1625 K Street NW Suite 750 Washington DC 20006 Tel: 888 838 4867 ♦ Email: GEOEX@PinnacleTDS.com Visa requirements shown below are for CITIZENS OF THE U.S. ONLY. Nationals of all other countries please contact Pinnacle Travel Document Systems directly for specific requirements associated with your itinerary. The Silk Road: A Journey through Time May 9 - 28 , 2015 GEOEX SILK ROAD 0509-15 Visa(s) Req’d China # Forms 1 # Photos Cost 1 – Persons - 2 1 $620.00 Uzbekistan 1 2 $1210.00 Application Deadline March 9, 2015 (OR 60 days prior to your departure) Expedite Fee Per Person $90.00 Visas are issued for specific date of entry based on your application so please complete your forms carefully. Visas are not required for short tourist stays in Kyrgyzstan. Please use sample information verbatim and substitute your personal information. Fees shown above include all necessary consular and service fees as well as the cost to return your passport(s) via FedEx from our offices within the continental U.S. (Please add $30.00 to cover extra shipping costs for addresses in Alaska, Hawaii, or Canada.) We strongly suggest that you send your documents to us via FedEx or some other form of traceable overnight courier service. Please enclose your actual passport along with three (3) photographs and the number of completed visa application forms for each country as indicated above. Please note that your Uzbekistan and China visa applications must be completed online at the links shown herein. Please include one (1) color photocopy of your driver’s license or other state issued identification, two (2) clear photocopies of the vital information page of your passport and a copy of your paid flight itinerary showing entry into China. (If you reside in any of the following states: TX, OK, AR, LA, MS, AL, GA or FL and are traveling to China for the first time you must complete the enclosed China Visitation Letter. If you have traveled to China at any time in the past you must submit a photocopy of your last Chinese visa as well as the entry stamp that was placed in your passport, if you do not possess these items than you must complete the enclosed China Explanation Letter.) Photographs should be recently shot passport-type color photos with a clear background approximately 2” x 2” in dimension. (Note that machine or home photographs are not acceptable and photographs must be different than those in your current passport.) Your passport must be valid until May 28, 2016 or for a minimum of twelve (12) months beyond the completion of your international travel and must have at least four (4) blank unused pages available not including those reserved for amendments and endorsements at the back of your passport. Contact PTDS directly for assistance with renewal of or to add pages to your U.S. passport, as this can easily be done at the same time you apply for your visas. Applications should be received in our offices by March 9, 2015 OR 60 days prior to your departure from your shipping address whichever is sooner. (Please do not send your documents more than 110 days prior to your departure due to the validity of your visas.) Documents received after the deadline will be subject to the per person expediting fee shown above. If you have interim international travel scheduled in the 60 days prior to the tour departure you will need to obtain a second passport. Special requests for passports to be expedited due to other travel plans prior to your tour departure may also require expediting fees. Please contact PTDS directly regarding