! ! SAINT BARNABAS CATHOLIC CHURCH January 11, 2015 BAPTISM OF THE LORD ! ! ǣǤ Ǥ tvolz@stbindy.org ǣ Ǥ bsyberg@stbindy.org ǣ ! ͛ͣ͟͝Ǧͤͤ͢Ǧͣ͠͠͠ ! ! : Parish Office .... 317-882-0724 Parish Fax ......... 317-887-8932 School Office ... 317-881-7422 School Fax ........ 317-887-8933 Ǧ first initial, last name @stbindy.org View the bulletin and check out parish & school information at www.stbindy.org Weekday: Monday-Friday 8:30am Weekend: Saturday 5pm, Sunday 7, 9,11am, 5pm ! Ǥ Offering Catholic education for students in grades K-8 in a fully accredited National Blue Ribbon of Excellence school. Call Debbie Perkins, Principal. During the school year: Sundays: Grades K/8 2’s, 3’s & 4’s Preschool during the 9 & 11am Masses Call the Faith Formation Office. Infant baptisms Sundays at 12:30pm. Parents are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Contact the Parish Office for an appointment. Couples contact the church at least 6 months in advance. Call the Parish Office to schedule. ! If you or a loved one are hospitalized, home bound, or residing at a healthcare facility, contact Barb Mathauer, Pastoral Associate, to receive the Eucharist or to be anointed by a priest. ! Tuesday: 9-9:30am Thursday: 2-2:30pm Saturday: 4-4:45pm (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Interested in joining or finding out more about the Catholic Church? Contact Christine Beiriger in the Faith Formation Office Morning: Monday-Friday 7:30am Evening: Monday, 6pm ͤ͟͜͜ǡǡͣ͢͠͞͝ Ȁ are available in the Narthex. Ask an usher for assistance. ǯ During the 9am Sunday Mass, Children, Kindergarten through 3rd grade, leave Mass to learn the weekly Gospel at their level. A Stewardship Parish, celebrating 49 years as a faith community January 11, 2015 Page 2 !!"#$%&ƐƚĂƌƌŝŶŐ Monthly, Second Sunday FOOD COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND FRANZ CASIANO Saturday, January 10, 7pm in Church The FOOD PANTRY can’t operate without your support. We are in most need of peanut butter, jelly, tuna, canned meats, spaghetti and sauce, cereal, canned pasta meals, soups, and canned fruit and vegetables. Check out his CD on I-Tunes “Coming Home”. Franz, a music minister in California, is an up and coming Christian artist, His performance will be appropriate for all ages. Free will offering will be accepted. Sponsored by St. Barnabas Faith Formation. BOY SCOUT BREAKFAST Next Sunday, January 18th. All you can eat annual breakfast in the Cafeteria from 7:30am–11am. Tickets are $5 per person, 4 & under, free. Tickets will be on sale this week after Masses and at Coffee & Conversation. Have breakfast, buy raffle tickets—and win door prizes!!! Tickets will be available at the door. The scouts need our support! SCOUT CAKE AUCTION, McNally Hall, Sunday, Feb. 1st (Super Bowl Sunday), after the 9am Mass. Cub Scouts select an adult male (father, uncle, grandpa, etc.) to help him make and decorate a cake. The highest bidder wins a cake and scouts win awards! The 9am Mass is also a SCOUTING MASS, to present religious awards to boys who have worked with their families to achieve this milestone". VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED Tonight, Sunday, January 11th, help take decorations down in Church. after the 5pm Mass! Great for service hours! The Baptism of the Lord brings the Christmas season to a close. COFFEE & CONVERSATION AFTER THE 9 & 11AM MASSES IN THE PARISH CENTER, HOSTED REGISTRATION IS CLOSING!! THE EIGHT-WEEK SESSION BEGINS SOON AND IS OPEN TO ANY MOM— PARISHIONER OR NOT, CATHOLIC OR NOT, AND WHO HAS NOT ALREADY PARTICIPATED IN MOMS IN THE PAST 5 YEARS. There are 2 groups available—the “Young Mother’s” group and the “over 40” group. You become part of a very close group of women and you can decide how involved you care to be when the session has ended. The Ministry of Moms Sharing (MOMS) mission is to create in women an awareness of the inner sacred self and teach them new ways to inspire, encourage and affirm each other. Through this personal and spiritual growth, women bring these gifts to the Christian community. Cost is $20. Registration forms are available at the church entrances. Return them to the basket or the Faith Formation Office. Contact the MOMS coordinators, Angela Rund/Amberlie O'Toole at saintbarnabasmoms@gmail.com. BY THE BOY SCOUTS. BUY YOUR TICKETS TO THE SCOUT BREAKFAST NEXT SUNDAY! Deetta (deetta) Vance is the coordinator for the Coffee & Conversation Ministry! Contact Deetta at 363-3440 or dkvfnp@gmail.com for your committee, group, family, ministry, etc. to host a Sunday. Baptism of The Lord ! E-mail first initial, last name @stbindy.org Church: 317-882-0724 Emergency # 317-886-4744 Pastor Msgr. Tony Volz. . . . . . . . . ..x223 Associate Pastor Fr. Ben