! ! SAINT BARNABAS CATHOLIC CHURCH MARCH 8, 2015 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT ! ! ǣǤ Ǥ tvolz@stbindy.org ǣ Ǥ bsyberg@stbindy.org ǣ ! ͛ͣ͟͝Ǧͤͤ͢Ǧͣ͠͠͠ ! ! : Parish Office..... 317-882-0724 Parish Fax ......... 317-887-8932 School Office .... 317-881-7422 School Fax......... 317-887-8933 Ǧ first initial, last name @stbindy.org View the bulletin and check out parish & school information at www.stbindy.org Weekday: Monday-Friday 8:30am Weekend: Saturday 5pm, Sunday 7, 9,11am, 5pm ! Ǥ Offering Catholic education for students in grades K-8 in a fully accredited National Blue Ribbon of Excellence school. Call Debbie Perkins, Principal. During the school year: Sundays: Grades K/8 2’s, 3’s & 4’s Preschool during the 9 & 11am Masses Call the Faith Formation Office. Infant baptisms Sundays at 12:30pm. Parents are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Contact the Parish Office for an appointment. Couples contact the church at least 6 months in advance. Call the Parish Office to schedule. ! If you or a loved one are hospitalized, home bound, or residing at a healthcare facility, contact Barb Mathauer, Pastoral Associate, to receive the Eucharist or to be anointed by a priest. ! Tuesday: 9-9:30am Thursday: 2-2:30pm Saturday: 4-4:45pm (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Interested in joining or finding out more about the Catholic Church? Contact Christine Beiriger in the Faith Formation Office Morning: Monday-Friday 7:30am Evening: Monday, 6pm ͤ͟͜͜ǡǡͣ͢͠͞͝ Ȁ are available in the Narthex. Ask an usher for assistance. ǯ During the 9am Sunday Mass, Children, Kindergarten through 3rd grade, leave Mass to learn the weekly Gospel at their level. A Stewardship Parish, celebrating 49 years as a faith community MARCH 8, 2015 PAGE 2 FAMILY FRIENDLY - Does it ever seem that everyone in your family has their own event and very few are for the ENTIRE family? Why not get together on Monday, March 9, and head to St. Barnabas for 7pm? There Msgr. Tony will lead us in a rosary, a couple of other prayers, and one of his shortest homilies, followed by Benediction. This is for current Religious Voca- tions and for an increase in Vocations to the Priesthood, Religious Life and happy marriages. And unless you stay around to visit, you can be back home by 8pm. What better way to end your day than being blessed by Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament? If this month is impossible, please put April 13 on your calendar, when ARCHBISHOP TOBIN will be the celebrant! We would like to fill the church on that night and hope we can count on you to help us. IS URGING ALL CATHOLICS TO CELEBRATE RECONCILIATION AND CONFESSION MORE OFTEN. ST. BARNABAS, ST. ROCH’S AND ST. MARK’S HAVE COMBINED EFFORTS (COHORTS) TO ENCOURAGE PARTICIPATION. JOIN ALL FOR THE PENACE SERVICE MARCH 19, 7PM, AT ST. ROCHS Monthly, Second Sunday FOOD COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND We are in most need of peanut butter, jelly, tuna, canned meats, spaghetti and sauce, cereal, canned pasta meals, soups, and canned fruit and vegetables. The FOOD PANTRY can’t operate without your support. Thanks! POPE FRANCIS ST. BARNABAS RECONCILIATION SCHEDULE FOR LENT: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 6:30-8:30PM LENTEN REFLECTIONS: TALKS WITH FR. BEN IN ST. BARNABAS CHURCH, 7PM THURSDAY, MARCH 5 THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 7PM, IN THE CHURCH FR. JOE NEWTON WILL SPEAK ON ANNULMENTS ABSTINENCE requires Catholics fourteen and older to ABSTAIN FROM EATING MEAT on all Fridays during Lent. Meat includes both mammals and fowl, such as chicken. Anyone whose health would be seriously impaired by abstinence from meat is not bound by this norm but in its place should seek to do some kind of act of charity. While one is free not to fast beyond her/his 60th year, s/he may also choose to keep the fast if they believe it will not affect their health. Anyone whose health would be seriously impaired by either fasting or abstinence from meat is not bound by this norm NO COFFEE & CONVERSATION WE NEED GROUPS, MONDAY—FRIDAY: 8:30AM DAILY MASS: MORNING PRAYER: MONDAY—FRIDAY: 7:30AM 6:00PM EVENING PRAYER: MONDAY: ROSARY: WEEKDAYS: 8:10AM—CHURCH MONDAYS: 6PM—CHAPEL STATIONS OF THE CROSS: FRIDAYS: SCHOOL: 2:10PM Knights of Columbus MONTHLY BREAKFAST Today, Sunday, March 8 It's a great way to spend the morning with family and friends. The buffet is open 8am-11:30am. Adults $9, children 5-12, $5 (under 5 free). On Facebook? Go to "like" www.facebook.comKofC3660, for announcements of upcoming council events. LOTS OF DELICIOUS FOOD! Hope to see you there! Thompson Rd. & Hwy 31 PARISH: 7PM ADORATION: 24 HOURS—Chapel RECONCILIATION: TUESDAYS: 9—9:30AM THURSDAYS: 2—2:30PM SATURDAYS: 4—4:45PM WATCH THE BULLETIN FOR THE ENTIRE HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE. FAMILIES, SMALL CHURCH, CHIRST RENEWS HIS PARISH, CONFIRMATION GROUPS, ETC, TO HOST COFFEE & DONUTS ON A SUNDAY!! THIS IS SO IMPORTANT FOR FELLOWSHIP!! Please contact Deetta (deetta) Vance, coordinator for the Coffee & Conversation Ministry, at 363-3440 or dkvfnp@gmail.com! 