Bloomington Newcomers Club P.O. Box 8231 Bloomington, IN 47407-8231 Place label here! Dated Material Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Bloomington, IN Permit No. 37 The Newcomer News A publication of the Bloomington Newcomers Club Some Tuesday Luncheon Attendees Mar 2015 Vol 43 No 3 Board Members President Wolfgang von Buchler (812)825-1925 Vice-President Connie Clark (317)850-8202 Secretary Marcia Schmeckebier (812)822-0399 Treasurer Jan Greenwood (630)272-0107 Historian Don Stejskal (812)323-0772 Quick Index President’s Letter --------------------------3 Interest Groups ------------------ 4-6 &12 Member Recommended Services -----7 Calendar Foldout ---------------------8 & 9 Bridge Groups ----------------------------10 Good Eatin’ Groups....................11&12 Transitions ---------------------------------12 ShowTime! ---------------------------------13 Cardinal Stage; Various & Sundry ---14 Birthdays -----------------------------------15 Hospitality Hugh and Cindy St. Leger (219) 688-8828 Interest Groups Dave Meyer (812)345-2322 meyer.david@meyeradvantage. com Membership Sharon Roth (812)822-1533 Publicity Brenda Aschliman (812)822-2365 Newsletter Editor Marilyn Perlmutter (419)265-3537 Circulation Director Elaine Pendley (812)876-7090 Refreshments Diane Scholfield (812)275-5515 Linda Burton (812)369-4611 Town Crier Tod Wicks(812)333-6660 On the Cover and Within Newsletter: Some Tuesday Luncheon Attendees Photos by Don Stejskal Members Only Info Web Page Be sure to visit our members-only web page at where current and past newsletter issues and calendar pages can easily be viewed or downloaded! The Newcomer News is published monthly for members of the Bloomington Newcomers Club. Interest Group calendar submissions should be sent to Dave Meyer by the 5th of the month at (812)345-2322. Happy Birthday, March Children Kessell Jeanne 1-Mar Smith Nancy 1-Mar Clark Dan 1-Mar Goodman Ellen 2-Mar Taylor Scott 3-Mar Bakken Dawn 4-Mar Rice Doug 5-Mar Fettinger Mary 6-Mar Bratton Andy 7-Mar McNair Ann 8-Mar Aschliman Nick 9-Mar Shupe Janet 10-Mar Crowle Patricia 12-Mar Mayfield Armelda 13-Mar Hillery Rex 13-Mar Rucker John 13-Mar Rider Pat 17-Mar Stava Sarah 18-Mar Lundelius Ute 19-Mar Myerson Jerry 19-Mar Phillips Bert 20-Mar Drewes Beth 23-Mar Bretsch Kenneth 24-Mar Griesel Paula 25-Mar Miller Mary 27-Mar Kittredge Frank 30-Mar The deadline for general announcements is the 10th of the month preceding the month of the event. Please send requests for special occasion cards (e.g. Sympathy, Wedding) to Cindy St. Leger. (No Birthdays, and no Cats please). Page 2 Page 15 Newcomers save on tickets to Brighton Beach Memoirs at Cardinal Stage Cardinal Stage is offering $3 off the first weekend performances of Brighton Beach Memoirs Good For Dates: Friday, March 20th @ 7:30 pm Saturday, March 21st @ 7:30 pm Sunday, March 22nd @ 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm For tickets, go to and use promo code NEWCOMERS to receive your discount. Or call the Cardinal Stage Box Office at 812-336-9300 and give the code. *Available for online or Cardinal Stage box office purchases only. Not available on previously purchased tickets and subject to availability. Offer cannot be combined with any other discount or offer or extended to performance dates not listed above. Various and Sundry Dear Members, From The President Sitting here, looking out the window, I am fully aware that it's February, that the weather though, feels like spring, and that some of the flower bulbs are already peeking out. Winter seems to be on the run, after never really stopping here in Bloomington. I love the unpredictability of weather forecasts, the surprises that often greet us, the four seasons, each of which gifts us with uniqueness and variety that allows us to live a fuller life. Yes, we have much to be thankful for! I am happy to report that all is well in our Newcomers Club. Oliver Winery will again host our Spring Fling on Tuesday, May 12th. Our speaker at the February lunch, Bethany Terry, representing VITAL (Volunteers in Tutoring Adult Learners), was very informative and interesting. If you are at all interested in helping someone learn how to read, improve his/her reading, or just want to help this service in any way, please contact her at 812 349-3173. We are still searching for a club treasurer for next year. Please consider