ROMANIAN NAVAL & MARITIME INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION SOCIETIES CREWING MARINE SERVICES, SUPPLIERS AND EQUIPMENTS SHIPBUILDING AND REPAIR TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS 2013 ROMANIAN NAVAL & MARITIME INDUSTRY CATALOGUE ROMANIAN NAVAL & MARITIME CATALOGUE 2013 is the result of our efforts in showing world wide the potential of the Romanian maritime industry! ROMANIAN NAVAL & MARITIME CATALOGUE 2013 is the first edition of the catalogue and it comes as an opportunity for new business with Romanian companies which are ready to offer you best services and products covering all sectors of maritime industry: shipping, shipbuilding, transport, crewing and maritime services, suppliers and equipments. ROMANIAN NAVAL & MARITIME CATALOGUE 2013 is an open publication to all companies involved in maritime industry and a professional directory for those who are willing to find new partners. More than a mean of selling and buying platform, ROMANIAN NAVAL & MARITIME CATALOGUE 2013 is the first Romanian professional directory of maritime industry, a guide for quick reference, networking, a source for finding information about Romanian services and products. Our main goal is to create a key reference source and to prove the excellent reputation and expertise of the Romanian companies which are active in the maritime industry! the publishers ...the ...theonly onlyreference referencesource sourcefor forthe thenaval naval&&maritime maritime industry industryin inROMANIA... ROMANIA... WORLD WORLDWIDE WIDENAVAL NAVAL&&MARITIME MARITIME CATALOGUE CATALOGUE2014 2014 List Listyour yourcompany company name namein innext next year’s year’sedition! edition! Get Getin intouch touchwith with your yourfuture futureRomanian Romanian partners partnersand andclients! clients! Don’t Don’tmiss missthis thisopportunity opportunity order orderyour yourlisting listingtoday todayin in Please Pleasecall callour oursales salesteam teamat at+40730 +40730190 190826 826 or ormail mailto register registeron-lin on-linee edition edition for for ROMANIA ROMANIA WORLD WORLD WIDE WIDE NAVAL NAVAL && MARITIME MARITIME CATALOGUE CATALOGUE 2014 2014 CONTENTS CONTENTS SHIPBUILDING IN ROMANIA IN ROMANIA 4 4SHIPBUILDING 27 27 SHIPBUILDING SHIPBUILDINGAND ANDREPAIR REPAIR YELLOW & FINCH & FINCH PUBLISHERS PUBLISHERS 6 6YELLOW 28 28 SHIPBUILDERS SHIPBUILDERSASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ANCONAV ANCONAV- -ROMANIAN ROMANIAN ANCONAV, ANCONAV,AVEMAR AVEMARSHIPYARD SHIPYARD,, 7 CLASSIFICATION SOCIETIES SOCIETIES 7CLASSIFICATION BUREAU BUREAU VERITAS VERITAS ROMANIA ROMANIA 8 8 29 29 AXXA AXXAMARITIME MARITIMESERVICES SERVICES,, DAEWOO DAEWOOMANGALIA MANGALIAHEAVY HEAVY INDUSTRIES INDUSTRIES AVEMARSHIPYARD SHIPYARD 30 30 AVEMAR AXXAMARITIME MARITIME 3131 AXXA 9 9 CREWING CREWING CREWING CREWING IN ROMANIA IN ROMANIA 10 10 DOHLE DOHLE MANNING MANNING AGENCY AGENCY , NEMO , NEMO SHIPPING SHIPPING 11 11 12 12 DOHLE DOHLE MANNING MANNING AGENCY AGENCY 32 32 DAEWOO DAEWOOMANGALIA MANGALIAHEAVY HEAVY INDUSTRIES INDUSTRIES DANUBIANAGROUP, GROUP, 33 33 DANUBIANA WWW.ROMANIANSHIPBUILDING.COM WWW.ROMANIANSHIPBUILDING.COM DANUBIANAGROUP, GROUP,GREEN GREEN SEAS SEAS LTD, 34 34 DANUBIANA NAVROM NAVROMSHIPYARD, SHIPYARD,SHIPYARD SHIPYARD ATG GIURGIU GIURGIU 35 35 GREEN GREENSEAS SEASLTD LTD MARINE MARINE SERVICES, SERVICES, SUPPLIERS SUPPLIERS 13 13 AND AND EQUIPMENTS EQUIPMENTS 36 36 NAVROM NAVROMSHIPYARD SHIPYARD ARCELORMITTAL ARCELORMITTAL 14 14 THENATIONAL NATIONALCONSULTING CONSULTING 37 37 THE 15 ARCELOR ARCELOR MITTAL MITTAL , ATLAS , ATLAS COPCO COPCO ROMANIA ROMANIA , , DENDEN BREEJEN BREEJEN ROMANIA ROMANIA , , 15 DRADRA EGER EGER SAFETY SAFETY ROMANIA ROMANIA ATLAS ATLAS COPCO COPCO ROMANIA ROMANIA 16 16 DENDEN BREEJEN BREEJEN ROMANIA ROMANIA 17 17 DRAEGER DRAEGER SAFETY SAFETY ROMANIA ROMANIA 18 18 19 EEKELS EEKELS ROMANIA ROMANIA , INDUSTRIAL , INDUSTRIAL CRUMAN, CRUMAN, JIANGSU JIANGSU YUANYANG YUANYANG CABLE CABLE CO.CO. , , 19 MARINE MARINE TECH TECH SOLUTIONS SOLUTIONS EEKELS EEKELS ROMANIA ROMANIA 20 20 TECHNOIND, TECHNOIND, INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL CRUMAN CRUMAN 21 21 JIANGSU JIANGSU YUANYANG YUANYANG CABLE CABLE CO.CO. 22 22 23 P.A. P.A. LIBRA, LIBRA, ALEWIJNSE ALEWIJNSE MARINE MARINE GALATI GALATI , , 23 SIRME SIRME SI CABLURI SI CABLURI , SUSZI , SUSZI INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL BUREAU BUREAUOF OFROMANIA ROMANIA SHIPYARDATG ATGGIURGIU GIURGIU 38 38 SHIPYARD TRANSPORTAND ANDLOGISTICS LOGISTICS 39 39 TRANSPORT MARITIMETRANSPORT TRANSPORT 40 40 MARITIME AMATIMAR TIMARAGENT, AGENT,DSV DSVSOLUTIONS SOLUTIONS 4141 AMA MCL MCLINTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL KAPITAL KAPITALLEADING LEADINGTRANSPORT, TRANSPORT, 42 42 MCL MCLINTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL, ,MELSPRING MELSPRING ROMANIA, ROMANIA, MULTRASHIP MULTRASHIPROMANIA ROMANIA KAPITALLEADING LEADINGTRANSPORT TRANSPORT 43 43 KAPITAL NORTHSTAR STARSHIPPING SHIPPING,,SHIPTRANS SHIPTRANS LOGISTIC LOGISTIC,, 44 44 NORTH MELSPRING MELSPRINGROMANIA ROMANIA 45 45 SHIPTRANS SHIPTRANSLOGISTIC LOGISTIC NORTHSTAR STARSHIPPING SHIPPING 46 46 NORTH P.A. P.A. LIBRA LIBRA 24 24 ALEWIJNSE ALEWIJNSE MARINE MARINE GALATI GALATI 25 25 TECHNOIND TECHNOIND , WWW.EMAGTECHNIK.RO, , WWW.EMAGTECHNIK.RO, 26 26 EMAGTECHNIK EMAGTECHNIK ROMANIA ROMANIA 47 47 INTER INTERSHIP SHIPREPAIR REPAIR 48 48 WEB WEBLABS LABS 49 49 CACIOIANU CACIOIANUINDUSTRIE INDUSTRIE--STEEL STEEL SOLUTIONS SOLUTIONS FROMTHE THEPUBLISHERS PUBLISHERS 50 50 FROM SHIPBUILDING IN ROMANIA The Galati newspaper “Covurluiul” no. 30 / 12-th of March 1893 was announcing that three local investors, Georges Fernic, I. Guiller and T. Poujollat, have grounded the new manufacturing workshops called “ Uzina George Fernic et Compania” with casting, forging, machining, manufacturing and carpentry workshops in Galati, on the Danube river shore. A few years later, on 12-th of May 1897 George Fernic made an application to the Romanian authorities to extend his workshops activity to ship repairs and to install a floating dock he was intending to purchase from the German shipyard „Howaldts Werke” in Kiel. In fact, in the spring of 1898 the shiprepair activity started in Galati, the George Fernic workshops being the biggest manufacturer in the city and the origin of „Santierul Naval Galati” shipyard, that is actually marking 115 years of activity. Other repair shipyards took birth in other places over the Danube River and on the Black Sea shore, moving sooner or later to newbuilding constructions. The greatest development of the Romanian shipbuilding industry is to be considered the within the period 1965 – 1985, when the socialist centralised economy has heavily invested in the development of the Romanian shipyards and of the marine manufacturers, starting with the old traditional shipyards and factories development, but also with the brand new investments in shipyards (Santierul Naval „2 Mai” Mangalia, Intreprinderea de Constructii Navale si Utilaj Tehnologic ICNUT – Tulcea, Santierul Naval Harsova) or in new manufacturers (INETOF Galati – propeller and casting/forging products, etc.). In the 90's in Romania there were 9 shipyards active on the Danube river and 