SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE RANDALL FRANCIS NOLEN, Petitioner, PSC1403467 vs. EDWARD TY PEABODY, Respondent. REPORTER'S TRANSCRIPT OF HEARING FOR CIVIL HARASSMENT RESTRAINING ORDERS BEFORE HONORABLE COMMISSIONER MICKIE E. REED September 5, 2014 APPEARANCES: For the Petitioner: HARDY LAW GROUP DEL HARDY By: DEL HARDY 96 & 98 Winter Street Reno, Nevada 89503 For the Respondent: EDWARD TY PEABODY In Propria Persona Reported by: Pamela M. Segall, CSR No. 8294 CG©[P))f PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR CHRONOLOGICAL WITNESS INDEX FOR THE PETITIONER: RANDALL NOLEN Direct Examination by Mr. Hardy 5 KATHRYN NOLEN Direct Examination by Mr. Hardy 7 FOR THE RESPONDENT: EDWARD TY PEABODY Direct Examination Statement by Mr. Peabody Cross-Examination by Mr. Hardy PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR 10 14 1 INDIO, CALIFORNIA; SEPTEMBER 5, 2014 2 BEFORE MICKIE E. REED, COMMISSIONER 3 THE COURT: Randall Francis Nolen versus Edward Ty MR. HARDY: Good afternoon, your Honor. 4 I Peabody. 5 I Del Hardy 6 I appeari ng on behal f of peti ti oner. 7 I THE COURT: 8 I And you're Mr. Peabody? 9 I MR. PEABODY: Good morning. Ty Peabody. 10 THE COURT: 11 RANDALL NOLEN: 12 THE COURT: 13 Yes, ma'am. You're Mr. Nolen? Yes. Mr. Nolen and Mr. Peabody, if you'd stand and raise your right hand, please. 14 15 Afternoon -- I mean. Let me just inquire. Do you have any other witnesses besides these two gentlemen? 16 I MR. HARDY: We do. THE COURT: Okay. We may be calling Mrs. Nolen as 17 I well. 18 19 20 If she could stand up and raise her right hand to be sworn in too. THE CLERK: You do solemnly state the testimony you are 21 about to give in the cause now pending before this Court shall 22 be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so 23 I hel p you God? 24 TY PEABODY: I do. 25 RANDALL NOLEN: I do. 26 KATHRYN NOLEN: Yes. 27 THE COURT: And, Mrs. Nolen, could you state your full 28 I name and spell it, pl ease. PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR THE WITNESS: 1 Kathryn, K-a-t-h-r-y-n, Frances, 2 I F - r - a - n - c - e - s, Nolen N - 0 - 1 - e - n . 3 THE COURT: Thank you. 4 Okay. 5 MR. HARDY: 6 An addendum has been provided to Mr. Peabody already. Mr. Hardy, go ahead. Thank you, your Honor. 7 He was already served with this. 8 moments just to take a look at that? THE COURT: 9 10 lin Did the court want a few Just out of curiosity, why are some words red and some in black? 11 MR. HARDY: The ones in red are being outlined as being 12 I unt ruthful. 13 THE COURT: Well, let me just make it very clear that I 14 cannot determine truth or not truth of statements. 15 that. I can't do Okay? 16 I have read this. And I would indicate to you that I 17 would ask you to file this with the court when you leave today 18 because I did read it, review it, and consider it. 19 MR. HARDY: I will, your Honor. 20 THE COURT: So do, please, file that today. 21 And you do have a copy of it, sir? 22 TY PEABODY: 23 THE COURT: 24 TY PEABODY: I have seen this. 25 MR. HARDY: He has, your Honor. 26 THE COURT; Okay. I don't know what it is, your Honor. Has he seen that addendum? I'd just ask that you do a Proof of 27 Service that you mailed it to him when you file it like a normal 28 document. PAMELA M .. SEGALL, CSR 2 1 MR. HARDY: Right. 2 THE COURT: So I did read that and I did read the 3 lApp 1 i cat i on for Order. And is there anythi ng that you wanted to 4 I state in regard to that? 5 I MR. HARDY: Well, your Honor, in regards to it, we're 6 I si mpl y aski ng that thi s gentl eman be made to stay away from 7 I thei rhome. He went - - he was goi ng through them on June - - in 8 I June 14th of 2014, he went and knocked on thei r door and then 9 started waving around a manila envelope, saying "I have proof 10 that you've done something wrong. 11 here" inside this man's home with his wife present. 12 There's criminal activity Mr. Nolen will testify that he has had some emotional 13 I breakdown si nce then, four of them in total. 14 I His wife will testify that she's being treated by a 15 doctor now because of high blood pressure, 160 over 100. 16 they have received certain problems because of this. 17 So They're also now having to change their habits so that 18 they don't go to the same places all the time, because they're 19 afraid that this gentleman is stalking them and is going to 20 I follow them because of hi s threateni ng nature of what he di d. 21 So we're asking for a restraining order. Simply keep 22 away from the house, 50 feet away from them, and keep it there 23 for two years. 