e-Justice in the European Union: What Does It Offer to Law

e-Justice in the European Union:
What Does It Offer to Law Practitioners?
Beginners and Advanced Modules
Luxembourg, 1-2 June 2015
European Institute of Public Administration
European Centre for Judges and Lawyers
Seminar venue
European Centre for Judges and Lawyers
EIPA Luxembourg
Building of the Chambre des Métiers
4th Floor – Master Room (411)
2 Circuit de la Foire Internationale
1347 Luxembourg
Target group
This seminar addresses lawyers, judges, judicial officers and other
legal practitioners who wish to discover the general framework
and main tools of European e-Justice. It is also relevant for officials
of ministries of justice who are involved in the computerisation
of courts, judicial services and national ministries involved
in the development of e-Government projects. Staff of legal
documentation centres and NGOs can also benefit from the
hands-on approach to existing European online resources.
e-Justice has been under discussion at European level since 2007
and we are now able to discover and use the first practical tools
developed as a result of the roadmap for European e-Justice.
The one-day programme of Module 1 for beginners will detail
the evolutionary European framework, roadmap and action
plan, explore the progress and obstacles of a true European
e-Justice, as well as allowing participants to use two of the main
tools of European e-Justice and discuss their relevance to their
professional practice. Some information on the work currently
being done to develop e-Justice tools will be succinctly
From the mere access to information on laws via the internet,
to the possibility of electronic communication with persons
involved in court proceedings, there is a wide range of
opportunities for using information technologies at national,
European Union and international level. This not only facilitates
communication between professionals, but also improves
access to justice for citizens, businesses and legal practitioners.
However, use of e-Justice tools at European level requires
interoperability between national systems. Users are thus
confronted with some specific obstacles: a confusing profusion
of sources of information; a partial lack of legal harmonisation,
national or even technical choices; and multilingual contexts.
Module 2 for advanced level, builds on the programme of the
seminar for beginners, to address the issues related to future
developments of European e-Justice. The existing European
roadmap covers the objectives for European projects in the
field of e-Justice up until 2013. Some of the existing projects
will only bear visible results after that period since development
of European-wide IT projects necessitates a lot of preliminary
groundwork. The seminar will describe the practical implications
for judicial organisation of the ongoing projects and evaluate the
business case for further projects in the period 2014-2020.
Learning methodology
Presentations, discussions, online exercises, all allowing for Q&A
sessions and discussion of practical use of existing tools.
The objectives of Module 1 – beginners, are twofold:
• firstly, to detail the general framework, find out more about
its perimeters and goals and how it is trying to make a
coherent whole from diverse initiatives developed at national
level through improved interoperability and common
• secondly to present the main functionalities of the principal
tools and build research reflexes through practical online
exercises on the website of the Court of Justice of the
European Union and the European e-Justice Portal.
The objectives of Module 2 – advanced, are twofold:
• firstly, to focus in detail on the questions related to
interoperability, legal security, legal and semantic
interoperability, which need to be solved for each of the
existing ongoing projects, while presenting the tools which
will shortly be available to one or several legal professions;
• secondly, to evaluate the feasibility of development of
further projects building on existing national projects and
implementation of new European legal instruments.
Module 1: Beginners level
Module 2: Advanced level
Welcome of participants and introduction to
the seminar
Virgil Ivan-Cucu, Senior Lecturer, EIPA Luxembourg
Welcome of participants and introduction to
the seminar
Virgil Ivan-Cucu
The general framework of European e-Justice
Virgil Ivan-Cucu
Interoperability issues in European e-Justice
Amélie Leclercq
Coffee break
Coffee break
11.00 e-Justice tools for legal information
Amélie Leclercq, Court administrator, Deputy
Director District Court of Lille (FR) and participants
Using e-Justice tools for cross-border procedures
Amélie Leclercq and participants
Coffee break
ECRIS – European Criminal Records Information
System: practical cases
Amélie Leclercq and Virgil Ivan-Cucu
Notarial e-Justice tools: at the service of citizens
and the justice system
Clarisse Martin, Secretary-General, Notaries of
Europe (CNUE), Brussels (BE)
Cocktail reception
End of Module 1
11.00 EU e-Platforms and databases for information
exchange in countering crime and terrorism
Virgil Ivan-Cucu
Challenges for future developments
European e-Justice
Amélie Leclercq and participants
e-Codex: European project for better crossborder interoperability
Luc Ferrand, Project director for new technologies
French Ministry of Justice, Paris
Coffee break
e-Codex: specificities of interoperability in the
justice sector
Luc Ferrand and Amélie Leclercq
16.30 e-Justice and e-Government: deciding on
the points of convergence and ensuring
Amélie Leclercq
End of Module 2
General Information
Hotel reservations
The European Institute of Public Administration has negotiated
prices with a number of selected hotels. All rates are including
breakfast and tourist tax. You can find the complete list of hotels
available here: http://www.eipa.nl/en/pages/display/&tid=256.
• Hotel Novotel Kirchberg****, at the rate of €145, tel.: +352
49 00 11 44 44; fax: +352 26 48 05 57; e-mail: caroline.schons@
accor.com; booking page: http://businesstravel.accorhotels.
com/fr/reservation/bookings.shtml (Customer code: SC0000
02048 – Contract No. 308506).
• Hotel Melia****, at the rate of €149, tel.: +352 27 33 32 02;
fax: + 352 27 33 39 99, e-mail: reservations.melia.luxembourg@
solmelia.com; thai.luong@melia.com; www.melia-luxembourg.com.
• Hotel D’Coque***, at a rate of €82.50, tel.: +352 43 60 60 306;
e-mail: reception@coque.lu; booking page: http://www.
