Meeting highlights (23

VIII Legislature, N°52 – 20 February 2015
2015 Parliamentary Conference on the WTO
With the World Trade Organization (WTO) having turned twenty
this year, the delegates of the Parliamentary Conference on the
WTO met in Geneva on 16-17 February. Parliamentarians,
including a 13-strong strong delegation of MEPs, looked at trade
as an enabler of peace and prosperity and examined the ways of
better conveying the benefits of trade to consumers and young
people. Delegates urged to redouble efforts to conclude the Doha
Round, to swiftly ratify the Trade Facilitation Agreement and to
press ahead with implementing all elements of the "Bali package".
INTA discusses draft recommendations for TTIP negotiations
Conflict minerals: voluntary vs. mandatory approach
INTA considers €1.8 billion loan package for Ukraine
Next Meeting
Monday, 23 February 2015 (15.00-18.30 )
Tuesday, 24 February 2015 (9.00-12.30, 15.0018.30)
Room: Altiero Spinelli (ASP) 3E-2
Draft agenda
Meeting documents
Meeting highlights (23-24/02/2015)
Recent events
Coming soon
VIII Legislature, N°52 – 20 February 2015
Parliamentarians urge to redouble efforts to conclude the Doha Round
2015 Parliamentary Conference on the WTO
A concerted and urgent effort of all the WTO members is needed to move forward the rules-based
multilateral trade system say parliamentarians, who gathered at the WTO headquarters on 16-17
February for the 2015 Parliamentary Conference on the WTO (PCWTO). A 13-strong strong delegation
of MEPs looked at trade as an enabler of peace and prosperity and examined the possibilities of better
conveying the benefits of the WTO to the wider public. Trade MEPs held a dialogue with senior WTO
negotiators on ways to advance the Doha Round in line with the newly agreed deadline of July 2015 for
developing the WTO work programme. With the WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo delegates
discussed a "recalibration" of the WTO and lessons learned during twenty years of its existence. In the
margins of the PCWTO, MEPs held meetings with the EU and the US ambassadors to the WTO
Mr Angelos Pangratis and Mr Michael Punke respectively.
Press release
PCWTO 2015
VIII Legislature, N°52 – 20 February 2015
Meeting highlights (23-24/02/2015)
Trade in Services Agreement: what's at stake for Europe?
Public Hearing
While the 11th round of negotiations for a Trade in Services Agreement
(TiSA) will have just wrapped up, Members will debate the stakes for Europe
in this major plurilateral agreement. The 23 TiSA Parties represent 68% of
global services, and a third of the WTO Members; and China and Uruguay
have recently requested to join the talks. The purpose of TiSA is to further
liberalise trade in services and upgrade the current GATS designed in a preInternet era. The negotiations are conducted outside the WTO, but the
position of the EU is to craft the TiSA text to make it compatible with the
GATS in order to secure a possible integration when a critical mass of
participants is reached. In July 2014, the Commission published a number of
TiSA negotiating documents, in line with the WTO transparency guidelines. It
was the first time ever that the Commission has published the EU initial offer
during a negotiation. The first panel of the hearing will deal with the horizontal perspective of the
negotiations, and the second one will cover three sectorial chapters of TiSA: financial,
telecommunications and postal services.
EP recommendations for TTIP negotiations
Consideration of draft report
Members will discuss a draft report by INTA Chairman Bernd Lange containing the Parliament’s
proposals to the Commission on the trade talks with the US on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership (TTIP). Rapporteur's draft recommendations call for a comprehensive, ambitious, balanced
and high-standard agreement improving market access, reducing non-tariff barriers and enhancing the
compatibility of regulatory standards and developing common rules. The draft urges to continue
ongoing efforts to increase transparency in the EU-US trade and investment talks. The report is drawn
up in the follow-up to the EP resolutions on TTIP adopted in October 2012 and May 2013, with 14
committees drafting their opinions to the INTA report.