any special processing needs or before submitting documents you expect may be received substantially after the deadline as there may be special requirements and/or additional fees to process your request. It may not be possible to cancel processing of your applications once they have been submitted. Please note that consular fees, shipping fees and application requirements quoted are subject to change without notice. Check or credit card payment accepted. Credit card payment subject to 3.5% surcharge. PLEASE BE CERTAIN TO RETURN THE FOLLOWING TO: Pinnacle Travel Document Systems 1625 K Street NW Suite 750 Washington DC 20006 ♦ Your actual passport ( Pl e as e ke e p a p ho toc o p y fo r you r rec o rds .) ♦ This completed form ♦ Two (2) photocopies of the vital information page of your current passport ♦ One (1) visa application form per person completed online for China ♦ One (1) visa application form per person completed online for Uzbekistan ♦ One (1) copy of your paid flight itinerary showing entry to China ♦ One (1) color photocopy of driver’s license or other state issued ID. (China) ♦ One (1) completed China Visitation Letter (TX, OK, AR, LA, MS, AL, GA or FL residents only) ♦ Photocopy of past visa and entry stamp or completed China Explanation Letter ` (TX, OK, AR, LA, MS, AL, GA or FL residents only) ♦ Three (3) passport-type color photographs per person ♦ Credit or debit card authorization below P LEASE PRINT CLEARLY Full Name (1): _____________________________ Full Name (2): _____________________________ Passport #: ____________________ Exp: ___/___ Passport #: ____________________ Exp: ___/___ Home ________________________________ Home Tel: ________________________________ M ailing ________________________________ Work Tel: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ ________________________________ Date of Departure from Home: ____/____/_____ Mo Yr Mo Month ( Fe dE x ca nno t d eli v er t o P O b ox e s ) Day Yr Year Address ________________________________ Tour Name: The Silk Road-Journe y Through Time For the ________________________________ Date of Tour Departure: 05 / 09 / 2015 Month Day Year Return of ________________________________ Uzbekistan Dates: Enter_______ Exit_______ Passport: ________________________________ Special Instructions: ______________________ ________________________________ Tel: ______________________________________ Pl e a se ind ic a t e b el ow if the r e a re k now n pe ri od s p rio r to yo u r to ur du rin g w hic h yo u w ill ne e d yo u r pa s sp or t f o r an ot h er in t er na ti on al tr ip or w he n yo u w ill n o t b e a va il abl e to si gn for th e re tu rn of yo u r p a s spo r t. I w ill n e ed m y p a s spo r t ( s) f o r o t he r i n te rn a ti on al tra ve l fr om _____/____/_____ to _____/____/_____ I w ill no t b e at m y h om e an d/o r r et ur n shi ppi ng ad dre s s from _____/____/_____ to _____/____/_____ Mo nt h Mo nt h Day Year Day Year Mo nt h Mo nt h Day Day Year Year CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION: A M E X / V I S A / M C (please circle one) Cardholder Name: _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ Si g nat u re: _ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ Bil lin g Z ip Co d e: __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ Card #: _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ CI D# _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ Expires: _ __ _/_ _ _ Mo Yr Amount: US$ __ _ _ __ _ __ G EOEX SIL K RO AD J TT 0 50 9 -1 5 (Chi na -DBL 1 45)7 5 (Uzb e kX 2 45 )8 5 62 0/ 1 210 FX 30 (UZ BE K AP P ) 10 (CO P Y UZ BE K)10 (COP Y CHIN A)1 0 (CHI N A AP P )1 0 V AL 0 5/ 2 8/ 16 4 P AG E S DL 0 3 /0 9/ 1 5 9 0. 