Syberg. . . . . . . . . . . x224 Deacon Pat Bower. . . . . . . . . . .888-0114 Pastoral Associate Barb Mathauer. . . . . . .698-3472 Parish Secretary Theresa Warner. . . . . . . . . . x221 Director of Music music@stbindy.org Dan Bailey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . X238 Coordinator of Music Liturgy Vivian Bailey . . . . . . . . . . . . X238 Director of Finance and Operations Angela Boyle. . . . . . . . . . . . x253 Bookkeeper Connie Littrell. . . . . . . . . . . x252 Director of Facilities Greg Beckham. . . . . . . . . . . x271 Director of Faith Formation Christine Beiriger. . . . . . . . . .x225 Director of Communications Carol Elias. . . . . . . . . . . . . . x227 Dir. of Youth/Young Adult Ministry Patty Cain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .x226 Principal Debra Perkins. . . . . . . . . . . . x270 School Asst. Principal Denise Wilson. . . . . . . . . . . .x280 School Office Laura Bridgewater. . . . . . . . x248 School Office Kathie McCarthy. . . . . . . . . .x269 Page 3 WHAT DOES STEWARDSHIP MEAN TO YOU? We get asked so many times what is the meaning or definition of stewardship. Certainly, we are called to tithe 10% of our gross income or “first fruits” and the parish requests 5% of that amount. At Saint Barnabas, we can look to our founding pillars to define stewardship as Hospitality, Prayer, Formation and Service. To further understand what that meant to our volunteers I recently asked a team of volunteers about stewardship. One group member offered that stewardship meant "ownership". Soon all members in the group quickly assented. I understood their discussion to mean taking ownership for your formation; ownership of being hospitable to all you meet; ownership in prayer and worship to our Lord to receive and participate in the sacraments; and ownership to serve and minister to others. As I further let that develop in my mind and before sharing with you, I thought of all the times I have witnessed stewardship in action. From people in church holding the door for my family or smiling at us as we enter, to our volunteers who minister to our adults and youth through music, religious education, coaching, teaching, ushering, greeting, decorating, singing, I realized even more importantly the theme that transcended all….and that is LOVE. We come to church and live our lives trying to be disciples like Christ asks us to be and we do all that in the name of LOVE. Through ownership in stewardship you pronounce your LOVE of your faith serving Christ through HOSPITALITY, PRAYER, FORMATION and SERVICE. Have a Blessed 2015! Angela Boyle 1 John 3: 16-19 16 This is the proof of love, that he laid down his life for us, and we too ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. 17 If anyone is well-off in worldly possessions and sees his brother in need but closes his heart to him, how can the love of God be remaining in him? 18 Children, our love must be not just words or mere talk, but something active and genuine. 19 This will be the proof that we belong to the truth, and it will convince us in his presence, If you are visiting our parish, we are glad to have you here and hope you will come back and pray with us. If you are new to the neighborhood, or looking for a church home, we hope you feel comfortable enough on your first visit to return. Call the parish office for information on our parish. St. Barnabas Catholic Church is a Stewardship Parish built on the four pillars of: Hospitality—All are Welcome Prayer—Centered on the Eucharist Formation—Cradle to Grave Service—Outreach to Others Current parishioners who must leave us should call the office with your date of departure. We’ll miss you and bid you God’s blessings! Lord, open the eyes of my loved ones and our servicemen and women so that they may know the hope to which You have called them and Your incomparably great power for those who believe. Root and establish them in love so that they may grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. Amen WE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS MAY THEY RETURN SAFELY! January 11, 2015 Page 4 MEN’S CLUB 50/50!! Until the end of February you can pay $50 for a full year's credit. A Savings of $10 for the year! Go to our web page, saintbarnabasparish.org, Hospitality, and then Men’s Club to check on your number and amount of credit—updated in Nov. The December drawing was worth $3,526.50 and #1515 was drawn and NOT a paid player. Good news for you! The January drawing (and our largest prize ever!) will be worth an estimated $4,100!!! High school teens – help is needed with the Jr High Youth Rally on JAN 31. We are looking for high school teens to help plan and lead Breakout Sessions (themes of sports, music, friendship, prayer, and