Lead committee:
Bernd Lange (S&D)
Martti Kalaus
2014/2228 (INI)
Consideration of draft report: 24 February 2015
Deadline for amendments:
26 March 2015
Planned vote in INTA:
7 May 2015
Planned vote in plenary:
May 2015
VIII Legislature, N°52 – 20 February 2015
Conflict minerals: voluntary vs. mandatory due diligence obligations
Consideration of draft report
MEPs agree that companies must avoid sourcing minerals from
rebel-controlled mines, but they need to make important
legislative choices. Will it be up to companies to decide whether to
join the new EU due diligence system? Will the system be limited
to Africa's Great Lakes region or apply to all conflict areas? Will
new rules concern all companies or just importers of minerals and
metals? Will the system be set up and controlled by national
administrations or the European Commission? INTA rapporteur
Iuliu Winkler proposes to support the Commission proposal and let
EU importers of minerals and metals decide whether to join the scheme. He believes, that with the
support of incentives, market pressures will convince them to become responsible importers.
Companies will check where their supplies come from and mitigate any possible negative impact on the
human rights situation. The rapporteur also wants the Commission to create a system through which
good existing business practices be recognised to avoid double auditing and minimize red tape. The
rapporteur also wants to delay the application of new rules to ensure their smooth application, aiming
to promote legitimate trade in tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold from conflict affected high risk areas.
Once a compromise on the hotly debated issue is reached in the Parliament, an agreement with the
Council of Ministers will need to be found.
Lead committee:
Iuliu Winkler (EPP)
Leon Peijnenburg
Consideration of draft report:
Deadline for amendments:
Planned vote in INTA:
Planned vote in plenary:
23 February 2015
26 February 2015
14 April 2015
May 2015
VIII Legislature, N°52 – 20 February 2015
Macro-financial assistance to Ukraine
Consideration of draft report
INTA will consider a draft report by Gabrielius Landsbergis (EPP) on
granting the EU macro-financial to Ukraine. The Commission
proposes a macro-financial assistance of up to 1.8 billion euros in
medium-term loans, to address Ukraine’s short-term balance of
payments needs, including the replenishment of international
reserves, and to support the reform programme of the Ukrainian
authorities, in particular the restructuring of the energy and
banking sectors. Such support is required to shore up investor
confidence, which is essential for bringing Ukraine’s economy back to a sustainable growth path. The
assistance shall contribute to cover Ukraine’s residual external financing needs in 2015-16, as identified
by the Commission based on the estimates of the IMF. Given the dramatic economic situation in
Ukraine as well as the fact that the Commission proposal strictly respects the standard wording for
such proposals agreed by the co-legislators in the 7th legislature, the rapporteur proposes taking over
the Commission proposal without amendments.
Lead committee:
Gabrielius Landsbergis (EPP)
Tatiana Mrazikova
2015/0005 (COD)
Deadline for amendments:
Planned vote in INTA:
Planned vote in plenary:
25 February 2015
19 March 2015
March II (tbc)
"Anti-torture Regulation": enhanced export controls of inhumane equipment
Exchange of views
The "Anti-torture Regulation" (EC) No 1236/2005 is a unique
instrument that contributes to protection of human rights via the
EU-wide export controls of items and services that are used for or
could be misused for capital punishment and torture. MEPs
embark upon a legislative update that will strengthen the oversight
combining trade prohibitions with licensing requirements for
exports of listed goods. Members will legislate on prohibition of
brokering services for banned goods and extention of the
prohibition of brokering services and technical assistance for
controlled items, in cases a supplier knows or suspects the goods may be used for cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment.
Lead committee:
Marietje Schaake (ALDE)
Mindaugas Kojelis
Exchange of views:
23 February 2015
Consideration of draft report: 6-7 May 2015 (tbc)
Deadline for amendments:
13 May (tbc)
Planned vote in INTA:
15-16 June (tbc)
Planned vote in plenary:
July 2015 (tbc)
VIII Legislature, N°52 – 20 February 2015
European Energy Security Strategy
Consideration of draft opinion
INTA will consider its opinion to the own-initiative report of the ITRE Committee on Europe’s energy
security strategy. Rapporteur Helmut Scholz (GUE/NGL) suggests that in order to meet global energy
challenges and implement its energy and climate change objectives, the EU must take common action
on the international stage. The draft insists that the EU’s energy security strategy should ensure
affordable access to energy for all and should strengthen public control and regulation. The Rapporteur
says that trade plays a key role in energy security, and he calls for strong energy partnerships. The
Member States should boost information exchange mechanism and bundle their negotiating power visà-vis third countries. Moreover, the draft opinion finds export opportunities for EU private and public
companies in clean, secure and efficient energy technologies particularly important.
