with financial support from the Criminal Justice Programme of the European Union Mutual recognition in evidence gathering and confiscation Luxembourg, 10-11 March 2015 Grant Agreement JUST/2013/JPEN/AG/4519 Mutual Recognition Instruments in the European Judicial Area Seminar Venue European Centre for Judges and Lawyers, EIPA Luxembourg Building of the Chambre des Métiers, 2 Circuit de la Foire internationale, 1347 Luxembourg Introduction Target group: Judges, Prosecutors and Defense Lawyers from Denmark, Romania and other Member States. Description: Collecting evidence in cross-border cases can be a difficult task for competent authorities in the different Member States of the European Union. Composed of different legal and judicial systems, the European Union until now had not have a unique set of rules yet enabling Member States to deal efficiently and uniformly with collection, and recognition of evidence. This seminar will present the different common investigation tools recognised at the EU level (Joint Investigation Teams, Mutual legal assistance requests, freezing orders etc.) as well as the recently adopted new legislative instrument the European Investigation Order. The analysis of those instruments and practical case studies will generate exchanges amongst participants and experts and sharing of best practices Method: A mixture of presentations, case studies, discussions and workshops. Objectives: The objective of this seminar is twofold: firstly, helping practitioners to understand and to use the possibilities existing at European level to collect evidence and identifying good practices; secondly, to enhance communication and cooperation in this field between national judicial authorities. Experts (to be confirmed) Stéphanie Bosly, Head of the European Criminal Law Unit, Directorate-General for Legislation, Freedom and Fundamental Rights, Federal Ministry of Justice (Stephanie.Bosly@just.fgov.be) Pascal Gastineau, Vice-President in charge of investigation, District Court Lille (Pascal.Gastineau@justice.fr) Amelie Leclerq, Visiting Expert at EIPA Luxembourg – European Centre for Judges and Lawyers, Head of Department at the Court of First Instance in Lille EIPA – European Centre for Judges and Lawyers Petra Jeney, Senior Lecturer, p.jeney@eipa.eu Virgil Ivan-Cucu, Senior Lecturer, v.ivan-cucu@eipa.eu Christiane Lamesch, Programme Organiser, c.lamesch@eipa.eu Programme TUESDAY 10 MARCH 2014 WEDNESDAY 11 MARCH 2014 09.00 Welcome and mutual introduction 09.00 New directions in EU legislation Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the freezing and confiscation of proceeds of crime in the European Union Pascal Gastineau 09.15 Overview of the EU Criminal Justice area, pre-trial measures and collecting evidence - 2000 EU Convention on Mutual Assistance in criminal matters between EU Member states Petra Jeney 10.00 Discussion 10.15 Discussion 10.15 Coffee break 10.30 Coffee break 12.15 Discussion 10.45 The Camden Asset Recovery InterAgency Network (CARIN), EU National Asset Recovery Offices (AROs) and Europol's Role in Asset Recovery Pascal Gastineau 12.30 Lunch 11.45 Discussion 13.30 Practical implications of the European Investigation Order Stéphanie Bosly 12.00 Workshop based on a case study Petra Jeney 11.00 The European Investigation Order: Main ideas of the directive Stéphanie Bosly 14.45 Discussion 15.00 Coffee break 15.30 Request for certain specific forms of assistance: Controlled deliveries and Covert investigations Virgil Ivan-Cucu 16.15 Discussion 16.30 Request for certain specific forms of assistance: Hearing by videoconference Amélie Leclerq 12.45 Lunch 13.45 Criminal records and the ECRIS Amelie Leclerq 14.45 Discussion 15.00 Coffee break 15.30 Request for certain specific forms of assistance: Hearing by videoconference 16.30 Discussion 16.45 Future perspectives in evidence gathering Petra Jeney 17.30 Discussion 17.30 Evaluation 17.45 End of Day 17.45 END OF SEMINAR with financial support from the Criminal Justice Programme of the European Union Seminar 3: Mutual recognition in evidence gathering and confiscation Luxembourg (LU), 10-11 March 2015 REGISTRATION FORM Surname (as in passport): ……………………………………………………………………………………………... First name (as in passport): ……………………………………………………………………… Date of birth: ………………………………………………………………………………………........ Current position: ……………..……………………………………………………………………………... Organisation: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Department: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Work address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Tel. no. (work) : ……………………………………………………….. E-mail address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. M F Fax no.: …………………. TRAVEL INFORMATION EIPA is most pleased to arrange your travel. In order to make all logistical arrangements in a smooth and efficient way, we would very much appreciate it if you could indicate your preferred travel schedule below, which will be taken, as much as possible, into account when reserving your travel. IMPORTANT: After having reserved your flight/train, no changes are permitted. Ο Travel by plane Departure to/from airport: ……………………....................................................................................................... Date of arrival: ……………………........................... Date of departure: …………………………….......... Time of departure: ……………………........................... Time of departure: …………………………………... Flight number: ………………………………………. Flight number………………………………………….. Ο Travel by train/car Departure to/from station: ……………………...................................................................................................... Date of arrival: ………………………………………. Date of departure: ……………………...................... Time of departure: ………………………………………. Time of departure: …………………………………... SPECIAL DIET REQUESTS During the training, meals will be served. Please indicate your special diet requests, if any. Ο vegetarian If yes, fish allowed Ο yes Ο no Please return the completed registration form to: Ms Christiane Lamesch, EIPA Luxembourg - European Centre for Judges and Lawyers Luxembourg, Circuit de la Foire Internationale, 2, Tel: +352 426230302, Fax: +352 426237, E-mail: C.Lamesch@eipa.eu
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