service), help with Arts and Environment (painting posters, etc.), assist with Hospitality the day of the event, etc. Please consider sharing your gifts and talents - for more information, contact me ASAP at 426-1555 or reply to this email. It’s a fun day and great leadership opportunity…and if you’re wondering, yes, it counts as service (and calendar!) hours. HIGH SCHOOL TEEN LEADERS NEEDED FOR JR. HIGH YOUTH RALLY 21 In lieu of an archdiocesan trip to the March for Life, Archdiocesan Youth Ministry and the Office of Pro-Life and Family Life will co-sponsor an event for youth, young adults, and families to rally on the eve of the March for Life here in Indianapolis in solidarity praying for the sanctity of human life and to celebrate life! The event will be hosted at St. John the Evangelist on January 21 featuring nationally recognized Catholic musician Steve Angrisano and Bishop Christopher Coyne! Tickets are $10 and can be discounted for 2 or more members of same family attending. Last date to order is January 19 if seats are still available. 6:30 - Doors Open 7:00 - Steve Angrisano Begins 7:40 - Pro Life Witness and Music 8:30 - Exposition/Praise and Worship 9:15 - Benediction 9:30 - Depart YOUTH MINISTRY: Contact Patty for more information or to order tickets. Pa#y Cain, !"#$%&'#(')(zŽƵƚŚDŝŶŝƐƚƌLJ, St Barnabas Church | 8300 Rahke DISCIPLES FOR LIFE - JANUARY Road | Indianapolis, 46217, p. 317-882-0724 x226 | m. 317-4261555 | pcain@stbindy.org. MEN’S CLUB MEETING THURSDAY JANUARY 15TH 8PM CAFETERIA WE NEED YOU!! WE’RE PLANNING OUR ANNUAL SUPER BOWL PARTY! COME AND SOCIALIZE! BE A PART OF ST. BARNABAS YOUTH PROGRAMS!! Please consider taking an hour to spend with Jesus who is in the Adoration Chapel waiting for you. The open hours in the Chapel currently are: Sunday 1-2 AM 2-3 AM 3-4 AM Monday 2-3 AM Tuesday 2-3 AM Wednesday Thursday 1-2 AM 2-3 AM 3-4 AM Friday 2-3 AM 3-4 AM ! ^sd,d͗EtDy/KͬZ/KEWZ/^,D/^^/KEdZ/WͲ:hEϭϯ͘ Watch email for date/me of upcoming Informaon Meeng for this summer’s ŵŝƐƐŝŽŶƚƌŝƉƐ͊ Addional>dKZ^ŶĞĞĚĞĚĨŽƌƚŚĞϱƉŵ^ƵŶĚĂLJDĂƐƐʹcontact Pay for more informaon. 9-10 PM Saturday Our ANNUAL DINNER will be Thursday, June 4, at 6:30 at Vito’s Restaurant. This is when we present our Prayer Friend with a modest gift. We will take your reservations in early May. So if you know someone who would like to join us, now is the time to start talking to them. AND if you haven't heard from your current Prayer Friend, please let me know and I will make sure they haven't lost your information. Thank you. Ceil Woodard - 881-7464. 0 1-2 AM 2-3 AM 6-7 PM 8-9 PM If you can pray at these hours please call Laurel Schiefelbein, 881-8797, cell 317-319-1200 or schiefel.laurel@att.net Baptism of the Lord Page 5 Help us keep Bulletin PRAYER INTENTIONS, and Pulpit MASS INTENTIONS up to date. Notify us of any additions, changes, or deletions. Hospitals do not inform us when a parishioner is hospitalized. To respect the confidentiality of all prayer requests when asked to include someone, we need to secure permission to publish names. For Bulletin Prayer Intentions, to add a name or have it removed, call Barb Mathauer, Pastoral Associate, bmathauer@stbindy.org (698-3472), Theresa Warner, Parish Secretary, twarner@stbindy.org (882-0724, ex 221) , go to stbindy.org then prayer/worship or send an e-mail request. • • • • MARY DOCKY BECHEL, BOB EVANS, DEBBIE LANAHAN, MARY JO LEPPERT, DIANA MESSNER, MICHELLE MIDYETTE DIANA BROERING, BILL BRUNS, MARGARET CALLAHAN, BEA FOX, MARITZA GOLDEN, BROCK GRIEWE, ELLEN MCGEE, PHIL MCINNES, PAT MURPHY, PHYLLIS ZINSER DOROTHY BEACH, NATHAN CHAPPELLE, BOB COOK, JOHN KEGLEY, KIM HIGDON, DICK HOSTY, CAROL MCGLINCHEY, NATHAN MILTO, JOANNE MULLIN, KAREN ODDI, DI RICHARDSON, BERNICE ROBERTS, GERARD STRIBY, PAULA UTT AUSTIN BOND, MARY BRAMLETT, KATHY BRODHACKER, MOLLY BROWN, JERRY CLAREY, JENNIFER COMBS, FRANK CORBETT, ED DAEGER, TONY DENNIS, LANE DUNSCOMB, CAROL FISCHER, HELEN GILIERON, WILLIAM HENDEL, ED HUCK, JADEEN JOHNSON, LINDA JOHNSON, ALICE LEE, NORMA LARGENT, MELISSA BECKER LIKENS, LEILA LIVENGOOD, JULIO & ROSALINA LOZANO, MARILYN MEYERS, JOHN MINOR, BONNIE PICKARD, PJ MILTO, MERRILL POLK, EARL RIGGIN, DELORES STEINER, CLAIRE STEWART, JOHN SUDING, DORA NORTHCUTT TRITTIPO, ALBERTA VISCONTI, RITA WAGNER, CARL WILLIAMS, JOE & ANN WOHLHIETER FOR THE WEEK OF JANUARY 11, 2015 Please pray for the indicated ordained religious, men and women, and the seminarians noted with the daily readings. Sun Is 55:1-11 or Is 42:1-4, 6-7/1 Jn 5:1-9 or Acts 10:34-38/Mk 1:7-11 Rev. Mr. Michael Keucher Mon Heb 1:1-6/Mk 1:14-20 Tues Heb 2:5-12/Mk 1:21-28 Please join the Vocations Committee and Msgr. Tony for a PRAYER SERVICE FOR VOCATIONS, MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 