3 on the Black Sea shore, dealing with repair and mainly newbuildings from inland navigation vessels to Cape Size bulk carriers. Only with two exceptions – the Midia and the Sulina repair shipyards – the rest of the shipyards and of the marine manufacturers where organised in a Holding organisation – Centrala Industriala Navala – having the headquarters in Galati and including also a research and design institute for shipbuilding ICEPRONAV Galati and the trading company NAVEXIM Galati. The research and design institute ICEPRONAV Galati was the unique design and research institution (with approximately 1400 employees) with a modern Ship Hydrodynamic Laboratory (towing tank, cavitation tunnel, manoeuvrability tank, wind tunnel, etc). Within the period 1974 – 1981 the shipbuilding industry Holding personnel increased from 25.000 to 45.000 employees. This Holding organisation was able to design and to build complete vessels in a large diversity, including the majority of the on board equipment, thus feeding the creation of the Romanian state owned shipping industry intended to serve the socialist economy priorities like the steel industry (ore transport), the fishing industry, the import and mainly the export of goods. NAVROM Galati was counting – at the beginning of 1990 – about 537 seagoing vessels (above 100 GRT) and over 4000 inland navigation units (tugs, pushers, motor vessels, passenger vessels, dredgers and other technical vessels and boats, barges and floating units). During that period the Romanian shipyards have built a large variety of vessels, including dry cargo vessels, tankers, roll-on/roll-off vessels, passenger vessels, but also self elevating drilling platforms, supply vessels and tugs, proving the technical capability of the Romanian shipbuilding industry. The Romanian shipyards delivered many vessels for owners from Germany, Holland, Norway, Greece, Israel, France and Russia (ex Soviet Union), surveyed and classified with all leading Classification Societies. In less than 10 years – around the year 2000, out of the 273 seagoing vessels (representing only- tankers, bulk carriers, containers, cargo vessels, Ro-Ro ships and ferry boats) the Romanian flag fleet was counting only 46 ships in service, the rest being sold, or laid up for scrap, or detained, or engaged in suspicious management and bare boat contracts that lead to the bankruptcy of the Romanian national fleet. The inland navigation fleet was happier in this respect, as the vessels were to stay in the same waters; now it is still counting about 1500 units, mentioning that the inland navigation new buildings for local owners are very rare! The aim of the present Catalogue is to show the strength of the Romanian shipbuilding industry that, after 22 years, has proved to go over the most critical period of political and economical turmoil after the 1989 Revolution. Nowadays we know that there were some shipyards and manufacturers that went to bankruptcy, mainly because of a bad management and of a lack of market orientation, but the majority has survived and some of the Romanian shipyards can be counted as high technological performance shipyards based on the new construction technology implemented, but also based on the high tech ships built. Almost all shipyards and manufacturers are privatised and we can name here remarkable ownership brands like DAEWOO, DAMEN, STX osv. We do hope that the actual economical crisis in the shipping and shipbuilding industry created by the last years of booming construction in the Far East area that lead to overcapacity in the traditional cargo type vessels (bulk, container, tankers, etc.) and the dramatic decrease of new building orders, will be overcome by the Romanian shipbuilding industry that is able to adapt to the market demand and diversity of services. Please trust in the technical capacity, skills and quality dedication of the Romanian shipbuilders and marine manufacturers. Dr. Eng Jean–Sever Popovici Chief Executive - Bureau Veritas Romania Only 30% of the world is land we cover the rest for you. Yellow & Finch Publishers navigate the maritime industry to bring businesses the latest news and advancements shaping their world. Dedicated trade journals include Ports & Shipping Industry, Offshore Industry, ShipBuilding Industry, SuperYacht Industry and the annual Maritime Services Directory – a helpful Buyers’ Guide that puts the maritime world at your fingertips. T +31 (0)118 473398 F +31 (0)118 461150 E I For targeted marketing, contact our sales team. CLASSIFICATION SOCIETIES CREWING CREWING IN ROMANIA Capt. Valeriu RAICU Managing Director DOHLE MANNING AGENCY ROMANIA It's already been more than two decades since recruitment and placement of Romanians seafarers on board of foreign vessels began and first Crewing Agencies were registered in Romania. Throughout the years, more and more major players in the shipping industry have become interested in putting Romanian officers and engineers on board of their vessels. This interest had been generated by the quality and high professional education standards of Romanian seafarers. Professional seafarers, who, faced with the dramatic decline of their national fleet, were forced to adapt to the requirements of a global industry. The adaptation process is yet ongoing and has to keep moving forward in order for the Romanian crewing pool to remain competitive. That is why Romania has remained an important recruitment market in the Central and South Eastern Europe even during the past few years when the financial crisis has strongly been shaking the entire shipping industry. What are the main reasons why the Owners are still interested in this market instead of moving entire recruitment and placement services in other areas of the world which are offering cheaper manpower? The answer is simple: cheaper manpower doesn't necessarily mean lower operating costs when we talk about modern vessels. Owners need professionals who are well qualified to run newly built high-tech ships in a safe and economical manner. Romania still has this potential. A country without a fleet of its own, is providing specialists in all shipping and off-shore's sectors. Romania has a well established training systems, both academic (Naval Academy “Mircea cel Batran” and Constanta Maritime University) and vocational (Romanian Nautical College). A modern and well equipped training center (Ceronav) provides all courses and training programs required by the international conventions. However, on top of all these, probably the most valuable element remains the human resource. The experience and adaptability of the Romanian seafarers make for probably their best asset and this can not easily be found elsewhere. The Association of Romanian Crewing Agencies has been created out of the need to allow for better cooperation and information exchange between the local recruitment and crewing agencies. As member of Eurocrew Association, it became visible and competitive on international level. It is a fact that as the crewing market grew, the recruitment and placement services have constantly developed in Romania during all these years. This comes to prove once more that we have a well established market, with dedicated personnel able to satisfy the most