Stewardship Report February 21, 2015 All loose and undesignated offerings go to church budget. 1:00 PM Fellowship Meal Camellia Room 1:00 PM Filipino Fellowship 1:00 PM Spanish Group Potluck Pre-K SS Room 1:00 PM Family Life Committee Earliteen SS Room 1:00 PM Small Group Ministry 1:00 PM Ushers Meeting 1:00 PM Portuguese Potluck 2:00 PM Discipleship University 2:00 PM Additional Study Groups 4:30-8PM Spanish Group 4:00 PM Romanian Group Cradle Roll SS Room Family Life Room Junior SS Room Primary SS Room Library & Offices Chapel Junior SS Room g{|á VÉÅ|Çz jxx~ Don't forget to give to "Evangelism" to keep our TV programs on the air! VÉÇàtvà bâÜ gxtÅ Senior Pastor, Chris Buttery 717.250.8116 Associate Pastor Mike Thompson 916.765.0190 March 1 to March 7, 2015 7:00 PM $36,610 $8,359 $12,409 $27,090 $210,080 $185 $258 Camellia Room Various Bible Study groups meet around the facility. For a listing of study groups and rooms where they meet, see the hostess desk. Tue. Budget Needed Monthly Budget received last Sabbath Budget Deficit Tithe received last Sabbath Tithes Received YTD World Missions Student Financial Aid ftvÜtÅxÇàÉ VxÇàÜtÄ Prayer Meeting with Elder Buddy: Spanish Group, Elder Rep Brett Stebbins 916.240.1707 Romanian Group Pastor Sabinal Bancu 916.202.0665 Chapel “Jesus – Not Condemnation” Wed. 7:00 PM Spanish Prayer Meeting Chapel Sab. 9:00 AM Morning Manna Sanctuary 1:00 PM Fellowship Meal Camellia Room 1:00 PM Book Ministry 1:00 PM Filipino Fellowship 1:00 PM Adventurer Club 2:00 PM Discipleship University 2:15 PM Adventurer Club 4:00 PM Romanian Group 4:30 8 PM Spanish Group 5:00 PM Pathfinder Club Family Life Room Cradle Roll-K SS rm. Pre-K SS Room Cancelled Youth Pastor, Michael Butler 423.362.0907 Head Elder, Ray Rengifo 916.923.5976 Administrative Secretary Melissa Martin 916.457.6511 Bible Instructor, JeAnn Davis 209.200.6138 Treasurer, Alfredo Pacheco Clerk, Diana Mitchell Chapel &Various SS rm. Earliteen SS Room Chapel Junior SS Room Devices are available for the hearing impaired. Please come to the CD/DVD Ministry Room to borrow one. Elder Washington is on call for emergencies this weekend: 916.705.0081 Deacon on Duty: Nik Martin Sacramento Central Seventh-day Adventist Church 6045 Camellia Avenue Sacramento, CA 95819 916.457.6511 Email: Website: Facebook page: YouTube: Each One, Reach One February 28, 2015 jxÄvÉÅx TÇÇÉâÇvxÅxÇàá jÉÜá{|ÑÑ|Çz gÉzxà{xÜ The members of the Sacramento Central Seventh-day Adventist Church welcome you. We want you to feel at home while you worship with us, so if we can assist you in any way, please don’t hesitate to ask. Our information desk is located in the lobby. Also, if you have no lunch plans, please join us in the Camellia Room for food and fellowship. We look forward to meeting you. 10:50 AM – Sanctuary Prelude Walter Aldrich Song Service Nancy Aldrich Volunteers needed to bring flowers for the Hostess Desk. Please sign up today at the Hostess Desk! Silvia Ballesteros Communion Service: we will have a communion service Sabbath, March 14 Prepare your hearts and minds now for this sacred ceremony. Welcome & Announcements fàâwç|Çz gÉzxà{xÜ Call to Worship Church Work Bee: be ready to help beautify the house of God by joining us on Sunday, March 22 beginning at 8AM! Morning Manna 9:00 AM - Sanctuary Invocation Welcome & Prayer Pastor Chris Buttery JeAnn Davis Special Feature Really Thankful Special Music Elizabeth Rengifo Tithes & Offerings Echoes of Mercy Local Conference Advance Larry Baldwin Children’s Story Central Music Team Scripture Reading “Acts 18:26” Keira Panteleakos Pastor Mike Thompson Hymn of Preparation Lesson # 12 Proverbs: “The Humility of the Wise” Family Prayer 9:30 AM - Information at the Hostess Desk Chapel & Chapel Office Senior Pastors Office North Upper Sanctuary room Camellia Room Pastors Study South Upper Sanctuary room Family Life Room Various SS Rooms Library/Board Ray Rengifo Next Week Karen Medeiros Pastor Chris Buttery Pastor Chris Buttery Echoes of Mercy Spoken Word Pastor Chris Buttery “Who & What Are the Seventh-day Adventists?” No. 213 “Jesus Is Coming Again” Postlude Sunset Today: 5:58 p.m. March 7, 2015 Morning Manna Central Study Hour Church Service Ministry in Music Hymn of Dedication Aldrich, Michael Dube, James Guyett, Inga Leaving Central Adult/Children Sabbath School Classes Spanish Classes Vietnamese Class New Believers Class Romanian Class Portuguese SS Class Young Adult Class Youth Class Children’s SS Classes Adult Quarterly Class Transfers ~ First Readings Joining Central 9:30 AM - Sanctuary Lesson