7PM IN CHURCH. The Monsignor will lead the service which will include a rosary and a benediction. The service will last 35-40 minutes. Please consider joining us to pray together in appreciation for, and for increased vocations to, the priesthood and religious life. The KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #3660 (511 East Thompson Rd) will host their monthly BREAKFAST BUFFET, THIS Sunday, January 11TH. The breakfasts are a great time for a family get together! Serving begins at 8AM and runs thru 11:30am. Adults $9, children 5-12, $5 (under 5 free). On Facebook? Go "like" https:// www.facebook.com/KofC3660 for announcements of upcoming council events. Rev. Mr. Andrew Syberg Nicolas Ajpacaja’ Tzoc Wed Heb 2:14-18/Mk 1:29-39 Douglas Hunter Thurs Heb 3:7-14/Mk 1:40-45 Fri Heb 4:1-5, 11/Mk 2:1-12 Order of St. Francis, Oldenburg, IN James Brockmeier Sat Heb 4:12-16/Mk 2:13-17 Anthony Hollowell Sun 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/Jn 1:35-42 Kyle Rodden Question for Children: Why does Baptism make you special? Question for Youth: You were baptized as a member of the Christian community. What does it mean to you to belong to this community? How is it a support in your life? Question for Adults: What meaning does your Baptism have for your everyday life? CALVARY CEMETERY monthly Memorial Mass Wednesday, January 21, Calvary Cemetery Chapel, 435 W. Troy, at 2PM. Our Lady of Peace Cemetery monthly Memorial Mass Thursday, January 15, 9001 Haverstick Road (just west of 86th & Keystone) at 2PM. Please join us, all are welcome. January 11, 2015 2015 St Barnabas Annual Father Son Breakfast Join us for some fun and fellowship at this year’s breakfast, Sunday February 8th at 10am in the gym. This year’s Keynote Speaker is Alex Sheen who is the founder of because “I Said I Would”, a social movement dedicated to the betterment of humanity through the importance of a promise. Alex’s foundation has sent over 2 million promise cards to 105 different countries and some have made headlines around the world. He has been featured on ABC World News, CNN and The Today Show to name a few. Alex is a two time TED Talk presenter and has spoken internationally inspiring people to engage more deeply in their commitments to self, others and humanity. It’s going to be a Good One!! You can google Alex Sheen or go to www.becauseisaidiwould.com to find out more Jimmy “Mad Dog” Matis will be back as our MC this year. Breakfast will be catered again by Five Star Catering. ALL TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE. Adults are $15, children up to the 8th Grade are $10. To help offset the increased costs, we are selling Table Sponsorships. Each Table Sponsor will be recognized and receive preferred seating and 10 tickets (1 full table). There are 3 levels of Sponsorships available: Platinum $500 Gold $300 Silver $200 Typically the breakfast sells out. To secure a seat, email don@signaturesalesgrp.com or call me at 783-3332. Checks made out to St Barnabas Men’s Club and sent to 4009 S. Meridian St, Indianapolis, I46217. Tickets will also be available at the School Office. Again, Tickets WILL NOT be available at the door so please secure your tickets as soon as possible. God Bless Don Hughett Page 6 If you’d like to BECOME CATHOLIC, learn more about becoming Catholic, or learn more about our Catholic faith, come to our INQUIRY MEETINGS, Wednesdays at 6:30pm in Room #104 of the school (Jr. High wing down the hall from the Church choir area). For information contact Christine Beiriger, Director of Faith Formation, 882-0724, ext. 225 or cbeiriger @stbindy.org. Topic is: Anointing of the Sick STEWARDSHIP JANUARY 4, 2015 Tithing Visitor's Gifts Total Gifts $59,414.18 960.67 $60,374.85 Weekly Corporate Matching Gifts $0.00 Loan Reduction $0.00 STEWARDSHIP DECEMBER 28, 2014 Tithing Visitor's Gifts Total Gifts $73,609.87 1,614.04 $75,223.91 Weekly Corporate Matching Gifts $0.00 Loan Reduction $0.00 Special CollectionChristmas $24,575.64 Baptism of the Lord Page 7 SUPER PARTY 2015 THE MEN’S CLUB OF ST. BARNABAS IS HOSTING A SUPER PARTY, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1! This is our largest fundraiser of the year and all proceeds go to the ATHLETIC PROGRAMS to help offset the cost to families who have children that play sports at St. Barnabas. We appreciate your support and are looking forward to seeing you this year!! Doors Open at1pm; Euchre Tournament:1pm (please RSVP ahead); Super Bowl Party: 4pm–end of game; TICKETS: $50 per couple—Includes food, beer, soft drinks, and 1 square on board. Tickets are available in the school offices and will be sold after Masses. More information to follow!! PRIZES!! Cash, 50/50s, raffle items (Large