24 THE COURT: How many times has he been to their house? 25 MR. HARDY: Once. 26 THE COURT: Do you have anything else? 27 MR. HARDY: Other than -- your Honor, there is no harm 28 That's enough. in keeping this man away from these people. PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR No harm is taken by 3 1 I this man. THE COURT: 2 Harm or not, I have to follow the law. And 3 I I have to follow what the law says harassment is. 4 I MR. HARDY: Right. 5 I THE COURT: And most of this are public statements 6 I between candidates, I think, that are running for office, who 7 I are basically going to public meetings. And even though it's 8 I termed in your addendum "their gutter politics," that cannot be 9 the basis of a restraining order. 10 11 I could never tell him "You can't go out and say whatever you feel about a candidate who is running for office." 12 And I would need more than one visit to the home 13 because that's not -- I don't see any violence. 14 threats of violence. 15 there was never any violence threatened or any allegatiuns of 16 violence, which are what civil harassment orders are there to 17 protect, a person's personal safety. 18 I don't see any And going to his home that one time -- I would never find that one visit to a person's home 19 where there were no threats is enough to reach the burden 20 necessary. 21 some law that you can state that says that this is an 22 appropriate way, I'll be happy to review that. 23 24 But I will let you be heard on this; if you have MR. HARDY: Sure. numerous times in which this had happened. 25 This has been going on since September of 2012. 26 is when this first happened. 27 citizen. 28 Judge, I don't think there has to be This This gentleman is a private He's not a politician nor is his wife. And what they did is they pointed out what Mr. Peabody PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR 4 1 I was doing wrong and what he was saying about another candidate. 2 I And Mr. Peabody took that personally. 3 I And then there was a flyer that came out about 4 I Mr. Peabody and Mr. Peabody's bankruptcy and the fact that he's 5 I got tax probl ems. 6 et cetera. 7 He owes the IRS some $640,000, et cetera, And because of that -- You see, Mr. Peabody is over here smirking now. 8 I thi nks that's funny. He thi nks thi sis just a joke. He He thi nks 9 I he's goi ng to get off the hook here. 10 I And the fact is that this man did the outrageous 11 conduct, knocked on this man's door, and threatened him inside 12 of his house. 13 that. And I'd like to put on some proof in regards to Ma'am? 14 THE COURT: You can. 15 That's what we're here for. RANDALL NOLEN, 16 Petitioner, called as a witness on his own behalf, was 17 previously sworn and testified as follows: 18 19 20 21 DIRECT EXAMINATION BY MR. HARDY: Q. Mr. Nolen, on the date of June 14th, 2014, Mr. Peabody came to your home; is that correct? 22 A. That's correct. 23 Q. Okay. 24 he doing? 25 A. Yes. How did you feel when he came in? He didn't shake my hand. And what was He walked in, sat down, 26 started accusing me of being involved with criminal activity, 27 involved with these postcard mailings, and said that I would be 28 involved with sUbstantial punitive damages, subpoenas, PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR 5 j depositions, and continued to harass me for a period of 20 2 minutes. 3 I Q. How did you feel because of that? 4 I A. I was in a state of shock, because it was completely 5 I untrue. 6 I i nvol ved wi th these mail ers, but he kept on accusi ng me of bei ng I told him four to five different times that I was not 7 I i nvol ved. 8 I Q. And was your wi fe al so there? 9 A. Yes, she was. 10 Q. What has happened to you in a physical state since that 11 12 period of time because of that? I've had five emotional breakdowns, actually, since A. 13 then. 14 night because I'm afraid that Mr. Peabody will show up. 15 is afraid to swim. 16 lights on at night in the front of the house, double-check all 17 the locks. 18 concerned for our safety. 19 20 21 We don't sleep at night. Q. I walk different routes at My wife We lock our doors, 'our side door, have And we're concerned for our safety -- seriously After that July 17th, of 2014, did Mr. Peabody do anything that caused you additional concern? A. Yes, he did. He, at City Council meetings, continued 22 to threaten civil and criminal action against me and other 23 citizens. 