Lead committee:
Helmut Scholz (GUE/NGL)
Heikki Suortti
2014/2153 (INI)
Consideration of draft opinion: 23 February 2015
Deadline for amendments:
26 February 2015
Planned vote in INTA:
19 March 2015
Protecting intellectual property rights beyond EU borders
Exchange of views
INTA will hold its first exchange of views on the Commission
Communication: Trade, growth and intellectual property -Strategy
for the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights
in third countries The IPR protection and enforcement strategy vis–
à–vis third countries replaces the one dating back to 2004. The
Communication reviews the EU policy with regard to substantial
technological change in the last decade including vital role of the
internet, increasing importance of emerging economies, challenges
in access to medicines and a growing level of IPR infringements.
Lead committee:
Alessia Mosca (S&D)
Miriam Korteweg
Consideration of draft report: 18-19 March 2015
Deadline for amendments:
23 March 2015
Planned vote in INTA:
14 April 2015
Planned vote in plenary:
May 2015
VIII Legislature, N°52 – 20 February 2015
Trade preferences for the Western Balkans
Consideration of draft report
INTA will consider a draft report by Goffredo Bettini (S&D) on granting autonomous trade preferences
to the Western Balkans countries. Commission proposal aims to prolong the current preferences until
the end of 2020 and introduce human rights conditionality. Furthermore, it also envisages possible
suspension of preferences for Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1 January 2016, as the country fails to
adapt the preferential quotas envisaged in its Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU to
take into account Croatia's accession to the EU.
The rapporteur proposes several amendments in his draft report, mainly replacing the implementing
acts by delegated acts for the decision on a suspension of preferences in cases where the margin of
discretion left to the Commission is too wide, involves political assessment and should therefore be
subject to a possible veto by the co-legislators.
Lead committee:
Goffredo Maria Bettini (S&D)
Tatiana Mrazikova
Deadline for amendments:
Planned vote in INTA:
Planned vote in plenary:
25 February 2015
19 March 2015
April II (tbc)
Boosting trade in environmental goods
Presentation by Commission
Following the presentation in September 2014, the Commission will brief
INTA committee on the state of play of the negotiations on Environmental
Goods Agreement. The 4th round of 26-30 January focused on products in
categories of cleaner and renewable energy and energy efficiency. This
was the first round to include Israel, who formally joined the EGA talks in
January 2015. The 5th round of negotiations scheduled for 16-20 March
could be joined by Turkey and Iceland. After the 5th round the
negotiations are set to continue by finalising the list of environmental
goods to be included in the EGA.
Green goods agreement
EU-Vietnam FTA talks head to 12th round
As EU-Vietnam FTA negotiations enter their final phase, newly appointed Vietnam Ambassador to the
EU Mr Vuong Thua Phong and the EU chief negotiator for Vietnam Mr Mauro Petriccione will brief INTA
members ahead of INTA committee visit to Vietnam in the beginning of April.
VIII Legislature, N°52 – 20 February 2015
TTIP: challenges and opportunities for the Internal Market
Joint INTA-IMCO Public Hearing
The INTA and IMCO Committee are holding a joint hearing, which focuses on
the potential implications of TTIP for standardisation and consumer
protection as well as prospects to foster regulatory cooperation through
TTIP in the motor vehicles sector. The EU chief negotiator, Mr Garcia
Bercero, has been invited, together with a couple of recognised experts in
the respective areas, to present their views on these matters to the joint
Committee meeting. The public discussion is part of a fresh start on TTIP
engaging with stakeholders and the general public on dedicated aspects of a
trade deal between the EU and the US.
Implications of TTIP in the area of industry and energy
Joint -ITRE INTA Public Hearing
The INTA and ITRE Committee are convening a joint hearing, which aims at
shedding more light at the implications of TTIP on small and medium sized
enterprises (SME) and on the energy sector. The first panel of speakers
consists of number of experts from the energy sector, who share their
assessment of potential implications of TTIP with the audience. A second
panel of experts will be dedicated to looking at the possible implications for
the industrial sector, in general, and, SME, in particular. This discussion
complements the findings of the study on commissioned by the ITRE
Committee on TTIP and the impacts for the EU energy markets and the
manufacturing industries.