City Centre
• Hotel Simoncini****, at the rate of €145. Tel.: +352 22 28 44;
e-mail: simhotel@pt.lu; www.hotelsimoncini.lu (Reservation
code: EIPA).
• Hotel Français***, at the rate of €130. Tel.: +352 47 4534; e-mail:
info@hotelfrancais.lu; www.hotelfrancais.lu (Reservation code:
• Hotel Parc Plaza****, at the rate of €132, (Reservation Code
• Hotel Parc Bellevue***, at the rate of €97, (Reservation code:
Tel.: +352 44 23 23 23 23; fax: +352 45 61 41 220; e-mail:
reservation@goeres-group.com; www.goeres-group.com.
Should you wish to make use of this possibility, please phone or
fax the reservation department of the hotel on one of the abovementioned numbers and mention the relevant reservation
code. Payment is to be made directly and personally to the
hotel on checking out. Please note that any optional bookings
not confirmed one month before the seminar dates will be
automatically cancelled by the hotels.
Luxembourg City has two main bus stations, one in the city
centre called “Centre Aldringen” and one next to the railway
station called “Air Terminus”. All buses, wherever they go, pass
through these two stations. Bus no. 18, with departure every
ten minutes, goes in direction ‘Kirchberg’, stopping right in front
of Hotel Novotel, which is within walking distance of all European
institutions as well as just around the corner from the Chambre
des Métiers building.
Should you require a special menu (e.g. vegetarian, diabetic),
please inform the Programme Organiser so that this can be
The fee applicable to each activity is clearly indicated on the
registration form. Unless otherwise stated on the registration
form, the fee includes participation in the activity, lunches and
beverages during the activity, documentation and participation
in the reception/cocktail.
Travel and accommodation costs are at the expense of the
participant or his/her administration.
Pre-payment of the fee is a condition for participation in an
activity. Prior to the activity each participant will receive an
invoice which can be paid by bank transfer or by credit card.
You may register through our website http://seminars.eipa.eu
using the online registration form or by faxing or mailing the
attached registration form duly completed.
EIPA’s Civil Servants special discount
EIPA offers its members a reduction of 10% off the registration
fee. This reduction is available to all civil servants working for
one of EIPA’s member countries (i.e. AT, BE, BG, CY, CZ, DK, FI,
FR, DE, GR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, MT, NL, PL, PT, ES, SE, UK) and civil
servants working for an EU institution, body or agency. Officials
of the EU institutions, bodies or agencies should enquire about
applicable arrangements on the following website: http://lot6.
Other discounts
For this seminar, EIPA Luxembourg offers a €50 discount for all
registrations received and paid before 20 April 2015. Please note
that discounts cannot be accumulated. It is clearly stated on
EIPA’s website which seminars and training courses are eligible
for the reductions. Full fees apply to all other seminars and
training courses. For more information, please visit EIPA’s website:
http://seminars.eipa.eu (FAQ – special discounts).
Confirmation of registration will be forwarded to participants on
receipt of the completed registration form.
Cancellation policy
EIPA reserves the right to cancel the seminar up to two weeks
before the seminar starting date. In that case, received registration
fees will be fully reimbursed. EIPA accepts no responsibility
for any costs incurred (travel, accommodation, etc.). For EIPA’s
cancellation policy, please visit our website http://seminars.eipa.
eu (FAQ - legal notice).
For administrative reasons, a fee of €150 will be charged for
cancellations received after 25 May 2015. There is no charge for
qualified substitute participants.
The mention of a speaker’s name in the programme does not
commit EIPA. In the event that an announced speaker does not
appear, EIPA will do its utmost to find a suitable replacement.
Registration Form
European e-Justice and Practical Solutions
Luxembourg, 1-2 June 2015
Surname: ............................................................................................................. Title: .................................................................................... M / F
First name: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Organisation: .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Department: ....................................................................................................... Current position: .........................................................................
Work address: .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Postal code & Town: ........................................................................................ Country: ..........................................................................................
Telephone number: ......................................................................................... Fax number: ..................................................................................
E-mail address: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Invoice information
Organisation: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Department: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Address: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Postal code & Town: ......................................................................................... Country: ..........................................................................................
VAT number: ....................................................................................................... Your reference number: ............................................................
E-mail address: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Both Modules: 1-2 June 2015
Module 1: Beginners Level - 1 June 2015
Module 2: Advanced Level - 2 June 2015
Project number
The fee includes participation in the seminar, documentation, lunch(es), a reception (module 1) and beverages
- €50, Early registration made before 20 April 2015
Discount of 10% (Please check first the conditions at http://seminars.eipa.eu (FAQ - special discounts))
Method of payment
Bank transfer
Credit card
American Express card
Visa card
Card number: .......................................................................... Expiry date: ................. /..................
Name card holder: .............................................................................................................................................. (in case this differs from above)
Address card holder: .......................................................................................................................................... (in case this differs from above)
Postal code: ............................................................................. Country: ......................................................... (in case this differs from above)
Card Validation Code: .............................................................................................................. (the last three digits on the back of your card)
Fish allowed
Other dietary requirement: ......................................................................................
Please return the completed registration form to:
Ms Juliette Mollicone-Boussuge, European Centre for Judges and Lawyers, European Institute of Public Administration,
Luxembourg, Circuit de la Foire Internationale, 2, LU-1347 Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 426 230 304, Fax: +352 426 237, E-mail: j.boussuge@eipa.eu
Your name and address will be part of EIPA’s database for our mailing purpose only.
Please tick
if you do not want to be included in our mailing database.