Bi-weekly Publication March 6, 2015 Vol. 30 Issue 6 Trinity Lutheran Church One Church...Two Campuses Mission Campus: 5601 West 62nd Street | Mission, KS 66202 Shawnee Campus: 21320 Midland Drive | Shawnee, KS 66218 The Messenger Installations Set Vicar Associate Pastor Ben Vineyard will be installed as a vicar at Trinity at the Mission campus at all services the weekend of March 15, and at the Shawnee campus at both services on March 22. Ben begins the first of sixteen seminary classes this next week. Please pray thanking God for the gift of Ben to our congregation and also for diligence and stamina in his studies and other ongoing preparations for the pastoral ministry. Pastor Phil Cook and his wife, Rebeka, are finalizing their transition plans as they prepare to move here from Texas. They plan to move in June and then take some vacation time and family time getting settled as well as begin getting acquainted with people. Pastor Cook’s installation will be on the afternoon of August 2 at the Shawnee campus. Please continue to pray for the Cook family as they transition here from Texas. A special prayer request is made for the health of their children, Thomas, Noree and Evan who have been ill recently. Letter from Trinity Preschool Board x Dear Members of Trinity, x Greetings in the name of Jesus! Rhonda Nesselrode, the director of Trinity’s preschool, recently announced her resignation from that position effective at the end of this school year to pursue other opportunities. We thank God for Rhonda’s faithful years of service and for her love of the children and their families! Rhonda’s departure, coupled with the acceptance of Trinity’s associate pastor Call by Pastor Phil Cook and his ministry focus on the Shawnee campus, has led the preschool board to determine that it is best to find an interim preschool director to serve for the 2015-16 school year. The board is now receiving résumés for this interim director position at through March 31, 2015. Qualified candidates will then be interviewed before a candidate is ultimately selected. We will keep you informed as the process unfolds. God’s Blessings! x Josh Tieman Preschool Board Chairman Pastor Mark Senior Pastor Lenten Bach Cantata Series Saturday evenings at 5pm Mission Campus March 14 BWV 22 — Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe Jesus took under Him the twelve March 28 — Palm/Passion Sunday BWV 12 — Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen Weeping, wailing, fretting, fearing April 4 — Holy Saturday BWV 4 — Christ lag in Todesbanden Christ lay in the Bonds of Death Midweek Lenten Services March 11, 18, 25 Mission | 12pm and 7pm | Lenten Service Shawnee | 7pm | Lenten Service preceded by dinner at 5:30pm Palm Sunday | March 28-29 5pm, Saturday | Mission BWV 12 — Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen Weeping, wailing, fretting, fearing Normal Sunday service schedule Maundy Thursday | April 2 Monteverdi Vespers of 1610 Spire Chamber Ensemble Spire Baroque Orchestra With this sacred choral masterpiece, Monteverdi forged a dramatic and vivid new musical style, blending the revolutionary baroque practice with the musical styles of the Renaissance to set the Psalms, Litany and Magnificat of the evening Vespers service. This inspirational piece of Classical music will be offered under beautiful candlelight. Saturday, March 21 at 7:30pm Visitation Catholic Church 5141 Main Street, Kansas City, MO Sunday, March 22 at 5pm Grace Episcopal Cathedral 701 SW 8th Avenue, Topeka, KS Mission | 12pm and 7pm with communion Shawnee | 7pm with communion Traditional Mediterranean meal will precede each service Good Friday | April 3 Mission | 12pm and 7pm (Communion and Tenebrae at 7pm) Shawnee | 7pm with communion Holy Saturday | April 4 Mission | 5pm BWV 4 — Christ lag in Todesbanden Christ lay in the Bonds of Death Mission | 5:30pm — Vigil of Easter with Communion Festival of Easter | April 5 Trinity Choir and Brass | Mission Normal service schedule Communion at 11am at Mission and 8:30 and 11am at Shawnee Page 2 Mid-Week Worship in Lent Continuing Wednesdays through Lent Mission Campus | Noon and 7pm Shawnee Campus | 7pm This year for the five Wednesday Lenten services following Ash Wednesday we will be using dialogue sermons titled "Interviews with Passion People." A "reporter" will interview Simon of Cyrene, Joseph of Arimathea, Mary Magdalene, Pontius Pilate’s wife, and James the Just to get their perspectives on the Passion of Jesus Christ. Join us as we look at these familiar events from a fresh perspective each week! We will be in need of some "actors" to play the parts of the characters listed above. A script will be provided as well as simple costuming. We will need people both for the noon services at the Mission campus as well as the evening services at both campuses. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Mark at or 913-231-9726. Maundy Thursday Meals Shawnee Campus Join us for a special time of worship at the Shawnee Campus on Maundy Thursday as we gather as a community of faith around a Middle Eastern potluck meal beginning at 6:00 pm. We will sample foods commonly served during the Passover celebration. Each family is asked to bring a dish (we have some recipes if you would like to try one) or other items for the meal. A time of worship will follow our meal together. Please contact Gloria Garrelts if you would like to help with the meal. Mission Campus Please plan to join us for Middle Eastern style food before worship on Maundy Thursday. We will gather at 11:00 am and 6:00 pm in the foyer. Early Communion Class We at Trinity encourage early communion for our youth and families. We help our students and families prepare for this with an Early Communion Experience. Please join us on Saturday, March 28, from 9am until noon at the Mission Campus. It is for any students currently in the 5th - 8th grade. To make it work, at least one parent must come along. The experience is much more than a class or lecture. Come learn to live into this! To register for this event, please email Rhonda Synovec,, and say, “I’m in!” Page 3 Shawnee Campus: Wednesday Lenten Meals The Shawnee campus will host Wednesday night meals throughout the season of Lent. These meals are another opportunity to get to know one another, share a few stories, and notice the work of God in our lives. The meals start at 5:30 pm and will go until 6:30 pm. Lenten worship begins at 7:00 pm. Please note that there will be no meal on March 18 due to Spring Break schedules. On March 25, we will enjoy grilled burgers and brats cooked by Al von der Linden’s Men’s Bible Study Group. Come hungry for Community! Come hungry for Jesus! Come hungry for some good food, too! Youth Easter Breakfast The youth will be serving Easter breakfast at both campuses again this year. This little event (not really so little) is a fundraiser that enables youth to participate in retreat experiences that really help them grow in their walk with Jesus. The breakfast time will go from 9:30am until 11am. More details will come later for this event. We sure appreciate everyone’s involvement with this — either in service or in coming to enjoy a meal. Easter Egg Hunt — Shawnee Campus Come one, come all! Our tradition of hunting for Easter Eggs continues on Easter Sunday, launching around 10am. Be sure to be there! This is a fun little pastime that intends to weave play and Christian spirituality together — as they should be. Family Experiential Easter Egg Hunt — Mission Campus Families journey through the Easter story as they journey through the educational hallway of Trinity’s Mission campus. This is a neat tradition and a visual and hands-on experience as families travel along through the re-telling of Jesus’ last week. Page 4 VBS 2015 Save the Dates Shawnee campus – June 22 – 26 Mission campus – July 13 – 17 Registration opens in April. Guatemala Mission Interest Form —July 4-12, 2015 Are you interested in Trinity's summer mission to Panajachel, Guatemala, July 4-12, 2015? Fill out the form at the link below to receive more details or email By sending this interest form, you're not committing to the trip; you're just letting me know you'd like to know more about it. Check the eNews for a great photo slideshow and some basics about the mission from John and Jenny Peimann. Ben Vineyard, Vicar and Minister of Disciple Formation Young Adult Ministry The young adult ministry FellowShipmates will be meeting on Thursday, March 5, and 19, for Bible study at 7:00 pm in the Adult Lounge at the Mission campus. Please join us for a time of fellowship and discussion as we continue to study the book of John. The group will also be participating in a service event this month. More details to come! Newsletter and eNews Submissions The publication of the eNews and Messenger is transferring back to Jenny Vineyard at this time. Thank you to Gretchen Hollman for her great work in Jenny’s absence! If you have any submissions, please send them to,, or to Gretchen in the church office, A big "THANK YOU" to everyone who helped with the "Heart to Heart" pancake breakfast at our Mission Campus. x Namely: