Wednesday. Recommendations: 1. Christian Educational Coordinator’s salary should come out of the Bleecker Fund for the next two years. Motion passed. 2. Paying down of the building mortgage by the end of September 2015. Set aside $13,000 of Bleecker Fund money to help pay it off. Motion passed. Frank Trumbell—At the end of each month we give Mike Laydon money that has been given towards the building fund. That money is used to pay on the mortgage loan. We have $25,000 in the Bleecker Fund at this time. The General Fund Balance at the end of January was -$6865.31. Voting Items: Which strategy do we want to go with to set goals for the church: Most opted for #4 Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations. Adam made a motion to utilize #4. Bonnie seconded. Motion passed. Trustees—Blair Daugherty. They met February 9. An agent from Church Mutual Insurance attended. There was a review of our church insurance. Work on the ceiling is done. Blair suggests that insulation should be added to the sanctuary ceiling. A rough estimate for materials is $800. Some electrical outlets still need to be changed. Some lights still need changing. Brooks Electric will return to finish. One of the furnaces is not working. A change to air intake is needed. The east end of the storage room needs to be tiled after all the carpeting is taken out. Staff Parish—Jill Laitinen. Their first meeting of the year February 10. Members were assigned to pastor, choir directors, etc. Stewardship—Lea Varda. Sunday, February 22 is the church-wide birthday party. Another party is planned for April 19. Tentative date for the church picnic is August 9. The theme will be Sunday Evening in the Park. The morning church service will be at the regular time. The evening church service will be from 5:00 to 5:30. The picnic and fun games will follow. Giving goal cards were reviewed. Endowment—Pastor Geri. Endowment money in the amount of $8,000 has been received from Donna Lindberg. It cannot be used until it grows to $10,000. The Endowment Committee needs to meet in order to tell Ameriprise how to invest it. Donna Lindberg will be coming sometime, and her name will be added to the Giving Tree. Pastor Geri would like there to be a way to celebrate endowments. PROGRAM REPORTS: Sunday School—Becky Person. It is going well and averaging 25 children a week. Twelve to 15 adults are attending adult Sunday school each week. The starter kit for VBS is here. Adam feels the Sunday school curriculum is great. Meal Program. A note from Chris Langer was read by Paul. The new stove is working well. All equipment has been checked. All seals that needed replacing have been replaced, and condensers have been cleaned and serviced. Coolant was added to the refrigerator and freezer. Thanks to the Trustees for paying the bill. The celebration of the new stove on February 15 was well-attended. Thanks to all who helped. A grant was given to Trinity by the Dickinson Area Community Foundation in the amount of $2,017 for the Feeding America traveling food truck. The semi, double the size than the one that has come before, will be here on June 13. (Continued on page 9) Church Council Minutes (Continued from page 8) Methodists United in Ministry—Pastor Geri. The next Car Care Clinic will be on May 9 or May 16. Insurance issues are taken care of. The Car Care Clinic will have coverage for the work on the vehicles. This will be an additional expense to them, and they will be seeking a grant from the District to cover this. They feel spaghetti dinners are too common and so are looking at other options to raise money for the Car Care Clinic. United Methodist Women-Pastor Geri-Individual circles are meeting each month. There will be no general meeting until Lucy, the president, return from Florida in April or May. Coffee & Connection—Bonnie Fortier. Bonnie will give Chris a list of items we need, as Chris is going to Sam’s Club in the near future. Adam suggests we purchase glass cups. We are looking into purchasing Fair Trade Coffee. Christian Education. Bill Verrette will not be able to chair this committee. The committee will meet on February 17. All Sunday school teachers have been invited. Methodist churches in the area are rotating services on Wednesday nights during Lent. We are doing Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. Pastor wondered if there was a committee for the Marie Bleecker scholarship. Beth Clark takes care of the scholarship. Frank said each scholarship is $250. We gave out one last year. She wondered when we held graduation Sunday and was told it was the same weekend as graduation. Graduation is the 22nd and 23rd of May. That will be the last day of two services until fall. Sunday school needs to decide when to be done with Sunday school for this school year. A motion was made by Adam for summer church services to start at 