March 8, 2015 WELCOME TO NORTH STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH We ar e a Bibl e church dedi cated to the promotion of the Good N ews of Jes us Chris t. We s trive to faithfully d eliv er the life ch anging mes s age of the Scriptures and we work to be a Godly influenc e in our community. The great confess ion that Jes us is the C hrist, the great commis s ion to go and make dis ciples , the great commandment to love God and love people and the great promis e of C hrist’s s econd coming all work together to keep us vertical ly and horizontally focus ed. Th anks for joining us today. North Street News REMEMBER TO TURN YOU CLOCKS AHEAD THIS SATURDAY NIGHT BEFORE GOING TO BED DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS SUNDAY, MARCH 8! Would somebody please tell the sunshine it’s time to wake up?!?! NSCC WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS and CELEBRATES TWO BAPTISMS The congregation of NSCC welcomes new members Valentina Tapia, Eric Tapia, Lance Dasch, and William Dean Dutter. Membership at NSCC is based upon belief that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God leading to having called upon His Name for eternal life followed by Christian baptism and with a desire to identify with the congregation Pastor Bob confirming dedication Valentina Tapia Dean Dutter of NSCC as your church family. Baptism is a visible, God chosen, God commanded response of one’s personal faith. Valentina and Dean were both baptized on Tuesday March 3. We say WELCOME to our newest members! PULPIT The present sermon series, FIVE PARABLES OF CHRIST, will conclude on Sunday, March 15. The remaining messages are The Sheep and the Goats and The Vine and the Branches. A 3-Part Easter Sermon Series will begin on Sunday, March 22 and conclude on Easter Sunday, April 5. The series is entitled AT THE CROSS and the messages are John and the Disciples, Mary and the Women, Jesus and the Thieves. Shepherd of My Heart Christian Preschool and Pre-K Registration for the 2015-2016 preschool year has begun! Be sure to tell your friends and family about Shepherd of My Heart Christian Preschool and Pre-K. Applicants must register early to secure a spot for their child! Information about our preschool can be found on-line at the church website: or by calling Fi Saeler, the preschool teacher PARENT’S NIGHT OUT A Parent’s Night Out has been arranged for NSCC parents of infants – 6th grade. Under the direction of Denise Kerr and Terri Collins, your church family will watch your children while you have a night out. The event is being planned for Friday, March 20 and is being held at Parties and Play Dates at 300 North Main Street in downtown Butler. Kids can be dropped off at 5pm and will need to be picked up by 8pm. We encourage older children to come and help out. Anyone interested in registering or volunteering please see Denise Kerr or call 412-614-9633. Donations are being accepted to help cover the cost. SIGN UP FOR EASTER BREAKFAST BEGINNING TODAY! NSCC Light of Life Community Outreach BASIC SUPPLIES DRIVE A part of the daily ministry of North Street Church is the NSCC Light of Life Community Outreach. Upwards of 70 people per day stop at LOLCO for fellowship, a cup of coffee, a donut and or a hot lunch. Morning devotions are held at 9:00 and weekly Bible Study is held on Wednesdays at 12:30. Friday includes a pizza lunch and movie. During the month of MARCH we will be holding a BASIC SUPPLIES DRIVE for NSCC LOLCO. It’s easy to help – when you come to church bring something from the list below and place it in the one of the bins at any of the three main entrances! BASIC SUPPLY LIST: Paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, small foam plates, coffee, 4C Iced tea mix, powdered coffee creamer, sugar. Sun 8 Mon 9 Tue 10 REVERSE THE CURSE Reverse the Curse Men’s Conference March 21st 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. 100 W. Main St. Saxonburg, PA 16056 724-352-2888 or for more info. Wed 11 YARN FOR HATS For Community Meal Guests Winter is nearly over, (well at least that’s what the calendar says) BUT a few of us are thinking about next winter and our Community Meal guests. Terry and Jeff Collins are collecting YARN FOR HATS. Jeff’s mother has volunteered to make hats for our Community Meal guests and wants to begin making them NOW! We are accepting gifts of YARN so the hats can be made throughout the year. Maybe you have purchased a few hanks, or balls or skeins and have never used them or maybe the next time you go shopping you would want to pick up some yarn! Bring YARN FOR HATS to church any Sunday and place them in the YARN BOX – on the counter just inside the nursery door! Thu 12 Fri 13 Sat 14 8:00 Chapel Hour 8-2 LOLCO 8-2 LOLCO 8-2 LOLCO 8-2 LOLCO 8-2 LOLCO 5:00 9:00 Sunday School 6:00 Worship 7:00 Bible 6:00 Kids Group 7:00 Y.A.G. Community 10:15 The Gathering Rehearsal Study at 6:00 T.A.G Meal 7:00 Freedom Klutinoty’s Vol. 108 WEDNESDAY NIGHT KIDS GROUP Bring a Show and Tell Item! The Wednesday Night Kids Group, K-6th Grade, meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 ‘til 7:30. The evening includes music and