Kurt Kinder, Darlene Limback, Jenny Kubler and Bethany Snyder. A special thank you to Dana Snyder for providing health care and information during breakfast. Through the generosity of all participants, we were able to make a substantial donation to the Heart to Heart Fund, which serves our very own congregants. Help us improve on next year’s presentation and send us suggestions and feedback. In Christ, Joel and Chris Shifflett Page 5 Benefit Concert for Mission Project 2 Kansas City Metro Men's Chorus March 8, 4PM Mission Campus Free-will Offering The Kansas City Metro Men's Chorus will perform a benefit concert for Mission Project 2 (MP2). All proceeds will go directly to MP2, a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit organization, to supplement their transportation costs to and from the workplace of the participants. MP2 was formed in 2012 to enable capable young adults with developmental or cognitive disabilities to live independently and safely in their own apartments, integrated into the general community with minimal support. We invite the congregation to join us and support this worthwhile organization. You've asked for it — now it's here! A Financial Peace University class will be hosted at Trinity's Shawnee campus beginning March 26 at 6:30pm. There will be a preview session on March 19. For more information, email Rex Garrelts at Childcare is available if reserved by March 19. Please contact Rhonda Synovec,, to reserve a spot for your child. Cost for childcare is $40 for the nine-week class session. You are invited to join the Four Fathers for a concert on April 26 at 7pm at the Mission campus. This concert is a benefit for Camp MITIOG (Made In The Image Of God), which is for children from eight to sixteen that have spina bifida. The camp is a chance for those kids to have a camping experience like other kids do. Each child has a counselor/guide and there is no charge to either camper or counselor, so they rely solely on volunteers and contributions. For more information on the camp, visit Save the Date LUMA Spring Dinner Lutheran High Spring Music Tour March 27, 7pm 12411 Wornall Rd, Kansas City Come and enjoy a spring music concert at Lutheran High School. The theme is "Sing to the Lord a New Song" based on Psalm 98:1. Thursday evening, April 16, 2015 will be LUMA's Annual Dinner. If you're thinking it hasn't been that long since the last one, you're correct! We are moving to the spring for the Annual Dinner and choosing to keep our auction in the fall. Watch for more info coming soon! Lutheran World Relief Coffee and Tea Sale The LWR coffee and tea sale will be held at the Mission Campus on Saturday, March 7, and between worship services on Sunday, March 8. Be sure to stop by the table to select from the wide variety of flavors available. Selected varieties are also available for purchase in the gift shop between sale dates. The large purple and white mite box will be available on the coffee table to deposit your loose change. One of the mission projects being supported by your donation is Christian Educational Support, India. Learn more about this mission project from the poster behind the mite box. Thank you for your support! Page 6 Trinity Family Garage Sale Donate! We will be accepting items YOU would put on your own garage sale. Please do not donate items that you deem as unusable. The more that we sell, the more money we will have to give away! Items which we are accepting include: Apparel, Shoes & Accessories Small Appliances Baby Items Bedding Books (Children’s) Craft & Party Supply (in good condition) Décor Furniture Kitchen & Dining Luggage Mattresses - Stain Free Only Musical Instruments Office Items School Supplies Sports, Fitness & Outdoors Storage & Organization Tools Toys We are sorry, but we cannot accept: Outdated electronics such as tube TVs, computer equipment, etc... Large appliances Gas related and hazardous items Volunteer! April 19, 1 - 6pm: Drop items off at the Shawnee campus April 19-25, times TBD: Sort, organize, price, work the sale, break down and clean up Volunteer at this link: Shop! Friday, April 24, 8am - 5pm Saturday, April 25, 8am - noon Why should you support the sale? The sale will help local organizations that support children and families in the Shawnee community, including: Trinity Lutheran Preschool Scholarship Fund Trinity Youth Boy Scout Troop 451 Hollis Crossings Summer Day Camp: A unique day camp serving suburban and urban youth. 