Inside this issue: - Temple Israel of Boston

Temple Israel of Boston
Volume 14, No. 5 | March/April 2015 | Tevet/Shevat/Adar 5775
Inside this issue:
Notes from Clergy.....................................3
Messages from President & Exec. Director ...4
Adult Education..........................................8
477 Initiative ...............................................8
Teen Education.........................................11
TI Tent Talks, co-chaired by Sally
Mechur and Valerie Zimber, is an
initiative of small group conversations,
which we hope will help us develop
our strengths as a community of people
who care, worship, learn, and celebrate
The heart of the TI Tent Talks campaign
is the power of storytelling. Even though
you may sit next to someone in a
committee meeting, say hello to them in
the hallway, or see them on Shabbat, it is
through sharing our stories that we truly
begin to build stronger relationships and
understand each other in deeper, more
nuanced ways. This is how we remain a
tight-knit community within our large,
urban, diverse synagogue. By creating a
space for storytelling at Temple Israel,
we are providing opportunities for the
disconnected to find connection and the
already connected to find more depth in
their relationships and community.
If you have any questions about
participating in TI Tent Talks or about
the process, feel free to contact Sally
Mechur at or
Andrew Oberstein at
See page 2 for more on TI Tent Talks.
Life Cycles and Contributions..................17
How can this community be more meaningful for you and your family?
How can you build stronger relationships within the congregation?
Scan this code with your smartphone,
or visit
to sign up to host, facilitate, or participate in a TI Tent Talk.
   “May Your Gates Be Open Always” Isaiah 60:11
Highlights - TI Tent Talks (T3)
Our Sages teach us in the Tosefta, “Make for yourself one heart
with many chambers, and fill them with the words of Hillel and
Shammai” (7:7). The first part of this ancient teaching sounds
like a harmonious glimpse of what community is—folks from
different rooms coming together into a warm, caring place. But
part two adds a layer of complication and surprise to the teaching:
“… fill the chambers with words of Hillel and Shammai.” One
would expect to read, “…fill the chambers with words of Torah,”
but instead, the text urges the unification of the most famous
opposition within the Talmud: Hillel and Shammai are like oil
and water. Their viewpoints never converge. And yet, our wisdom
tradition depends on their dichotomous approach to community.
This text may have been written nearly two millennia ago, but it
reflects an enduring quality to the Jewish community, one which
often remains an “unmentionable”: our propensity for divergence
within community—we are no strangers to disagreement, variety,
and contradiction.
Our Jewish community, within and beyond these walls, is entering
a period of great significance—with the indication of the PEW
study showing a rise in religious disaffiliation, our own upcoming
rabbinic search process, and, among our interfaith partners across
the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization, a strong need to
connect with our congregations to hear what issues are weighing
on our conscience. In our Temple Israel community we organize
ourselves in a variety of “micro-communities” or cohorts, and we
Temple Israel Bulletin
March/April 2015
have found that when we come together for our most important
occasions, we find strength in our diversity; the oxygen that fuels
our communal heart. This is the perfect time for us to hear the
call of our Sages and create out of our many chambers “one heart.”
The heart that we have designed is an initiative called “TI Tent
Talks,” or “T3” for short.
Throughout the Winter and Spring, hundreds of our members
will be gathering in small groups to connect, get to know one
another, and reflect on their experiences at Temple Israel. Every
Tent Talk will center around two core questions, one of which
opening an opportunity to share with each other what is on our
minds and in our hearts (individually and in our families), the
second of which pertaining to our community and how we (TI)
can continue growing and enhancing our ability to fulfill our
purpose. This initiative is co-chaired by Sally Mechur and Valerie
Zimber, and led by a steering team of TI members from across the
community, with support and guidance from our clergy team, our
Executive Director Dan Deutsch, our social justice coordinator
Andrew Oberstein, and our community organizer and rabbinic
intern Suzie Jacobson.
To connect to a Tent Talks in your neck of the woods (or at TI)—
or to organize one yourself—drop an email to Andrew Oberstein
Rabbi Matthew Soffer
From the Clergy
Purim 5775 at Temple Israel!
It’s the best holiday evah! No fasting; no sins, no long sermons.
Join us for Purim cooked three-ways:
• Sunday, March 1 kicks off our multi-day celebration! “Everything is Awesome”: Join with clergy, staff, and our
students for our Shpiel at 11:00 in the Sanctuary, followed by our RYFTI-led Purim Carnival with a performance by
Professor Dan the Magic Man at 1:00. All ages welcome! Wear a costume and get ready to “Shake It Off.”
• Wednesday March 4 (Erev Purim), the party continues at 5:00 with pizza followed by singing and shpieling at
5:30. Perfect for young families. Cheer on Emmet! Boo Lord Business! LEGO your cares away!
• Wednesday Night, March 4, 7:45 PM. 21+
Caring Community
The strength of Temple Israel is that it’s
community is always actively engaged in
cultivating a culture of caring for and about
each other. During this intensely difficult
winter the Caring Community has worked
tirelessly to keep its outreach activities on
target. The calls of condolence have been
made, the meals for New Moms have been
prepared and delivered, and the Yahrzeit
notes are up to date. Thank you so much
to those participants who have contributed their time to these efforts.
On March 1st we will again deliver Mishloaoch Manot
gift bags for Purim delivery to our seniors. Please consider
joining this group of your fellow congregant volunteers. By each
congregant doing one of these good deeds our internal community
needs would be met for the coming year. The reward is that you
will feel equally as fulfilled as the congregant you have helped.
Please contact our co-chairs: Tanya Goldwyn: 617-244-4331, Susan Michaels: 617-731-1557,
“From the Clergy” Continued on page 5.
March/April 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin 3
From the President
As President Kathy Weinman wrote in her last column, the Rabbinic Search is underway.
From the Executive Director
This month I have three things to share with you that I’m really
excited about. First, in this issue of the Bulletin we are highlighting
the TI Tent Talk initiative. I urge all of us to make time to
participate in this ground-breaking program. Temple Israel is
always evolving and adapting, and this initiative is one opportunity
for you to help shape our future. It is unique that a congregation of
our size can bring all of its members together for a single impactful
program of this magnitude. I thank Rabbi Soffer, Rabbinic Intern
Jacobson, Andrew Oberstein, Valerie Zimber and Sally Mechur for
their leadership and hard work; their passion and commitment,
along with your participation, will ensure our success.
Second, our Friends Annual Fund Campaign allows Temple
Israel to sustain our operating budget. Each year, contributions
from our members keep us moving and allow us to reach our
fullest potential. This year Ellen Rovner and Michael Zimman
are our Chairs. Their hard work is already paying off, as we have
Temple Israel Bulletin
March/April 2015
raised over $300,000 with 30% of our
members participating. Thank you to
those of you who have been able to
contribute already. For those of you who
have yet to do so, you have a few more
months to make a financial impact. Your contributions are needed
to keep Temple Israel at the forefront of Jewish life in Boston.
Last, I hope you’ll join us on April 11 at this year’s Stepping
Out Saturday Night Supper Club. Join us for a terrific night of
fun, food and friends. I am grateful to this year’s Chairs, Richard
Hoffman and Lisa Gross, who have an entertaining evening
planned for us. I hope to see you there.
Dan Deutsch
From the Clergy Continued...
With questions or to RSVP, please contact Sue Misselbeck at 617-566-3960 x 117 or
unless otherwise noted.
The Matzah Brei Wars Are Back! And the Competition Promises to be Fierce!
Saturday, April 4 , 10:00 a.m.
The 2012, 2013 and 2014 Matzah Brei-Off allowed our clergy to show their culinary dexterity and produced some amazing results. Some voted
Rabbi Morrison’s version the most savory and others said Cantor Einhorn’s was the most ridiculous! However, most agreed, that Rabbi Friedman’s
matzah brei, “had to be tasted to be believed!” Who will come out on top in 2015? A family event, come and watch as things get heated up in the
Temple Israel kitchen! New recipes from far and wide will be prepared for the group and the voting will begin for the best recipe!
Followed by a Matzah Brei Breakfast, Study and Festival Service at 11 a.m. for adults. Children under age 7 will head downstairs with a
parent/guardian to enjoy holiday-themed crafts, music, movement and stories and a special worship experience. It will be a morning you
and your young ones will not want to miss. RSVP to Sue Misselbeck.
7th Annual Women’s Passover Seder
Tuesday, April 7, 6:00 p.m. at Temple Israel
Are you looking for a special way to celebrate Passover this year?
Please join us for a beautiful holiday event of ritual, song, and
conversation as we explore the past and present by retelling the story
of Passover from a women’s perspective using an original Haggadah
created by Temple Israel women. This is a great opportunity for
women and girls at Temple Israel to make connections and to find
community while enjoying holiday cuisine! The dinner will be
potluck, and Rabbinic Intern Suzie Jacobson will lead the Seder.
RSVP to Brigid at, and include what dish you
will be bringing. Event is $15 per person. Make checks payable to
Temple Israel and write “Women’s Seder” on the memo line and
mail to the attention of Brigid Goggin.
A Time For Remembering
Thursday, April 9, 5:00 p.m.
Slater Lounge
We will hold a special Yizkor Service on the eve of the seventh day of
Passover. This special service was created for individuals and families
in the Congregation and their loved ones who see themselves as
mourners. The service includes a full, traditional Yizkor as well
as music, and a chance to share memories and thoughts in the
company of a community of mourners.
Passover Festival Service
Friday, April 10, 10:00 a.m.
Celebrate Passover at our Special Festival Service for adults.
Program for Younger Children on the lower level (under age 7 with
a parent/guardian). Following the program both groups will meet
for a festive Oneg.
JF&CS Family Table:
Helping Families in Need Celebrate Passover
More than 400 families in Greater Boston and on the North Shore
rely on JF&CS Family Table to provide them with kosher food and
personal items every month. Our community is a key part of this
effort. As you prepare for your Passover celebration, please consider a
donation to JF&CS Family Table—a wonderful way to observe and
celebrate Passover and the beloved tradition of tzedakah.
You can make a gift to Family Table in one of the following ways:
• Mail a check to JF&CS Family Table Passover Appeal,
1430 Main Street, Waltham, MA 02451
• Visit to make your donation online
• Call 781-647-JFCS (5327) to donate by credit card.
Your entire donation is tax deductible. Thank you for your support!
« Join us for... «
TI’s Got Talent
Saturday, March 21 at 7:00 p.m.