Study Family Life Ministry is hosting a Cultural Fair on Sunday, April 19, 2015 from 11 AM - 3 PM. Sacramento Central church is a multi-cultural body of believers and we'd like to share this experience with the community. If you're interested in representing a specific culture and would like to supervise one of the booths at the cultural fair, please email Family Life chair, Tyra Taylor at: Booths are filling up fast so don't delay! Kula Addy Central Study Hour Song Service Discover Your Divine Design concludes today with Pastor Chris @ 2 p.m. in the Camellia Room. If you have missed any of the presentations they can be picked up at the CD/DVD Ministry Room. All presentation worksheets and surveys can we downloaded from our website. We encourage you to take the tests to learn more about how God has made you for ministry. Walter Aldrich Sunset Next Friday: 6:04 p.m. Please silence your cell phone and all audible electronics. To preserve a sense of reverence, please refrain from applauding, a reverent “Amen” is a welcomed alternative. Acquistapace, Brian Borovnica, Daniela Borovnica, Darko Givens, Juan Givens, Shirley Plocher, Jerry Plocher, Laurie Shultz, Sue Shultz, Walter Sokolova, Milica Sokolov, Pancho Stewart, Rose Mary Taylor, Matthew From Hartford, MI San Bernardino, CA Rio Linda For Granite Bay Granite Bay Granite Bay Granite Bay Granite Bay Granite Bay Granite Bay Granite Bay Granite Bay Granite Bay Granite Bay Lincoln Amazing Grace Meadow Vista The following names are transferring from SacCentral to the Sacramento Fijian SDA Company: Veniana Batiratu, Camari Caginiwai, Waisake Caginiwai, Ashna Chand, Peter Chand, Prakash Chand, Savita Chand, Dick Gade, Losalini Gade, Ronald Jonas, Eseta Katonivere, Samu Kobiti, Sera Koroitamana, Makereta Lasike, Akosita Latu, Vasiti Nailati, Selai Niumataiwalu, Job O’Connor, Joseph O’Connor, Ruben O’Connor Sotia O’Connor, Irinieta Ramalosou, Robert Saylor, Arieta Tawaketini, Solomon Tawaketini, Waqalevu Tuinabuna, Mereani Vereivalu and Olivia Wieland. Be involved and learn of upcoming events first! Sign up today to receive Central’s weekly newsletter, Central Happenings at TÇÇÉâÇvxÅxÇàá `ÉÇà{Äç cÜxtv{|Çz fv{xwâÄx ~ February & March 2015 ~ DATE SABBATH SCHOOL SERMON Feb 28 Mike Thompson Chris Buttery Mar 7 Chris Buttery Chris Buttery Mar 14 Mike Thompson Chris Buttery Mar 21 Chris Buttery Chris Buttery Mar 28 Mike Thompson Michael Butler Please refer to frequently for updates and/or changes Turning Points ~ How We Serve, A conference for Women at the Orangevale SDA Church on Sabbath, February 28. Pick up a flyer from the Information Rack in the foyer of the church next to the Media Room door. Upcoming SAA Robotics Weekend – You won’t want to miss it! Saturday evening – February 28 – Join us for a screening of the documentary, “SlingShot,” a fascinating look at Segway inventor Dean Kamen, his personal life and his work to solve the world’s water crisis. The screening will be held in the SAA gym at 7:00 p.m. The cost is $10 with proceeds going to help support the SAA Robotics program. During the evening there will also be a FIRST Tech Challenge robotics demonstration by the SAA Robotics team. For tickets, call or stop by SAA, buy them from a robotics team member or get them at the door. On Sunday, March 1, Sacramento Adventist Academy will host a First Lego League/Adventist Robotics Qualifying Tournament. This will be the first Adventist Robotics League tournament of the school year. This is for 4th – 7th grade student teams from SDA schools primarily in Northern and Central California Conferences. The event will be held at that SAA gymnasium with opening ceremonies beginning at 12:30 p.m. with matches following through approximately 4:00 p.m. Come see the amazing work our students are doing! SAA Phone-a-thon Come help SAA raise $$$ for our Annual Fund. SAA will hold a phone-a-thon on Monday, March 9 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. and we need students, parents and community members to help us make outreach calls to our alumni and others. Bring your cell phone and enthusiastic spirit! We'll provide you with brief training to prep you for your calls. Dinner will be provided. And in advance - continue to prayer for our school and these upcoming efforts. . Please note: 3ABN Proclaim is moving! If you have had the AON channel for more than three months, the Proclaim! Channel is taking its place and you don’t need to make changes. More details, please visit to following site aÉàxá
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