fun, a Bible lesson with application, crafts or recreation and refreshments. ALL KIDS ARE ASKED TO BRING A SHOW AND TELL ITEM to use during the Music and Fun segment this week. It all begins in Room 102, and Moms and Dads are invited to join in. Hope to see you this Wednesday Night! WEDNESDAY NIGHT TEENS AFTER GOD (T.A.G.) THURSDAY NIGHT YOUNG ADULT GROUP (Y.A.G) Youth in grades 7 – 12 are invited to come to T.A.G. – that’s Teens After God - on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 – 7:30 for fellowship and Bible study. The meeting is held in Legacy Ministry house and of course includes some great fun and refreshments too! Leaders, while Pastor Jake is away, are Nikki S., Zach F. and Josh D. CHANGE THAT CHANGE LIVES Blessing LOLCO with $45.50, March will be blessing Pressing On Ministry. On Thursdays at 7:00 p.m., the Legacy Ministry house fills up with young adults for a time of worship and prayer leading into a time of study in the Word of God. While Pastor Jake is at Ellerslie, the teaching time is being done through the video teaching of James MacDonald, Francis Chan and Mark Cahill and through live speakers including Gary Saeler, Dave Klutinoty, and Pastor ~Deadline for Bob. Eat’n Park fills up with the same group after study is Newsletter Articles: completed! All young adults and their friends are invited Due by Wednesday to join in on Thursday nights. BY 12 SPRING PIE FUNDR AI SER ORDER by: March 20th Pies will need to be picked up at the church March 27th . I hope that everyone is looking forward to the delicious fundraiser pies that will be available just before Easter! Please help support our preschool and order your pies today! An order form is located at the Welcome Center or see Fi Saeler. Y TODA R E D R O ! ASTER FOR E Assorted Fruit Pies $10 each Apple * Apple * Dumpling * Caramel-Apple Walnut Cherry * Peach * Strawberry-Rhubarb Specialty Pies $12 each Lemon Meringue Pie * Tuxedo Cream Chocolate Peanut Butter Cream Coconut Meringue * Blueberry * Red Raspberry BUY 3 OR M ORE $1 OF F EAC , GET H PIE ! Note: All fruit pies are 10” pies, the Lemon Meringues and all cream pies are 9” pies The fruit pies and dumplings listed below are unbaked. Directions for quick and easy baking are on the box. The scrumptious 9” lemon meringue and 9”cream pies are simple, just thaw and serve. All items will be delivered frozen, shrink-wrapped and boxed. Store several in the freezer and bake for Easter, a special occasion, dessert, or take to a potluck dinner. They look and taste delicious! WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY - Friday March 20th at 6:30 Healing in The Old Testament Pt. 3 Call Deanna Kratt at 724-822-9633 with any questions UPCOMING MEXICO MISSION TRIP FUNDRAISERS This summer, June 21-27, a group of NSCCers will fly to San Antonio, Texas and drive to Del Rio, TX to cross the border into Mexico to build a house for a poor family in the area of Acuna. To date nearly 20 people have indicated they are ready to go! The cost is approximately $1,000 per person including travel, expenses and house construction. Our group led by Jon Ray and Jake Klutinoty are raising needed funds with two fundraisers. The first one is a RONI ROLL SALE and the sale has begun! The roni rolls will be made on March 14 and delivered that weekend. The cost is $4.00 each or 3 for $10.00. A Sunday Soup Luncheon is also being planned. Those who have registered for the trip to date are Kaitlyn and Tyler Bell, Emily Bilowich, Christopher Burger, Michelle, Lyeric and Alisia Cousins, Tyler Cranmer, Zach Ferguson, Alex Herrin, Tori Hesidence, Tyler Jaillet, Ryan McIntyre, Autumn and Bridget Pierce, Sam and Daryl Tait and leaders Jon Ray and Pastor Jake Klutinoty. SOME DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR PARENT’S NIGHT OUT, Friday March 20 REVERSE THE CURSE MEN’S CONFERENCE, Saturday March 21 GOOD FRIDAY WORSHIP, April 3 SEND A CARD EASTER SUNDAY, April 5 Gretchen Miller CIY YOUTH CONFERENCE, June 8-12 121 Berrywood Lane CASAS POR CRISTO TRIP to MEXICO, June 21 – 27 Butler, PA 16001 CHURCH PICNIC, Sunday July 26 COMMUNITY OUTREACH DAY, Saturday September 19 GROW WITH GOD WOMEN’S CONFERENCE, October 23 -24 ENCOURAGEMENT Pastor Jake is attending the Ellerslie Basic Leadership Training, February 7 – April 12. If you want to drop a line or send a word of encouragement to him, you can send it to: Ellerslie Training, 655 Southwood Lane, Windsor, CO 80550. Attention: Pastor Jake Klutinoty OFFICE HOURS Mon - Thurs 9:30-4:00 Closed Fridays S ER V I NG T OD A Y Chapel Hour 8:00 Communion Preparation: Terri Klutinoty Greeter: Terri Klutinoty Nursery: Kathy Twerdok & Erin Rhodaberger Sunday School 9:00 Nursery: Joan Cole & Kathy Twerdok T he Gather ing 10:15 Communion Preparation: Michelle Zang Greeter: Michelle Zang Nursery: Joan Cole & Sue Morrissey Childr en’s Chur ch: During 10:15 Gathering Room 303-305 Ages: 4yrs - 2nd Grade Offering Report March 1, 2015 General $ 3,998.00 Designated $ 3,426.26 Total $ 7,424.26 Building Fund $ 235,347.52 Telephone 724-282-7700 Check us out @ Pastors: Bob Huber and Jake Klutinoty
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