HDTV, etc.), auction items, and door prizes. Contact Mark Rund, 317-488-7670 for information or tickets. HOLY TRINITY FOOD PANTRY Do you feel like you are making a difference when you bring in some items for the food pantry and place them in the box at the back of church? During 2014, the Holy Trinity food pantry which shares the food we collect here at St. Barnabas, served 582 families. Those families included 1874 adults and 1567 children. YES, you do make a difference. Thank you for the support of this community for those in need on the near west side. The pantry is always in need of peanut butter and jelly, pasta sauce, tuna, hearty soups, canned pasta such as ravioli, pork n beans, cereal, shampoo, toothpaste, and bathroom tissue. Please continue to support the pantry. HOOP A HUGE THANK YOU TO OUR PARISH FAMILY. CARDS Monday, January 12 We ask you to arrive by 11:45 am. If you arrive late and all tables are full, you will not be able to play. Please arrange to come with small bills so check in can go faster. If you have a "card playing" friend who has never come, invite the friend to come with you. You have been wonderful this year supporting the homeless in Indianapolis. Thank you Ceil and Gwen Woodard for organizing the Christmas bags. We had over 100 bags thanks to your generous donations. Thanks to all the families and groups who have supported us by preparing food for our outings! Tonight, as we handed a young man a warm cup of soup and a Christmas bag, we wished him a Blessed Christmas. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "Why do you do this for us?" "I have messed up and made bad decisions." We told him that we were just a few of the many people who pray for him and care about him. He seemed to feel unworthy of the gift and needed to be persuaded to accept it. Your support brought joy to this young man and many others. God Bless you! Don and Karen Beckwith PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS OF: DARWYNE BAILEY BROTHER OF DAN BAILEY TONY RUHANA GRANDFATHER OF AMY HEIDELBERGER JOHN MANKUS SON OF ELSA MANKUS HELEN ARVIN SISTER IN LAW OF JEAN BULTMAN Copies for sale in the Faith Formation Office $5.00 BAPTISMS: THEODORE JOSEPH COOK SON OF DOUGLAS COOK & MICHELE TILSON LAURYN FAITH BEAUPRE DAUGHTER OF PATRICK BEAUPRE & LORI MORGAN January 11, 2015 Page 8 CATHOLIC CHARITIES NEWS January is Poverty Awareness Month in the United States. As Pope Francis has been continuously been reminding us from the first day of his papacy, the poor and suffering are our responsibility. We must both understand their plight and respond in love to their spoken and unspoken cries for help. To learn more about poverty, visit the United States bishop’s official website on poverty at www.povertyusa.org. To learn how your local Catholic Charities is responding, visit www.archindy.org/cc Catholic Charities Indianapolis’ Crisis Office is hosting its 5th annual Reverse Raffle to raise funds to assist in providing basic needs to low-income people in the Indianapolis area. The event will be held at Marian, Inc., Saturday, February 28. Doors open at 6pm. Tickets are $50 person, which includes dinner, drinks and entry into the raffle. For more information or to register, go to www.HelpCreateHope.org or call Valerie Sperka at 592-4072. ^hZs/sKZ^K&^h//DŽŶƚŚůLJ ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚ'ƌŽƵƉ^ĞĐŽŶĚdŚƵƌƐĚĂLJŽĨ ĂĐŚDŽŶƚŚ! .. &&.&* (/ ,0( 1 , 10() ( 2)( ,) * (/ ((3)( ,)(2, ( ,)&(0(* 2)( (1),$,3 ,12 2 ( (2) ), * (,2%,4&%$((. ,((1) ( (), (( , $ ,3 ,12 215 +6" $ ).(/) 0($ 7 %( *%,52,2 )2,;ϯϭϳͿ ϴϱϭͲϴϯϰϰ͘ ǁǁǁ͘ǁǁŵĞ͘ŽƌŐ* *(*%,$ !"#$%&'$#(,12,( ), SACRED RHYTHM SILENT RETREAT Tuesday, January 27 ~ 9:30AM – Thursday, January 29, ~ 3 PM Take some time away for silence and prayer to discover a variety of spiritual disciplines that you can incorporate into your daily life to help you deepen your spiritual journey. Using a six-session DVD study, the three days will explore and experience the spiritual disciplines of silence, sacred reading, the Examen (of St. Ignatius) and cultivating your own rule of life. Facilitator: Annie Endris, Fee: $280, includes all meals, room, book and spiritual direction COMPASSION: DISCUSSION WITH QUESTION & ANSWER SESSION FOLLOWED BY BOOK SIGNING BY VANESSA HURST OF ENGAGING COMPASSION THROUGH INTENT AND ACTION Friday, January 30 ~ 7PM – 9PM ~ Fee: Free (Please Register) Compassion is more than a buzzword — it is a way of being that has been practiced for thousands of years. Today we are so busy that the connection between our intent and our compassionate action is weakened. We react instead of responding compassionately. Join Vanessa in a discussion of how to mend the connection between our intent and action. Using the metaphor