Fellow Temple Israel members will perform their
“hidden” talents. Join us for a night of entertainment
including music, magic and laughter.
March/April 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin 5
From the Clergy Continued...
Yours, Mine & Ours: Interfaith Couples Group
It’s Not Too Late….
Make 2015 the year that you celebrate your
second (or perhaps, your first) Bar/Bat Mitzvah!
The Psalmist said, “the measure of our life is seventy
years…” (90:10); therefore, Jewish tradition teaches that
every seventy years we get to start the cycle of life over.
And as a result, by eighty-three years, you can once again
celebrate the milestone of Bar/Bat Mitzvah!
At Temple Israel, we want to help you celebrate in a
significant way by offering anyone who will be eighty-three
or older in 2015 a special invitation to become a Bar/Bat
Mitzvah during this year. The requirement to become a Bar/
Bat Mitzvah, is that you chant the blessings before and after
the Torah reading.
We have selected Friday, April 17, 2015 when you can
celebrate this lifecycle moment. We are offering this
invitation to anyone who is eighty-three or older. You will
join together with the others that have selected your same
date to chant the blessings. A member of the clergy will read
from the Torah and offer you a special blessing. Then as a
community, we will sing Mazel Tov and declare you Bar/Bat
Mitzvah! This special life cycle celebration will take place at
the 6:00 p.m. Qabbalat Shabbat Service.
Please contact Brigid Goggins at 617-566-3960/bgoggins@ if you have questions, wish to RSVP or need to
obtain a CD of the blessings.
with Esther Kosofsky, M.A.
Thursdays, March 12, 19, 26 & April 9
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Yours, Mine & Ours is a facilitated discussion program. It focuses
on communication in an interfaith relationship enabling both
partners to share what they value most from their faith and family
backgrounds. All interfaith couples, whether they are dating,
engaged, married or new parents, will find this program beneficial
for resolving complex issues and providing tools for a successful
relationship. Yours, Mine & Ours creates a foundation for each
partner to understand what they need for themselves and how
to best meet their partner’s needs. In a supportive group setting,
interfaith couples can share mutual concerns about celebrating
holidays, life cycle rituals and enhance their ability to discuss the
choice of a religious identity for their children.
To register contact Joyce Schwartz at the URJ Reform Jewish
Outreach Boston Office: (617) 928-0012 or by e-mail,
Registration fee: $150 per couple (scholarships available)
Visit our website:
Cemetery Commemoration
June 7, 2:00 p.m. at the Wakefield Cemetery
For many years we have had a Memorial Service at Wakefield
Cemetery on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. This year, the
holiday of Shavuot falls on that weekend so we are unable to have
this event then. Also, many people were unable to attend due to the
long holiday weekend.
The Cemetery Committee has decided to change the format of this
service. We will gather at the cemetery on Sunday, June 7 at 2 p.m.
(rain date will be June 14). We will give details of this in the next
bulletin as well as by email blasts. We hope to make this a family
friendly celebration and commemoration of our cemetery.
The Greatest Family Adventure for (Temple) Israel
with Rabbi Elaine Zecher and Uri Feinberg!
December 23, 2015-January 3, 2016
Join us for info sessions: Sunday, May 3: 9:45 & 11:15 a.m.
Imagine you and your family boarding a plane to travel together with your Temple Israel friends on an amazing adventure. Be prepared to
dig in ancient ruins, taste colorful and diverse foods, encounter the sand, the sea, and the stars, walk through ancient and modern history
sometimes on the same path, hike up mountains and down to the lowest point on land. You’ll be riding in jeeps, on bikes, on horses,
maybe even a camel, and yes, a very comfortable bus. These are just some of the amazing and fantastic experiences we will have together.
Cost is $3954/person not including airfare or tips. Come, explore, and enjoy Israel’s treasures! Let us know if you are interested.
Email or call Brigid at Also check out the full itinerary on the Temple Israel website!
Temple Israel Bulletin
March/April 2015
From the Clergy Continued...
Memorial Plaques: Honoring Your Loved Ones
A way to remember a loved one is to dedicate a memorial plaque in his or her memory. We have two areas where that can be done. The
Alice G. Winn Memorial Menorah is located along the rear wall of the Sanctuary. Those memorial plaques are made from glass and, due to
the cost and craftsmanship, are hung once a year during the summer. The Harry N. and Estelle S. Gorin Memorial Alcove surrounds one
of the entrance doors to the Sanctuary. Those plaques are made from bronze and can be ordered and hung all year round. Once a plaque is
ordered, Temple Israel will perpetually read the name of the deceased during Shabbat services on Friday evening and Saturday morning of
the anniversary of death. Family members will receive notification of this date in advance of the yahrzeit. All names on plaques are included
in the annual Yom Kippur Book of Remembrance distributed to the Congregation on Yom Kippur. A contribution of $ 650 to the Temple
Israel Endowment Fund will secure a plaque in either the Alcove or on the Menorah. For further information, please call Sue Misselbeck at
the Temple 617-566-3960 x 117 or
477 Initiative: Connecting People in Their 50’s - 60’s
With questions or to RSVP, please contact Sue Misselbeck at 617-566-3960 x 117 or
unless otherwise noted.
477 Shabbat Potluck Dinner
Friday, March 6, 7:15 p.m.
(after Qabbalat Shabbat Services)
Shabbat Potluck Dinners at
Temple Israel are a wonderful
way to spend an evening. It is
a great opportunity to share a
meal and socialize with other
members. It is a chance to be
with friends and make some new
ones. Relax and enjoy being part of our community.
Everyone is asked to bring a dish to be shared with others. Salads,
side dishes and main courses are requested. Beverages and wine are
provided and a $5 donation is requested. Please RSVP.
477 Presents: Wine and Apps Sharing
Rescheduled for Sunday, March 22, 6-8:00 p.m.
FREE, bring a $15 and under bottle of wine to share and
your life changing app.
Do your kids roll their eyes when you ask a
question about downloading a phone App? Do you
suddenly become all thumbs in the checkout line
trying to access an App and then just pay cash to
end the misery? Even worse, do you have to reach
for reading glasses before even reaching for your
phone? Fear not. You are not alone. Join other well
educated, competent, high functioning, though
App-challenged friends for an evening of sharing.
Share your “I can’t live without this App” and share your greatest
fears and defeats. To lessen the sting of technology, also share your
favorite bottle of wine for under $15.00 as well as an appetizers (a
more sustaining type of App) or dessert to share. We look forward
to seeing you at the home of Richard Kalish and Elizabeth Keller.
RSVP Required.
477 Salon: Privacy and Data Security in the Age
of the Internet
Sunday March 8, 4-6:00 p.m.
Remember the days when you could order
something from a catalog, and never again hear
from the seller? As we all know, the internet has
changed all that, bringing everything to our
fingertips, and revealing a great deal about us as
we search.
Join Cam Kerry, former general counsel of the Department of
Commerce, current fellow at the Brookings Institute and senior
counsel at the Boston Office of Sidley Austin LLP for a discussion of
privacy and data security in the age of the internet. Please RSVP.
477: French Film Series
Sunday, March 29, 6:00 p.m.
in Levi Auditorium
France has had a long and complicated
history with the Jewish people. Although
France became the first European country
to emancipate its Jewish citizenry, its
subsequent history was marked by
infamous incidents of virulent antiSemitism. By the time the Germans
occupied France in June, 1940, they found
willing collaborators in their effort to rid
Europe of its Jewish population. Join us
for one, two, or three in a series of French
films set in France under the Occupation.
Un Secret (2007) directed by Claude Miller. Susan Ridker, will
provide us with a brief introduction to the film, which will be in
French with English subtitles. Please RSVP.
March/April 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin 7
Adult Education
With questions or to RSVP, please contact Sue Misselbeck at 617-566-3960 x 117 or unless otherwise noted.
Rose Feinberg Lecture
Friday, March 27
“Hope versus Fear: A Global Perspective”
with David Harris, AJC Executive Director &
Edward and Sandra Meyer Office of the Executive Director
6:00 p.m. Service, 6:45p.m. Lecture
Followed by Oneg and Q&A
David Harris has led AJC since 1990. Described by
Israeli President Shimon Peres as the “foreign minister
of the Jewish people,” he has been invited to speak at
some of the world’s most prestigious forums, including
the World Economic Forum in Davos, and has testified
before the U.S. Congress, the UN Human Rights
Commission, and the French Parliament. He has been
honored a total of 14 times by the governments of Azerbaijan, Belgium,
Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Spain, and Ukraine for
his international efforts in defense of human rights, advancement of the
transatlantic partnership, and dedication to the Jewish people. He is also a
member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He has written hundreds of
articles, op-eds, letters, and reviews in leading media outlets. He is a regular
contributor to The Huffington Post, The Jerusalem Post, El País in Spain, and
L’Opinione in Italy. Since 2001, he has had a weekly spot on the CBS Radio
Network reaching millions of listeners across the United States.
Wyner Lecture
Friday, May 1
with Marietta Cambareri
6:00 p.m. Service, 6:45p.m. Lecture
Followed by Oneg and Q&A
Dr. Cambareri holds a Ph.D.
from the Institute of Fine Arts,
New York University. She has
worked at the MFA, Boston since
2001 and is currently Curator of
Decorative Arts and Sculpture,
Art of Europe, and, since 2010
has also served as Jetskalina H. Phillips Curator of
Please help us update your information.
If you have changes in address,
phone number or email,
contact our Membership Office at
With questions or to RSVP, please contact Sue Misselbeck at 617-566-3960 x 117 or
Tilli Spring 2015 Semester Begins April 9
Registration Deadline: March 15 (See the TILLI Spring 2015 Brochure for more details)
Morning Study Groups Topics
• Out at the Movies!
Lesbian, Gay and Jewish Film Festival
• Our Own Voices on Aging
• Food, Wine and Jews
• Keeping Metro Boston Afloat: What Matters?
• More from the Grande Dame of Short Fiction
• Knishes & Empanadas:
Jewish Stories from Latin America
• What Happened Next?
Temple Israel Bulletin
March/April 2015
Afternoon Study Groups
• TILLI Singers
• Mr. Mani: Yeshoshua’s Masterwork
• Financial Planning
• The New Yorker with Marlene Yesley
• Is The Merchant of Venice Anti-Semitic?
• The Genius of Woody Allen
TILLI Continued...
Lunch and Learn
Thursday Afternoons, 12:30 - 2:00 p.m.