9:15 a.m. on May 31. Jill seconded. Motion passed. OLD BUSINESS: Frank Trumbell—At the December 29, 2014 meeting, a motion was made to use the Thanksgiving and Christmas money in the designated fund listing to offset end-of-year deficits. This was seconded and approved. This money was not used to offset the end-of-year deficits, as it was not needed. It is still available. NEW BUSINESS: None Camp Michigamme—Adam Ryan. He would like us to give more support to Camp Michigamme. He would like to see more programming there. He would like to see them bring back camping outside. They need tents for this. COMMUNICATION: None Youth Group—Kristy Ryan. Seven to 15 to 20 kids are attending the youth group each week. Most don’t go to this church. Some are going on the mission trip and to Camp Michigamme. The ping pong table needs repairing. Respectfully submitted Bonnie Fortier, Recording Secretary Pastor’s Time—Pastor Geri. We received a letter from Kiwanis. The are having an event on April 11. They are looking for projects for them to do in the community. They are also looking for volunteers to assist in this event. There are 11 young people in the confirmation class. Confirmation will take place on Palm Sunday. Those in the confirmation class are helping out at the community meal. Pastor will hold new membership classes after Easter. Nine people are thinking of becoming members. The Lenten books are here. The next Church Council Meeting will be March 16 at 6:30 p.m. Frank moved to adjourn. Kristy seconded. Motion passed. Minutes of the Trustees Meeting, February 9, 2015 Roll Call: Marsha Bonicatto, Blair Daugherty, Gary Davidson, Pastor Geri Hamlen, Brad Harry, Jack Noyce, Rick Thompson, Betsy Trumbell, and Bill Uren. Beth Kroeger, account manager for Church Mutual Insurance, went over our policy coverage for the church and parsonage. She suggested we take photos or videos of each area of the church for reference should we need to make a claim sometime down the road. Trustees made two small changes to the policy that would slightly reduce our premium. Hartford Steam Boiler will inspect our boiler equipment, and the bill will be sent to (Continued on page 10) Church Council Minutes (Continued from page 9) Church Mutual. We were not aware that this might be covered by our policy. Brooks Electric is still in the process of replacing two-pronged outlets with three-pronged outlets in both the church and parsonage. They will also need to replace more bulbs in the sanctuary, and Trustees discussed replacing all the fixtures in the ceiling with LEDs. No action was taken. Blair will call Bjorn Johnson to look at the noisy heater at the back of the sanctuary. The large stationary coffee pot in the kitchen has been repaired by a company in Green Bay. We will not replace it with the same kind of unit if it develops leaks again. The boiler setup that heats the church has had to be repaired again, and Blair, Rick, and Brad, along with Paul Langer, will meet to discuss the air intake system in hopes of coming up with a solution to this problem that pops up more often than we would like. Blair priced out added insulation for the attic over the sanctuary, and Trustees will hire someone to install it. Circulating vents should also be installed at this time to remove hot air in the summer. The church has accumulated odds and ends that are no longer useful, and this is beginning to pile up in closets and storage areas. In the next few weeks, some “housecleaning” will take place, but Trustees will include representatives from other departments to make sure the potential discards are not of value to someone. Some minor work is needed at the parsonage, but it is not an emergency and will be taken care of as time allows. Trustees continue to wrestle with the noisy circulating fan in the Gathering Room. No action was taken at this time. Minutes taken by Betsy Trumbell Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting, February 11, 2015 The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairman Terry Barnes. In attendance were Terry Barnes, Michael Laydon, Larry Bonicatto, Jack Noyce, Frank Trumbell, Carol Trevillian, and Tom Slagle. Mike moved to approve the minutes of the January 21, 2015 meeting. Jack seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Jack offered a prayer to open the business of the committee. Frank submitted and discussed the Treasurer’s Report for January. A general fund balance of $476.35 existed on January 1, 2015. A negative balance of $6,865.31 existed on January 31, although it was slightly less at the time of the meeting. The building loan balance as of February 4 was $29,857.65. There were no designated offering for apportionments. The 100+ Women designated fund was down appreciably, due to the purchase of the stove and greater-than-anticipated expenses associated with installations, particularly