demanding clients. One thing must not be forgotten, though: common efforts and permanent dialogue between all the involved factors on shore, combined with the seafarers' high standards of training and education are key to keeping the Owners interested in the Romanian crewing market. Compliance with the new requirements of STCW 2010 and MLC 2006 Conventions is our present milestone and to this extent efforts are made to bring all those involved to the same table to adapt and implement the international regulations. DOHLE MANNING AGENCY S.R.L. S.C. NEMO SHIPPING S.R.L. Address: CONSTANTA, 900575, 155, Mamaia Blvd. Services & Products: Recruitment of seafarers in all aspects, Forward planning and communication with seafarers and their families, Flight and travel arrangements, Flag state documents and visa arrangements, Financial arrangements, Seafarers training, Port agency service, P&I Cases, Ships repairs and technical service. Address: CONSTANTA, 50A, Ferdinand Blvd., Bl. R8, Sc. A Main activity: Crewing and Manning are the main activities of our Company Services & Products: Selection, documents verification, medical check up, flag certification as well visas obtaining are the services we provide always using directly the owner’s SMS forms and policies so that the Seaman is ready to go at the request. Prejoining SMS refreshment courses as well Risk Assessment and Incident investigation are provided for free to our Principals Contact Person: Capt. Valeriu RAICU, Managing Director Phone: +40241 638111 Fax: +40241 638133 E-mail: Website: Contact Person: Lucian EPURE, General Manager Phone: +40241 55 4440 Fax: +40241 554440 E-mail: Website: MARINE SERVICES, SUPPLIERS AND EQUIPMENTS photo credit: Tom D’Haenens Your partner all the way As a leading supplier to the shipbuilding industry, ArcelorMittal is improving its steel offering for the sector and making logistical changes in order to better support the world’s shipyards. Many shipyards have shifted their activities to niche markets such as arctic and deep-sea diving applications. Europe is the largest producer of cruise ships, accounting for 90% of world production. ArcelorMittal’s steel plates are being used to build these, and many other types of vessels. As a leading supplier of steel for shipbuilding, ArcelorMittal is remaining close to our customers. We are constantly monitoring the market, adjusting our offering accordingly and tailoring our approach to the specific needs of individual shipyards. Steels for new challenges As well as adjusting our service offering to shipyards, ArcelorMittal is also developing new steels to help shipbuilders stay competitive. The market is demanding thinner steels and ArcelorMittal is keeping pace. Many of our steel plates can be delivered in low thicknesses between 5 and 8 mm. Our shipbuilding steel plates are also stronger. For example, the strength of grades EH-36 and EH-40 (introduced in 2011) is above 350 Megapascals (MPa), even at low temperatures. This makes them suitable for many arctic and deep-sea vessels. Our plates are now also available in larger sizes, reducing the time and cost of welding plates together. Widths of up to 4 metres and lengths of up to 18 metres are possible. Plates can be delivered in a range of finishes including as rolled, shotblasted, or shot-blasted and painted. Reducing lead times ArcelorMittal has also adapted its level of service, we can deliver the steel for the ship in smaller lots to reduce need for storage and so payments can be spread, reducing the impact on the shipyard’s cash flow. The plates can also be sorted and delivered by lots, significantly improving the customer’s logistics and increasing their productivity. Shipyards are becoming more and more efficient at building vessels. Instead of requesting two or three years lead time, many shipbuilders are now offering half that. In response, ArcelorMittal has also reduced its lead times in an effort to increase the competitiveness of our customers. The steps we have taken to support shipbuilders challenges are a demonstration of ArcelorMittal’s commitment to this important industry. Over the coming years we will continue to develop our portfolio of shipbuilding steels and innovative services to support shipyards. ArcelorMittal Flat Carbon Europe ATLAS COPCO ROMANIA S.R.L. Address: 19, avenue de la Liberté, L-2930 Luxembourg E mail: Website: Services and Products: ArcelorMittal is the world’s leading integrated steel company, with a presence in more than 60 countries. ArcelorMittal shipbuilding steel plates are offered from 5 mm to 100 mm. They are also available in large sizes, reducing the time and cost of welding plates together: widths of up to 4 m and lengths of up to 18 m. Our shipbuilding steel plates keep stronger, the strength of grades EH-36 and EH-40 is above 350 Megapascals (MPa), even at low temperatures. Shipbuilding plates are supplied under the supervision of classification societies, in accordance with the appropriate regulations in each case. Romania agency: ArcelorMittal FCE Romania SRL Address: 11, Dinu Vintila Street, Euro Tower, 15th floor, District 2, 021101, Bucharest, Romania Tel: +4021 231 94 85 Fax: +4021 231 94 88 E-mail: Address: BUCHAREST, 013686, 135, Bucuresti-Ploiesti Street, 1st district Other Offices: BAIA MARE, 430244, 9, George Cosbuc Street, Maramures Main activities: Selling equipment, Consultancy, Service, Rental Products & Services: Selling of electrocompressors; motocompressors; electric power generators; construction and mining equipment; drilling, demolition, and consolidation equipment; as well as service, consumables and spare parts. DEN BREEJEN ROMANIA S.R.L. DRAGER SAFETY ROMANIA S.R.L. Address: GALATI, 132, Al. Moruzzi Street Main activities: Protection and conservation of metallic and nonmetallic surfaces Services & Products: Sandblasting and painting for boats, yachts and other industrial facilities such as offshore platforms, wind farms, bridges and storage tanks. Address: BUCHAREST, 021922, 7, Pompiliu Manoliu Street, District 2 Other Offices: MARINE SERVICE CENTER - RO 900900 CONSTANTA, Constanta Port, Gate 2 Main activities: Gas detection and protection technology Services & products: Gas detection systems, respiratory and body protection, firefighting and diving equipments, alcohol and drug-testing instruments, compressors, training galleries, FRS equipments maintenance and repair. Contact Person: Gabriel PASCAL, Commercial Manager Phone: +40236 449808 Fax: +40236 449566 E-mail: Website: Contact person: Stefan MANDRU, Senior Brand Product Manager Phone: +4021 3523623 Fax: +4021 3513764 E-mail: Website: Contact Person: Antoanela DRAGAN, Sales Manager Phone: +4021 2509168/ +40241601443 Fax: +4021 2509091/ +40241601443 E-mail:; Website: 15 schilde EEKELS ROMANIA INDUSTRIAL CRUMAN S.R.L Address: GALATI, 800223, 132, Alexandru Moruzzi Street Main activity: Eekels Romania is active in the field of marine electrotechnical installations. Services & Products: Projects can be handled turn-key: design, panel building, automation-, propulsion systems and installation of the total electrical installation on board of ships. Address: PLOIESTI, 100430, 32 A, Carpenului Street Main activities: Fire Fighting Protection and Industrial Repair Solutions