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT PAGE 3 ! E-mail first initial, last name @stbindy.org Church: 317-882-0724 Emergency # 317-886-4744 Pastor Msgr. Tony Volz. . . . . . . . . ..x223 Associate Pastor Fr. Ben Syberg. . . . . . . . . . . x224 Deacon Pat Bower. . . . . . . . . . .888-0114 Pastoral Associate Barb Mathauer. . . . . . .698-3472 Parish Secretary Theresa Warner. . . . . . . . . . x221 Director of Music music@stbindy.org Dan Bailey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . X238 Coordinator of Music Liturgy Vivian Bailey . . . . . . . . . . . . X238 Director of Finance and Operations Angela Boyle. . . . . . . . . . . . x253 Bookkeeper Connie Littrell. . . . . . . . . . . x252 Director of Facilities Greg Beckham. . . . . . . . . . . x271 Director of Faith Formation & Young Adult Ministry Christine Beiriger. . . . . . . . . .x225 Director of Communications Carol Elias. . . . . . . . . . . . . . x227 Director of Youth Ministry Patty Cain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .x226 Principal Debra Perkins. . . . . . . . . . . . x270 School Asst. Principal Denise Wilson. . . . . . . . . . . .x280 School Office Laura Bridgewater. . . . . . . . x248 School Office Kathie McCarthy. . . . . . . . . .x269 TODAY, SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 3 PM at St Barnabas, the Indianapolis Brass Choir will be playing a Concert in Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the groundbreaking of the Church. The groundbreaking occurred on March 7, 1965. 50 years ago Fr John Sciarra was assigned the task of opening a new church in the cornfields on the southside of Indianapolis! 50 years later, the Indianapolis Brass Choir, (IBC) will commemorate this groundbreaking. The IBC is a large brass ensemble of about 30+ people who volunteer their time, talent, and effort, without pay, to provide music for area churches and to aid local charities. The Indianapolis Brass Choir has raised over $80,000 for charities since its founding. Founded by Delbert A. Dale in 1986, it has a membership of professional, semiprofessional musicians, and serious amateurs who meet for weekly rehearsals and perform eight to twelve concerts a year. The choir includes trumpets, trombones, horns, euphoniums, tubas, and percussion. A freewill offering will be collected at intermission, and the money collected given to a charity designated by St. Barnabas. For more information contact St Barnabas, attention: Dan Bailey at music@stbindy.org, call 317-882-0724 ex 238, or view the IBC website at www.indybrasschoir.com. Annulments: Fact/Fiction St. Barnabas Church Thursday, March 12, 7PM Guest speaker: Rev. Joseph Newton JCL, Adjunct Vicar Judicial of the Metropolitan Tribunal Educational program for those who want to know what an annulment is, what is the process, how much does it cost and what is the time line. All are welcome whether you are interested in pursuing an annulment or you just want to know the real facts of an Annulment. If you are visiting our parish, we are glad to have you here and hope you will come back and pray with us. If you are new to the neighborhood, or looking for a church home, we hope you feel comfortable enough on your first visit to return. Call the parish office for information on our parish. St. Barnabas Catholic Church is a Stewardship Parish built on the four pillars of: Hospitality—All are Welcome Prayer—Centered on the Eucharist Formation—Cradle to Grave Service—Outreach to Others Current parishioners who must leave us should call the office with your date of departure. We’ll miss you and bid you God’s blessings! GIVE to the men and women of the Armed Services the wisdom and courage to so live and sacrifice that, with justice maintained and true liberty safeguarded, all people everywhere may be possessed of that peace which you alone can give. As they are called to engage