1 St. Mary Magdalene Orthodox Church Monthly Messenger – 2439 S. Long Lake Rd, Fenton MI. 48430. 810 -750-1401 March 2015 – www.st-marymagdalene.org The Virtue of Detachment Fr. Paul Jannakos Simply stated, the goal of the Orthodox spiritual life is to gain a single heart dedicated to the love of God by detaching ourselves from every worldly thing. Which is what Jesus means when He says, “If you would be perfect, sell everything, give it to the poor and come, follow me.” To “sell everything” is to strip ourselves free from every worldly affection, material or personal, that hinders us from the spiritual life, which is the life in Christ. St. John the apostle speaks of the same thing when he says, “Do not love the world, or the things in the world; for if anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world.” So we learn that the problem is not about the things in and of themselves, but in having a relationship to these things that obstructs us from the love of God. The saints say it this way, that “it is not possessing something that is harmful, but our attachment to it.” In a word, the danger is we become super-glued to the things we own that they eventually own us – to which saints then ask: “Who owns whom?” If the things that we own capture our minds, our thoughts, our wills, our desires, our hopes, our trust, and our hearts, then we have fallen into idolatry. The virtue of detachment, however, teaches how to let go of all the shallow, worldly things that muck up our lives so that we take full possession of the grace of God, which is the only thing that matters. This is what Christ told Martha after her complaint about Mary her sister, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but only one thing is needful.” Volume 14, Number 3 PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS Our St. Mary Magdalene Church School has been scheduled for Saturday, h th March 14t & April 18 from 3:00pm – 5:00pm. Our children will continue to prepare themselves for the Parish th Consecration on Saturday, April 25 . March 4th, 6:00pm, Presanctified Liturgy Combined at St. Nicholas March 11th – 6:30pm, Presanctified Liturgy at St. Mary Magdalene March 18th – 6:00pm, Presanctified Liturgy Combined at St. Mary Magdalene March 25th – 6:00pm. Annunciation V esperal Liturg y Combined at Assumption 6pm Friday, March 20 – Sunday, March 22, Women’s Lenten Retreat – Holy Dormition Monastery Saturday, March 28, 5:00pm Lenten Retreat: The Bible: An Orthodox Prespective - St. Nicholas . 2 The Virtue of Detachment Parish Life Photo Album And this is what Jesus means when He says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Poverty of spirit here is thus a wonderful thing because it leads to happiness, generosity and gratitude. Instead of hoarding up our goods as did the Rich Fool in St. Luke’s gospel, we joyfully give them away to the hungry and the needy. We become thankful for every little thing that comes as a gift from God, an encouraging phone call from a good friend, or a spectacularly sunny day. But the most wonderful thing we gain from detachment is its simplicity. It brings us back to a childlike way of life by enabling us to lead a simple life, a life that is uncluttered, uncomplicated, and undemanding. Christ says “Truly I say unto you, that unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven.” The difficulty for us, however, is that we are swayed and captured by so many unnecessary and pointless things, and as a result our hearts have become completely torn and splintered. We worry about our homes, our cars, our clothes, our health, wrinkles on the forehead, an expanding waistline, a receding hairline, our children, our parents, our work, the possibility of being out of work, the economy, falling real-estate prices, rising gas prices, rising food prices, leaking gutters, cracked driveways, broken sprinklers, unfertilized