April 9: Marc Draisen, Executive Director,
Metropolitan Area Planning Council MetroFuture: A Template For Smart Growth
April 16: Ellen Fishman, Personal Historian
Capturing and Preserving Your Life Story: Its Value and
Ways To Do It
April 23: TILLI Table Conversations
April 30: Helen Cohen, Director, FJECC at Temple Israel
Early Childhood Education in the 21st-Century and the Role
Grandparents Can Play in Fostering Jewish Identity Among
Their Grandchildren
May 7: Rabbi Bernard Mehlman,
Temple Israel Senior Scholar
May 14: Lila Kagedan, TILLI Coordinator
A Woman’s Journey to the Orthodox Rabbinate
With questions or to RSVP, please contact Irina Preys at 617-566-3960 x 121 or
Building a Community of Learners
As a daughter of secular Israelis living in Brookline, I did not
attend Sunday or Hebrew school. I received my Hebrew and Jewish
education at home. It wasn’t until I was hired as a teacher, two years
out of college, that I had my first taste of Religious School.
Finding myself in the front of a classroom filled with disaffected
Jewish sixth graders, I wrestled with how to get them excited about
being Jewish. My director handed me a handful of textbooks and
wished me luck. There was no curriculum and little guidance or
supervision. Determined to make Hebrew School fun, I jumped
through hoops to find entertaining and creative ways to cover the
Years later as a director of a religious school program, I understood
just how difficult it is to create a successful educational program. You
need a clear vision for the program. You need to make priorities and
choices and get buy-in from clergy, lay leaders and parents. You need
to develop exceptional curricula and implement it successfully. You
need to find teachers who have the knowledge, background, talent,
energy, creativity and commitment to engage overextended, sleepdeprived children who swear they’d rather be shoveling snow than be
in class. Those same teachers must also be willing to spend hours of
unpaid time outside the classroom, planning and preparing.
Every congregational school shares these struggles. However, Temple
Israel of Boston offers a unique strategy and an amazing model of
deep and meaningful learning.
Five years ago, Rabbi Morrison and a team of lay leaders decided to
make teacher training a priority, allowing for a reduction in teaching
staff and an increased commitment to teacher education. This
means, we at Temple Israel offer three hours a week of professional
development for our teachers. I know of no other congregation that
devotes as much time to guiding and coaching teachers as we do
We attract teachers who are dedicated to developing and honing
their teaching skills. Twice a week, our teachers delve into the
curricula they are expected to teach. They take turns presenting and
critiquing lesson plans. They share and discuss best practices. They
read and consider studies on education. They ask for and offer advice
and support. Week after week they engage and challenge each other
creating a dynamic learning community for themselves and their
I am incredibly appreciative of the amount of energy and work our
teachers devote to being the best they can be. What we are doing
is both revolutionary and transformative. With a well-trained and
highly committed staff, we are continually constructing a program
that is devoted to delivering Jewish content at the highest level
possible, creating an inspiring, joyful, and nurturing community of
Orna Sonnenschein
Director of Elementary Education
March/April 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin 9
Education Continued...
Don’t miss our FINAL
Shabbat Mishpachah
program of this year!
Remembering Seniors at Hebrew Senior Life
Friday, March 6, 5:00 p.m. Family Dinner &
6:00 Qabbalat Shabbat Service (RSVP & payment by March 3)
We will start with a sit-down dinner and then gather in the Sanctuary for an engaging service designed to highlight the work of our Religious School students.
$7 payment per adult, $5 per child, nobody turned away for lack of funds.
Legislature in Action: Kids Helping Kids
and You Can Too
(Left Image): Hannah Hummel, Esther Trask, Max Davis, Zack Iwatsuki, and Ayala
Livney (Youth on Fire) check presentation; (Middle Image): Hannah Hummel, Speaker
Robert DeLeo, Max Davis, and Zack Iwatsuki lobbying the speaker of the House for
support to pass H4517; (Right Image): Front row -Hannah Hummel, Max Davis,
and Zack Iwatsuki Back row – Exa Mendez and Kelly Turley from the Massachusetts
Coalition for the Homeless
On January 6, Governor Deval Patrick signed into law House Bill 4517,
formerly called H135, which is “an act promoting housing and support
services to unaccompanied homeless youths.” (UHY) Thank you to all
for contacting your legislators to show that you cared about this bill being
passed! As part of our commitment to this UHY, we exceeded our goal of
raising $1,000 for Youth On Fire, a resource center that provides necessities
for homeless youth. Thank you for helping us exceed our goal. Specifically,
the $1,360 helped furnish apartments for formerly homeless youth. One of
the LIA group’s next steps is to continue our efforts to fundraise for Youth
On Fire. Look for our information and treat give away table at various events.
Our goal this year is to exceed our 2014 total. This time, instead of just
asking individuals to donate, we are also asking businesses to contribute to
our campaign. If you either own a business or you work for one that matches
donation funds and you are interested in helping unaccompanied homeless
youth please contact us through our group leader at brynadavis@verizon.
net. A second next step is to meet with legislators and convince them that
Chapter 450 of 2014 should be funded in the FY2016 budget so the law
can be fully enacted. Thanks again for your financial support and for your
time contacting your legislators! The bill would not have passed without
all your help! You can help once again by letting your legislators know the
importance of funding Chapter 450 of 2014 “an act promoting housing and
support services to unaccompanied homeless youths.”
Legislature in Action group members: Max Davis, Hannah Hummel,
Zachary Iwatsuki, Sophie Lewis, Esther Trask
Temple Israel Bulletin
March/April 2015
This school year, five of our sixth grade boys have embarked
on a tikkun olam project with the residents of Hebrew Senior
Life’s Center Communities of Brookline. Daniel Bailen, Sam
Draisen, Jacob Finard, Sammy Lapat and Zachary OrlandoMilbauer make monthly visits to CCB to share Shabbat, sing
and pray together. After planning their project during September and October, the boys and their parents kicked off
their activities with a tour and meeting with the facility’s director, Lynda Bussgang in mid-November.
Shabbat evening visits in December and January have helped
the boys forge bonds with HSL residents. In December the
boys helped to serve a monthly communal Shabbat dinner
to the more religious residents. Sammy Lapat noted, “When
we were helping to prepare the food, we actually got to know
some of them. They were just like us but older.” Services led
by HSL Rabbi Shulamit Izen provide the boys with an opportunity to practice their t’filah.
In January the boys got together to bake homemade cookies
the night before their Shabbat visit, to serve after Shabbat
services. Reflecting on their experience the previous month,
Daniel Bailen noted, “They were as excited about us as we
were to meet them.” At home, they prepared to help lead services by practicing the Kiddush, V’ahavta and Aleinu (thanks,
Cantor Einhorn!)
The boys and their parents received a warm welcome from
residents, including a speech from longtime TI member Joe
Steinberg, who said he was honored to have the boys and
their families, and encouraged them to continue their Jewish education. In addition to leading several prayers, the boys
brought guitars and a saxophone for “Shalom Chaverim,”
“Shalom Rav,” and “Blackbird.”
Daniel, Sam, Jacob, Sammy, and Zach look forward to several
more scheduled events this year. Their next activity will be to
lead an afternoon of Purim activities (hamantashen included!)
on March 1st. Said Sam Draisen, “It is great to meet elderly
people because you can learn how their lives have gone and
I especially like doing this with my friends.” Parent Andrea
Finard observed, “I think what has been so nice to see is that
the boys are truly enjoying this experience and that it’s fun
for them.”
Teen Education
Contact Director of Teen Education Mike Fishbein at with any questions unless otherwise noted.
8th Grade NYC Trip
Aided by some very fortunate timing, 20 Temple Israel 8th graders traveled to New York
City on Friday, January 30th, and in between snow storms, had a wonderful weekend
together exploring the foundations of American Jewish identity. Our group visited the
Jewish Museum, the Lower East Side Tenement Museum, the Bialystoker Synagogue, Ellis
Island, and the new 9/11 Memorial Museum. We welcomed Shabbat at B’nai Jeshurun
synagogue and shared a sweet havdalah service together in our hotel. We ate some excellent
food, including lunch at the legendary Katz’s deli, shopped for outstanding bialys, donuts,
pickles, and classic candies in the Lower East Side, and saw Aladdin on Broadway. We even
made it home in time to watch the Pats win the Super Bowl! It was a wonderful trip with a
truly great group of students representing our fantastic 8th grade class.
Teen Presence at MLK Shabbat Tzedek
There was a very strong teen turnout for this year’s MLK Shabbat Tzedek service on Friday,
January 16. RYFTI teens Leyla Shapiro and Calvin Lyster, along with Beacon Academy
students Chibueze Ikeogu and Priscilla Singleton-Eriyo (pictured L-R in left image), led
sections of responsive reading during the service, and many other TI and Beacon teens
were in attendance.
RYFTI Purim Shul-in & RYFTI Purim Carnival
Saturday, February 28-Sunday, March 1
All TI 8-12th graders are invited to this year’s Purim Shul-in. Enjoy a great evening with
friends, and work with them to set up the annual Purim Carnival for our Religious School
students. Stay overnight at TI, and then on Sunday, help run the Purim Carnival – it’s two
hours of playing games with younger kids, and it’s really a lot of fun! Sunday’s events also
include the annual RYFTI raffle, which this year will feature the skills and crafts of our
TI teens! The Purim Carnival is a great moment of interaction between our Elementary
and Teen Ed communities, and it’s a great chance for future Teen Ed students to get to
know RYFTI! All proceeds from the Purim Carnival and Raffle help to fund Teen Ed
programming, including our semi-annual trip to the L’Taken Social Justice Seminar in
Washington, D.C. Please join us, and thank you for supporting RYFTI!
March/April 2015
Visit our new blog,
“The TI Teen Ed Bulletin,”
for current stories, photo galleries,
a Jewish teen engagement
resource page, and more!
TIKKUN D’var Torah
Friday, March 6
In December, a group of TI teens –
participants in our TIKKUN class at
MNS – traveled to Beacon Hill for
our second TIKKUN Lobby Day,
where they met with their own state
senators and representatives and
advocated for issues of their own
concerns. During Qabbalat Shabbat
services on March 6th, these students
will offer a d’var Torah, in which they
will share their TIKKUN experience
with our congregation.
RYFTI Event:
Laser Tag
Saturday, March 28
Watch the
“TI Teen Ed News”
ebulletin for details!
Temple Israel Bulletin 11
Teen Education Continued...