in dangerous missions, be with them. May they know your continuous care and protection as they give of themselves that others may know security and peace. Amen MARCH 8, 2015 PAGE 4 MICHAEL RUSHKA, has been awarded the highest rank in Boy Scouts, the rank of Eagle Scout! Michael is Troop 564's 64th Eagle Scout. The Court of Honor was held at St. Barnabas on Sunday, March 1, with a reception following the award ceremony. Michael's Eagle project was to construct a rosary trail at Fatima Retreat House and also included extensive landscaping. Michael is a parishioner and junior at Cathedral High School. His parents are parishioners, John and Karen Rushka. JOIN ST. BARNABAS SCHOOL STUDENTS IN A ST. PATRICK DAY CEILI CONCERT BY EUNAN MCINTYRE, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, AT 1:15 PM IN CHURCH. It is the perfect way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day through music. “Ceili” is a Gaelic word that translates to a social gathering involving music and dance. Direct from County Donegal, Ireland, Eunan is influenced by the beautiful natural surroundings in which he grew up. Best known for his songwriting and warm personality, while on stage, Eunan can reach into the heart of the audience with his Irish humor and his music. LENTEN ADORATION!! How about using Adoration as a LENTEN SACRIFICE to do an hour, or a visit to the Chapel!! Please consider taking an hour to spend with Jesus who is in the Adoration Chapel waiting for you. The open hours in the Chapel currently are: Sunday 1-2 AM 2-3 AM 3-4 AM Monday 2-3 AM Tuesday 2-3 AM 3-4 PM The Ave Maria Guild of St. Paul Hermitage will have a RUMMAGE SALE, Friday, March 27th, from 8:30AM2:30PM at St. Paul Hermitage, 501 N. 17th Ave, Beech Grove. Donations welcome. Please call Vicki at 888-7625 or 223-3687 with any questions. All proceeds will benefit St. Paul Hermitage. !"#$%&'!()*+%,)'-.,(/'' THURSDAY, MARCH 12TH, Wednesday Thursday OLIVE GARDEN AT 11:30 AM. NEED RESERVATION BY WEDNEDAY MARCH 11TH BY 3PM. CALL ELIZABETH AT 881-0450 AND I WILL RETURN YOUR CALL. IF I DO NOT CALL YOU BACK THEN REPEAT YOUR CALL. ALL LADIES OF THE PARISH ARE INVITED TO JOIN US! HOOP NEWS Thank your Kathy and Steve Heath and the Roncalli Cooking Club for providing a warm, hearty soup, sandwiches and fruit for our February outing. The temperature was in the single digits with the lows that night going below zero. We saw about 25 people still braving the cold. Besides warming them with food, blankets and clothing, we encouraged our friends to go into the shelter. Horizon House which is usually a day facility has been opening its doors to provide another warm place at night during this extreme cold. The good folks from Horizon house were going from homeless camp to homeless camp with a van to transport people to the shelter. Sad to say, that for whatever reason, some chose to stay in their tents. We can only pray for them. Again, thank you to all who continue to support us through your donations. We are in need of groups to prepare food for our outings on the following dates: March 22, April 26, and May 17th. If you are interested in helping us out, please contact Don/ Karen Beckwith @ 881-7057 Friday Saturday Every Other 1-2 AM 2-3 AM 2-3 AM 3-4 AM 5-6 PM 1-2 AM 2-3 AM 4-5 PM 6-7 PM 8-9 PM If you can pray at these hours please call Laurel Schiefelbein, 881-8797, cell 317-319-1200 or schiefel.laurel@att.net CALVARY CEMETERY monthly Memorial Mass, Wednesday, March 18, at Calvary Cemetery Chapel, 435 W. Troy, at 2PM. Our Lady of Peace Cemetery monthly Memorial Mass, Thursday, March 19, 2PM, at Our Lady of Peace Cemetery Chapel, 9001 Haverstick Road. MARCH 8, 2015 PAGE 5 !"#$ Zh/&/y/KE^E /Es^d/'d/KE JERUSALEM An Exhibition on the Crucifixion of Jesus Hear Dr. Joseph Bergeron & Dr. Charles Dietzen discuss the Passion of Christ from a medical perspective ST BARNABAS CHURCH MARCH 15 6:30PM - 8:30PM The Roman practice of Crucifixion The events of Jesus’ crucifixion Sweating blood The controversies of Jesus’ cause of death and what really killed him • The resurrection of Jesus: a medical analysis of opposing theories • Scientific analysis and controversies of the Shroud of Turin • Medical examination of the Shroud of Turin • • • • Monday, March 9. We ask you to arrive by 11:45 am. If you arrive late and all tables are full, you will not be able to play. Please arrange to come with small bills so check in can go faster. If you have a "card playing" friend who has never come, invite the friend to come with