0 0 3. 5 % E NT UZ BE K 2 1 M AY 2 0 1 5 2 0 15 Pin na cl e Tr a v el Do cum en t S ys t e m s EXI T UZ BE K 28 M AY 2 0 1 5 (SEE DEV I ATI O NS ABO VE ) IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PASSPORT PAGES & VALIDITY: You must have at least four (4) blank unused pages available in your passport for visas and entry/exit stamps. In addition, your passport must be valid until May 28, 2016 or for at least twelve (12) months beyond completion of your international travel. If you are a U.S. citizen, and need to renew or add pages to your passport Pinnacle Travel Document Systems can easily assist you with this at the same time your visas are being processed. The total additional fees for these services (including U.S. government expediting fees) are $222.00 for passport pages and $250.00 for passport renewals and second passports. We can also assist you with expediting first time passport applications. You will need to complete an application form and a letter of authorization for PTDS and must send your actual passport to us. Specific requirements and the necessary forms are available for download from our Internet site: Passport Pages Passport Renewals First Time Passports Second Passports WWW .Traveldocs.com/PTDSPassports You may also contact us via email or phone at GEOEX@PinnacleTDS.com or 888-838-4867 and we will send you an instruction kit. Online Visa Application Form for China All application forms must be completed online at the following web page: http://www.traveldocs.com/uploads/forms/geoexchinaapp.pdf Please click on or carefully type the link exactly as shown above directly into your web browser address window and NOT into your search engine, e.g. Google or Yahoo otherwise you will not reach the application. All dates on the form are in YEAR/MONTH/DAY format. All fields must be typed and fully completed. No handwritten forms will be accepted. All questions that cannot be answered must say N/A or none. No handwritten marks can be made on form other than your signature. Please print the online form and include it with your documents. All forms must bear your original signature. TIPS FOR COMPLETING CHINESE VISA APPLICATION Pinnacle Travel Document Systems strongly recommends printing this tip sheet and using it as a guide while you are completing the Chinese application. Below is an explanation on how to avoid the most common errors that applicants make while filling out the application. Failure to follow instructions will cause your application to be rejected by the Chinese Embassy/Consulate and result in delays in issuing your visa. Question 1.1 Name MUST match the name in your passport. Question 1.2 Former Chinese citizens must write their name in ethnic script. Question 1.3 Maiden name, Former married names, ETC. Question 1.9 Driver’s License number or Social Security Number. Question 1.10 If you have a blue US passport the correct answer is “Ordinary”. Question 1.15 If retired please state retired and from what position. Residents of AL, AK, FL, GA, LA, MS, OK, TX and PR do not need to state from what profession they retired from. Question 1.17 If you are a retired worker please include your previous employers contact information. Students must include school contact information. Residents of AL, AK, FL, GA, LA, MS, OK, TX and PR who are retired should type N/A in each field. Question 1.18 Physical addresses