24 meetings -- and with threatening, angry looks on his face as if 25 he was going to get ... He stared me down multiple times at two different 26 Q. Has your wife suffered any problems because of this? 27 A. Yes, she has. 28 She's had high blood pressure now very high blood pressure, cannot sleep at night, cries on PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR 6 1 I occasion, is extremely worried. Her habits have changed. She 2 doesn't feel safe at all anymore, and wants to move away from 3 the city. MR. HARDY: Could I briefly call upon Mrs. Nolen as 6 THE COURT: Hang on just a second. 7 Do you have any questions that you would like to ask 4 5 8 well? him, sir? TY PEABODY: No. 10 THE COURT: Okay. 11 MR. HARDY: Mrs. Nolen, could you just stand right 9 12 Yes, you may. where you are, please. 13 The date of June 14th, 2014 -- 14 THE COURT: Sir, can I ask if she can come up here so 15 I the court reporter can hear her well. 16 MR. HARDY: Sure. 17 Go ahead and sit down there. 18 I didn't want to have to call you. 19 THE WITNESS: I know. 20 KATHRYN NOLEN, 21 called as a witness by the Petitioner, was previously sworn and 22 testified as follows: 23 24 DIRECT EXAMINATION BY MR. HARDY: 25 Q. What happened on June 14th? 26 A. Urn, the doorbell rang, and it was at 9:00 in the 27 morning. And I thought -- it's Saturday morning, and I thought, 28 I well, it must be a solicitor or somebody. PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR So I went to look if 7 1 I could see who it was out the window. 2 big hat and a coat out on the sidewalk. 3 door and I saw Mr. Peabody looking in our stained glass window, 4 and I knew it was Mr. Peabody. 5 I know why he's here. And I saw one man in a And then I went to the And I thought, well, I don't He's here on some kind of business. So I 6 I opened the door, and he asked to see Randy and I said "Okay." 7 8 9 10 Q. What did you see Mr. Peabody do, if anything, while he was inside your house? A. He immediately walked in, sat down in two chairs like this, and started accusing my husband of criminal activity. 11 Q. How did you feel about that? 12 A. Well, I was in the kitchen, and I was staying there 13 because I heard -- I didn't like what I heard going on. And 14 then Randy asked me to come in so I could be a witness to what 15 was happening. 16 Q. And how did that make you feel? 17 A. Pretty angry. 18 Q. Were you afraid at all? 19 A. Um, you know, there were -- there was a temper rising 20 in the room, and it wasn't ours. 21 The other gentleman was not speaking; he just sat 22 there. 23 Q. That was Mr. Powers? 24 A. Mr. Powers. 25 Q. Okay. 26 A. He was raising his voice and holding the manila folder 27 28 And Mr. Peabody was raising his voice? and threatening my husband with criminal and civil -Q. Did you feel threatened at all at any time during that PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR 8 1 I peri od of time? 2 I A. Urn, I felt uncomfortable. 3 I Q. How about afterwards? 4 I A. Afterwards, I was shocked and pretty upset. 5 I Q. What problems have you had since then physically? 6 I A. Urn, physically? I have developed high blood pressure. 7 I I used to have low blood pressure. 8 I document from my doctor's offi ce up unt il 9 lit And I did -- I have a the poi nt in June, and has steadi ly increased. 10 I Q. Anything else happening to you physically? 11 I A. Sleep definitely. 12 I fun. And I get emotional. Sleep? This isn't Thi s i sn 't good. 13 I Q. 14 I f am i1 y , s? 15 I A. Has Mr. Peabody ever been a friend of you -- your No. Don't know him. Met him maybe during the 16 campaign. But I knew he was trying to find out who posed these 17 postcard, and he thinks that we're involved with other people. 18 Q. By the way, are you? 19 A. No, not at all. 20 Q. Do you feel harassed and intimidated? 21 A. Yeah, I do. 22 Q. Would you like to ask this Court that Mr. Peabody be 23 24 stayed away? A. Would you feel safer then? I'd feel a lot safer. We've never had to lock our side 25 gates or check -- double locks or check our doors. 26 changed. 27 Q. Thank you. 28 A. Uh-huh. PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR Things have 9 MR. HARDY: 1 2 Excuse me. Mr. Peabody may want to ask you some questions. No. I'm fine. 3 TY PEABODY: 4 THE COURT: 5 Do you have any other witnesses, sir? 6 MR. HARDY: Can I talk to Mr. Peabody for a couple of 8 THE COURT: You can, if he wants you to. 9 TY PEABODY: 7 10 All right. Thank you, ma'am. minutes? I don't see any need to, your Honor. I'm prepared to tell you what I have to say, and that's it. THE COURT: 11 Okay. In a civil harassment case, because 12 there could be incriminating statements -- technically, it's not 13 like a normal civil case where you can call the opponent as a 14 witness. 