of the bridge, Vanessa creates the template for living a more aware, compassion filled life. Learn simple practices that will bring you into the awareness of opportunities to share compassion. Presenter: Vanessa Hurst—Book: Engaging Compassion through Intent and Action $10.95 WALKING THE PATH OF JESUS & BUDDHA: ENGAGING COMPASSION THROUGH INTENT AND ACTION Saturday, January 31 ~ 9AM – 3 PM Both Jesus and Buddha practiced self-compassion and shared compassion with others. Each created a bridge from his intent to his compassionate action. We want to mirror this way of being, but life interferes. The connection between our intent and action blurs. The book, Engaging Compassion through Intent and Action, provides the guiding template for creating this bridge of intent and action. Pre-requisite: the desire to live with curious daring and courage as you become fully awake and fully compassionate. Presenter: Vanessa Hurst - Fee: $50, lunch included. ,&1 & %1 2,(.0( && .& **,%1%(%8( /,(2,(.0 ( * ,(,)1(,*%(,2(, /(11, 2%%&*( ,1 $((. ,((1)( $7,)),1*%,52 ,2 2, ) /5 9:"##4; ŵǁŽŽĚƐǁŽƌƚŚΛĂƌĐŚŝŶĚLJ͘ŽƌŐ$ PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY Jesus said to her: “Give me to drink” (John 4:7) Presider: Archbishop Joseph Tobin, C.Ss.R. Homilist: Bishop Catherine Waynick Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis Joined by other Christian Denominational Leaders and Pastors “Archbishop Tobin and the Office of Ecumenism invite all Catholics of the Archdiocese to the Second Annual Prayer Service for Christian Unity at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral, 1347 N. Meridian St. This service, on 25 January, at 4pm, concludes the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. It will bring together in prayer leadership and folks of many Christian denomination. Archbishop Tobin will be principle presider, with Bishop Catherine “Cate” Waynick of the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis will be the homilist. Parking will be available at the Catholic Center (1400 N. Meridian) as well as curbside. Baptism of The Lord Page 9 LITURGICAL MINISTERS January 17/18 Remember it is everyone’s responsibility to get a sub if you are not able to serve as scheduled. Mass Coordin. Lectors Ushers Ex.Min Servers Music Ministry SAT. 5PM RENEE LANGE MARY L, KIM S #5 #1 DYLAN L, JOSEPH M, MAX P RENEE S, DR. JOE, FELTZ’S SUN. 7AM MARY BETH MITCHELL SUN. 9AM RICK SCHRADER TRACEY V STEPHANIE/BRIAN Q #8 #10 #2 #3 SAM G, BEN D, ALANA V KAMRYN S, RYAN S, DALTON M NO MUSIC AMANDA H, ADULT BELLS, VIVIAN B, LINUS H SUN. 11AM JEFF BILTZ KRISTEN H, PAUL S #16 #4 JACK B, CAMBRI & DARBI L ADULT CHOIR, RENEE S, TRISH B, MATT, PEGGY, JULIE O, BRIAN/EVAN C SUN. 5PM TOM SHINE MIKEY R YOUTH YOUTH VERONICA H, WESLEY C, DANIEL A GRANT R, DOUG/SARAH J, GRACE G, LIZZY H Masses SATURDAY - JANUARY 10 SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 5:00PM JIM SGROI-JANICE M ASS LITTLE S ISTERS OF THE POOR 6PM ADULT VOLLEYBALL-GYM 6PM 7PM RENTAL—HALL CONCERT—CHUR SUNDAY, JANUARY 11 7:00AM 9:00AM 11:00AM 5:00PM MADONNA SMITH/EMHC#2 VIRGIL BULTMAN/FRIENDS CHARLIE STAAB/ELIAS FAMILY PARISH MONDAY, JANUARY 12 8:30AM DICK MILLER/DEE-ED WOODS TUESDAY, JANUARY 13 8:30AM POOR SOULS IN PURGATORY WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 14 8:30AM JERRY JAHNKE/FAMILY THURSDAY, JANUARY 15 8:30AM BUD MALHAM/PAUL SCHMOLL FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 8:30AM ROSE BESS/FAMILY SATURDAY, JANUARY 17 5:00PM JAMES MCSHAY/BRIDGET STAGGS EDWIN RICHARDSON/DOLORES RICHARDSON DOROTHY TOPMILLER/JOHN-MARY JAFFE PARISH 6PM 6PM 6:30PM YOUTH MIN—UPR CS COM MTG—FFO MOMS—LIBRARY MONDAY - JANUARY 12 NOON XYZ CARDS—HALL 5:30PM WRESTLING-UPR/HALL 6PM 7PM ROSARY— CHP VOCATION ROSARY-CHR TUESDAY - JANUARY 13 2:45PM 2:45PM GS—CAFE BELLS—CHR 6:30PM 7:30PM ADULT BELLS—CHR BOY SCOUTS—HALL WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 14 5:30PM WRESTLING-UPR/HALL 6:30PM CS DEN MTG—CAFÉ 6:30PM RCIA—RM #104 7PM 7PM 7PM CHOIR—CHR MOMS—LIBRARY ST. VDP—FFO THURSDAY - JANUARY 15 RUSS DIAS/GREG-LEA ENGLISH SUNDAY, JANUARY 18 7:00AM 9:00AM 11:00AM 5:00PM SUNDAY - JANUARY 11 M ASSES L ITTLE S ISTERS OF THE P OOR COFFEE AND CONVERSATION 9AM PRESCHOOL /ERE 6PM UNDECORATE THE CHURCH 2:45PM BOYS CHOIR—CHR 5:30PM WRESTLING-UPR/HALL 6:30PM DENVER BIBLE—#104 6:30PM 1ST RECONCILIATION MEN’S CLUB—CAFE 8PM FRIDAY - JANUARY 16 SATURDAY - JANUARY 17 CHILDREN’S CHURCH COLLECTION ENVELOPES available at the Church entrances. Teaching children to give monetarily to charity can set a positive pattern for the rest of their lives. 