VIII Legislature, N°52 – 20 February 2015
Monitoring Group Activities
The INTA Committee is expected to receive feedback from a number of important meetings of INTA
Monitoring Groups, notably the briefing and de-briefing of the US Monitoring Group by the EU chief
negotiator in relation to the 8th TTIP negotiation round, the meeting of the INTA Monitoring Group on
South Korea on the state of play of EU-Korea trade relations, the meeting of the INTA Monitoring
Group on Vietnam being de-briefed following the 11th round of trade negotiations as well as the
discussions within the Monitoring Group on Russia discussing the impact of the EU-Russia sanctions on
EU businesses.
INTA Monitoring Groups
VIII Legislature, N°52 – 20 February 2015
Recent events
Quote of the month
"As parliamentarians your involvement is crucial in all of our
work – because it is through you that we hear the voices of the
people that we are here to serve. And nothing, absolutely
nothing, is more important than that."
WTO Director General Roberto Azevêdo at the PCWTO 2015,
17 February 2015
Adopted in previous INTA meetings (21-22/01/2015)
Imports of textile products from certain third countries not covered by bilateral agreements,
protocols or other arrangements, or by other specific Union import rules (recast)
Rapporteur: Jarosław Wałęsa (PPE)
Vote on draft report:
in favour
Discharge 2013: EU general budget - European Commission
Vote on draft opinion
Common rules for imports from certain third countries (recast)
Rapporteur: Jarosław Wałęsa (PPE)
Vote on draft report:
in favour
in favour
Imports of textile products from certain third countries not covered by bilateral agreements,
protocols or other arrangements, or by other specific Union import rules (recast)
Vote on the decision to enter into
informal trilogue negotiations with
the Council with the aim of reaching a
first reading agreement (rule 73)
approved by a majority of the
components Members
VIII Legislature, N°52 – 20 February 2015
Chair´s activities:
 7 January: Lunch with Japanese Ambassador
 13 January: Meeting with Israeli ambassador
 13 January: Meeting with Swedish permanent representative
 14 January: Meeting with Mr Gardner - US Ambassador and Mr Emerson - Germany US
 22 January: Lunch with Latvian Trade Minister
 6 February: Key note speech Forum Europe event
On-going investigations and measures in force
On 31 January 2015, there were 81 anti-dumping and 13 countervailing measures in force.
Furthermore, there were undertakings in force from 4 countries covering 5 products. At the end of
January, 38 investigations were on-going. 1 new investigation and 1 review were initiated. 1definitive
measure was imposed. 9 reviews were concluded with confirmation of duty. 1 expiry review was
concluded by termination and in 1 case the undertaking was withdrawn or repealed.
On 13 February, the WTO declared Chinese anti-dumping duties on European and Japanese imports of
stainless steel tubes in breach of WTO rules. "In international trade we all need to play by the rules. I
am glad that the WTO panel confirms this asking China to bring its customs duties in line with the WTO
obligations," said EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström. "I hope to see China reacting to this
ruling immediately and restoring fair trading conditions for EU producers."
The WTO panel found that the Chinese measures did not fully respect the prescribed WTO methods to
calculate dumping margins. Margins calculated for one of the EU's exporting producers were found not
to be correct. China failed also to justify its finding that the tubes imported from the EU had caused
injury to China's domestic industry. Finally, the panel concluded that the Chinese antidumping
procedure came short of the WTO requirements in terms of due process and transparency.
China will be expected to remove its anti-dumping duties on EU imports. The Chinese authorities can
decide to appeal the ruling within the coming 60 days.
VIII Legislature, N°52 – 20 February 2015
Recent publications by the EP Research Service
Les minéraux des conflits : La proposition de règlement européen
Marta Latek, EPRS Briefing, Février 2015, 7 p.
Préconisée depuis 2010 par le Parlement européen, la proposition de règlement instaurant un
mécanisme européen d’autocertification pour les importateurs d’étain, de tantale, de tungstène, de
leurs minerais et d’or originaires de zones de conflit.
Cuba's international trade
Wilhelm Schöllmann, EPRS At a Glance, February 2015, 2 p.
Cuba's main imports are machinery, food and fuel products, while its major exports are refined fuels,
sugar, tobacco, nickel and pharmaceuticals. In addition, Cuba pays for much-needed imports through
the export of services (tourism, medical personnel working abroad), remittances from Cubans living
out of the country and finance from outside benefactors.
Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) - State of play and prospects for reform
Marta Latek and Laura Puccio, January 2015, 10 p. (updated version)
The EU supports ISDS arbitration in general, while recognising the need for its reform. A consensus
seems to be emerging on systemic problems found in this increasingly used system. That has led the
European Commission to propose some innovative provisions in the framework of negotiations on EU
trade and investment agreements, but without calling into question the ISDS system itself.