15 welcome to cross-examine. 16 But he is going to make a statement, and you're MR. HARDY: 17 Thank you. 18 examine him. 19 Right. I appreciate that, your Honor. That's why I asked if I could talk to him; not THE COURT: All right. Go ahead, Mr. Peabody. TY PEABODY, 20 21 I Respondent, as a wi tness on hi sown behal f, was previ ousl y sworn 22 I and test i fi ed as follows: 23 I 24 DIRECT EXAMINATION TY PEABODY: First of all, I'll give you a letter from 25 I Mr. Powers. 26 THE COURT: 27 TY PEABODY: 28 THE COURT: And have you seen that, sir? No, they have not. All right. PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR 10 1 TY PEABODY: While that's going on, your Honor, I'm 71 2 years old. I've never had a felony, never had a conviction, 3 don't own weapons, have worked for the U.S. Trustees Office in 4 bankruptcy for a period of time, have been bankrupt; that's 5 something they all like to talk about, but it was fully 6 disclosed when I ran for office. 7 At the time that the hit pieces came out and there were 8 six hit pieces, I said, in a public forum, as a resident, and so 9 did ten others -- and they all filed complaints with the FPPC 10 that I would get to the bottom of who did it. 11 outcome of the FPPC report, we would decide whether to take this 12 to the new District Attorney Hestrin or to file slander charges 13 against those that were specifically involved. 14 Then pending the I'm going to give you also a letter, which they didn't 15 include, but they have a copy of, that I gave at the council 16 meeting -- the first council meeting, Mr. Nolen and his wife 17 came; they knew I wouldn't be there, and they got up and spoke 18 about me, about visiting -- Mr. Powers and I visiting their 19 house, which we did do. 20 We were invited into the house. We weren't asked to 21 leave the house. 22 Mr. Powers and I would say no more than ten. 23 basically were there for is that we had a witness 24 witness that says that Mr. Nolen was on Mr. Hanson's campaign 25 committee and that Mr. Nolen told these people that he was part 26 of a meeting on October 22nd or 23rd when they decided to put a 27 sticker on my hit piece to go ahead and throw more in my face 28 about the bankruptcy, which had been fully disclosed prior to We were there, they say, 20 minutes -- PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR And what we have a 11 1 -_- the running and after running. We left there. 2 I have not seen Mr. and Mrs. Nolen 3 since June 14th, except they came to two council meetings. 4 they talked about me again in the council meeting. 5 they were there to be supportive of Mr. Hanson. The investigation goes on. 6 One, The other, And there is nothing in any 7 writing that I did other than say that I would fully go after, 8 under the law, to prosecute those that did this horrendous -- 9 that's all I can -- and hurtful, hurtful pieces that weren't 10 true. And the FPPC came out with such a report. 11 12 represents the entire thing. 13 welcome to. 15 If you want to see it, you're Too much reading. THE COURT: 14 This book Well, it's not really relevant to the issue. 16 TY PEABODY: 17 Just so you know, Mr. Nolen is a tenant of Mr. 18 Hanson's. 19 $1,000. 20 I agree. He's on Mr. Hanson's campaign committee. And he gave Mr. Nolen also didn't disclose -- and if you see this 21 document, which they put in their file, they said they talked to 22 the District Attorney about someone of the financial problems, 23 how they might be dangerous. 24 Mr. Nolen forgot to put in there that he also went 25 through a bankruptcy in 2011. 26 bankruptcy is not pleasant. 27 28 So it's not like -- and It's not fun. And all I have ever said to everybody is that I would pursue this matter along with the other people on those that PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR 12 1 ___ o- perpetrated this. Mr. Nolen didn't print them. 2 3 didn't pay for them. He didn't mail them. He And that's for sure. As I say, the only time I have seen Mr. and Mrs. Nolen 4 5 is when they came to the last two council meetings. 6 talked to them. 7 Los Angeles two to three days a week. Don't go by their house. 