you. Questions or concerns, call Ceil Woodard, 881-7464. ARCHBISHOP JOSEPH TOBIN WILL SPEAK AT AN ECO-PRAYER BREAKFAST ABOUT “STEWARDSHIP OF CREATION” SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 8–10AM See • • • CARDS Evans Center at Marian University (corner of 30th Street and Cold Springs Road; parking access for the Evans Center via 30th Street). Full-sized model of the Cross Roman period artifacts Authentic life-sized copy of the Shroud of Turin © 1978 Barrie M. Schwortz , STERA, Inc. The Marian Center, with the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, is hosting the 10th An- nual Indiana CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CONFERENCE; Treasuring Womanhood on March 21, at the Ballroom of the Marriott Hotel in downtown Indianapolis. Enjoy Mass with Archbishop Joseph Tobin, as well as internationally known speakers Fr. James Blount and Annie Karto, and nationally known Danielle Bean & Yvonne O’Brien. Lunch is included with registration. Economical and easy parking, too. For more information visit; www.indianacatholicwomen.com or call 888-0873 or 881-8797. The largest parish group (over 10) will be given a special gift & VIP Seating. Start gathering your group now and invite your mother, sister, daughter and friends. Special prices for groups & students. WOMEN!! SIGN UP!! IT’S ALWAYS A GREAT DAY!! • 8am – Doors open for registration and to view displays • 8:30am – Program begins in lecture hall • Breakfast with table discussions to follow in Evans Center atrium. Cost for the program and breakfast is $16. Preregistration with credit card payment is required by March 14. Register early - seating is limited! To register and pay: go to ww w.stai ndy.org/church/ecoprayer-breakfast/Questions? Contact Andy Pike (317-979-5144, stacreationcare@gmail.com). Co-sponsors: St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church Creation Care MinistryThe Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Marian University 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT PAGE 6 BAPTISMS: PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOUL OF: EVERETT JAMES CAHILL SON OF CHARLES CAHILL & NICOLE TACKETT CAROL COMMONS WIFE OF RICK COMMONS ELIJAH PATRICK MUSTAFAH JOHNSON SON OF MUSTAFAH JOHNSON & CLAIRE CAHILL St. Barnabas parish students 4th-8th grade — It’s TRACK TIME! We are sometimes not the only sport kids are doing in the spring..so all I ask is that you make at least one practice a week and the meets on Sundays. One big surprise this year is that Fr. Ben will be helping us! Sign-ups are on now until TOMORROW, March 9th. We will practice Tuesday-Thursday at Perry Middle School (maybe Perry High) from 5:30-6:45ish. If any parents were track stars or would like to help out this year, call me! Rick Dias, cell 716-5175 or rdias@ronnoco.com. SOUTHSIDE CATHOLIC BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS Thursday, March 12 Inspirational Insights 2015 8:30am-11:00am Indianapolis Colts Complex, 7001 W. 56th Street Speakers - Lori Borgman and Danny O’Malia Catholic Person of the Year - Dan Elsener, President-Marian University Seats still available Cost $100. Contact Ben Brown for additional information, b.brown@office3sixty.com Drive-Thru Fish Fry FRIDAY, MARCH 13 5PM – 7:30PM Orders will be taken in the back parking lot of church. For more convenience, call your ordering in the day of the drive-thru. 317-513-3493. Proceeds will directly benefit the Athletic Programs at St. Barnabas. MENU Dinners include coleslaw, french fries, & hush puppies 3-piece Dinner $8.00 Fish Sandwich Dinner $7.00 Family Dinner (15 pieces of fish) $25.00 4 coleslaws, 4 servings of fries/hush puppies Extra piece of fish $2.00 IT’S A GIRL!!! GABRIEL PROJECT is hosting a BABY SHOWER, Sunday March 21st from 2-4 in Sciarra Hall for Joan (Pronounced JoAnn). All are welcome, but please RSVP to Linda Kile 213-4778 or linda@goangels.org by March 20th so we can plan for food. If you are unable to attend but would like to leave a gift, please place unwrapped gifts in the Gabriel Project box in the Narthex. Thank you for your support! FLOWER MEMORIAL DONATIONS Flower donations go towards the purchase of flowers for the decoration of the Church for celebrations throughout the liturgical year. Envelopes are available in the church pews and at Church entrances. Or place this form with contribution in the collection basket, drop off in the Parish Office or the Faith Formation Office. All names will be printed in an Easter memorial