lawns, untilled gardens, and all the rest. On account of this, we are left in such state of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual exhaustion that we are useless both to others and to God Himself. Why has this happened? Because the fallen world in which we cares nothing about who truly are or about the wellness of the soul which is itself the mystery of salvation. Even so, I believe the great blessing of the Orthodox way of life is its call to simplicity. We pray at home. We do our work. We go to Church and receive the sacraments. So the Church tells us, “Yes, do your work, but don’t let it keep you from Church and don’t ever let it own your heart. Take care of your children, but don’t let them keep you from a life of prayer. Maintain your home, but don’t let your home become your one and only heaven. Most importantly, do only the things that are absolutely necessary so that you can heal your splintered heart by making it single once again in the love of God. And this is why the virtue of detachment is such a great saving thing. From the Dormition Monastery Banquet, in January, at Assumption Greek Orthodox Church. Abbess Mother Gabriella Fr. Deacon Michael Introduces Fr. John Konkel at Vespers Announcements for the Monthly Bulletin need to be to Liza Kekel by the 15th of the month – at xcavate20067@aol.com Fr. Paul and the Wednesday Evening Community Bible Study Group 2 Praying for our sick: Archimandrite Roman (Braga) Dr. Dan Sak Larry Shipley Andrew Marko Richard Ziats Sue Walton Dennis Perez Helen Phillips Marcella Moorman Josephine Baker Mike Centala (Terri Oginsky’s husband) Anna Branoff Elaine Gejoff Kosta Papathanisiou Helen Soroka (Maria Sak’s mother). Anton Petrenko (son of Larissa Lesho) Elizabeth Barrows (Ruth Karabinas’ mother) James Lyon ( brother of Melissa Auxier) Violette Griffin Anastasia Karabinas Lynn Larson – (Andy Marko’s friend). Helen Sak – (Dr. Dan Sak’s mother). Autumn Smith, (Jeanette Hildreth’s friend. Jim Oginsky Exhortation on Attending Church By St. John Chrysostom (Continued from last month)… Attention and Prayer As long as we are in the church let our conduct be proper, as befits a person who is before God. Let us not occupy ourselves with purposeless conversations, but let us stand with fear and dread, with attention and eagerness, with our gaze turned to the ground and our soul elevated to Heaven. Many come to church mechanically repeating psalms and prayers, and leave without knowing what they have said. The lips move but the ears don’t hear. You are not hearing your prayer, and you want God to hear it? I knelt, you say. But your mind was flying far away. Your body was in church and your soul outside. The mouth was saying the prayer and the mind was counting interest, contracts, exchanges, fields, estates, meetings with friends. All these things happen because the devil is wicked. He knows that at the time of prayer we gain many things; for this reason he attacks then with greater violence. At other times we might be lying in bed, not thinking of anything, and he leaves us alone. We come to church to pray, however, and the devil puts a bunch of passionate thoughts into us so that we might not benefit at all. Truly, if God asks you to account for the indifference or the impiety you show in worship services, what will you do? There, at the time He is speaking to you, instead of praying you have started a conversation with your neighbor about unbeneficial things. Even if God overlooks all our other sins, this one alone would suffice for us to be deprived of salvation. Don’t consider it a small transgression. To understand its graveness, think of what happens among people when they converse. Let’s suppose that you are discussing something with an official person or with your bosom buddy, and while he is speaking to you, you turn your head indifferently and begin talking to someone else. Won’t