9AM 11:30AM BBB—GYM MARKET DAY-CAFÉ 4PM 6PM SET UP SCOUTS—CAFE ADULT VOLLEYBALL-GYM SUNDAY - JANUARY 18 SCOUT PANCAKE BREAKFAST!! COME!! 7:30AM BOY SCOUT BREAKFAST 6PM YOUTH MIN—UPR 9AM PRESCHOOL /ERE 6:30PM MOMS—LIB January 11, 2015 Page 10 Need help delivering your message? Bulletin Advertising Delivers! (800) 950-9952 ext. 2492 Call Jim Solomon today! Email: jsolomon@4LPi.com www.SeekAndFind.com Over 32 Years Experience 24 Hours Same Price Free Estimates 10% Off Any Repair 887-3999 Carl J. Magna, Jr.-OLG Parishioner www.kofc.org CHARLES D. PAUL, D.D.S. Parish Member Family Practice - Adults & Children Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry COMMUNITY CLEAN Professional Janitor Supplies 8001 S. Shelby St. (Corner of Stop 11 & Shelby St.) New Patients Welcome 317-346-7766 888-7295 Bob & Rob Sauer SOUTHERN DUNES GOLF COURSE The Atrium Reception & Conference Center 3143 E. Thompson Rhea & Louie Annee 1160 N State Rd. 135 865-1800 G.H. Herrmann Funeral Homes 5141 Madison Ave. - 1505 S. East St 1605 S. State Rd. 135, Greenwood Parishioners • 782-4467 Greenwood, IN 46142 317-865-6829 Gardens at Olive Branch Cemetery All Locations 317-787-7211 FOR AD INFO CALL Jim Solomon 1-800-950-9952 Christopher J. Browning, O.D. WWW.4LPi.COM ST. BARNABAS, INDIANAPOLIS, IN C 4C 01-1064 12-16-2014 10:52:02 ABC POOLS & SPAS, INC Alecia & Brian Coss (317) 887-ABC1 Parishioners Veteran Owned Company Tom’s Barber Shop and Hairstyling Dr. Colin Christie, Parishioner Phone: 317-534-5141 visit us at: www.christievisioncare.com Located just north of intersection of Southpot & Bluff Rds on East side of Bluff Complete Services Available 7 barbers to serve you Appts. Available Tues. & Thurs. (Smoke-free) TOM SMITH - Owner 7735 Meridian 881-1325 Sliding Fee Scale ATTORNEY AT LAW Laura O’Connor, Broker 317-787-4878 Cell: 317-985-3415 Laura@laurasellsindy.com 7210 Madison Ave., Ste. I www.7210Counseling.com Each Office is Independently and Operated www.laurasellsindy.com 787-2247 (317) 788-3000 OFFICE • (317) 788-3005 FAX TruRehab... Recover in Comfort and Style! Charlie Cha Jackson Parishioner 3230 W. Southport Rd. • Indianapolis, IN 46217 Carpets, Ceramics, Hardwoods, Laminates, Vinyls, Installations 317-881-3265 • 317-966-8803 Network Services For your business’s cabling, data, voice, audio/visual, security systems needs. Huser HomeCare Elder & Special Needs Care Homemaker • Companion Personal Care Services Kathy & Terry Huser 255-5700 HuserHomeCare.com GREENWOOD MEDICAL LABORATORY, INC. GREENWOOD PROFESSIONAL PARK 622 NORTH MADISON AVENUE (317) 882-5665 GREENWOOD 7800 Shelby St., Suite 7 Indianapolis Sales Agent A-1 Sales and Service Residential • Commercial • Free Estimates Darrell W. Munchel - Owner (317) 422-5225 “ESTABLISHED IN 1958” Ph: (317) 884-8046 Fax: (317) 282-0495 (One block south of Main & Madison) 2636 South East Street 7465 Madison Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46227 Rick Huck 786-3496 SONYA DERF 410 MARKET PLAZA Jockish Flowers, Inc. • Family Law • Personal Injury • Criminal Law • Estates • Wills • Power of Attorney Parishioner Ss. Francis/Clare Dine In / Carry Out / Delivery Open at 11 a.m. 7 days a week www.jockamopizza.com 510 S. St. Rd. 135, Greenwood, IN 46142 www.academyanimal.com ROBERT P. THOMAS COUNSELING Patricia A. Ley, M.A., LMFT Mary E. Hays, M.S., LMHC Janet M. Braun, M.A., LMFT Madison Health Care Center Family Owned Since 1964 David Morgan, DVM Tracey Vinson, DVM (317) 881-3125 Contact Short Term Rehabilitation and Long Term Care Services J. EARL SMITH M.T. (ASCP) G.S. PRESIDENT 8001 S. Meridian St., Ste D Indianapolis, IN 46217 sonya@familysourceinsurance.com www.familysourceinsurance.com $20 or 20% OFF 881-4163 (whichever is greater) TEXT “CLIMATE” TO: ON ANY SERVICE. “Complete Machine Shop Service” 36000 for great deals! Family Owned & Operated! NORTH / EAST 317.894.8810 Cosmetics & Skin Care SOUTH 317.883.2247 WE OFFER DISCOUNTS TO: Cheryl Cunningham 859-0475 (317) 783-3727 Property Management Companies Law Enforcement • Firefighters Soldiers • Seniors Fax (317) 783-1354 www.aperfectclimateindy.com 5565 S. Madison Ave. (rear) Parishioner Indianapolis, IN 46227 Financial Plans & Strategies, Inc. (317) 882-7675 Michael J. Meiners, CFP®, JD Investment Advisor Representative, Registered Principal, INVEST Financial Corp. (INVEST) (Pictured) CHRYSLER 5 STAR QUALITY SERVICE AWARD Angela Sodrel, Director of Client Services Registered Representative of INVEST Financial Corporation (INVEST) INVEST Financial Corporation, member FINRA/SIPC, and its affiliated insurance agencies offer securities, advisory services and certain insurance products and are not affiliated with Financial Plans & Strategies, Inc. Financial planning and consulting services offered through Financial Plans & Strategies, Inc., a registered investment advisor. ANNEE & MATRY, INC. & ASSOCIATES JOE ANNEE G E N E RA L I N S U RA N C E 