Funds available for first-time
Jewish camping!
If your child has never attended a Jewish overnight camp
for a stretch of three weeks or more, he or she is eligible for
a $1000 incentive grant towards camp tuition from TI and
CJP’s Jewish Educational Overnight Camping Initiative.
For more information, please contact Irina Preys in the
Education Office at 617-566-3960 x121 or
Youth Dates to Remember
• March 1, Purim Carnival
March 6, TIKKUN D’var Torah During Qabbalat Shabbat
March 28, RYFTI Plays Laser Tag!
April 11, RYFTI Revisits Heading Home Shelter
May 8-10 RYFTI’s Clergy Weekend
May 29 TI Teen Ed Graduation & 7th Grade Step-Up
Dr. Arnold L. Segel Library Center
For information about any Library programs or about establishing a bookshelf in honor or in memory of a loved one,
please contact Ann Abrams, Librarian, at
Purim and Passover Books for All Ages!
Some of the librarian’s favorites:
Purim For Kids
A Pitzel Purim, by Leonard Jaffe, published in 1977.
“Pitzel” is Yiddish for very little, and the story is about the
“Pitzels” or teeny people, and how they celebrate Purim in teenyweeny land. Characters include a spider that sews Purim costumes
for the Pitzel children! A hidden gem worth discovering! Ages 7
and up
Purim Surprise, by Leslie Simpson
Naomi is sure that her mother has forgotten her seventh birthday.
After all, they just moved into their new home, her birthday and
Purim are three days away and instead of unpacking boxes, they
have been baking Hamantashen and putting together Shalach
Manot (gifts of treats, a Purim custom) baskets for people they
don’t even know. To make matters worse, her mother is making
Naomi deliver the baskets to all their neighbors!
What Naomi doesn’t know is that her mother has included an
invitation to a surprise Purim/birthday party for Naomi in each of
the baskets. Naomi is in for a big treat and doesn’t even know it.
A lovely story about being a stranger in a strange land and reaching
out to a new community. Ages 4-8
Temple Israel Bulletin
March/April 2015
Teens and Adults
Esther’s Legacy: Celebrating Purim Around the World
Hadassah International Research Institute on Jewish Women at
Brandeis University. Personal accounts of how Purim is celebrated
all around the world, from Algeria to Zimbabwe.
The Book of Esther
Jon D. Levenson guides the reader through both the longer Greek
version and the shorter Hebrew one of Esther, demonstrating their
coherence and their differences. This commentary listens to the
voices of modern scholarship as well as rabbinic interpretation,
providing a wealth of interpretive results.
Passover for Kids
Engineer Ari and the Passover Rush, by Deborah Bodin Cohen
Engineer Ari has only one day to gather all the things he needs for
a seder with his friends in the fourth story of the popular Engineer
Ari series. Luckily, his many friends and neighbors happily share
their seder plate items with him. In return, Engineer Ari promises
to bring them matzah from the matzah factory in Jerusalem.
He enjoys watching the workers make the matzah, but will he
make it back to Jaffa in time to celebrate the seder with Jessie and
Nathaniel? The “Engineer Ari” series is inspired by the historic train
from Jaffa to Jerusalem rail line, built in 1892, which shortened the
journey between the cities from 3 days to 3 ½ hours. Ages 5-9.
Library Continued...
Rabbi Rocketpower and the Half-Baked Matzah Mystery:
A Particularly Peculiar Passover, by Rabbi Susan Abramson
Why is this first night of Passover different from all others?
At Rabbi Beatrice A. Mensch’s house, the answer is out of this
world! Look out, bad guys, Rabbi Rocketpower is back. Rabbi
Susan Abramson’s third book in her series is longer and even
funnier than her first two. Abramson’s son, Aaron, complements
the illustrations with his comic-book style retelling of the Jewish
exodus from Egypt, complete with an hysterical extended version,
the story of which most of us were totally unaware. Ages 7–10.
Dozens of flavors of Haggadot, including:
For Teens and Adults
Haggadah from Four Corners of the Earth. Words of appreciation
by Marc. D. Angel. The Passover Haggadah in Hebrew, English,
Spanish, French and Russian.
My People’s Passover Haggadah: Traditional Texts, Modern
Commentaries, edited by Lawrence A. Hoffman and David Arnow
In two volumes, this empowering resource for the spiritual revival
of our times enables us to find deeper meaning in one of Judaism’s
most beloved traditions, the Passover Seder. Rich Haggadah
commentary adds layer upon layer of new insight to the age-old
celebration of the journey from slavery to freedom—and makes its
power accessible to all.
The New American Haggadah, edited by Jonathan Safran Foer ;
with a new translation by Nathan Englander ; commentaries by
Nathaniel Deutsch The Passover Haggadah/The Passover Haggadah, in Hebrew and
English, illustrated by The Mouth or Foot Painters, artists who
paint by foot or mouth only. They are part of an organization,
Mouth and Foot Paintings Artists of Israel.
Author Talk!
Tuesday, May 5, from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
The WRJ & Library’s First Tuesday Book Group is delighted to present:
Dale Stanten, who will speak on the topic: “Rising Above Circumstances,” as
relating to her memoir, The Hooker’s Daughter: A Boston Family’s Saga
In 1950s Jewish Boston, Dale’s mother established a home-based business as a prostitute to remedy her husband’s inability
to provide for his family. At age six, the author was answering the front door for johns. Neighbor children were forbidden to
play with her and even the Girl Scouts asked her to leave. What a terrible irony, in a family with so many strange and twisted
realities, her lesbian sister, “coming out” at age 16, was the only thing her parents focused on as contemptible.
The Hooker’s Daughter is a story of survival, driven by a strong will and an ability to extract positive qualities from a
dysfunctional life, punctuated by immoral and illegal behaviors. The author was able to reconcile the reality of her environment
with what she wished it to be. The resulting tenacity enabled Dale to cope with her terminally ill husband and widowhood at
age 37. Her unconditional love for her mother challenges the reader to examine beyond that which is socially acceptable and
identify that which is universal.
Ms. Stanten’s book is available at public libraries, and from book stores/online vendors. The library has several copies for sale
and to borrow. All temple members and their friends are welcome to come, and bring a bag lunch. Coffee, tea and dessert will
be served. There is no fee. RSVP by Tuesday April 28, to Ann Abrams at
March/April 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin 13
Frances Jacobson Early Childhood Center
For general information about the FJECC, please contact Alexa Halberg, Office Coordinator,
in the Preschool Office at 617-739-6455 or
Top Row Left to Right:
1) A cozy Shabbat
2) A snowy day in our ourdoor classroom
3) Chanukah party fun
Bottom Row Left to Right:
1) Finding Waldo
2) Working hard on a cool pattern
ECE-RJ Conference Participants
Visit FJECC & Temple Israel
In mid-January, we were very pleased to host a large group of
educators from across the country who were in town attending
the annual Early Childhood Educators of Reform Judaism
Conference. Rabbi Ronne Friedman and Cantor Roy Einhorn
led us in a lovely short Shabbat service followed by a tour of our
historic temple building. Architect Marc Maxwell, who has been
in the forefront of overseeing so many of the temple’s renovations,
along with former Temple President, Carol Michael, guided us
on the tour. Participants then visited our toddler and preschool
classrooms where FJECC administrators and staff members were
on hand to share the exciting work we do with and for our young
students and answer the many questions that were posed about
our curriculum and educational process. We wrapped up the visit
with an enjoyable brunch in the Social Hall. The visiting educators
were quite impressed with the work we do on behalf of our young
students and left our center after taking a myriad of photos and
armed with many new insights to bring back to their schools. It
was a wonderful morning for all of us!
Temple Israel Bulletin
March/April 2015
2015-16 Preschool Openings
Do you have a child who will be between 2.9 and 5 years of age
by the end of next August? Do you know of someone who does?
We have openings in our Preschool classes for the school year that
begins in September 2015. Please contact Lisa Scott at lscott@ or 617-566-3960 x148 for more information or an
application. She is also available to show you around the school.
FJECC is not your typical early childhood center—it is much
more! Please visit our website,, to learn more about
the amazing experience that awaits the young child.
Open House for Prospective Parents
We will be hosting an Open House on Tuesday, March 10th, from
7-9 PM. Please join us and visit the preschool to learn about our
program and community. Helen Cohen, our Director, and Lisa
Scott, our Assistant Director, along with other members of our staff
will be on hand to answer your questions and provide information.
This informational gathering opportunity is for adults only.
Please share the event info with your friends, family and anyone
you know who may have children between the ages of 1.9 and 5
years of age. RSVP to Lisa Scott at 617-566-3960 x148 or lscott@ We look forward to sharing information about our
center and hope to hear from you!
FJECC Continued...
A Friendly Reminder: Start Date of Application
Process for 2016-17 School Year is Right
Around the Corner
We want to remind families in the congregation about an
important upcoming date. The FJECC Preschool at Temple Israel
continues to be a popular program for toddlers and preschoolers,
especially since our center has been highlighted in Boston
Magazine as being among the best preschools in Boston. Our staff
consists of highly educated and trained professional educators in
the field of early education, many who have been at this center for
more than 10 years. Most of the teachers have a master’s degree,
with a minimum requirement of an undergraduate degree in
the field of early childhood education. Our school is accredited
nationally through the NAEYC. Although we give preference in
allocating available spots to members of the congregation, it is to
your advantage to apply early, as there are no guaranteed spaces.
(Currently, we have a Toddler Room wait list for September 2015.
We suggest avoiding potential disappointment by applying early!)
We begin accepting applications for both our Toddler and
Preschool Programs in the Temple Israel lobby at 8:00 am on
Friday, May 1, 2015. If your child will be 1 year and 9 months old
by September 1st of 2016, s/he is eligible for our 2016-17 school
year program. Please contact Lisa Scott at 617-566-3960 x148 or to request an application. We do not accept 201617 applications prior to May 1, 2015.
Applications from Temple members may be mailed to the preschool
office starting April 25th. These applications will be held sealed in
their envelopes and will be considered “received” on Friday, May
1st. You may want to consider a return receipt or certified mail to
ensure delivery, as the delivery of this application by mail is solely
the responsibility of the applicant.
Purim is Almost Here!