the other person be insulted by your impropriety? Won’t he get angry? Won’t he seek an explanation from you? O woe! You are in the Divine Liturgy, and while the Royal Table is prepared, while the Lamb of God is sacrificed for your sake, while the priest is struggling for your salvation, you are indifferent. At the time when the six-winged Seraphim cover their faces from awe and all the heavenly powers together with the priest beseech God for you, at the moment the fire of the Holy Spirit descends from Heaven and the blood of Christ is shed from His immaculate side in the holy Chalice, at this moment, I wonder, doesn’t your conscience censure you for your lack of attention? Think, O my man, before Whom you are standing at the time of the dreadful mystagogy and together with whom — the Cherubim, the Seraphim, and all the heavenly powers. Consider together with whom you are chanting and praying. This should suffice for you to come to your senses, when you recall that, while you have a material body, you are granted to hymn the Lord of creation together with the bodiless angels. So don’t partake in that sacred hymnody with indifference. Don’t have your mind on earthly thoughts. Chase away every earthly thought and ascend mentally to Heaven, near to the throne of God. Fly there together with the Seraphim, flutter with them, chant the thrice-holy hymn to the All-holy Trinity. (To be continued)…. 3 We pray for those in the Armed Forces: Jacob Yonan – Airman 1st Class – Air Force Matthew Beck – First Lieutenant – Air Force Stephanie Bishop –US Navy Robert Faulkner – Private First Class – US Marines Michael Oginsky – Major – US Marines Jason Wilburn – Corporal – Army Rangers Patrick Tejkl - US Marines John Schlaack – PFC - Army GREETERS FOR MARCH March March March March March 1st, Phil and Marcella Moorman 8th, David and Cindy Welch 15th, Pat Smith 22nd, Stephen and Susan Walton 29th, Mike and Irene Onderchanin EPISTLE READERS FOR MARCH March March March March March 1st - Richard Ziats & John Auxier 8th - Sue Walton & Paul Hildreth 15th - Andrew Durand & Richard Ziats 22nd - Elaine Gejoff & Sue Walton 29th - Janet Frick & Andrew Durand FOLLOWSHIP VOLUNTEERS FOR MARCH March March March March March 1st – Terry & Freida Owens 8th – Joseph & Jenni Otis 15th – Dn. Michael & Susan Schlaack 22nd – Kurt & Ann Schutt 39th – Clark & Katherine Senter MARCH BIRTHDAYS Birthdays for March Missi Oginsky Steven Kekel Joanne Lyon Cyrus Lazar Stephanie Onderchanin John Auxier Marianna Kilbourne Katherine Jannakos Fr. Paul Jannakos Larry Shipley MARCH ANNIVERSARIES 03 12 12 14 18 20 21 22 24 26 The Orthodox Churches of Greater Flint Assumption (Greek) 2245 Baldwin Road !Grand Blanc, MI 48439 !810-771-4611 St. George (Antiochian) 5191 Lennon Road !Flint, MI 48507 !810-732-0720 St. Mary Magdalene (OCA) 2439 S. Long Lake Road !Fenton, MI 48430 !810- 750-1401 St. Nicholas (OCA) 2143 South Center Road !Burton, MI 48519 !810-744-0070 ~ 2015 Great Fast ~ Pan-Orthodox Divine Services and Potluck Dinners Great Compline (Mondays) We will be celebrating the Great Compline service together every Monday night at St. George. The service begins at 6:30pm. This beautiful service allows us to experience the Great Fast more deeply. Confessions will be available from 6pm–6:30pm and after the service. Lenten Hours (Wednesdays) St. Nicholas will celebrate the Lenten Hours at 9am every Wednesday. Presanctified Divine Liturgy (Wednesdays) We will celebrate the Presanctified Liturgy together beginning at 6pm according to the schedule below. Holy Communion is given at the Presanctified Liturgy. To partake of Holy Communion, please be prepared with prayer and fasting (not eating or drinking anything after a lite lunch at 12 Noon). Confessions will be available only prior to the Liturgy from 5:30pm–6pm. On the Great Feast of the Annunciation (see below), Vesperal Divine Liturgy begins at 