Services & Products: Design, Services and Trade for Industrial Maintenance Solutions and Fire Fighting Protection Contact Person: Dana BURLACU, General Manager Phone: +40236 449665 Fax: +40236 448371 E-mail: Website: Contact Person: Cristian CRUCELU, General Manager Phone: +40244 595893 Fax: +40244 597327 E-mail: Website: JIANGSU YUANYANG CABLE CO. LTD. MARINE TECH SOLUTIONS S.R.L. Address: No.2 Baoshi Rd., Guazhou Town, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, 225129, P.R. of China Other offices: Hanjiang Plant: No.15, Xiangyuan Rd., Hanjiang Industrial Park, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, 225000, P.R. of China; Hangji Plant: No.1, Tongzhou Rd., Hangji Town, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, 225111, P.R. of China; Romania, Giurgiu, 1 December 1918 Street, Bl. 60 Vama Services & Products: Jiangsu Yuanyang Cable Co., Ltd., known as the most important professional manufacturer in the field of making marine, offshore and naval cables in China. Its product covers almost all the power, lighting, communication, control, signal cables, with all kinds of type approval Address: GALATI, 800134, 81, Posta Veche Street Main activities: Sell and provide marine equipment Services & Products: SC Marine Tech Solutions SRL sell and provide quality products and guaranteed services manly for marine equipment. We provide products from different manufacturers with traditions from around the world, aiming is to and provide services that are tailored by customers needs. We are all the time in the process of extending the scope of the supply to products necessary to the maritime industries. For additional details, do not hesitate to contact us. Contact Person: Ray TSU, Marketing Manager Phone: +86-514-87505338 Cell: +86-135-1174-9998 Fax: +86-514-87501780 E-mail: Website: Contact Person: Camelia NECULA, Sales manager Phone/ Fax: +40236 492269 Mobile: +40752 090755 E-mail: Website: 19 Quality. Technology. Innovation Industrial Cruman offers you: Marine Fire Fighting Protection Extinguishing Agents Extinguisher systems Inert Gas and Clean Agents Fire Pumps Monitors Industrial Solutions: Pipeline Products: Repair Clamps, Composite Pipeline Repair and Reinforcement Pumps Heat Exchangers Ropes and Cords Industrial Cruman Carpenului Street no.32A, Ploiesti Romania, zip code 100430 Tel: +40244595893, Fax: +40244597327 E-mail: JIANGSU YUANYANG CABLE CO. LTD. Jiangsu Yuanyang Cable Co.,ltd. (Yuanyang), known as China's the most important professional company in the field of making marine, offshore and naval cables, is also prestigious and widely acknowledged in Asia Pacific area. Yuanyang has been dedicated to designing, researching, developing and distributing marine, offshore and naval cables since its foundation. Its product covers almost all the power, lighting, communication, control, signal, electronic and statistic cables that are in accordance with standard systems such as IEC, JIS, NEK, IEEE, UL, MIL and so on, which can be widely applied to manufacturing areas such as shipbuilding, offshore, oil&natural gas, naval ship, port machinery, wind power, nuclear plant and so on. Quality is always the cornerstone of company's survival and development. On the basis of quality standards of ISO9001, Yuanyang Cable has gradually developed its effective quality guarantee system through years of accumulation. International major classification societies including GL,ABS,LR,BV,NK,DNV,KR,RINA, have all given authority approve. Constantly meeting customers' needs is always our company's pursuit. Focusing on character of market, industry and clients, Yuanyang has formed its own unique marketing, sales and service system through a long period of exploring and researching. Through major methods of unique added value service with products, customerizing overall cable solution and lowering overall purchasing price for customers, improving overall efficiency, Yuanyang has won the heart of all customers and owners. The people of Yuanyang has taken a worldwide look and determined to make Yuanyang Cable the most excellent shipboard and marine cable manufacture, supplier and solution dealer of the whole world. FOR ORDERS IN EUROPE, PLEASE CONTACT OUR AGENCY IN ROMANIA AVEMAR SRL Tel.: +40246/274641; Fax: +40246/274631 P.A. LIBRA S.R.L. ALEWIJNSE MARINE GALATI S.A. Address: GALATI, 800076, 6, Romana Street, Bl. LC 3, Ap. 69 Services & Products: -Sale & Purchase of ships brokerage, ship repairs; -Sale & Purchase of marine, industrial equipment and spare parts, such as: main Diesel engine,Diesel generating sets, compressors, pumps, coolers, separators etc, deck machinery, anchors, chains, cranes, life boats, materials of any kind such as: steel plates, profiles, pipes, welding rods and wire, electric cables, blasting grit, steel shots, cast, forged, machined, cast iron and steel parts up to 200 tons, cement, mud, water tanks for off-shore and shore industry, electrical, electronics, radio and navigation aids, ship scale models, ship designs. Address: GALATI, 800223, 132, Al. Moruzzi Street, 402 Building, 1st Floor Other Offices: Netherlands Office: 3356 LD Papendrecht, 33A KePhoneweg Street, The Netherlands Vietnam Office: Harbour View Tower, 4 Tran Phu Street Haiphong, Vietnam Ukraine office: 1 Zavodskaya Sq, Mykolaiv, 54050, PB. 179, Ukraine Main activities: Turnkey marine electrical solutions: Basic and detailed engineering, Complete electrical packages, Integrated bridge systems, Drives, Switchboards and consoles, Marine automation, Navigation and communication Services & Products: By means of proficient in-house engineering, first-rate technical skills and logistics, we offer complete electrical packages, deliverable worldwide, that can be extended with on site supervision, installing, commissioning, after sale services. Our orders portfolio comprises more than 200 vessels of various types: tugs, pontoons, yachts, coasters, tankers, passenger vessels, pipe lay barge, specials, worldwide. When it comes to ships, no matter if they are large or small, complex or simple, our team treats them with the same care and transforms them into a real success. Contact Person: Remus POPOVICI, Owner Phone: +40236 467829 Fax: +40236 463236 Mobile: +40722 644713 E-mail: Website: Contact Person: Nicoleta SGRUMALA, PR Rep. Phone: +40236 448022 Fax: +40236 449146 E-mail: Website: e e Marine Galati S.C. SIRME SI CABLURI S.A. S.C. SUSZI INDUSTRIAL S.R.L. Address: 48 Revolutiei, 905400 – Harsova, ROMANIA (EU) Main activities: Sirme si Cabluri S.A is one of the leading steel wire ropes, wires and low carbon products manufacturer in Europe Services & Products: Steel wire ropes; Wires and low carbon products. Address: CUMPANA, 907105, 2M, Constantei Street, Constanta Other Offices: CONSTANTA, 900409, 2, Cameliei Street, Bl. L3, Sc. B, Ap. 21, Romania Services & Products: Naval equipments/ Bilge water separator, Off-line oil filtration equipment, Off-line diesel filtration equipment with water separation, Fat separators, Seals, gaskets, general maintenance products. Phone: +40 241 870596 Fax: +40 241 870322 E-mail: Website: Contact Person: Cristian Anghel SEN, Manager Phone: +40241 619393 Fax: +40241 619383 E-mail: Website: 23 P.A. LIBRA since its registration in 1994 has grown up