only. No P.O. box numbers allowed. Question 1.23 Must list major family members, Father/Mother, Husband/Wife and children. Question 2.6 Fill in the dates of stay in each location. Fill in names, addresses and phone numbers for all hotels or other residences you will stay in. Question 2.8 Fill in the details of your hotel, tour operator or private host in China. Question 3.8 USA citizens must answer N/A to all nine fields. Presented By: TRAVEL DOCUMENT SYSTEMS, INC. All fields below must be typed and fully completed. All Questions that cannot be answered must say N/A or None. No handwritten marks can be made on the form other than your signature. )RUP 9 9 Ё ढ Ҏ ⇥ ݅ ㅒ 䆕 ⬇ 䇋 㸼 9LVD $SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP RI WKH 3HRSOH 3HRSOH¶¶V 5HSXEOLF RI &KLQD )RU WKH 0DLQODQG RI &KLQD RQO\ dఢပંົڑ ჼcூ҃ԙ ඡໟ·ζٌdைᅏົၽࣂ͂҉ဈᄯำݧำӖໟᆓӕඡໟēݧၽ ¶ઝӕ¥༪႔ ༪႔dఢပંົڑ ಃைఆΡ༖ఢಬc ಃைఆΡ༖ఢಬcჼcூ҃ԙ ჼcூ҃ԙඡໟ·ζٌdைᅏົၽࣂ͂҉ဈᄯำݧำӖໟᆓӕඡໟēݧၽ ඡໟ·ζٌdைᅏົၽࣂ͂҉ဈᄯำݧำӖໟᆓӕඡໟēݧၽ¶ WKIXO O\ ēFRPSOHWHO\ DQG FOHDUO\ K qํrd7KH DSSOLFDQW VKRXOG ILOO LQ WKLV IRUP WUX WUXWKIXO WKIXOO\ FOHDUO\ 3OHDVH W\SH WKH DQVZHU LQ FDSLWDO (QJOLV (QJOLVK Ϣುဈēைໟ Ϣುဈēைໟq OHWWHUV LQ WKH VSDFH SURYLGHG RU WLFN ¥ WKH UHOHYDQW ER[ WR VHOHFW ,I VRPH RI WKH LWHPV GR QRW DSSO\ SOHDVH W\SH 1$ RU 1RQH ϔǃϾҎֵᙃ 3DUW 3HUVRQDO ,QIRUPDWLRQ ྦྷ /DVW QDPH 㣅᭛ྦྷৡ )XOO (QJOLVK QDPH DV LQ SDVVSRUW DOE ㉬䌈ϔᓴ䖥ᳳℷ䴶ݴܡǃ⌙㡆㚠 ᱃ⱘᔽ㡆ᡸ✻✻⠛DŽ Ё䯈ৡ 0LGGOH QDPH BONHAM 3KRWR ✻⠛3KRWR ৡ )LUVW QDPH JOHNATHAN Ё᭛ྦྷৡ 1DPH LQ &KLQHVH ᗻ߿ 6H[ ߿ৡ᳒⫼ৡ MAIDEN NAME 2WKHU QDPH DPHV N/A ✔ ƶ ⬋ 0 ⦄᳝㈡ &XUUHQW QDWLRQDOLW\ LHV DWLRQDOLW\LHV $IIL[ RQH UHFHQW FRORU SDVVSRUW SKRWR IXOO IDFH IURQW YLHZ DQG DJDLQVW D 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PERSONAL ITINERARY 乘䅵㸠Ёऩढⱘ⬭ذ᳔䭓᭄ /RQJHVW LQWHQGHG VWD\ LQ &KLQD DPRQJ DOO HQWULHV Ё๗ݙ㸠 ˄ᣝᯊ䯈乎ᑣ ৃ䰘㒌฿˅ݭ ,WLQHUDU\ LQ &KLQD LQ WLP WLPHH PD\ VHTXHQFH VHTXHQFHˈPD\ W\SH RQ VHSDUDWH SDSHU SDSHU PER YOUR PERSONAL ITINERARY 'D\V ᮹ᳳ 'DWH 䆺㒚ഄഔ 'HWDLOHG DGGUHVV PER YOUR ITINERARY SOFITEL HOTEL ON RENMIN SQUARE 319 DONG XIN STREET SHANNZI XIAN PRC PHONE: 86 298 7928888 (MAKE NO MENTION OF TRAVEL TO DUNHUANG, URUMCHI OR KASHGAR) 䇕 ᇚ ᡓ ᢙ Ё ᳳ 䯈 ⱘ 䌍 ⫼ ˛ :KR ZLOO SD\ IRU \RXU WUDYHO DQG H[SHQVHV GXULQJ \RXU VWD\ LQ &KLQD" PREPAID TOUR ྦྷৡৡ⿄ WILD CHINA 1DPH Ё๗ݙ䙔䇋 ऩԡϾҎֵᙃ ,QIRUPDWLRQ RI LQYLWHU LQ &KLQD ROOM 803 ORIENTAL PLACE NO 9 EAST DONGFANG ROAD NORTH DONGSANHUAN ഄഔ $GGUHVV ROAD CHAOYANG DISTRICT BEIJING 100027 PRC 㘨㋏⬉䆱 3KRQH QXPEHU 86 10 6465 6602 Ϣ⬇䇋Ҏ݇㋏ INVITER 5HODWLRQVKLS ZLWK WKH DSSOLFDQW ᰃ৺᳒㒣㦋ᕫ䖛Ёㅒ䆕˛བ᳝ˈ䇋䇈ᯢ᳔䖥ϔ㦋ᕫЁㅒ䆕ⱘᯊ +DYH \RX HYHU EHHQ JUDQWHG D &KLQHVH YLVD" ,I DSSOLFDEOH SOHD VH 䯈ഄ⚍DŽ+DYH SOHDVH VSHFLI\ WKH GDWH DQG SODFH RI WKH ODVW WLPH \RX ZHUH JUDQWHG WKH YLVD 䖛এ Ͼ᳜Ё䆓䯂ⱘ݊Ҫᆊഄऎ 2WKHU FRXQWULHV 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VWD\ ZLOO EH GHWHUPLQHG E\ FRQVXODU RIILFLDO DQG WKDW DQ\ IDOVH PLVOHDGLQJ RU LQFRPSOHWH VWDWHPHQW PD\ UHVXOW LQ WKH UHIXVDO RI D YLVD IRU RU GHQLDO RI HQWU\ LQWR &KLQD ៥⧚㾷ˈḍЁ⊩ᕟˈ⬇䇋ҎेՓᣕ᳝Ёㅒ䆕ҡ᳝ৃ㛑㹿ᢦ㒱ܹ๗DŽ , XQGHUVWDQG WKDW DFFRUGLQJ WR &KLQHVH ODZ DSSOLFDQW PD\ EH UHIXVHG HQWU\ LQWR &KLQD HYHQ LI D YLVD LV JUDQWHG PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO SIGN AND DATE YOUR APPLICATION ⬇䇋Ҏㅒৡ $SSOLFDQW $SSOLFDQW¶¶V VLJQDWXUH ᮹ᳳ 'DWH \\\\PPGG \\\\PPGG ⊼˖⒵ ਼ቕⱘ៤ᑈҎ乏⬅⠊↡ⲥᡸҎҷㅒDŽ1RWH 7KH SDUHQW RU JXDUGLDQ VKDOO VLJQ RQ EHKDOI RI D PLQRU XQGHU \HDUV RI DJH DJH Ѩ ǃ Ҫ Ҏ ҷ ฿ ⬇ 䇋 㸼 ᯊ ฿ ݭҹ ϟ ݙᆍ 3DUW ˖ ,I WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ IRUP LV FRPSOHWHG E\ DQRWKHU SHUVRQ RQ WKH DSSOLFDQW V EHKDOI SOHDVH ILOO RXW WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ RI WKH RQH ZKR FRPSOHWHV WKH IRUP ྦྷৡ 1DPH