8 THE COURT: 9 TY PEABODY: 10 THE COURT: 11 TY PEABODY: Hold on. Haven't I work out of Now, what is this from? That came from their filing. Okay. And I just found it interesting that they 12 could say that, but they didn't tell the District Attorney, 13 whoever they saw, that they also had been through a bankruptcy. 14 Maybe I should be nervous. 15 THE COURT: Well, here's what I'm going to tell you 16 now -- is that Mr. Powers' document is not under penalty of 17 perjury; so I'm not going to consider that. 18 consider the statement that is attributed to S.E. Ballard from 19 the D.A. 's office. TY PEABODY: 20 21 And neither did I Even though it's attached to their documents? THE COURT: 22 Well, I'll look at them, but if I see that 23 they're just hearsay statements by someone, I don't consider 24 them. 25 TY PEABODY: 26 THE COURT: 27 28 I have no problem. Okay. So I try to lean on competent evidence. TY PEABODY: So to be honest with you, your Honor, I PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR 13 ------ 1 have no reason -- understanding of why I'm here. And people 2 that have heard about it -- they just look at it as part of the 3 Hanson vindictive procedure that we're going through. I just went through an FPPC with Mr. Hanson, and they 4 5 turned him down on that. It just seems like this is going to 6 be, for the next couple of years on the council, a period of 7 harassment. But that's okay; that's part of the deal. 8 THE COURT: 9 TY PEABODY: I won the election. 10 THE COURT: Well, congratulations. 11 TY PEABODY: 12 THE COURT: 13 So anything else you want to tell me, sir? 14 TY PEABODY: 15 THE COURT: 16 MR. HARDY: 18 20 21 Thank you. I don't live in that city, so ... No, ma'am. Sir, and you wanted to ask him some questions? 17 19 But you won the election? Yes, I do. Thank you. CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR. HARDY: Q. Mr. Peabody, were you invited to the home of the Nolens'? 22 A. No. 23 Q. Did you tell them that you were going to come? 24 A. No. 25 Q. Don't you find it outrageous that you come to 26 somebody's house on a Saturday morning and knock on their door 27 and accuse them of criminal activity? 28 A. No. And I didn't accuse them of criminal activity. PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR 14 1 Q. Didn't you wave a folder around in your right hand, 2 saying that "There was criminal activity here. 3 get to the bottom of this? 4 A. I had a folder in my hand, for sure. We're going to And it had a 5 whole bunch of documents, including the witness list, accusing 6 Mr. Nolen of being at the meeting of the 23rd of October, 2012. 7 8 9 Q. Don't you find it outrageous to go to somebody's house and do that? A. He had the choice. He didn't have to let us in. 10 didn't want to see us or talk to us, he didn't have to. 11 would have left. 12 Q. If he We We left voluntarily. And so if the court doesn't issue a restraining order 13 today, then you can go over there Saturday morning 9:00 a.m. 14 tomorrow, can't you? 15 A. No. Mr. Nolen is so far off my agenda now, it doesn't 16 make any difference. 17 anymore unless he comes to council. 18 19 Q. So there's no harm in getting a restraining order against you; right? 20 A. 21 wrong. 22 Q. 23 I have no intention of seeing Mr. Nolen You have to do something wrong, and I did nothing Except go to somebody's house and stand in their living room and yell? 24 A. I didn't yell. And I actually sat. 25 Q. And so you're saying that when Mr. Nolen said you 26 raised your voice and Mrs. Nolen said you raised your voice, 27 that's false? 28 A. Well, I'm not sure what they mean by raising your PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR 15 1 2 3 voice. I didn't yell and scream, Q. You mentioned committed upon you; that there was a slander is that right, 4 A. That's correct. 5 Q. Okay. 6 7 It says "bankrupt, Did you file bankruptcy? Yes. THE COURT: 8 9 and defamation sir? Well, here's the flyer. bankrupt, bankrupt." A. if that's what you're saying. I am going to impose my own objection because the statements that were made about him are no -- 10 there's no relevance in this hearing. 11 through all of those statements, because if this were a 12 defamation action, it could -- and maybe there will be one some 13 day -- it could be relevant; but to this action, it is not 14 relevant. And so I'm not going to hear it. MR. HARDY: 15 So we're not going Okay. Well, your Honor, the reason why I 16 was bringing that forth to the court -- maybe I could explain 17 myself why I'm doing that. 18 Mr. Peabody or make a record for a defamation action. I'm certainly not trying to pick on What I'm trying to do is prove that there's no basis 19 20 for him to even go to the house and make these type of 21 accusations because there's no -(Interruption by the court reporter.) 