6pm. Potluck Dinners: A Lenten Dinner follows each Wednesday liturgy. Please bring a covered Lenten Dish (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine, olive oil or their by-products) to the hall prior to the beginning of liturgy. Please note on the Great Feast of the Annunciation, fish, wine, and olive oil are allowed. If you have questions, call the church office where the combined service will be celebrated. February 25th - Presanctified Liturgy or Compline at each church March 4th - Presanctified Liturgy Combined at St. Nicholas March 11th - Presanctified Liturgy at each church March 18th - Presanctified Liturgy Combined at St. Mary Magdalene March 25th - Annunciation Vesperal Liturgy Combined at Assumption 6pm April 1st - Presanctified Liturgy Combined at St. George April 4th - Preparation of Gifts, Raising of Lazarus Divine Liturgy, and Lenten Breakfast Combined at St. George – 9:30am Assumption is located 1 ½ miles west of Holly Road on Baldwin Road. St. George is located between Linden and Dye Roads on Lennon Road. St. Mary Magdalene is located ¼ mile east of Torrey Road on South Long Lake. St. Nicholas is located ½ mile south of Lippincott on Center Road. Member&Churches&of&the&Assembly&of&Canonical&Orthodox&Bishops&in&North&America& A&Vision&of&Orthodox&Unity! 5 St. Mary Magdalene Orthodox Church 2439 South Long Lake Road, Fenton MI 48430 Church Consecration & 30th Anniversary Celebration of Ordination to the Holy Priesthood of Fr. Paul Jannakos Saturday, April 25th, 2015 THE SCHEDULE: • CONSECRATION & DIVINE LITURGY, 10:00AM, HIS GRACE, BISHOP ALEXANDER PRESIDING. • GREAT VESPERS, 5:00PM. • BANQUET, 6:30PM, (AT ASSUMPTION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH, 2245 W. BALDWIN RD, GRAND BLANC, MI 48430). BANQUET TICKETS, ADULTS: $25.00 CHILDREN UNDER 18, $15.00. SEATING IS LIMITED, RSVP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO 810 714 1818 6 CONSECRATION SERVICE • Nothing is more important to us than the Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Church, and nothing is more significant in the life of a parish than the consecration of its church temple. It is the magnificent baptism of the church, and it will only happen for us once. Thank God that we have been given this opportunity to be a part of this most sacred service. • May God strengthen us in this magnificent undertaking and may He multiply our efforts that this blessed and sacred celebration may be worthy of His Glory. Assumption (Greek) 2245 Baldwin Road ! Grand Blanc, MI 48439 ! 810-771-4611 St. George (Antiochian) 5191 Lennon Road ! Flint, MI 48507 ! 810-732-0720 St. Mary Magdalene 2439 South Long Lake Road ! Fenton, MI 48430 ! 810-750-1701 St. Nicholas (OCA) 2143 South Center Road ! Burton, MI 48519 ! 810-744-0070 Come, Join Us for a Lenten Talk! The Bible: An Orthodox Perspective Saturday, March 28, 2015 St Nicholas Orthodox Church 2143 S. Center Rd. Burton, MI 48519 (810) 744-0070 5:00 pm Great Vespers (Confessions before and after Vespers) 6:00 pm Light Lenten Meal (free will offering) 6:30 pm Presentation followed by Q & A RSVP at (810) 744-0070 by March 25 Guest Speaker Fr. Silviu N. Bunta, PhD. Fr. Silviu specializes in Scriptural studies and has his Ph.D. in Second Temple Judaism from Marquette University. He has his M.A. in New Testament from the University of Oradea (Oradea, Romania). He is a priest of the Diocese of Toledo (OCA) and is an Associate Professor at the University of Dayton teaching Bible, ancient Judaism, Hebrew, and Greek. Member&Churches&of&the&Assembly&of&Canonical&Orthodox&Bishops&in&North&America& A&Vision&of&Orthodox&Unity& 7 St.&Mary&Magdalene&Orthodox&Church& Our&Journey&to&Pascha,&2015& & Sunday,!February!22nd!! ! ! Forgiveness!Vespers,!(following!the!Divine!Liturgy).!! Monday,!February!23rd,!7:00pm!! ! Canon!of!St.!Andrew!of!Crete.! Tuesday,!February!24th,!7:00pm! ! Canon!of!St.!Andrew!of!Crete,.!! Wednesday,!February,!25th,!6:30pm! Presanctified!Liturgy!