Ϣ ⬇ 䇋 Ҏ ݇ ㋏ 5HODWLRQVKLS ZLWK WKH DSSOLFDQW ഄഔ $GGUHVV ⬉䆱 3KRQH QXPEHU ໄᯢ 'HFODUDWLRQ ៥ໄᯢᴀҎᰃḍ⬇䇋Ҏ㽕∖㗠णࡽ฿㸼ˈ䆕ᯢ⬇䇋Ҏ⧚㾷ᑊ⹂䅸㸼Ё᠔฿ݙݭᆍ⹂ޚ᮴䇃DŽ , GHFODUH WKDW , KDYH DVVLVWHG LQ WKH FRPSOHWLRQ RI WKLV IRUP DW WKH UHTXHVW RI WKH DSSOLFDQW DQG WKDW WKH DSSOLFDQW XQGHUVWDQGV DQG DJUHHV WKDW WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ SURYLGHG LV WUXH DQG FRUUHFW 6LJQDWXUH ҷ฿Ҏㅒৡ6LJQDWXUH 6LJQDWXUH˖ 'DWH \\\\PPGG ᮹ᳳ'DWH \\\\PPGG ԛྚ ٫ ྚ 3DJH RI THIS FORM IS ONLY FOR RESIDENTS OF THE FOLLOWING STATES: TX, OK, AR, LA, MS, AL, GA, FL Consulate of China Visa Section I, JOHNATHAN DOE_____, hereby state that I was issued a visa for the country of China on ___FEBRUARY 2005____. I entered China on ___MARCH 4, 2005___. My visa and entry stamp were issued in a passport that has expired and which I no longer have in my possession. Thank you for your consideration. Signature Print Name JOHNATHAN DOE PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM TO THE BEST OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE. IT IS ACCEPTABLE TO ESTIMATE YOUR DATES. China Explanation Letter Date THIS FORM IS ONLY FOR RESIDENTS OF THE FOLLOWING STATES: TX, OK, AR, LA, MS, AL, GA, FL Consulate of China Visa Section I, JOHNATHAN DOE___, hereby state that I have not visited China during any of my previous travels. This will be my first trip to China. Thank you for your consideration. Signature Print Name JOHNATHAN DOE China Visitation Letter Date TODAY’S DATE Consulate of China Visa Section I, ____________________, hereby state that I was issued a visa for the country of China on_______________. I entered China on _________________. My visa and entry stamp were issued in a passport that has expired and which I no longer have in my possession. Thank you for your consideration. Signature Print Name China Explanation Letter Date Consulate of China Visa Section I, , hereby state that I have not visited China during any of my previous travels. This will be my first trip to China. Thank you for your consideration. Signature Print Name China Visitation Letter Date Online Visa Application Form for Uzbekistan All application forms must be completed online at the following web page: http://evisa.mfa.uz/evisa_en/ Applications not filled in correctly may result in a delayed processing. Please be careful to type the link exactly as shown above directly into your web browser address window and NOT into your search engine, e.g. Google or Yahoo otherwise you will not reach the application. Refer to the data input sample included for information regarding dates and sponsoring organizations in Uzbekistan. Please use sample information verbatim and substitute your personal information. All dates on the form are in DAY/MONTH/YEAR format. Please note that this online format is the only acceptable application. No handwritten applications will be accepted. Please print the online form and include it with your documents. All forms must bear your original signature and be in English. Please be aware that the above link is maintained by a Uzbekistan government sub-contractor and can sometimes be unavailable or not functioning properly. Please be patient and try again if you experience difficulties with this process. Visas are issued for exact dates on application. Please be careful when filling out forms. Uzbekistan Visa Application – Sample Data Input PLEASE USE SAMPLE INFORMATION VERBATIM AND SUPBSTITUTE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION. Section 1 - Personal Information Doe Married Females Only Johnathan Bonham DO NOT upload file