pamphlet. DEADLINE—WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1ST Donated in the name of:______________________________________________________________________ Amount_________ By_________________________________________ Checks made out to St. Barnabas 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT PAGE 7 WARM SOCKS for SOULS LENTEN PROJECT This will be our 15th year in assisting Holy Cross Parish in ministering to the poor. We will be collecting WARM PARISH LEADERSHIP INFORMATION NIGHT SOCKS for MEN, WOMEN, and CHILDREN continuing through Good Questions: contact reneelange@comcast.net Friday. Bins are located at church entrances for your donations. Thank you for helping us reach out to those in need. Collections have been down the past 2 years—please help us raise that final count! CATHOLIC CHARITIES Indianapolis sponsors monthly CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUPS for family members who are caregivers of older adults. Meetings are open to the community and are a way for family caregivers to share and learn from each other. To confirm attendance or for additional information, please contact Monica Woodsworth at 261-3378 or mwoodsworth@archindy.org. Monday, March 16 5:30 – 7pm, St. Mark Catholic School, 541 E. Edgewood Avenue Sign up genius for the items currently needed at the Good House! I'm also including the link to the meal team and the cleaning team, in case anyone new is interested. And, of course, the GO FUND ME for the HVAC update and utilities for 2015. Thank you everyone for all of your continued support!! Lori Hofmann www.signupgenius.com/ go/10c054caaae2f4-good4 www.signupgenius.com/ go/10c054caaae2f4-cleaning www.signupgenius.com/ go/10c054caaae2f4-meal www.gofundme.com/le07ds APRIL 28TH MEN’S CLUB MEETING MOVED TO THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 8PM IN THE CAFETERIA SAVE THE DATE!! SVdP needs volunteers to answer the helpline. Volunteer from your own home. Contact Carol Duke at carolesvdpindy@gmail.com First Annual St. Barnabas TRIVIA NIGHT Saturday, April 18th Watch the bulletin and school newsletter for details. MARCH 8, 2015 PAGE 8 Help us keep Bulletin PRAYER INTENTIONS, and Pulpit MASS INTENTIONS up to date. Notify us of any additions, changes, or deletions. Hospitals do not inform us when a parishioner is hospitalized. To respect the confidentiality of all prayer requests when asked to include someone, we need to secure permission to publish names. For Bulletin Prayer Intentions, to add a name or have it removed, call Barb Mathauer, Pastoral Associate, bmathauer@stbindy.org (698-3472), Theresa Warner, Parish Secretary, twarner@stbindy.org (882-0724, ex 221), go to stbindy.org then prayer/worship or send an e-mail request. • BILLIE DENNEY, ED PERRY, BERNICE ROBERTS, DAVE SPETH, EVERETT TAYLOR • MARY DOCKY BECHEL, LAURA BENNETT, DIANA MESSNER, DIRK PULEO, DOROTHY SPONSEL • BOB EVANS, MICHELLE MIDYETTE, DAVE SANDER, FR. JIM WILMOTH • DOROTHY BEACH, AUSTIN BOND, KATHY BRODHACKER, MARY BRAMLETT, DIANA BROERING, MOLLY BROWN, JENNIFER COMBS, NATHAN CHAPPELLE, JERRY CLAREY, FRANK CORBETT, BOB COOK, ED DAEGER, TONY DENNIS, LANE DUNSCOMB, CAROL FISCHER, BEA FOX, MARITZA GOLDEN, HELEN GILIERON, BROCK GRIEWE, WILLIAM HENDEL, DICK HOSTY, ED HUCK, JA-DEEN JOHNSON, LINDA JOHNSON, DEBBIE LANAHAN, NORMA LARGENT, ALICE LEE, MARY JO LEPPERT, ELLEN MCGEE, PHIL MCINNES, NATHAN & PJ MILTO, JOHN MINOR, PAT MURPHY, BONNIE PICKARD, DI RICHARDSON, MERRILL POLK, EARL RIGGIN, DELORES STEINER, CLAIRE STEWART, JOHN SUDING, DORA NORTHCUTT TRITTIPO, ALBERTA VISCONTI, RITA WAGNER, CARL WILLIAMS, JOE/ANN WOHLHIETER, PHYLLIS ZINSER PRAYER: Today, O God, help us to slow down enough to The St Barnabas Church Audio Visual Sound Ministry …Dan & Vivian Bailey The newly formed Audio Visual Sound Ministry has formed under the direction of Ted Harpenau and Matt Long, and has begun recording a selected Mass every Sunday for parishioners to view. This ministry was founded primarily to assist our homebound parishioners be a part of the Mass each week. The Masses can be accessed on the St Barnabas Church website on the front page under the tab, “Mass Videos”. Go to the website at www.stbindy.org and look for the tab on the front right of the homepage. Simply click the appropriate date of the mass to view in the box. We are in need of others who would like to help with the ministry. If you would like to join the audio visual sound ministry us call us at 882-0724 x238 or email us at music@stbindy.org. breathe, to appreciate our blessings and to receive your love that attends us all. Amen. FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH ŚĞĐŬŽƵƚƚŚĞ ŶĞǁƉĂƌŝƐŚĂŶĚƐĐŚŽŽů 9, 2015 Please pray for the indicated ordained religious, men and women, and the seminarians noted with the daily readings. Sun Ex 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17/1 Cor 1:22-25/Jn 2:13-25 Michael Clawson Mon Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/Mt 25:31-46 Tues Is 55:10-11/Mt 6:7-15 Wed Jon 3:1-10/Lk 11:29-32 Thurs Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Mt 7:7-12 Michael Dedek Joseph Herring !"