year by year being very active both on the international and domestic market as an agent for purchase and sale of: - ships of any kind; - ship repair; Also, P.A. LIBRA sales and buys marine equipment and spare parts for: - main engines and auxiliary Diesel generating sets; - compressors, pumps, coolers, separators etc; - deck machinery, anchors, chains, cranes, life boats; - materials of any kind such as: steel plates, profiles, pipes, welding rods and wire, electric cables, blasting grit, steel shots; - cast, forged, machined, cast iron and steel parts up to 200 tons; - cement, mud, water tanks for off-shore and shore industry; - electrical, electronics, radio and navigation aids; - ship scale models; - ship designs. We deliver door-to-door by plane or truck the ordered items, custom cleared. Our company covers the whole field of marine construction, outfitting and repairs. We have contacts with major stockiest, suppliers and makers worldwide. In Romania we cooperate with all shipyards, marine equipment plants and makers of all and any item used in shipbuilding, ship repairs and industry. Our main customers are in Holland, Belgium, France, Greece, Germany, Norway, Cyprus, Turkey, Arab Countries, Far East, Singapore. We can procure and supply any item required for a ship built anywhere in the world! Also, parts for cement industry, refineries, machine building. Our stuff is high educated, most of us being graduated engineers as well as master in engineering. We have our transportation means so we collect the ordered items from the factories and transport them to the airport, harbor or the trucks collection sites. CONTACT P.A. LIBRA SRL 6, ROMANA STR., BL. LC 3, AP. 69, GALATI - 800076 ROMANIA Phone: 004 0236 467829 Fax: 004 0236 463236 Mobile: 004 0722 644 713 E-mail: Web site: CONTACT PERSON: REMUS POPOVICI (MR.) - OWNER S.C. TECHNOIND S.R.L. Address: GALATI, 800015, 13, Domneasca Street, Bl. L, ap. 12 Main activity: Representative and supplier/distributor for the marine and boat equipment and spare parts. Services & Products: Marine equipment and spare parts. Contact Person: Mr. Puiu Iosif MARIS, Director Phone: + 40744 593 593 Fax: + 40236 415442 E-mail: Website: WWW. EMAGTECHNIK.RO Address: GIURGIU, Free Zone Services & Products: Supplier of marine materials & equipments Contact Person: Cosmin PETRESCU, Sales Manager Phone: +40246 274631 Fax: +40246 274641 MAG TECHNIK © QUALITY SOLUTIONS MAG TECHNIK © QUALITY SOLUTIONS Your on-line Shop for steel, pipes, marine equipment & accessories Buy now! Best Prices & Special Offers ! Tel.: +40246 274631 Fax: +40246 274641 Mob.: +40758 011089 E-mail: SHIPBUILDING AND REPAIR MEMBER OF SEA EUROPE - SHIPS & MARITIME EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATION The Romanian Shipbuilders Association is a professional, non-commercial, collective, non-governmental and non-political organization aiming to promote relations and cooperation between trading companies and specialists in the field of shipbuilding and related activities for the purpose of consultation on matters of common interest in order to support and protect the interests of the members, to facilitate the exchange of information, the contacts with State, Government and legislative bodies and relations with abroad counterparts. ANCONAV includes specialists and representatives of the trading companies in the field of shipbuilding industry and related activities, and will act together with its members and upon their request, in order to: - defend the interests of own members in front of State bodies / authorities by empowering adequately the Association; - support an active presence of the Association and its members in the specialized media; provide the affiliation or collaboration with other similar organizations or foundations in the country orabroad; - present the Association's point of view and to provide the cooperation with governmental and/ or legislative bodies in drawing-up the drafts of Regulations or Laws related to shipbuilding activity; - organize and broker the dialogue with local and abroad bodies and personalities in the specific field; - facilitate the access to the information concerning external market trends in the field of shipbuilding; - carry-out other activities that will be decided by mutual agreement in the General Assembly of the Association (ANCONAV). Headquarters Address: 132 Alexandru Moruzzi Street, Main Office Building, 2nd floor, office 208, 800223 Galati, Romania Phone: +40 (0) 236 307 111 Fax: +40 (0) 236 307 211 Website: Contact person Mr. Gelu Stan - Executive Managing Director Mobile: +40(0) 722 23 00 42 E-mail: ANCONAV ROMANIAN SHIPBUILDERS ASSOCIATION AVEMAR SHIPYARD CONSTANTA Address: GALATI, 132, Al. Moruzzi Street Services: The Romanian Shipbuilders Association is a professional, non-commercial, collective, non-governmental and non-political organization aiming to promote relations and cooperation between trading companies and specialists in the field of shipbuilding and related activities for the purpose of consultation on matters of common interest in order to support and protect the interests of the members, to facilitate the exchange of information, the contacts with State, Government and legislative bodies and relations with abroad counterparts. Address: GIURGIU, Free Zone Giurgiu; CONSTANTA, 18 Flamanda Street Other Offices: CONSTANTA, 900647, 18, Flamanda Street Main activity: Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Services & Products: Technical management; Design and engineering; New buildings up to 40m (Lmax 40m & Bmax 8m), including outfitting – complete projects; Repairs: steelwork (plasma cutting, welding - procedures approved by ABS and BV), piping works, mechanical and electrical works, insulation (fire protection, sound protection), accommodation (walls, ceilings, flooring, carpentry, others); Conversion projects Contact Person: Gelu STAN, Executive Managing Director Phone: +40236 307111 Fax: +40236 307211 E-mail:; Website: Contact Person: Virgil CACIOIANU, Company owner Phone: +40341 174848 Fax: +40341174847 E-mail: Website: AXXA MARITIME SERVICES S.R.L. DAEWOO MANGALIA HEAVY INDUSTRIES SA Address: MANGALIA, 2 IC Bratianu Street, Central Business Center - 301 Services & Products: AXXA Maritime represents the solution for many renowned companies which are looking for a reliable partner. We are an independent company with an experience of over 9 years in the field of shipbuilding. Our teams of engineers and technicians operate in over 10 European and Asian countries, thus combining our experience in the field with the globalization of this industrial branch. Address: MANGALIA, 1, Harbour Street, Constanta Main activity: Construction of vessel & floating structures, wind energy industry, offshore industry Services & Products: Construction of turnkey big size commercial and specialized vessel ,ship repair & conversion of vessel. From 2011 year, DMHI’s driving new business: steel structure for wind energy, offshore and plant for Oil & Gas Industry Contact Person: Liviu CAMEN, General Manager Phone: +40745 353639 Fax: +40241 50140 E-mail: Website: Contact Person: Dan MARIN, Senior Manager at Marketing & Contract Management Team Phone: + 40372 411314; + 40372 411201 Fax: + 40241 756054 