here. Send with documents to PTDS. Male 13 March 1961 Surname: Previous surname: First Name: Other Name: Upload photo: Sex: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Los Angeles Country of Birth: USA Citizenship: USA Previous Citizenship: USA Passport Type: Ordinary Passport Number: 9876543210 Date of Issue: 09 September 2010 Issued By: US Department of State (Same for all US passports) Expiration Date: 08 September 2020 Marital Status: Married Spouses Name: Doe Joanna Bach Section 2 – Travel Information From: 21/05/2015 Period of Visit (DDMMYYYY): TO: 28/05/2015 (Visas are issued for specific dates of entry based on your application so please complete your forms carefully. Please contact PTDS if deviating from these tour dates) Number of Entries: One Duration of Stay: 7 Days (Do not count the day you leave Uzbekistan) Duration of Visa Procedure: Urgent (All applicants must choose this) Place of Visa Issuance: Washington DC (This is the only correct answer) Route of Transiting through Uzbekistan: Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara Purpose of visit: Tourism Inviting Party: Salom Travel 9 Sarafon St. Bukhara Uzbekistan 705018 Tel: 998 65 224 4148 Section 3 – Additional Information Address in Uzbekistan: International Hotel 107 A Amir Temur St. Tashkent 100084 Uzbekistan Previous visits to Uzbekistan: None Accompanied Persons: Not Applicable Occupation: If Retired Please put “Retired” Place of Work: If Retired Please Put Last Employer Info Here Work Address: If Retired Please Put Last Employer Info Here Home Address and Phone: 1234 Main Street, Anywhere CA 98765 987-654-3210 Select “Continue (print forms)” at bottom of page. PLEASE PRINT AND SIGN APPLICATION AND SEND WITH ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS TO PTDS. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Visa Application Registration date: 2015.01.25 Surname Expiration date: 2015.04.25 Previous Surname DOE First Name Previous First Name JOHNATHAN Other Names Previous Other Names BONHAM Date of Birth Place of Birth Country of Birth Citizenship 16.01.1961 LOS ANGELES USA USA Previous Citizenship Passport Type Passport Number Date of Issue Issue By Expiration Date Ordinary 987654321 24.01.2010 US DEPT OF STATE 23.01.2020 Sex Marital Status Spouse's Surname, First and Other Names Planned Period of Visit (from-to) Male Married DOE JOANNA BACH 21.05.2015 - 28.05.2015 CONTACT PTDS IF DEVIATING FROM THESE DATES Number of Entries Duration of Stay Duration of Visa Procedure Place of Visa Issuance One 7 Urgent Washington Route for transit through the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan (cities): TASHKENT, SAMARKAND, BUKHARA Purpose of Visit TOURISM Inviting Party SALOM TRAVEL 9 SARAFON ST. BUKHARA UZBEKISTAN 705018 TEL: 998 65 224 4148 Occupation Retirees Place of Work (Study) and Position ABC INTERNATIONAL - ENGINEER Work (Study) Address and Phone 1234 MAIN STREET, ANYWHERE CA. USA 999-888-7777 Home Address, Phone and E-mail 4321 MAIN STREET, ANYWHERE CA. USA 999-888-6666 Address in Uzbekistan INTERNATIONAL HOTEL 107 A. AMIR TEMUR ST. TASHKENT 100084 UZBEKISTAN Previous Visits to Uzbekistan NONE Accompanied Persons NONE Applicant's signature Date (dd.mm.yyyy): Comment: Please answer all the questions, visa request will not be processed if Application is incomplete. Providing false information may cause the denial of visa For official use only Qayd в„– Blank в„– Tasdiq в„– Visa turi Berilgan sana Muddati Tushum Xaqiqiy xarajat
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