#$%&" !!!"#$%&'()"*+,͊ It’s sll a work in progress ĂŶĚŶĞǁƉŚŽƚŽƐĂŶĚ informaon will be added . Alexander Asbell Eamoon Daily Fri Ez 18:21-28/Mt 5:20-26 Little Sisters of the Poor Sat Dt 26:16-19/Mt 5:43-48 Nickolas McKinley Sun Gn 12:1-4a/2 Tm 1:8b-10/Mt 17:1-9 Jose’ Neri Question for Children: Share one way in which you “honor your father and mother.” Question for Youth: Jesus was angry – as we all get at times. When is your anger a good thing? When is it not? Question for Adults: As you hear the Commandments proclaimed today, which one of them really strikes you? STEWARDSHIP MARCH 1, 2015 Tithing Visitor's Gifts Total Gifts Weekly Corporate Matching Gifts Loan Reduction $60,647.87 915.00 $61,562.87 $00 $275.00 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT PAGE 9 LITURGICAL MINISTERS March 14/15 Remember it is everyone’s responsibility to get a sub if you are not able to serve as scheduled. Mass Coordin. Lectors Ushers Ex.Mi Servers Music Ministry SAT. 5PM SHARON SHINNEMAN -GLEAVE RACHEL B, JOAN E #3 #11 MICHAEL F, DANIEL W, KAMRYN S, ALLY F ADULT CHOIR, RENEE S, KATIE J MATT M, PEGGY G SUN. 7AM RICHARD MAZZONI TRACEY V #6 #12 LEVI & THOMAS R, SAM G, ETHAN C NO MUSIC SUN. 9AM RENEE LANGE BARNEY S, MARSHA S #12 #13 CORINNA S, CARSON L, AIDAN L, MADDY N SUN. 11AM TOM SCHABEL DARA A, TOM B #18 #14 SUN. 5PM TOM SHINE MIKEY R Masses YOUTH YOUTH SATURDAY, MARCH 7 5:00 PM JIM SGROI/JANICE SGROI SUNDAY, MARCH 8 7:00 AM PARISH 9:00 AM BUD MALHAM/FAMILY 11:00 AM DAVID DALE/JOHN-DONNA GRIFFIN 5:00 PM BARBARA GILLESPY/BILL PENISH MONDAY, MARCH 9 8:30 AM JOSEPH MENNEL/ED-DEE WOODS TUESDAY, MARCH 10 8:30 AM RUSS DIAS/TUTTI-JENNIFER ENGLISH WEDNESDAY , MARCH 11 8:30 AM MEL WOODARD/CEIL WOODARD THURSDAY, MARCH 12 8:30 AM WINNIE CAMPBELL/BILL-SALLIE BRUNS FRIDAY, MARCH 13 8:30 AM SALLY KEMPF/FAMILY SATURDAY, MARCH 14 5:00 PM BARBARA MAYFIELD/JEANNE-BILL BARRETT SUNDAY, MARCH 15 7:00 AM LEILA LIVENGOOD-TWILA NAVARRA 9:00 AM DOLORES-EDWIN RICHARDSON/DAVE-KITTY 11:00 AM MARY BERRY/FRIENDS 5:00 PM JOHN MANKUS/GARY-LYNDA CURRY OWEN H, NOLAN W, RYAN S, HUGO H ANNA V, ROCCO S, MIA R, TYLER J PAM R, DEREK P AMANDA H, LAURA H GRANT R, KATE/TESS M, LIZZY H SATURDAY - MARCH 7 6PM 5PM ADULT VOLLEYBALL-GYM RENTAL—HALL 5PM DERBY SET UP—CAFE SUNDAY - MARCH 8 COFFEE 9AM NOON & CONVERSATION PRESCHOOL/ERE GVB —GYM 1PM PINEWOOD DERBY—CAFE 3PM CONCERT—CHUR 6:30PM YOUTH MIN—UPR MONDAY - MARCH 9 12:30PM XYZ CARDS—HALL 5:30PM WRESTLING-UPR/HALL 6PM 7PM ROSARY— CHP VOCATION ROSARY-CHR TUESDAY - MARCH 10 2:45PM 2:45PM 6:30PM GIRL SCOUTS—CAF BELLS—CHR PTO—CAFE 6:30PM 6:30PM 7:30PM BIBLE STUDY—UPR ADULT BELLS—CHR BOY SCOUTS—HALL WEDNESDAY , MARCH 11 5:30PM WRESTLING-UPR/HALL 7PM 6:30PM 6:30PM RCIA—#104 CS DEN MTG—CAF CHOIR—CHR ST VDP—FFO 7PM THURSDAY - MARCH 12 9:15AM BIBLE STUDY—UPR 2:45PM BOYS CHOIR—CHR 5:30PM WRESTLING-UPR/HALL 6:30PM DENVER BIBLE—#104 7PM FR. NEWTON TALK—CHR FRIDAY - MARCH 13 5PM WRESTLING BANQUETCAFE 7PM STATIONS OF THE CROSS SATURDAY - MARCH 14 DON’T GIVE UP CHOCOLATE FOR LENT. Instead, do something life-changing. Sign up for the BEST LENT EVER email program. Each day, you will receive spiritual coaching from Matthew Kelly, America’s best-selling Catholic author. It’s simple and free. The only cost is your commitment to live better each day this Lent. Learn more at --- BestLentEver.com 9:00AM MOMS BRUNCH-HALL 11:30AM MARKET DAY-CAFÉ SUNDAY - MARCH 15 6PM ADULT VOLLEYBALL-GYM CSI—CHURCH COFFEE & CONVERSATION 6PM 9AM 6:30PM PRESCHOOL /ERE GVB —GYM NOON 1:30PM 1ST COM RETREAT BS COM MTG—FFO CONF—UPR MARCH 8, 2015 PAGE 10 SOUTHERN DUNES GOLF COURSE www.kofc.org 865-1800 Over 32 Years Experience 24 Hours Same Price Free Estimates 10% Off Any Repair 887-3999 Parish Member COMMUNITY CLEAN Family Practice - Adults & Children Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry Professional Janitor Supplies CHARLES D. PAUL, D.D.S. 8001 S. Shelby St. (Corner of Stop 11 & Shelby St.) New Patients Welcome 888-7295 317-346-7766 Carl J. Magna, Jr.