50% of attendees are able to attend because of scholarships. Sunflower House: A child abuse prevention center. Shawnee Community Services: A community food pantry serving the KC metro area since 1982. DeSoto Food Pantry: Food pantry serving the De Soto, Kansas, community since April, 2014. Starside Elementary USD232: 58% of the students are on free and reduced lunch program. Page 7 Gardeners Wanted! Ushers Wanted! Gardeners are needed to maintain all gardens at Trinity’s Mission campus! The financial reward is nil — the “feel good” is gigantic! We would like to start spring clean-up in March, weather permitting. Skill requirements are: Usher groups, a time-honored service organization, are in need of more members at the Mission campus. All of the Sunday services (8:30, 9:45 and 11am) could use more team members. The usher teams for each service are divided into two groups, A and B. Each group is assigned in a pattern of two weeks "on" and two weeks "off" throughout the year. Both men and women can be valued members of an usher team. If interested, please see or call Randy Fassold, Head Usher, 913-764-5543. 1. Willing to work very hard. 2. Willing to work very hard. 3. Willing to work very hard. No one possessing this “skill” requirement will be denied a position! The chances for advancement are excellent! Please send your resume to Jean Schlesselman, 913-888-9076, 913-221-1234, or Childcare Workers Wanted! We are looking for qualified childcare workers for our Mission campus. Candidates must be sixteen years of age or older. Must be available for Sunday mornings, some evenings and special events. This is a paid position. If interested please contact Rhonda Synovec at Audio Visual Volunteers Wanted! The Audio Visual team at the Mission campus is in need of volunteers to assist with running the equipment for worship services. Training will be provided. If you are interested, contact Doug Wilkinson,, or Hank Hanusch, Dear MLM Friends and Volunteers: We need some volunteers to help staff the Welcome Desk for the MLM Wyandotte County Community Service Center at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 722 Reynolds, Kansas City, KS 66101. The Welcome Desk is staffed 8:30 am to noon, Monday through Friday. Responsibilities include welcoming clients and answering the telephone. If you can serve any day, or if you need more information, please contact Starla Brennan, Emergency Assistance Program Manager, at 816-285-3125, Thank you for all you do for MLM, Cheri Wright Page 8 Stewardship Corner Many exciting opportunities are ahead of Trinity in 2015. We continue to pray … • Thankful that Philip Cook has accepted our Call for Associate Pastor! • For continued growth in new membership • Being a community following Jesus We also give thanks for the faithful stewardship of our members. Through your consistent contributions our January results show that your gifts for the month were $ 64,822 — which is on target for our January contribution budget. Thank you! As we enter the season of Lent, we focus on the Passion of our Lord. We follow Him down from the Mount of Transfiguration to Jerusalem. We listen to His words as He teaches us the way of Jesus. We journey with Him to the upper room, the garden, the place of judgment, the cross, and ultimately the empty tomb. May God bless your Lenten journey this year. We are thankful for your generosity and faithful support of the ministries of Trinity Lutheran Church. Blessings! Larry Conrad Administrator Page 9 Happy Birthday! Happy Anniversary! March 11 - Cameron Pilchard March 12 – Phyllis Corthon, Grace Kim, Jalen Oehlert March 13 - Ally Aronson, Becki Donahue, Karen McCready, Trenten Wright March 14 - Ryan Albright, Blake Harrell, Mike Keller March 15 - Trevor O’Brien, Marcie Scharnhorst March 17 - Kellie Bollinger, Belle Bonn, Tim Bredow, Daniel Everhart, Ramona Ewers, Lillian Peters, Starla West March 18 - Julie Gieryna, Patti Hare March 19 - Troy Cleveland, Joel Pasley March 20– Phil Kubler, Christopher Messbarger, Charley Steffens, Christopher Wallace March 21 - Ling Clobes, Cathie Hovel, Dick Humes, Chrisy Owens, Joanne Schottman March 22 - Kristen Davidson, Darlene Limback, Joshua Peters, Johnny Shreve, Chris Vetter March 23 - Mindy Dion, Charlene Millsap, Bobby Tilghman March 24 - Anna Cicero, Lois Trainor, Jacob Unger Tom & Sara Sedgwick, March 11 (9th) Randy & Amy Culp, March 12 (38th) Clark & Elouise Jahnke, March 12 (21st) Doug & Vallery Kaberlein, March 14 (17th) Larry & Jan Jones, March 15 (56th) Phil & Rebecca Kreisman, March 15 (12th) Joshua & Erin Tieman, March 16 (13th) Mark & Julie Clobes, March 18 (15th) Conrad & Marjorie Fassold, March 20 (67th) Ryan & Deb