881-9184 7631 S. Meridian FREDERICK R. LANE, M.D. BARRETT HEATING & COOLING Greenwood • 750 U.S. 31 North 2 blocks S. of Greenwood Mall 881-6791 “OUR FAMILY WORKS FOR YOU” 889-7906 5255 E. Stop 11 #430 Joe Barrett • Bill Barrett 783-9397 Practice Limited to Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Parishioner Since 1977 ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial & Industrial Electrical • H.V.A.C. 2221 E. Southport Rd. Southport, IN 46227 783-3291 Free Estimate Commercial Residential Dan Allen Dave Allen (317) 787-4870 DEARING & DEARING CPA Tax & Accounting Services • Small Business • Individual 822-1600 Patrick J. Dearing • Parishioner A Sign of Quality & Professionalism Kevin Tex 8017 S. Meridian St. 317-887-2342 COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Seasonal Open 7 days a week 6025 Madison Ave. www.beckservicecenter.com 887-5999 Corner of Southport Rd. & Meridian Ben & MJ Stallings 787-5345 Bill & Terri Amonett Roofing & Siding Locally Family Owned Guttering & Painting & Operated JOHN Windows PETERS Drywall Roofing & Guttering, Inc. In Business Since 1976 Licensed, Bonded & Insured SOUTH 317-887-3350 • NORTH 317-786-3315 Herkert Family Eye Care Daniel L. Herkert, O.D. (317) 784-LOOK (5665) Glasses • Contacts Comprehensive Eye Exams SOUTHPORT 8030 S. Emerson • 881-1101 GREENWOOD 3115 Meridian Parke Drive 888-1880 staffhfec@outlook.com 6904 S. EAST ST., STE. C Indianapolis, IN 46227 FOR AD INFO CALL Jim Solomon 1-800-950-9952 320 State Road 135 South Greenwood (317) 881-2400 10:00 am - 10:00 pm WWW.4LPi.COM ST. BARNABAS, INDIANAPOLIS, IN B 4C 01-1064 12-16-2014 10:52:02 Jeffrey S. Stevens, D.P.M. Podiatrist – Parishioner Medical & Surgical Treatment of the Foot & Ankle Indy Office 7855 S. Emerson Ave. 317-300-0106 Franklin Office 55 Milford Ave. 317-300-0106 www.indysouthfootandankle.com SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS &KDSPDQ0RUWJDJH MARIEN PRO HARDWARE “When You Need to Know Ask a Pro” Jim Chapman • Parishioner 317-883-2604 • 8001 S. Meridian St. Lic. #111441 Alexander der Dentistry rry y www.alexanderdentistry.net www.ChapmanMortgage.com Hardware - Plumbing Supplies Paints - Glass & Electrical Supplies DISTINCTIVE Bath and Kitchen Remodeling Kitchen & Bath It’s a Name Your Family Can Trust! Call us for all your remodeling needs 783-7050 AMISH CABINETRY OUR SPECIALTY 542 South State Road 135 Greenwood, IN 46142 784-7551 3604 Madison Ave. Lic. #113951 CABINETRY • COUNTERTOPS • COMPLETE REMODELS 317-893-2193 Chris Alspach • 317-882-7100 135 & Olive Branch Road 1480 Olive Branch Park Lane • Greenwood Kim Alexander, D.D.S. Parishioner 8012 US. 31 South • 887-1010 381 S. Marlin, Greenwood • 882-7500 Complete Auto Repair Tires • Batteries • Brakes Engine Repairs • Alignments $10 OFF ANY OIL CHANGE John Cahill Call for free est. 791-5186 Parish Member with Food Donation which goes to Local Food Pantries For Service That Moves You. 25 Year Parishioner Meet our team, learn more about all our services !"#$$"$%&'(#)*$"#$+*)&$"!"),#-.''./0,"&0(10,#"+)23-" now at VanValer.com Call or Click for 24 Hour Service at Your Home or Business 317-881-9074 or 317VanValer.com VanV Follow Us on Facebook and Twitter ALINE F. ANDERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW 7104 U.S. Highway 31 South Indianapolis, IN 46227 VVHCP LICENSE NUMBERS: HVAC: HL00010 | Plumbing: C051200001 | Electrical: EL1100014 Need help delivering your message? 317/888-8868 Estate Planning & Probate Law Bulletin Advertising Delivers! (800) 950-9952 ext. 2492 Call Jim Solomon today! Email: jsolomon@4LPi.com www.SeekAndFind.com 787-8224 6107 EAST STREET McGee & Company BJ and Kelley O’Connor Fine Jewelers Select Realtors Linder/McClurg Team Lifetime Parishioner 882-0500 BJ 317-797-7399 Kelley 317-882-9997 www.bjandkelley.com 880 U.S. 31 North • Greenwood, IN 46142 More than 93% of our rehab patients are discharged to home David B. Ensley, MD, PC 8549 S. Madison Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46227 317.881.9164 887-9800 Built On Service • Dedicated To Quality™ NORRIS CHOPLIN & SCHROEDER, LLP With you every step of the way Kelly Hegwood Established 1960 • Parishioner Since 1976 A L “Solutions & Service You Can Trust” L P I Pete Schroeder, Parish Member 101 W. OHIO ST. W. Patrick Bower Certified Insurance Counselor Parishioner Select, REALTORS 269-9330 7364 East Washington Street 317-807-1511 Direct 317-654-1080 Cell P.O. Box 19445 kelly.hegwood@remax.net FOR AD INFO CALL Jim Solomon 1-800-950-9952 Indianapolis, IN 46219-0445 WWW.4LPi.COM 317-353-8000 Cell: 317-313-8010 • Fax: 351-7145 800-213-7126 pat@walkeragcy.com ST. BARNABAS, INDIANAPOLIS, IN A 4C 01-1064 12-16-2014 10:52:02
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