22 MR. HARDY: 23 There's no defamation. 24 here. 25 this man is, frankly, out of line. And I was going to prove that to the court to show that THE COURT: 26 There's no slander Well, I don't know that you're going to be 27 able to lay the foundation to know what he based his decision 28 upon. PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR 16 1 I So there is a flyer and, supposedly, there were six 2 I fl i ers or "hi ts" of some sort, based on hi s testimony. But I 3 I don't know what he's been tol d, what he's heard, what hi s 4 I sources of i nformati on are. 5 I And I don't reall y thi nk it's relevant to thi s heari ng . This hearing is what actions did he take. 6 Did he 7 commit an act of violence? 8 go on a course of conduct directed at this person that had no 9 I legitimate purpose? 10 I statute. 11 I 12 I That is what harassment is under the Thank you, your Honor. BY MR. HARDY: And so, Mr. Peabody, you said that 13 I Mr. Nolen is off your radar. 14 15 16 17 20 A. As far as the hit pieces are concerned, Mr. Nolen did not print them, write them, or distribute them. Q. You didn't answer my question, sir. My question is: 23 You said he was off your radar. A. That means he's not somebody that I'm personally Q. That's correct. So he was off your radar as of June 14th; is that right, sir? 24 A. That is correct. 25 Q. So how about when you had the council meeting on 26 July 17th and you stared him down in council room? 27 remember doing that? 28 Was that as of -- 21 I 1 ooki ng at to sue. 22 Was that as of the June 14th meeting? 18 19 Or did he So that's what we're going to limit our testimony to. MR. HARDY: Q. Did he threaten violence? A. "Staring down"? Do you I'm sitting up on a podium, looking at PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR 17 1 I about 20 people ina room. I don't know what "stari ng down" 2 would mean. 3 Q. So you didn't do that? 4 A. No. 5 Q. Okay. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 You understand that those are on video -- that's actually videotaped? A. That's fine. Sure. I looked at Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Nolen, or 20 other people in the room. In fact, on that same date, didn't you come down and Q. make a statement for six minutes? A. I made a statement as a resident, which the judge has a copy of. And during that period of time you allege that were Q. 14 there certain civil, criminal activity of persons involved in 15 these campaign fliers; is that right? 16 A. What's the question? 17 Q. You allege that there were certain civil -- that you 18 were going to bring certain civil and criminal causes of action 19 against those people involved in the fliers? 20 21 22 23 A. I don't allege. It's a fact. And it's been proven by the FPPC that it occurred. And you're going to bring something civilly in regards Q. to that? 24 TY PEABODY: 25 I don't believe, Judge, that's appropriate for this 26 27 28 room. That's not What I do THE COURT: Are you making an objection as to relevance? PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR 18 _.' 1 TY PEABODY: 2 THE COURT: 3 4 Q. I am. Okay. BY MR. HARDY: I'm sorry. Sustained. And how about the criminal activity? Are you alleging anything about Mr. Nolen about that? 5 A. No. 6 Q. Neither civil or criminal? 7 A. No. 8 Q. None of that was addressed toward him? 9 A. I am not bringing any civil or criminal action against 10 Mr. Nolen. 11 Q. You understand that he filed one against the City about 13 A. And they rejected it. 14 Q. Right. 12 you? 15 16 17 And now he has six months in which to file a civil case? A. 18 19 20 21 Right. Remember, Mr. Nolen brought it public; I didn't. Q. So do you see any harm in the court not allowing you to be around Mr. Nolen? A. There is no reason for me to even be in this room. 22 did nothing. 23 never threatened Mr. Nolen or his wife with any sort of harm. 24 And I think -- personally, I believe this is just continued 25 harassment on the part of the parties who were 26 parties that were involved in the hit piece. I have never done anything in 71 years. I have some of the 27 Q. You've never been charged criminally before? 28 A. Never. PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR I 19 1 Q. How about in 1991? 2 A. What happened in 1991? THE COURT: 3 4 to relevance. MR. HARDY: 5 All right. Well, he just made the 6 statement, your Honor, that he's never been charged with any 7 crime. 