Hartje, March 20 (11th) Jason & Aimee Oehlert, March 20 (22nd) Stan & Paula Knocke, March 21 (45th) John & Julie Sullivan, March 22 (12th) Bryson & Angela Lightle, March 23 (13th) Ray & Margaret Fessler, March 24 (53rd) Lee & Joyce Vogel, March 24 (64th) Anniversaries and birthdays are listed from March 11 to March 24. Don’t see your anniversary or birthday listed? Please contact the church office. Thank you. “The kingdom of God is near. Memory Verse “The time has come, “ Jesus said, Repent and believe the good news.” Mark 1:15 (NIV) Page 10 Deaths Mary Ann Baack, mother of Laura Baack, 2/25/2015 Paul Barry, brother of John Barry, 2/6/2015 Barbara Brown, 3/2/2015 Larry Hill, 3/4/2015 Donald and Dorothy Hobbs, parents of Kathy Doss, 2/13/2015 Paul Gilbert, 2/13/2015 Lisa Short, friend of Mary O'Connell Glenn Scherb, 2/15/2015 Members in Hospital Bill Birchfield Jane Tinnin Member Prayers-Mission Amy Adams Kenda Arendt Bob Becker Bob Behrens Tim Bredow Norma Brock Peni Colville Bert Corpeny Hilda Finkemeier Scott Fruehling Dennis Grady Jack Haden Connie Hansen Larry Hare Ona Jean Harvey Dale Kesl Angela Jeppesen Doug Lewallen Martha Macher Charlene Millsap Marilyn Nirschl Carol Ohlde Gary Owens Nancy Parks Betty Peppers Ralph Schwartz Carol Schwartz Mary Ellen Stephenson Jeanne Stevenson Louise Tilghman Ralph Tinnin Member Prayers-Shawnee Patt Alft Julie Clobes Ron Flentgen Robert Hemenway Bill Kuehn John Kuhn Dana Pasley Josh Pasley Gary Robinson Jean Schanefelt Jerry Shreve Retirement Facility/Homebound Rita Bartlett, Good Samaritan Marvin Brockschmidt, Hoeger House Maxine Bruner, Aberdeen Village Ted Dahl, at home Bob Ebel, Bickford Place Allene Gantz, Benton House Lois Haubein, Overland Park Place Phyllis Henderson, Aberdeen Village Lois Klausen, Delmar Gardens Jean Klemp, McCrites Plaza Lucy Krieger, Brookdale-College Square Ruth Kroenke, at home Bertha Lefebvre, at home Jerry Lewis, Sunrise Mildred Liemen, at home Dave Lindquist, at home Bob Mann, at home Florence Meyer, Park Meadows Hilde Miller, Sweet Life Art Nelson, Park Meadows Helen Wendlandt, at home Sylvia Wendt, Bartels Lutheran George Zschoche, at home Mary Ann Baack Celebration of Life Memorial Thursday, March 12, 2015, 6:30 pm, at Hope Lutheran Church Shawnee, Kansas MLM Spring Fling! The Metro Lutheran Ministry (MLM) Spring Fling will be held on Saturday, March 21, from 8am until noon at Bethany Lutheran Church, 9101 Lamar, Overland Park, KS 66207. This will be a fun-filled day featuring a pancake breakfast, silent auction, games and a coloring contest for the kids, and crafts and candies to purchase. All proceeds from this event benefit the MLM Christmas Store. MLM especially needs silent auction items such as sports memorabilia, gift cards, and other nice items. Thank you to our sponsors: Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Save -A-Lot, and Village Inn for their help in this event. To donate items or to volunteer, please contact Steven Tucker, MLM Outreach Events Manager, 816-285-3145,; or Susan Schram, 913 -492-5334, Buy advance tickets — $4.00 for adults and $2.00 for children — at Trinity's Information Center at the Mission campus. The Messenger Published by Trinity Lutheran Church 5601 West 62nd Street Mission, KS 66202 913-432-5441 Email Messenger Articles to: Messenger articles are needed by 5pm on Tuesday during the week of publication. The Messenger is printed on the first and third Thursdays of each month. Trinity Staff: Mark Schulz, Senior Pastor: Ron Flentgen, Vacancy Associate Pastor: Benjamin Vineyard, Vicar and Minister of Disciple Formation: Rhonda Synovec, Director of Family Life Ministry: Rhonda Nesselrode, Preschool Director: Ben Spalding, Director of Music: Anna Myeong, Organist: Larry Conrad, Administrator: Gretchen Hollman, Office Supervisor: Pastoral Emergency Contacts: Pastor Mark Schulz - 913-231-9726 Pastor Ron Flentgen - 913-748-6670 Learn more about us. Visit our web site: Mission Campus 5601 West 62nd Street, Mission, Kansas 66202 Saturday 5:30 p.m. Communion Service Sunday Mornings 8:30am Family-focused Worship with Communion 9:45am Praise Service with Communion 9:45am Sunday School 11am Family-focused Worship with Communion Shawnee Campus 21320 Midland Drive, Shawnee, Kansas 66218 Sunday Mornings 8:30am Family-focused Worship with Communion 9:45am Sunday School 11am Family-focused Worship with Communion A professionally staffed nursery for ages six months to three years is available during all worship services and the Sunday School hour. Page 12
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