helping our club by volunteering for this important position. Jan Greenwood has done a great job and is prepared to assist the new treasurer in whatever way necessary. Questions? Please call Jan or the chairperson of the nominating committee, Dorothy Stejskal. Thank you for your consideration. The Nominating Committee, chaired by Dorothy Stejskal, has come up with a slate for the upcoming year, as follows: The men's breakfast group needs to name a new coordinator. Someone who goes regularly, please step forward and notify Dave Meyer that you will head that interest group. Thanks. President: Connie Clark Vice President: Katie Zuber Secretary: Judy Karty Treasurer: still open. The current Treasurer, Jan Greenwood, welcomes calls from anyone who might be interested in this position and would like more information. She can be reached at (630)272-0107, or via email at Sincerely, Wolfgang Our current Membership Chairs have been doing a superb job in their position. Nonetheless, they would like to have others take over this position in the next year. Please consider volunteering to do this important job. You will be contributing in an important way to the success of an organization to which you belong and, one hopes, enjoy. Volunteers are an important part of an organization such as ours. Step forward and help out!! Page 14 Monthly Luncheon Everyone is invited to the next Monthly Luncheon, to be held on Tuesday, March 10 at St. Paul’s Catholic Center at 11:30am. Our speaker is Susie Graham,who is Executive Director of Resource Development at Ivy Tech. Board Meeting Announcement The next BNC Board meeting will be on Thursday March 5 at St. Paul’s Catholic Center at 10:30 am Page 3 Interest Groups! Contact Dave Meyer by the 5th of the month at to make changes to your events or to list a new Interest Notice to all Newcomers If you are really new to the community or have been here since you cannot remember when – know that you can contact any group leader to learn more about the group, or contact the monthʼs host and just say you will attend. Friendships keep us young! Garden Club Nancy Page (812)334-9125, Sydley Skolnik (812)679-7694 Meets on the 2nd Friday of the month March 13 - Join the group for a local excursion to the super, enlarged and improved Kroger at 1175 South College Mall Road. We’ll meet with the managers of the Produce Dept. and the Flower Dept. for behind-the-scenes insight of the logistics for purchasing and moving merchandise around the country, maybe the world. Plan to have lunch afterward in their food court where the choices are abundant. Meet at 10:00am in the Flower Dept. --near the main entrance. RSVP please by Tuesday the 10th. ShowTime! Janie Harnett, (812)339-4528 The full MARCH calendar for Bear's Back Room is not out yet, however, the following 2 dates were available at press time: March 5...Ly Wilder and Richard Baskin jazz vocals at 5:30 Back room $7 March 12 ... Ritmos Unidos CD Release concert at 5:30 Back room $7 If you wish to be added to the e-mail list please contact the chairperson. We welcome "newbies" at all times, so please call to get on the e-mail list. FREE MOVIES at the IU Cinema located on the 7th Street side of the IU Auditorium near the Hoagy Carmichael sculpture. Check the schedule at for titles, times, and other details. Most films are free, but you need to obtain tickets at the Auditorium box office near the Showalter Fountain. A sampling of movies coming in March is”Dead Poets Society,” “Witness,” “Rear Window” and “Moby Dick”. If you are not an ongoing member of the Garden Club, but would like to be, please advise us. New members welcome as well as armchair gardeners too. Needlework Group Carol Peterman (812) 323-7823 2nd Thursdays at 11:00am March 12 - This month’s hostess will be Edeltraud Evans, 4157 W. Shadow Wood Drive. Come and chitchat while you work and check out all the great projects. Bring your lunch. The hostess will provide dessert and drinks. RSVP to Edeltraud at 812-876-4024 Page 4 Page 13 Wine Tasting Linda Burton, (812) 369-4611; Here are some guidelines for new and returning individuals joining Wine Tasting. 