Do you have your costumes ready? Are your groggers all set to
go? Here at FJECC, we have been busy preparing for Purim by
dramatizing the story of Haman, Queen Esther, Mordechai and
the other characters in the story. Delicious hammentashen will be
prepared and devoured by our young chefs. All the various symbols
associated with this joyous holiday will be created by our students,
and we will hold a festive celebration with the reading of our very
own unique Megillah developed by none other than the FJECC
Passover is a time of learning and celebration for our children. They
learn about the Jewish people becoming slaves in Egypt and how
difficult their lives were under the rule of Pharoah. Through the
telling of the story from the Torah, the children feel great sympathy
for the Jewish people and begin to value the idea of being free to
make choices for oneself.
During the weeks before Passover, the children actively prepare for
the holiday and the classroom seders. They learn about thoroughly
cleaning for the holiday and about the burning of the chametz (the
remaining crumbs of leavened food). The children will even be
part of a special chametz burning ceremony! As a culmination of
all their learning, the children will actively participate in their own
seders, including the making of charoset. The older children (Green
and Blue Rooms) will participate with their parents in an exciting
interactive seder where they will have the opportunity to “walk
through” the order of the seder together.
March 2-6
Purim Celebrations
Tuesday, March 10
Open House for Prospective
Parents – 7-9 pm
Wednesday, March 11
3-Day Toddler Parent
Breakfast – 8:30-9:30 am
Thursday, March 12
2-Day Toddler Parent
Breakfast – 8:30-9:30 am
Wednesday, April 1
Green Room Seder – Parents
March 30-31
Classroom Seders with our
Younger Students (no parent
Thursday, April 2
Blue Room Seder –
Parents Invited
Chametz Burning
March/April 2015
April 3-10
No School - Passover Break
Monday, April 13
School Resumes
Monday, April 20
No School - Patriot’s Day
Spring Social – 6:30-8:30 pm
Temple Israel Bulletin 15
The Riverway Project
If you would like to register or have any questions please contact Riverway Project Coordinator
Andrew Oberstein at
Riverway Café
March 17, April 21, May 19, June 16
At Riverway Café, we
head into coffeeshops
in neighborhoods all
around Boston!
We bring the text and
the teacher, as well
as the free food & drink—you just bring yourself and your
friends! This is a perfect chance to study Judaism through
its texts in a relaxed setting, hear different perspectives,
and get to know others.
Soul Food Friday
March 13, April 10, May 8, June 12
Wine & Cheese Meet & Greet 7:00-7:30 p.m.
Service 7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. • Oneg/Dinner 8:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m.
Soul Food Friday is a monthly Qabbalat Shabbat Service held
here at Temple Israel for individuals in their 20’s and 30’s. This is a
highly musical and engaging service led by Rabbi Matt Soffer and
wonderful musicians. An oneg of Jewish “soul food” follows the
service. This is a great introduction to the Riverway community.
Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. Visit
for more info. Questions? Want to sign up for the Riverway e-bulletin?
Email Andrew (see above).
Women of Reform Judaism
Watch the museum for a major retrospective
exhibit honoring the contributions of the
women of Temple Israel.
Life Cycles at Temple Israel
If you’d like to share news of a lifecycle event with your TI community in the May/June issue, please send details to
Sue Misselbeck at 617-566-3960 x117 or by Tuesday, April 7.
We Congratulate
Paul Bernon, on receiving the Visionary
Leadership Award from the JCRC and
the Massachusetts Association of Jewish
Amy and Jason Chinitz on the birth of their
daughter, Jenna Shayna
Temple Israel Bulletin
Barbara and Michael Greenwald on the
engagement of their daughter, Melissa, to
Keith Kenney
Cindy Laba on being honored with the
Pinnacle Award Honoree for Achievement in
Jaimee and Adam Greitzer on the birth of
their daughter, Shayla Chai
Ali and Jonathan Hyatt on the birth of their
daughter, Jordan Ava
Anlee and Robert Schaye on the birth of their
grandson, Samuel Keegan Schaye
Ellen Kaplan Kardon on the engagement of
her son, Alec Sulkin, to Tal Rabinowitz
March/April 2015
Benjamin Sommers and Melissa
Wachterman on the birth of their son, Jonah
Sommers Wachterman
Life Cycles at Temple Israel
March Birthdays
Aidan Acker
Leila Shaw Agha
Berta Axelrad
Amy Perry Basseches
Suzanne Flax
Pam Fogelman
Louise Freedman
Blake Gottesman
Sarah Greenhill
Mary Beth Landrum
Alan Leichtner
Alla Lekhter
Barry Levine
Jessica Lipman
David Lowe
Candice Malkin
Robert Martin
Bianca Peskin
Jeff Resnick
Michael Rosovsky
Spring Salvin
Craig Sender
Stephen Silver
Emily Speicher
Robert Stearns
Robert Tobin
Rachel Wexler
Sandra Wixted
March Anniversaries
Terry Yoffie
Eric Zimmerman
April Birthdays
Phyllis Baker
David Banash
Saul Bauman
Valerie Beilenson
Harrison Blum
Martin Broff
Emily Carroll
Samantha Cohen
Chuck Colbert
Lisa Danetz
Lois Finn
Julia Goldberg
Rose Goldman
Doris Goldstein
Steven Greystone
Jill Hahn
Susan Halpert
Jacqueline Hart
Janice Holton
Nancy Israel
Leonard Jacobs
Barbara Kates Garnick
Scott Lakin
Bryna Lakin-Davis
Nancy Leventhal
Roger Marks
Carol Mayer
Sarah Moir
Linda Okun
Mary Pforzheimer
Esther Rosenthal
Phyllis Segal
Barbara Shoolman
Lindsey Silver
Edward Sleeper
Patricia Squire
Robert Trestan
Zachary Tuck
Bruce Withey
Michael Zinner
Recent Deaths
Arlene Bard, mother of Pam Richlin
Rabbi Norman Koch, father of Matan Koch
Miriam Haskell Berlin, grandmother of Olivia
and William Berlin
Nancy Madden, mother of Kathryn Madden and
grandmother of Madelyn and Norah Herzog
Jeanne and John Blasberg
Arthur Ceder, husband of Mollie Ceder
Lawrence Mintz, uncle of Shelley Mintz
35 years
Bertram Cohen, stepfather of Michael Caplan
and grandfather of Joshua and Benjamin
David Schwartz, father of Mark Schwartz and
grandfather of Ben and Eric
April Anniversaries
Patricia March Erpf, grandmother of Jonathan
Miller and great-grandmother of Alexander and
Samuel Jupiter Miller
Miriam Sisson, mother of Barbara Sisson and
grandmother of Max and Charlie Silverman
20 years
Nancy and Steven Gerber
25 years
Betsy Weaver and Leonard Rappaport
15 years
Daniel Romanow and Andrew Zelermyer
20 years
Andrea Tamkin and James Bouchard
25 years
Harriet and George Greenfield
Linda and Eliot Kaplan
30 years
Linda and Henry Okun
35 years
Michele Fishel and Barry Weisman
Elisabeth Keller and David Savitz
Joan and Raymond Green
45 years
Carol and Howard Anderson
55 years
Mary and Arthur Blasberg
Bea Feinstein, grandmother of Derek Vance
Israel M. Gordon, father of Beth Davis,
grandfather of Dan Davis and Jon Davis and
great-grandfather of Marc, Zoe, Josh and Emma
Melvin Gordon, husband of Naomi Gordon and
brother-in-law of Joan Gordon
Beth Stern
Gilbert Watson, father of Loren Watson and
grandfather of Isaac and Elijah
Robert Wyner, husband of Sally Wyner and
cousin of Justin Wyner
Michael Granovsky, father of Regina Panasuk,
grandfather of Rita Weiner and great-grandfather
of Nina and Sarah
Please help us update
Libbie Gussow, grandmother of Nicole Vengrove
Soffer and great-grandmother of Caleb
If you have changes in
address, phone number
or email, contact our
Membership Office at
Peter Kates, brother of Aileen Hart
Lucille Kay, wife of Millard Kay and mother of
Jonathan Kay
your information.
Richard Klein, husband of Marcia Marcus
March/April 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin 17
Life Cycles Continued...