&!Potluck!–!St.!Mary!Magdalene! Thursday,!February,!26th,!7:00pm! ! Canon!of!St.!Andrew!of!Crete! Saturday,!February!28th,!5:00pm! ! Great!Vespers!followed!by!Confessions.! Sunday,!March!1st!10:00am!! Divine!Liturgy!of!St.!Basil!the!Great!–!Orthodox!Sunday! Sunday,!March!1st,!6:00pm!!! ! Triumph!of!Orthodoxy!Vespers!!W!St.!Mary’s!W!Livonia! Wednesday,!March!4th,!!6:00pm!! ! Presanctified!Liturgy!&!Potluck!–!St.!Nicholas! th Saturday,!March!7 ,!5:00pm! ! Great!Vespers!followed!by!Holy!Confessions! Sunday,!March!8th!10:00am! Divine!Liturgy!of!St.!Basil!the!Great!–!St.!Gregory!Palamas! Sunday,!March!8th,!6:00pm!!! ! COCC!Vespers!at!St.!Stevan!Decanski!W!!Warren!! Wednesday,!March!11!,!6:30pm!! ! Presanctified!Liturgy!&!Potluck!W!St.!Mary!Magdalene! Saturday,!March!14,!5:00pm!! ! Great!Vespers!followed!by!Holy!Confessions.!! Sunday,!March!15th!!10:00am!! Divine!Liturgy!of!St.!Basil!the!Great!–!Elevation!of!the!Cross.!! Sunday,!March!15th!,!!6:00pm!! ! COCC!Vespers!at!St.!Thomas!W!Farmington!Hills! Wednesday,!March!18th,!!6:00pm!! ! Presanctified!Liturgy!&!Potluck!–!St.!Mary!Magdalene! (Host)! Saturday,!March!21st,!5:00pm!! ! Great!Vespers!followed!by!Confessions.!! nd Sunday,!March!22 !!10:00am! Divine!Liturgy!of!St.!Basil!the!Great!–!St.!John!Climacus! Sunday!March!22nd!,!6:00pm!! ! COCC!Vespers!at!St.!Constantine!&!Helen!–!Westland.! Wednesday,!March!25th,!6:00pm!! ! Evening!Liturgy!for!Annunciation!W!!at!Assumption!!!! Friday,!March!27th,!6:00pm!!! ! Akathistos!to!the!Theotokos!–!St.!George! th Saturday,!March!28 !10:00am!! ! Akathistos!Divine!Liturgy.!! Saturday,!March!28th,!5:00pm!! ! Great!Vespers!at!St.!Nicholas!(Combined).!! th Sunday,!March!29 !,!10:00am! ! Divine!Liturgy!of!St.!Basil!the!Great!–!St.!Mary!of!Egypt.!! Sunday,!March!29th,!6:00pm!! ! COCC!Vespers!at!Descent!of!the!Holy!Ghost!–!Dearborn! Hts.! Wednesday!April!1st,!6:00pm!! ! Presanctified!Liturgy,!Potluck!at!St.!George! Friday,!April!3rd,!7:00pm! ! ! Vespers!–!Eve!of!Lazarus!Saturday.!! h Saturday,!April!4t ,!10:00am!! ! Divine!Liturgy!of!Lazarus!Saturday!–!St.!George!! Saturday,!April!4th,!5:00pm!!! ! Vigil!for!the!Feast!of!Palm!Sunday!!! Sunday,!!April!5th,!10:00,!am! ! Divine!Liturgy!of!Palm!Sunday!–!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy&Week& Sunday,!April!5th,!7:00pm!! ! ! Bridegroom!Matins!with!Confessions.!! Monday,!April!6th,!7:00pm!! ! ! Bridegroom!Matins!with!Confessions.!! th Tuesday,!April!7 ,!7:00pm!! ! ! Bridegroom!Matins!with!Confessions.!! Wednesday,!April!8th,!!7:00pm!! ! Holy!Unction.!! Thursday,!April!9th,!10:00am!! ! Divine!Liturgy!of!St.!Basil!the!Great!! Thursday,!April!9th,!7:00pm!! ! Matins!of!Great!&!Holy!Friday!(12!Passion!Gospels).!! th Friday,!April!10 ,!3:00pm!! ! ! Vespers!of!Great!&!Holy!Friday.!! Friday!April!10th,!7:00pm!! ! ! Matins!of!Great!&!Holy!Saturday!(Lamentations)! th Saturday,!April!11 ,!10:00am!! ! Divine!Liturgy!of!St.!Basil!the!Great!–!Great!&!Holy! Saturday! Saturday,!April!11th,!11:30pm!! ! THE!PASCHA!OF!OUR!LORD!&!SAVIOR!JESUS!CHRIST! ! ! ! ! ! ! Nocturns,!Matins,!Liturgy!&!Banquet.!! Sunday,!April!12th,!2:00pm!!! ! Agape!Vespers!with!children’s!Easter!Egg!Hunt!! Monday,!April!13th,!10:00am!! ! Divine!Liturgy!for!Bright!Monday! 8 PHOTOGRAPHY DATES: Friday-Saturday, March 27, & March 28 Hours: Mon-Fri, 2:00-8:30 & Sat, 9:30-4 Sign-up beginning on Saturday, February 28, 2015 No Sitting Fee Free 8 x 10, Free Directory & 20% discount in March. Extended Family & Friends are welcome! Pets and Meaningful Items are welcome too! Donate nonperishable food item: Get a $5 coupon Lifetouch Email Reminder: Link for $10 coupon " We need everyone to participate. " There is no cost to the church. You will have the opportunity to purchase portraits for your personal use, gift giving, Mother’s Day, Easter, or for your Christmas cards next year. " Participate