4 wines are tasted each month. Lunch and a Matinee Diane Scholfield, (812) 275-5515 March 3 Maximum amount spent on one bottle is $30.00 Hosts provide the wine and cheese, crackers, fruit, etc. Cost of wine and food is divided among those at the tasting. Each group will decide on the wine to taste each month. If you are interested in joining this fun and informative group, please contact Linda Burton. As in the past, the host(s) will contact the members of their group to let them know the date and time of the tasting. American Mah-Jong {NEW GROUP} Sydley Skolnik 812-679-7694 Ruth Simon 812-339-8291 If you would like to learn to play American Mah-Jong, give a call to Sydley or Ruth. We'll take it nice and slow; we're still learning, too. If you know how to play and would like to help get the group going, your input would be welcomed. PINOCHLE: Susan Koutiel (773) 678-4280 {NEW GROUP} Please contact Susan if you are interesting in joining this new group. More details will be announced soon. Transitions... If you’re a new member and haven’t been listed here, please contact the Editor: We’d love to list and welcome you to our group. We also list changes of address, telephone numbers, and emails in this space. Please provide any changes to Treasurer, Jan Greenwood, Bob & Priscilla Brown 3931 S. Emilie Ct. Bloomington, IN 47401 812-369-4644 More Interest Groups! Page 12 Details about the movie and restaurant will be emailed about February 27th, once the movie schedule is announced. To be added to the list, contact Diane Scholfield. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month. See you at the movies! Book Club 1 Connie Clark (317)-850-8202 Last Wednesday each month at 12 noon. New members welcome. Please RSVP to Connie Clark if you plan to attend. March 25 – The book we will discuss is The Children Act, by Ian McEwan. Dorothy Wilson will be the discussion leader. The meeting place will be announced later. Book Club 2 Marie Gougeon (812)-336-3591 Fourth Friday each month at 9:30am. Please RSVP to hostess if you plan to attend. March 27 - The hostess will be Amy Ripberger. You can contact her at 812-369-4928 or via email at We will be reading State of Wonder by Ann Patchett. International Issues Andy Shupe (812)287-8940, March 26 The March gathering of the International Issues discussion group will be held as usual on the fourth Thursday of the month at 4pm at Chapman's Restaurant , on East 3rd Street. The topic will be announced, as usual. Men’s Golf Scott Taylor (812)339-2066 Contact Scott Taylor for further information and to be contacted, as we invite men of all skill levels (except those who know what they're doing) to enjoy the camaraderie of these inveterate hackers. Page 5 More Interest Groups! Bunco - Ladies Janie Harnett, (812)339-4528 3rd Thursday each month year-round in members' homes on the third Thursday of each month, at 6:30 pm March 19 - 6:30pm Please note that the meeting time of the Ladies Bunco group has changed to 6:30pm. This month’s meeting will be held at the home of Karen Whiteside. Please call Karen at 812- 332-6096 if you are having a sub or if you need directions. There are 12 regular members in the group but we welcome new members throughout the year to serve as subs. Please call the Chair of the committee if you wish to be put on the sub list. Mah-Jong Ruth Simon (812)339-8921 Second and fourth Monday each month from 12:30pm – 3:00pm Please RSVP to the hostess. Please contact the hostess for each date. New members are always welcome. March 9 – Mary Rucker, hostess March 23 –Mary Lou Hillenberg, hostess Book & Puzzle Exchange Tod Wicks (812)333-6660 March 10 - The Books & Puzzle Exchange will be held during the Monthly Luncheon. Bring your unwanted puzzles, books, and magazines for other members to browse. A table will be set up near the registration counter where you can display your wares. A request has been made for the magazine Fox Terrier Times; if anyone has any back issues, please bring them. Donors, please remember to take home any unclaimed items. Out & About Group Linda Gregory (812)336-5451 Linda Burton, (812)369-4611 There is no event planned for this group this month. See you in April! ...for those who enjoy cooking and those who enjoy eating! Good Eatin’ Groups Flexible Lunch Bunch Debbie Horan, (765)967-0407 March’s lunch will be at Quaff on Tuesday, March 17th. We will meet at 11:30 at the restaurant located at 116 North Grant Street. Please join us in ushering in St.Patrick’s Day for 2015. Contact me at by Saturday the 14th of March if you wish to attend. Getting to Know You Dinner Ginny & Jerry Myerson, (812)824-9019 