March B’nai Mitzvah
April B’nai Mitzvah
Amanda Kravitz, daughter of Marla Dubin and
Jason Kravitz, on March 7
Lilli Ruth Silverston, daughter of Nancy
Leventhal and Chuck Silverston, on March 21
Joshua Glenn Mandl, son of Beth Teitell
Mandl and Kenneth Mandl, on April 18
Allison Beatrice Heffan, daughter of Deborah
and Ira Heffan, on March 14
Jack Nagler, son of Jan and Josh Nagler, on
March 28
Chloe Isabel Brenner, daughter of Davida
Pines and Louis Brenner, on April 25
March 1 - March 7
(10 Adar I - 16 Adar I )
Leah Canter Abrams
Albert Allen
Louis Beckerman
Samuel Beckwith
Lillian Brody
Edna Goodrich Brown
Moses Getchel Brudno
Lola Buchbinder
David Chase
Sarah Rebecca Cohen
Jacob Copellman
Sara Allen DeYoung
Benjamin Elfman
Sylvia Engel
Lillian Greenwald Fanger
Melvin Fox
Leopold Frankfurter
Lotty Goldstein
Doris Gordon
Morton Greenfield
Florence Gryzmish
Reuben Hall
Regina Holdstock Kaplan
Herman Katz
Frank Kolton
Lewis Franklin Lappin
Sadie Levine
Rebecca Litner
Jacob Missel
Fannie Needleman
Sophie Nemzoff
William Rosenblum
Mary Ross
Sara Rothenberg
Florence Sheer
Philip Sondheim
Beatrice Goldberg Stein
Sally Sholkin Stevens
Ferdinand Strauss III
Bruce Swerling
Harry Tannenholz
David Toochin
Esther Wade
Benjamin Warburg
Beatrice Goldman Warren
Lois Weinberg
Sydney White
Alfred Wolfner
March 8 - March 14
(17 Adar I - 23 Adar I)
Laurie Marian Auerbach
Irving Baker
Lena Bornstein
Llora Cohen Bortman
Maralyn Bronstein
James Cahners
Norman Cahners
Hermine Cohen
Elaine Roberts Dretler
Edward Einhorn
Henry Ellis
Eva Eyges Feffer
Joseph Fienman
Emma Finn
Ralph Freedman
Greta Fromholz
Herbert Fromm
Leni Steinberg Fromm
Robert Goldfarb
Emma Greenfield
Vivian Gerstein Green
Ethel Marder Grossman
Helen Grossman
Henry Halpern
Morris Homonoff
Sandra Cheryl Hurwitz
Jennie Katcoff
Augustus Kaufman
Morrey Kaufman
Matthew Koleman
Mildred Kozol
Maxine Krulewich
Saul Lebow
Barbara Berman Levy
Theodore Libby
Fannie Barnett Linsky
Sally Lipson
Temple Israel Bulletin
Carolyn Jayne Marcus
Samuel Marder
Joseph Nissen
William Pastan
Abraham Roberts
Gerry Roberts
Hyman Rosenberg
Helena Wyzanski
Sadie Rachesky Samet
Robert Sheinfeld
Gertrude Litner Snyder
Ganya Spinrad
Stanley Stearns
Nathan Stein
Jacob Hecht Strauss
Sophie Strauss
Carl Tishler
Gladys Myers Toomey
Allan Warsowe
Theresa Weiscopf
Augusta Wolfe
Jack Zalkind
Jennie Zofnass
March 15 - March 21
(24 Adar I - 1 Nisan)
Benjamin Altman
Celia Epstein Barron
Fulton Cahners
George Cohen
Olga Corkin
William Dagilas
Wilma Fox Dangel
Elisabeth Sarah Ebert
Benjamin Ellis
Stephen Elmont
Philip Fanger
Minna Feldman
Nathan Fine
Abraham Lincoln Fishel
Leon William Freeman
Henry Friedman
Esther Luftig Gluck
Gladys Goldman
Esther Greenglass
Bettine Greifer
March/April 2015
Reuben Gryzmish
Jessie Guttentag
Alexander Mundlak Juress
Harry Kamentsky
Isaac Kaplan
Sarah Eyges Kaplan
Sylvia Karofsky
Gladys King
Robert Klier
Allen Lash
Benjamin Guild Leavitt
Gerald Lebow
Harry Julius Levy
Gertrude London
Ernest Lynton
Louis Madfis
Lillian Marder
Maxine Levin Marks
Justin Michelson
Arnold Miller
Arline Mills
Florence Missel
Steven Palder
Muriel Kohn Pokross
Padie Richlin
Laurence Richmond
Gladys Rosen
Joseph Rosenthal
Louis Salvage
Sarah Schatz
Maurice Simon
Lawrence Slater
Abraham Solomon
Alfred Stern
Ida Levy Stone
Aaron Thurman
Sol Walter Weltman
Philip Wernick
Frances Bachrack Winberg
Madeline Komar Wise Levin
Lee Yallum
Maurice Young
Ronny Zinner
March 22 - March 28
(2 Nisan - 8 Nisan)
Archie Abrams
Jeanette Alpert
Dorothy Rubenstein Ashe
Charles Askowith
Jennie Loitman Barron
Aaron Bloomberg
Theresa Casson
Benjamin Nast Cofman
Charlotte Bornstein
Barnett Fine
Bertha Fine
Maurice Forman
Rachel Freeman
Helen Gross Glazier
Vera Goding
Murray Goldshine
Robert Goldwyn
Sylvan Goodman
Obie Goverman
Estelle Hite
Lee Hraba
George Kahn
Marjorie Low Karmel
Nathan Katz
Samuel Kohn
Deborah Koster
Jennie Smith Kot
Robert Krakoff
Treva Krantz
Mildred Kharfen Lehman
Rosamond Levensohn
Sadye Lurie
Maurice Mades
Rachel Goldberg Marcus
Leo Mayer
William Bertram Morse
Earle Neyman
Lillian Pastan
Maud Gross Pincus
Alan Mark Roberts
Nathan Rotfort
Edwin Saltzberg
Melville Shine
Annette Rosenberg Silbert
Life Cycles Continued...
Maurice Slovin
Sadie Solo
Janice Tarlin
William Weisberg
Bertha Winn
Hy Young
March 29 - April 4
(9 Nisan - 15 Nisan)
Herman Abbott
Daniel Abramson
Doretta Barnet
Adelaide Blumenthal Bengloff
Edward Bertman
Beatrice Biller
Pauline Brown
Joan Haas Einhorn
Phyllis Feinstein
Henrietta Finer
Phillip Finn
Leo Flax
Malka Friedman
Samuel Frumkin
Florence Gordon
Gertrude Dana Gordon
David Greenberg
David Kane
Esther Kaufman
Jeanne Kotler
Herbert Lee
Bertha Alfred Lyman
Lewis Malamut
Nettie Morris
Robert Morse
Jacob Naigles
Abraham Novins
Isidore Rabinovitz
Earl Rappaport
Michael Redstone
John Robbins
Helene Godelph Rose
William Rose
Annie Rosen
Frederick Rosenbaum
Miriam Margolis Rosenburg
Sara Ross
Harold Rotenberg
Sadie Mazur Roud
David Rutberg
Gertrude Siegal
David Small
Lewis Steinberg
Benjamin Stern
Rena White Stern
Albert Sudhalter
Ethel Segol Tuck
Joseph Weinman
Erma Barron Wernick
Deeda Wharton
Bertram Zakon
April 5 - April 11
(16 Nisan - 22 Nisan)
Gordon Bloom
Samuel Bornstein
Harry Cohen
Naomi Lourie Cohen
Victoria Corri
Sophie Corwin
Rose Cupinsky
Harry Dangel,Jr.
Ada Ellis
Martha Finn
Lee Flaxer
Alfred Franks
Arthur Gilbert
Adele Godoff
Rose Goldstein
Esther Gruberger
Belle Rice Hecht
Edith Robbins Katz
Harris Kirsner
Maximillian Laven
Moses Levenson
Colman Levin
Seymour Lewis
Annette Platt Lourie
Nathan Marcus
Celia ~Chickie~ Masters
Gertrude Miller
Ida Milton
Reginald Morse
Allan Novack
Elliott Porter
Sally Silverman Richmond
Annie Robbins
Barry Sandler
Gertude Saunders
Edward Baylor Schilder
Sadie Cohen Seligman
Sadye Rosenberg Sheinfeld
David Joshua Shikes
Julie Siegel
Louis Springer
Evelyn Stieber Bernstein
Hyman Benjamin Ullian
Goldie Wartel
Joseph Gotland Weisberg
Robert Wise
Abraham Wyzanski
Pearl Franks Young
Stanley Zelermyer
Beatrice Roth Zimmet
April 12 - April 18
(23 Nisan - 29 Nisan)
Harold Ashe
Moritz and Selma Auerbach
Eileen Baron
Miriam Barron
Harry Bass
Jean Sholkin Berkowitz
Annie Berner
Leo Caroline
Jacob Charak
Eva Schreider Cole
Charles Corkin
Lucille Finn Cutler
Paul Darman
Charles Daum
George Ehrenfried
Pauline Goldstein Fine
Bertram Finer
Walter Fishel
Martin Fisher
David Freeman
Anna Gashin
Selma Leavitt Gerler
Bessie Nathanson Gesmer
Charles Glazer
Charles Goldman
Norma Richmond Goldman
Magnus Greenman
Marion Guttentag
Joseph Halpern
Ida Helman
Michael Hoffman
Dora Kaplan
Ida Katz
Minnie Kirsner
Morris Lurie
Gertrude Marcus
Joseph Mehlman
Benjamin Allen Miller
Philip Okun
Phyllis Rome Olian
Doris Perlo de Zichlin
Julius Price
Leonard Kuhns Reichert
Herbert Robbins
Bette Rothman
Judge Philip Rubenstein
David Rubin
Max Samet
Abner Snyder
Nettie Cotler Stein
Ellen Morse Tishman
March/April 2015
Jennie Warsowe
Sarah Brin Weisberg
Gussie Wyner
Sylvia Young
April 19 - April 25
(30 Nisan - 6 Iyar)
Leon Bayard
Abraham Becker
Esther Berman
Sophia Brown
William Brown
Selik Byer
Bernard Cohen
Beatrice Ehrenfried
Ely Feibelman
Irma Deitz Feldman
Sadie Flax
Carl Fritz
Bernard Gilbert
Richard Giller
Samuel Ginsburg
Frances Greenberg
Louis Hodess
Leona Feldberg Karp
David Katcoff
Bessie Kimball
Abraham Klopot
Samuel Kupinsky
Rose Lanes
Dorothy Levin
Aida Klein Marglin
Edward Mark Perkit
Berl Pfeffer
Leah Pfeffer
Richard Raphael
Ruth Redstone
Sadie Riceman
Aaron Richmond
Sidney Rogal
David Rosen
Morris Rottenberg
Edward Schulman
Samuel Seegel
Herbert Sleeper
Bernice Snyder
Harry Solar
Phineas Spinrad
Max Starr
Barnard Stein
Morris Louis Hyman Stein
Connie Green Stroyman
David Josiah Swartz
Charles Wartel
Alice Winn
Maurice Wit
Temple Israel Bulletin 19
Barron Biblical Garden
In loving memory of Lillian Robbins and
George Robbins on their yahrzeits
From Kenneth and Marian Barron
Bridges of Hope
A donation
From William and Denise Finard
Clergy Discretionary Fund
In memory of the mother of Bev Katz
From Sue Misselbeck
In appreciation of Rabbi Friedman
From Alberta and Stephen Richmond
In appreciation of Cantor Einhorn for his
ministry to our dad, Benjamin Freeman
From Mark Freeman and Lorie Freeman
In appreciation of Rabbi Friedman and Cantor
Einhorn for officiating at the memorial service
of my father, Alan Greenfield
From Jessica Greenfield
In memory of my beloved mother, France L.