'Make in India' for more 'made in India'
Enrico D'Ambrogio, EPRS At a Glance, January 2015, 2 p.
Doing business in India today is much more difficult than elsewhere, but the government wants to
change this. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched the 'Make in India' initiative to attract
investors and make India a global manufacturing hub.
VIII Legislature, N°52 – 20 February 2015
New print and online books in the EP Research Service library collection
General Interests of Host States in International Investment Law [e-book]
Giorgio Sacerdoti, Cambridge University Press, 2014, 508 p.
"This book offers a balanced reappraisal of bilateral treaties and regional agreements
on foreign investments. The sensitive issues are examined in the light of the case law
of arbitral investment tribunals and other international courts, and the analysis
highlights how cross-fertilisation between trade and investment can assist in
resolving conflicts".
Commercial Integration between the European Union and Mexico: Multidisciplinary
Studies [e-book]
Gerhard Niedrist, Peter Lang, 2014, 244 p.
"The economic integration between the European Union and Mexico is of strategic
significance to both parts. The EU is Mexico's second most important trading partner
and an integral piece in the diversification of its economic dependence from the
United States. Besides, as Mexico is part of the North American Free Trade
Agreement NAFTA and due to its geographical proximity to the United States, it has
become of major geopolitical interest to the European Union."
Product regulations and standards in WTO law
Christian Struck, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business: [2014], xv, 390 p.
"The interrelation of products, the human body, and the environment presents a
fundamental challenge to the international trade regulatory system. In an ever more
integrated global market, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and other increasingly
prevalent methods of processing food and pharmaceuticals give rise not only to trade
issues, but also to health, safety, and security concerns."
For more information please visit intranet pages on International Trade
Contact: Odile Maisse, Ext. 46201 / Nils Hammarlund, Ext. 42871, EP Research Service
VIII Legislature, N°52 – 20 February 2015
Coming soon
INTA/European Parliament:
Votes in INTA:
Trade files in plenary:
24 February:
- Repeal of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3030/93 on common
rules for imports of certain textile products from third
March 2015:
- Common rules for imports from certain third
countries (recast)
INTA meeting dates
Delegation to the CARIFORUM - EU Parliamentary
18-19 March 2015
13-14 April 2015
- Proposal for a Decision of the European
Parliament and of the Council providing macrofinancial assistance to Ukraine
Thursday, 19 March 2015, from 15.00 to 16.30 in
European Union
World Trade Organisation
Commission Work Program
Key documents
WTO Events calendar 2015
9-11 March
Trade Policy Review: Japan
EU-Japan FTA: 9th Round
23 – 27/02, Brussels, Belgium
24-26 March
Trade Policy Review: Pakistan
25 March
Dispute Settlement Body
EU-Vietnam FTA negotiations: 12th round
09 – 13/03,Hanoi, Viet Nam
21-23 April
Trade Policy Review: Australia
22 April
Dispute Settlement Body
Trade negotiations
EU-China Investment Agreement Negotiations: 5th Round
16 – 20/03, Beijing , China, to be confirmed
TiSA - Trade in Services Agreement
13 – 17/04, Geneva, Switzerland
TTIP negotiation: 9th round
20-24/04, Washington DC, United States
EU-Japan FTA negotiations: 10th round
20 – 24/04,Tokyo, Japan, to be confirmed
More information
EU Trade Council meetings
16 March 2015
20 April 2015
VIII Legislature, N°52 – 20 February 2015
Useful links
INTA on Twitter
List of INTA Members
INTA Intranet & e-Committee
INTA Internet
INTA tweets
European Commission - Trade
European Council
Council of Ministers
Latvian presidency
Tweets of INTA members
Documents and publications
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Press releases:
To sign up to the INTA committee press releases or for
media enquiries, write to
Alberto Rodas González
Mindaugas Kojelis
(Tel. 2 28 40914)
Sandra Spatafora
(Tel. 2 28 43088)
Contributions: INTA secretariat, Chairman’s Office, Policy
Department, EP Library, DG Trade
Further information:
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The content of the newsletter is drafted by the INTA Secretariat and is provided for general information purposes only.
The content is only indicative and subject to changes. The Newsletter may contain links to websites that are created and
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