and you will receive your own directory gratis. Our parish receives complimentary copies for office use, visitors, and new members. Our church also receives additional ministry tools at no cost. 9 8 ST. MARY MAGDALENE ORTHODOX CHURCH – MARCH 2015 1 Sunday of Orthodoxy 2 Martyr Eudoxia Adult Ed, 9:00am. Div. Liturgy, 10:00am. Coffee Hour, 11:30am. COCC Vespers, 6:00pm – St. Mary’s, Livonia. Hieromartyr Theodotus St. Arseny, Bp of Tver Genesis 3:21-4:7 Proverbs 3:34-4:22 Day Light Savings St. Gregory Palamas Adult Ed, 9:00am. Div. Liturgy, 10:00am. Coffee Hour, 11:30am. COCC Vespers, 6:00pm St. Stevan’s, Warren. 15 Ven. Precious Cross Adult Ed, 9:00am. Div. Liturgy, 10:00am. Coffee Hour, 11:30am. COCC Vespers, 6:00pm, St. Thomas, Farmington Hills. 22 St. John Climacus Fast Day 3 Fast Day Martyrs Eutropius, Clenonicus & Basiliscus Genesis 4:8-15 Proverbs 5:1-15 4 Fast Day Ven. Gerasimus of the Jordan Rt. Blv. Daniel, Moscow Genesis 4:16-26 Proverbs 5:15-6:3 5 Fast Day Martyr Conon of Isauria Genesis 5:1-24 Proverbs 6:3-20 6 Fast Day 42 Martyrs of Ammoria Genesis 5:32-6:8 Proverbs 6:20-7:1 Presanctified Liturgy, 6:00m, Combined at St. Nicholas 9 Fast Day Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste Genesis 6:9-22 Proverbs 8:1-21 10 Fast Day Martyr Quadratus, and Those With Him Genesis 7:1-5 Proverbs 8:32-9:11 11 Fast Day St. Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem Genesis 7:6-9 Proverbs 9:12-18 Fast Day Martyr Sabinas Martyr Papas Genesis 8:21-9:7 Proverbs 11:19-12:6 17 Fast Day Ven. Aleksy Man of God St. Patrick, Bishop of Armagh Genesis 6:9-22 Proverbs 8:1-21 18 Fast Day St. Cyril, Abp. Jerusalem St. Nikolai of Zhicha Genesis 9:18-10:1 Proverbs 12:23-13:9 12 Fast Day Ven. Theophanes the Confessor St. Gregory Dialogus Genesis 7:11-8:3 Proverbs 10:1-22 13 Fast Day Relics of St. Nicephorus, Patriarch Constantinople Martyr Sabinus Genesis 8:4-22 Proverbs 10:31-11:12 23 Fast Day Martyr Nikon and 199 Disciples Genesis 13:12-18 Proverbs 14:27-15:4 29 St. Mary of Egypt 30 Hieromartyr Mark, Bishop of Arethusa Adult Ed, 9:00am. Div. Liturgy, 10:00am. Coffee Hour, 11:30am. COCC Vespers, 6:00m, Descent of the Holy Ghost, Warren. Ven. John Climacus St. Zosimas, Bishop of Syracuse Genesis 27:1-41 Proverbs 19:16-25 24 Fast Day Ven. Zachariah the Recluse Genesis 15:1-15 Proverbs 15:7-19 25 Fast Day** ANNUNCIATION OF THE MOST-HOLY THEOTOKOS Heb. 2:11-18 Luke 1:24-38 Evening Liturgy for the Annunciation, 6:00pm – Combined at Assumption. Fast Day 31 Fast Day Repose of St. Innocent Metr. of Moscow and Apostle to Americas Genesis 31:3-16 Proverbs 21:3-21 Confessions, 6:00pm – 8:00pm. *Wine & Oil Allowed ** Fish, Wine, & Oil Allowed 14 Fast Day* Ven. Benedict of Nursia Heb. 10:32-38 Mark 2:14-17 Council 3:00pm. Church School, 3:00pm – 5:00pm. Holy Vigil, 5:00pm, withConfessions. 19 Fast Day Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria Genesis 10:32-11:9 Proverbs 13:19-14:6 20 Fast Day Holy Fathers Slain at St. Sabbas Monastery Genesis 12:1-7 Proverbs 14:15-26 Presanctified Liturgy, Combined (SMM) 6:00pm. Hieromartyr Basil of Ancyra Adult Ed, 9:00am. Div. Liturgy, 10:00am. Coffee Hour, 11:30am. COCC Vespers, 6:00pm, St. Constantine & Helen, Westland. Fast Day * Seven Hieromartyrs of Cherson Heb. 3:12-16 Mark 1:35-44 Holy Vigil, 5:00pm, withConfessions. Presanctified Liturgy, 6:30pm (SMM) 16 7 21 Fast Day* St. James the Confessor Bishop of Catania Heb. 6:9-12 Mark 7:31-37 Holy Vigil, 5:00pm, withConfessions. 26 Fast Day Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel Genesis 18:20-33 Proverbs 16:17-17:17 27 Fast Day Martyr Matrona of Thessalonica Genesis 22:1-18 Proverbs 17:17-18:5 Akathistos Service, 6:30pm at St. George on Lennon Road. 28 Fast Day* Ven. Hilarion the New Heb. 9:24-28 Mark 8:27-31 Akathistos Divine Liturgy, 10:00am. Holy Vigil, 5:00pm, withConfessions.
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