De Jur, on her yahrzeit
From Jacqueline and Steven Feinberg
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Isak Shapiro,
grandson of Valya Shapiro
From Laurel Friedman
From Sue Misselbeck
In appreciation of Cantor Einhorn for officiating
at the Bat Mitzvah of our daughter, Esther
From Anna Trask and Jackson Hall
In memory of my beloved husband, Robert
Shapiro, on his yahrzeit
From Valya Shapiro
In appreciation of Rabbi Friedman and Cantor
Einhorn for all their warmth and fun they
brought to the Bar Mitzvah of our son, Jason
From Karen and Jeff Garb
In loving memory of Max Beck, Alan Roberts,
M.D., and Gerry Roberts on their yahrzeits
From Susan Roberts
In appreciation of Rabbi Zecher and Cantor
Einhorn for their support, help and guidance
provided us during the illness and subsequent
death of our mother, Terry Rintell
From David and Jeanne Rintell and
Ellen Rintell and Allen Merry
A donation
From Jane and Harvey Rosenkrantz
From Sumner and Phyllis Darman
From An Anonymous Donor
From Helen Bresky
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Ari Sapers
Sydney, son of Aviva Sapers and Judith
From The Rashi School
In appreciation of Sue Misselbeck and
Neil Fanjoy
From Alice Cooper
In loving memory of Carole Diamond on her
From The Diamond Family
In appreciation of the clergy
From A.J. and Cindy Janower
In loving memory of my darling husband,
Stephen B. Kardon, M.D., on his yahrzeit
From Ellen K. Kardon
In honor of Fran and Don Putnoi for their
friendship and kindness
From An Anonymous Donor
In loving memory of my father, Alfred R. Jaffe,
on his yahrzeit
From Robert Jaffe
In appreciation of Rabbi Morrison for his
guidance during my conversion
From Ben Eppler
In memory of Barbara LaPotin’s nephew, Marc
From Sue Misselbeck
With love and appreciation to Rabbi Friedman
and Cantor Einhorn for all they have done for
our family
From Laura and Bob Peabody
In memory of my beloved brother, Peter J.
Kaplan, on his yahrzeit
From Ellen Kaplan Kardon
In loving memory of Irving M. Saunders on his
From Donald Saunders
With love and gratitude of Cantor Einhorn and
Rabbi Zecher for officiating at the Bat Mitzvah
of our daughter, Shoshanna
From Remi and Michael Dansinger
In memory of my beloved wife, Rochelle
Phillips, on her yahrzeit
From Nathan Phillips
In memory of Berril Shief
From Francie Bossman
In appreciation of Temple Israel, Rabbi
Friedman and Rabbi Zecher
From Rabbi Harold Robinson
In appreciation of Rabbi Friedman for
officiating at the funeral of my brother, Peter
Jeffrey Kates
From Aileen Hart
In appreciation of Rabbi Friedman and
Cantor Einhorn for their coaching and support
provided to our daughter, Nicki, for her Bat
Mitzvah ceremony and celebration
From Patty and Charles Ribakoff
In honor of Rabbi Matt Soffer, with grateful
appreciation for opening the texts of Judaism
to Sarah Bourne
From Alexander Bick
In appreciation of Rabbi Friedman and Cantor
Einhorn for officiating at the funeral of my
husband, Bertram Cohen
From Rosalie Cohen
In loving memory of Nathan Gordon and Sarah
Gordon on their yahrzeits
From Alan Scovell
In appreciation of Rabbi Mehlman and Cantor
Einhorn for officiating at the funeral of my
husband, Melvin Gordon
From Naomi Gordon
In appreciation of Rabbi Zecher for officiating
at the Bat Mitzvah of our daughter, Esther
From Anna Trask and Jackson Hall
Temple Israel Bulletin
March/April 2015
Contributions Continued...
In memory of Theresa Marks, sister of Rabbi
From Sue Misselbeck
From Laurel Friedman
In appreciation of Rabbi Morrison for
officiating at the funeral of my grandfather,
Michael Granovsky
From Rita Weiner
In loving memory of our beloved mother
and grandmother, Rhoda Lee Frankl, on her
From Catherine, Ramzi, Olivia and
Spencer Sarkis
In loving memory of Emily Mehlman on her
From Laurel Friedman
In memory of Sandy Spiegel, brother-in-law of
Rabbi Bernard Mehlman
From Sue Misselbeck
In memory of Lucille Kay, wife of Millard Kay
and mother of Jonathan Kay
From Charles Kaplan and Family
From Joseph Lank
From Edward and Helene Faneuil
From Robert and Amy Schlager
From Heather Holman
From Dave and Shirley Berg
From Donald Bushard
From Shari and Alan Shocket
From Louis Rudolph
From Jay Shapiro
In memory of Seymour Stadfeld on his yahrzeit
From Shirley Brown
Trudy Friedman Bell Education Fund
Friends Annual Fund
In memory of my beloved mother, Minna B.
Miller, on her yahrzeit
From Joan Millers Abrams
In memory of Si Mazo and Adrienne Mazo
From Bruce Mazo
James D. Glunts Bookshelf
In honor of Bea Wilderman’s birthday
From Robert Bank on behalf of the
American Jewish World Service
In loving memory of our mother Marilyn
Weinstein Zelermyer on her yahrzeit
From Tandee and Paul Newman
In loving memory of Keren Holtz on her yahrzeit
From Peggy Ann Morrison
Rita May Toddler Room
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of our
granddaughter, Emma Eloise Driscoll
From Paul and Rhona May-D’Onofrio
In loving memory of Martin Sack
From Paul and Rhona May-D’Onofrio
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Esther
From Paul and Rhona May-D’Onofrio
In loving memory of my mother, Sarah
Landerman Glunts, on her yahrzeit
From Shirley Libby
I. Obie Goverman Bookshelf
In loving memory of Mae Goverman Dolby on
her yahrzeit
From George Goverman
Marilyn and Mike Grossman Caring
In loving memory of my father, Mike Grossman,
on his yahrzeit
From Jim Grossman
In memory of our beautiful, amazing mother
and Bubbie, Rhoda L. Frankl, on her yahrzeit
From Elizabeth Frankl, Mike Short, Zeke and Sari Frankl
Karol Music Fund
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of
Rachel Emma Jacobs
From Paul and Rhona May-D’Onofrio
In memory of my beloved mother, Eva Lebow
Tolman, on her yahrzeit
From Phyllis Darman
In honor of Pat Davis on her 75th birthday
From Paul and Rhona May-D’Onofrio
In loving memory of Allene Fisch on her
From Alan Fisch
In memory of Judah Folkman on his yahrzeit
From Brian and Laura Steuer
In honor of Danielle May Thomas and Carl
Rabickow on their engagement
From Paul and Rhona May-D’Onofrio
In loving memory of my wife Lucille Kay
From Millard Kay
Louis and Sadie Gale Fund
John Coyne Book Shelf
In loving memory of Sadie Gale on her yahrzeit
From Morton and Rae Backer
In loving memory of my father, John Coyne, on
his yahrzeit
From Chris and Len Bierbrier
Jessie Friedman Riverway
Project Fund
Rabbi Bernard H. Mehlman
Legacy Fund
In memory of Theresa Marks, sister of Rabbi
From Fran and Don Putnoi
From Peggy Morrison
In memory of Sandy Spiegel, brother-in-law of
Rabbi Bernard Mehlman
From Fran and Don Putnoi
In honor of Sam Starobin’s 91st birthday
From Barbara Roberts
March/April 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin 21
Contributions Continued...
The Riverway Project
Social Action Fund
In honor of Hyman Hipsman’s special birthday
From Phyllis Baker
In memory of Libbie Gussow, grandmother of
Nicole Soffer
From Fran and Don Putnoi
In memory of my dear friend, Geri Cander – rest
in peace
From Phyllis Baker
In memory of my beloved sister, Emily
Mehlman, on her yahrzeit
From Harriet and Richard Steinberg
Dr. Arthur L. Segel Library Fund
In loving memory of Edith Cohen on her
From Joseph and Judith Leader
In loving memory of Rosanne Freeman on her
From Joanne Grossman
A donation
From Rochelle Ruthchild
In loving memory of Theresa Marks, sister of
Rabbi Bernard Mehlman
From Harriet and Richard Steinberg
Abraham D. Shain Bookshelf
In loving memory of Al Shain on his yahrzeit
From Elaine Shain
Carl Steinbaum Continuing
Education Fund
In loving memory of my mother, Minna Ostroff
Zell Belfor, on her yahrzeit
From Ellen Steinbaum and Jim Dalsimer
In memory of Ala Greenfield
From Ellen Steinbaum and Jim Dalsimer
In honor of the birth of Hudson Wallace FullerKrulewich, grandson of Lenny and Helen
From Ellen Steinbaum and Jim Dalsimer
Sunday’s Bread
In loving memory of Charles W. Beller on his
From Enid and Seymour Zimbler
Temple Fund
In memory of Immanuel Sherman on his
From Lauri and Alan Slawsby
In loving memory of Ilse Moser on her yahrzeit
From Annette and Paul Hodess
In memory of my beloved mother, Anna H.
Gans, on her yahrzeit
From Susan Krinsky
In loving memory of Paul Fisher on his yahrzeit
From Rita Fisher
From Lori Jacobson
In loving memory of Celia and Louis Hodess on
their yahrzeits
From Herbert Hodess
In honor of the recovery of Phyllis Baker
From Edna and Ross Supnik
In honor of Bob (z’l) and Sally Wyner’s
From Richard and Wendy Levine
In loving memory of my parents, Morris Schultz
and Lillian Schultz, on their yahrzeits
From Sydelle Masterman
In loving memory of Leah Trugman on her
From Sharlene and Steven Grossman
In loving memory of my husband, Hyman Blum,
on his yahrzeit
From Marjorie Blum
In memory of Bertram M. Cohen, stepfather of
Michael Caplan
From Adam and Elizabeth Stavisky
Temple Israel Bulletin
March/April 2015
In memory of my beloved family members
From Sandie Cutler Bernstein
In memory of Paul Max Tuck and Arnold J. Tuck
on their yahrzeits
From Richard Tuck and Jerome Tuck
In loving memory of Robert L. Garber M.D. on
his yahrzeit
From Linda Samuels
In loving memory of Martin Mendelson on his
From Mr. and Mrs. William Mendelson
In loving memory of Arnold Tuck on his yahrzeit
From Jerome Tuck
In loving memory of Barry Lass on his yahrzeit
From Allan Elstein
In loving memory of my father, Judah Folkman,
M.D., on his yahrzeit
From Marjorie Folkman
In loving memory of my beloved husband,
Walter Wekstein, on his yahrzeit
From Sallyann Wekstein
In loving memory of Earl W. Franklin on his
From Sylvia Franklin
In loving memory of Hannah L. Zauderer on her
From Adele and Howard Israel
In loving memory of Janet Kaplan on her
From Josephine Schneider
In memory of my beloved husband, Judah
Folkman, M.D., on his yahrzeit
From Paula Folkman
In loving memory of Harold Brown on his
From Shirley Brown
In loving memory of Samuel J. Katz on his
From Barbara Wasserman
Contributions Continued...
In loving memory of Joseph Schlager on his
From S. Lawrence Schlager
In loving memory of our mother and
grandmother, Estelle Lynch Gould, on her
From The Sandman Family
In loving memory of Lois W. Endlar
From Richard Endlar
In loving memory of Joan Sherman on her
From Lauri and Alan Slawsby
In loving memory of my father, Dr Arnold M.