E-mail: ; Website: DMHI 29 SHIPBUILDING | SHIP REPAIR | CONVERSION Technical management Design and engineering New buildings - up to 40m (Lmax 40 & Bmax 8m) Pontoons & Floating Houses | Split barges & Flat barges | Pushers Ship repair: steelworks, pipe works, mechanical and electrical works, insulation,accommodation, others Conversion works AVEMAR SHIPYARD LTD 2nd Port Street, Free Zone Giurgiu Romania Tel: +40246274641 Fax: +40246274631 news news maritime maritimeindustry industry company companyprofiles profiles marine marineservices services crewing crewing maritime maritimetransport transport ship shiprepair repair shipbuilding shipbuilding logistic logistic equipments equipments S.C DANUBIANA S.R.L Braila GREEN SEAS LTD Address: BRAILA, 810220, 59, Rahova Street Main activities: Shipbuilding and Ship repairs Services & Products: Sandblasting-painting (painting under special conditions with alpinist painters), pipes manufacturing and assembly, welding, lifting equipment – repairing and assembly (cranes, travelling cranes) Address: CONSTANTA, Constanta Port Enclosure, Radacina MOL 3 Other Offices: CONSTANTA, 11, Ovidiu Plaza, Entrance A SFAT, Ground Floor Main Activities: Ships repairs and maintenance Services & Products: GREEN SEAS, founded in 1995, offers mechanical, electrical, electronical, underwater, deck cranes and welding works, as well as maintenance of any kind on an around the clock basis. Contact Person: Ioan VIRAGOȘ, Managing Director Phone: +40239 621093 Fax: +40239 621093 E-mail: Website: Contact Person: Gica TOMA, General Manager Phone: +40241 583770; +40241 587900 Fax: 0241 583770 E-mail: Website: NAVROM SHIPYARD S.R.L. S.C. SHIPYARD ATG GIURGIU S.R.L. Address: 54 Portului street, Galati Other Offices: PL CERNAVODA, 11 Canalului street, Cernavoda, Constanta Services & Products: NAVROM SHIPYARD is a Romanian Company with established shipyards in Galati and Cernavoda, along Danube river. The major services which are provided: building of inland vessels, ship upgrading and repairs. Address: GIURGIU, 2 Portului Street Services & Products: Shipyard ATG Giurgiu provides new construction and repairs for both shallow and deep water vessels around the world. The quality control of our activity offers our clients, high quality standards and competitive rates, backed up by the experienced and professional teamwork of our employees, facilitating you to get in profitable business with our company. Shipyard ATG Giurgiu is providing the conditions for a successful and long-term collaboration with Your Company. Contact Person: Alexandru VARLAN, Executive Manager Phone: +40236 460990 Fax: +40236 414443 E-mail: Website: Contact Person: Teodor Gheorghe APOSTOL, General Manager/ Adrian PATRICHE, Deputy Manager Phone: +40246 214109/ +40246 211799 Fax: +40246 213860 E-mail: Website: 34 GREEN SEAS has been founded in 1995, as a private group of companies in order to fulfill the demands for ship repairs, industrial construction and services, either in Romanian ports or abroad, on around the clock basis. Our area of expertise covers but is not limited to the following: - mechanical works: diesel engines, pumps, coolers, compressors, boilers, generators, valves, repair and reconditioning for any type of engines; - repairs for all type of ships (sea going, river going, technical ships and floating equipments, etc); steel works for normal ships, containers carriers, supertankers and oil rigs: hull, deck, holds, tanks, hatch covers, accommodation, pipe lines, construction of heavy fuel oil tanks, repair of high pressure steam boilers / steam reservoirs, construction of steam reservoirs for exhaust gas, etc.; - our group is one of the few companies in the world approved by the American Bureau of Shipping for “Water Back Welding” procedures. - electrical works: electric motors repairs, generators, lights and cables, etc.; - electronic: navigation equipments service and repair ( radar, loch, epirb, gps, etc.); - underwater works with specialized divers; - safety services for fire fighting equipment and life rescue equipment (life rafts, life boats); - deck cranes repairs and tests; - any type of maintenance works; - technical expertise and consulting; - various: carpentry, furniture, carpets, tank cleaning for gas free, etc. GREEN SEAS operates its own base for repairs (workshop and platform), located in Constanta Port, but has the necessary expertise and logistic capability for working in anywhere in the world, both on and off-shore. We believe that our wide area of expertise combined with our commitment to providing quality services would prove a valuable asset in performing maintenance and repair works for wind farms and other such green technology operations. We are confident that with our experience and professionalism, we will prove to be more than useful as a partner in your future endeavors. CONTACT Address: CONSTANTA, Constanta Harbour, Radacina MOL 3 Phone: +40241 583770; +40241 587900 Fax: +40241 583770 E-mail: Website: SHIPBUILDING REPAIRS NAVROM SHIPYARD RETROFITTING building for the future NAVROM SHIPYARD is a Romanian Company with established shipyards in Galati and Cernavoda, near Danube River. CERNAVODA BUILDER OF THE FIRST ROMANIAN SUCTION DREDGER, after 1989 GALATI With three floating docks, 100tf floating crane and slipway - 7000 sqm, NAVROM SHIPYARD has the facilities, the skills and the experience to undertake the two major services: NEW BUILDINGS Since 2005, the shipyard produced more than 10 inland vessels (selfpropelled barges, pontoons, icebreaker, passenger, spill oil vessels) for a various range of clients, including Marfet France, APDM Romania, Vega Romania, Shark Constanta. SHIP REPAIRS RETROFITTING We are able to offer a comprehensive range of ship repairs/ conversion/ retrofitting/ maintenance services through our staff and extensive suppliers network. The company has enjoyed continuing success in these fields, maintaining its high level of services based on Quality Management Systems ISO 9001, 14001, OHSAS 18001. Address: 54 Portului Street, Galati, Romania Phone: +40236 460990 11 Canalului Street, Cenavoda, Constanta, Romania Fax: +40236 414443 THE NATIONAL CONSULTING BUREAU of ROMANIA ROMANIA, Bucharest, Ion GHICA street, nr.1, Ap. 65, Sector 3 Tel.: +4031 4220248 | Fax: +4031 8033537 | Mobil: +4073 0190826; +40753 119511 E-mail: | Website: PUBLISHING AND EDITING MEDIATION AND NEGOTIATION LOBBY AND ADVOCACY MANAGEMENT LEGAL CONSULTANCY CONTRACTING TENDER CONSULTANCY TENDER DOCUMENTATION BUSINESS CONSULTANCY PUBLIC RELATIONS IMAGE MANAGEMENT LOCAL REPRESENTATION The Art of Shipbuilding NEW CONSTRUCTION and repairs for INLAND vessels and SEA GOING ships around the world. High quality standards and competitive rates, backed up by the experienced and professional teamwork of our employees. Machinery and equipment available: Sandblasting installation for plates and profiles; Sheet-cutting table, including a 'ESAB' plasma cutting; table for sheet thicknesses up to 150mm; Steel hydraulic press; Welding equipment; Lifting equipment on site, 8/12/20/40/70 tons capacity; Steel manufacturing capacity: 600-700 ton/month, approximate 10.000, tons per year Shipyard ATG Giurgiu, Romania Portului Street no.2, Free Zone 080016 GIURGIU-ROMANIA Phone: +40 246 214 109; +40 246 211 799 Fax: +40 246 213 860 E-mail: Web page: TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS S.C. AMA TIMAR AGENT S.R.L. DSV SOLUTIONS S.R.L. Address: CONSTANTA, Constanta Port Enclosure – Radacina Mol 3 Main activities: Transport Address: DSV Romania – Head Office: Bucharest West Park for Logistics, D1 warehouse, DE 287/1, Ilfov, 077096 Romania Other Offices: DSV Otopeni: Henri Coanda International Airport, 9 Aurel Vlaicu St., 075100 Otopeni, Ilfov, Romania Phone: +4021 2074642; Fax: +4021 20746 41; E-mail:; DSV Brasov: 158 Carierei St. 500052 Brasov, Romania Phone: +40 368 461 061; Fax: +40 268 441 202 E-mail: DSV Timisoara: DN 6 – KM 546 + 400, Remetea Mare, 307350 Timis, Romania Phone: +40256 208350; Fax: +40256 496488; E-mail: DSV Constanta: Constanta Sud Port, Mol Romtrans Building, Floor.4, Rooms. 