-OLG Parishioner Contact Jim Solomon to place an ad today! JSolomon@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2492 Bob & Rob Sauer The Atrium Reception & Conference Center 3143 E. Thompson Rhea & Louie Annee 1160 N State Rd. 135 G.H. Herrmann Funeral Homes 5141 Madison Ave. - 1505 S. East St 1605 S. State Rd. 135, Greenwood Parishioners • 782-4467 Greenwood, IN 46142 317-865-6829 Gardens at Olive Branch Cemetery All Locations 317-787-7211 FOR AD INFO CALL Jim Solomon 1-800-950-9952 Christopher J. Browning, O.D. WWW.4LPi.COM ST. BARNABAS, INDIANAPOLIS, IN C 4C 01-1064 02-13-2015 09:36:44 ABC POOLS & SPAS, INC Alecia & Brian Coss (317) 887-ABC1 Parishioners Veteran Owned Company Tom’s Barber Shop and Hairstyling Dr. Colin Christie, Parishioner Phone: 317-534-5141 visit us at: www.christievisioncare.com Located just north of intersection of Southpot & Bluff Rds on East side of Bluff Complete Services Available 7 barbers to serve you Appts. Available Tues. & Thurs. (Smoke-free) TOM SMITH - Owner 7735 Meridian 881-1325 Sliding Fee Scale ATTORNEY AT LAW Laura O’Connor, Broker 317-787-4878 Cell: 317-985-3415 Laura@laurasellsindy.com 7210 Madison Ave., Ste. I www.7210Counseling.com Each Office is Independently and Operated www.laurasellsindy.com 787-2247 (317) 788-3000 OFFICE • (317) 788-3005 FAX TruRehab... Recover in Comfort and Style! Charlie Cha Jackson Parishioner 3230 W. Southport Rd. • Indianapolis, IN 46217 Carpets, Ceramics, Hardwoods, Laminates, Vinyls, Installations 317-881-3265 • 317-966-8803 Network Services For your business’s cabling, data, voice, audio/visual, security systems needs. Huser HomeCare Elder & Special Needs Care Homemaker • Companion Personal Care Services Kathy & Terry Huser 255-5700 HuserHomeCare.com GREENWOOD MEDICAL LABORATORY, INC. GREENWOOD PROFESSIONAL PARK 622 NORTH MADISON AVENUE (317) 882-5665 GREENWOOD 7800 Shelby St., Suite 7 Indianapolis Sales Agent A-1 Sales and Service Residential • Commercial • Free Estimates Darrell W. Munchel - Owner (317) 422-5225 “ESTABLISHED IN 1958” Ph: (317) 884-8046 Fax: (317) 282-0495 (One block south of Main & Madison) 2636 South East Street 7465 Madison Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46227 Rick Huck 786-3496 SONYA DERF 410 MARKET PLAZA Jockish Flowers, Inc. • Family Law • Personal Injury • Criminal Law • Estates • Wills • Power of Attorney Parishioner Ss. Francis/Clare Dine In / Carry Out / Delivery Open at 11 a.m. 7 days a week www.jockamopizza.com 510 S. St. Rd. 135, Greenwood, IN 46142 www.academyanimal.com ROBERT P. THOMAS COUNSELING Patricia A. Ley, M.A., LMFT Mary E. Hays, M.S., LMHC Janet M. Braun, M.A., LMFT Madison Health Care Center Family Owned Since 1964 David Morgan, DVM Tracey Vinson, DVM (317) 881-3125 Contact Short Term Rehabilitation and Long Term Care Services J. EARL SMITH M.T. (ASCP) G.S. PRESIDENT 8001 S. Meridian St., Ste D Indianapolis, IN 46217 sonya@familysourceinsurance.com www.familysourceinsurance.com $20 or 20% OFF 881-4163 (whichever is greater) TEXT “CLIMATE” TO: ON ANY SERVICE. “Complete Machine Shop Service” 36000 for great deals! Family Owned & Operated! NORTH / EAST 317.894.8810 Cosmetics & Skin Care SOUTH 317.883.2247 WE OFFER DISCOUNTS TO: Cheryl Cunningham 859-0475 (317) 783-3727 Property Management Companies Law Enforcement • Firefighters Soldiers • Seniors Fax (317) 783-1354 www.aperfectclimateindy.com 5565 S. Madison Ave. (rear) Parishioner Indianapolis, IN 46227 Financial Plans & Strategies, Inc. (317) 882-7675 Michael J. Meiners, CFP®, JD Investment Advisor Representative, Registered Principal, INVEST Financial Corp. (INVEST) (Pictured) CHRYSLER 5 STAR QUALITY SERVICE AWARD Angela Sodrel, Director of Client Services Registered Representative of INVEST Financial Corporation (INVEST) INVEST Financial Corporation, member FINRA/SIPC, and its affiliated insurance agencies offer securities, advisory services and certain insurance products and are not affiliated with Financial Plans & Strategies, Inc. Financial planning and consulting services offered through Financial Plans & Strategies, Inc., a registered investment advisor. ANNEE & MATRY, INC. BARRETT HEATING & COOLING & ASSOCIATES JOE ANNEE G E N E RA L I N S U RA N C E 881-9184 Joe Barrett • Bill Barrett 783-9397 7631 S. Meridian Parishioner Since 1977 Greenwood • 750 U.S. 31 North 2 blocks S. of Greenwood Mall 881-6791 “OUR FAMILY WORKS FOR YOU” FREDERICK R. LANE, M.D. 889-7906 5255 E. Stop 11 #430 Practice