9 What he said was "I've never been convicted of a crime." MR. HARDY: 10 11 And that's a false statement; so I'm impeaching him. THE COURT: 8 Okay. Well, he has been convicted of a crime. 12 TY PEABODY: 13 MR. HARDY: Yes. 14 THE COURT: So I'm not going to consider it, especially 15 16 if it's in 1991. Really? So we're not considering it. MR. HARDY: All right. Once again, your Honor, I see 17 that there would be no harm in issuing such an order for this 18 man to stay away from these people and stay away from their 19 home, or he could very well walk up there at 9:00 tomorrow 20 morning and do that again, which frankly would be outrageous. 21 22 ---- .. - And I'm going to impose my own objection as If somebody came to somebody else's house and did that, I believe that they would find it to be outrageous as well. 23 THE COURT: Okay. 24 MR. HARDY: That's it. 25 THE COURT: Anything else, sir? 26 TY PEABODY: 27 THE COURT: 28 Do you have anything else to say? No, ma'am. Okay. The facts that I find in this case is that there were some kind of, I guess, city council meetings PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR 20 ,.,." 1 for the City of Indian Wells and that there was some involvement 2 with everybody. 3 council meeting regarding Mr. Peabody. 4 made statements as well. Apparently, the Nolens have talked at a city And, apparently, he's I do not find that 9:00 a.m. is an unreasonable time to 5 6 go to somebody else's house. I do not find that knocking on 7 their door and being invited in to see a person that they ask 8 for -- it's not like they forced themselves in, that he snuck in 9 the backyard, jumped over a wall -- those kind of things. That is not the kind of behavior that would make a 10 11 personal reasonably frightened that he would come in. 12 knocked on the door, asked to speak to him, was invited in. 13 guess it didn't go so well. 14 behavior or any of the facts in this case falls under a civil 15 harassment statute. But I do not find that this without prejudice. Hopefully, there won't be any future problems. 18 But if 19 there are, you can certainly come back and request it again. 20 But, for the same reasons I denied the temporary orders, I 21 denied this. 22 definition of civil harassment. 25 This does not fall under the statute -- under the So thanks, everyone, for coming, but the request is 23 24 I So I am denying the request for a restraining order 16 17 He denied. And I'm going to return your documents. (A discussion was held off the record.) 26 MR. HARDY: Your Honor? 27 THE COURT: Yes. 28 MR. HARDY: Are you going to require him as well to PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR 21 1 2 file his documents since you reviewed them? THE COURT: Well, yours, I reviewed and considered for 3 some relevance; but his, not really. Yours pretty much said 4 what his said, but -- they're pretty much the same thing. 5 just had red parts and black parts. Yours 6 MR. HARDY: I see. 7 THE COURT: But if you want him to, I will ask him to. 8 MR. HARDY: I would. 9 THE COURT: Okay. 10 Would you like to go ahead and file that copy of the city council transcript? 11 TY PEABODY: 12 THE COURT: 13 Thank you. Sure. Where do I do it? I did not consider Mr. Powers' statement; it's not under penalty of perjury. 14 TY PEABODY: 15 THE COURT: They have a copy of this, your Honor. Well, they may have one, but since it 16 wasn't attached to your papers, go ahead and file that across 17 the hall and mail them a copy. 18 TY PEABODY: 19 MR. HARDY: Thank you, your Honor. 20 THE COURT: Thank you, sir. 21 Okay. (Proceedings concluded.) 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR 22 REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE RANDALL FRANCIS NOLEN, Petitioner, vs. PSC1403467 EDWARD TY PEABODY, Respondent. I, Pamela M. Segall, Certified Shorthand Reporter, CSR Number 8294, do hereby certify that: On September 5, 2014, in the county of Riverside, state of California, I took in stenotype a true and correct report of the testimony given and proceedings had in the above-entitled case, pages 1 through 22, and that the foregoing is a true and accurate transcription of my stenotype notes and is the whole thereof. The original transcript showed the erroneous date of November 5, 2015, as the date of proceedings. been corrected for this copy. DATED: Indio, California; February 26, 2015. Pamela M. Segall, PAMELA M. SEGALL, CSR That date has
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