the gas supply line. The previous balance from poinsettia plants has been paid. Mike expanded on the finance report. Last year at this time, there was a negative balance of approximately $400. However, there was a substantially greater general fund balance on January 1, 2014. January giving was actually up $2,200 from last year. There are Christmas and Thanksgiving designated funds from 2014 totaling approximately $2,800. Mike questioned their availability to meet 2015 general fund expenditures. The consensus of the committee was that they are in fact available for such a purpose. Mike indicated that there would be no further comparisons for 2014 versus 2015 until later in the year. Larry moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Jack seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Old Business Larry stated that he has the check for the Donna Lindberg fund, and it will be given to the Endowment Committee for investment through Ameriprise (Marc Mogan). Investment gain will likely be reinvested for a period of years before investment gain is utilized for programming for junior and senior high youth, in accordance with Donna Lindberg’s wishes. New Business There are Bleecker Fund monies available in the amount of approximately $25,600, which includes some carryover from 2014. This money, absent certain conditions, may not be used to pay general fund budgeted items. (Continued on page 11) Minutes of the Finance Committee (Continued from page 10) Bleecker money has been used to fund the Education Director position since its inception midway through 2013. Larry moved that Bleecker Fund money be used to pay the Education Director position through 2016. Frank seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mike discussed a plan to pay off the building loan balance by September 2015. The building loan checkbook balance would be used to pay additional principal payments of $9,000 ($4,000 now and another $5,000 in September). Further, Bleecker Fund monies of up to $13,000 would be applied to the balance to pay it off in September. Tom moved to recommend to the Church Council to approve up to $13,000 from the Bleecker Fund be paid on the building loan no later than September 16, 2015. Mike seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Tom reported that the Staff/Parish Relations Committee had discussed the idea of recognizing church staff, particularly those with service exceeding a decade or more. SPRC discussed the possibility of recognizing staff in conjunction with another event (when more people would be in attendance) during the coming year. SPRC would like to provide a gift with a value of $25-$30 to those who have served a decade or more, and a gift with a value of approximately $10 to other staff. Mike moved to recommend that the Church Council approve up to $300 in Sprague Fund money for this use. Frank seconded. Motion passed unanimously. A short discussion was held regarding the previous Church Council meeting, where goal setting and the manner of goal setting was discussed. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tom Slagle (Minutes have not yet been reviewed and approved by the Finance Committee.) Trinity United Methodist Church 808 Carpenter Ave. Iron Mountain, MI 49801 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Iron Mountain, MI 49801 Permit No. 81 March 2015 ____________________________________ Trinity United Methodist Church 808 Carpenter Ave. Iron Mountain, MI 49801-4704 Vol. 15, No. 2—March 2015 THE TOWER is published 11 times a year by Trinity United Methodist Church for distribution to its members and friends. Pastor…………………………...Rev. Geri Hamlen Choir Directors……...Greg Hunt & Emily Ritsema Organist…………………………………Sue Saxon Pianist……………………………… Grace Laydon Custodian……………………………Larry Marlett Nursery Attendants………………………………... Sally Verley, Barbie Jo Slagle, & Ian Driscoll Secretary……………………………..Sally Verley Sunday Worship………………..8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School …………………………..9:15 a.m. Nursery Available Each Sunday Office Hours……Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m.-noon Website…………….…………. Phone 774-2545…………………….Fax 774-3123 Email………..………… The Men of Prayer group meets on the last Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. We are partnering with the other United Methodist Churches in the area. The children have VBS. The women have circles. Men need something, too! Come and check it out. We’ll compare notes on life and where God is working things out. Prayer time will then be followed by Holy Communion. Come and see what it’s all about. For more information on the location and timing of each month’s meeting, please call Scott Ritsema, (906)282-4549. Set your clocks ahead one hour when you go to bed Saturday, March 7.
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