433435, Constanta Business : +40 241 60 23 58/ 59; Fax : +40 241 48 86 78 E-mail :; Main activities: Global Transport and Logistics Services & Products: Logistics - warehousing, distribution, value added services; International transport by road, air & sea; Domestic transport; Projects, over - dimensioned transports; Cargo insurance & customs clearance Contact Person: Liliana DRAGAN, Air & Sea Director Phone: +4021 4313175 Fax: +4021 4313181 E-mail: Website: Contact Person: Edmond Costin SANDRU, Executive Manager Phone: +40744 500248 Fax: +40341 442726 E-mail: Address: 100 Soveja Street, Bl 54 (groundfloor), 900402 Constanta, ROMANIA Tel: +40 241 485888 Fax: +40 241 485889 MCL INTERNATIONAL is a full-service Freight Forwarder based in Romania, Constanta port, the main port of the Black Sea, the heart of Romanian international commerce. We are offering a large range of international freight forwarding services through our comprehensive network of carriers and agents with whom we work directly, giving us a We are also offering logistical expertise for project global reach. We handle everything from Door to door covering all cargo, including containers and oversized break-bulk shipping. of your export/import needs. We assist our clients in storing their products in the MCL INTERNATIONAL is offering the following range of Global Logistic Services “connecting” countries most efficient way, in order to be ready for loading in the shortest possible time, with minimum of required space and through our network system: - Ocean Freight Services (FCL-Full container load, LCL-Less volume. We assist our clients in order to fulfill all legal than container load); - Special Equipment, including Open Top, Flat Rack and formalities and documents for custom clearance. Reefer containers; MCL INTERNATIONAL will continue to fulfill its - Break-bulk Cargo (Over dimensional & Non-containerizable promise of quality service to become the best Freight Forwarder in Romania. project cargoes); - Barge / River transport; “The Goal of MCL INTERNATIONAL is not merely to - Air Freight Services; - Specialized Services (Liquids, Chemicals, Dangerous IMO become the BIGGEST freight forwarder, but the BEST freight forwarder through our service provided with cargoes, Live animals/Fish etc) efficiency and responsibility” - Household goods / Personal effects / Automobile; - Trucking services (trucks of any size); - Rail transport services (rail wagons of all types); - Warehouse / Cargo transshipment / Packing (bags, boxes, pallets, containers); - Marine/Air Cargo Insurance; 39 - Custom clearance; - Intermodal freight services involving transportation by more than one carrier. KAPITAL LEADING TRANSPORT MCL INTERNATIONAL Address: Headquarter: BUCHAREST, 020037, 38 Jean Louis Calderon Street, 2nd District Other Offices: EFORIE NORD, 905350, 30th Republicii street, Ground Floor, Constanta Main activities: Containerized multimodal transport services Services & Products: Container transport; Maritime transport; Door to Door Intermodal transport; Ro-Ro services; Consolidation services. Address: CONSTANTA, 900402, 100, Soveja Street, Bl 54 (groundfloor) Main activities: Freight Forwarding & Crewing Agency Services & Products: We are offering logistic services for import/export cargoes, any kind of international transport (oceanfreight, airfreight, tucks and rail transport), cargo groupage and special transport for liquids, chemicals and oversized cargoes. Contact Person: Vanda IVANUS, Managing Director Phone: +4021 3104680 Fax: +4021 3104681 E-mail: Website: Additionally, we are providing also Recruitment and Crewing agency services for Owners, Managers for any kind of commercial vessels (bulk carriers, containers, RoRo and any type of tankers: Oil, Chemicals, LPG, LNG and VLCC) Contact Person: Lavinia Anca CRETU, Managing Director Phone: +40241 485888 Fax: +40241 485889 E-mail: Website: S.C. MELSPRING ROMANIA S.R.L. Address: GIURGIU, Free zone, 2 Portului Street Services & Products: Loading-unloading and storage services/additives production and supplying. Contact Person: Livia CHIRITA, Subsidiary Executive Phone: +40246 211070 Fax: +40246 214028 E-mail: Website: MULTRASHIP ROMANIA S.R.L. Address: BUCHAREST, 011175, 81, Ion Mihalache blvd., Building no. 15A, Entrance A, 5th Floor, Ap. 65, District 1 Other Offices: CONSTANTA, 900900, Constanta Harbor, Bursa Noua Building, 2nd Floor, Room 213 Services & Products: The company’s main activities are: harbour towage, salvage & wreck removal, coastal & deep sea towage, services to dredging, marine contracting & offshore industries. Multraship is a leading independent Dutch towage and salvage company which has built an international reputation for quality and safety in the maritime industries. It is part of the Muller Maritime Group, a private company owned by the Muller family of Terneuzen, The Netherlands, which has more than 230 years experience in the shipping industry. Contact Person: Eugen BUZATU, Manager Tel: +4021 2023523 Fax: +4021 4043653 E-mail: Website: 42 Starting with May 2003 Kapital Leading Transport has been appointed general agent for Romania of the most reputable Japanese shipping company “K” Line - Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd. for both container and car carrier business. K" Line Total Logistics (KLTL), the newest addition to the venerated "K" Line portfolio of integrated global transportation solutions, represents the new model for global logistics - a fully integrated, one-stop supply chain management solutions company. KLTL continues "K" Line's century-old tradition of customer service The red colored “K” Line logo stands for prompt and reliable and its client-focused adaptability. multimodal services covering air, road and maritime services. Moreover it embodies the main “K” Line features including excellent KLT understands the pressures companies face in a fiercely service, innovation and strength. The global network is among the competitive marketplace and recognizes the challenges of complex most extensive in the world and its power – the power of people who transcontinental supply chain management. In today's global market do whatever it takes to be the best – is greater than ever. companies require the capacity to quickly and efficiently move and track goods all over the World. To that end KLTL delivers expertise in “K” Line is a world-class shipping company ranked among the top every aspect