Dinners for BNC Singles and Couples Once each two-month period, a single or couple hosts a meal for 6-10 people, just enough to fit around their table comfortably. The host provides the main dish, contacts the guests to set the date and their choice of accompanying dishes for the meal, be it dinner, lunch or even breakfast. Step up to the plate! If you are interested in hosting or participating in the these informal, small planned pot-luck dinners of 6 to 10 guests known as Getting To Know You Dinners (GTKY), please contact Jerry and Ginny at or (812) 824-9019 for more information. T.G.I.F Joann Bretsch (812)822-2066 Second Friday - 6:00 to 8:00pm March 13 - TGIF will be held on the second Friday of the month on November 14, in the home of Margie and Larry Taylor, 603 East Moss Creek Court, Bloomington; 812-325-9893. Please call if you plan to attend. Bring an appetizer to share and whatever you want to drink (no red wine please) besides coffee or soda. See you there. Men’s Thursday Breakfast ShowTime... on page 13. Page 6 VACANT - Seeking New Organizer Every Thursday at 8:30am This group meets weekly in the back room at the Uptown Café, 102 E. Kirkwood Avenue,, with orders taken around 8:30am. We hope to see the regulars and new faces alike. Remember to feed the meters or park in the 4th Street Garage or the E. 4th St. and Washington St. lot (behind the Buskirk-Chumley.) Both offer three hours of free parking. All men of the Bloomington Newcomers Club are invited to join the fun. For more information, please contact Dave Meyer. Page 11 Bridge Groups! Mary Rucker, Coordinator (812)333-0734 Members Recommending Local Services Listed below are members who will recommend local services if you give the member a call. The Newcomers Club does not advertise for any particular company or service. Appliance Repair 1st Monday 1:00pm Hilary Hamilton, (812)332-2581 March 2 - Velda Mallard, (812) 876-0092 3rd Wednesday 12:30pm Carol Anthony, (812)339-2411 Garage door service Don Stejskal Don Stejskal Heating and cooling Barber Don Stejskal John Simon March 18 - Connie Clark (317) 850-8202 March 3 -- Suzanne Roberts, (812) 822-0563 1st Tuesday Men 6:30pm Rich Weyand, March 3 -- no place given. For details, and/or to join the group, contact Rich Weyand. 3rd Thursday - Men 6:30pm Bill Greenbaum, (812)369-4077 March 19 - 3rd Thursday night Men's Bridge Group meets at 6:30pm. We continue to look for individuals interested in playing with us as we have one permanent slot open. 4th Tuesday Duplicate Couples 7:00pm Helen Sauer, (812)822-2474 Interested subs may contact Helen 4th Monday 12:30pm Armelda Mayfield, (812)369-4108 March 23 – Connie Clark (317) 850-8202 March 24 - Members will be contacted by e-mail regarding location and any date changes. George Korinek Bob Miller Computer Technician Elaine Pendley Jerry Myerson Clock Repair Mary Rucker Bob Miller Pat Page Kennels Jeanne Kessell Ruth Simon Don Stejskal Mary Rucker Don Stejskal Janie Harnett Ron Firebaugh Painting Reupholstery Ingrid Beery George Korinek Screen Repair Massage therapist Drywall Installation Plumber House sitting Lawn care Karen Patterson Jerry Myerson Janie Harnett Pat Page Dorothy Stejskal Handyman Jim McLay Dentist Pet sitting Don Stejskal Carpenters 1st Tuesday 1:30pm Sue Doorlay, (812)287-8757 Painting - interior George Korinek Don Stejskal Paula Griesel Tree work David Beery George Korinek Floyd Thurston Don Stejskal Veterinarian Dorothy Stejskal Window washing George Korinek 2nd Wednesday 1:00pm Mary Rucker, (812)333-0734 Call Mary if you wish to be a sub in this group. March 11 -- Barbara Hillery, (812) 332-4042, 1506 S. Woodruff Lane 3rd Monday 12:00pm Jeanne Kessell, (812)333-5113 4th Friday - Couples 7:00pm Karen Karpinski, (812)334-0623 March 27 - Members will be contacted by e-mail regarding time and location. Window treatments Peter/Carol Lorenzen **Note to members** All copies of the Newsletter are mailed to all members. If you want to read it online, you need to go to our Website, whose address is listed in the masthead of every printed Newsletter. Any Newcomers Club member who wishes to join a Bridge group or be a sub should contact Mary Rucker at (812)333-0734. March 16 - Carol Haywood's home at 3502 Stoneybrook Blvd. at 12:00 noon. Please let Carol know if you are having a sub. Page 10 Page 7
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