Limited to Diseases of the Colon & Rectum ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial & Industrial Electrical • H.V.A.C. 2221 E. Southport Rd. Southport, IN 46227 783-3291 Free Estimate Commercial Residential Dan Allen Dave Allen (317) 787-4870 DEARING & DEARING CPA Tax & Accounting Services • Small Business • Individual 822-1600 Contact Jim Solomon to place an ad today! JSolomon@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2492 Patrick J. Dearing • Parishioner A Sign of Quality & Professionalism Kevin Tex 8017 S. Meridian St. 317-887-2342 COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Seasonal Open 7 days a week 6025 Madison Ave. www.beckservicecenter.com 887-5999 Corner of Southport Rd. & Meridian Ben & MJ Stallings 787-5345 Bill & Terri Amonett Roofing & Siding Locally Family Owned Guttering & Painting & Operated JOHN Windows PETERS Drywall Roofing & Guttering, Inc. In Business Since 1976 Licensed, Bonded & Insured SOUTH 317-887-3350 • NORTH 317-786-3315 Herkert Family Eye Care Daniel L. Herkert, O.D. (317) 784-LOOK (5665) Glasses • Contacts Comprehensive Eye Exams SOUTHPORT 8030 S. Emerson • 881-1101 GREENWOOD 3115 Meridian Parke Drive 888-1880 staffhfec@outlook.com 6904 S. EAST ST., STE. C Indianapolis, IN 46227 FOR AD INFO CALL Jim Solomon 1-800-950-9952 320 State Road 135 South Greenwood (317) 881-2400 10:00 am - 10:00 pm WWW.4LPi.COM ST. BARNABAS, INDIANAPOLIS, IN B 4C 01-1064 02-13-2015 09:36:44 Jeffrey S. Stevens, D.P.M. Podiatrist – Parishioner Medical & Surgical Treatment of the Foot & Ankle Indy Office 7855 S. Emerson Ave. 317-300-0106 Franklin Office 55 Milford Ave. 317-300-0106 www.indysouthfootandankle.com SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS &KDSPDQ0RUWJDJH MARIEN PRO HARDWARE “When You Need to Know Ask a Pro” Jim Chapman • Parishioner 317-883-2604 • 8001 S. Meridian St. Lic. #111441 Alexander der Dentistry rry y www.alexanderdentistry.net www.ChapmanMortgage.com Hardware - Plumbing Supplies Paints - Glass & Electrical Supplies DISTINCTIVE Bath and Kitchen Remodeling Kitchen & Bath It’s a Name Your Family Can Trust! Call us for all your remodeling needs 783-7050 AMISH CABINETRY OUR SPECIALTY 542 South State Road 135 Greenwood, IN 46142 784-7551 3604 Madison Ave. Lic. #113951 CABINETRY • COUNTERTOPS • COMPLETE REMODELS 317-893-2193 Chris Alspach • 317-882-7100 135 & Olive Branch Road 1480 Olive Branch Park Lane • Greenwood Kim Alexander, D.D.S. Parishioner 8012 US. 31 South • 887-1010 381 S. Marlin, Greenwood • 882-7500 Complete Auto Repair Tires • Batteries • Brakes Engine Repairs • Alignments $10 OFF ANY OIL CHANGE John Cahill Call for free est. 791-5186 Parish Member with Food Donation which goes to Local Food Pantries For Service That Moves You. 25 Year Parishioner Meet our team, learn more about all our services !"#$$"$%&'(#)*$"#$+*)&$"!"),#-.''./0,"&0(10,#"+)23-" now at VanValer.com Call or Click for 24 Hour Service at Your Home or Business 317-881-9074 or 317VanValer.com VanV Follow Us on Facebook and Twitter ALINE F. ANDERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW 7104 U.S. Highway 31 South Indianapolis, IN 46227 VVHCP LICENSE NUMBERS: HVAC: HL00010 | Plumbing: C051200001 | Electrical: EL1100014 317/888-8868 Estate Planning & Probate Law Contact Jim Solomon to place an ad today! JSolomon@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2492 More than 93% of our rehab patients are discharged to home 787-8224 8549 S. Madison Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46227 317.881.9164 6107 EAST STREET McGee & Company BJ and Kelley O’Connor Fine Jewelers Select Realtors Linder/McClurg Team Lifetime Parishioner 882-0500 BJ 317-797-7399 Kelley 317-882-9997 www.bjandkelley.com With you every step of the way 880 U.S. 31 North • Greenwood, IN 46142 887-9800 Built On Service • Dedicated To Quality™ NORRIS CHOPLIN & SCHROEDER, LLP David B. Ensley, MD, PC Kelly Hegwood Established 1960 • Parishioner Since 1976 A L “Solutions & Service You Can Trust” L P I Pete Schroeder, Parish Member 101 W. OHIO ST. W. Patrick Bower Certified Insurance Counselor Parishioner Select, REALTORS 269-9330 7364 East Washington Street 317-807-1511 Direct 317-654-1080 Cell P.O. Box 19445 kelly.hegwood@remax.net FOR AD INFO CALL Jim Solomon 1-800-950-9952 Indianapolis, IN 46219-0445 WWW.4LPi.COM 317-353-8000 Cell: 317-313-8010 • Fax: 351-7145 800-213-7126 pat@walkeragcy.com ST. BARNABAS, INDIANAPOLIS, IN A 4C 01-1064 02-13-2015 09:36:44
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