of supply chain management. From the allocation and five worldwide companies in terms of revenues. “K” Line owns and delivery of today's most advanced physical resources to building operates a fleet of 476 vessels consisting of various types of ships custom IT solutions, KLTL is a true logistics partner for its clients. adapted to the continuously changing transport needs. Under the umbrella of the “K” Line Group, there is a total of 26 domestic and KLTL is defining the future of supply chain management. No matter how complex your logistics challenge may be, you can depend on 293 overseas subsidiaries with approximately 7,000 employees KLTL to deliver the solution. working and representing “K” Line brand. Container Business Group operates 26 routes connecting all Century Distribution Systems, Inc. is an independent operating unit of Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. ("K" Line). Century provides trading areas world wide with direct calls to all major ports and wise logistics services throughout Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and connections to inland destinations. South America with a strong emphasis on supply-chain management technology. Their core business activities include Using the benefit of “K” Line global agency net, Kapital Leading International Freight Forwarding and Consolidation, offering Transport is able to offer the complete service of integrated Innovative Web-based Management Systems, Booking and containerized service, on weekly basis, to and from South East Asia Documentation Control, and Purchase Order Management. and Far East; 2. Black Sea; 3. East Mediterranean Sea. Presently, In Romania, Everest Management Group, sister company of we are operating a direct service (ABX), calling CSCT terminal and Kapital Leading Transport has been nominated and is acting as connecting the Far East (direct calls: Shanghai, Ningbo, Shekou, exclusive agent on behalf of Century Distribution Systems, Inc. Singapore, Port Kelang) with the Black Sea area. Additionally we are also offering transshipment services for cargo coming from/destined Contact Details: to Bulgaria (Varna) and Ukraine (Odessa) through a commercial E-mail: Phone: +40 21 310 4679 regular feeder service. Fax: +40 21 310 4655 As Car Carrier, “K” Line commenced maritime car transport by specialized vessels earlier than any other shipping line (1968) and we have continuously provided our customers with safe and reliable service. Demand for transport has been diversifying in recent years, as a result of vehicular production sites, being dispersed around the world. In response to this trend, we have been making diligent and consistent efforts to assure that our customers are given the very best service possible. Kapital Leading Transport aims in promoting “K” Line spirit on the Romanian market by following and at the same time preserving the basic principles that govern the activity of the entire “K” Line Group: a) diligent efforts for safety in navigation and cargo operations as well as for environmental preservation; b) sincere response to customer needs by making every possible effort; c) contributing to the world's economic growth and stability through continual upgrading of service quality. Bucharest office: 38 Jean Louis Calderon Street, 2nd District, 020037, Bucharest, Romania Phone: +4021 310 4680; 3104681; Fax: +4021 310 4682 E-mail: Constanta office: 30 Republicii Street, Ground Floor, 905350, Eforie Nord, County of Constanta, Romania Phone: +40241 737109; 737120; Fax: +40241 737 091 E-mail: S.C. NORTH STAR SHIPPING S.R.L. S.C. SHIPTRANS LOGISTIC S.R.L. Address: CONSTANTA, Constanta Port Enclosure / 2nd Floor Office Building, Pier 45 Services & Products: We are port operators specialized in handling and storage of bulk/general cargo: - Grain Silo Terminal: 2 terminals with 300.000 tones storage capacities & volume throughput of 4.000.000 tons/year; - Raw materials Terminal: ore, petcoke, coal, bauxite, bulk fertilizers; - Liquids Chemical Terminal. Departments: Agency; Freight Forwarding; Danube River transport; Truck Transport; Stevedoring and Warehousing ; Cargo Custom Clearance; Others – Connection/Authorities/ Partners Address: BUCHAREST, 109, Ion Mihalache Street, Bl. 13A, Entrance A, Fl. 8, Ap. 46, District 1 Other Offices: BUCHAREST, 2C Mizil Street, Fl. 3, Room 307, District 3 Main activities: Shiptrans Logistic is a Romanian freight forwarder which provides international shipping and logistic services for clients around the world. We are membership of USER (Union of the Forwarding Companies of Romania) and FIATA (International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations). Our team is available to offer our clients the most advantageous solutions for sea freight, internal and international road transport, air freight, multimodal transport, custom clearance services, according to your needs. Contact Person: Ion VASILE Phone: +40241 691010 Fax: +40241 630559 E-mail: Website: Contact Person: Doina GHERGHELI, Sales Manager Phone: +40745 260304 Fax: +40318 059059 E-mail: Website: SHIP DESIGN SHIPBUILDING SHIP REPAIR Constanta, Romania Phone/ Fax: +40772 289057 Phone: +40747092423 E-mail: INTER ship repair Bucharest - Giurgiu - Constanta STEEL BUILDINGS PONTOONS TUGBOATS PUSHERS FLOATING HOUSES SHIPBUILDING/ SHIP REPAIR STEEL STRUCTURES ROMANIAN NAVAL & MARITIME INDUSTRY CATALOGUE Alexandru IONASCU Alexandra CACIOIANU Thank you all for submiting in our Catalogue, for the trust and support! Many thanks to Mr. Gelu STAN, Managing Director of ANCONAV (Romanian Shipbuilders Association) and to Romania Trade and Invest (Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment) for promoting and supporting our project! Special thanks to YELLOW & FINCH PUBLISHERS (Dennis Vinkoert & Marco Geels) who supported us in every project we planned and to dipl. ing. Virgil CACIOIANU! Without you all, this project wouldn’t have been possible ! CONTACT US CONTACT US ABC PUBLISHING CONSULTING AND MANAGEMENT SRL 4 Alexandru Moruzzi Street District 3, Bucharest Romania Phone: +4031 8033537 Fax: +4031 4220248 Mobile: +40753 119511 E-mail: Publishers Alexandra CACIOIANU Alexandru IONASCU Editors Alexandra CACIOIANU Alexandru IONASCU Sales & Marketing Oana NASTASE Art Director Sergiu CURICHERIU E-mail Marketing MBOX CONSULTING FOR ADVERTISING AND ORDERS don’t hesitate to contact us ! The Art of Shipbuilding NEW CONSTRUCTION and repairs for INLAND vessels and SEA GOING ships around the world. High quality standards and competitive rates, backed up by the experienced and professional teamwork of our employees. Machinery and equipment available: Sandblasting installation for plates and profiles; Sheet-cutting table, including a 'ESAB' plasma cutting; table for sheet thicknesses up to 150mm; Steel hydraulic press; Welding equipment; Lifting equipment on site, 8/12/20/40/70 tons capacity; Steel manufacturing capacity: 600-700 ton/month, approximate 10.000, tons per year Shipyard ATG Giurgiu, Romania Portului Street no.2, Free Zone 080016 GIURGIU-ROMANIA Phone: +40 246 214 109; +40 246 211 799 Fax: +40 246 213 860 E-mail: Web page: photo credit: Shutterstock, Sinisa Botas ArcelorMittal: Your partner all the way
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