Baskin, on his yahrzeit
From Nancy Baskin, Jorge Plutzky, Abigail
and Emily
In memory of our beloved daughter Laura D.
Marglin, and my beloved mother, Norma L.
Fruitman, on their yahrzeits
From Nancy and Joseph Marglin
In loving memory of Harry Benjamin Berman
and Evelyn Collins Berman, on their yahrzeits
From Merrill Berman
In memory of my beloved father, Samuel J.
Katz, on his yahrzeit
From Joan and Joseph Garb
In loving memory of Dora Rosenman on her
From Perla Guralnik
In loving memory of Max Frank on his
From Daniel Frank
In loving memory of Robert David Dana on
his yahrzeit
From Clare Dana
In loving memory of Joseph Stone on his
From Sterra Tackeff
In loving memory of Lester Endlar on his
From Richard Endlar
In loving memory of Alexander Wolk, Nettie
Wolk and Harold Gold on their yahrzeits
From Janet Gold
In memory of Berril Shief, husband of
Susan Shief
From Susan Liberman
In loving memory of Melville Brown and
Sophie H. Brown on their yahrzeits
From James Brown
In loving memory of Harry Sagansky on his
From Robert and Phyllis Sage
In loving memory of Robert Wyner
From Diane Hessan and Bob Stringer
and Family
From Nancy Levy-Konesky
From Ruth Peck
In loving memory of Sylvia Israel on her
From Adele and Howard Israel
In loving memory of Hervey and Mildred Solar
on their yahrzeits
From Richard Solar
In loving memory of Simeon L. Gordon on
hus yahrzeit
From Shirley Gordon Romney
In memory of my beloved father, Samuel
Cohen, on his yahrzeit
From Sallyann Wekstein
Gale Raphael TILLI Fund
In memory of Mel Gordon, husband of Naomi
From Ed and Judy Murad
From Ruth Klepper
From Sue Misselbeck
From Nancy Raphael
From Sylvia Green
From Shirlee Isenberg
From Linda Okun
From Marcia and Lou Kamentsky
From Joan Gordon
From Linda Jacobson
From Joan Benjamin
From Judith Herman
From Rhoada Wald
From Lila Kagedan
From Judy Herman
From Rona Troderman-King
From Christine Keegan
In memory of my beloved husband, Malcolm
C. Green, on his yahrzeit
From Sylvia Green
Wyner Museum
In loving memory of George Wyner on his
From Justin Wyner
In loving memory of Nancy Freedman on her
From Stan Freedman
In loving memory of Mark Brodsky on his
From Nina Brodsky
In memory of my beloved husband, Arthur C.
Stern Jr., on his yahrzeit
From Beth Stern (z’l)
March/April 2015
Please help us update
your information.
If you have changes in
address, phone number
or email, contact our
Membership Office at
Temple Israel Bulletin 23
Temple Israel Bulletin
March/April 2015
8:45 AM
Religious School
6:00 PM
Wine and Apps
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
6:15 PM Weekday Minyan
6:30 PM
Monday Night School
4:00 PM
Religious School
10 Nisan 31
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
5:45 PM
Monday Night School Dinner
9 Nisan 30
6:30 PM Monday Night School
Café Tzedek
6:15 PM Weekday Minyan
3:00 PM
Happier Endings w/Erica Brown
4:00 PM
Religious School
3 Nisan 24
5:45 PM Monday Night School
2 Nisan 23
6:30 PM
Riverway Café
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
6:15 PM Weekday Minyan
6:30 PM
Monday Night School
4:00 PM
Religious School
25 Adar 17
7:30 PM
FYC - Mahjong
11 Nisan
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
4 Nisan 25
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
26 Adar 18
7:00 PM
FJECC Open House
6:15 PM Weekday Minyan
5:45 PM
Monday Night School Dinner
24 Adar 16
8:45 AM
Religious School
8:45 AM
Religious School
6:30 PM
Monday Night School
6:15 PM Weekday Minyan
4:00 PM
477 Salon
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
19 Adar 11
4:00 PM Religious School
18 Adar 10
5:45 PM
Monday Night School Dinner
17 Adar 9
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
4:00 PM
Religious School
6:30 PM
Monday Night School
6:15 PM Weekday Minyan
7:00 PM Wrestling with God
6:30 PM Yours, Mine and Ours
6:15 PM Weekday Minyan
6:00 PM
Qabbalat Shabbat - Feinberg
10:15 AM
Shabbat Morning Service Jack Nagler Bar Mitzvah
9:00 AM
Torah Study
8 Nisan
10:15 AM Shabbat Morning
Service - Lily Silverston
Bat Mitzvah
10:00 AM Thank Goodness It’s
9:00 AM Early Morning
Service & Torah Study
1 Nisan
10:15 AM
Shabbat Morning Service Allison Heffan Bat Mitzvah
7 Nisan 28
For updated calendar information visit: and click on “calendar”
Intro to Judaism
7:30 PM
TI PoT Shabbat
6:00 PM
Qabbalat Shabbat
6 Nisan 27
4:00 PM Religious School
5 Nisan 26
7:00 PM
Intro to Judaism
6:30 PM
Yours, Mine and Ours
6:15 PM Weekday Minyan
4:00 PM Religious School
23 Adar
9:00 AM
Early Morning Service &
Torah Study
22 Adar 14
10:15 AM
Shabbat Morning Service Amanda Kravitz Bat Mitzvah
10:00 AM Thank Goodness
It’s Shabbat!
29 23 Adar 21
6:00 PM
Qabbalat Shabbat
5:00 PM
Tot Rock Shabbat
28 Adar 20
7:00 PM Intro to Judaism
6:30 PM Yours, Mine and Ours
6:15 PM Weekday Minyan
4:00 PM Religious School
27 Adar 19
7:00 PM
477 Potluck Dinner
6:00 PM
Qabbalat Shabbat
21 Adar 13
10:30 AM TILLI Movie
20 Adar 12
Intro to Judaism
7:00 PM
Wrestling with God
6:15 PM Weekday Minyan
16 Adar
9:00 AM Early Morning
Service & Torah Study
15 Adar 7
5:00 PM
K-4 Shabbat Mishpachah Dinner
14 Adar 6
4:00 PM
Religious School
13 Adar 5
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
12 Adar 4
12:00 PM
WRJ/Library Book Group
11 Adar 3
5:45 PM
Monday Night School Dinner
10 Adar 2
8:45 AM
Religious School
8:45 AM
Religious School
March 2015 (Adar/Nisan)
March/April 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin 25
6:30 PM
Monday Night School
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
4:00 PM
Religious School
8 Iyyar 28
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
4:00 PM
Religious School
1 Iyyar 21
5:45 PM
Monday Night School Dinner
7 Iyyar 27
No Religious School
Patriots Day
Building Closed
30 Nisan 20
No Religious School
7:30 PM
FYC - Mahjong
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
6:15 PM Weekday Minyan
Israel Day
6:30 PM
Monday Night School
4:00 PM
Religious School
24 Nisan 14
5:45 PM Monday Night School
23 Nisan 13
8:45 AM
Religious School
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
9 Iyyar 29
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
2 Iyyar 22
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
4:00 PM
Religious School
11:30 AM
10 Iyyar 30
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
4:00 PM
Religious School
11:00 AM
3 Iyyar 23
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
4:00 PM
Religious School
11:00 AM TILLI
26 Nisan 16
11 Iyyar
6:00 PM
Qabbalat Shabbat
Honoring the WRJ
4 Iyyar 24
6:00 PM
Qabbalat Shabbat
2nd Bar/Bat Mitzvah
22 Nisan
6:30 PM
Stepping Out
6 Iyyar
10:15 AM
Shabbat Morning Service Chloe Brenner Bat Mitzvah
9:00 AM Early Morning
Service & Torah Study
5 Iyyar 25
10:15 AM
Shabbat Morning Service Joshua Mandl Bar Mitzvah
10:00 AM
Thank Goodness It’s Shabbat!
9:00 AM
Early Morning Service &
Torah Study
29 Nisan
9:00 AM Early Morning
Service & Torah Study
28 Nisan 18
7:00 PM
RWP Soul Food Friday
6:00 PM
Qabbalat Shabbat
27 Nisan 17
7:00 PM Yours, Mine and Ours
6:15 PM Weekday Minyan
5:00 PM Yizkor
5:00 PM
Tot Rock Shabbat
21 Nisan 11
4:15 PM
Qabbalat Shabbat
20 Nisan 10
4:00 PM Religious School
11:00 AM TILLI
19 Nisan 9
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
25 Nisan 15
6:00 PM Women’s Seder
6:30 PM
Monday Night School
4:00 PM Religious School
6:15 PM Weekday Minyan
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
12:00 PM
WRJ/Library Book Group
17 Nisan 7
7:00 PM
Intro to Judaism
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
4:00 PM Religious School
15 Nisan
10:00 AM
Thank Goodness It’s Shabbat!
14 Nisan 4
1st Night of Passover
13 Nisan 3
8:45 AM Modern Midrash
12 Nisan 2
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
18 Nisan 8
5:45 PM Monday Night School
16 Nisan 6
No Religious School
For updated calendar information visit: and click on “calendar”
April 2015 (Nisan/Iyyar)
Temple Israel Bulletin
March/April 2015
March/April 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin 27
Temple Israel of Boston
USPS 50648
Founded in 1854
Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism
Issued 6 times/year.
All Bulletins are printed on recycled paper
President: Kathy Weinman
Vice President: Chris Noe
Treasurer: Marc Rysman
Rabbi Ronne Friedman
Cantor Roy B. Einhorn
Rabbi Elaine S. Zecher
Rabbi Jeremy S. Morrison, Director of Education
Rabbi Matthew V. Soffer
Rabbi Bernard H. Mehlman, Senior Scholar
Temple Israel
477 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02215-5396
Dan Deutsch, Executive Director
Helen Cohen, FJECC Preschool Director
Bulletin: Paul Panza, Communications
Design: April Ropes
Telephone: 617-566-3960
Fax: 617-731-3711
Save the Date: Stepping Out 2015
Saturday Night Supper club
at Temple Israel
Event Chairs: Lisa Gross and Richard Hoffman
Eat, Drink and Be Entertained
Non Profit
US Postage
Permit 50648
Boston, MA